President Trump is receiving backlash for a tweet about Martin Gugino, an elderly Buffalo man who was hospitalized after being shoved by police during last weekend’s protests.
As it turns out, Gugino has no reported ties to Antifa. According to Jesuit priest James Martin, he’s actually a volunteer for Catholic Worker, an organization founded by the famous activist Dorothy Day:
Video of the shocking incident went viral over the weekend, drawing widespread condemnation from across the political spectrum. In the clip, Gugino, 75, is seen walking towards a line of police officers. As he approaches them, an officer gives him a hard push and Gugino stumbles before falling backward and striking his head on the pavement:
Thankfully, reports indicate that Gugino is on track to make a full recovery.
What is Catholic Worker?
This horrible ordeal has had at least one unintended side effect: bringing new attention to the Catholic Worker movement. The group's website says its goals are to “serve the poor and resist war and social injustice.” Though mired in a dark cloud these days, such Catholic-born social organizations have a long history of influencing policy in the world.
The Catholic Worker movement was founded during the Great Depression to help provide food, clothing, and shelter to the poor and destitute. The group also created a newspaper under the same name, with Dorothy Day serving as its editor. The Catholic Worker movement became increasingly active in political causes in the proceeding years and used its influence to champion a wide range of issues, from labor unions in the U.S. to anti-war causes and human rights efforts around the world.
Members of the Catholic Worker movement make a point of going to the front lines to advocate for reform, and many have been jailed for participating in protests against racial injustice, war, and other issues.
Back in 2012, several nuns from a similar group famously broke into a nuclear site in Tennessee, splattered blood, and used spray paint to mark the facility with slogans such as “Woe to an empire of blood.” They were arrested and served time in prison.
So while Martin Gugino probably had no intention of becoming a casualty of police brutality – or the target of the president’s ire, for that matter – he did succeed in firmly cementing another chapter in the history of Catholic social movements.
I see that people here like to call trump supporters name and try to call us a cult I have see the video of the man falling down and believe that it was more force than needed and the police officers should be punished. But the man did look like he was scanning with his right hand. As far as antifa they are a group of mostly spoiled white kids and need to be condemned for there crimes. And try to remember what our savior said "Let he with out sin cast the first stone" I will pray for all of you with so much hate in your heart. And I will pray for our president to keep on making us great and for 4 more years.
Cant wait for orange man eviction day next year after americans everywhere tell trump he is fired.
When Trump is re-elected all you leftys here are gonna cry!!! but Ill pray for all of you!!!! and may the great lord bless your day and your way
Jesus was a Liberal and leftist. Guess you forgot that.
Actually I think his dad (God) was also a Liberal being as he condoned slavery. 🤪
All lives are Precious and to say only Black Lives Matter is a racist statement
Seriously? Only a person who is fragile racist would make an ignorant statement like that. You are obviously not a minister as no secular, christian or wiccan would say such a thing. Pray for yourself, you need. it.
If "All lives are precious," as you say, then calling "Black Lives Matter a racial statement" contradicts your first point. If All Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter. To support one statement and not the other sounds racist.
When I was in the military I did intercepts of communications and became familiar with equipment that was used for that purpose. This was a few decades ago but even then the devices used were always surreptitious. There is no point in fronting someone in order to jam their signal and I doubt there are any "jamming" devices made to operate that way. Signal intercepting and blocking are always done at a discreet distance (remember when you could buy police scanners? You didn't have to be right next to the transmitter in order to intercept the signal.) and there is absolutely no reason to do it otherwise. To say that 75 year old Martin Gugino had to get that close to the police in order to jam their signal is ridiculous. And for Trump to tweet that this may be a possibility is just ignorant.
Let’s step back a moment, and summarize. The president of the United States apparently finds it less believable that the Buffalo police pushed an elderly man to the ground, injuring him, than that a 75-year-old activist deployed sophisticated technology to track police on behalf of a shadowy far-left militant movement and then threw himself on the ground in order to make the police look bad. Perhaps there are heretofore unrecognized psychological side effects from drinking hydroxychloroguine.
Trump supporters will believe anything he says. They are too stupid to see that he is shallow, arrogant, faithless person who will say anything to be the center of attention. There is no limit to human stupidity. Trump and his supporters support that 100%.
I bet Trump is going to move to Russia, after he loses the election, in fear of being charged with crimes he couldn't be charged with as a sitting president. Not long after that he'll be running for office with his buddy Putin.
And if he wins we might see Obama, Hilary Clinton, and possibly a few others being arrested for crimes prior, and during, his Presidency. It's certainly going to be an interesting end to a very catastrophic year whatever the outcome.
Stay safe and well everyone!
Doubt it. Barr has had 3 years to do so. There were no crimes committed by Pres. Obama or Hillary Clinton. If there were, Trump and Barr would have been on it. Stay safe LH. Hope you will find time to detox yourself from the Kook Aid.
You can say that again, about the end of this year, Lionheart. And as Guy Lombardo used to so eloquently put it "Let old aquaintants be forgot, and never brought to mind." Cheers!
Donald's source for his statement regardng Mr. Gugino is a broadcast on the AON network, which is hosted by a Kremlin reporter, which the Donald accepted as Gospel. This is further evidence of, as Pelosi's stated that "all roads with [the Donald] lead to the Kremlin". The Russian Orthodox Church is now fully assimilated into the Kremlin's domestic and foreign policy machine. The Donald has proven that he lacks the character and the moral compass which is needed to understand the Bible, theology and the Constitution. The Donald lacks compassion, empathy or the ability to love anyone but himself. He will never grow past his moral pit as he doesn't read the anything, including the Bible, theological epistemology, the Constiturion or policy papers of any viewpoint.
Thank you Clay!
Clay - I think you meant the OAN Network, not the AON Network. I wanted to point that out in case anyone became confused. Cheers!
I doubt Trump understands what the word provocateur means. Opinions of his base aside (based on what he tells them) - he really is not that bright. As for him being a member of ANTIFA I support he COULD be an alien or time traveler, but I doubt it. I myself do not understand the use of a communications blackout scanner device - or if there is such - that the man was supposedly attempting to use. However, the man was pushed, fell backwards and was obviously injured - clearly the police officers did that, and the remainder essentially ignored it. My bet is the two officers who pushed could be charged with something like assault and battery. Their department and the city (their employer) may be liable for their behavior.
Yes, Herbert, and he does not even know that ANTI FA is not a membership organization. It is an anti fascism ideology and set of values, in which people disrupt White Supremacist and Neo Nazi rallies. They are a people who support economic, racial and social justice and are against fascism, just like my father who served in the US Navy during WWI and the rest of my immediate family, including myself as a clinical social worker and activist. He stokes fear and ignorance among his cult followers who lap up his crazed rhetoric and hate like starving dogs
Kathy I would like to point out short and sweet that Daniel is the one that brought up politics not you. You brought up facts and he is relying solely on what the red side of the Congress and and mr. Trump and his rhetoric that is damaging every individual in this country, our reputation and standing at a good Nation worldwide no more, and when you brand a group as terrorists because you wish to distract us from what is the real problem.. that being the systemic inequality to multiple multiple members of this nation of many Colors, Faith's, Cultures, Religious beliefs..
sure they are Cathy, thats why there has been well over 600 million dollars in damage to buildings and so on because they are breaking windows and destroying property. Heck one of them was on camera when he firebombed an empty police van and he admitted he was Antifa. Or how about the Antifa crud who destroyed an immigrant from Jamaicas business, and these scum came back and tried to steal the mans safe with his lifes savings in it right while he was standing there? Or the woman who was on camera and cried because the antifa creeps destroyed her neighborhood and now with no buss or taxis running or a car, how is she supposed to get groceries and other items that she needs?
Get with the picture Cathy, the DOJ has classified Antifa as a terrorist organization and now when each of them are caught, they are going to a federal prison, not a local jail. You may want to believe their BS but nobody with any sense does.
Daniel how about if you get with it. "The Cult of Trump" Steven Hassan and "The Plot to Destroy Democracy" Malcolm Nance are worthy of your attention. The DOJ is headed by a corrupt AG and you know it. He should have been disbarred by now. ANTI FA is an ideology for Anti Facism. They disrupt White Supremacist and Neo Nazi rallies, which are dangerous to us all. Again, all vets of WWII are Anti Fascists. Your whataboutism is meaningless. Barr does the Draft Dodging Bone Spurs Coward in Chief's bidding for him. Barr is not so smart. There is no ANTI FA membership, no website, no leadership or hierarchy because it is not an organization. But then again, some are so brainwashed by the Racist in Chief, they believe everything he tweets and word salad spouting. I am against fascism as every patriotic American should be.
how about you joining reality? What in the holy heck does stealing and destroying property have to do with anything? In Seattle right now these creeps have taken over 6 blocks and a police station and are actually telling the shop owners that they have to pay for protection....and these are the scumbags you want to try and defend? Oh and please read the posts again, I was not the first one to bring politics into this as Timlick is falsely claiming, all one has to do is read the first three posts and they can see the best Timlick can do is smoke and mirrors as they and even you Cathy, started this political BS so you cant whine now when you have been shown up0 and destroyed
Pathetic Daniel so brainwashed by the Trump toxicity. If you are offended by people who have started a movement to focus on racial, social and economic justice, you can self deport back to the land of your ancestors. Times are changing finally and this young people's movement will not be stopped. Obviously your white fragility and white rage hamper your ability to deal with facts. How sexist of you to label my posts as "whine." You better hope and pray you don't reincarnate as a cockroach. Karma, karma is cooing for you. Guess you don't know history very well. Ever hear of the Boston Tea party revolt? Don't talk to me about your so called caring about looting. We have been looted for 588+ years.
Daniel, you might want to update your news feed. Although Seattle's Assistant Police Chief said on June 10, 2020 that the police had been receiving reports of visitors and shop owners being extorted in the CHOP, those comments were walked back the very next day. Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best said there is no valid report indicating business owners are being told they have to pay for protection.
What proof do you have that it is ANTIFA, Trump, the one who does not know what the truth is? The FBI has no reports of destruction by ANTIFA, but plenty by white supremacy groups, And others like them. Do some research using other means, such as newspapers and other tv stations, not just FOX News. There is a reason for what is happening now and the blame sits squarely on Trump and his hateful rhetoric and the enablers around him. They should all be in prison, along with the Republican Senate for treason.
what proof? Try the police arrest reports or the twitter accounts where they actually CLAIM they did the damage and were antifa. Or am I supposed to believe this is all some conspiracy?
First off, actual police reports from Seattle do NOT indicate that anyone arrested was a member of ANTIFA. Secondly, anyone claiming on social media post that they did damage in the name of ANTIFA could very well be lying or part of a conspiracy movement to implicate ANTIFA as violent. If they posted pictures of themselves doing damage, they can and should be arrested and prosecuted.
What proof do you have that it is ANTIFA, Trump, the one who does not know what the truth is? The FBI has no reports of destruction by ANTIFA, but plenty by white supremacy groups, And others like them. Do some research using other means, such as newspapers and other tv stations, not just FOX News. There is a reason for what is happening now and the blame sits squarely on Trump and his hateful rhetoric and the enablers around him. They should all be in prison, along with the Republican Senate for treason.
sorry, there was an error. My father was in NAVY during WWII, not I.
if you will follow multiple news outlets and then use your intellect to extrapolate from what they're saying what is true fact and what is a falsehood you would find that 85% of the claims against Antifa we're false. The damage idone to the homes, to the businesses, 2 communities, to person's private property to police cars etc etc The biggest percentage was done by antagonist brought in to continue to keep the situation exacerbated. Please sir please. I have researched much of this on a daily basis and have kept track. And also have many law officials that I communicate with about what's going on in different areas and what they suspect is creating the problem. Just as I have kept tracked that since since the 100,000 death toll May 28th how many deaths have actually occurred since we began the opening an additional 14, 113 And that in its self is frightening. Have passed.. the unfortunate riots and Mr. Floyd's death have put those dying from coronavirus on the back page. Almost 1500 daily across America, the last 10 days..So gently I suggest to you further investigate you may be the only but shocked. Now is the time to formulate a plan where we can solve these systemic ailments of this country together as a Human Family.Pastor T.. (Worldmeters and John Hopkins my sources on our dying)
There is nothing that this mentally deranged malignant narcissistic does that shocks me anymore. He spends most of his time rage tweeting and watching his TV shows, rather than speak to the American people with love, inspiration or diplomacy during this pandemic. He reminds me of a family member who suffered extreme cognitive decline and dementia. He thinks he is still on his own TV show and lacks leadership skills. I lost count of how many people in his administration he has fired. The president should be in a psychiatric hospital for comprehensive neurological and psychological evaluations. These have not been done. He's just not right and when I review some of his earlier talks from 20 years ago, it is astounding how he speaks mostly word salad and chronically lies, goes off on tangents and yells. I suspect that those around him know full well he is mentality and cognitively sick and just use him as a puppet to do their bidding. That he would go off the rails again and denigrate an old man who is a humanitarian and spin a crazed conspiracy theory should be alarming to everyone,.
Does ANYONE still listen to 45, the liar in chief? There may be a few but a vast majority no longer listens to much he has to say.
There is nothing that this mentally deranged malignant narcissistic does that shocks me anymore. He spends most of his time rage tweeting and watching his TV shows, rather than speak to the American people with love, inspiration or diplomacy during this pandemic. He reminds me of a family member who suffered extreme cognitive decline and dementia. He thinks he is still on his own TV show and lacks leadership skills. I lost count of how many people in his administration he has fired. The president should be in a psychiatric hospital for comprehensive neurological and psychological evaluations. These have not been done. He's just not right and when I review some of his earlier talks from 20 years ago, it is astounding how he speaks mostly word salad and chronically lies, goes off on tangents and yells. I suspect that those around him know full well he is mentality and cognitively sick and just use him as a puppet to do their bidding. That he would go off the rails again and denigrate an old man who is a humanitarian and spin a crazed conspiracy theory should be alarming to everyone,.
Can either one of you Cathy or Alan, show a direct line from the elderly man to Trump? No Thought so. So all your posts are nothing but whines because you are still butt hurt that Hillary lost in 2016. This is supposed to be a religious site, do try and keep your politics out of it.
There is a brick and mortar church on nearly every other block in america. And you would wish to censer political comments from this church? Yes, this is a church.......we are not just (another site).......and most here are liberal ......and political conversations are very important these days. Dont like it? Go hang out with the rest of the "deplorable" ones that were ignorant enough to think that a multi billionaire who made his brand screwing other people could even comprehend what middle class america is all about. In fact it has highligjted for us the great ruse. You see Trump is the lord of the manor and all of humanity (anyone not a multibillionaire) are just the nig- eh, (paid employees) in the back forty tilling the farm and cooking the meals.......and dry cleaning the business uniform and driving the company truck. ......you paying attention?
My post was in response to Daniel Gray.........got stuck under Paster Susie Timlock.
Yes, William and Trump's increased and incessant rage tweeting is a clear indication that he is so fearful of losing the election because arrest warrants will be served the moment he and his crime family leave our White House. He will be wearing an orange suit to match his ugly orange rat tail toupee.
I'm sure they'll take away his toupee when they book him. They even took away my prescription sunglasses once. So I never wore them again when I knew they were coming for me. Trump has time to get a hàir transplant before the law dogs drag him out of the oval office in January, but I hope he doesn't. I'd like to see how many swastikas are tattooed on his head.
Comment removed by user.
if you will follow multiple news outlets and then use your intellect to extrapolate from what they're saying what is true fact and what is a falsehood you would find that 85% of the claims against Antifa we're false. The damage idone to the homes, to the businesses, 2 communities, to person's private property to police cars etc etc The biggest percentage was done by antagonist brought in to continue to keep the situation exacerbated. Please sir please. I have researched much of this on a daily basis and have kept track. And also have many law officials that I communicate with about what's going on in different areas and what they suspect is creating the problem. Just as I have kept tracked that since since the 100,000 death toll May 28th how many deaths have actually occurred since we began the opening an additional 14, 113 And that in its self is frightening. Have passed.. the unfortunate riots and Mr. Floyd's death have put those dying from coronavirus on the back page. Almost 1500 daily across America, the last 10 days..So gently I suggest to you further investigate you may be the only but shocked. Now is the time to formulate a plan where we can solve these systemic ailments of this country together as a Human Family.Pastor T.. (Worldmeters and John Hopkins my sources on our dying)
What in the world has Hillary got to do with this? Oh, sure, it's "Squirrel, look over there" again.
I found it interesting to see, when our victim was pushed and fell, one police officer started to help him, but another officer stopped him.
Obviously, there is a LOT of pressure to conform with the crowd or organization. The police officers are members of a very large and powerful organization. I hope that they will be able to do just what they are meant to do and not have to act as riot officers. It seems they may only be fanning the proverbial flames of violence and hatred.
Our police departments and our military has been infiltrated by White Supremacists and Neo Nazis.
From a religious site to a political site. One might want to check to see who are on the board of these organizations. Not the type of people you want living next to you.