flags waving at gay pride parade
Is this appropriate for a small Ohio town? 

LGBTQ+ Pride month is coming up, and that means rainbow-themed parade floats will make their way through the streets in cities big and small across America in celebration of the LGBTQ+ community.

A group of Christians in Ohio have a response: Not in our backyard.

Earlier this month, more than 100 residents of Broadview Heights, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland, showed up to a city council meeting to share their opinions on an upcoming Pride festival.

One argument they presented: the event would not reflect the town's religious values. 

Will their campaign be successful?

Public Pride Under Fire

The Broadview Heights Pride festival is set to be held on city property and was approved by the mayor.

But some residents say that the city should not be co-sponsoring a pro-LGBTQ+ event, which they say has no business in their sleepy suburb. Critics even threatened to recall city council members should the event proceed.

“We are Broadview Heights,” argued one resident, Robert Kilo. “We are not Cleveland. This city was destined to be one that has family values that represent all of God’s people in truth, in righteousness, and in order,” he explained. “This is out of order.”

He says the city is “[trying] to cram this down our throats."

Another resident, Kathy Zamborsky, cosigned that sentiment. “What is the point of hosting a Pride event anyhow? To draw more division between different lifestyles? To encourage our young people to explore something that wasn’t meant to be?” she pondered. “This is grooming (children for the LGBTQ+ lifestyle) and this should not be tolerated.”

Pride Fights Back

Jason Fogarty, a member of the group organizing the event, assured residents that no one involved with the event is trying to turn kids gay.

“Our objectives do not and have never included teaching about sex, instructing about gender transitioning, recruiting or persuading minors,” he said.

Other pro-LGBTQ+ voices joined to offer support at the recent council meeting. One of them was the pastor of Brecksville United Church of Christ, Rev. John King. 

“[Jesus] welcomed outsiders with equality, compassion and dignity, despite the criticisms of those around him, who condemned him for merely welcoming others,” Rev. King stated in favor of the Pride fest. Jesus, he argues, would accept and celebrate the LGBTQ+ community.

He also dismissed the notion that Pride organizers are trying to influence children. “They have neither the ability nor the interest in making anyone gay or trans,” King added. 

However, Rev. King’s view is clearly not shared by some of his fellow believers in Broadview Heights.

For now, the event is still scheduled to take place. But there’s a long time, and more city council meetings, between now and its scheduled June 8 date.

City Council Meetings Used to be Boring

This latest incident is emblematic of how city council meetings and school board meetings have become front lines in the culture war, with disagreements over religious freedom and LGBTQ+ rights erupting in small communities across the country.

There have been school board meetings shut down amid protests over LGBTQ+ books, city council meetings devolving into chaos over which faith groups get to pray publicly, school board members calling for the burning of LGBTQ+ books, and lawsuits, lawsuits everywhere!

It’s enough to make your head spin.

In Ohio, critics of the Pride event want it cancelled because it's not representative of their community's religious values. 

But LGBTQ+ rights supporters point out that the constitution includes freedom of assembly in public spaces. They also argue it would be bad precedent to let a religious majority dictate what activities are and aren't allowed in their community. 

What is your reaction?


  1. Eugene T Rice's Avatar Eugene T Rice

    Refusing to allow people to celebrate their identity is both anti-Christian, and anti-American. Should I plan a Saint Patrick's Day parade, as an Irish Catholic, will they oppose my right to express pride as well? We are sleepwalking into a theocracy. Whether we are discussing abortion, gay marriage, or free speech, there is increasingly a cavalier disregard for the rights of others. If a family is opposed to gay rights, they can stay home and nurse their lack of Christian charity. They are not being forced to attend. To keep others from attending, however, is an action that I associate with totalitarian Mullahs in Iran.

  1. Matthew Mastrogiovanni's Avatar Matthew Mastrogiovanni

    This is still America ... right? People have a right to a parade and other's have the right to not attend. Christians need to stop raining on people's parades.

  1. Timothy Dean Earhart's Avatar Timothy Dean Earhart

    Broadway Heights is neither broad nor is it high. This is a social economic community that is using religion (specifically the Christian religion) to protect their THING- which is neither Christian, or broad. They will probably vote for D. Trump because they seek a dictator type arrangement for the government- to force others to abide by their kind of social arrangement. On the other hand they do not even know what their Bible teaches about these topics (i.e. gayness). Jesus was at the very least bi-sexual, and probably homosexual. Just read the Gospel of John. There was one disciple in particular that Jesus loved in a special way. Ancients thought that it was the disciple John. Acontrar! Logic shows us that it was Andrew, Peters' brother. In any case, gayness is normal and has been shown to produce healthy and safe relationships. The US military discovered this (that gay soldiers) when they allowed gay people into the armed services- lovers protect their own.

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Timothy Dean Earhart,

      Jesus is the Bridegroom of the Church, and heterosexuality is the Biblical norm, viz the plan for human sexuality. LGBT is simply a wound, and these people need our respect.

      Check Theology of the Body https://www.theology-of-the-body-church.co.uk/

  1. Rev. MichaelRS's Avatar Rev. MichaelRS

    How the first Pride Parade got started:

    Conversation overheard in a "certain bar" in California.

    1. What do you like to do in bed and who do you like to do it with?

    2. Oh, well, I like this and this and I like doing it with this type of person. How 'bout you?

    1.Oh I like a little of this and a little of that and I like to do it with this type of person.

    2. Cool. Hey, let's ask that person over there...What do you like to do in bed and with what type of person?

    3 Me? Well I like a little of this and little of that and sometimes a bit of the other thing. And I like this type of person or that type of person, but it really doesn't matter.

    1. Well, that's great. Hey I got an idea. Why don't we all get together and have a public parade about what we like to do in bed and who we like to do it with, but it is public so no sexual theme to it, beyond the obvious, and certainly no one performing pseudo sex acts.

    2. But we can make it kind of playful and colorful so that it appeals to the kiddies so they can get the idea they might like to give this, that or the other thing a try as well.

    1. Great idea. Now all we have to do is find a city that will let us do it.

    2. I know just the place. I ❤️ LA.

    1. Anisahoni's Avatar Anisahoni

      MichaelRS: The first Gay Pride March took place in Manhatten one year after the Stonewall riots where gay people were raided and assaulted once again by police at the Stonewall Inn, a private gay men's club in Greenich Village. Police raids and abuses were common. On the one year anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, June, 1970, the first Gay Pride Parade took place to bring to light human rights abuses of gay people and to form a sense of pride, dignity and safety for the Lesbian and Gay community. It became a movement supported by the ACLU and other organizations. It is quite sad that you have posted misinformation about how the Gay Pride Parade started with your bizarre fantasy, let alone the human rights movement in support. Your words are not only disengenous, but dangerous. What is even more disturbing is that you post this on a ULC platform, an organization which supports the LGBTQT community. We ULC ministers follow our organization's beliefs. Perhaps you need a refresher.

      1. Rev. MichaelRS's Avatar Rev. MichaelRS

        Then please YOU can refresh me because as far as I understand the ULC has no particular doctrine or dogma and people are allowed to disagree.

        Once I was dating a girl whose father was a rabbi and we were talking about Jewish religious philosophy and practices and I asked him if the scriptures are plain truth how can you have a Reformed Jews that believe one thing then conservative Jews that believe another then Orthodox Jews that believe a third and then Reconstructionist Jews that leave something different still and Reconstructionist Jews that believe something else still.

        And he told me, "If you put 4 Jews in a room together and ask for their opinion you're liable to get 5vor more opinions.

        Which not only explains the various branches of Judaism but the hundreds upon hundreds of Protestant Christian denominations that there are.

        And do you think there are Catholic priests that are in lockstep with everything the Pope says?

        Also the part you highlighted was NOT meant to be a history lesson. It was just meant as an illustration of the absurdity of it all.

        1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

          Rev. Michael,

          I am a Messianic Jew. Your caricature of things is simply bewildering!

          Again, you prove yourself discriminatory, because you didn't list us and the Hebrew Catholics in your list of Jewish traditions.

          Shame on you!

  1. Rev. MichaelRS's Avatar Rev. MichaelRS

    What do you like to do in bed?

    Oh I like to do this and this. How about you?

    oh well, I like this and that.

    Great. Hey let's go ask that person over there... what do you like to do in bed?

    Me? Well I like this and this, but occasionally I like this or that.

    Well that's great. I think we should all get together and have a public parade about what we like to do in bed. Sound good? Good. Let's go.


  1. Theresa Alai's Avatar Theresa Alai

    I live there. It’s not a parade.

  1. Susan Grace Bourgeois's Avatar Susan Grace Bourgeois

    "A group of Christians say the city is trying to shove homosexuality down their throats" says the group who try to shove their religion down everyone's throats. They knock on your door, they accost you online, they pass laws to infringe on your own rights.

    Talk about outting themselves. Hypocrites. LGBTQ people aren't knocking on their doors trying to convert them. They aren't picketing outside their church. LGBTQ people aren't hurting Christians by simply living by the same rights they enjoy and feel entitled to.

    It doesn't matter what your interpretation of the Bible is or what you believe is a sin. That's for you to apply to your own life and not force onto others. You do not make anyone a believer by coercion. You only make them prisoner of your holy war. It's vile

  1. Bruce Kevin Jones's Avatar Bruce Kevin Jones

    But as for the truth, A lot of gays are unfortunately pedophiles I shun them myself, it is wrong plus it causes problems in the adult that grows up from that.

    Pride is two things attempting to mold viewpoints that they are harmless, when legislation by democrats makes things difficult for the other 90% of the population that is not gay. and the other is promote themselves as proud to be same sex oriented, but are really calling for help. Pride is calling for help by using the SHOW to plead. They would like to be included again in church, but can only demonstrate to be heard, this is why Democrats are using LBGTQAI-76 to force globalism on the rest of America.

    You go to jail for NOT using THAT Trans' pronouns? THIS IS A LAW?

    Actually it is being USED by Democrats, they don't care about issues affected Gays, not one cents' worth. it is tool to get civil war started to clamp down with martial law then November 5th will be cancelled.

    this is the REAL reason Pride is in your face in every town in America instead of Gay cities. To promote Biden becoming Dictator more than he is now. I am Gay I know, I can see it.

    1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

      Nothing of what you posted is truth. There is no evidence that homosexuals are more frequently pedophiles than heterosexuals. I'm sorry that someone has convinced you of this lie.

      The rest of your comment is just far-right conspiracy theories. Globalism? That term has long been used by anti-Semites to spread fear of a global takeover by Jews.

      There is no law stating that you will go to jail for not using a person's preferred pronoun. Doing so while assaulting a trans-person though could upgrade the assault charge to a hate crime though.

      Democrats aren't inciting civil war, it was the Republicans and their supporters who attempted to storm the capital and stop the peaceful transition of presidential power. Biden is not a dictator nor has he shown any aspirations of doing so. The former reality tv star, however, has made many comments that suggest a support for authoritarianism and has even gone so far as to say he wants to be a dictator for a day so he can close the border and drill like crazy for oil. His supporters have even said they think our country needs a dictator right now.

      You might know that your gay, but you certainly don't see reality.

  1. Nancy Mateer's Avatar Nancy Mateer

    God says too love thy neighbour, Jesus would have taken trans and gays under his wing just as he did the poor and outcast! i think the people who are saying gays shouldn't be allowed don't deserve too call themselves Christians.

  1. Daniel Todd Kamm's Avatar Daniel Todd Kamm

    Thank you for your consideration. tk

  1. Daniel Todd Kamm's Avatar Daniel Todd Kamm

    Re: " 'A group of Christians in a Cleveland suburb are protesting an upcoming LGBTQ+ Pride festival. They say that the city and the mayor are trying to “shove homosexuality down their throats.' "

    Yet another case of those "who protest too much."

    Feign to deny it, I'm sure lots of these folks, just like other normal people, have had all kinds of adventures, including things shoved down their throats... or elsewhere.

    Some of the fore-gone conversations are conclusions indicating that there is little difference between inhaling or not, liking or loving, and a spit or a swallow. Please. You know what you did.

    And, G-d help me, and not wanting to encourage a conversation because I don't argue with people, I hope the reference to "alphabet people" has nothing to do with those of us who are Jewish? That would be a new one, but considering the source cited above a likely one... besides if one hates one group, one hates others, right? Including the collective one in the mirror.

    "Now I've said my ABC's ... " and I don't care what bigots or crazies think of me..."

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Daniel Todd Kamm,

      I'm a non-binary Messianic Jew. In the current climate, I am the target of bullying from homophobes, anti-semitic, and Hassidic Jews!

      Go figure!

  1. Susan Grace Bourgeois's Avatar Susan Grace Bourgeois

    This isn't a Theocracy. Sometimes I think these kinds of Christians will only understand the separation of Church and State and the right of all Americans to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, would be if they were the marginalized group and their own right to assemble and be who they are was in danger of being taken away. They need to take a seat and leave others alone.

  1. Religion as a Weapon is Wrong's Avatar Religion as a Weapon is Wrong

    So, LGBTQ+ folks don't have to pay city taxes, right? If they are not part of the community, and the city politicians want only Christians to have a say, then I guess only Christians need to pay taxes since everything is run by their version of the Bible.

    Honestly, I don't mean that but anybody can skip a parade. There is no need to attend.

    If you happen to live or work in the area, I doubt that anybody will jump out and try to "convert" anyone else. In some places they celebrate Gasparilla. I don't think anyone has been converted to the life of a pirate. In many places they celebrate Cinco DeMaio, St. Patrick's Day, Santa Clause, The Easter Bunny, Halloween, Juneteenth, Mardi Gras, etc.

    There are numerous problems in the world that deserve attention. We are all children of the same universe. Lighten up.

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Rev. Rory,

      That is true! Far more serious stuff deserves our attention!

  1. James Richard Munro's Avatar James Richard Munro

    To begin with, Thier is no such thing as a LBGTQ Christian. There perversion spreads like the plage. Remember the old drug saying? Just say NO. When it comes to the alphabet people, just say Hell No.

    1. John Franklin Carmichael's Avatar John Franklin Carmichael

      You may be aware that "just say no" did not work. Still doesn't. Ain't no love quite like Christian hate.

    2. James Richard Munro's Avatar James Richard Munro

      P/S How can you have pride in being perverted?

      1. Susan Grace Bourgeois's Avatar Susan Grace Bourgeois

        How can you have pride in being a bigot?

        1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

          Well said!

  1. Kathleen Margaret Guilmette's Avatar Kathleen Margaret Guilmette

    How very Christian of them all!🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

  1. Rev Ned's Avatar Rev Ned

    ALSO. I’ll bet some of those “Christians” drive transgender trucks. You know, the trucks with the added testicles.

  1. Donald G Magel's Avatar Donald G Magel

    FYI, You cannot catch Gay! If you are worried about yourself "turning", see a counsel to work it out.

  1. Rev Ned's Avatar Rev Ned

    Their favorite hymn. 🎼 Jesus loves me, but He can’t stand you.

  1. Samuel Edwin Stancil's Avatar Samuel Edwin Stancil

    Regardless of which side you agree with, the only fair way to resolve the issue is to the residents vote and the outcome be respected. If the vote is in favor and you don’t agree, then stay home and pray about it. If it’s not voted to take place and you voted for it, find a different parade nearby. The division of this country is only getting worse as various groups try and force their beliefs onto others. It’s a constant cycle from all sides nowadays. If my beliefs differ from yours, it doesn’t mean that I hate you or don’t respect you and your freedom to believe as you see fit, but we have equal rights to our beliefs. I personally don’t understand the need for parades and a special month for pride, but I’m not a part of that community so it doesn’t affect me either way. I would laugh if someone were to float the idea of a parade for straight pride because to whom I’m attracted is a hormonal reaction. My race, gender, and sexuality are all circumstances and only a small part of who I am. My identity is the person that I am and project to the world. I am far more concerned for my identity to be a man that is spreading kindness, love, and compassion than with being celebrated for something about me that I had no choice or control over. Personally, I enjoy meeting and talking with people who are vastly different than myself because it helps me to see the world through a different perspective. If we all made an effort to communicate respectfully and realize that we are all humans and fall short of the grace of God (or call it imperfect if you don’t believe in God) then maybe we could finally reach common ground. In this country, we have such wonderful freedoms that guarantee our rights to pursue the life we desire. No one group or denomination is, nor should be considered any more special or important than another, as we are a nation where all citizens are supposed to be equal. Putting situations like this to a community vote would allow the majority of the people actually affected and involved to have the say so on what they want in their communities. Governing bodies constantly making new rules and pushing forced ideologies, no matter which side it comes from, only serves to further divide the people of this great nation and the world.

    1. Religion as a Weapon is Wrong's Avatar Religion as a Weapon is Wrong

      I agree with some of what you say, but if majority rule is against a certain class of people, is that democracy? That's why we have national protections that go beyond cities, counties and states. If an entire town voted to reinstate slavery, would that be okay? If an entire town voted to stop women from voting, is that alright? It's not okay.

      1. Samuel Edwin Stancil's Avatar Samuel Edwin Stancil

        You’re comparing apples to potatoes. A community not wishing to hold a celebration doesn’t take away any rights. Would you be supportive if the KKK wanted to march in your town? Would you like to be able to put a stop to it?

        1. Russel A. Kester's Avatar Russel A. Kester

          Samuel, your example of the KKK marching in your town was already decided by the Supreme Court back in 1978. It does. Freedom of expression. The same as a gay pride parade.

  1. Angel Aulet's Avatar Angel Aulet

    The Hispanic parade are celebrating a culture, the Thanksgiving parade is celebrating a tradition, the Saint Patrick parade and celebrating another tradition. None are celebrating sexuality. Recognition is understood but even then… there is no Black parade. No. Pride parade is absolutely about sexual preference and sexual liberty. It belongs in the bedroom. Who cares and even more why do you care soo much about telling the whole world who you have sex with. On top of that the parade is in the face of families and children and they it more of a stripper party than anything classy and universally acceptable. Imagine a pride parade beautifully adorned and dressed up filled with performance without lewdness and disregard for others.

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Angel Aulet,

      Then why do you celebrate weddings? They too belong in the bedroom, right?

  1. Linda Norden's Avatar Linda Norden

    A person going to a pride parade is not going to get the cooties germ and suddenly want to change genders. They are born with this instinct. I feel God has created this life. This is what we believe when we get pregnant, a gift from God. Doesn't our God want us all to live together in peace, love and harmony?

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Linda Norden,

      God does not create disorder. That is an outcome of the sin of Adam and Eve.

      However, being LGBT isn't a choice. It is a wound. And people like that must be welcome with a pastoral outreach strategy. Sadly, the Church has done a lousy job so far - as certain comments here demonstrate indeed! That explains the development of LGBT Pride.

  1. Michael Burton's Avatar Michael Burton

    The protestors say a Pride paade would not reflect thier religious beliefs. Pride isn't a religion, so what's the objection?

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Michael Burton,

      Religion embraces all spheres of life.

  1. Matthew W Meister's Avatar Matthew W Meister

    It is very clear that the members of the community who are trying to get the event cancelled have religious beliefs that don't include "love one another as I have loved you." They are clearly trying to groom the children of the community to be heterosexual Christians, but they don't see what they are doing.

    1. Angel Aulet's Avatar Angel Aulet

      Pride parade has become a sexual experience glutes out and stripper like performances. The backlash is less about the parade than its content.

  1. Johnathan Wright's Avatar Johnathan Wright

    As a bisexual Catholic minister I have to say that if people do not approve of the parade and then they don't have to go but do you cancel it is absolutely ridiculous and unconstitutional everybody has the right to be represented of who they are and what they want to be towing other people how to live their life and how to not live their life is not Christian it is against the Bible it is against with Christ stood for it is against what we should stand for we should love and except one another yes I am a folk Catholic that means are use a lot of folk magic a lot of people say I am not Catholic because I use the magic with being a Catholic I am Catholic no matter what people say so this goes to everybody that doesn't being gay is right or being gay is a sin keep your opinions to yourself we don't want them sincerely johnathan right reverend of universal life church let peace and love kind away

    1. Rev. MichaelRS's Avatar Rev. MichaelRS

      Based on what you're saying I should be allowed to have sex in a public park and if you don't like it just don't look.

      A large portion of Pride parades are hedonistic displays that do not belong in public

      1. Russel A. Kester's Avatar Russel A. Kester

        Michael, I don't find your example convincing. People have different expectations of what they will encounter in a public park on any given day than they do an announced and scheduled gay pride event. Public expectations are simply not the same.

  1. Darrell White's Avatar Darrell White

    There’s a lot of hate on here towards Christians who stand firm on the Bible’s teaching on homosexuality.The scripture is very clear about this subject.It is explained as an abomination in the eyes of God because man has perverted God’s creation in the act of homosexuality, as we were created as either male or female to glorify God in his image.There is no hate in that because it differs from one’s opinion.We are called to preach the gospel, not condemn people , but to offer them God’s salvation.If the people in this town are opposed to this ,then they should be supported in that decision, there are plenty of other places that would not object and where the parade would be welcomed.We have to learn to get along because Christians aren’t going away and neither are the LGBQ community, we need to learn to be respectful of each other.

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Darrell White,

      First of all the Bible doesn't say homosexuality is wrong. This word was coined 100 years ago. Before then LGBT people were referred to as eunuch (a word that can still be found in the Bible).

      What the Bible condemns is same-sex genital activity. The fact of being LGBT (as a condition of life) is not condemned. On the contrary, there are only positive things about eunuchs.

      You guys need a theology-intensive course!

      Second, we live in freedom, one of our primary principles. As long as the law of the land isn't broken, people have freedom of expression - both LGBT and Christians.

  1. Mike Robinson's Avatar Mike Robinson

    It's totally against Nature, you can't even create more life. Much to say bible says it is an abomination to god

  1. Vincent Van As's Avatar Vincent Van As

    The situation in Broadview Heights, Ohio, highlights a broader societal issue where religious beliefs are often used as a basis to oppose LGBTQ+ rights and visibility. Throughout history and even in contemporary times, there have been instances where religious doctrines have been wielded to suppress and marginalize LGBTQ+ individuals.

    In the past, religious condemnation of homosexuality has been severe, with some societies punishing it with death. While legal punishments for being gay have largely been abolished in many parts of the world, the psychological toll of discrimination and stigma still persists. LGBTQ+ individuals often face rejection from their families, communities, and religious institutions, leading to higher rates of mental health issues and suicide.

    The opposition to the Pride festival in Broadview Heights reflects this ongoing tension between religious conservatism and LGBTQ+ acceptance. The argument that the event does not align with the town's religious values is a common refrain used to justify discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals. By framing the issue as a clash between religious principles and LGBTQ+ rights, opponents of the Pride festival attempt to paint themselves as defenders of tradition and morality.

    However, it's essential to recognize that religious values are not monolithic, and interpretations of religious texts vary widely. While some may use religion to justify discrimination, others find affirmation and support for LGBTQ+ rights within their faith traditions. The insistence on imposing one set of religious beliefs on an entire community disregards the diversity of religious perspectives and the principle of religious freedom.

    Furthermore, the argument that the Pride festival is being "crammed down their throats" is misleading. LGBTQ+ individuals are not forcing their identities or beliefs onto others; they are simply advocating for their right to exist openly and authentically without fear of persecution. Hosting a Pride festival is not an imposition but a celebration of diversity and inclusion within the community.

    In conclusion, the opposition to the Pride festival in Broadview Heights is emblematic of the broader struggle for LGBTQ+ rights in the face of religious conservatism. While progress has been made, there is still work to be done to foster understanding and acceptance across religious and cultural divides. Ultimately, true religious freedom must encompass the rights and dignity of all individuals, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

  1. Rev. Donut's Avatar Rev. Donut

    If you are Gay, male or female, go live you lifestyle. What you do in your bedroom does not bother me.

    The Gay Movement has been hi-jacked by all the fringe weirdos and is not helping their movement and they know it and don't like it.

    However using the city streets to to let weirdo's on bikes ride around naked in the the city or interact with people that don't want to be interacted with is not celebrating anything. IMO, it is rather, a few weirdo's getting their jollies.

    I bet you can't ride a bike around naked on December 25th or any other day in their town without getting grabbed by the PoPo.

    No to that.

  1. Michael Rose's Avatar Michael Rose

    So, having a big hoolala over 4th of July, Christmas Parades, Veterans Parades, and ANY other parade should be cancelled as well, as some see this as "forcing all this down other's throats", am I right? Just saying, if one person or group wants to dictate rules over another, then the rules should apply to ALL groups. Just makes simple sense to me. What's good for the goose, is good for the gander.

  1. Takaya Kovani Sweeney's Avatar Takaya Kovani Sweeney

    Personally, I don’t understand the need to march through anywhere waving flags for anything.

    I also don’t understand the need to galavant outside in my thong…this goes for all parades/carnivales.

    The alphabet thing is just strange to me because if you weren’t making a POINT of telling everyone…no one would know OR care.

    But they make SURE to tell everyone, then holler discrimination…make it make sense.

    Then, have the NERVE to compare themselves to the plight of dark skinned people…no dears, one you can SEE to discriminate against, the other is yourselves fg yelling it on a rooftop for any who cares.🙄

    These parades/carnivales are fg pointless…across the board.

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Takaya Kovani Sweeney,

      Your comment speaks for itself. It deserves the attention it 'fg' gets!

  1. Rachael Olmedo Craig's Avatar Rachael Olmedo Craig

    I think the city should stay out of it. People can be what they want to be. God loves everybody, but...the bible does remark against it. Just saying. Not agreeing or disagreeing. Just facts.

  1. Medea Lynn Posser's Avatar Medea Lynn Posser

    Maybe, if they're that afraid, they should hide in their closets until it's over...seems fitting somehow.

  1. Diana Duffy's Avatar Diana Duffy

    Yes, yes, yes! You don’t need a parade to be proud!
    These parades are so flamboyant and offensive to people.
    If you need to exploit how you are then you aren’t proud of who you have become. Parade your pride in New Orleans!
    Enough is enough!

  1. Minister Holly B Lovey's Avatar Minister Holly B Lovey

    I follow the word of God and I don't agree with all these man made up selfish "ideas." God didn't change his word! I won't either. Endtimes are here people. People need to stop shoveling their STUFF down our throats. This mental illness has gotten way out of hand. Hell or Heaven? God created Adam and a mate not another man. Sodom and Gomorrah and surrounding cities was destroyed by God's angels. What's happening today is prophecy. Don't let them pull you into their doorway to hell. You have every right to stand up and speak out in what is right. They do it in what is wrong accordingtoGod!

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Holly B Lovey,

      What a pastoral welcome! You certainly do a great job of not alienating sinners!

  1. Steven Ferrell's Avatar Steven Ferrell

    Yet if Christians wanted a Christian pride festival, those alphabet bunch would be in an uproar.

    1. Aron Mark Doherty's Avatar Aron Mark Doherty

      You mean like an Easter festival or a Christmas festival maybe a saint Patrick’s day festival, those kind of Christian festivals?

      1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        Aron Mark Doherty,

        They already exist!

  1. Robert T. Greuling's Avatar Robert T. Greuling

    If an organization complies with the community standards and does not block or interfere with the public's access, they should be allowed to parade or protest.

  1. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

    If they cancel it, they should also cancel Black History Month (not everybody is Black), 4th of July Celebrations (not everybody cares for the overtones of "war" in the celebrations), President's Day (not everybody voted for the president), and every "awareness" designation out there. These types of celebrations and movements are to bring awareness of the historical significance of events or the plight of certain groups of individuals, not to bring new recruits into the fold.

  1. Shawn Dallas Stradley's Avatar Shawn Dallas Stradley

    “ When you hear of Gay Pride, remember, it was not born out of a need to celebrate being gay.

    It evolved out of our need as human beings to break free of oppression and to exist without being criminalized, pathologized or persecuted.” Anthony Venn-Brown

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Shawn Dallas Stradley,

      Well said!

  1. Shawn Dallas Stradley's Avatar Shawn Dallas Stradley

    Should city sponsored Christmas decorations be canceled because they mean the city is trying to cram Christianity down our throats? Should Easter time away from work and public school be cancelled because it is a forced Christian holiday and not a public secular one?

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Shawn Dallas Stradley,

      Should 'fools day' be instituted so we can send you a nice present :-)

  1. Zekester's Avatar Zekester

    What next? A Downs Syndrome parade? When will people realize homosexuality is a form of mental illness? It's not normal or natural by any stretch of the imagination. Get a clue.

    1. Aron Mark Doherty's Avatar Aron Mark Doherty

      Quite the expert on the subject Kirk, I assume you’re gay given you speak with such total certainty?

    2. Russel A. Kester's Avatar Russel A. Kester

      Kirk, the facts that homosexuality is a very normal variation of human sexuality and that it is found in nature has been established for decades. Yours is an old argument that was debunked even in ancient times.

    3. Anisahoni's Avatar Anisahoni

      Kirk, homosexuality is NOT a form of mental illness no matter how much you want it to be.There is no diagnositic criteria, nor any treatment in spite of those fake "conversion therapy" grifters. However, those who have phobias, definately are diagnosed as having a mental illness.

    4. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day


      Are you a qualified doctor now to make such a statement?

  1. Veronica Deevers's Avatar Veronica Deevers

    The Bible is clear about all sexual sins, including this. If you've not seen the film "Nefarious", I suggest you watch it asap.
    Best film about Satan and his demons ever made. It's a Christian film, btw. Also might add "In His Image" to your list if you want to understand LGBTQ people.

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Veronica Deevers,

      I would encourage you to watch these videos from my ministry: https://www.theology-of-the-body-church.co.uk/same-sex-attraction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfSZ6QbJvD4

  1. Dr. Ronald J. Tuman's Avatar Dr. Ronald J. Tuman

    Keep it to yourself, you don't have to parade around trying to entice children to your type of behavior.

    1. Anisahoni's Avatar Anisahoni

      Gay Pride Parades are not about enticing children. Pedophile ministers and priests are good at that.

  1. Elizabeth Grant Brown's Avatar Elizabeth Grant Brown

    In the words of Ghandi: 'I love Jesus. Its the Christians that concern me...' Or something to that effect.


    Christians must always start with the Bible in order to hear God’s Word on any subject. His commands are not optional, and he states clearly, “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination” (Leviticus 18:22).

    1. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

      So I suppose you don't eat shellfish, or touch a woman who is menstruating either? Same book.

      1. Amber Fry's Avatar Amber Fry

        Or wear clothing of mixed textiles... there are so many rules in that book.

      2. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

        Shellfish contain heavy metals and lethal bacteria. The author of the bible knew 4000 years ago what the CDC and FDA just figured out. Both agencies agree with God's word.

        All modern medical facilities, public spaces, government regulatory agencies and private corporations agree with the old testament about blood born pathogens. You should too.

  1. William Lewis Vass's Avatar William Lewis Vass

    I can see that even here the division is prevalent. To be honest with ourselves is the real divider. At the end of the day we rely on external factors to justify ourselves. What Jesus meant when he taught about the speck in someone's eye while having a log in your own. Mind yourself and get right with yourself before you worry about someone else's speck. The process is really very simple. Get a permit for your parade, get the parade together, hold your parade, when finished move on. That applies to anyone who wants to hold an event. If you disagree with the reason for the event just stay home or go to some other event. At the end of the day we are all human beings. Let's try and respect one another and the beliefs of others.

  1. Michael Chandler's Avatar Michael Chandler

    Please correct me if I am wrong but God says tell them of their sin… Tell them and then let them go on.. it does not say you are judge, jury or executioner! That is the sole dominion of God. As long as you have told them, your part is finished. So tell them that in YOUR belief they are wrong and let them go… Stop making it so complicated. At the point where, in your belief, they will face their maker it is their case to answer not yours and they DO NOT answer to you. If you accept the bible then accept it all. Don’t just cherry pick the bits which are convenient. Take a long look in the mirror. It is also a mirror to your own life. Not a stick to beat everyone else with.

  1. One Click Wonder's Avatar One Click Wonder

    Comment has been removed.

    1. Rev. Dr. Father JJ's Avatar Rev. Dr. Father JJ

      OCW maybe understand that your 'bible' is nothing more than random stories by ignorant desert tribes. the 'bible' should be considered fiction (really, really bad fiction) and banned for damaging children and other innocent people.

      Curious, what would you have done to the the LGBTQ+ community? I'm curious, what you would do? arrest them? jail them? beat them? because what you appear to want is to have everyone adhere to your 'particular' beliefs and in that case how are different from any other fascist-stye religion? what are you looking for, cristo-sharia law?

      1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        Rev. Dr. Father JJ,

        Your approach doesn't sound any better!

    2. Russel A. Kester's Avatar Russel A. Kester

      One click wonder, by your own admission, you are the one who has acted in bad faith and is trying to make a mockery of the ULC and its ministers and all the while claiming, it seems, to support Christianity. I think this is where the verses in the Christian Bible about worry over a speck in a brothers eye when there is a beam in one's own applies rather well.

  1. Rev. MichaelRS's Avatar Rev. MichaelRS

    Not only with the comments on this article but in many others as well, it has become obvious to me (actually it became obvious early on) that the ONLY reason a large number of people have gotten their "ministership" is to mock God by twisting the judeo-christian scriptures to to suit their own base desires.

    I've also noticed there's a bit of cowardice involved because they don't seem to take this up with any other faiths except Christianity. For example there is not a wholesale assault islam. Not even so much as a spit thrown in their direction.

    This despite such FACTS like if the groups like the ignorant "Gays for Palestine" were to unfurl their rainbow flag in Gaza they would be instantly seized by mobs and killed in one of three horrific ways (stoned, beheaded or thrown off a roof).

    Actually, never mind Gaza. Have such a demonstration in Dearborn Michigan. They're at least they would probably escape with their lives, but just barely.

    But none of those attitudes seem to matter for it is only the Christians that must be constantly pilloried... especially if they speak up about the moral decay of Western society today.

    But this too is addressed in the scriptures starting with Galatians 6:7-8.

    "Be not deceived. God is not mocked whatever a man sows so shall he reap."

    Now obviously the way things work is you CAN mock God and no lightning bolt will come out of the sky to strike you down in the moment, but that simply means that in the end God will have the last laugh.

    In various verses the scriptures also deal with false teachers profits and those who would twist the scriptures to lead people astray, especially young people.

    And the thing of it is, if I am wrong abou there being a God or what is sin or on issues of morality and the way God would like us to try to live our lives and the path to salvation, if I'm wrong about all of it, when I die I will never know it.

    But when you die, if you are wrong for having spit in God's eye and using his word as toilet paper...well let's just say eternity is a very long time to be in a VERY uncomfortable situation.

    And you might ask, how long is eternity? Picture a solid iron ball the size of the Earth. And once a year a crow flys down out of the sky and pecks on it three times and then flies away again until next year.

    The time it takes that crow to wear that earth size solid iron ball down to the size of a BB will be only the starting of eternity.

    1. Trent Gordin's Avatar Trent Gordin

      Good Sir, you act as if the majority of us ULC ministers subscribe to the Christian religion. I, for one, am not, and I certainly don't pretend to be one. But here's the thing, my faith can be whatever I decide it to be. And if that includes treating LGBT individuals with respect and respecting their right, then it's my right to have that belief. Nobody, not you, or Christians, or even the federal government can dictate what my faith and beliefs should or should not be. The ULC isn't a Christian church by any means, even if they have some ministers that are. As ULC ministers, we are called to be "children of The Universe" and to treat our fellow man with respect. And in all due respect, if you can't follow that doctrine, maybe you would be better fit becoming an actual Christian minister in a Christian church instead of being with us.

      1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        Trent Gordin,

        It is deplorable that Christians are associated with LGBT hate. On that, I am with you, in full agreement. However, Christianity has a tenet on human sexuality, and that cannot change to please human weakness. But for sure, there is a better way to reach out to GBT than the Bible-bashing thing.

        As for ULS, the acronym stands for Universal of Church. Universalism is part of Radical Protestantism, which embraces people of all beliefs with no expectation to change. So, yes. Historically speaking ULC is a Christian Church, but one does not have to be Christian to be a member. All people here are equal, and all beliefs are represented

    2. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

      My story that got me ordained just for fun is a long line of coincidences. A year afterwards by chance my son became engaged. His fiance found out I was ordained and asked me to conduct the wedding, which I did. Weird huh? Fun turned serious in no time. God moves his people in ways they couldn't dream of.

      Afterwards I found this blog. I was surprised to see so many antichrist ministers. I'm not the only one. I usually chuckle at the shellshock new Christians get when they see what's going on here. Many don't return after their initial post. I took it as a chance to test God's word in a loosely regulated format. It's perfect for that. The antichrists behave towards Christians precisely the way Jesus said they would. Astounding. The author of the bible is a master of human psychology.

      The site is most definitely pot stirring. They avoid dragging most religions through the mud to spark debate. Usually any other religion mentioned is mentioned along with Christianity as the antagonist. Debate comes with Christianity as it often does with any truth. It's a package deal. Truth brings conflict. Still, they're loosely regulated which is mighty rare these days.

      Use the site and it's members to build faith in God's word. See how those who don't believe in God use his word to judge you and do it in hypocrisy. Watch those that don't believe in God cherry pick his word to justify their own actions while condemning yours and mine. Shucks, even the satanists that don't worship Satan whipped up their own add hock 7 commandments to avoid Gods 10. Watch them belittle the rules and laws of the bible while the rules and laws they vote for and live by day to day are more demanding, absurd, restricting, puzzling and vast by ten thousand fold literally. There are hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of pages of laws regulating clothing, food, working conditions and human affairs. So much so that the average American unknowing commits 3 felonies per month and climbing. Don't transport a dirty chicken egg whatever you do, it's a felony ya know.

      Let these things be an encouragement.

      1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day


        Congrats on your son's wedding!

    3. Amber Fry's Avatar Amber Fry

      Not everyone comes here through religion. I personally came here just for ordination rites should non religious friends decide they want to get married and need someone ordained to do so. I'm not Christian but that shouldn't matter. My understanding is that this community didn't require one to be. People reading the main page and the rules to the site would probably be a wise idea for everyone... refreshers if it's been a few years.

      That said, I do see people pointing out differences in ideas and beliefs, not just between religions but also between different sects in Christianity as there seems to be some groups that pick the more non christ specifics to follow rather than actually learning what christ taught and living by those. However I don't see that as automatically mocking though a few might twist it that way.

    4. Russel A. Kester's Avatar Russel A. Kester

      Michael while I'm not as cynical as One Click Wonder, I think many here are sincere in their respective beliefs. But the group has very different beliefs as a start and even within a particular spiritual path, such as Christianity, there are differences in interpretation and understanding. So, we discuss them allowing all of us to benefit from each others thoughts. I agree that Christianity seems to get some pretty rough treatment here, probably because most of us know it better than other religions since ours has historically been a culturally Christian nation (to steal a term used by Richard Dawkins). I suspect that as Islam and its beliefs become better understood we will see it get more critical attention.

    5. One Click Wonder's Avatar One Click Wonder

      Comment has been removed.

    6. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Rev. Michael,

      Interestingly, you quote Galatians to preach a gospel of good works! Your theology is messed up!

      In that letter, Paul condemns the Judaizers for doing what they are just doing now: using the law as a standard of condamnation. How far does bigotry extend is beyond me!

      I do not endorse LGBT politics - quite the opposite. But I also stand for freedom of speech and expression, because everyone has to find God in their path of lived experience. Gospel preachers such as yourself are a stumbling block - one of those Jesus would call snakes and white sepulchers!

      Galatians is known as the gospel of grace because it is about protecting the truth of the gospel, which declares what God has done in Christ for us. Paul emphasizes that the gospel cannot be supplemented by human effort or obedience to any given Law, and that rescue from sin must be all of grace (gift). The gospel is the power of God (good news), and that’s talking about grace (freedom from the curse of the Law). The book of Galatians clearly defines God’s gospel terms. The Law cannot save us. Christ does. The Law is a mirror to help us realize how far we are from perfection. It is not a tool of condemnation, fr, to your benefit as well, we have a Saviour!

      Shame on you for using the Law to condemn the Gentiles (of which, as I understand, YOU are one!).

  1. Rev. Michael Gerraghty II's Avatar Rev. Michael Gerraghty II

    I live about 45 minutes from there and its absolutely appalling of the pure bigotry in this area and utterly shameful.

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Rev. Michael Gerraghty II,

      Your post isn't very clear as to who you stand with.

  1. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

    It’s interesting that one resident said, “What is the point of hosting a Pride event anyhow? To draw more division between different lifestyles?” It seems to me that is what she is doing, causing division. People don’t wake up one day and decide they are gay or straight. You either are or are not. Also, enough of using the words “Groomers or Grooming.” It disrespects the real victims of that crime. And if they are talking about programming their children, let’s talk about programming them with religion. Religion is taught… being LGBTQ or being straight is not.

    If you don’t like what a pride parade represents or are afraid for your children, then just don’t go to the event. Those who are angerly opposing pride are the ones causing division and creating hatred and violence. If you want to peacefully protest the event, then do so. They have every right to be there as do the people supporting the event. Just my two cents.

  1. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

    It's not a story book as you imply. It is rather a history book that accurately portrays life on this planet as we use our own free will to make choices that sometimes only affect us and at other times affect others. It does not promote sin but does report the effects of those sins.

    1. Anisahoni's Avatar Anisahoni

      Actually, isn't it a set of historical stories from a certain area of our planet, specifically the Middle East?

  1. Rev. MichaelRS's Avatar Rev. MichaelRS

    All one has to do is search on YouTube for

    " old man twerks in underwear in front of children"

    And then go ahead and lie to me and tell me that is not just one small example of the larger picture of the type of sick lasciviousness that goes on during those parades.

    1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

      All one has to do is go online and search "priest charged with child abuse" and you'll find plenty of examples where religious leaders are actively harming children through sexual abuse. Why is one example of inappropriate behavior in the gay community a representation of the whole while Christian and Catholic faith leaders continuing to be found sexually abusing children does not represent the religion as a whole.

      I'd much rather take my child to a Pride parade where I could explain to them why some of the behavior might be inappropriate than take them to a church where they are statistically more likely to be victims of sex abuse.

      1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        Michael Hunt,

        Are you aware of Bryan Houston's lies in court and to the public? He's back preaching now!

  1. Matthew Mastrogiovanni's Avatar Matthew Mastrogiovanni

    Stop the hate! The religious right are a hate group worse then the KKK.

  1. Rev. Klaire ThD, MA's Avatar Rev. Klaire ThD, MA

    "they are not Lakewood, they are not Cleveland" and they are not Christians.

  1. Rev. Dr. Father JJ's Avatar Rev. Dr. Father JJ

    This is just silly cristo-fascist nonsense. For starters, quoting the bible? Really? What does quoting the bible prove other than willful ignorance.

    The bible was written by men (no women, thank you very much), written with intent. What that intent was various from writer to writer but in the end, the bible collected fairy tales, bedouin tribe mythologies, earlier pagan beliefs with a desire to control others.

    People might just as well quote the Jabberwocky for all it matters. Proving a point by quoting the bible is a clear sign of cognitive dissonance and mental decline. SMFH

    1. Amber Fry's Avatar Amber Fry

      Not to mention badly translated several times over as well as changed, added to and subtracted from several times throughout the last few hundred years alone.

      1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        Amber Fry,

        Qmram proves the Bible was never changed... but this might be too much education for you!

    2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Rev. Dr. Father JJ,

      Have you considered getting a proper education? It may help you get in touch with reality, and your comments might make a bi more sense!

  1. Michael Sciulli's Avatar Michael Sciulli

    minister, Mike. we have better things to worry about the second coming up Jesus. tribulation and many other things that come. everyone got answer the Lord Jesus. God bless everybody.

    1. Danny D. Maynard's Avatar Danny D. Maynard

      Still waiting on that "Second Coming" are ya? Well, if you read the entire Book of Revelation, the last two chapters of Revelation describe the Spaceship in which Jesus will return. It is a Borg Cube, and Jesus will be a powerful outer-space alien who takes control of the Earth. You will be greatly disappointed in what they do with humans.

      1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

        Not me Danny, I might be the only one here that agrees there a mega ship coming but it's right there in black and white print. I'm planning on star surfing once the deal goes down. Maybe bring life to a dead planet, maybe bring life to an entire dead solar system, maybe galaxy. Maybe wander through the universe like scrambling vines.

      2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        Danny D. Maynard,

        Such a comment deserves the attention it gets!

  1. Russel A. Kester's Avatar Russel A. Kester

    Daniel, our constitution allows for freedom of expression which means the KKK was legally allowed to march through Skokie, IL where 7,000 holocaust survivers lived as determine by a 1977 case brought before the court by the ACLU. That is why bad speech is countered with good speech but not attempts to cancel it.

  1. Bridget Kielas-Fecyk's Avatar Bridget Kielas-Fecyk

    You hate the idea of a PRIDE Parade that celebrates LGBTQ+? Then don't GO to it. You hate PRIDE month? Then don't celebrate it. It's really that simple.

    But you know what they say, there's no hate like Religious hate.

    No it's not "Turning kids gay" it's allowing people to accept that LGBTQ+ people exist at any age. No it's not "Sexualizing babies" it's openly stating people can love who they want. No it's not "Perverting and destroying the bible" being LGBTQ+ has nothing to do with one's religion.

    So to the flaming pits with everyone screaming hate about this.

    Being LGBTQ+ is 100% natural, literally, all the way to the genetic level. You dislike the idea of it? Well then IGNORE it.

    And no it's NOT being crammed down people's throats, or forced onto anyone. No one is being "FORCED" to be LGBTQ+ either. It's simply "EVERYONE deserves equal rights"

    The morons screaming hate about this are the same types who screamed hate when Black History month became a thing and when the push started to allow interracial marriages to exist.

    1. Rev. Klaire ThD, MA's Avatar Rev. Klaire ThD, MA

      Exactly, why don't they just ignore it the same way they ignore school shootings!?!

      1. Amber Fry's Avatar Amber Fry

        School shootings, any mass shootings, end in senseless death. If they really need to act on anything I'd think that would be it.

    2. Rev. MichaelRS's Avatar Rev. MichaelRS

      What would be the purpose of holding a Pride Parade at a elementary school where the only thoughts boys have about girls is that they have cooties and girls think boys are made of frogs and snails and puppy dog tails, if not to desensitize children and encourage favorable views of non-traditional sexual practices?

      And please don't lie to me tell me that it's rare or otherwise hardly happening there are news stories all the time of parents that are outraged that teachers and administrators of a certain persuasion are forcing this stuff down there kids throat (no pun intended).

      Because if you hold a pride parade at an elementary school you have little kid that are not thinking about sexuality all of a sudden wondering, "What is this all about?"

      1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        Rev. Michael,

        In my kid's years, I already experience discordance with my gender. Every adult told me it was just a phase (heard that before??) and yet at nearly 50, here I a still with it!

        On the side, other kid peers seemed aware enough of my 'being different' that I experienced bullying at every single stage of my school formation.

        So, no. I disagree. Maybe you are right, they ought not to have LGBT parades. But they should educate kids about the fact that we exist and that bullying us is wrong.

        I wonder if you were one of those bullies back then!

    3. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

      I hate apathy. If you don't stand up and oppose those against you they will take over. History as proven time and time again.

    4. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Bridget Kielas-Fecyk,

      I almost fully agree with you. The only thing I would differ from is that LGBT is normal or genetic. In my experience, it is a disability of some sort.

      Some people are intersex, and they are born that way. Yet, they still are fundamentally male or female. We, who have gender dysphoria, have a mental discordance with our biological gender. This is a mental disorder (not to be viewed as a disease... wearing spectacles is a physical disorder, for instance). We do not fully know what causes it.

      In my personal experience, both gender dysphoria and bisexuality are different levels, in extreme, of homosexuality, and so even on that, we don't know what the genesis is.

      If to be yourself you need to undergo hormone and drug treatment, then it's a disorder. It is not in nature But this does, in any way, minimize the experience of individuals who have a legitimate right to follow the path they dream right for them. And no one should judge.

      For my side of things, I have chosen to not undergo hormone therapy, and so I call myself non-binary - meaning I'm not transitioning. But I have gender dysphoria, which I accept as part of my life, and I dress accordingly.

  1. Russel A. Kester's Avatar Russel A. Kester

    As told in the article above, this Christian group is simply wrong on several fronts. The laws in a community allow for the freedom to assemble peacefully as long as the petitioners secure a license properly and submit proof of insurance. The law must be applied fairly and without prejudice. Neither Christian groups or others have a valid case against such an assembly simply because they oppose the values or ideas of the group assembling. It was also interesting that they thought they had the right to speak for the entire community. They don't. They have a right to speak only for themselves. That's some sense of entitlement. One of the persons who spoke out, Mr. Kilo, wasn't even from the community but was brought in from Columbus where he works for a fanatical, fundamentalist organization. This man and those with him represent an intolerant faction within Christianity not Christianity or Christians.

  1. Daniel Todd Kamm's Avatar Daniel Todd Kamm

    Sorry... typo : "Chacun a son gout....!"

  1. Daniel Todd Kamm's Avatar Daniel Todd Kamm

    Here in OH, the so-called "Heart of it All," Pride celebrations are pretty locked in and have been for many many years. Usually each city that participates has its own events, dates offset so people statewide can participate in the statewide event in Columbus.

    Every year there are complaints and even organized opposition, complete with religious and other crackpots protesting, which is no different than complaints and organized opposition from progressive crackpots who come out to protest the right.

    Chacon a son gout ... each to his own taste.

    Though I've found it very amusing to observe the battle lines between right wing evangelicals and charismatics praying and speaking in tongues , coming up against the LGBTQ+ et al evangelicals and charismatics praying and speaking in tongues right back.

    Apparently no one is really saying anything ... or listening....

    Always lots of fun... but then, that's what Pride is for eh? And maybe, just maybe one side will appeal to or recruit one or two from the other side and make some headlines.

    So... a Christian and a Drag Queen were leg wrestling.....

    1. Danny D. Maynard's Avatar Danny D. Maynard

      I have been to Gay Pride events in Los Angeles, CA; Orange County, CA; San Diego, Ca; Columbus, Ohio and Tampa, FL and Orlando Florida over the past 50 years. The only one with protesters was Columbus OH, where the crazy closeted religious fanatics were acting like baboons, screaming with megaphones and literally showing their *****. They thought someone from the Gay Pride attendees would want that nasty looking thing.

      I once was at a mass wedding when a bunch of religious fanatic protesters walked near to where I stood outdoors. A bunch of them started yelling at our group. No one from our group even gave them notice. So, one of the protesters walked up to me and screamed about 1 foot from my face: "Get off my Earth!" ... I was quite shocked, in that I had just turned around to leave the wedding site and saw this weird red-faced maniacal-looking man in my face. I decided to yell back, as an appropriate retort: "Who made you God?". He was so taken aghast with that short two sentence conversation that he let out an exasperated yelling sigh, turned around and ran out of sight at warp speed. I expect he performs the same way in bed! It was much quieter around the place after that, and everyone went on about their business like before the protesters appeared. My job was complete. It was finished!

  1. Theresa C. Marquess's Avatar Theresa C. Marquess

    It is no different from any other parade. If you don't want to participate, you don't have to go to watch it. WWJD...he would allow the parade. He would preach, "Love one another as I have loved you."

    1. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

      From the stories I read He never promoted sin, He never condemned anyone either. oh 3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. Joh 8:11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more. But He also told these sinners to go and sin no more, and He gave us the power to do it.

      1. Danny D. Maynard's Avatar Danny D. Maynard

        Gay Pride Parades are not sinful. In fact, they are wonderful and kind and good and very educational! One is wise to attend as many Gay Pride Parades as one can.

        1. Rev. MichaelRS's Avatar Rev. MichaelRS

          Well if anybody calls themselves any kind of Christian, I would like them to point out to me where in the Old or New Testament when the issue of same-sex relationships is addressed the scriptures have anything good to say about it.

          1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

            Rev. Michael,

            I grieve for you, Jonathan my brother; you were very dear to me. Your love for me was wonderful, more wonderful than that of women. - 2 Samuel 1:26

            For there are eunuchs who were born that way... - Matthew 19:12a

            For this is what the LORD says: “To the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths, who choose what pleases me and hold fast to my covenant. - Isaiah 56:4

            And the eunuch said to Philip, “About whom, I ask you, does the prophet say this, about himself or someone else?” Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning with this Scripture he told him the good news about Jesus. And as they were going along the road they came to some water, and the eunuch said, “See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized? - Acts 8:34-37

            But of course, you are so OBSESSED with sex that your brain is only wired to pick the passages of Paul and Leviticus that condemn same-sex genital activity.

            There are two realities in this: an unchosen condition nd an objective disorder of the act. Now, intellectually healthy-minded beings will do the math!

  1. Rev. MichaelRS's Avatar Rev. MichaelRS

    Leaving aside for a moment that nowhere in the Jewish Bible, the Old Testament to the Christians, or the New Testament whenever the subject of homosexuality is addressed, either directly or indirectly, the scriptures have nothing good to say about it, I too object to these displays.

    Not on religious grounds, as I said above playing that aside, but on the grounds of common decency.

    These parades are not simply gay people dressed "normally" or even in commonly acceptable costumes waving colorful flags. No small number of the participants are dressed, although UNdressed would be a more correct term, in erotic wear and march along with the parade or ride on floats engaging in soft porn sex acts and/or making related obscene sexual gestures.

    I mean think about it. A sexualized parade to celebrate what you do in the bedroom along with any various "kinks" related to it.

    And to be clear, I would be against it if the theme was strictly heterosexual wiyg the participants putting on such sexualized displays.

    To say that it is UNSEEMLY is putting it mildly.

    1. Russel A. Kester's Avatar Russel A. Kester

      Michael, it seems that your issue might be with nudity. Mardi Gras parades have shown as much flesh as gay pride parades, Portland has an annual naked bike run, great statues like David are naked as is the painting of God and Adam on the Sistine Chapel's ceiling. Perhaps you would counter that it's not nudity per se but all of the gyrating and sexualized movements. Dancing in clubs, parties, and even schools make the same moves. And what could be more suggestive than twerking? Your comments remind me a bit of the Ed Sullivan show that didn't show Elvis Presley from the waste down because he would gyrate his hips. I think others here said it rather well when they suggested that if such things trigger one, then that person shouldn't go. Trying to cancel the event is not a good response.

    2. Danny D. Maynard's Avatar Danny D. Maynard

      ROFLMGAO! Have you never been to a beach or a swimming pool? Have you never been to a hetero Mardi Gras Parade?

      1. Rev. MichaelRS's Avatar Rev. MichaelRS

        Yes I've seen Mardi Gras parades and those too are disgusting Pagan displays of raunchy sexuality.

        1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

          Then stay away from them and let us normal people enjoy.

          1. Rev. MichaelRS's Avatar Rev. MichaelRS

            So you consider public hedonistic displays to be "normal"?

            1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

              You're trying to twist my words. I'm saying that a normal person can enjoy hedonistic displays. Whether or not they are normal depends on the community in which they occur. At Mardi Gras where there is a long tradition of public hedonism, yeah it's pretty normal. At an LDS Church? Not so much.

              If you don't want to enjoy pleasure, that's your loss. It's medically proven that pleasure releases stress and is good for you in reasonable doses.

            2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

              Rev. Michael,

              Have you ever come across the Theology of the Body? You sound like you are living on the starvation diet!

  1. David Manuel Hatten's Avatar David Manuel Hatten

    I find it very interesting. How it is we as religious people take one thing in the Bible and ignore the rest of it. If it doesn't fit what we want we disregard the rest. I am almost willing to bet you that most of those that are going to protest will be wearing multiple different types of fabrics on their clothes. However that same old testament the one that banned homosexuality also bands the wearing of blended materials on clothes. I think it is simply easiest to say that Jesus taught to love one another. I would like for them to show me how this is love. If I go to hell or not that is my business and not yours. My homosexuality does not affect you in any way. Let it be said from this day on we have been warned we know your feelings and we don't care. And honestly I don't want to go to the heaven you describe. I think I can speak for a lot when I say that that would just simply be hell. Let us love.

    1. Anisahoni's Avatar Anisahoni

      Hell is a creation of our minds.It is a concept in which the sacred fire was turned into something to be feared. That is sick.

      1. Danny D. Maynard's Avatar Danny D. Maynard

        Further, the Jews who wrote the Old Testament still do not believe in that Christian Hell. Jesus was a practicing Jew when he died. He knew nothing about the mythology called Christianity that was created using his name in vain!

        1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

          Danny D. Maynard,

          I'm a Messianic Jew, and you are talking nonsense! Sorry!

      2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day


        Hell is the eternal separation from God which Jesus experienced on the cross when he said: my God, my God, why have you forsaken me?... quoting Ps 22. In other words, we have been saved because he has taken our place.

  1. Alexander Arends's Avatar Alexander Arends

    The city council has the right to approve the parade. In fact they could be sued if they disapproved. Community members have the right to bring their concerns to the city council but I think their only recourse is not to re-elect council members. And the parade will go on.

  1. Michael Holland's Avatar Michael Holland

    It's a parade with gay people, rainbows and drag queens! People need to get over themselves, everyday is straight day, let us have a month!

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Michael Holland,

      LOL!! I like your response! :-)

  1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

    Let's set aside the question of whether the bible permits homosexual relationships for a moment. Let's look at a pride parade without that aspect.

    A parade of pride is naturally anti biblical and therefore antichrist. Pride in yourself is described as a terrible sin. It's self worship. I believe that's the one that got Satan the corrupter in the frying pan.

    The rainbow is a symbol given by God to remember his covenant to never flood the earth again as he did to put down an entire population of vile murderous and evil humans.

    It's stable ground to be on when you say using that symbol as a symbol of pride is doubly offensive as the sin of pride is. His symbol of good was corrupted into a symbol of pride. If we connect the dots, that quickly takes us to the one responsible for corrupting God's work, Satan, the first to show pride. Strange how that worked out huh? Pretty obvious really. I'm surprised Cristian preachers and Christians in general overlook those gigantic bright neon dots to connect.

    If your a Christian and you fly the pride rainbow, you'll have to square up with your maker at one point. He'll want to know why you're worshiping yourself and worshipping a bunch of other people that are worshipping themselves.
    If you're not a Christian, fly that baby high and wide at the parade and all month. You can settle up with your maker after they throw dirt on your face.

    1. Russel A. Kester's Avatar Russel A. Kester

      SOJ, I think the pride exemplified by the story of Satan is quite different from the sense of taking pride in one's work or one's dignity. The type of pride you're referring to is one of arrogance and superiority. Pride parades came about to counter the accusations of society that gays were sinful and should be ashamed of themselves. Thus, the parades are a form of speech to counter such hostile attacks and restore an appropriate pride as persons created in God's image and thus worthy of human dignity.

      1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

        Respectfully Russell, celebrating the accomplishment of birthing a nation once per year is a biblically acceptable form of pride. Celebrating ones sexuality for a month while using gods symbol of his covenant and literally calling it pride month is a bit of a stretch to call it biblically ok.

        Christians who drink alcohol are playing with fire. Drunkenness prohibits eternal life because it's a form of alcohol worship. Pride is no different. This way it's ok, that way it's a roadblock.

        We may disagree, God ultimately decides what pride and drunkenness are when we face him.

      2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        Russel A. Kester,

        Do you guys REALISE that in this day and age, we are still questioning LGBTI people's dignity?

        That's obnoxious!

    2. Danny D. Maynard's Avatar Danny D. Maynard

      Your incessant religious fearmongering does not work on this site, SoJ! There are no supernatural beings. A silent, invisible and eternally absent deity is non-existent.

      1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement


        Telling someone that believes trains are real that they should look before they cross the tracks is not fear mongering, it's advice.

        If someone doesn't believe trains are real, they're free to cross the tracks however they please. Who cares?

        1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

          If someone doesn't believe that trains are real, I can take them to see a train so they can see that they exist and that one should be careful around them and their tracks. We can observe a train and see what happens to someone if they are hit by a train.

          If someone doesn't believe God is real, there's nothing observable to prove the existence of a god, nor is there any observable consequence for not believing in them. There's no evidence that anything bad comes from not believing in a deity.

          Telling someone that they should look before they cross the tracks is not fearmongering because we know there is a negative consequence to not doing so. Telling someone they will burn in Hell for eternity for flying a rainbow flag supporting the LGBTQ+ community is fearmongering because you are trying to raise or incite alarm without any evidence that doing so will cause a negative outcome.

          1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

            Michael Hunt,

            Have you heard the stories of ex-gays and detransitioners? Just asking...

  1. Stephanie A Willey's Avatar Stephanie A Willey

    What would Jesus say ? What would Jesus do ?

    1. Rev “D”'s Avatar Rev “D”

      JWS: “Love one another as I have loved you.” WwJd: Matthew 9:10-13.

      1. James Mounts's Avatar James Mounts

        Yes, Jesus would say "welcome". Then he would say "go and sin no more."

        1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

          I can see Jesus walking with the parade without even saying "go and sin no more". I think he was less hateful and punitive than many of you seem to believe. Or wish! "Let he who without sin ..."

        2. Amber Fry's Avatar Amber Fry

          But he wouldn't be punishing those who do. That should be understood as well. The only one time he was ever known to have actually raged was when the money changers set up shop in an old house of worship. They were bankers exchanging different currencies for animals to be sacrificed in that temple and he refused to tolerate that.

          1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

            Amber Fry,

            They were also doing this in the gentile section of the Temple, preventing them from coming to God. This is what angered Jesus: the politics that go on in churches preventing the 'gentiles' (those who are LGBTs) from coming to God as they feel alienated. This is a very serious sin!

            Notice that Jess mainly preached in Galilee, which was where most gentles were numbered.

        3. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

          James Mounts,

          Here's another Pharisee.

          What would Jesus say to you?

          Snake! White Sepulchre!

          Go check the Scriptures!

      2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        Rev “D”,

        Well said!

    2. Rev. MichaelRS's Avatar Rev. MichaelRS

      Jesus was by all accounts a pious Jew and as such would probably fall back on Leviticus chapter 20 when it came to sexual conduct. In particular Leviticus 20:13.

      This business that Jesus would ignore or vacate had been considered sin or sinful acts because he added another commandment is simply ridiculous.

      In John 8:11 he told the adulterous not that he would not judge her because she had not sinned but because she was repentant so he gave her the break of his forgiveness and told her to go but to SIN NO MORE. So clearly her sexual misconduct was regarded by him as sin.

      1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

        LGBTQ+ has no A in it. You are talking about adultery. Nothing to do with these people or their harmless parade.

        1. Elizabeth Jane Erbe Wilcox's Avatar Elizabeth Jane Erbe Wilcox

          Very slight “correction”. The expanded format of reference to the community is

          LGBTQIA2S+ or 2SLGBTQIA+ where the A stands for Asexual. Certainly NOT adultery.

          1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

            Elizabeth Jane Erbe Wilcox,

            Asexual is a myth. We are all sexual beings, yet some may have a low sex drive. I would be one since I've lived chastely now for nearly five years. Some are intersex, and that is a physical condition.

        2. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

          Rev. BH. LGBTQIA+ A stands for Aesexual. There is an A in the community.

        3. Rev. MichaelRS's Avatar Rev. MichaelRS

          The issue is about SIN not specifically adultery.

          And no they're highly sexualized parades with all the soft porn displays do not belong in a public parade.

          If you don't think that happens searcg on YouTube for

          "old man twerks in underwear in front of children"

          You know as well as I do that is just ONE example of the lascivious behavior that goes on in those parades

          1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

            Rev. MichaelRS,

            What's so shocking about this video?

        4. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

          I think the “A” was added to include everyone else in the Alphabet people to prevent offending the woke 🤭.


          1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day


            That should have been W then!

            1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

              It can be whatever the "W"oke want it to be. They get so very easily offended. 🤭


              1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day


                Here's that modern word again, meaning anything to anyone... like the Q after LGBT!

        5. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

          Rev. BH,

          That's because adultery is not a medical condition like LGBT. Most likely sex addicts would classify. But, again, the approach is not on oral judgment, but on health.

      2. Anisahoni's Avatar Anisahoni

        Jesus was a rabbi, not a Christian, who followed Jewish law of the time and had no idea of other nations besides Tibet, India and Egypt where he studied at the Mystery Schools. However, he was also an anarchist who wanted to stir up an insurrection against the Roman empire. It is also claimed that he was not always in line with the dominate thinking of the time and the story about Mary Magdalen being a "sinner" was pure conspiracy on the part of Constantine. In Judaism, for any one to be a rabbi, marriage is required and there are stories of Mary Magdalen being hs wife. Walking with Jesus daily would mean being a Jew and following Jewish law, not some made up Roman theology. Jews do not condemn any members of the LGBTQ+ community. So walk with Jesus, embrace members of the LGBTQ+ community.

        1. Rev. MichaelRS's Avatar Rev. MichaelRS

          Modern Jews are not the Jews of Jesus's time. There is no way until under the last hundred years that modern Jews accepted homosexuality.

          1. Russel A. Kester's Avatar Russel A. Kester

            Modern Jews today and the state of Israel do tolerate homosexuality. Israel is the only state in the Middle East where this is true. Jews today are the same as the Jews of Jesus's time. DNA and genetics are wonderful today. Analysis has shown that Jews today are very much like the Jews 2,000 years ago with the vast majority sharing genetics. To wit "population genetic studies based on blood groups and serum markers provided evidence that most Jewish Diaspora groups originated in the Middle East and that paired Jewish populations were more similar genetically than paired Jewish and non-Jewish populations (Bonne-Tamir et al. 1978a, b, 1977; Carmelli and Cavalli-Sforza 1979; Karlin et al. 1979; Kobyliansky et al. 1982; Livshits et al. 1991)." ibid.

            "Progressively more detailed population genetic analysis carried out independently by multiple research groups over the past two decades has revealed a pattern for the population genetic architecture of contemporary Jews descendant from globally dispersed Diaspora communities. This pattern is consistent with a major, but variable component of shared Near East ancestry, together with variable degrees of admixture and introgression from the corresponding host Diaspora populations." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3543766/

            The article's final conclusion is. "Yet, they came to remarkably similar conclusions, providing evidence for shared genetic ancestries among major Jewish Diaspora groups together with variation in admixture with local populations." So enough with the nonsense that Jews of the past and Jesus were Palestinians. Genetics show Jews and Palestinians have different DNA though there is a small amount that is shared between them. The Jews today are genetically the same as the Jews 2,000 years ago.

            1. Rev. MichaelRS's Avatar Rev. MichaelRS

              When I say the Jews today are not the same as they were during the time of Jesus I'm talking about their religious attitudes not their family tree.

              Their views on sexuality at the time pretty much mirror what today we refer to as Orthodox Judaism.

              All other Judaism that we know today; Cnservative Reform, Reconstructionist and I don't know what all else, came after the fact as attempts to fit a round peg in a square hole...or vice versa if you prefer.

              In other words they formed a style of their faith to try and fit in with the modern world.

              So yes, for those reasons Israel and X number of Jews except homosexuality and there are Pride parades and so forth in Israel.

              None of which changes the fact that whenever the issue is addressed in the Bible, either directly or indirectly, it has nothing positive to say about it and everything negative.

              Now if somebody wants to disregard that aspect of scriptures of course they're free to do so. But at least do so honestly by acknowledging it's there and and then go ahead and say you don't wish to accept it.

              1. Russel A. Kester's Avatar Russel A. Kester

                Well you could've said that in the first place. LOL. Guess I misunderstood that one. And agree that in regard to homosexuality, the tribal Jews reflected in the Christian Scriptures were less than enlightened. But it was great fun finding all that other information all the same!

              2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

                Rev. Michael,

                You are confusing a medical condition (same-sex attraction &/or gender dysphoria/intersex) with an unnatural practice (same-sex genital intercourse). You need to develop a more pastoral sensitivity in your ministry.

                Isaiah 56: For GOD says: “To the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths and choose what delights me and keep a firm grip on my covenant, I’ll provide them an honored place in my family and within my city, even more, honored than that of sons and daughters. I’ll confer permanent honors on them that will never be revoked.

            2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

              Russel A. Kester,

              As a Messianic Jew, we are taught that Palestinians are descendents of te Philistines.

              1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                Teaching can be brutal, Right?

                Islamists are also taught and involved with teaching. Mormons, and JW's, too.

                You'll be saying God is real next. Is that what you were taught?🤭


              2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day


                Not at all what meant. Israel was in constant fight with the Philistines - you just have to open the Bible to see it. It was a similar situation with modern-day Paetine. Besides, Palestine is a mocking word coined by the Muslim Empire (the Ottomans t be precise) to refer to a devasted and conquered land where the Jews were made to flee. It was called Syria Palestina (or Syria Philistina). Now, I don't believe they were all Philitines that remained in the land of the Ottoman Empire, but the connection is interesting. It is likely that Palestinians are a mixture of Jews, Muslims, and Gentiles.

          2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

            Rev. Michael,

            Reform Jews do. They're the only ones.

        2. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement


          It's a treat to watch someone who doesn't believe the bible is real explain it to someone who does. I have a hard time finding something funnier.

          Jesus is an anarchist? Lol, I'm guessing your an anarchist. He didn't know about any other nations? Wow, where did you read that? He didn't know about the roman nation? I wonder why. Mary M wasn't a sinner, she sounds like Jesus, he wasn't a sinner either.

          Rabbis followed Jewish law but Jesus was an anarchist that followed Jewish law by marrying a whore who wasn't a whore because it was a conspiracy of the Romans who Jesus never knew about?

          Jews aren't Jesus, doesn't matter what they do or don't accept.

          You're interpretation of the bible is spot on for an unbelievable unbeliever. Everything and I mean everything you said is hilarious drivel.

          1. Anisahoni's Avatar Anisahoni

            Servant: Got triggerend huh? Too bad. Well, do you feel better now? Do you feel superior? Obviously there are some things for you to learn. Never said the bible wasn't real. There are numerous versions of the NT each with their own twists on history and mythology Your "guesses" about me are faulty and your misogyny is obvious by you using the term "'whore." Learn more from various biblical scholars, including Jewish Scholars. Yes Yeshua was an anarchist. Guess you missed the stories about his behavior and attitudes toward the Romans. And it does matter what Jewish people accept. Yeshua was a Jew as were his family members and his parents ,a fact that many peopoe who claim to love him ignore. No further disrespectful comments from you will be entertained.

            1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement


              Triggered folk storm off mad and say 'im never talking to you again, ever' or some such. Like you did. I wasn't triggered, just correcting you, that's all. I've triggered tons on this site and in real life. It's the way I speak when writing. Even complements cause anger.

              God is the establishment of order and therefore in opposition to no order. Anarchists are in opposition to order. Jesus is God and therefore Jesus established order.

              Being in opposition to a false order is not anarchy, it's orderly. What you say is in opposition to the bible and logic itself, regardless of what bible version you pull your data from.

              For the record, I never shun of write off anyone on this site or in real life. I read every single post about 4 times so I understand their perspective regardless of what they say or think of me.

              The inclusive crowd here (and everywhere) have ridiculously sharp teeth, incredibly short patients and absolutely zero tolerance.

              Good luck and stay safe, it's getting close to anarchy outside. When it comes, pray for Jesus to do what he does and bring order.

              1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day


                Not everyone here is that way, but quite a few!

            2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day


              You say:

              Guess you missed the stories about his behavior and attitudes toward the Romans.

              Last time I checked, he said: give Cesar what is Cesar's and give God what is God. Or he even paid his tax by telling a disciple to go and find a drakma inside a fish!

              Then you say:

              Yeshua was a Jew as were his family members and his parents, a fact that many people who claim to love him ignore.

              That is very true, but he was also an Esene by family tradition. The were mystics that followed the teachings of Elijah - his cousin John was a fully devoted one! So he wasn't an anarchist at all, as that wouldn't match with Elijah's vision of the messianic Kingdom.

        3. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day


          Reform Jews don't. Orthodox and Messianic Jews do. I am Messianic.

          Yeshua was not a Pharisee, but a rabbi in an unofficial capacity. In thsedys anyone could claim to be a rabbi, not necessarily endorsed by the Temple. Pharisees were one of the major denominations solely based on the Talmud (rabbinical tradition), unlike the Sadducees who were aristocratic atheist priests. So, no - sorry - Yeshua was free to do as he liked - in fact, he got crucified. Archeology proves he was unmarried, and the Mary Magdala and Jesus affair (with Sarah as a daughter to keep the bloodline) is pure mythology!

      3. Danny D. Maynard's Avatar Danny D. Maynard

        There is no such thing as "sin". I believe in crimes. Crimes have real victims. Worry about those when a victim is hurt and needs help. It is no worry that two men love each other and will act accordingly, as all lovers do, no matter their sexuality. But, I have never seen anything I consider a sexual act in plain sight at a Gay Pride Parade, and I have attended them since 1976! You are a conspiracy theorist, who has issues with your sexuality too!

        1. Rev. Michael Gerraghty II's Avatar Rev. Michael Gerraghty II

          I live approx. 45 minutes from where this story is from and the bigotry is appalling.

          1. Rev. MichaelRS's Avatar Rev. MichaelRS

            Yes, apparently morality, in not wanting to have a parade that celebrates people's proclivities in the bedroom, is bigotry these days.

        2. Rev. MichaelRS's Avatar Rev. MichaelRS

          Go to YouTube and search:

          "Grown men engaged in adult acts at Pride event".

          There you will find a 15 minute 40 second video the displays one such Act. Unfortunately it's YouTube and all that out there cannot be shown.

          It will also explain to you the desensitation that goes on for grooming children to the lifestyle

          1. Joshua's Avatar Joshua

            You can't judge an entire community by the actions of a few. Search up Catholic priest grooms children. That doesn't mean all priests are bad tho. We have no right to dictate the lives of others and they have the right and freedom to assemble and celebrate who they are. However they should be held to the same standard as anyone else when in public and the FEW who don't should face the consequences of that. But oppressing a community of people who just want to live their life as who they are isn't very Christian of anyone and anyone who does isn't a true Christian but wolf in sheep's clothing. People accuse them of shoving their agenda down our throats while trying to shove their own down everyone elses. The hypocrisy of it all.

            1. Rev. MichaelRS's Avatar Rev. MichaelRS

              Christians are not required to ignore sin and they're not required to keep quiet about it. To say that Christian people are not really Christian because they call out sin and object to hedonistic pagan displays of sexuality, asexuality that wherever it is mentioned in the scriptures there's nothing good to say about it, is ridiculous on the face of it.

            2. Rev. MichaelRS's Avatar Rev. MichaelRS

              The Catholic priest you mentioned did their evil in secret.

              The few (and I disagree that it's only a few), acting out there faux sexual fantasies in public during these parades, are not only tolerated by what would then logically be considered the many, but they are applauded for it.

              1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

                Rev. Michael,

                In the YouTube video, no children are abused. With predator priests, the scars in children stay for life. Get a reality check!

            3. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day


              I agree with you.

          2. Joshua's Avatar Joshua

            Also I hate to break it to you but there are PLENTY of non LGBTQ+ people who do the same out in public, especially on Tik Tok, go look for yourself if you don't believe me.

            1. Rev. MichaelRS's Avatar Rev. MichaelRS

              What makes you think I approve of those disgusting displays by heterosexual people

              1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

                Rev. Michael,

                You seem to have a chip on your shoulder when it comes to LGBT people!

          3. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

            Rev. MichaelRS, might I suggest you stay away from watching that which bothers you so much on YouTube?

            1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

              Rev. BH,

              Wise advice :-)!

        3. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

          Danny D. Maynard,

          Sin has a victim - yourself :-)

      4. Amber Fry's Avatar Amber Fry

        I thought old testament was pre-christ material? Jesus taught his way in the new. The old is good to know but if Christianity was what he taught then why fall back to the old?

        1. Rev. MichaelRS's Avatar Rev. MichaelRS

          According to Matthew 5:17 Jesus said

          "Do not think I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I come not to abolish it but to fulfill it."

          Another words what was sin still remains sin, but the way to obtain forgiveness and salvation was changed

          1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

            Rev. Michael,

            It was not changed but brought to fulfillment. Again, you have no theological preparation. This is evident in your choice of language regarding biblical truth.

        2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

          Amber Fry,

          The New Testament without the Old is like a roof with no house! Nonsense! Get a theology class. It might help a bit :-)

      5. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        Rev. Michael,

        1. If you were a scholar, you would know that John 1-12 is a spurious text, and as such (as nice as it may sound) it bears no authorty. It is NOT part of God's Word. There are two major spurious texts in the New Testament, the second being in one of John's letters.

        2. Jesus was aware of sin, far more than you and I! That's why he gave his life for us! He was more than a behavior modification stern judge! He acted as a savior.

        Read your Bible :-)

    3. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

      That is an interesting acronym, WWJD, MOST CHRISTIANS would not know what would Jesus do, and why? Let me explain it with the same acronym that should have stood for WALK WITH JESUS DAILY. Unless you walk with Jesus daily, you would have no idea, what Jesus would do, when you encounter hurdles that this sinful world puts there. Most Christians sow their wild oats 6 days a week, then on the seventh, go to church for an hour and pray for crop failure. That is what the world sees, the 6 days a week, not the one hour in church before they go home to TV, sports, recreation, parties etc.

      1. Danny D. Maynard's Avatar Danny D. Maynard

        One does not need religion, any religion, or any religious icon, to be a good person. Using religion to hide your "baddness" makes one a hypocrite.

      2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        Thomas P. Davis,

        ... and secret vices!

  1. Rev “D”'s Avatar Rev “D”

    Once again radical christians forcing others to accept their bs. If they don't participate in parade, they should go to church, praying for their god’s compassion to come onto them, while not judging others. SMH. christians such hypocrites.

    1. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

      Really the bible says quite the opposite. Eze 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand. Eze 33:8 When I say unto the wicked, O wicked man, thou shalt surely die; if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand. That is why Paul could say this "Act 20:26 Wherefore I take you to record this day, that I am pure from the blood of all men." What we CANNOT do is Judge the motives of the heart. Only God has the ability to do that.

      1. Anisahoni's Avatar Anisahoni

        Pretty awfully violent stuff with a very weird focus on blood, a bunch of cannibals. The same story book promomtes rape and incest too as well as infanticide. Gotta love the book of myths where the ancient Sumarian writings on Creation were plagerized and changed to fit the whims of Constantine and his scribes. We were created by the Anunnaki not some bearded whtie guy in the sky.

        1. Rev “D”'s Avatar Rev “D”

          100% Anisahoni. Well said.

        2. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

          It's not a story book as you imply. It is rather a history book that accurately portrays life on this planet as we use our own free will to make choices that sometimes only affect us and at other times affect others. It does not promote sin but does report the effects of those sins.

          1. Joy's Avatar Joy

            "Accurately"??? How many times has the story book been changed over time to fit the rulers and church people of the time??

            1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day


              It never has. Kumaran proves that.

              I'm not sure where you get your mythical facts!

          2. Amber Fry's Avatar Amber Fry

            Some parts of it is history and somewhat questionable at that. Most of it is theology through storytelling. Making personal choices that affects one's self should be the focus. Minimize what affects others particularly where it may harm those others is just as important.However if one were to insist on being Christian then following the parts where Christ discusses how he lives and encourages others to live (not forces on others but walks his talk as more example) is the point. It really is frightening how so many disregard his teachings but claim the title.

            1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

              Amber Fry,

              I am Christian pastor, but I agree.

        3. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day


          You are so self-absorbed in your myths misrepresenting, even, what e Christians believe... and by the way, how about taking a history class?

          1. Anisahoni's Avatar Anisahoni

            How about you take a class on how to respect women. I was raised Christian. Go away.

            1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day


              I counsel women in my practice, and they seem happy. You need a reality check, dear :-)

      2. Danny D. Maynard's Avatar Danny D. Maynard

        Your chosen brand of murderous mythology is just too violent, hateful and bloody for my tastes!

      3. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        Thomas P. Davis,

        Amen to that!

    2. Russel A. Kester's Avatar Russel A. Kester

      Thomas, according to the NARBE's notes, the versus you are quoting are parts of a much longer Oracle addressed to the whole house of Israel as the exiles of the time blamed their ancestors for the sins against God that resulted in their defeat and exile. Trying to apply it between individual persons doesn't seem appropriate. Especially not if one is talking about a subject such as sexual orientation. However, it does seem it could apply to any people (country) that is too permissive in allowing bad ideologies which weaken the country from within and leads to its ruin. Then, indeed, the sins of the previous generations would be visited upon subsequent generations. This understanding is in agreement with another verse in the Bible which says that the sins of the father are visited upon his children and his children's children down to the seventh generation. So the versus you quoted are related to intergenerational groups not individual acts. Thus, you have misapplied them.

      1. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

        It was not in reference to sexual orientation; it was in reference to the judging remark. It still applied in the New Testament, that is why I also supplied Paul's quote "That is why Paul could say this "Act 20:26 Wherefore I take you to record this day, that I am pure from the blood of all men." Your other statement is also of interest to me, you must be part of the group that believes in original sin propagated by one denomination and accepted by many. If the sins of the father are passed down to the next generation, we are ALL DOOMED! Why? because that would mean that Jesus was born in sin, and the sacrifice to pay for the penalty of our sins, needed to be spotless. Scripture says "Eze 18:20 ...... The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him. Babies are not born in sin; a denomination will teach that because they believe the intimacy that the father and mother had to produce that child was sinful. So, the product of that act is also sinful. That is why the same group says any attempt to prevent the fertilization of the egg is also sinful, because you are performing that act for personal pleasure. The bible says "Jas 4:17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin. Joh 9:41 Jesus said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth. Joh 15:22 If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloke for their sin. 


        1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

          Thomas P. Davis,

          You are causing some confusion and misleading primary concepts with your human reasoning.

          1 Jesus (Yeshua = savation) was the Son of God, God himself. Sin cannot coexist with God. 2 Dt 28 states that we inherit the curses, ie the consequences of sin - even the tendency to sin. That's called concupiscence, aka original sin. It isn't about personal guilt, but the need for purification. Hence Yeshua (salvatpn). 3 James, Jesis' brother, purely refers to giving witness. He was a Judaiser, who found it hard to give up the things he stated in his letter, as was the decision after the Council of Jerusalem in Acts 15. He didn't seem to get on with Paul quite well because Paul had his way about the strategies of preaching to the Gentiles without compelling them to the Torah. That is one of the reasons Peter went to Rome, to legitimize his work there - eventually, they were both martyred.

          1. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

            You were correct until this remark "aka original sin" original sin is a concept of my former church. As in the above verses I quoted we do not inherit the sin of our predecessors. If we did, we are doomed. Since Jesus was born as MAN and tempted in always, then He too according to the definition of original sin would be a sinner and the perfect sacrifice would no longer meet the requirements and He would have lost and taken us with Him. That is why the antichrist says He was not born of flesh, because my former church teaches that He was not born of Human flesh. He was born of His mother, and she was not born of human flesh according to their teachings. Your other statement on Paul is intriguing as well. The Baptist pastor that I work with, worded it a bit differently. He said Paul was a new Christian therefore much of what he said needs to be interpreted, that he was a babe in Christ and didn't have the knowledge of a mature Christian.

            1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

              Thomas P. Davis,

              You start from an ontological misconception. Sin can be viewed as transgression (voluntary) or iniquity (tendency). We have inherited the tendency, and that is what Christ (who had no tendency because, though born of a woman, he was also born of God) didn't have. But yes, he could have transgressed, had he wanted to. He didn't, though tempted.

              As for Paul, he states that he was a Jew teaching Gentiles. All you have to do is just read his letters.

              1. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

                I will just stick with the bible definition of sin. 1Jn 3:4  Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law. Not mans as he tries to justify his choices. Christ separated His divinity from humanity at His birth. Paul taught both Jews and Gentiles. I am glad Christ did not transgress because we would not be here now.

              2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

                Thomas P. Davis,

                Christ's divinity was never separated from his humanity. Even the Assyrian Church of the East now says that!

              3. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

                If the two were not separated He could not have died on the cross and If He maintained His divinity than He could not have been tempted in always like we are because He would not have the ability to sin.

              4. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

                Thomas P. Davis,

                Thank you for your comment. You make a perfect point and hit the nail right there!

                That is why we say that the Incarnation is a mystery and has caused many councils and debates over the centuries. This is why we have Jehovah's Witnesses (ancient Arians), Oriental Orthodox, and Assyrian Church of the East besides mainstream Christianity :-)

      2. Russel A. Kester's Avatar Russel A. Kester

        Thomas, from what we have both noticed in various biblical versus, it seems that there are at least two types of sins referenced in the Bible, corporate and personal. If this is correct, then it would make sense that there are at least two types of punishment, corporate and personal. This makes sense because we know that if I do something wrong that only affects me, then only I suffer. If I gamble away everything I have, then my whole family suffers. And if an entire nation allows itself to become weak and morally corrupt, then the nation will fall either from without or from within add this the whole nation suffers. Each person's sin therefore contributed to the wrongdoings as a nation and all suffer a shared punishment.

        1. Danny D. Maynard's Avatar Danny D. Maynard

          Well, that is the same as punishing an entire class because no student will snitch. Likely they have a great fears when being a tattletale, and there are causes for that kind of behavior. Guess what some of them are! Frankly, that corporate punishment, because a large bunch of people who are bad, is an intolerable policy and behavior!

          1. Russel A. Kester's Avatar Russel A. Kester

            Danny, under some circumstances this is simply reality. When nations go to war, real, ugly war, everyone in the nation suffers even though it might have been only a small number of people who wanted and started it. This not due to some divine policy on punishment, but the reality of life. We in the US have lived so long in with our luxury privileges that we have lost touch with realities like these experiences in Africa and Haiti today.

        2. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

          Two types of sin, scary, it reminds me of my old church that places different values on sin. I will just stick with the biblical definition. Jas 2:10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. Not sure about these two types of punishment. The only one I read is where all the wicked are thrown into the lake of fire.

          1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

            Thomas P. Davis,

            No kind of sin can coexist with God.

            1. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis


    3. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      SMH?? What's that?

  1. Joy's Avatar Joy

    Then don’t go to the parade! It’s really that simple.

    1. Michael Siebielec's Avatar Michael Siebielec

      Christofascists are only happy when they have unrestricted free rein to groom children from birth.

      1. Bruce Kevin Jones's Avatar Bruce Kevin Jones

        I have to ask because you are contradicting terms in the creation of a word that does not exist in Websters. socialism incorporates fascism as one of its main proponents, Fascism is lite Marxism as Lenin sent Mussolini a letter of congratulations for turning Italy into a Marxist state in 1921.

        This places Fascist as a flavor of socialism, with Nazism not that far away.

        Now HOW can fascism be combined with open love for all to come to my church Christ identify in any way shape or form to Godless communism?

        i don't understand your viewpoint. I am Gay and I don't understand your viewpoint. I won't disallow LBGTQAI+76 from my ministery because of their sexual identification. God does not care about your physical body, only your soul. Gays were kicked out of church after 1836 because of a lay preacher who read the Bible once stated God hates all Homosexuals because of Sodom and Gomorrah: a fable included in the Bible because it was 'ANTI-ROME'.

        You HAVE to remember our Bible is not original, it was changed for tax reasons 1800 years ago, the parts talking about reincarnation, magic and astrology were removed, so that Sodom and Gomorrah makes no sense. ...Unless you include the Charter of Sodom being found by Schliemann right after he found the royal apartments of King Priam of Troy.

        anyway Jesus never turned anyone away, why should I?

        1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

          Socialism does not incorporate fascism as one of it's main proponents, that's just patently false. Many countries in Europe are democratic socialist countries and not in any way fascist.

          Fascism is a far-right ideology that features a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism. While fascist nations can incorporate socialist economic policies in certain instances, fascism is generally opposed to democracy, liberalism, socialism, and Marxism.

          The term Christofascist alludes to how far-right Christians have an affinity toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control based upon imposing their religious beliefs upon others and the forcible suppression of opposing views such as their attempts to criminalize homosexuality and force the LGBTQ+ community out of the public sphere.

          1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

            Check your history....Fascism is a far-left ideology like communism and socialism. Always has been and always will be. Its run by a group of people who seem to think they know more about you then you do and agree that the state should take care of you from cradle to grave.

          2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

            Michael Hunt,

            What does that Q stand for?

        2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

          Bruce Kevin Jones,

          There is archeological evidence that the Bible has never been changed. Study Kumran, for instance. Second, your argument on soul/body dichotomy falls into the Manichean heresy.

          1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            Yes, the Bible is just as corrupt, and full of horror, as it was back in the day. However, there have been changes, depending on what version of the Bible one reads.

            Personally, I'll stick to the Harry Potter books as they contain better stories of fiction, and more suitable for children, with less horror, and mayhem.


            1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day


              The Bible and biblical translations are different; you know this well. It has been proved through Kumran that the original text has no alterations except the woman caught in adultery in John 8 and references to the elements of nature representing the Trinity in the First Letter of John. But they don't add anything to the funfamental message.

      2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        Michael Siebielec,

        That's a cheap generalization.

    2. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

      There's more to it then not going to the parade. It me a ns standing up to immorality. Etc

      1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        Keith Allen Steele Eash,

        So, being gay is immoral now, is it?

    3. James Richard Munro's Avatar James Richard Munro

      A parade should be a place where descent people can bring their kids and grandkids without having to be exposed to a bunch of perverts. Just Saty NO. Not in my Neiborhood. Pastor Jim

      1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        James Richard Munro,

        What precisely is so 'indescent' about LGBT parades?

  1. Nicholas J Page's Avatar Nicholas J Page

    Why push back a pride event your not and never will be a True Christian to interfere in other peoples beliefs or businesses

  1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

    Why should they have any celebration? I mean if the KKK decided to come in and hold a celebration using their logic you would have to let them proceed. If NAMBLA tried to hold a celebration, you would have to let them have it. Like it or not you have to draw the line somewhere and no matter what you do you are not going to make everyone happy. The common sense thing would be if Broadview does not want them and Cleveland does, then let them have the celebration in Cleveland, I mean look at the map, its less then 10 miles away. If the Celebration is so important to them then whats 10 miles difference make?

    1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

      You equate NAMBLA and the KKK with the LGBQT+ ? Get back on your meds.

      1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        Rev. BH,

        It's all free speech :-) !

    2. Danny D. Maynard's Avatar Danny D. Maynard

      We now know what is on your mind, Daniel Gray! Shame on you!

    3. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Daniel Gray,

      I believe it is more a matter of principle and dignity than miles of distance.

  1. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

    The article concludes with the statement that "They (LGBTQ+ rights supporters) also argue it would be bad precedent to let a religious majority dictate what activities are and aren't allowed in their community." Even if those supporters used this word, I see no evidence in the article that the small group of people who showed up at the City Council meeting represent a "majority" of the 19,635 residents of Broadview Heights, Ohio. It is wrong to claim that a vocal minority constitutes "the majority."

    1. Russel A. Kester's Avatar Russel A. Kester

      John, good point. I too noticed while reading another article on this that there was just a handful at the city council meeting which were hardly representative of the entire community.

      1. Rev. MichaelRS's Avatar Rev. MichaelRS

        Which could mean those not there don't care about their Community one way or the other

        1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

          Wrong. They don't care about the ISSUE one way or another.

      2. Theresa Alai's Avatar Theresa Alai

        My daughter attended. There were actually only about 70 people there. And of those, barely half were in opposition. And of that half, most were couples, so the actual number of households represented was maybe 18-20. Not a huge mandate against it!

    2. Danny D. Maynard's Avatar Danny D. Maynard

      It is true that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Their particular brand of loudness at the city council meeting is trying to make the city council see them as a "fake majority" with powers that they do not have now ... or ever.

  1. Robert Gagnon's Avatar Robert Gagnon

    If it was a weekly thing I could see the annoyance, but one for the month, let them have their parade.

    1. Danny D. Maynard's Avatar Danny D. Maynard

      The parade happens only once a year for a specific city. There are many communities, cities and counties in this very large nation.

    2. Rev. MichaelRS's Avatar Rev. MichaelRS

      Whether it's children or society that's how grooming works.

      "Oh it's only one day one parade once a year. Just relax and let it happen."

      But I've seen the evolution of this over time. Before there was Pride month there was Pride dsy. Then there was Pride weekend then Pride week and now there's all of June for Pride month.

      This year for that town it might be one day of a pride parade. But next year they're going to demand a whole weekend to rent out a park for Pride weekend. And then next they're going to lambast the city council for being bigots if they don't fly a pride flag from the city hall flag pole for all of pride month.

      1. Anisahoni's Avatar Anisahoni

        Sorry, parades are not about grooming and that's not how it works. Parade goers do not have an interest in kids to sexually abuse. They are there to have fun, celebrate and gather with friends and even show off their costumes. Someone decided to take a term we psychotherapists use to idientify behaviors and motives of pedophiles and how we have identified how pedophiles sexually abuse children. The grooming process by child sexual offenders takes a lot of time to develop prospective victim relationships, learn about their victim’s vulnerabilities, likes and interests. They use this knowledge to gain and maintain control and trust of the child, and then slowly introduce sexual content and then physical contact. They gain the trust of parent's/caregivers in order to manipulate them to trust them, as well. It is unconscionable that homophobes pretend to understand the process of grooming when they are clueless about pedophilia. They are not trained nor licensed to diagnose let alone treat pedophilia. They are triggered and fearful and use their theology as a weapon..

        1. Rev. MichaelRS's Avatar Rev. MichaelRS

          Two points here:

          (1) Why have a parade that is, essentially, about what one does in the bedroom?

          (2) Taking steps to normalizing or desensitizing a child to aberrant behavior is one of the first steps in grooming.

          1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt
            1. The parade is about being able to be public as your honest self. It's about being able to hold hands in public as a same-sex couple without being assaulted or arrested. No one bats an eye at an opposite-sex couple holding hands or kissing in public, clearly flaunting what they do in the bedroom, but a gay couple does it and it's some disgusting sexual deviancy that belongs only in the bedroom.

            2. You're positing that aberrant behavior is categorically wrong when it generally just means it is outside of the norm. By that token, I could say that taking a child to a Baptist church where they speak in tongues is "normalizing or desensitizing a child to aberrant behavior" and therefore religious grooming. Of course you'd think that it's fine to groom a child into believing a religious fantasy but for some reason teaching your child that some people are homosexual is grooming them to be victims of sexual abuse. Statistically speaking, children are more likely to be abused by church leaders than a gay person so really taking your child to church has more to do with grooming children to be victims of pedophiles than taking them to a Pride parade.

            Now, if you are stating that being LGBTQ is aberrant because it is straying from the "right" way to love someone, I vehemently disagree that heterosexual relationships are the "right" way. A loving, compassionate relationship, regardless of the gender of those involved, should be the "right" way.

            1. Rev. MichaelRS's Avatar Rev. MichaelRS

              The whole alphabet agenda is not set up to simply teach kids that some people are homosexual or trans and to live and let live, it's designed to make those lifestyles and life decisions actively appealing to children to draw them into those communities.

              And to be clear, I would have the same problem if it was a parade where a man and woman were performing faux B&D acts or a heterosexual woman was twerking in front of little kids and her panties.

              ( search on YouTube "old man twerks in front of children at Pride Parade")

              And it really doesn't matter what you SAY the parade about as people can see with their own eyes that they are highly sexualized events with many hedonistic displays.

              Lastly; Please provide the study citation that shows "statistically" children are more likely to be molested through church participation than by a gay person outside of a church environment.

              And to be clear, it is NOT necessarily my position that it is the other way around. But I would like to know what you base your position on

              1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

                Here's an article citing a study showing that less than 1% of identified abusers are homosexual. https://stopabusecampaign.org/2017/03/10/are-most-sex-abusers-heterosexual/

                This website lists statistics on sexual abuse in churches by clergy and includes child sexual material https://www.notinourchurch.com/statistics.html

                This study found that 4.4% of clergy overall were accused of sexual abuse by minors https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6676731/

              2. Rev. MichaelRS's Avatar Rev. MichaelRS

                None of that was the question I asked you. But maybe I didn't make myself clear.

                You said that a child is more likely to be molested in a church situation then by a gay person outside of the church situation.

                What you submitted was information that a certain amount of sexual abuse goes on in a religious setting. I will stipulate to that.

                But which of those studies, because I couldn't see which one said it, says that same sex abuse is more likely to happen in a church setting.

                But frankly The Grooming I'm talking about in this case is not one on one grooming of a particular adult to a particular child.

                I'm talking about the entire activism of the movement to groom children to believe that those type of relationships are in any way what God intended and to encourage them to try it for themselves.

              3. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

                Rev. Michael,

                Are you, by any means, admittedly homophobic?

              4. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

                Michael Hunt,

                Thank you for this information.

              5. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

                Rev. Michael,

                I still see no nudity in the video. Had that happened on a beach, would it still have had the same attention? I doubt!

          2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

            Rev. Michael,

            Here's your bigotry and prejudice speaking loud!

            1. Same-sex attraction, gender dysphoria, and intersex condition are NOT what one does in the bedroom, though it may affect that aspect of life as well. These are unchosen life-long conditions that are at the very core of one's existence. Shame on you!

            2. Gay Pride began as a reaction to the police oppression. It developed into a reality check: these people exist and they are not at fault for what they are. The Church has FAILED at any sort of lacking pastoral approach, not following the model of the Master who chose people and the margins of society as their disciples.

            And yet again, you sink in your ignorance and prejudice!

            I believe in the doctrine of predestination. You show no sign of wisdom or prosperity in Christ.

      2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        Rev. Michael,

        This is happening only and solely because the Church has done a lousy job of welcoming them! Just check personal stories and the abuse they have received from so-called ex-gay programs, most of which were dismantled after they realized that the pray-the-gy-away didn't work, like Exodus (and not without countless victims along the road) or simply went LGBT (like People-Can-Change leaders).

        So you and I need to do some thorough inventory here as leaders - and mind you, I have gender dysphoria but live my life as a man and my chastity according to biblical requirements! So, no... you can't point your better-than-though heterosexual finger at me!

        My good friend, Allan Chambers, used to be president of Exodus, and I also used to think that way. We both came to terms with reality!

        Wake up!

  1. Parson Golden's Avatar Parson Golden

    If they are pushing back over a Pride parade, they are not ‘Christians’ but actual are making up their own religion. Which many do under the guise of Christianity.

    1. Clay Serenbetz's Avatar Clay Serenbetz

      I agree. Christianity doesn't teach its adherents to hate.

      1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

        Actually Clay it does. The biblical meaning of hate is to choose against something. For example, Christians are to choose against adultery or to hate adultery.

        It's not just Christians that hate. Non Christians hate quite a few things. For example, a heterosexual atheist hates homosexual relationships. Conversely, a homosexual atheist hates heterosexual relationships. Non Christians hate Christianity.

        It's really simple.

        1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

          I'm a heterosexual atheist and I do not hate homosexual relationships at all. What kind of nonsense are you talking about? I mean I get that Christianity is a fear based religion and hate is a cousin to fear so you're right that Christians do hate, but your other examples make no sense.

          Just because I do not partake in something does not mean I hate it. I generally don't partake in country music concerts but I can appreciate and accept country music still.

          Hate requires not just being against something or disliking it but ill will towards the person or thing as well. You're trying to oversimplify the feelings of dislike into black and white when there's a whole range of grays in between.

          1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

            Michael Hunt,

            He probably heard the Christian concept of 'just discrimination' from somewhere, confusing the terms and struggling to put things in context.

        2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day


          You are confusing hate with just discrimination.

    2. Rev. MichaelRS's Avatar Rev. MichaelRS

      How do you figure they are not Christians? Every time the Bible (in this case from a Christian perspective the Old and New Testaments) directly or indirectly mentions the issue of same sex relationships it has nothing good to say about it.

      That's not me talking, it's a fact any Biblical verses on the subject.

      1. Anisahoni's Avatar Anisahoni

        There is nothing about lesbian women in the historical bible being ostracized. However, there are numerous stories about rape and incest being ok. These so called Christians only know one version and that is King James version, which is a joke becuase so many other books and myths were left out. Those who scream the loudest against the LGBTQ+ people are insecure about their own sexuality. It's also interesting that those folks use the terms "grooming" which in my profession is a term for how pedophiles manipulate victims and victim families. As far as the Torah is concerned, modern Jews (Reconstructionist, Humanistic, and Reform) Judaism have all openly accepted homosexuality, homosexual intercourse, and same-sex marriage. So these Christians in that town are not representative of "all of God’s people " as the towns people claim. They are hypocrites.

        1. Gary Young's Avatar Gary Young

          Perhaps this fear is symptomatic of their own insecurities. The lady doth protest too much, methinks!

          1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

            The lady is not protesting - she's offering a valid viewpoint.

        2. Bruce Kevin Jones's Avatar Bruce Kevin Jones

          Actually you are completely incorrect. The anti-gay viewpoint of Christianity began in 1836 Massachusetts with AS Beale a lay preacher who began the lie that God hates all homosexuals because of Sodom and Gomorrah.

          Since this time anti-gay has mushroomed. Myself I think that Trans should not be included because all of them are straight. But you have to deal with the lard as well as the cream in making butter!

          For those want want original texts the best is to use the original Hebrew.

          The study of kabbalah will extrapolate each letter so you can figure out the rest of the message based upon the code words and spaces used to convey the message.

          IE Berashith is the first word in the Torah, in English it transliterates into "In the Beginning" extrapolated this one word becomes a 17 page chapter on How God made the world explained in particle physics written for High School students.

          This is HOW you find out the lineage of Jesus, because using this science will explain all those lives that came before he was born, instead of this "guy begot that child" and so on.

          1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

            Bruce Kevin Jones,

            First of all, Kabalh isn't a science but mysticism that uncovers secret truths - nothing to do with what is being discussed here. Second, in 1836 the word 'homosexual' still didn't exist.

            1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

              Ooooo! Secret truths! Tell me, tell me. What am I missing? 🤭


              1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day


                You sound like the evil queen in Snow White! LOL

        3. Rev. MichaelRS's Avatar Rev. MichaelRS

          If you want to be specific about lesbianism there is Romans 1:26 to 27.

          Back in the day they many times tended to use the masculine to mean all people, Like in Spanish today if you have a mixed group of male and female friends you would call them "AmigOs" you don't say "These are my AmigOs and AmigAs" to indicate that applies to both.

          And as I stated originally, anytime the is any reference to it any which way in any of the Jewish or Christian Bibles. It's not a positive reference.

          1. William J Lewis's Avatar William J Lewis

            You need to read the texts in their original languages, for one the Christians in persecuted in Rome and fed to the beasts, were sowing division among the citizens of Rome. Just as these folks are doing. The best answer here was, if you don't like the festivities don't participate. As a Reverend it is your job to teach your flock to be followers of Christ, Not political activists, if they are taught properly then IF they chose to become Politicians they will carry their beliefs with them. A fact, obviously, all to many "Preachers" don't understand. Reverends get their ego bruised when people Do the will of God, as they see it, instead of their will.

            1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

              William J Lewis,

              Your comment makes very little sense!

          2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

            Rev. Michael,

            It' the same in Italian.

        4. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day


          How interesting that you deliberately leave out Orthodox Jews - as Messianic Jews we look to them for authenticity. As for ' grooming,' I also groom my cat! :-)

          1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            You "also" groom your cat? What else are you grooming? 🤣


            1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day


              This isn't Kabbalah, and no... I don't use my cat a a sexual object :-)

      2. Donald R. Wooster's Avatar Donald R. Wooster

        Christian's need to realize that there is no constructive dialogue to be had with the LGBTQ......XYZ community. Leave them to their own devices and concentrate on your own spiritual growth. They want to use Jesus Christ, when he suits their purpose, and discard him when he doesn't. LET THEM! They want to play word games with scripture. LET THEM! If you are a true follower of Christ and the Bible, you certainly KNOW that all the things you see happening around you are FORETOLD. Take comfort knowing that there is nothing you, as a Christian, can do to change God's ultimate plan. The parades, marches, "festivals", pride events, let it go. Maybe if they see that nobody really cares about their silliness, they'll start to live like rational humans instead of spoiled, entitled children, although I truly doubt it. Unfortunately, many Christian's feel that it's THEIR responsibility to change the whole sick world. NO, it's NOT. The old "you can lead a horse to water......." applies here. As for myself, I don't waste time on people who's hearts are hardened by selfishness. I can tell people about Christ, I can tell them what I believe, but I refuse to argue with people about silly pronouns, men who think their women, women who think their men. NO. It's futile anyway. Pride blocks out all reason. In the interim, as this worldly mess plays out, Christian's should seriously consider not "casting pearls before swine", but rather, "shaking the dust from their feet".

        1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

          Donald R. Wooster,

          I hear a lot of passive aggressiveness in your words, especially referring to LGBT persons in the third person, though you now we are many here.

      3. Thomas Denney's Avatar Thomas Denney

        Indeed! That's why the Creator of the Universe (hereinafter "Creator") smote David mightily for loving Jonathan until he exceeded. "Creator" could not abide that their love for each other exceeded their love of women. Oh, and the hatred that Jesus had for f---, as he expressed so often (needs citation). Creator hated these sodomites so completely, He held them in the same contempt as He holds those who eat shellfish.

      4. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        Rev. Michael,

        That is not true. Do you recall David and Jonathan, or Rith and Naomi?

        Also, the word homosexual wasn't around when the King James was first published. I suggest you check out the Queen James Bible https://www.theology-of-the-body-church.co.uk/bookshop

        1. Rev. MichaelRS's Avatar Rev. MichaelRS

          Yes, I've already heard the heresy related to David & Jonathan and Ruth & Naomi trying to turn what amounted to brother or sisterly platonic love into gay erotica. And I reject that not only because of traditional teachings but also because it's ahistorical and not in keeping with contemporary Jewish Society of the time.

          Of course people are people and individuals will do whatever. But Israelite society back then was not really down with that sort of thing.

          It's one of the many things they found objectionable about their polytheistic Greek and Roman conquerors at various times

          1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

            Rev. Michael,

            Who mentioned they were gay lovers? I didn't. You do!

            You see, you are so judgmental to the point of putting things in someone else's mouth!

            The story, which you know well, points to the honor God has for deep friendships, and, if anything, on a pastoral level, this is where we need to start when reaching out to LGBT persons.

            It's not by alienating them that you preach the gospel of salvation.

            Jesus would eat with us and have quality time with us. Ad he would call you a white sepulcher! Sounds familiar?

    3. Barrett Green's Avatar Barrett Green

      Leviticus states the moment two men lie together like a man and. Woman they are dead.

      1. Michael Siebielec's Avatar Michael Siebielec

        So what? Leviticus says a lot of stuff Christians love to ignore.

      2. Bobbie Ramer's Avatar Bobbie Ramer

        Barret, please read thru the Book of Leviticus and see how many of the OTHER laws you are breaking,

        Bobbie Ramer, Commissioned Lay Pastor and an openly gay man.

      3. John Franklin Carmichael's Avatar John Franklin Carmichael

        And reality has proven that wrong.

      4. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        Barrett Green,

        It also says you should stone women caught in adultery. Is that what you do?

    4. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

      I dare say you're wrong . In Acts those who practiced paganism and witchcraft burnt their books. So,the whole reason today is that Christians have not fought back for their values. Sit idly by and the left will achieve their goal. One must fight. It is a spiritual battle. As another person suggested just ignore them but they won't go away.

      1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        Keith Allen Steele Eash,

        Oh so the gospel i about politics now, is it? I do recall you might be Roman Catholic!

    5. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Parson Golden,

      Is Metropolitan Community Church not Christian?

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