Is the Crown going pagan? The inclusion of a pagan symbol on King Charles’ coronation invitation has some questioning the British monarch’s spirituality.
On April 4th, Buckingham Palace unveiled the official invitations to the coronation of King Charles III as King of England, set to take place on the 6th of May. King Charles ascended to the throne following Queen Elizabeth II’s death last year.
The invitations were designed by renowned artist Andrew Jamieson, hand painted in watercolor and featuring both the King’s coat of arms and plenty of eye-catching flora and fauna – symbolic of the King’s love of the environment and the outdoors.
But one symbol in particular has become the center of controversy: a green face at the bottom of the invitation.
So who is the Green Man? Is he a pagan god? A symbol of England’s roots? Both – or neither?
King Charles: Secret Pagan?
Perhaps anticipating a slew of questions, the official announcement explains the choice to include the Green Man:
“Central to the design is the motif of the Green Man, an ancient figure from British folklore, symbolic of spring and rebirth, to celebrate the new reign. The shape of the Green Man, crowned in natural foliage, is formed of leaves of oak, ivy and hawthorn, and the emblematic flowers of the United Kingdom.”
But not everyone is on board with that explanation. Reactions on social media were mixed, with some believing that the Green Man was a not-so-subtle nod that the King might have secret pagan beliefs.
But is the Green Man a pagan symbol at all? Well… it's not exactly clear, despite the Crown’s own insistence that it is.
Not-so-ancient History
Historians say that the myth of the Green Man as pagan symbol goes back to a 1939 paper penned by Lady Raglan – a prominent folklorist of the time. She wrote that the foliate heads and "Green Man" pubs of medieval England were references to a pagan fertility god, and could signal secret pagan sympathies from within the Christian church itself.
Only the thing is… that’s possibly not true, and some historians today disagree with that account.
Though the Green Man has appeared for centuries in architecture and art from cultures around the world, it's believed by some historians and folklorists that his appearance in ancient Christian churches in England may simply be borrowed from other cultures (Asian, Middle Eastern, and pre-Christian European cultures all have their own versions of the Green Man), or possibly even a prank.
As historian/folklorist Francis Young explained, “the likeliest explanation for [foliate heads in churches] is that they are simply a visual joke, a bit like medieval stonemasons depicting people taking their trousers down. I don’t think that it’s anything more than that.”
As for scores of old pubs called "The Green Man"? That is likely a strikingly literal reference to men at the time who wore green, likely in celebration of May Day and the beginning of spring.
Nevertheless, the Green Man enjoyed a popular revival in 19th-century England, and became a symbol of a Britain both ancient and contemporary, the intersection of old traditions and modernity, with many under the mistaken impression he has roots in ancient pagans of the British Isles.
So is King Charles III a secret pagan? Unlikely. And if he is, the inclusion of the Green Man on his coronation invitation probably isn’t proof.
But you never know.
I find much more peace in silencing fools, than being silent myself.
Ehrman, the only way to avoid loud and aggressive person's around here is to stay away from this blog. And as you can see, that isn't about to happen. So, suck it up, buttercup! We've only begun to scratch the surface, and you'd never believe how deep it can get
All in all, it's just another brick in the wall! And we don't need no education to preach around here, but studying some of those books and workshops from the ULC Minister's Bookstore (also on this site) could be of immense value in doing so. Where there's a Will there's a way. Joining is only the beginning. What we do with our credentials may take additional training, even a course or two, depending on what we're hoping to accomplish. Then again, those who only use it to write on such blogs, need only be literate, have a good sense of humor, the ability to laugh at ourselves, and not take things too seriously. Now you've heard it from a true to life ULC god, and nothing beats that!
Yeah, you can call me a hero, Ehrman. And I'll keep saving this blog from those nay sayers with high ideals, for the rest of my life!
The invitation is lovely. If one is looking for a reason to be offended, they will find offence everywhere they look. All the best to the monarchy.
To be or not to be. That is the question.
…and why should I care about which deity the UK’s pet people worship?
Hello. I would like for everyone to take in consideration the facts that at one time, our ancestors all followed a different faith. Before the conversation to Christianity all were "pagan", . So perhaps he is simply paying homage to the kings before him. By following tradition maybe he feels as if he will then in some ways have the blessings of the one's who came before him. As pagan myself I can say that it is to some important to know that there ancestors and the land white's give there blessings and approval as to the things that are taking place in there home's.
He's not a pagan. He's an Alien Reptilian shapeshifter. Sheesh!
Judy, some reptilian aliens could be be Pagan too.
I think the invitation is beautiful and some probably read way to much into it. Charles is after all the new king of England. Let him have what he wants on his invitation. If people are offended, they don't need to go. This is an ancient celtic symbol of rebirth and more than appropriate for a new king. The medieval cathedrals of Europe all have pagan art. It was a way of drawing all people together. This same symbol hangs on my front door and I've never been accused of being a pagan. However, I embrace all beliefs and encourage tolerance of all faiths. If, and that's a big If there is a connection outside of the traditional, so what? People will angst over the most trivial of things. I wish Charles and the monarchy only the best.
You do like grasp that the filthy English carried out and still carry out genocid upon the Celtic culture and people's right? Wtf do you think the "Troubles" in Ireland stem from and keep popping up for? Less then 80 thousand Scots can speak their native Gaelic due to English occupation and genocide of their culture. The Irish have a million who can still speak their Gaelic entirely due to the efforts of the IRA.
You do like grasp that you sound like an extremist and a whacko right? Filthy English? The truth is the “troubles” is Northern Ireland keep popping up entirely because of people like you. I would say you should be monitored very closely for the sake of public safety.
Mr. Doherty: Mr. Terikson is neither a "whacko" nor an "extremist". Read history and you will see that the British Monarchy plundered and exploited many nations all over the world, including the Irish Nation. Stop calling people names and get your facts straight. There is the proverb "the luck of the Irish". This is a bitter proverb since as far as one can see the Irish are not "lucky" and have had to struggle against the BritishMonarchy to try to free themselves from British rule all their lives.
I think the invitation is beautiful and some probably read way to much into it. Charles is after all the new king of England. Let him have what he wants on his invitation. If people are offended, they don't need to go. This is an ancient celtic symbol of rebirth and more than appropriate for a new king. The medieval cathedrals of Europe all have pagan art. It was a way of drawing all people together. This same symbol hangs on my front door and I've never been accused of being a pagan. However, I embrace all beliefs and encourage tolerance of all faiths. If, and that's a big If there is a connection outside of the traditional, so what? People will angst over the most trivial of things. I wish Charles and the monarchy only the best.
Do not be deceived there is only one GOD.
Nope, it's kinda like Schrodinger's Diety, it's either all gods or no gods. you won't know until you open the box.
P.s. how is it that people are always so cocksure that a) there's a god b) it's their god c) everyone else has to worship their god. I mean, does god send these people messages in the sky, or a burning bag of dog poop (anyone notice that dog and poop spell the same thing backwards)
Comment removed by user.
Good golly Moses, really? Where!?
God has many aspects, and each goes by different names. And the same is true of the Goddess.
Gods and goddesses manifest to different people in different ways. Those who seek, find. And those who don't seek never experience any form of manifestation of divinity.
Mark, did you know that it's illiterate to spell God with all capital letters?
Actually no, any one who holds a basic education in biblical mythology understands that the commandment to worship no other god before me, which is the original way to write that one, clearly shows an awareness and acceptance of other divine beings. In fact it is a modern falsehood suggesting Yaweh created anything more than the Jewish people who are his chosen people and sole creation upon this world. It is in fact those who wrongly give domains to him that are not his that are disrespectful to the being.
Charles III will be taking an oath as "Defender Of Faith", not defender of THE faith. He is wise enough to know there are more ways to be a good human being in this world and universe than through the dictates of the Anglican Church. So, his choice of words is both carefully chosen and a widening of appreciation of all ways of acting in good conscience.
I applaud his stance and choice.
More bs.
The Green Man is more than a joke by stonemasons. There are churches where it is an integral part ofthe baptismal in Norfolk and its appearances are usually prominent. A more reasonable assumption would be that it was co-opted by Christians to help ease the inclusion of pagans, as with Easter and Christmas dates, the labyrinth and other symbols. Unlike those, it would be reasonable to suspect that the specific Christian meaning fell by the wayside. Perhaps it was intended as a reference to John the Baptist. This would explain the presence on baptismal.
Either way it is a lot of fuss over nothing. Charles is a known dabbler in religions, new age and more. That is unlikely to change now.
You get a thumbs up for that helpful and well reasoned response. Cheers
I say the bigger question should be is what impact this will have on The Church Of England which he is the Head of. Yes it is a Pagan symbol, which should be concerning to all Brittain's especially those through out the U.K. also why hasn't the Archbishop weighed in on that particular Pagan Idol being on the Coronation Invitation. Because until he does, there will be nothing but conjecture regarding the matter. All we can do is pray for him,the world, and each other and always put our faith in God, and know that most definitely his will,will be done.
As the lastest census revealed that only a minority of the UK population (46%) self-identify as Christian, it's time for a complete separation of church and state. Let His Majesty step down as head of the Church of England and defend all faiths equally as a secular Head of State.
King Charles's coronation At the bottom of Charles' coronation invitation is a picture of the Green man, which is causing a lot of comment especially from America. The green man is part of British folk lore beyond it's pagan origin. Perhaps the invitation should feature Sheela na gigg, which is predominately displayed on many English cathedrals and churches?
Some of those cathedrals also have gargoyles, but nobody complains about them. They're probably scared of being attacked by them. Little do they know the Green man's wrath can be far more severe.
Yet another mountain out of a molehill. It's a nice invitation let it be.
Yes “king” Charles is pagan. He worships Satan as do/did all the “royals”. With their beliefs in satanic ritual sacrifice, cannibalism, and pedopheila, he and his ilk wish to make the global population into their image. He is the true face of evil.
Sounds like someone's been huffing too much glue. That's the only way you could be delusional enough to believe a bs conspiracy theory like "King Charles believes in satanic ritual sacrifice, cannibalism, and pedophilia" combined with some wild NWO/Great Replacement type conspiracy that they "want to make the global population into their image." Who comes up with this nutso junk?
Outside of others opinions of the potential pagan connotations within the wealth of allegory to be found within the Green Man’s image, it can be found carved in numerous churches and chapels in the British Isles.
The British monarchy is an anachronism, just like modern religions. Who cares about any of this?
The British Monarchy isn't just the King of England. King Charles III is also the Monarch if the Commonwealth. That covers a lot of territory and assets. Don't be too quick to blow him off as just an "anachronism".
The British Monarchy isn't just the King of England. King Charles III is also the Monarch if the Commonwealth. That covers a lot of territory and assets. Don't be too quick to blow him off as just an "anachronism".
Fr. JJ. I would have to.agree with you. I think there topics are just that. Trolling.
Freaking Trumpists.
Or their?
Definitely not ‘there’.
Yes, just trolling. Baby needs a new pair of shoes.
It's all designed to help us become better ministers. And someday you may come to that realization too.
THERE’S the circle jerk chant! Good one. Wave that plastic badge!l(Other merchandise also available)
All religions, whose deity is supernatural, are nothing more than pre-science attempts, to personify nature. Nature, to we Pantheists, which means the same a God.
Read the only Bible which should be used by all patriotic USA's -- the Thomas Jefferson Bible.
The King James Bible -- reflects the views of an authoritarian despot "King James" who was an enemy of democracy -- and offers only a heaven, ruled by a dictator -- who Christians claim is their God.
And. to you Trumpist-Christian types -- the Christian Heaven, is a communistic/socialistic dictatorship -- where individuals lack any individual freedoms at all.
Good response thanks for doing it.
Great Britain (as well as Christianity come to think of it...) has MAJOR roots in Paganism , ie Stonehenge, etc. The symbol is very fitting.
The Qanon conspiracy nuts are always looking for things to support their wacky ideas. There's many of these nuts who think that the royal family are space Lizards just morphed into human form. Regardless of how people feel about the monarchy, most rational people can agree King Charles III is not a sparce lizard who worships the devil and eats babies.
Exactly. Everyone knows space lizards worship Darth Vader and eat the pituitary glands of post-pubescent humans.
two 'social media' quotes. essentially unnoticed throughout the social media universe. looks more like ULC is just trolling members to keep the place active.
@Father JJ The members that take this site, and their ordination, seriously are those that just wanted a plastic Sheriff’s badge to wave around as wannabe ministers. Just taking their delusions up a notch.
It's unfortunate, but some of our fellow ministers should be ignored.
Place a lot of value on your plastic Sheriff badge, do you? Isn’t that special? Have you purchased a certificate suitable for framing? Maybe some nice purple accessories? A clerical collar?
Who do your comments on this website minister to? It actually acts more as a room to have religious circle jerks. I remember my girlfriend taking me to a dancing in the spirit, speaking in tongues sort of Jesus freak ‘church’. Some newbie would try to join in the tongue thing. Such efforts always followed the pattern as speaking first, interpreting second. Safe way to go as giving few yanks to the group was as easy as speaking nonsense. Of course the nonsense would be rough at first, but it always was accepted. The interpretations were trickier though. You had to make some sense, this was god speaking after all. (And sometimes god forgot the language being used in a given circle jerk.) These interpretations would see the newbie get nervous and awkwardly, and embarrassingly stumble. So the minister, a guy with a full-time job and maybe even lacking a plastic badge, would say something like “Thank ye Jesus for giving brother Billy Bob the strength of spirit to allow you to speak through him.”
Those comments remind me of many comments on here. People with plastic badges wanting to play the good guy in the ages old Bronze Age play of worshipping the unseen.
I'm not only a real ULC minister, but a ULC God, and far more powerful than any goddam god you've ever reckoned with, Zerperzande, with your plastic doctorate!!!
What about the pagan holiday generally referred to as Easter, the pre Christian pagan fertility holiday (what do you think the Easter Bunny and eggs come from)? Or the similar pre-christian pagan holiday commonly referred to as Christmas?
Charles did say he was going to be the "defender of all faiths" so why is everyone getting their panties in a twist?? LOL!!
As far as I'm concerned it's all much ado over nothing. Some artist made a very fancy invite and included a well-known figure which was explained as being related to spring and new life. Proper idea for the beginning of a new King's reign. But then comes social media. Breeding ground for conspiracy theories and fabrications. Because too many people can't just relax and let things be.
A nod to the many pagans in the kingdom. Respect the Earth for you are nothing without it.
Exactly right. And don't tell the Irish, they fought a war for 40 years over this, was just finished about 25 years ago.
You really need to drop some acid and don't forget to add some to your eyes as well. Don't compare Trump to.an aging old fart. Trump has nothing to do with Charles . I would think with the present state our country is in you'd be able to see Trump was a better president then the bumbling dirty diaper Dan named Joe without a cell working in his dead brain. The idiot almost wandered into the Jet Engines of Air Force One the other day. He would have bern ground meat if the SS hadn't gotten to him first. You bring drag queens up. At least Trump didn't allow young kids to have drag querns dancing in front of them enticing them to kiss it where it pees or allow thr.mutilation of young kids . Go pull your head out of your black hole.
KAS Eeeesh
dude you are seriously messed up in the head if you think trump was anything more than an actual drag queen. he got where he did because people like you (clearly) have no use for education, logic, critical thinking and actually believe trump gave a damn about anyone other than him and his daughter.
if you are a practicing cris chin then you are doing it ALL WRONG. seriously dude, go see someone, get back on your meds
I have to agree with JJ about that. However, I can't swear that Trump was a drag queen, but thought I once saw him performing in one. And recently I swear I had a premonition about Trump performing in drag shows in prison.
I think you’ll find that most of the drag queens are woke liberal Democrats.
Lionheart, I've heard there's a gay political group called Log Cabin Republicans, and I bet some drag queens 👑 are members of that.
That wouldn't surprise me, Carl. They seem to have permeated all of society.
That's because they're out of the closet. There's still quite a few masquerading for cover, members of churches, some are in traditional marriages. Like Jews caught in the middle ages or actually the 20th century.
What is the coronation but a rebirth, a birth of a monarch, a rebirth of the monarchy? The symbol is absolutely appropriate.
Can we get them to sign my Easter egg?
You confuse tradition and religion.
Oh well thanks for clearing that up.
Actually in my response earlier I was just being sarcastic and mocking them, I think the whole thing is stupid.
If you think a Green man on an invitation is something, at my coronation there will be all things Pagan, including the drunken orgy that follows. Be there or be square!
You know that the title is just a title, right? The king or queen does not rule anything. It is just ceremonial.
They do hold more power then what you're led to believe.
I'm an English man and in all my nearly 65 years on this earth I have only seen The Royals go to a Christian church.Never heard them being Pagans
Nicholas, it doesn't sound like you pay much attention to what goes on in your own nation.
The green man buried his axe in the floor and let his challenge roar" You craven men may fear dishonor but you fear my vengeance more. That is fear you feel that spread a chill through you like the touch of the grave. And doubt that now wraps itself about your waist. Rate is the man who can hold to faith and face me come the morning."
Sir Gawain, pagan prince of northern isles shouted "Shame on you my brothers and upon your silence." He took up the giant axe and struck his blow and failed the green knight low. He held up the head high and met the giant eye. "We shall meet again in a year and we shall see you will die."
Spring comes and Gawain sets out upon his quest most loyal, honored, and brave of Arthur's knights he wears the 5 pointed star the sign of his faith upon his chest.
At least he again meets again the green knight he, is offered hand of friendship instead of battle and at last he perceives his god the Green Man and bends reverent knee. Now rise best of men the Green Man gladly cries take my ladies belt and wear it proudly before all men's eyes.