Would you go to a nightclub with no alcohol, no drugs, a modest dress code, and no lewd dancing? What if the DJ was only spinning Christian tunes?
Ask your average nightclub-goer, and they’ll probably tell you that they’d rather be drinking some spirits than feeling the Holy Spirit.
But a new pop-up nightclub in Nashville, Tennessee is banking that there is indeed a market for Christian club-goers who want a cleaner, vice-free clubbing experience. Last year, its founders launched The Cove nightclub – hoping to completely redefine late night culture for Gen Z.
They've since caught the attention of the likes of Stephen Colbert:
Thou Shalt Not Twerk
What started as a dream in a basement is now a reality, as The Cove opened its doors last year, and its founders are hoping to create a place for Christians to meet and have fun outside of church.
As Eric Diggs, co-founder and CEO says, "we ourselves experienced a pain point of not being able to find community outside of our church, not knowing what to do to have fun without feeling bad for doing stuff that’s conflicting to our values. There wasn’t a space to cultivate that, so we created it ourselves."
"Christians get a rep for being corny,” explains club co-founder Jordan Diggs, “and we want to show that Christians can be normal, can be cool, and they can have fun."
In the club, 18-and-over club-goers must adhere to three rules: ”Rule No. 1: No twerking. Second rule: No drinking. And a third rule: No smoking.”
With a set list composed entirely of Christian musicians and prayers at the opening and close of the evening, it’s an unabashedly Christian experience. But otherwise, they say, it's not that different from a standard nightclub; hundreds dance, pose for photos, and grab a late night snack from local food trucks.
Tearing Down Walls
The Cove’s founders are hoping to build a community of young Christians by tearing down walls. "In a generation where so many people have experienced church hurt, we believe many individuals will choose to step foot into The Cove before stepping foot into a church,” they said in a statement.
“We embrace the seemingly contrasting ideas of ‘nightclub’ and ‘Christian,’ as we believe Jesus is present everywhere, not just within the four walls of a church building."
With a full dance floor and some attendees traveling just to check it out, their idea might be a successful one.
Revolutionary, or Cringy?
Still, not everyone’s on board. Some Christians have argued this is just church revival by a different name, and others compared it to a church lock-in. As one commenter put it, “middle school dance vibes.”
Others blasted the very notion, arguing that there’s no such thing as a "Christian nightclub."
“If you’re going to sin, just sin,” said one social media commenter. “Don’t cover it with your religion.”
However, so long as people keep showing up, the club seems destined to keep spinning spiritual tracks. Only time will tell if there truly is a sustained market for this kind of sanitized, worship-forward nightlife experience.
What do you make of the idea? Would you attend a nightclub free of alcohol and dirty dancing?
Sounds like great recreation as long as they are able to keep the bad elements away.
Who decides what the bad element are? Who keeps an eye out for hypocritical behavior and makes it self correcting! Who watches the watchers?
Club owner makes the rules.
Bouncers enforce the rules. Club owner watches the bouncers.
I think this is a wonderful idea. Parents should be pleased if they have children are maybe we should call them young adults. Truly I beleive that the young people of today are truly a head of the game, many are tired of seeing their leaders not following what they expect people of faith to live by. As Apostle Paul was being put to the test and one of the Temple leaders so carefully put it: if God is in it what can man do however if it is a deception it will fall. So why not give God a chance. This could be a learning curve to learn how to put aside 'shefish Pride and start learning that it is better to Trust God in all things. What can seperate us from the love of God NOTHING. HOW GREAT IT WILL BE TO SEE A GENERATION TURN TO GOD.
Before I ordained I used to run a mobile disco for 20 years not once did I ever see drugs plenty of drinks and people having a good time.I don't know about kids of today would say they're going to a Christian club no drink,no drugs or twerking when they really go to a real disco who police the teens at whatever club they go to
I go out to dance with my partner, we don't drink nor do drugs and when we dance we dance modestly, very casual you could say, we' re not offended by these styles of dancing , it just that it's not are thing, unfortunately there is on occasion a few dancers who can't seem to handle their booze have taken it over to fall on the extreme side and spoil the Atmosphere. It happens, world ain't perfect. Just learn to enjoy yourselves and no the limits
When in Rome, pretend to be Roman -- of sorts!
Whatever floats their boat.
Honestly I don't go to regular nightclubs. Not my thing. Except for the dancing this sounds like a Worship service. Add a sermon to closing time and there you go. For that I'll go to church. Thanks.
How could you tell that group from a passel of Holy Rollers?
For the sake of argument, let's assume that people attending are acting in a Christian way. No drugs, no liquor, no nudity or lewd dress, no obscenity. Now on what grounds would you say it's un-Christian like?
Let me check the first book of Boogie. Oh, it's right here. Thou shall not have a good time even if nothing you do is against God's laws.
Sin city, I say! Letter-D(ance) and Me! Sing fulness cannot be tolerated! now, who gets to decide what is the sin and who is doing it? Who watches the watchers? Or was that D for Demon! A Dance Demon! Woohoo! Twink! Tweet! Twerk it!
We are so much like children pointing fingers and saying shame! Religion and faith are not about NO! Reach out and extend the blessings of love and faith!
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land.
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the clean in heart, for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
The remarks here prove I am so blessed! <3
The Cove is heading in the right direction. Spreading His Word to the next generation is good, but there has to be more than listening to Christian music. Robert Polston, in my opinion, is on the right track. Before I went out, my mother used to tell me to first brush my teeth. If my son or daughter was going out to the Cove, I'd tell the child to "Read Your Bible First, reach out and offer God's blessings to someone tonight!"
They did this when I was young. It kept us out of trouble and it was fun. It's not what you're doing it's who you're with.
Despite my previous comment (the William Blake poem, with which I sincerely agree), I can equally accept an all "Christian" dance club, a Straight Edge club, an LBGTQ club and a drag queen club, an all women's social club or all men's club. I am not bothered by like-minded people gathering together to enjoy each other's company. I am more concerned about those who might ban or disrupt gatherings they do not agree with, or coerce others to join. My only exception is hate groups and authoritarian governments. I have a dear friend in the Ukraine who suffers dearly under the cruel attacks of the latter.
Good for them! That's the proper way to do religion, by making an appealing space to attract people who will enjoy that space, instead of by trying to ban or close other places or force them to conform with those standards. I am wholeheartedly in support of this positive way of creating cultural space instead of destroying. They are setting a good example.
Why must Christians be subject to not enjoying music and dancing because they don’t drink alcohol or listen to today’s secular and suggestive music? It is refreshing for them to have a place they can go and mingle with others who have same beliefs they do, dance, laugh and enjoy an evening out.
What says a night club must serve alcohol and be a place for lewd behavior to be enjoyable?
Good for them creating a safe place to enjoy music and dancing.
Who cares? Sounds like an updated version of crappy church hall “dances” of the 1950s and 1960s with a vicar pretending to be a DJ and a record player playing Elvis Presley, Johnny Ray and Frank Sinatra!🤪
I am pretty sure that Elvis, Johnny and Frank will never be played at this particular night club. That said, if enough people enjoy the vibe, it would be very different from those crappy church hall dances that most who attended were forced to go.
As for the night club I have no rejection to it. We need to allow the younger generation to Fellowship. If this benefits their walk with the Lord so be it. It's better than no Fellowship at all. This is so like the world we will tear apart anything all while sitting on the sidelines making remarks without providing a safe space for Fellowship ourselves. Until we hear from God let it be a place of Fellowship and pray that all in attendance grow in grace and stature leading others to Christ.
Satan Tempts Jesus Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. 2 And when He had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterward He was hungry. Now when the tempter came to Him, he said, “If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.” But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’” Then the devil took Him up into the holy city, set Him on the pinnacle of the temple, 6 and said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down. For it is written: 'He shall give His angels charge over you,’ and, in their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone.’” Jesus said to him, “It is written again, ‘You shall not [a]tempt the Lord your God.’” Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You fall down and worship me.” Then Jesus said to him, “Away with you, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.’ Then the devil left Him, and behold, angels came and ministered to Him.
How was twerking involved here?
Duh! I thought your God created everything including Satan!🤔 How do your explain that the devil could give Jesus all the kingdoms?
Adam had dominion over this planet until he followed Satan's lie and lost it to Satan. That is why when you read Job you see Satan there representing this planet. So, at that moment in time Satan was as the bible calls him, the god of this world and could offer it to Jesus.
This is considered an Attacks Against Christian Churches which Doubled Last Year.
And deserved, based on past church behavior!
How is this an attack?
I don’t know what to say about this. I assume you are talking about teenagers you could tell somebody no drinking no drugs no smoking no Twerking once they leave your home they’re gonna do what they wanna do and if you make them go to his Christian dance or the Cove they would go just so they don’t have to hear you. they’re 18 19, 20 they’re allowed to do whatever they want . you could say I prefer you to at least try the Cove but they’re still gonna do it. having a teenage daughter at one time, you find out quick that they say yeah yeah and then go out and do it they want to do. Is it a good idea I think so , but once they pass that age where they’re legal to do what they want they not coming back they want to release some energy they wanna dance around they wanna maybe have drink maybe 2 you’re going to hear your old. All parents can do is pray that they do the right thing when they’re not in front of you.
This sounds like a great idea for the younger Christian crowd. It might also be a good idea for younger folks in general sans the Christian music. Seems to be good fun.
Hey, let them do their thing. If people want to go there, more power to them. Enjoy. I wouldn't go because I don't like to go anywhere playing that type of music.
From William Blake:
I went to the Garden of Love, And saw what I never had seen: A Chapel was built in the midst, Where I used to play on the green.
And the gates of this Chapel were shut, And ‘Thou shalt not’ writ over the door; So I turned to the Garden of Love, That so many sweet flowers bore.
And I saw it was filled with graves, And tomb-stones where flowers should be: And Priests in black gowns were walking their rounds, And binding with briars, my joys & desires.
How amusing (sarcasm intended) that we have a bunch of people trying to criticize this, if it works care to guess who is going to be looking stupid with egg all over their face? But then again the ones whining and complaining about this are the same ones that will not see how silly and bigoted they look when this works.
Daniel, I have a question. How will we know "when this works"? If the nightclub thrives and makes lots of money for its owners, is it a success? If it draws lots of people, never has a problem, but doesn't make a profit the way other nightclubs do, is that a failure? I hope this gives lots of people a place to do their thing in their way. I hope the proprietors can keep it afloat. Just not sure how we know it works, or it doesn't work.
We used to rave back in the days of 90’s only music without any drugs or alcohol only caffeinated beverages……
A bunch of young people of the same religion want to get together at a club. They don't offer alcohol, tobacco, etc. and the music is Christian. I'm fine with that and attended similar dances as a teen, sponsored by a Christian school. There were lots of drugs and drink and sex in the parking lot but the dance event itself was "clean". I'm not sure why this is even discussed here. A strict adherence to Christian music sounds more like a church service than club music.
That said, the Laestadians ban dancing. Dancing is forbidden by the Amish and by certain Baptist sects. The Church of the Nazarene discourages “all forms of dancing that detract from spiritual growth and break down proper moral inhibitions and reserve.”
I completely support various religious groups gathering and celebrating however they wish, as long as it is not imposed on others, i.e., the law. Freedom should ring. I imagine that a gay couple would not be welcome here or a non-Christian couple but they would not be attracted to such a club anyway. So yeah, it's a church event with dancing. Have fun!
In the Bible people danced to celebrate there love for God
I am interested to know why you think a non-Christian couple or a gay couple wouldn't be welcome in a Christian nightclub? If they follow the rules and don't smoke, drink or dance in whatever way the club owner determines to be lewd, why would they not be welcomed by a crowd of same minded individuals?
May not be any twerking but I but things happen in bath stalls.
Good day to all, this dancing in a night club setting for Christian is the beginning of dancing with the devil concept. Where you have devil churches participating and soliciting confusion in not knowing the difference. If we allow this to continue, we lost the fight in distinguishing the different with dancing in the holy spirit or dancing in the flesh. What makes us false is temptation. Knowing the flesh is weak will destroy the concept of the bible. It's not what we think. It's what the Bible tells us. I signed up to minister the bible not the flesh. We dance in the spirit not the flesh where there will be temptation for sure. Amen.
Are you even aware brother of the gospel of grace ? It troubles me how someone could make such a fuss about a good thing. It’s a Christian Gathering Place. It’s gotten a bad wrap because of naming it wrong.
If Colbert has to make some idiotic comment and try to demean it, it must be ok.
I think I would certainly give it a try, yes.
Let's see, Christian dance club. Christian young people, in a Christian environment, being overseen by Christian people to make sure that they don't do any unchristian stuff. Kind of like preaching to the choir to me. Not much of an Outreach there, is it? Seems like being a Christian, showing Christian values, living a Christian example in the real world just might be a little more effective.
Who's to say there isn't outreach. Friends bring friends that are perhaps not Christian. Being Christian is not one of the three rules for the club. A safe place for them to gather can be a new form of evangelism (in the sense of introducing them to Christ not drilling the conservative rules down their throat.)
What I dislike is the owner stated, "that Christians can be normal." Can be? So the owner of this club believes Christians are NOT normal? But if we partake in this then we're 'acting' normal? I love the idea of a Christian Nightclub and I believe I would be there weekly. But, I will never go to this club because I AM normal and don't need to support anyone or anything that thinks Christians are not normal.
Believing in a fictitious sky daddy made up of three parts, father, son, and ghost👻!!,! who had a son born to a virgin (she was married to Joseph, so a virgin?) does not sound like being normal!🤔🤪
She was a virgin when she conceived Jesus. As scripture says, Joseph knew her not until after the birth of Jesus.
love it wish there was one here in goldsboro nc when i was a teen. would be good now also.
This is a fantastic idea for Christians looking to socialize without pressures of using drugs, hooking up, and who has the most money. Many religions have youth groups but when you turn 18, you’re out and the only place to socialize is church. This would be a place where Christians are all on a level playing field and can enjoy themselves.
I think a Christian might club would be a great introduction to Christianity. People tend to repeat and remember the lyrics to catchy tunes. There isn't much difference between a lot of Christian music and secular music, except for the lyrics. The message in the lyrics play over and over in the mind, especially if you are relaxed and having fun. What a great way to get together, have a little fun, dance, spend a night out, without going to a bar or a regular night club. If there is no attempt to indoctrinate someone into a particular belief and they are not forced to attend, this is a great was this deliver a message subconsciously. I wouldn't have a problem with this concept of it is open to everyone, not just one set of religious beliefs, but a shared faith in the Holy Spirit. Let the Spirit move you people!
Personally it's not for me - I'm in for a cocktail and some dancing (if the beat is good, it can be a Christian tune, I don't care) but as for this nightclub - it's not for me but I can't say it's not for anyone! This may be exactly what some folks are looking for and what do I care - it's not hurting anyone, it's offering some good fun for those who prefer not to drink.
I would probably not go, but I don't go to nightclubs much anyway. Plus, I am not Gen-Z, so I would really feel out of place, but my thoughts are, if this is a way to reach Gen-Z and meets their social and spiritual needs, who can really argue? Many of my generation (late boomer) see going to a church service as a way to meet their social needs as well as their spiritual ones. When alternative Christian music started gaining ground, it brought in many of the millenials, but the problem was that I did not agree much with the theology presented (very conservative, little was progressive). Why not let a "night club" (although I agree that I would hesitate to call it that) reach Gen-Z. The music is probably more like an alternative Christian Rock concert/remix than a hymn sing (thus the dancing), and is a social outlet for Gen-Z outside of the formal "church" building.
People will be people! There will be those who would sneak in a flask of liquor, dance wildly when they think no one is watching, and those who will sneak off to a dark corner to play pitty-patt. They can call their establishment what they would like, it's still all the same...
...in general, people like to have whatever they think of as fun!
And this happens in church buildings, too.
sometimes the music dont matter shouldnt shelter either need too know what really is out there no surprises that way
OK, I'm on the fence with this. They have clubs, or they used to that catered to the under 21 crowd. Still didn't stop them from drinking before they went in, didn't stop them from dropping "molly" in the bathrooms. This club caters to a specific crowd. Thats fine. I still like my AC/DC, Metalica and various hard rock (No Nugent). How are they going to support keeping the doors open? How much can you actually charge for a soft drink or bottles water? Financially very bad investment.
Ecclesiastes 3:4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
Are they using biblical music? if they are using the biblical music like book of psalms, which is praising our beloved King of Heaven’s (YAHWEH)(swt) well actually its not a bad idea. I recall back in the early 90’s listen to christian rave techno and going christian rave dances, everyone with long shirts,baggy pants, no alcohol, not even soda, they had fresh natural fruit and just the bass music pumping heavenly positivity energy…
My sister thought that this could be done years ago. I didn't really have an opinion vi could express.
My coworker went to school at Brigham Young. She describe the night clubs in Salt Lake City, just like this in Nashville
Today, I would opinion that this is a slippery slope, destined for a disaster.
I am 68 years old and I think this is a great idea for the younger generation. I would even go. Even if it's just to sit and listen to the music and watch the young people enjoying themselves. Who knows? Maybe I would even dance.
Interesting a Christian DJ & gospel music great idea nightclub for Christians to mingles with no smoking or drinking. a Christian social club. very trendy.
I am a Minister! I am 62…. To be honest I personally not interested in this type of minister! But; I am wise enough and opened enough to say this! If true worship and spreading the plan of salvation through this platform and gathering! Glory be to God…. God works in all different ways to teach and reach people! I always say YOU CAN’T CLEAN A FISH UNTIL YOU CATCH IT! Let God be the judge and clean individuals
That’s fine. The only issue I have with it it’s not a nightclub. Don’t call it a night club. It’s a gathering place. After everyone going through the pandemic, we need to be around people we need to gather together in place. I think it’s a great idea. Just change the name.
I live in Nashville and didn’t even realize this place existed. So I did a little research and found out it’s a pop-up event menu created by seven young black Christian men as an alternative to meet like-minded people someplace other than a church. Some of these men have roots in hip-hop and R&B gospel music. They have hosted a total of three events since their inception. The most recent one was just last night I have to admit that this concept reminds me of the gatherings, local churches would host on the nights that local high schools had dances, however, most of these churches did not believe in dancing. While I’m not likely to attend one of there pop-up events. I wish them well.
QUESTION: Would you go to a nightclub with no alcohol, no drugs, a modest dress code, and no lewd dancing? What if the DJ was only spinning Christian tunes?
ANSWER: For argument sakes, if this was the case. we would not have call it a night club. It would have been called a Christain gathering. So why are we trying to start a discussion without purpose. Here we are trying to compare church gatherings with night club. I think this is an issue. If we are going to solve church issues, we should be very careful on how we conduct business. My Thoughts Respectfully...
A few years back I read about a church that was really a swingers club. An honestly, if it were a temple to Odin, Dionysus, Aphrodite, Venus, Freya, Bachus (so), or any of the other love/sex gods, and had ritual orgies to celebrate said gods, I’d say they deserve a tax exemption slip.
I agree wholly with this premise. Though I have another question. If a white woman shakes her butt at the “Christian night club,” and a black woman shakes her butt at the “Christian night club,” which one will get accused of twerking first?
Both and are you that much a loser that you have to try and bring race into this?
Bait much????
But is it a rave?
Good point. I think there is a place for this for those who want it.