After decades of pressure, Mississippi will finally remove the Confederate battle emblem from its state flag. Mississippi legislators voted late in June to pull the controversial symbol off the flag, and MS Governor Tate Reeves then signed the bill into law. The decision, which some argue should have been made years ago, became much more urgent in the wake of George Floyd's killing and the subsequent protests that have gripped America.
And to the surprise of some, the bill was passed without much opposition from conservative factions in Mississippi. But critics argue that's probably due to what lawmakers have decided will replace the Confederate emblem: the phrase “In God We Trust."
A Divisive Act of Unity
Mississippi officials apparently decided their new flag design should reflect the religious beliefs held by many state residents.
“It is my personal belief that it is time for us to change our state flag to reflect the love, compassion and conviction of our people,” said Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch. “The addition of ‘In God We Trust’ from our state seal," she said, "is the perfect way to demonstrate to all who we are.”
The flag replacement is a bittersweet victory for many atheist activists who strongly supported replacing the Confederate symbol, but object to invoking God in its place. Far from its goal of promoting unity, critics say putting “In God We Trust” on the state flag will only replace one divisive symbol with another.
Mississippi politicians insist that this new religious message will be a unifier for all Mississippians. But will it? According to Pew, 17% of Mississippians don’t identify as Christian, with most of this group stating no religious affiliation at all.
Endorsement or Acknowledgment?
The move is also leading to concerns about the separation of church and state. Here's the question some are voicing: by slapping a religious message on the state flag, is Mississippi promoting one form of faith over others?
Hemant Mehta of The Friendly Atheist didn’t mince words on the issue, writing: “make no mistake: This is just a new way to inject God into government. It shouldn’t be happening.”Mehta insists that “besides invoking the history of the Confederacy, the problem with the current flag is that it includes a symbol of exclusion. That’s exactly what bringing God into the mix would do. There are citizens who would see that flag, with that phrase, and think, “I’m not welcome here.”
But supporters of the new flag insist that "In God We Trust" is not necessarily a religious message. They argue it's more of a unifying phrase signifying a common culture and set of ideals – similar to the reasoning behind keeping it on our currency.
How Did We Get Here?
Not everyone is familiar with the history behind the Mississippi state flag, which is another important aspect of this debate. The confederate symbol was originally added to the flag in 1894 – almost 30 years after the Civil War – a move that many historians frame as a direct retaliation by white supremacist legislators furious that African-Americans had gained a modicum of political power during Reconstruction.
According to Brittanica, even in 1894 many opposed the adoption of the Confederate symbol into the official state flag of Mississippi. But supporters used an excuse we’re all too familiar with today: according to them, the Confederate flag represents state pride and Southern heritage, not slavery and racist traditions.
Due to a legal fluke, in 2000 the state Supreme Court ruled that flag which had flown in Mississippi for over a century wasn’t actually the official state flag; it had never been formally approved. So in 2001, Mississippi voters re-approved the state flag, complete with the Confederate symbols, over an alternative design that omitted symbols of the Confederacy entirely.
Now the design has finally changed, but it's clear that many remain unhappy with the message conveyed.
What do you think? Should Mississippi be allowed to display religious beliefs on its state flag? Or should the government avoid endorsing specific faiths altogether?
Its their flag, let them vote on it.
They should NOT add In God We Trust to their flag. God does not belong in government. The last time god was part of government it was called the dark ages.
Trying to satisfy BLM is a JOKE. They last their "high ground" when the riots started. BLM doesn't matter any more. All life matters no matter what color the skin.
Sad day in Mississippi. You can’t please everyone. If you’re going to change things for the betterment of America, that’s kool, I’m all for it. However, it appears that America is wanting to change to only satisfy BLM. “OK. We’ll change. Just please, stop acting like children”. Nothing good will come of this. BLM and KKK come from the same mother. Different fathers.
With the direction we're going, the only acceptable flag will be a white one as we surrender all of our rights to a tiny minority. Continuing to use phrases like and many people believe will just add fuel to the fire it's not many it's a very very few.
Minister Patrick Campbell Adding 'IN GOD WE TRUST' to the flag opens the door for religious zealots to take all sorts of undesirable actions under the cape of 'Doing Good'! My esteemed mentor in my teens was my boss, Mr. Elliot Royce, in Mpls, who taught me good business ethics. One day he said, "Patrick, if you are ever entering a business deal and your proposed partner says, "Let's pray for 'Guidance From Above' on this deal, pick up your papers and RUN!, RUN!! for the door, and don't stop! If you don't, you leave yourself open to being taken to the cleaners!" What Elliot was saying was saying was that my new partner could do no wrong because everything he did would be approved by the Man Above and therefore had to be good! Moreover, my new partner would not even recognize that what he was proposing might be 'wrong'. As it happened in my business life, the one time that I agreed to "join in a prayer for success", the deal cost me over a half million dollars before I could extricate myself. If we add IN GOD WE TRUST to our flag, that implies that our actions are being approved by the Man on High, and therefore must be RIGHT!
We have a gazillion people already who profess being under Supreme Guidance from Above, and look at the mess we are in. We only make the mess worse if we put IN GOD WE TRUST on our nation's flag and thus imply that everything we do comes with Direction From Above. Minister Pat
Then you have those who seek to destroy the current US flag and replace it with something else. In battle caring ones country flag was the first ones shot, a lot of people died carrying that flag.
The US flag is the one hated by the Islamic State, Communist countries then and now. It seems that many who believes in communism also like to burn the American flag. By most of Africa and is added to bon fires around the world. In Iran selling American flags to be burn is a popular business and a profitable one. Also popular is anything American that the country leaders banned.
BLM is about hate. They want to tear apart the family structure and they do riot and burn and destroy are culture. They are Marxist and communistic and anti American. They are terrorist. Blacks are not being hung anymore. They are killing each other to the extent that the government has to come into Democratic cities and they to stop the violence. They are in 99% of commercials and 100% of shows and movies. There’s the NAACP that only benefits the blacks. There’s multiple channels that are black shows only. That’s all racist.
You know this is an interesting issue. In the past, when a country or group lost a war, their war statutes and memorials were trashed and gone. It is, historically speaking, odd that the south lost the civil war yet the north allowed the statutes and symbols of the south's fight to live on. Even a hundred years later they were naming military installations and other things after heros on the "losing side". What is the goal behind promoting and eulogizing the losing side on the worst war in American history?
I believe it is time to finally put the civil war behind us and quit division between the north and south, between black and white once and for all. There should be an act of congress that requires as does most countries, removal of all references to the confederate movement. Go to China, you don't see any references to Chang Kai Check anywhere, same in Vietnam, as well as all other countries that weathered a civil war. The symbols for the looser were quickly removed from society and a new society moved forward with history telling the story so that all remember how the war was won....NOT LOST!!!
If you want to be an atheist, I’m sorry for you. What I don’t understand is why you care about the statement “In God We Trust”. If there is no God as you say, what are you afraid of? Do you trust in anything (other than guns)?
Way too much emotion and personal bias is invested in these issues. I support State's rights and as long as we continue to pretend that we live in a democratic society, what Mississippi (or any other state) chooses to do with their state flag is none of my business. I don't live in Mississippi. If I did, I would vote my conscience. All the name-calling and feeling offended from and on social media is a waste of time and only serves to highlight our weakness as a nation.
I am not surprised at the posts concerning this issue. After all, this debate, one way or the other, has been going on for over 200 years. I think the point of the protests is: Let's settle this once and for all and get on with our lives where every one is equal." When things seem to be normal, and they are not under the surface, nothing happens. It is just stalemate. I used to be against reparations for Blacks, but I have come to a realization that this may be the best step to bring about some acknowledgement that Whites have been privileged while their Black neighbors have struggled under the yoke. Reparations won't bring about equality. but it could help healing the wounds of the past. How reparations could be implemented and the breadth of them is a very difficult issue, but Congress should create a committee to begin the process.
Look if they remove a highly offense flag do so it’s extremely hurtful to a lot of people black #1 and yes whites to . Replacing it with In God We Trust infringes on separation of church and state so there’s going to be a law suite I guarantee you that . I don’t understand why they can’t come up with a flower , wildlife from there anything but yet another image that’s actually against the law . They are to dam rebel to be wise in their decision making . Reminds me of children at school a tiny click bullying everyone else by forcing their childish attitudes on everyone else in spite . We’re in Arkansas our flag if you look at it is stars in a Diamond 3 stars at the bottom in the diamond Arkansas in the middle and 1 star at the top of the diamond above Arkansas . That 1 star represents slavery that’s a fact we’re dealing with but the same thing wealthy politicians being children want that slavery star left there . No one else wants it there ! Arkansas has a hidden law called The Black Slavery law it refers to prisoners and their stent in prison is to be slave labor ...non paid . That little hidden BS should also be addressed as Arkansas as many southern states have a lot of white supremest groups and some state officials are in these groups . Everyone needs to get over the dam civil war it’s still on going in the minds of many southern states population . We live in Fayetteville AR highly progressive City but we’re surrounded by hateful white wealthy snots mixed with back wood hateful people . I see these knot heads driving their pick up trucks with stars and bars flags attached on a pole with the US flag on the opposite side . They look like idiots flying hate flags and it’s Not southern pride it’s white power groups . I’m a geologist so I’m out there in the deep forest in the ozarks I meet these folks allllll the time. Claiming Christianity yet hateful to all non whites or Jewish folks . It’s sickening they don’t even know what they are actually doing . A lot of very low intellect as well seems to be one group that’s the worst . They simply don’t study only repeat what they are told like grown children . I’m getting old I went through the 60s race riots I thought we got past that ....we did not it’s still here . Donald Trump made it ok to let it show its ugly face again . Even in small town law enforcement officers are dangerous to non Anglo people . As we see in bigger city videos back country white hatred is rarely seen . It breads hate , violence ,men walking around openly carrying AR15 riffles . They act as if they want a race war and our current president won’t rebuke them but will attack black lives matter peaceful protestors . Remove hatful flags keep God in the church where it belongs not in the state capitol where state and church must be kept separate . We built this nation to be free from religious dogma . In god we trust does not belong on state flags or law enforcement vehicles either . Christians don’t hate they accept love one another help one another . Otherwise people claiming Christianity yet only when it’s convenient are not Christians . They are a cult ......
Very well said
Don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. All flags in the US should be void of color or graphics. Better yet, ban all flags and make the penalty taking your first born male child, but after they have declared their preference.
It should be removed and put on display for the state to view, to remind us that this country was stolen from our brothers and sisters the native Americans, and then built on the back of Black slaves. It's history is demonic and should be explained not celebrated as if it is a important part of the past.
The confederate flag is a symbol of history, It is a battle flag, only those that are racist consider it a symbol of hatred, a much wiser man once said, " Those who ignore history, are doomed to repeat it". These people are trying to eraser history,
No The confederate flag is a symbol of racist history, only those that are racist consider it as nothing more then a battle flag and not what it really is a symbol of hatred.
"Those who ignore history, are doomed to repeat it"
You're not only ignoring history, but you're also trying to rewrite history to suit your twisted racist believes.
"much wiser man once said"
Well now you're really not listening to what that wise man said are you. You only hear what you want to hear. You only hear what fit in with your preconceived narrow-minded, racist idea
It is a motto on the state's seal, yet I haven't heard any ruckus about that. Then there's the same motto on American money - no ruckus about that, either. As long as it doesn't describe any particular god...
But, it does marginalize atheists and polytheists.
"In God(s) we trust unless we don't believe in 'em" might be more appropriate.
I believe God has been part of our government since we became an independent nation. God in my government provides me comfort!
I have no problem with the motto in God we Trust. Who is to say what God they are referring to. I am a follower of Christ that's me, I wish everyone was, but they aren't and I accept the fact that each person has their own choice to make. Unfortunately there are far to many Bigots in the world who say its there way or no way, some may call me a bigot because I believe in the written word of the Bible, but I do not judge a persons beliefs, that's not my responsibility. That is between themselves and who ever they believe their God or higher power to be. It is unfortunate that man created religions for his own self interests; power, control, manipulation the list goes on. And do not let us not forgot the 10's of millions who have been killed in the name various religions, be it through wars, death, torture, persecution, ....(all in the name of this God or that God). I put a sticker on the back of my vehicle last week; it puts the world in perspective for me and many of my fellow Christ-followers. God's on his way back. Any? Just look around you.
Acknowledging GOD is not an endorsement of religion.Read the history of this nation,GOD has been recognized by the government all through our history.The “separation of church and state” was not intended to keep GOD out of government,it was intended to keep the government out of the church.Read the Danberry letter, out of which this phrase came and a phrase our atheist friends love to distort.
My God isn't the biblical one, I and all Americans can chose what god or no god we want
Ben Franklin told us that American was formed for moral people and that the republic would not stand without that idea! So "In God We Trust" is the glue that holds the country together! So personally I think its a very good replacement idea!
However the United State nor the state of Mississippi is no longer predominantly white Anglo-Saxon Christian. Therefore the motto "In God We Trust" is not all inclusive nor it does not represent the state as a whole.
In God we trust? Separation of church and state anyone?
I blame that mythological God of the Bible guy that they now want to reference on the flag. Isn’t he supposed to have changed the color of the skin of Cain and his descendants for slaying Able? And don’t forget that the Bible god also condoned slavery. Just saying!
At the end of the day, IT IS THE FEAR THAT WHITE PEOPLE HAVE THAT PEOPLE OF COLOR WILL DO TO THEM WHAT WAS DONE TO US...THIS IS NOT ABOUT REVENGE If it was you would already be done ... so stop comparing BLM to the KKK because it has been no where near as violent nor will it become so. Get off your privilege and recognize your fear then start talking. Have any of you actually had a conversation with a Black person about race? TRY IT YOU JUST MIGHT LEARN SOMETHING...
I have a question for you and I’ve asked it in many discussion groups at the U of Arkansas . Why would any African decent follow the very god and worship that deity that enslaved them ? White men created God as a fear loathing law over the poor and past slaves they were forced to accept the Christian God . Why on earth would modern black folks continue to worship the very biblical human created God that destroyed soooo many lives ? Makes 0 since . Even the immage of Jesus is of a kings son from the 14th century European prince his name is Cesar Borgia , the other thing the story of Christ Jesus is another European name the savior a man of Jewish decent name was not Jesus his name is Yeshua. Look this fact up . American Christianity was created to fight the Muslim faith long long ago . So I ask again Why on earth would anyone worship the very ideal of a god that enslaved them 🤔
I have a question for you and I’ve asked it in many discussion groups at the U of Arkansas . Why would any African decent follow the very god and worship that deity that enslaved them ? White men created God as a fear loathing law over the poor and past slaves they were forced to accept the Christian God . Why on earth would modern black folks continue to worship the very biblical human created God that destroyed soooo many lives ? Makes 0 since . Even the immage of Jesus is of a kings son from the 14th century European prince his name is Cesar Borgia , the other thing the story of Christ Jesus is another European name the savior a man of Jewish decent name was not Jesus his name is Yeshua. Look this fact up . American Christianity was created to fight the Muslim faith long long ago . So I ask again Why on earth would anyone worship the very ideal of a god that enslaved them 🤔
No you're wrong it wouldn't make a real different BLM is about protesting against racial profiling of black people by the police.
And again you're wrong the real problem isn't about the attitude of the monied people and corporations. The real problem is the attitude of people like yourself who turn a blind eye and deaf ear to racial profiling of black people by the police. And white wash it as being insignificant since it don't happen to you, therefore it really doesn't exist as systemic problem
Racial profiling is a longstanding and deeply troubling national problem despite claims that the United States has entered a “post-racial era.” It occurs every day, in cities and towns across the country, when law enforcement and private security target people of color for humiliating and often frightening detentions, interrogations, and searches without evidence of criminal activity and based on perceived race, ethnicity, national origin, or religion. Racial profiling is patently illegal, violating the U.S. Constitution’s core promises of equal protection under the law to all and freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures. Just as importantly, racial profiling is ineffective. It alienates communities from law enforcement, hinders community policing efforts, and causes law enforcement to lose credibility and trust among the people they are sworn to protect and serve.
There were marked racial differences in perceptions of police behavior and legitimacy of police stops. Less than half of Black and Hispanic residents stopped on the street by police thought the stop was legitimate, while two-thirds of white residents did. And 60% of Black residents who experienced the threat or use of force perceived the force as excessive, compared to 43% of white residents who experienced force. White residents were more likely than Black, Hispanic, and residents of other races to initiate contact with police – for example to report a crime, a non-crime emergency, or to seek help for another reason. 46% of white residents who had contact with police initiated the contact, compared to less 37% of Black residents.
The report’s findings related to the use of force are particularly relevant to the national conversation about policing. The scale of police use of force alone is overwhelming. Nearly 1 million U.S. residents age 16 or older experienced the threat or use of force by police in 2015. And the people experiencing threats or use of force by police were disproportionately Black and Hispanic.
Previous local studies suggest that stop-and-frisk is particularly discriminatory. In 2010, near the peak of the city’s use of stop-and-frisk, Black residents in New York City were 8 times more likely to be stopped by the police than white residents and 11 times more likely to be frisked. And in 2011, New York City police reported using force in 23% of stops of Black and Latino residents, but in only 16% of stops of white residents.
One of those BLM armed ppl comes to me they can bury him
Be careful Eddie Merle. What goes around comes around.
There also the saying Edwin Merle Waltz for whatsoever a man sowet, that shall he also reap.
Respectfully..."Black Lives Matter" would make a real difference if the name is changed to "ALL lives Matter"....the real problem is the attitude of the monied people and corporations, both of which cover up the fact the problem is with housing and the educational system, and will take 25 years to change...which has no chance happening at all with a narcissistic, egotistic megalomaniac as President...Peace...Tom B
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It would do us all good to listen to The Fifth Dimension, and let some sunshine in.
I agree that all life matters. We are all together on this blue sphere floating in space. We need to treat each other with kindness and do the right thing.
The original Stennis flag stuck to the basic principles of good flags: symbolism without any lettering or words. The addition of, "In God We Trust" displays weakness. If you are comfortable with your faith, you do not need to proclaim it.
I like the 2001 flag proposal, but since I'm not a Mississippian, I really don't have a say in the matter.
The proposed flag would have replaced the Confederate battle flag with a blue canton with 20 stars. The outer ring of 13 stars would represent the original Thirteen Colonies, the ring of six stars would represent the six nations that have had sovereignty over Mississippi Territory (various Native American nations as a collective nation, French Empire, Spanish Empire, Great Britain, the United States, and the Confederacy), and the inner and slightly larger star would represent Mississippi itself. The 20 stars would also represent Mississippi's status as the 20th member of the United States.
"the Confederate battle flag not be included on the proposed design, and the motto "In God We Trust" be included"
They really didn't spend a lot of time or effort coming up with a new design for the state flag The commission consisting of nine members deliberated from June 28, 2020, to June 30, 2020 They only spent two day to decide on a new design and what did they come up with "In God We Trust" That what your tax dollars pays for.
On June 27, 2020, the Mississippi Legislature passed a resolution, House Concurrent Resolution 79, that suspended rules in the legislative chambers in order to debate and vote on a bill to remove and replace the state flag. The motion was passed with the House approving by a vote of 85–34 and the Senate approving by a vote of 36
On June 28, 2020, the Confederate battle flag not be included on the proposed design, and the motto "In God We Trust" be included, the Legislature passed a bill, House Bill 1796, that would relinquish the state flag, remove the state flag from public buildings within 15 days of the bill's effective date, and constitute a nine-member commission to design a new flag that would be put to voters in a referendum to be held in November 2020.
The bill required that the Confederate battle flag not be included on the proposed design, and the motto "In God We Trust" be included, as Georgia did when it removed the Confederate emblem from its state flag in 2003. In the House, the bill was passed by 91 in favor and 23 against. In the Senate, the bill was passed with 37 in favor and 14 against.
Earlier that weekend, Governor Tate Reeves had stated that he would sign any flag bill passed that weekend by the Legislature into law. Subsequently, after the Legislature passed the bill, a spokesperson for the governor stated,
"The governor does not want to rush this moment in history for our state. Once ... he's had the opportunity to review it, Gov. Reeves will sign the bill in the coming days."
Reeves then signed the flag bill into law on June 30, 2020. As the legislation repealed the sections of the Mississippi State Code which made provisions for a state flag, namely Section 3-3-16, Mississippi ceased to have an official state flag at this point.
Flag commission and referendum Under the terms of House Bill 1796, a body known as the Commission to Redesign the Mississippi State Flag will be constituted which is to suggest a design for a new state flag no later than 14 September 2020.
The act stipulates that any design proposed by the commission must include the words "In God We Trust" and must not contain the Confederate battle flag.
The commission will consist of nine members, three of which will be appointed the Speaker of the Mississippi House of Representatives, three members appointed by the Secretary of State of Mississippi and three by the Governor of Mississippi.
The proposed design will then be subject to a referendum to be held concurrently with the United States presidential election on 3 November 2020. Should the referendum result in a "yes" vote for the proposed design, then that design officially be adopted as the new state flag of Mississippi during the next regular legislative session. Should the referendum result in a "no" vote for the proposed design, the commission can reconvene and propose different designs.
The legislation states that further referendum can then be held on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November of a year in which the commission makes a new recommendation until a "yes" vote is achieved. Mississippi will remain without an official state flag until a new one is adopted through this process.
Maybe it's time for another civil war, but don't count me in. I'll stay home, and wait for the movie to come out on DVD. The closest thing I'll come to engaging in battle is watching a war movie, with plenty of popcorn on hand.
If they want it removed then put it up for a vote of all the citizens of Miss and ask them and then go by what the vote says. One person or 200 people should not have the right to make a decision like this for the whole state, the whole state should have a say.
I live in MIssissippi at the SW end of the delta on the river. Aside from the 99% of the non white population and ~80% of the white population under 70 we want the damn thing gone. The mandated inclusion of in "god we trust" is another debate. That phrase has unfortunately has become a mainstay in our society and at some point there will be legislation to again seperate the church and state. As long as old, rich, white men with lifelong terms hold all three branches of our Government there will be no change. That change is up to all of us to use our constitution right to vote to make that happen. Also as long as we have the electoral college inplace in its current state we will again have the situation where the count of a few states will be the deciding factor over the popular vote. Until the realignment of the College (get the fuck rid of "Super Delegates"), State Senators and Congressional delegates are redistributed as a reflection of the nation as it is now versus hundreds of years ago and Gerrymandering is abolished we will cry this same song and continue to be subjugated; regardless of your race (except old white folks), religion (except old rich white so-called "christians"), Gender orientation (except straight officials, we are gaining ground slowly), etc... The big main message is get the hell out and vote lets change this country.
Then bring it up for a vote of the people of Miss. If they want it gone then it will be gone. Instead you kiss the rear of a bunch of whiny babies
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DG, Nazi Germany didn't get to keep its swastika flag after it lost the war. The Stars and Bars are just another version of the swastika, since they both stand for racism, and so the South shouldn't get to keep that symbol of hate, either, after it lost the Civil War. It already voted on this matter by fighting a war to keep that flag---and losing that war!!! It shouldn't just get to keep voting over and over again, endlessly, on whether to keep that hateful flag or not when the outcome of the war decided that issue already, once and for all, and the country of which they are a part decided that it is treasonous and has no place here, anymore than they could hang their cousin flag, the swastika, up as their state flag!!! Or else the men who fought and died against those flags fought and died for nothing!!!
Sorry Johnny, but Germany gave up the Nazi Symbol they stole from the Hindu religion in their surrender terms at the end of WW2 in the European front. That has nothing to do with this. Nice try on your smoke and mirrors reply
DG, since you're not smart enough to be able to understand the obvious connection between the racist Nazi regime and the racist Confederate regime or why Nazi Germany has anything to do with the Confederacy or why neither racist regime should be able to keep voting on retaining their flags after they lost their wars, here is something else that you won't be smart enough to understand!! If you are in a poker game and lose all your money, you can't at the end of the game ask for your money back again because you lost the game and don't get your money back. The South gambled in the poker game of the Civil War on keeping its Confederacy and flag, but lost that game and so doesn't get to have its Confederacy and flag back again at the end of that war, anymore than you or anyone get your money back at the end of a poker game when you or the person lose the game. How many analogies do you need for it to sink in that you can't lose and still retain what you lost because there are all kinds of analogies to show it, if any of them could ever get through all that rock and mud around your "brain" to prove this obvious truth to you and your ilk?!!
Since you are not smart enough to see that on tonights news they said exactly what I originally said... they send this new design before the Gov and he authorizes it then its put on the ballot for the PEOPLE of Mississippi to decide.
My Lord Johnny, your intelligence drops with each post.
DG, since your not smart enough to understand and agree with all the points that I raised in my previous post and the posts before, you also aren't in any position to say that my or anyone else's intelligence "drops with each post", which is ludicrous coming from you and the pot calling the white kettle "black"!! It is your "intelligence", quite obviously, that is dropping with each of your posts!! The Governor or anyone else can't legitimately put the matter of the Confederate battle flag on the ballot for the people of Mississippi to decide, anymore than he or anyone could put slavery or discrimination in housing or public education or service in restaurants on the ballot for those Mississippians who might want all those things back again. The matter of the flag for the defeated in the Civil War state of Mississippi was decided, once and for all, by the outcome of that war. That decision can't be set aside every time that some white racists feel like setting it aside or else the outcome of the Civil War and decision on that matter are meaningless and then, in that case, let's just go back to slavery, discrimination, lynching, and everything else that the Civil War and Civil Rights movement were intended to resolve and eliminate!! Either you believe in a UNITED States of America, under ONE flag, or a divided states of America, with Mississippi and every other state going its own way and doing whatever in the Hell that it wants to do and remnants of the treasonous Confederacy still being honored and displayed as "state flags" because you can't consistently believe in both!! They are a contradiction in terms. Mississippi is being offered a choice to commit treason and disloyalty to the United States!! That is the test of your or anyone else's intelligence: if they agree with and understand that obvious common sense. If you or anyone else doesn't do so, you aren't intelligent----PERIOD!!! Intelligence isn't just whatever you or anyone else wants to say that it is, but has a set definition and laws governing it.
DG, the Union soldiers, if they could come back and see the Confederate battle flag's being voted on as the state flag of Mississippi, would shout: "What in the Hell did we fight and die in the Civil War for, if they are now doing this?!! We might just as well have let them keep the Confederacy and not fought a war against it, since they are keeping it, in practice, anyway!!". We dishonor the memory of the Union soldiers who fought and died fighting against the Confederate flag by now putting it to a vote to keep that flag flying over Mississippi, meaning that they fought and died for nothing!!!! The Civil War was a Federal action of the Union against the Confederacy and its flag and so can no more be overruled or set aside by the South or white racists in the South than can the Federal action and decision of integrating the schools or equal housing and protection and service under the law. Governor George Wallace of Alabama found that out when he stood in the doorway of the University of Alabama to prevent the integration of that school, as the Federal government demanded, but was moved aside and the integration happened, anyway!!
Exactly, put it to vote at the very least! Yet I will also say my Kin and I know from talking to others and reading letters of the day that the vast majority of folks who went to war for the Southern Cause weren't fighting to keep another in bondage. They fought to preserve the Constitution as written and to end the unfair taxation, Morrill tarrif made things even worse, of the South. If slavery was the main issue the early version of the 13th amendment, known as the Corwin Amendment, would have accepted. Lincolns Corwin Amendment would have made slavery a Constitutional law, but as history proves the Southern States rejected this idea.
You can spin what the Seceded states were fighting for all you want, but it was slavery. Read what their leaders wrote and said, also their Constitution.
Already did, and if you had any sense you would have seen this was about states rights.
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If there anyone lacking any sense that would be you Daniel Gray. You're so narrow- minded that you absolutely refuse to acknowledge or recognize the existence of any fact or truth, that doesn't fit your narrow- minded perceived world view.
Sorry, but I see history, not opinion. If removing this was such a good thing then why not let the people of mississippi decide?
No you don't you only see what you want to see
No I see history, something that you refuse to do and thats why you keep losing the argument and thats why you resort to vulgarities and foul language because you dont have the sense to use english
In other word you're that other name for donkey, it a single syllable, three letter word that they use in the bible. and starts with the letter A.
Guess I hit a nerve. Instead of telling why it would not be a good thing to let the people decide, all I get from you is whines and name calling
I already have stated it if you would look at the rest of the blog you would see that and I didn't say it was a bad thing to let the people decide You're the one going around insulting everyone calling them whiny baby and acting you're superior like you know everything and everyone else is inferior and stupid. and honestly I'm getting sick of you so STFU
whats wrong child? having to resort to foul language just shows that you have nothing to argue about and that your opinion inst worth a bucket of warm spit. and if you keep on using foul language the moderators might need to remove your posts or just restrict you altogether.
Comment removed by user.
Mississippi A Declaration of the Immediate Causes which Induce and Justify the Secession of the State of Mississippi from the Federal Union.
In the momentous step which our State has taken of dissolving its connection with the government of which we so long formed a part, it is but just that we should declare the prominent reasons which have induced our course.
Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin. That we do not overstate the dangers to our institution, a reference to a few facts will sufficiently prove.
Daniel Gray you are a racist And don't tell just because you're not white (which I already know that you claim no to be) that you can't be a racist anyone of any race can be a racist and also You're not only ignoring history, but you're also trying to rewrite history to suit your twisted racist believes.
We Should Also Tear Down Statues of Jesus, Activists Say Posted on Jun 22, 2020
Catherine Ohrin-Greipp Jul 08, 2020 at 06:04 pm Poor Daniel. I would like to suggest an excellent read for you. "White Rage" by Dr. Carol Anderson of Emory University. It might be a big help to calm you down. You seem so agitated at us. Maybe a soak in the tub with some lavender would help you. Blessings.
Daniel Gray Jul 10, 2020 at 11:41 am And why would I want to read this? I am not white
the only racist and bigot I see here T Kossee is clearly you. You have nothing to back up your inane posts except your opinions, you are like Johnny and take 16 paragraphs to say hello, you spam and attack people who dont agree with you. You call names like a little child and you fall back on the left wings actions of calling people racist and bigots and such when you have nothing to back your claims up with except opinion and hot air. No wonder you get blasted with the truth and fact each and every time you open your mouth. And I guess you have a problem with the truth do you? I know it has a problem with you
DG, any post longer than "If" is the same as "16 paragraphs to say hello" to you because you aren't capable mentally of understanding more than that!! T Kosse is clearly right about your being a racist and backs up his claim with evidence, as any sensible person can aee!!
whines the same guy who SWORE he would never reply to me again. And yet here you are. doing exactly what you said you wouldnt do. So either you were lying then or you are lying now. Either way it clearly shows your word is not worth a whole lot if you wont even keep it
Whines the same guy who keeps posting your garbage in here and yet expects not to have any of it responded to and refuted, which is very unrealistic and unreasonable on his part. When he stops, I'll stop; but as long as he continues, I'll continue!! I don't need to keep any "word" (especially one that I never gave!!) to an obvious and compulsive LIAR!!! such as him!!! You can tell him that I said so!! If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen---and the blog!!!
It ia about time. The Civil War ended a very long time ago.
But it did happen. Why are we trying to cover up our history?
No one is trying to cover up the Civil War or pretend it did not happen. What they are doing is trying to get the names and statues removed of losers and traitors, like Lee, Jackson, Bragg, and so on. There is no other war where we or any other country recognizes the traitors. Those names are from the early 1900s and are mostly in the Southern states. The people who put those statues up and names on bases did so to reinforce their dominance over the free slaves and Black people in general.
The last Civil War memorial that I know of that honored the traitors was erected in 1972. It must stop.
Because the SOUTH LOST!!! There is no precedence anywhere that justifies the glorification of the losing side!!!
My great-grandfather on my father's mother's side of the family serve during the civil war on the Union side.
2nd Regiment, Minnesota Infantry OVERVIEW:
Organized at Fort Snelling, Minn., "K" COMPANY: 2nd Regiment, Minnesota Infantry August 23, 1861. Regiment concentrated at Fort Snelling and left State for Louisville, Ky., October 14, arriving there October 22. Moved to Lebanon Junction, Ky., October 22, and duty there till December 8. Attached to R. L. McCook's Brigade, Army of the Ohio, to December, 1861. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, Army Ohio, to September, 1862. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 3rd Army Corps, Army Ohio, to November, 1862. 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, Center 14th Army Corp., Army of the Cumberland, to January, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, 14th Army Corps, to October, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 14th Army Corps, to June, 1865. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 14th Army Corps, to July, 1865.
SERVICE: Moved to Lebanon, Ky., December 8, 1861, and duty there till January 1, 1862. Expedition to Somerset January 1-18. Battle of Mill Springs January 19-20. At Somerset till February 10. March to Louisville, Ky., February 10-25, thence moved to Nashville, Tenn., February 26-March 2. Moved to Savannah, Tenn., and Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., March 20-April 9. Advance on and siege of Corinth, Miss., April 29-May 30. Pursuit to Booneville May 31-June 12. At Corinth till June 22. March to Iuka, Miss., June 22-25, thence to Tuscumbia, Ala., June 27-29, and duty there till July 26. March to Athens, Ala., and Winchester, Tenn., July 26-August 7, thence to Dechard and Pelham Gap, Tenn., August 19-31, and to Manchester, Murfreesboro and Nashville, Tenn., September 1-7. March to Louisville, Ky., in pursuit of Bragg September 14-26. Pursuit of Bragg into Kentucky October 1-20. Battle of Perryville, Ky., October 8. March to Bowling Green, Ky., October 20-November 2, thence to Mitchellsville November 6-7. Guard Tupnel till November 23. Moved to Cunningham's Ford, Cumberland River, November 23-25, and guard duty there till December 22, and at Gallatin till January 29, 1863. Moved to Murfreesboro, Tenn., January 29, and duty there till March 2. Nolensville February 15. Moved to Triune March 2. Nolensville Ford, Harpeth River, March 4. Expedition toward Columbia March 4-14. Chapel Hill March 5. At Triune till June 23. Franklin June 4-5. Middle Tennessee or Tullahoma Campaign June 23-July 7. Hoover's Gap June 24-26. Occupation of Tullahoma July 1. At Winchester, Tenn., till August 16. Passage of Cumberland Mountains and Tennessee River and Chickamauga (Ga.) Campaign August 16-September 22. Battle of Chickamauga, Ga., September 19-20. Rossville Gap September 21. Siege of Chattanooga, Tenn., September 24-November 23. Chattanooga-Ringgold Campaign November 23-27. Mission Ridge November 24-25. Pursuit to Ringgold November 26-29. Regiment Veteranize December 29, 1863. Veterans on furlough January 8 to April 9, 1864. Non-Veterans on duty as provost guard at Division Headquarters till April, 1864. Reconnoissance from Ringgold, Ga., toward Tunnel Hill April 29. Atlanta (Ga.) Campaign May 1-September 8. Tunnel Hill May 6-7. Rocky Face Ridge May 8-11. Battle of Resaca May 13-15. Guard trains May 21-June 2. About Dallas June 2-5. Operations about Marietta and against Kenesaw Mountain June 10-July 2. Pine Hill June 11-14. Lost Mountain June 15-17. Assault on Kenesaw June 27. Ruff's Station July 4. Garrison duty at Marietta till July 13. Assigned as provost and depot guard at Marietta July 15-August 19. March to Atlanta August 19-20. Siege of Atlanta August 20-25. Flank movement on Jonesboro August 25-30. Battle of Jonesboro August 31-September 1. Operations in North Georgia and North Alabama against Hood September 29-November 3. March to the sea November 15-December 10. Waynesboro December 4. Ebenezer Creek December 8. Siege of Savannah December 10-21. Campaign of the Carolinas January to April, 1865. Fayetteville, N. C., March 11. Battle of Bentonville March 19-21. Occupation of Goldsboro March 24. Advance on Raleigh April 10-14. Occupation of Raleigh April 14. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., via Richmond, Va., April 30-May 19. Grand Review May 24. Moved to Louisville, Ky., June 14-20. Mustered out July 11, 1865.
Regiment lost during service 2 Officers and 91 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 186 Enlisted men by disease. Total 281
By the way Happy 4th of July Everyone.
When it come to the South it's the 3 G's (God, Guns, and Gays) is what they think about.
l'm sure if they really tried a bit harder, they could have came up with something better, that would have represented the whole state of Mississippi, and be less divisive. They could even held a contest, and have people submit idea for a new state emblem, and motto and give a prize for the best idea.
You know it's people like you who go around with a loaded gun that I'am more worried about. Remember Yoshihiro Hattori a Japanese a 16 -year-old exchange student who was on his way to Halloween party in Baton Rouge,Louisiana in October 1992 He was with his friend Webb, and they were lost and went to the wrong house by mistake. Property owner Rodney Peairs fatally shot Hattori with a 44. magnum revolver at point-blank range. All just because he one of those nutcases with a loaded gun, who don't think before they shoot
Mississippi is a state I've been known to drive through or fly over, but would never think of stopping in for anything.
This is a shame what these ppl are doing to our country. What ppl do is there own business don’t shove it down my throat. BLM is nothing more or better than the KKK. I’m peace loving man but first one comes to harm or burn will be shot
It is your ignorance Sir that has you compare BLM to the KKK. Try to walk in a person of color’s shoes for just one day. Imagine yourself walking into an all Black store and as soon as you go in you are watched, followed by store security, women clutch their purses and grab their children’s hands...all because you walked in the door. Now you have a thousand dollars cash in your pocket and a platinum Visa and MasterCard but they won’t take it, won’t even run it because it’s probably stolen. So you pay with cash and they examine every bill like they work for the Treasury Dept. and very loudly which just adds to your embarrassment. And all you wanted to do was buy something very special for your Mother... Now imagine that being your everyday day normal for 70-80 years. You are condemned because you can’t hide your color. By the way the BLM never lynched anyone can the KKK say that. Read your history, Sir
Show me one thing BLM has done for black ppl. They burn cause riots destroy property threaten to kill and beat ppl. Agree things need to be changed with police departments. As far as history goes you better study yours a little deeper. Blacks weren’t the only slaves. Black ppl we’re sold by there own ppl in Africa and it still goes on today with Islamic countries.. The civil war wasn’t fought over slavery it was fought over states rights. All I’m saying is I worked all my life like a dog for what I have I’ll defend myself and my property and family
Watch the videos you will see White skateboard kids starting it and cops taken things as well.... So try again sir
The civil war wasn’t fought over slavery it was fought over states rights
Sorry But you're wrong It was fought over slavery The Declaration of Causes of Seceding States of GEORGIA | MISSISSIPPI | SOUTH CAROLINA | TEXAS | VIRGINIA all say that was the reason
This is just one of the Declaration . I can post the others, however they very long and it will take up a lot of space.
Mississippi A Declaration of the Immediate Causes which Induce and Justify the Secession of the State of Mississippi from the Federal Union.
In the momentous step which our State has taken of dissolving its connection with the government of which we so long formed a part, it is but just that we should declare the prominent reasons which have induced our course.
Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin. That we do not overstate the dangers to our institution, a reference to a few facts will sufficiently prove.
The hostility to this institution commenced before the adoption of the Constitution, and was manifested in the well-known Ordinance of 1787, in regard to the Northwestern Territory.
The feeling increased, until, in 1819-20, it deprived the South of more than half the vast territory acquired from France.
The same hostility dismembered Texas and seized upon all the territory acquired from Mexico.
It has grown until it denies the right of property in slaves, and refuses protection to that right on the high seas, in the Territories, and wherever the government of the United States had jurisdiction.
It refuses the admission of new slave States into the Union, and seeks to extinguish it by confining it within its present limits, denying the power of expansion.
It tramples the original equality of the South under foot.
It has nullified the Fugitive Slave Law in almost every free State in the Union, and has utterly broken the compact which our fathers pledged their faith to maintain.
It advocates negro equality, socially and politically, and promotes insurrection and incendiarism in our midst.
It has enlisted its press, its pulpit and its schools against us, until the whole popular mind of the North is excited and inflamed with prejudice.
It has made combinations and formed associations to carry out its schemes of emancipation in the States and wherever else slavery exists.
It seeks not to elevate or to support the slave, but to destroy his present condition without providing a better.
It has invaded a State, and invested with the honors of martyrdom the wretch whose purpose was to apply flames to our dwellings, and the weapons of destruction to our lives.
It has broken every compact into which it has entered for our security.
It has given indubitable evidence of its design to ruin our agriculture, to prostrate our industrial pursuits and to destroy our social system.
It knows no relenting or hesitation in its purposes; it stops not in its march of aggression, and leaves us no room to hope for cessation or for pause.
It has recently obtained control of the Government, by the prosecution of its unhallowed schemes, and destroyed the last expectation of living together in friendship and brotherhood.
Utter subjugation awaits us in the Union, if we should consent longer to remain in it. It is not a matter of choice, but of necessity. We must either submit to degradation, and to the loss of property worth four billions of money, or we must secede from the Union framed by our fathers, to secure this as well as every other species of property. For far less cause than this, our fathers separated from the Crown of England.
Our decision is made. We follow their footsteps. We embrace the alternative of separation; and for the reasons here stated, we resolve to maintain our rights with the full consciousness of the justice of our course, and the undoubting belief of our ability to maintain it.
"Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world." (https://avalon.law.yale.edu/19th_century/csa_missec.asp)
Thank you for taking the time to write that. Until they are able to admit to themselves they lost we will be hearing all kinds of other reasons why the war was fought. Maybe we could get them to Secede today. I would be happy to see them go. Their ignorant leaders (DeSantis for one) and hate of people different than them will not be missed.
BLM have been organising protests in other countries, too, which has nothing to do with what triggered protests in America
Not only did the tear down statues, they tried setting light to a flag on the Cenotaph, vwhich is the national memorial to soldiers who have died in all wars.
When it was discovered that they were starting to attack war memorials set up in counties throughout the country, many ex-servicemen joined others to guard war memorials sacred to the names of the local men who had died in the World Wars.
That stopped these cowardly, and deeply disrespectful attacks that had nothing to do with black lives at all.
This BLM is a Black Power movement, which is a black supremacist movement, aimed at stirring up a race war.
All that it is doing is turning ordinary people against black people, because they are disgusted at what BLM is doing, and saying.
If they keep on saying that all white people are racist, then they will eventually turn everyone against them, not because white people are racist, but because they have become sick and tired of being constantly insulted in this way.
Anyone with even the smallest amount of intelligence can see that a minority will not win a race war, and stirring up hatred, through insults, rioting, looting, and arson, only benefits the well-paid political activists of BLM.
BLM aren't lynching people setting crosses on fire in front of African-American houses and racist slurs and things like that. It's a huge difference between the two. African Americans are still going through it so do not ever compare the two!!! Lol there is black white brown and yellow people in BLM... kkk is all white
Not lynching anyone just shooting stabbing and beating looting and burning. Defacing churches. They are worse than KKK
When you are hunted down afraid for you life by a hang of people for rhyme or reason but the color of your skin. It's people with your mentality is the reason why things are the way they are... If you have a mixed grandchildren cousin neices or nephews they will face the same problem because they aren't "white". Google Jane Elliott
No one is hunted down And hung any more. You are living in a world of fantasy. There is no systematic racism in this country. There is no better country on the face of the earth for a black person to live. Look up the definition of systematic. Then show me any place in the country where such a system exists and I will help you destroy it.
Well, Val, I live in Virginia. And there is systematic racism here. Come on down and see. Help us destroy it by standing for equality.
Now look up the word systemic, and you'll know what their talking about. That wasn't a misspelling of systematic in those articles.
I pray that you will find peace from your hatred of white people, and your gross distortions of reality. May you get the counselling that you need for your racism, that blinds you to the good in 99% of white people, and also blinds you to the sad reality that most black people are murdered by black people and their children. We should pray for the black girl who was murdered by black armed vigilantes who murdered her and came close to murdering her mother, this weekend.
Many of the newer Klan groups promote a traditional Klan ideology infused with neo-Nazi beliefs, continuing a trend from the early 2000s. EBBOK itself is one of these, its website explaining, “We are a Christian hate group. We are a group unlike other groups. We accept all Nazis and skin heads (sic) cause we have the same beliefs.” Two such Klan groups have already formed in 2016: the Great Lake Knights, based in Alpena, Michigan, and the Pacific Coast Knights of Spokane, Washington.
So extremist Christian call other people who disagree with their hateful, extremist views and beliefs, anti-Americans, communist, terrorist, hoodlums and criminals.
You do an awful lot of copying and pasting, don't you? Moreover, the comments are irrelevant and seems to suggest that a KKK criminal act is justification for BLM to commit vile, immoral criminal acts worldwide.
Your comments suggest that you live in a fantasy world of racist cons theories and actions.
The answer to racism is not to be found in committing criminal acts, some of which have been to defile the tributes to the many brave men who fought against Nazism, and all it stood for, including racism.
The actions of BLM are turning the ordinary person against them, and black people, which must be a delight to white supremacist groups.
If BLM really want to change things, then they ought to start acting with dignity and respect for others, at all times, and by staying within the law.
Really, my father and uncle and uncles on my mothers side served in the army infantry and navy during WW II again Nazism and Fascism . So don't tell me about brave men who fought against Nazism, And do not ever tell me that "Your comments suggest that you live in a fantasy world of racist cons theories and actions."
Joining in at the end of the war doesn't really count as service. It is evident from your ramblings that you are racist, and have grown up with a sense of victimisation, and hatred all whites This is what is holding you back in life, and holding a racist attitude is something that, doubtless, others have tuned into. Let go of this anger, and sense of entitlement to things that you have not earned, and you will find life is much better for you
You made all of these statements Philip Joseph Ryan
"your hatred of white people",
" that blinds you to the good in 99% of white people," and also blinds you to the sad reality that most black people are murdered by black people and their children."
"It is evident from your ramblings that you are racist, and have grown up with a sense of victimisation, and hatred all whites"
You really are a sick person Philip Joseph Ryan You're the one who is racist. In your own sick twisted demented mind you are projecting your own sense of victimization, anger and racism onto others. That everyone else is the blame but not you, that they are the reason for your inadequacy your feeling of inferiority. The reason that you never amounted to anything in life and total failure at everything you do.
Your racism and hatred of white people is evident in all of your postings.
I expect you grew up being taught this hatred and you were drip-fed poisonous lies, daily, which you accepted unquestioningly.
I imagine that you are angry that the state hand-outs that you get aren't enough for your liking, without thinking that this is a burden on the rest of America.
I shall pray that you be forgiven for your foul ad hominem attacks, and that you, at some point in time, will get the chance of a proper education, so that you can see the error of your ways, and that you learn to be grateful for the federal assistance that you are given, and to the vast majority of people who support you with their taxes
You really need to learn to be grateful to others, and I pray that you be exorcised of the demon that causes you to make your hysterical, and evil outbursts
Philip Joseph Ryan Get medical help. Your posting clearly show that you have gone off the deep end. And you are living in a delusional world of your own making
A 'race war' would only occur if protests like the BLM is misinterpreted as you seem to be doing.
The BLM strikes me as the height of patriotism and everything our Constitution represents: patriotic Americans who love their country so much that they are willing to make the effort to make it the best it can be. And that process should never end: we should always work at making our nation even better.
And btw, NO ONE wins in a 'race war.'
The similarities are that both organizations are (were) Democrat founded and supported. Both organizations use violence is a means to an end, and reliance on the ignorance of participation is required. The major difference comes from the founders. The BLM founders are openly admitted Marxist (communists) and trained organizers. The founders of BLM have hoodwinked America into believing BLM is about race and equality, when nothing could be further from the truth. It is about destabilizing ours and other countries by openly published means With the intent of replacing our form of government with a socialist government. BLM is using ignorance and bait and switch to further it’s goals.
BLM is responsible for burning infrastructure, looting, injuring and even the death of more than a few. They are no better than the Klan of the 1960's and 70's. And for them to push a Socialist philosophy makes things even worse.
Eddy.Can I call you Eddy? Good chap. Now look Eddy Im sure deep down like most people your not insanely evil, but your clearly suffering some deep embedded upbringing to try to whatabout a movement based on rising up against constant and systemic abuse of excessive powers granted to the ill trained and mentally ill that end up armed and assaulting the citizens they are meant to serve on their knee kissing the toe of the shoe of like all good servants.
The age of american mythology rulling over history and common sense must come to an end. To that end many we once glorified will end up exhibits in largely ignored museums and get seen now and then on documentaries about this era.
Yes some great leaders had terrible deeds in their past, and yes they are terrible enough we should judge them by our modern values and put their legends to rest so as to avoid inspiring people who share those negative ideals.
Glorification of slave mongerers, who chose to betray the union deserve no glory, no respect, and those that give such to them lose any right to expect any such directed at them.
This is a shame what these ppl are doing to our country. What ppl do is there own business don’t shove it down my throat. BLM is nothing more or better than the KKK. I’m peace loving man but first one comes to harm or burn will be shot
Walk with Jesus much?
BLM aren't lynching people setting crosses on fire in front of African-American houses and racist slurs and things like that. It's a huge difference between the two. African Americans are still going through it so do not ever compare the two!!!
No, they are sanctioning riots, burning buildings, looting and robbery. BLM is a a violent organization that supports these things. BLM does NOT matter any more.
No they are not sanctioning violence. You need to stop watching FOX News. I watch all three cable news channels as well as read two newspapers and it is amazing the way FOX News reports events. They are wrong most of the time in what they state, but the viewer goes nowhere else so has no overall perspective.
To support your answer, all of the violence so far has been documented being from predominantly from white supremacist groups because of this, the federal government has labeled Antifa and others as domestic terror organizations. The protests, nationwide, have been mostly peaceful, it has mostly been the outside idiots that have made the protests violent...
No they are rioting and burning other peoples property and businesses and killing people as well as looting. You cant deny it as it is shown nightly on the TV news.
Spoken like a true sarcastic Christian.
Walk with love, peace, and common sense much?
No not much.
BLM is not about hate. Hate is taught. the ppl of BLM along with others are tired of seeing BLM= Black Lives Murdered by those who took an oath to protect and serve. so there is a difference between the kkk and BLM some just don't know the difference between the 2. The Bible says in Exodus 20:13 thou shalt not murder. No one has the right to take the life of another no matter the race, and if u or any one else has that much hate in them to think that its ok ur wrong. that just mean THAT GOD IS NOT PRESENT IN THEM.
I'm sorry for your misunderstanding to compare the two is insane think. BLM dont burn or bomb churches with"white" children in it. It is just an awareness that "black" lives are as important as any body else of another race so treat us the same.
One Nation Under God. In GOD We Trust. GOD Bless America !