The company behind the exercise phenomenon known as "CrossFit" recently found itself in the middle of a heated debate over religious freedom and LGBT rights.
The controversy began after an Indianapolis CrossFit gym decided to cancel a workout session planned during an LGBT Pride event. Members of the gym were informed of the cancellation via an email which read that "the owners of the gym value health and wellness, and they believe that this event does not."
A top CrossFit employee named Russell Berger then proceeded to voice his support for the cancellation on Twitter, thanking the company for "standing by your convictions and refusing to celebrate sin by hosting an @indypride workout."
As tends to happen these days, the comments quickly spread across social media. But even in the face of widespread condemnation, Berger chose to double down on his comments. He told the media: "I use the word 'sin' to describe pride events, and the sexual lifestyles associated with them, because that's what God's Word calls it, and I believe that God's Word is true."
Given the Boot
As you might imagine, this didn't improve matters much. Amid the ensuing outrage, CrossFit swiftly made the decision to fire Berger from his position at the company. Many people celebrated the move as a win against the Christian bigotry often faced by members of the LGBT community.
They also pointed to the incident as a clear example that freedom of speech doesn't necessarily mean freedom from consequences. The message is: if you want to discriminate against gay people, be prepared to face the ramifications.
In an interview with a Christian radio show after his firing, Berger expressed dismay that the comments were enough to get him fired:
"I think it's a really sobering and disheartening example of where we are as a culture that simply by expressing those views, which, again, have been pretty standard views for the historic Christian faith for thousands of years, that view is no longer tolerated, and, in fact, it's a view that's so divisive and so intolerable that it's the kind of thing you can't say and expect to keep your job."
Christians Speak Out
Many Christians also took issue with how Berger was let go. They turned the situation around to accuse CrossFit of being "intolerant" against an employee who "expressed his personal religious beliefs on his personal account."
Among Berger's staunchest defenders were prominent Christian pastors such as Franklin Graham. "I'm proud of Russell for being bold and standing on God's Word, no matter the cost. That takes guts. Join me in praying for him. As Christians, we all need to love people enough to tell them the truth," the evangelist said in a widely-shared Facebook post.
Conservative author Rod Dreher offered another take, writing:
"Gay activists and their supporters among the gym's employees destroyed this Christian's business, not because he wouldn't allow gays to work out at the gym, but because he would not permit them to celebrate gay Pride there. They shattered his business overnight without filing a charge or a lawsuit, but solely by using the power of stigma and collective action."
"God's Word" Vs. Respecting Others
Despite marked improvement in the area of LGBT rights, stories like these are still common across the country. Some involve only minor offenses, but others are shockingly blatant.
While devout religious folks like Berger regularly take to social media to voice opposition to the LGBT community, they are rarely able to properly explain or justify their views beyond blindly quoting scripture. Simply insisting that "God told me to hate them" might be a convincing argument in religious circles, but it's not going to win over many people in the general public.
If the goal is to boost support for their views, Christians might have more success if they stopped telling other people how to live their lives and instead focused on bettering themselves. A little respect goes a long way.
. bob fluetsch, Minister V, Chris, Carl Elfstrom . The names are Yahuah and Yahushua. . Pro 30:4 Who has gone up to the heavens and come down? Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who has bound the waters in a garment? Who established all the ends of the earth? What is His Name, And what is His Son’s Name, If you know it? . bob fluetsch, . You are pretty close and on the right track. Let me back you up. . Yahushua verbalized His Fathers hatred against homosexuality through teaching the Torah. Deu 18:18 "‘I (YHWH) shall raise up for them a Prophet like you(Moshe) out of the midst of their brothers(Yahudah/Judah). And I shall put My Words(Torah) in His mouth, and He shall speak to them all that I command Him." . Yahushua does not change the Torah. Mal 3:6 “For I am יהוה, I shall not change..."
. Yahushua gives the covenant of eternal life, "follow the Torah." Mat 19:17 And He said to him, “... But if you wish to enter into life, guard the commands.” . Minister V, . you responded saying, . " No. Men called homosexuality an abomination. There is nothing in the 10 Commandments (written by {YHWH's} own hand) against being LGBT. . "I have to assume that you are guessing what's in the bible so... Guess again... then read Lev. . Lev 20:1 And יהוה spoke to Mosheh, saying,... . Lev 20:13 ‘And a man who lies with a male as he lies with a woman: both of them have done an abomination, they shall certainly be put to death, their blood is upon them." . and you said, "...And then there were also (Yahushua's) words to “love one another” and that “what you do to the least amongst you, you do to me”. . Well, He is addressing the Brothers in the covenant of YHWH for eternal life, not all the Goyim/heathens written about in the scriptures. YHWH had many of them killed for their abominations. ( I am not attacking the "pagans", I am quoting scriptures). . Chris, . you said, "(Yahushua's) never said a word about homosexuality. He dined with hookers and thieves and others that society condemned." Hmmm? . Mat 9:11 And when the Pharisees saw it, they said to His taught ones, “Why does your Teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” 12 And יהושע hearing this, said to them, “Those who are strong have no need of a physician, but those who are sick...." Carl Elfstrom . You said, "A lot of Christians don’t hold the same deep beliefs as other Christians." ... So true, church christians let their conscience be their guide, not the Torah of YHWH. What a joke. That comes in part from the twisted writings of the false prophet Paul/Shaul. I knew a gay man that was 42 at the time. He was a church christian. He said, "I'm 42 yr old and I have never had sex with a woman." Shabbath shalom, Allen
Come on, Bob, you're not really that simple-minded, are you? Your god says one thing, hers says another, his yet another, yada, yada, yada. My point, which you missed entirely, is all deities are man-made and confabulated by mostly old men, and the only real Way is how we all treat every living thing, every day. Let go of all that superstitious nonsense most of us grew up with, and take this chance for personal growth, I implore you.
Excuse me but I'm not wearing my glasses ... of course I mean " Do unto.. ". If everyone lived by this credo, in every day and every wsy, the world would not be as hateful as it is. My website based on my ministry is under construction, but will soon be actively showing all what I mean when I show them how hateful, divisive, and entirely wrong-minded and self-serving all of the world's religions are.
I would like all who have commented here to read this entire conversation as I have done, and see how nonsensical ALL of the quotations from all the sources are. This is why I have founded my ministry on helping all to let go of the religious gobbledygook they think they understand, and only live every aspect of your lives following these words, and no others: Do into others as you would have them do into you. These 11 words are what I call The Way, as I name my ministry, and ask you all to set down your bibles/ torahs/talmuds/korans,/etc as they all in their ways preach hate toward others for various reasons based on what some old men a long long time ago supposedly said. The Golden Rule predates all organized religions today and truly is The Way.
Sherri: JESUS said. 'I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. NO man comes to the Father but by Me.' Sorry you're off track from reality and truth. Human reasoning, nice sounding platitudes, situational ethics or whatever NEVER supersedes God's Word.
Bob, Jesus' saying 'I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life' wasn't said about his physical person because nobody, in the whole 2,000 years of Christianity, has ever actually walked through the physical body of Jesus even to get across the street, much less to go to God. He was talking about his spirit, which is the spirit of truth and isn't limited to the physical person of Jesus, but is found wherever there is truth of any kind. Thus, Mahatma Gandhi had the spirit of Christ, as have many other people throughout history, who weren't Christians or even predated Christianity altogether. As Mark Twain wrote: 'if Christ were here today, there is one thing he wouldn't be---a Christian". So, the Golden Rule is as good a standard of that Way, Truth, and Life as anything else is, especially much that passes itself off as "Jesus only true representation in the world", if not much better than all of that.
John, thank you for your Insight in this line of thought. You got what I was saying, simply that all any of us need to do is be kind and thoughtful to each other in every way and Circumstance, each and every day, just as we would hope to be treated by others. I think if everyone used that thought before we interact with others in every way, our actions would always be tempered with kindness and understanding in every situation. Thank you again. I will continue to spread this singular message as much as I can.
Hey Sherri Lawton. you only quoted 1/2 of the verse: For you education Here is the whole verse. Mat 7:12 “Therefore, whatever you wish men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Torah and the Prophets. This means the entire Tanakh / OT. See the difference? The Torah you quoted is the Torah of YHWH. But as most church-christians believe, their own conscience is better that the instructions of Yahuah. What a laugh.
I know about all the gobbledygook you speak of because I used to be in church-christianity. It's all glorified pagan practices. (period) I seriously doubt whether this man follows the Torah and the prophets, or does not. And your final statements endorses that Word of YHWH. Thanks.
Allen, I don't see any difference in your reference. I am saying we all need to leave all religious history and teachings behind, as they all are hurtful, hateful and ridiculous in their own ways, especially toward women. The 11 words in the Golden Rule fit all circumstances in our lives every day without being against anything or anyone. Try it.
Scripture is clear that sex is only for married couples? What a laugh! There is more sex in the Bible, up to and including polyamory and incest than in ten xxx movies! Sex is the union of two adults who desire each other (and ideally care for each other.) Gender is a variable, and sexual identity is not fixed, nor has it been through out history ,and in the animal world.Science and medicine, hormones and biological factors determine sexual identity and preferences, as well as perhaps, DNA. If all these scripture quoting morons had ever read a book besides the bible, or studied anything but that book, there might be a more intelligent conversation about gender (which is a spectrum, rather than a duality, and sexuality, which even in the 1960's Masters and Johnson identified as fluid and situational. (See also:Dr. John Money on gender identity, Johns Hopkin's University Press.)
You're speak with a forked tongue . . . . and stay on the subject. You don't know your Bible. Sex IS for married couples, male and female. And, yes, there were numerous deviations from God's instructions, which is another different subject. And the violations of God's teachings on sex do NOT give credibility to the abhorrent, unnatural, and detestable sexual conduct to which you're referring
Tell me Bob, did you wait til your wedding night to have sex? If so.... LOL. Looooserrrr!
If not, wow, hypocrite much?
Why are some people so fixated on sodomy & anal sex ?
Not really an important topic.
Focus on doing real good for people, healing the sick, feeding the poor, etc. if you want to make the world a happier place.
Rectums are not a big concern except for G.I. Doctors healing their patients from Cancer.
In related news, Vitamin D plays an important part to GI health.
Live Well !
Yeah . . . . . too much attention given to homosexuality. It's just a 'pain in the ass' for lots of people.
At least to some.
Judeo-Christian scripture is quite clear about perversion. Sex between anyone other than a married man and woman (to each other) is forbidden and consider perversion. A business owner should either follow his beliefs and not have a business, or accept that the public is not subject to his religious beliefs.
Thanks Bill, it IS that simple.
When you walk into a job, you don't leave your first amendment protection at the door. I do agree that there is responsibility that comes with opening ones mouth. (Or typing in this case.) Having said that, just because I don't agree with you, doesn't make me a bigot, or homophobic. And just because I say that I don't agree with someones lifestyle doesn't make it 'hate speech' . And ALL of you passing judgment on this man should be ashamed of yourselves. You are no different than he is. There is so much bias against 'Christians' in the US it is staggering. Other religions (even though they hang gays by ropes from light-posts, beat them to death or otherwise just shoot them. If you don't believe me GOOGLE it.) seem to get a pass on their hatred and bigotry.
***PS. I apologize for the multiple, broken reply. My computer was acting up and it appeared the reply was just disappearing.
Technically, it doesn’t say if he voiced his opinion on company time or his own time, but it does say he used his personal Twitter account to voice his personal opinion, not a company account.
Does the company have the right to terminate over the backlash his personal opinions caused, yes.
However, I’ve witnessed horrible, hateful discrimination against other groups of people on public media, and these people were applauded for their comments. Who knows where this will all end.
I plead for all of us to put II Chronicles 7:14 into action. It’s hard to defame anyone when you’re praying for the individual’s, group’s, or country’s best interests. Let us be doers of good instead of evil.
I've signed several company contracts in this millennium that specifically state that as an hourly or salaried employee I could not defame the company or even comment on it in any way or on any of its employees in personal / private online discussions, emails, etc. If determined to be inflammatory by the company, it's grounds for termination. This is very, very old news practiced by just about every company out there.
A private company has every right to make policies governing their employees conduct while on company time. You can't hand out Burger King flyers on company time while working at McDonalds. Practice free speech on your own time.
It's not a public forum.
If you're an employee of a private company, you do not have the "right" under any Constitution to flap your gums on personal views. You absolutely have the right to say what you want on your time or time other than company paid time. Akin to handing out Burger King flyers at a McDonalds when you work there. The company pays you to follow their rules and they have the absolute right (even in a unionized place).
I agree.
For centuries gays were locked up, persecuted, killed for being who they are. They had no voice to speak against the "Moral Majority" that still believes such treatment is justified and hide behind their bible. Now that they're not being allowed to get away with discrimination and bigotry in the name of their deity they can't handle it. What happened to the "Good ol' days" when you could hate someone in the name of the Lord and not get in trouble for it? Those days are gone because people are getting tired of it.
You're still entitled to your opinion, no matter how wrong it is. Jesus never said a word about homosexuality. He dined with hookers and thieves and others that society condemned. Now, you don't have to like gay people. You don't have to associate with gay people. But you don't get a pass on hatred or bigotry anymore. Your deity isn't going to save you. Just because you practice hatred, bigotry, and intolerance in his name doesn't mean he approves of it. It's more likely all that is just adding more fuel to your own personal lake of fire rather than another floor to your mansion way up yonder.
Amen Chris totally agree with you. God bless you ?
I couldn't have said what "Chris" just said any better. :D Good job friend.
Jesus said He and His Father are one. His Father called homosexuality an abomination. So, though Jesus may have not verbalized His hatred of homosexuality, he certainly viewed it, also, as an abomination. Practicing homosexuality is sin . . . plain and simple. God judges the practice, not the person who doesn't practice the disgusting aberation.
No. Men called homosexuality an abomination. There is nothing in the 10 Commandments (written by god's own hand) against being LGBT. But there's a bit about bearing false witness. And then there were also Jesus' words to "love one another" and that "what you do to the least amongst you, you do to me".
Homophobic people wrote those anti-gay verses in the Bible. So, of course, they say that homosexuality is a "sin". What else do you expect them to say? They could no more approve of homosexuality than an anti-Semite, such as Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf, could approve of or say anything good about Jews or a Ku Klux Klansman could say anything good about black people, Catholics, and Jews, whom he hates. To point to the homosexual-hating Bible, written by homophobes, as "proof" that homosexuality is "wrong" makes no more sense than using Mein Kampf to "prove" that Jews are "evil, subhuman, and meant to be destroyed"!!! Why would you think that lies and evil things can only be spoken or evil acts can only be actually physically done, but never committed to writing, especially in the pages of the Bible, when Mein Kampf, along with many other books, is proof that evil ideas can be and are written in many books, including the Bible? How naïve and unrealistic can you possibly be?!!
Was there a gay activist group around who recorded that the writers were homophobes? Or did you just INFER that they were homophobes?
The Bible has verses in it that condemn homosexuality because it was written by homophobes. What else do you expect it to say? That's like expecting Mein Kampf, dictated by an anti-Semite (Adolf Hitler) not to condemn Jews, but no more than we would accept the statements in Mein Kampf as "proof" that Jews are "evil, subhuman vermin" and that "they should be destroyed" should we accept the similarly bigoted statements in the Bible that "homosexuality is an abomination" and "homosexuals will burn in the lake of fire after they die, if they don't repent", considering the obviously biased and prejudicial source of those statements.
Very well said, Chris
. bob fluetsch, Minister V, Chris, Carl Elfstrom . The names are Yahuah and Yahushua. . Pro 30:4 Who has gone up to the heavens and come down? Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who has bound the waters in a garment? Who established all the ends of the earth? What is His Name, And what is His Son’s Name, If you know it? . bob fluetsch, . You are pretty close and on the right track. Let me back you up. . Yahushua verbalized His Fathers hatred against homosexuality through teaching the Torah. Deu 18:18 "‘I (YHWH) shall raise up for them a Prophet like you(Moshe) out of the midst of their brothers(Yahudah/Judah). And I shall put My Words(Torah) in His mouth, and He shall speak to them all that I command Him." . Yahushua does not change the Torah. Mal 3:6 “For I am יהוה, I shall not change..."
. Yahushua gives the covenant of eternal life, "follow the Torah." Mat 19:17 And He said to him, “... But if you wish to enter into life, guard the commands.” . Minister V, . you responded saying, . " No. Men called homosexuality an abomination. There is nothing in the 10 Commandments (written by {YHWH's} own hand) against being LGBT. . "I have to assume that you are guessing what's in the bible so... Guess again... then read Lev. . Lev 20:1 And יהוה spoke to Mosheh, saying,... . Lev 20:13 ‘And a man who lies with a male as he lies with a woman: both of them have done an abomination, they shall certainly be put to death, their blood is upon them." . and you said, "...And then there were also (Yahushua's) words to “love one another” and that “what you do to the least amongst you, you do to me”. . Well, He is addressing the Brothers in the covenant of YHWH for eternal life, not all the Goyim/heathens written about in the scriptures. YHWH had many of them killed for their abominations. ( I am not attacking the "pagans", I am quoting scriptures). . Chris, . you said, "(Yahushua's) never said a word about homosexuality. He dined with hookers and thieves and others that society condemned." Hmmm? . Mat 9:11 And when the Pharisees saw it, they said to His taught ones, “Why does your Teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” 12 And יהושע hearing this, said to them, “Those who are strong have no need of a physician, but those who are sick...." Carl Elfstrom . You said, "A lot of Christians don’t hold the same deep beliefs as other Christians." ... So true, church christians let their conscience be their guide, not the Torah of YHWH. What a joke. That comes in part from the twisted writings of the false prophet Paul/Shaul. I knew a gay man that was 42 at the time. He was a church christian. He said, "I'm 42 yr old and I have never had sex with a woman." . I would have to support this man, what he did was not at work. Shabbath shalom, Allen
I will only add that God is the ultimate judge, and I can't and won't pass judgement on gays or Christians.....some of which are the same. Not my job.
About that ***hole word. I've heard it takes one to know one. A lot of people project onto others what they don't want to see in themselves.
It's a damn shame that Christians in this country can no longer express their deeply held beliefs without being attacked. Sure, maybe it's an outdated view, but if we get everyone who doesn't approve of the gay lifestyle fired that will only build resentment and animosity.
Oh please Red, this guy is a hateful person and his comments prove it. Just because you claim to be a Christian doesn't mean you're not an ***hole, and most employers have the right to fire anyone they please. This wasn't the "grave injustice" you make it out to be.
Talk about resentments. Just saying.
A lot of Christians don't hold the same deep beliefs as other Christians.
And some so-called ministers don't know the difference between spirituality and a whole in the ground, the kind that goes all the way down to Hell.
Some people don't know the difference between "whole" and "hole".
wow.....I almost forgot this was the internet.
People really need to understand that freedom of speech is not really applicable to non media non government platforms. That is where and what that freedom is for to insure we can speak out against a corrupt government.
When it comes to personal interactions, its about the unwritten rules of civility and being good to each other simply because there is no good excuse for disrespecting another based on archaic texts that have been intentionally mistranslated and edited for many centuries by those that seek to use religion as a one world government.
Unless a flaming liberal is addressing a conservative, then civility, truth, honesty, courtesy, all that is totally at the discretion of the liberal.
Buddhist might refer to this as "karma." It is an example of God's punishment for judging others. Just because you have freedom of speech, scripture does not give you a free pass to judge others. Judgement is the purview of God. You are entitled to your own beliefs, and sometimes you need to temper your desire to voice them. Give unto God that which is God's, and to Caesar that which is Caesar's. In between doing this, learn to keep your mouth shut.
“the owners of the gym value health and wellness, and they believe that this event does not.” And, what the hell does this mean? Working our asses off doesn't give us "health and wellness" either, yet they don't cancel workouts because of that. If you're canceling because everyone in the workout are gay and won't be attending, then say that
I bet there are a lot of gay Christians who don't agree with his beliefs. A retired gay methodist minister once told me that the story of Sodom and Gamorra didn't have anything to do with homosexuality, but about the men not being hospitable to travelling strangers in their town, which was the custom during that period.
They persecuted gay people for far too long. Now the shoe is on the other foot, and Jesus isn't protecting them from their karmic retribution. So let's see how loud they can cry.
when will Christians get it? LGBQ individuals have much more right than Anyone else...and any contra view will be immediately slapped down by the politically correct moral majority...it is not surprising that the individual in question was Full of White Priviledge....another axiom well used today
Good comment, Peter.
You gotta be kidding me! Those LGBT?!#& have more rights than anyone else???? Tell me where you got that ? What you been smokin', man?