Model Sophie Rain at the beach
Sophie Rain says her Christian faith and content career can live in harmony. Via Instagram, @sophieraiin

They say the Lord works in mysterious ways, but is this a little too mysterious? 

20-year-old Sophie Rain is one of the most successful models on OnlyFans, a subscription-based social media platform widely used by content creators to post explicit images. Every week, Rain posts images and videos of herself dressed in barely there lingerie to her millions of OnlyFans followers, rising quickly to the top 1% of earners on the platform since launching her page in May 2023.

She’s also a devout Christian (and self-professed virgin) who grew up attending church with her family each week, and who still attends her “home church” virtually when she can. For Rain, there’s no contradiction between her job as a sex worker and her faith in God. He actually led her to this career, she says, and she has His seal of approval.

Showing Curves for Christ

In just over one year on OnlyFans, Rain has amassed a massive social media following – and bank account. Rain recently posted her OnlyFans earnings on her X account, showing a purported gross yearly income of more than $43 million, including nearly $5 million in tips from a single follower. 

Rain says the job is hard, but she does it all for her family. “I’m glad that I’m making this much because all I wanted to do was help my family. I watched them growing up, very poor, struggling to pay bills, living paycheck to paycheck,” Rain states. “So that is what motivates me as well, my parents struggling. I wanted to change that.”

Many have criticized Rain’s choice of career, but Rain says there’s only one guy whose opinion she cares about: God’s. And she says it’s His will that she strips for strangers.

"The Lord's very forgiving, and he put me on here. He put me on earth for a reason and I'm just living every day," Rain says. "If this wasn't meant for me, I wouldn't be here right now."

Does God Approve of Sex Work?

Rain says there’s no conflict between her faith and her career. Many people of faith disagree.

Conservative branches of Christianity have long waged a war on pornography, with many hoping to scrub the world of sex work altogether. They say that not only does it represent a moral decay in society, but it also promotes and enables actual crimes like sex trafficking. 

Seventh-Day Adventist President Ted Wilson described pornography as a “vicious and terrible vice” with “destructive and harmful effects.” And in a recent address at St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis described pornography as a “brutality” which “Christians must be very careful to guard against and strongly reject.”

“Think of internet pornography, which there is a thriving market behind… We all know the devil works there,” Francis warned.

For many faithful, there’s a clear contradiction in the words “Christian sex worker.” But for believers like Sophie Rain, there’s no paradox.

She says that even though she makes a living posting adults-only content online, she’s living biblically by waiting for marriage to have sex, and using her earnings to support her family. 

What do you think? Is there an inherent contradiction between believing in the Bible and selling sex online? And even if there is… doesn’t the Bible teach us not to cast stones, anyway?

Sophie Rain says God approves of her career, but does selling spicy pics online mean you’re selling your soul to the devil?


  1. Joe R Day's Avatar Joe R Day

    First, this human is making good money and sharing it with her family (so she says). Next, "Does God approve?" I believe no one 'speaks for God'... Do they have his phone number or email? She would not be on this page unless she declares "God says it's alright." Wonder how many here have a Fans Only account? There are some porn sites that have 'questionable content' and should be eschewed. The choice is always up to the user...

  1. Udo Hoffmann's Avatar Udo Hoffmann

    Really James? Is this the same god who gives children cancer? Murders millions of people with plagues? and always needs more money?

  1. James Trenton Smith's Avatar James Trenton Smith

    This is an attempt to excuse sin or iniquity. Whether said attempt is a mockery or truly in earnest, is irrelevant. God will use evil for good, however, God will never lay out a life plan for one of his children that excuses the things HE condemns. He would not ask us to sin...not even on his behalf. Pontius Pilot experienced this when, in his court at the trial of Jesus, he asked true and faithful witnesses of Christ to foreswear that their favorable testimony of Jesus was true. They exclaimed that they could that such was a sin.

  1. Marion Sowerby's Avatar Marion Sowerby

    There are multiple societies where nudity or being semi-clad are unnoticed. Men and women go around without clothing, and are neither noticed nor chastised.

    Only in the "religious" West or East (normally fundamentalist of some sort) is nudity any kind of an issue.

    In many places, nudity or being partially-clothed isn't an issue at all - yet these areas are considered "uneducated". I would consider these places MORE educated, since they can consider a human being beyond what can be seen.

    1. James Trenton Smith's Avatar James Trenton Smith

      This is somewhat different than the situation that you describe. The express purpose for this "Models" nudity is for the sexual arousal of men whereby she may profit (i.e. prostitution), ergo it is fornication.
      In the other societies of which you speak. Their purpose for being nude or semi-clad is not the same. The act of being nude is not the sin... the act of fornication is the sin... the act of prostitution is the sin... The purpose of the nudity must be taken into account.

  1. Udo Hoffmann's Avatar Udo Hoffmann

    Why do Christians keep claiming the bible as the word of god? Old testament is the HEBREW book and new testament is a collection of stories attributed to guys we KNOW never wrote them and was add as an addedum to the old testament hundreds of years after the supposed life of Jesus!

    The only words claimed to have been written by god were the 10 commandments and NOBODY knows where they are!

    P.S. the Hebrews spent many years in Egypt and knew the 42 Laws of Maat, which are a set of moral principles and ethical guidelines that reflect the ancient Egyptians' values of justice, truth, and harmony. and guess what..... "ALL" 10 of the commandments are found in the Laws of Maat!

  1. Stephen Joseph Grady's Avatar Stephen Joseph Grady

    Who are we to judge. What's important here is her personal relationship with God, and her faith. Keep doing what you are doing Ms. Rain, and follow your heart

  1. Patrick Meier's Avatar Patrick Meier

    I think the book of Genesis had a lesson on this with Adam and Eve and the Devil's ability to deceive mankind and make bad behaviour seem appealing and even good and Godly. Any confusion can be easily cleared up by studying the book of Genesis, the Psalms and Proverbs alone. People need to know their religion first. So if someone wants to be a Christian like this young woman. She needs to know her Bible and once she does she will know where her thinking is erroneous. God can forgive any wrong behaviours but stating that God agrees to and condones wrong behaviour and put one on the earth to do it is threading in dangerous territory in my estimation.

  1. Mark Stephen Edwards's Avatar Mark Stephen Edwards

    I wish Rain the best. Stay away from loveless sex. How much money do you need?

  1. Walter J. Holbrook's Avatar Walter J. Holbrook

    Let me settle this with a verse from Matthew 6: 24,,, No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You can not serve both God and money. I hope this answers the question for those on the fence playing Christian.

  1. Marcin Lewandowski's Avatar Marcin Lewandowski

    God cannot be mocked. When He says flee sexual immorality he's not being figurative. Run away from the occasion to commit it. As for Christian lady stripping (not the indefinite article), it's interesting how this one contradicts herself. On one hand, she claims God brought her to that profession or activity and that she's there for a reason. But then she says God is VERY FORGIVING. Why would you need forgiveness for something you claim is not a sin? Thus she shows a double mindedness about her behavior, struggling to be convinced in her mind one way or the other. Her stand is, then, not of faith, and what's not of faith IS sin. Thus she sins against her own conscience. But, let's consider something else: it's written that we are to deny ourselves and present our bodies as a living sacrifice which is our reasonable service. By ANY account, is stripping for Jesus a REASONABLE service? Who is she fooling? Herself? Others? God? We have already proven she can't even fool herself. It's also clear that she can't fool others. But she does seem to think she can fool God. We can respect her free will choice AND SO DOES GOD but the Scripture is NOT of private interpretation so she doesn't get to twist it to fit her choices. She can only live with consequences of her choices

  1. Gerardo A Pineda's Avatar Gerardo A Pineda

    As a matter of fact, these kinds of topics shouldn't be displayed to create a debate around them. Since there is no point in judging anyone because of what they do for a living.

  1. Donald G Magel's Avatar Donald G Magel

    It would be much easier to develop an opinion of her behaviors if we were provided a video of her act that she provides her customers.

  1. James McDonald's Avatar James McDonald

    Freedom of choice is guaranteed by the US Constitution. Freedom is NOT your choice of speech and action. Freedon IS your willingness to defend anothers choice even if you totally disagree.

    1. Margaret Grigor's Avatar Margaret Grigor

      She has every right to have freedom of choice. That in essence Free Will. I will did defend her choice and I disagree using God as a smoke screen but as an American I would defend it. Margaret Grigor

  1. Margaret Grigor's Avatar Margaret Grigor

    God did put her on earth but her FREE WILL is making her strip for money and make millions. Using faith as a cover or means for her actions. I will let the Lord sort it out. I don't preach just state the facts or the obvious.

    Proverbs 16:2 says, "All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the spirit.

    Margaret Grigor

  1. Frank A. Brown's Avatar Frank A. Brown

    He who looks at a woman to lust for her has committed adultery in his heart read the Word and the Lord will direct you She is causing men to lust after her and that's not Christ like

  1. Joe R Day's Avatar Joe R Day

    Here we go again... Perceived Morals vs Free Will...When I lived in AZ and CA I would visit nude beaches and areas that were secluded and posted as nude... I have NEVER understood why people are so against a naked human body? This gal is enjoying her time in the limelight, collecting tithes from the lookers and I don't believe anything bad will come from it... MYOB is my attitude (Mind Your Own Business)...

  1. David L Boldo Jr's Avatar David L Boldo Jr

    Think of all the guys that are sinning by looking at you! All the impure thoughts you cause. It’s great for you because your rich now but what about the struggling people out there! Your body should only be seen by you husband! Yes I’m a one man one woman marriage kinda person!!!

  1. Glen Marshall's Avatar Glen Marshall

    Who am I to judge? I strongly favor bodily autonomy and religious freedom.

  1. Roy S. Thorpe's Avatar Roy S. Thorpe

    It's so interesting that the paths to the darkness are so many and varied in their adornment,that they aren't recognized for what they are!

    1. Joe R Day's Avatar Joe R Day

      Why do you think this is a 'path to the darkness'? Looking at a naked human can hardly be called 'dark' and she isn't actually naked... I think many make much ado about very little...

  1. David M Hines's Avatar David M Hines

    Button says “You be the judge” but I’m thinking that’s not my job.

  1. Jonathan J Hensley's Avatar Jonathan J Hensley

    Matthew 7 I can't believe that a Pagan minister has to remind people of this part in the Christian Bible

  1. Alexander Arends's Avatar Alexander Arends

    You can convince yourself of anything but that does not necessarily make it true.

  1. Sidney Baumgarten's Avatar Sidney Baumgarten

    I don't buy her explanation at all. She is trying to justify her sleazy career by hiding behind religion. And I don't buy her claim to virginity. The reality of 'sex workers' is not just trafficking, but brutality and often murder. There is plenty of recorded proof.

    1. Joe R Day's Avatar Joe R Day

      Well, look at Sidney, all prim and proper. "And I don't buy her claim to virginity. The reality of 'sex workers' is not just trafficking, but brutality and often murder." I challenge Sid to back those allegations about her virginity (or lack thereof) and add a special paragraph that addresses the 'Reality of sex workers' as applied to this person...I'll wait lol...

  1. Michael J. Huegel Sr's Avatar Michael J. Huegel Sr

    This is certainly perplexing, the young lady says that she serves god in this manner. I ask you this when Italian social clubs were handing millions of ill gotten gains to the church did it turn away? She has been vocal about her Christianity and her chastity, she supports her family as well. She displays her body, partially clothed gods greatest work of art. No more than the model for the statue of David she should not be judged by man we can’t be sure of her intentions be they true or otherwise. Bless you all and I wont judge, for my glass house may fall upon me.

  1. Udo Hoffmann's Avatar Udo Hoffmann

    John, I laud you for your convictions, "the request challenged my sense of morality" and I agree with your statement.. "Compromising your values for financial gain is a personal decision" Both of these were a PERSONAL choice where does god come into it?

  1. John Parks's Avatar John Parks

    I was asked to build some cabinets for a strip club years ago. That isn't in the same ballpark as performing sexually online for money, but the request challenged my sense of morality. I needed the work and the money they would pay me. I knew that when installing the cabinets there would be things I would see that I couldn't forget. I also knew my wife wouldn't like me going there.

    I turned the job down, and have never regretted that decision. It's better to serve God and live by your convictions, than to open doors that you know you shouldn't.

    I'm sure this woman is a good person in her heart, but justifying a lifestyle like this, as a blessing, or in service to God isn't genuine. Everyone knows in their heart what is right and good. Compromising your values for financial gain is a personal decision and a compromise of those values.

  1. Udo Hoffmann's Avatar Udo Hoffmann

    Hmmmm, "God created woman to serve man"..... not only is that misogynistic and chauvinistic, but only females can reproduce.... that makes MAN the dead end line of creation that can go nowhere without woman!.

  1. Shawn David Spencer's Avatar Shawn David Spencer

    Let me respond with an experience first, having been taken up in spirit and stood before the Lord he said to me, "I am the king of kings, Lord of Lords thy God Almighty. You must vow to forever remain loyal to me." Without fear or doubt I said to him, "Whose king, mine? Whose Lord, mine? I have never met you before. How can I swear to such things when I do not know your heart? " One of the four angels that surrounded him said, "Do not take offense my Lord, they were told to be cautious of the adversary." And I agreed with him saying, "How can I swear my loyalty to someone whose intentions I do not know." And I was taken up out of body and saw the wonders of the vision that John the Divine had seen in his gospel but slightly different. When I stood before him I saw a beach and every grain of sand was in itself a universe and each one was the life of every individual that ever was, is and shall be. From across the ocean came a great angel like that of Sandelphon, as tall as the sky but made of stone like a statue. He had one foot upon the beach and one on the sea. As he walked towards me he grew shorter and I saw in one hand he had seven pentacles and they were the seven angels who were exiled from heaven to earth that were the seven angels of the seven churches and in his other hand he had 12 candles, each one represented one of the tribes of Judah. He had rainbows over his head and over his feet as straps that held on his sandals that were made of clouds and he had a column of fire for eyes. When he spoke everything around me rumbled with his voice that came from everywhere as he said, "I am the creator of all things, from the alpha to the omega, I am the god who appeared before Abraham, Issac and Jacob, I am the god who delivered Moses and the Hebrews from bondage out of Egypt. I am therefore I am!" For a moment I asked myself if this really was who he said but instantly I was humbled before him as every sensory perception screamed from within me that this was no doubt Him. This is what it means to be called to God's work. Not everyone may experience this but those who have experience something like this. This dear girl might be confused or scared to be judged for her decision towards her life's works but it is not our place to judge. She may be called to the Lord to have a chance to take a second look at her life and try to make a change but I do not think the Lord has any personal needs for immortality of the flesh. Not to be harsh but he is kind of beyond such things.

  1. Mark Lucas's Avatar Mark Lucas

    It's more important to have a good heart rather than good clothes or clothes at all. This is a personal choice not your choice. There is only one unforgivable sin and stripping isn't it.

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Well, being as the word “sin” is a human construct I’m dying to know what you think the unforgivable sin is? Please enlighten me, Sir Mark. Have a wonderful festive season. 🤗


      1. Jonathan J Hensley's Avatar Jonathan J Hensley

        The only unforgivable sin according to the Christian Bible is Blasphemy

        1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

          There are some equally fascinating stories in the Book of Mormon, Bhagavad Gita, and the Qu’ran.

          Thanks for your input. 🤗


        2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

          Jonathan J Hensley

          The unforgivable sin is the sin against the Holy Spirit, namely, calling sin not a sin.

  1. Robert E Morgan's Avatar Robert E Morgan

    God seen that man needed a companion and created woman. To serve man’s needs and man’s needs are many.

    1. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

      Robert our needs, are water and air and food. The bible does teach, that man needs to feel respected, and a woman needs to feel loved. As the so-called experts say, man gives sex to his wife so that he can feel respected, A woman gives sex to her husband so that she can feel loved.

    2. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Being as you are talking about primates, Sir Robert, you've got me wondering now if the monkey god created a female monkey to serve male monkey needs. I'm just asking for a male Chimpanzee and Ape that I know about. 🐒


  1. Justin Adam Kalm's Avatar Justin Adam Kalm

    Q: Is there an inherent contradiction between believing in the Bible and selling sex online?

    A: Only to the extent that there are inherent contradictions between the various parts of the Bible. If there is a sin here, it's the gross inequities in our system that enables someone to tip an Only Fans performer $5 million, while other people are struggling to make ends meet, and that's not Sophie Rain's fault.

  1. John M Acevedo JR's Avatar John M Acevedo JR

    JESUS SAID BEFORE YOU CAST A STONE OR POINT A FINGER LOOK AT YOURSELF. Christians are fast to do exactly this. Hipocrits. I am a christ. We are all sons of the creator. so why are we enemies with our own?

  1. John M Acevedo JR's Avatar John M Acevedo JR

    Gen 16:2 So Sarai told Abram, "You are well aware that the LORD has prevented me from giving birth to a child. Go have sex with my servant, so that I may possibly bear a son through her."

    Gen 19:32 Come on! Let's make our father drink wine, and then we'll have sex with him so we can preserve our father's lineage."

    Gen 38:16 So on the way, he turned aside, approached her, and said, "Come on! Let's have some sex!" But he didn't realize that he was talking to his own daughter-in-law. "What will you give me," she asked, "in order to have sex with me?"

    MEN AND WOMEN OF GOD? WITHOUT ASKING GOD FIRST? The bible has over 100 plus stories about immoral sexual practices. Let's not speak on the killings and plunderings or what GOD has created only to say Isreal are the chosen of all and when they kill save the virgins for Yahweh.


    1. Michael Edward Ratcliff's Avatar Michael Edward Ratcliff

      You seem to conveniently leave out a very important point. The examples are shown as sins in the Bible or a lack of being willing to wait on the Lord and the consequences for not doing so. The entire point of God's Word is so it can teach how you should live. Of course those examples are in there.

  1. Angela Blackthorne Biggs's Avatar Angela Blackthorne Biggs

    I don't think that people who are sex workers think about the effect their behavior has on the lives of others. Beyond problems like sex addiction, which is a very serious problem that arises from exposure to commodification of sexuallity in all of its forms, they lower the value of sexuality in general. They cheapen it. If they weren't selling themselves, their bodies and images of their bodies, sex would be more appropriately valued in society at large. They're putting a street price on something beyond value. While I don't think it should be illegal, or punishable by law, I do think it's immoral and unethical to share your intimate life with strangers for money. It devalues human sexuality to a commodity. If there weren't prostitutes, everyone would value their partners more. So they're taking something as much as they are selling something. It's a drain on society in that sense.

    1. Angela Blackthorne Biggs's Avatar Angela Blackthorne Biggs

      As far as being a Christian, these people talk as if faith was all that matters. We can recall that the Bible advises us that Satan and his demons know that Jesus is the Saviour. They believe, but clearly that is not enough to call yourself a Christian! It's very ignorant and misguided. To be a Christian is to follow the way of life that Jesus taught us. He would consider anyone in sex work to be a sinner. Someone out of grace with God. It's not a holy lifestyle or a godly lifestyle. Justifying it by how much it brings in is antithetical to Jesus' teachings:a life of service and poverty. In this world while storing up treasures in heaven. Even if she donated all the money she makes to the poor it would not be acceptable to God. Take some of that money & go back to college. Be a doctor or a lawyer and really serve those in need, not just yourself and your own family. A life of sex work is a wasted life. The waste of your human potential. I'm sorry to have to discount her beliefs but Jesus had real teachings and this is not consistent with them. What she's doing is not the behavior of a Christian. She had no right to call herself one. That's her fantasy of herself. The two things are not comparable or compatible. Sex work is definitely something Jesus would never do. He exalted sex as defined in God's word. He did not reject sinners, but this behavior is clearly sinful in Christian terms. She wants to have her cake and eat it, too. It's not a Christian lifestyle and you're not born a sex worker. That's definitely a choice that is outside the definition of Christian behavior. "Faith without works is dead".

  1. Micah Myers's Avatar Micah Myers

    The First Epistle to the Corinthians from St. Paul sums up why it's immoral to be a sex worker or "nudist".

    Read your Bibles.

    1. John M Acevedo JR's Avatar John M Acevedo JR

      the bible is full of sex crimes. including virgins for god. why? kings with concubines? read your bible minister.

    2. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Being as you mentioned immorality, I'm wondering of your particular God will go to a burning place for eternity for impregnating a virgin girl of about 13 to 14 years of age, when she was betrothed to someone else. He seems to be a very naughty deity.

      I'm curious, do you worship that one?


  1. Michael Edward Ratcliff's Avatar Michael Edward Ratcliff

    "Am I dieing to self daily as required by Jesus?"

    To judge does not mean In Hebrew what it means in English. In the Biblical sence it means to not consent to Heaven or Hell as it's Christ Job. Biblically however the Word tells us more than once to warn in love or Christian Brothers and Sisters if they are in sin. It even says if they don't listen to us in private to go to them with another. Then if they still don't listen to go as a group. The Bible is very clear on all sexual sins. It is also clear that the Holy Spirit is not of confusion. It is very clear that Lucifer Himself is as of light and desires to misslead you.

    If someone feels the Lord led them there, they are very misguided Biblicaly and by whatever spirit they are listening too.

    The love of money is the root of most evil doings per the Bible as well. It is comman psychological practice for a person to seek the sin they love and do all they can to seek approval for it.

    Doing so is wrong Biblically. There literally is no arguing that if you study scripture. Both in the old law (good for learning the heart of God, but by which we are not longer bound) and by the law of the Spirit.

    The Bible says people will seek what tickles their ears and heart. In other words that people will seek approval for the things they desire. I have over 182 accredited Biblical Study credits mostly on the John Wesley side but also 9 months worth of that is of the Calvinistic side. I will gladly go over scripture from the Hebrew and Greek side if someone needs.

    Biblically there is no arguing ( IN CONTEXT AND NOT CHERRY PICKING VERSES) that sex trades of all types, and all sex outside of marriage is in fact sin. There is no arguing that we are to point it out to Christian Brothers and Sisters in Love Biblically.

    I love people with all my heart. We have all sinned and all have fallen short of the Glory of God. I don't Judge the soul as that is Christ job. However as commanded by His Word, I do warn those who claim to be if Christ if their sins. This is not only permitted by the Word, but required. It's a part many of us refuse to do, often because of the current social and political system of the World. But Jesus Christ says we are to be in this World and not of it!

    Too often we desire to "have our cake and eat it too." We make excuses to others and ourselves so much, so heart hardily that we start to believe what we tell ourselves. Especially when we find those willing to tickle our ears!

    The road is narrow to Christ. We keep trying to broaden that road. He says many will call Him Lord only to find He doesn't know them in the day of Judgement.

    Sin is sin and has consequences. But no worse than sin we practice daily. God calls sin we practice eternal death. We may all slip up time to time. But to Intentionally practice it is warned many times Biblically.

    Because I Love others In Christ I must not Judge in the Eternal Sense. But I surely must warn that it is wrong and not of Christ as His word commands me to do.

    It is emphatically wrong Biblically to practice all sexual deeds outside of marriage in private. However, you will always find those who make excuses and tickle the ears as to why it's not.

    All this I truly say In Love and without comdemnation. I have sinned as all have. But I have repented of my sins and practice those sins no more as commanded In Love by Christ Jesus. I die to self daily as commanded in Love by Christ Jesus.

    Perhaps that is the one thing you can use if for some reason you're not in the Spirit to test yourself with any sin. "Am I dieing to self today in my actions?"

    God Bless you if you made it this far with my terrible typing! 😂 😆 😂 Love in Christ Jesus, Michael

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Michael Edward Ratcliff

      That was an extensive sermon. congregation must be quite large!

  1. Rev Samantha Counihan's Avatar Rev Samantha Counihan

    nobody has the right to judge others, sex is okay, nudity is okay, even i sent people my nudes, what she does outside of church is her business nobody elses, and it doesnt encourage sex traffic, our bodies are natural, think before there was any clothing we all were skyclad (nude), if you dont wanna be judged then dont judge others

    1. Rev Samantha Counihan's Avatar Rev Samantha Counihan


    2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Rev Samantha Counihan

      This is a poor justification. Christians are meant to set an example, she is only motivated by money.

  1. Joshua Richard Kricker's Avatar Joshua Richard Kricker

    After reading the criticism, she should listen to Taylor Swift. Haters are going to hate so shake it off. Ignore the haters and the jealous Bible thumpers, and do what you think is right.

  1. Brian Vinson Evans's Avatar Brian Vinson Evans

    She worships the false Jesus. She's been duped into worshipping the God of this world, Satan. Many will be deceived by her transgressions and Satan will continue to bless her with the things of this world. Sad how this world is growing into modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. The King is coming! Repent.

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      What you are quoting is a story! It's a story! Just lighten up and get abreast of the times (pun intended). You'll have us thinking that Harry Potter was real next.

      By the way, the UK already has a King 👑, so please don't say anything to upset him, he's had enough problems in his life, bless him.


      1. Kenneth John Bickley's Avatar Kenneth John Bickley

        You mean Harry Potter is not real! You have crushed me.

        1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

          Darn it! I’m realizing Harry Potter has just as much validity of being real as Jesus does, so please hang in there. Some of the places mentioned in those books actually exist. Much like some places exist listed in the Bible. I don’t want to totally disillusion you my brother. 🤗


  1. Anthony Robert Romani's Avatar Anthony Robert Romani

    Football players get paid millions to inflict pain for what is called sport. They entice young children to engage in mini-football before their skull is fully developed, and you think it is okay. It's not Christian. Getting paid millions to inflict lust in the minds of married people, or lonely people is not Christian either. If you look upon a woman, or even think about it, it is Adultery. Masturbating does not hurt others, but you sin against the temple of the Most High because you as you masturbate, you imagine many things that are considered Adultery.

    What she is doing IS hurting people! It's causing Adultery in the minds of those watching or looking or viewing and this IS a Sin against the Most High God.

    Let's all pray for her so she comes to be guided by God and sees the errors of her ways.

    Lets pray for the families that have been affected by her work.

    And let's pray for all the people who do not understand why things like sports, degenerative music, and many television shows and movies are also evil and against the Most High God.

    Pray for Editor's and Sensors come to righteousness and for this young lady and all the others to come to Christ and see the errors of their ways.

    As for everyone one of us, we are all not perfect. I myself wrestle daily with demons, powers, authorities, and darkness. My mind is constantly being attacked like everyone else. I write things to people I shouldn't, send pictures of things I shouldn't, watch things on TV, in the movies and on the internet that I shouldn't.

    We all fall short of the Glory of God.

    But we need to pray to overcome the wickedness of the world.

    So let's not argue with one another, but pray WITH one another.

    God Bless, and Praise God, and Thank God in advance for her coming to see the light of God, and the errors of her ways.

    She now can use the money she made to start a righteous business and go to a Christian College and learn.

  1. Quinn R Amaro's Avatar Quinn R Amaro

    Gee, whiz, bubba. Mary Magdalene, a prostitute, didn't even do that. It's your soul so do as you wish even though you have decided for monetary pay misusing the body God gave you.

    1. James Patrick Murphy's Avatar James Patrick Murphy

      Where exactly do the Gospels say Mary was a Prostitute?

      1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

        It doesn't.

    2. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Just as an aside, you might find that she got her body from her mother, not a God.

      According to a very well known fairy tale, the only person that a God was supposed to have been responsible for giving someone a body was a possible fictional character called Jesus. This was a very naughty deity impregnating a 13 or 14 year old virgin when she was already betrothed to someone else. If it happened today that deity would be put in jail for getting involved with a minor, but I guess it was weirdly okay back then. Personally, I think an adult should have been chosen by that deity in that story. Authors of ancient books were really weird back in the day....right?


      1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day


        You do realize that the Holy Spirit in Hebrew ends in "H," which makes it feminine. The Ruach HaKodesh is considered the divine mother in Hebrew thought. Therefore, Mary was associated with the Ruach in her role as a mother according to flesh.

        The judges would have a difficult time trying to figure this out, I suppose :-)

        1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

          Thank you for that bit of information about the Hebrew language.

          As for the words "Holy Spirit", it is of course yet another human construct, much like the words "Sin", "Satan", "Devil", "God" et al. 🤭

          Nice to hear from you.🤗


  1. John W's Avatar John W

    The human body, is not, in and of itself, sexual. Nudist and naturist across the globe daily fight this belief. One may argue that she is displaying her body for the purposes of sexual arousal amongst her fan base. I don't wish to judge that. In the very end, it is up to whatever Supreme Being that we chose to believe in that makes that call, not mere mortals and their prejudices and preconceived notions.

    1. James Patrick Murphy's Avatar James Patrick Murphy

      "Whatever Supreme being" we choose to believe in? If their is not 1 truth, one authentic authority, then "Judgement" does in fact sit in the hands of mere mortals and their prejudices and preconceived notions.

  1. Daniel Robert Paluscsak's Avatar Daniel Robert Paluscsak

    "Judge Ye not, lest Ye be judged." I believe that is what Scripture says. And was Mary Magdelene not according to legend, a prostitute? And I am not alluding to the notion that Christ was a client. The New Testament explicetly states that Christ associated with whores and publicans, so I would say acceptance by association?

  1. JustJames73's Avatar JustJames73

    Why are we so obsessed with condemning others (people we don't know, just know of) for the morality of their actions? Why do "we" need to protect society from itself? Why do we let prudish discomfort overwhelm our compassion?

    Compassion, after all, is a significant aspect of any religion, because it's difficult. If this woman is a sinner because she shows her body for money, and her patrons are sinners for paying to see her body, then we here on this forum are sinners for judging the actions of "others" instead of exploring the depths of our compassion and love for strangers (a.k.a. our fellow humans).

    Forbidden fruit is rooted in our shame. Let they without shame condem the siner, else let them show compassion for their own sins.

  1. TomHenry's Avatar TomHenry

    What is her Tithe to ULC?

  1. Paul Johnson's Avatar Paul Johnson

    Sometimes we forget which god we are talking to are about. Many people forget there is at least two gods. Sometimes it can be confusing when we allow the ways of the world to control what we say think are do. I don't have to judge for there is a judge who will be fair in his judements. We can start by juding ourselve first. Maybe the vision will become much clearer if we all would spend more time in prayer listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit. God wants to talk with each and everyone of us, but are we willing to listen?

    1. James T Wade's Avatar James T Wade

      Well stated. Keep caring and sharing!

  1. Shyler Burris's Avatar Shyler Burris

    I too do content, more explicit that her but I do still do content, and i am currently having this conversation with god as I ask for the guidance and let him show me what i'm to do. Many content creators don't go to church or have a relationship with god. This is where girls like us come in. to have the conversations with our fellow creators, to use our money to help our communities.

  1. Steven Everman's Avatar Steven Everman

    I just remembered that this site does a lot of ordination for many religious people. So, maybe her god is pleased with her. My God, however is not pleased.

  1. Timothy's Avatar Timothy

    Were we not created by God without clothing. We should not be ashamed or fear retribution for the gifts bestowed upon us by our Abba father.

    Satan says: Vanity my favorite sin.

    1. Paul Johnson's Avatar Paul Johnson

      I think we were at first without clothing,but I seem to recall it was God who put the covering on man and for what?

  1. Father Frederick's Avatar Father Frederick

    One problem I see in the discussion is everyone has their own threshold for what they consider porn or porn like activity. Unfortunately, there is no "fixed" demarcation zone. A good example is how some religions don't allow women to show their legs or bare ankles as it's sinful, yet others think nothing of beach parties (clothed). Each one thinking they hold moral ground.

    Over the years I've seen so many religions, or closer to that is "people pledging to their religion" set moral barriers which are not defined in the Bible.

  1. CB Cuff's Avatar CB Cuff

    "She's also a devout Christian...." I see that term used often, but what does it mean? Is that better than being a mediocre Christian? Or a 'non-practicing' Christian. whatever that means as well. Or, is it just an ego thingy....."I'm different from them, I'm devoted".

  1. Kenneth B Leach's Avatar Kenneth B Leach

    I have no opinion on outside issues. But all should be welcome in a church

  1. John B Hertling's Avatar John B Hertling

    I believe to each his own. I was a bodyguard for 5 years. I've seen some of the most beautiful women in the world. I never seen any of on only Fans but the way everything is now very confusing for people and you gotta do what you have to do to survive. Just do it in moderation, not in a disgusting way, God loves everybody. That's just my opinion

  1. Mark Stephen Edwards's Avatar Mark Stephen Edwards

    My pastor told me he shocked a fellow diner when he ordered a beer.

  1. Ronaldo's Avatar Ronaldo

    I am more concerned about the people who paid her the millions to look at pictures and videos of her online. She does not have the best body on the internet, and many similar ones can be viewed free of charge. If you know where to look, you can even find nude pictures of some beautiful celebrities on the web without paying for them. Many of these celebrities are as or more beautiful than this young lady.

  1. Mark Stephen Edwards's Avatar Mark Stephen Edwards

    Since when is posing nude sex work?

  1. The Marriage Minister's Avatar The Marriage Minister

    You have millionaire "pastors" like Pat Roberson who say it is disgraceful unless you're Melania Trump. Then it's her body is like a piece of art. There are parts of the Bible that say "Man was created in the image of God." So who are we to judge anything? Think God has the final word here. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  1. Sufani Garza's Avatar Sufani Garza

    If we focus on love, all this banter goes away. Love is the only thing that matters!

  1. Sufani Garza's Avatar Sufani Garza

    If we simply focus on love, all this banter goes away! Love is the only thing that matters.

  1. Miriam Gates's Avatar Miriam Gates

    I don’t agree with her as the devil will appear as an angel of light, deception is his tool. All the while laughing at them for falling for his leading. The devil a fallen angel perverts all that God created for good! I’m sure being raised in church she knows the truth and herself being famous has convinced herself of what she is saying!

    This is ultimately between her and God… accountability will come.

    As far as attending church, yes she would be welcome as well as the other mentioned individuals.

  1. Marco Antonio Corona's Avatar Marco Antonio Corona

    I would say to look at the bible for that is God's word particularly at the following scriptures 1 Corinthians 8:9 and 1 Corinthians 6:18 and imo if we accept a little immorality what would stop us from going to the next level if she wants to help her family she could get a job and help them in that manner .

  1. Mark David Swanson's Avatar Mark David Swanson

    Clarification: Whore; as in, an entity or entities that have compromised principles for personal or political gain.

    1. Jonathan J Hensley's Avatar Jonathan J Hensley

      Therefore everyone is a whore

  1. JT of the plains's Avatar JT of the plains

    Good points.

  1. Mark David Swanson's Avatar Mark David Swanson

    Religion is to the world; as Santa Claus is to Christmas - a man made justification for self indulgence and greed through window dressings & illusions (delusions) of grandeur. A whore is a whore no matter what shape the corporate collection plate may be presented.

  1. Rev. Miche'al Yosef Dixon's Avatar Rev. Miche'al Yosef Dixon

    After more research on this subject I restate my earlier comment. is not a "sex worker" site no more than a fat man in a red and white suit breaking into people's houses each year is real. In May 2022, Carmen Electra joined the site, debuting her account with photos from her 50th birthday. The same year, Pennsylvania congressional candidate Alexandra Hunt joined the platform and announced that her campaign had raised around $100,000 in one month. Why haven't these two FAMOUS PEOPLE cause as much controversy if this is a "sex worker" site.

  1. Don Carlo Battaglia's Avatar Don Carlo Battaglia

    I will withhold judgement of her beliefs until she discloses what of her god's work she does with this $43,000,00/year income. Build homeless shelters? Contribute to charities that fight childhood hunger and abuse? Anything other than build up her own family's obscene wealth?
    I'll wait for her to respond.

    1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

      Excellent point, Don. My thoughts too.

  1. Jerry Dean Silverwood's Avatar Jerry Dean Silverwood

    Pornography is subjective. In some cultures, the human body is celebrated. What one person sees as pornography, another sees as art. Michelangelo's David is without clothing--it's considered art. This is no different. Good Job, Sophie at keeping your faith intact in what could be a very devious industry!

    1. Angela Blackthorne Biggs's Avatar Angela Blackthorne Biggs

      😂🤣Her "faith" is very confused. If she thinks living that lifestyle still allows her to call herself a Christian, she's very misled. Saying she's "doing it as a ministry" is blasphemy. Not only "a Christian prostitute" (an oxymoron if I've ever heard one) but Christian by being a prostitute? Holy Misnomers, Batman! That's like saying eating sugar out of a bowl is your Yoga! Words have meanings. "Christian" is a specific way of life and prostitution is not it.

      1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

        Well posting and selling sexual photos online isn't prostitution since they're not engaging in sex with another person for money.

  1. Timothy John Morgan's Avatar Timothy John Morgan

    I see an awful lot of very negative and derogatory comments on here, criticising what this young woman has chosen to do for her living. I was strictly under the belief that the main point of a Christian life is to 'treat others as you wish to be treated' and to 'live and let live'. If this is the way this woman has chosen to make her living, none of us are required to view or follow her pictures or acts. We all have the choice to walk away but surely, we should NOT criticize her for her choice. Please stop being so hypocritical and allow others to make their choices.

    1. Paul Johnson's Avatar Paul Johnson

      I am confused most if not all comments seem to want to make a point that would make us feel as though that person has the right answer????

  1. CrashingDeer's Avatar CrashingDeer

    Not surprised that many Christians want to censor Sophie. Every depiction of Adam and Eve I’ve ever seen has been censored by people of faith - generally with fig leaves - rather than being shown as God created them. To paraphrase a popular movie ‘we can’t handle the truth’.

    The only objection I’ve ever had to porn is when someone is being forced or coerced into doing something they don’t want to do. I don’t see that happening in Sophie’s case. Leave the woman alone.

    1. Paul Johnson's Avatar Paul Johnson

      I think thats what happened in the garden Adam let the woman alone and you see what that got us.

    2. Kenneth John Bickley's Avatar Kenneth John Bickley

      The fig leaves were placed where they were in order to hide whether or not Adam and Eve had belly buttons, not their genitals.

  1. Steven Everman's Avatar Steven Everman

    The scripture says to "cover up thu nudity" just another perverted person trying to use God for foolish.

  1. Lorriene D Banks's Avatar Lorriene D Banks

    John 7:24 Jesus instructs people to judge righteously and look beyond outward appearances. This verse emphasizes the importance of fairness and discernment. John 8:11: "Neither do I condemn you; go, and sin no more" In this verse, Jesus says this to a woman who was brought before him by her accusers. Jesus tells the accusers that the one without sin should throw the first stone, and they leave. Jesus then tells the woman to go and sin no more. 1 Corinthians 8:13 which states, "Therefore, if food makes my brother stumble, I will never eat meat, lest I make my brother stumble." You are not to tempt others, essentially refraining from actions that could easily lead another person into sin or a bad decision, often based on the idea of considering others' vulnerabilities and acting with moral responsibility. I do not agree with her thought process.

  1. Edwin Jovanni Aguiar's Avatar Edwin Jovanni Aguiar

    I don’t think people should judge her for what she does to make a living she is getting judge for being on only fans when man and women sleep from one person to another and don’t just sleep with one person. There only talking bad about her cause she’s making money for what she does they should just let her life her life and be concerned about there own life’s and like she said her job is not compatible with her religion if the church does not condemn her why should we God bless you all

    1. Paul Johnson's Avatar Paul Johnson

      The church has failed in many ways does this make it right?

      1. Edwin Jovanni Aguiar's Avatar Edwin Jovanni Aguiar

        No sir but who are we to judge her for what she does the only person who can judge her is gob

  1. Stephanie West's Avatar Stephanie West

    Sorry Rain , the deceiver led you to posing nude . No one needs 45 million to survive . No one needs to seduce men in to sin. Looking at people in a sexual way should be reserved for your one and only. Do not be fooled in to thinking all you get is 45 million . It’s energetic you are taking the filthy dirty energy of LUST , it is real and it is not the work of God, and your asking for it. Eventually you will find money is not the only thing you took. I will pray for you. Humble doesn’t strut around , arrogance does. Judgment is both thinking things are so good not just thinking it is so bad. Our naked bodies are natural and should not be judged , but if you use it to seduce it’s no longer natural. It is a form of prostitution! Let’s save our adoration for God.

  1. Roger McQuistion's Avatar Roger McQuistion

    How do we know to judge this woman , if in her mind she thinks it's ok, She will have to answer to God in the end , let God be the judge not you.

  1. Roger McQuistion's Avatar Roger McQuistion

    How do we know to judge this woman , if in her mind she thinks it's ok, She will have to answer to God in the end , let God be the judge not you.

  1. Florencio Guevara's Avatar Florencio Guevara

    She is so full of what she's shoveling! Everyone is trying to re-invent God to their needs. Will this shallow woman slicer her wrists when the wrinkles start showing up?

    1. Angela Blackthorne Biggs's Avatar Angela Blackthorne Biggs

      No she thinks she's going to buy her way into heaven.

  1. Brent Edward Tomlin's Avatar Brent Edward Tomlin

    I have worked and managed Strip clubs for years in my younger years. They need faith, They need spirituality. Unfortunately in this life, money is also needed. We can only pray that Judgement is done at the gates, not while trying to navigate this life on this world. God Bless this girl, the same people who are shaming her, are the same people who would shame her if she was on welfare and destitute. Jesus didn't say who should believe or not, didn't say who should take part or not. In my opinion that is what the Word tells me.

  1. Charles Brandt's Avatar Charles Brandt

    That's the best way to put what she is doing in context.. ahmen 🙏.

  1. Ari Joseph Bertine's Avatar Ari Joseph Bertine

    For Christians in general, the answer to that is legion. Any number of sects can interpret anything in any version of the Christian bible to mean anything, depending upon their core cultural values and their personal motivation and rationale.

  1. Donna Burgette Adams's Avatar Donna Burgette Adams

    I’m not casting stones, my God did not put her there for no reason!! Our God is a respectful God … Read Matthew .5:28. 1John 2:16 and Romans 3:23 I will be praying for God to show her her sin!!!’n

    1. Angela Blackthorne Biggs's Avatar Angela Blackthorne Biggs

      "Casting the first stone" was meant literally. It's not a metaphor for judging her a sinner. It's not our job to judge Or punish but Christianity doesn't have "sacred prostitutes" by definition that's not a Christian lifestyle. We can know what it is wrong to do and what is Christian without judging or punishing her. It's the behavior we're talking about not her salvation. That's between her & God.

  1. Rev. Robin Wasley's Avatar Rev. Robin Wasley

    I used to have faith in Christianity, but the more I found out about myself and my DNA it made all the sense of why I believe in my culture of Viking and being a realist. With this said, I have to agree even I would not put myself out there NO Matter what circumstances come my way in life, as there are always different ways to manage life trials and our journey.

    1. Robert Frantz's Avatar Robert Frantz

      The Bible tells us to flee away from sexual immortality, and to pose naked on the internate and saying that it is God's will is blasphemy,she needs to repent and give her life to the Lord!

      1. Marie Elaine Cain's Avatar Marie Elaine Cain

        I agree. Also this type of entertainment causes others to lust. Lust is a sin. Also doing it for money can be considered prostitution. Prostitution is a sin.

        1. Rev'd Andrew's Avatar Rev'd Andrew

          Is a chef guilty of causing gluttony?

          What she is doing is not prostitution. Look up the definition of "prostitution".

          It seems you are more concerned with casting the first stone than being honest.

  1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

    So a pretty girl takes off her clothes and rakes in the dough. No skin off my nose. But saying god approves is a silly (and unnecessary) rationalization. (Not that it matters, but I'd be more interested if her boyfriend or parents approve.)

  1. Rev. Miche'al Yosef Dixon's Avatar Rev. Miche'al Yosef Dixon

    I support the young women in Ms. Sophie Rain's "profession" as a model. She is not a "sex worker" if someone gets aroused by what she wears that's on them not her. The same reason you don't blame a woman that got raped for what she wears.

    1. Miriam Gates's Avatar Miriam Gates

      Rape is forced upon a person Setting up an online account charging lots of money is totally different and a very wrong analogy. You are really disrespecting victims of rape!

  1. James Mounts's Avatar James Mounts

    After all, if Jimmy Swagart had had internet, he'd still be raking in the money. All he wanted was to watch.

  1. Alexander Arends's Avatar Alexander Arends

    So is this income tax-exempt?

    1. Miriam Gates's Avatar Miriam Gates

      Nope it’s taxable as self employed

  1. John P Maher's Avatar John P Maher


    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      John P. Maher

      Please refrain from shouting for the sake of propriety.

  1. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

    Who am I to judge? We are all children of the same universe and I have no right to tell someone else how to act…

    1. Cristiano Guadagnini's Avatar Cristiano Guadagnini

      Reverend Paula Coop

      I fully agree with you. Who am I to judge?

      I have absolutely no right to tell someone else how to act, especially a lovely girl like this with pure intent.

      I am focused on myself and being the change I want to see in the world instead of focusing on judging another sovereign being.

      That’s how a ripple butterfly 🦋 effect occurs across the universe.

      Keep Shining 🌟 Rev. Cristiano

      1. Ann Elizabeth Schurman's Avatar Ann Elizabeth Schurman

        This your free choice to live your life with the law of one. Treat others the way in which you wished to be treated. Sophie is not to be considered a “Sex-Worker” This is not possible if she’s a virgin. I show my body all the time. It’s not porno people.

        Why are people ashamed of sharing the beautiful human body which was made by creator? Besides do t blame the trees, birds and butterflies or a sculpture of art or a musical composition for not being able to control your own actions because of acting on urges. Learn how to control your actions! Stop blaming others and claiming victimhood it it feels not your highest self. Judge not, or you will be judged (by yourself in your life review on the other side. Your choice, my choice it’s all karma my brothers & sisters. I’m busy keeping my back yard tidy, and that’s a full time job. Hasta pronto!

  1. Colleen McAllister's Avatar Colleen McAllister

    This woman is fooling herself. She is baiting men into sexual acts whether she is physically with them or not. She is not fooling theory. Jesus would not be telling her to go ahead and do t his.

    How sad that so many people are blinded by money.

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Yes, and blinded by fiction with no demonstrable evidence.


      1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day


        Your record seems to be stuck again. Please fast forward.

    2. JT of the plains's Avatar JT of the plains

      Good points.

    3. Mark Rondyke's Avatar Mark Rondyke

      Yes but money is the root of all evil even though we all use it to buy things and pay bills am I right

      1. George G Miller ll's Avatar George G Miller ll

        It is the love of money being the root of all evil. Being a good steward of your income, paying bills, heat, electric and so on. Money is a necessity, but loving money above all else is when evil takes over.

      2. James Mounts's Avatar James Mounts

        The correct quote is "the love of money..." A means of exchange is neither good nor evil. It just is.

  1. Revd. Dr. R. Vincent BEM, LDPS's Avatar Revd. Dr. R. Vincent BEM, LDPS

    Those who follow the Garden of Eden teachings will believe that Adam and Eve were not ashamed of their nakedness until after they had bitten the forbidden apple. Furthermore, God gave us all our own free will, which Sophie is fully at liberty to exercise. It is not for us to approve or disapprove. Furthermore, as Jesus said: "He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her," John 8:7.

    As far as I am concerned, she isn't harming anyone and, with everything else that is going on in the world, my thoughts and prayers are elsewhere. Just my humble opinion, of course.

    1. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

      Dr. Vincent, they were wearing robes of Christ's righteousness which they lost due to sin. We will get those robes when Jesus returns.

  1. Revd. Dr. R. Vincent BEM, LDPS's Avatar Revd. Dr. R. Vincent BEM, LDPS

    Those who follow the Garden of Eden teachings will believe that Adam and Eve were not ashamed of their nakedness until after they had bitten the forbidden apple. Furthermore, God gave us all our own free will, which Sophie is fully at liberty to exercise. It is not for us to approve or disapprove. Furthermore, as Jesus said: "He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her," John 8:7.

    As far as I am concerned, she isn't harming anyone and, with everything else that is going on in the world, my thoughts and prayers are elsewhere. Just my humble opinion, of course.

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Obviously you’re professing to be a scholar of the Bible. Perhaps you can tell me where it mentions the fruit in that book is an apple? 🍎

      When I was a minister I was always under the impression it was “forbidden fruit” with no mention of a real fruit. I thought it was a metaphor, but who really knows? There is sooooo much fiction in that book that people like to think is real.


      1. Mike Stand's Avatar Mike Stand

        Lionheart, it's easy to "prove" Eve gave Adam an apple. If she didn't, how is it all us guys have Adam's apples in our throats? Unless she gave him a different fruit. Every man I know has a pear.

        Your fellow unbeliever, Mike

      2. Revd. Dr. R. Vincent BEM, LDPS's Avatar Revd. Dr. R. Vincent BEM, LDPS

        I am not prfessing to be anything. I am merely offering an opinion.

        1. James S. McKenna's Avatar James S. McKenna

          My opinion follows what the Priest said. Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone..

      3. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

        Lionheart, you pick one word out of R. Vincent's post (apple) and make a big deal out of. Nit picking. And no need to continue to remind us of all you don't believe in. I think we all got it by now.

        Why not comment on the the actual topic, Sophie Rain, rather than continued rebutting of everyone and everything you disagree with?

        Peace, bro'

        1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

          Thank you Rev. BH, but while ever members will continue to make reference to verbiage in a book, of supposed fiction, to support their belief structure it might be best to make accurate quotes for us to consider.

          And to support his argument, he even makes reference to what Jesus is supposed to have actually said for us to consider as truth, when in fact we have no way of knowing what Jesus ever really said, assuming he was real. It's a pitfall that many fall into when making claims as to what they see as truth.

          I hope you find it okay for members to comment on members posts.

          As an FYI, I did actually comment on the topic at hand. You will see I was the first to respond to the topic.

          Thank you for your reply. 🤗 🕊️✌🏻


        2. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

          BH, for me it isn’t what I ‘don’t believe in’ but ‘what I fail to find any evidence to support the nonsense. And it is really difficult to keep from laughing the religiously delusional folk on here.

          So you may expect, or just want, everyone to stay serious and stay on-topic, but it just ain’t gonna’ happen. It doesn’t deserve to happen.

          1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH
            1. Staying on topic seems reasonable.
            2. Humor is fine when intentionally unhurtful or meant to embarrass.
            3. Commenting on posts is the reason we're here.
            4. Dragging out one's point ad nauseum grows old,

            Happy New Year.

      4. Ann Elizabeth Schurman's Avatar Ann Elizabeth Schurman

        Oh, but on your words here, as you go on to say, you perceive yourself as the biblical scholar. I feel the point is the same. Apple, pear, showing a body part, whatever is perceived to be a lower frequency, in polarization are simply examples. The point my biblical scholar brother,’is presumed all equal.

        1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

          I don’t see where I indicated I was a Biblical scholar, I was merely pointing out what seemed to be an error in someone’s interpretation that the forbidden fruit was an apple. It’s much like how many think that book refers to 3 wise men at the birth of that infant in that other story.

          I’m possibly more well versed in that other book of fiction, Harry Potter.

          Thank you for your comment. 🤗


          1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day


            God authored the Bible, while the devil authored Harry Potter!

            1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

              I am assuming you are not interjecting some humor here, Sir George.

              You should know me very well by now, and by knowing me, you will know I’m going to ask you for demonstrable evidence to support your claim that a “God authored the Bible”.

              Before you can make that claim though, one has to be able to prove, without any shred of doubt, that any of the world’s gods are real.

              As I am sure, you are aware, there is a Nobel prize, waiting for the first person on earth to prove any of the gods that mankind has created, really exist. Even those suggested gods don’t seem able to prove it, so I’m thinking it’s gonna be a tall order for you to be better than them.😜

              Also, your claim that “the devil authored, Harry Potter” has to also pass muster that such a creature actually exists. Until then, we have to assume the devil, much like all of the world’s gods, fairies, elves, gnomes, Sasquatch, and The Loch Ness Monster, are human constructs.

              Thank you for your comment, my friend.🤗


              1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

                Who said fairies, elves, gnomes, Sasquatch, and The Loch Ness Monster, are human constructs?

    2. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

      Christians are indeed to correct one another's course. Not in the terms of judgement to damnation, rather "Hey, should you really be showing up to church drunk" and that sort of thing. When Christians don't hold their own accountable, you end up with priests buggering boys.

      This gal is "spreading" the wrong flavor of Christianity.

      1. Jesse Cheshire's Avatar Jesse Cheshire

        What must she taste like to receive your approval?

        A very odd choice of words, especially considering the use of quotation marks.

    3. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

      Revd. Dr. R Vincent,

      I understand your point, as misguided as it may be. To say she isn't harming anybody is to say there is no harm in a sex industry/platform that objectifies women and sets unreasonable expectations for the image of what a woman may look like is misguided and naive. Women who do not have a triple-D chest and a waist around 20 inches, and legs that don't end are treated horribly in this society. At the same time women are judged by how close they can come to that ideal with praise and attention directed their way long before any other "plain jane" looking woman. I can't say that she isn't following a call, but my guess she is more concerned about the paycheck. Do you really not find anything wrong with women being paid millions of dollars for how they look?

      1. Jack Anthony Wilson's Avatar Jack Anthony Wilson

        I agree totally. What she is doing is wrong and not pointing it out is also wrong. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,"

        1. Jesse Cheshire's Avatar Jesse Cheshire

          What great evil has she committed? Giving opportunity for others to sin? Would you have her in a burka?

      2. Jesse Cheshire's Avatar Jesse Cheshire

        So because she matches YOUR ideals of beauty, she is harming those who do not?

        Seems you are more at fault for creating a standard or judging by one, than she is.

        Would God shame someone for the way he made them? On the basis that you find her more appealing than others?

        1. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

          It's not my standard. It is how society glorifies their notion of beauty. As one that few people would look at and immediately call "beautiful," I have had to work ten times harder to be noticed than men with privilege and women who have attractive features, regardless of skills, intelligence, or personality. I am certainly not one who could earn a million dollars (or even a few hundred dollars) by stripping on the internet and taking tips from those who subscribe, even if I wanted to. I also understand the concept of God calling each of us to a unique purpose, I really have no idea what that purpose is in her case.

          1. Lawrence A. Benson's Avatar Lawrence A. Benson

            Maybe it's to help support her family and not being a burdon on society. We should all do what we can to contribute to society in which ever way we can, without being subjected to the judgement of others.

            1. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

              The same could be said for those who deal drugs or engage in human trafficing.

              The title of this article is "God put me here for a Reason." Just because she can get multi-million dollar tips for stripping online, I'm having a hard time making the "reason" a straight line to the website. Just because she can, doesn't mean she should. I could find a supplier and sell heroin on the street, but I understand that is not the purpose God put me on this Earth, because that is something that harms people. For people who don't think that this objectifies women and sets unrealistic body image standards for women has never been discriminated against, disparage, teased, or bullied just because of how they look. I know this sounds like judgement, but you can't call out inequities and injustice without it.

      3. Revd. Dr. R. Vincent BEM, LDPS's Avatar Revd. Dr. R. Vincent BEM, LDPS

        We must work with what God gave us. I would feel the same if it was a guy in that position. It is not for me to judge anyone or how they earn their money. If she can earn millions of dollars for how she looks then good luck to her.

        1. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

          But if this is what God called her to do, what is the purpose? I'm afraid I didn't get a good understanding from the article.

          1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

            Patricia Ann Gross

            Her argument is merely a rationalization for committing evil.

    4. Lawrence A. Benson's Avatar Lawrence A. Benson

      I agree and I have to ask myself " what sin is she committing" other than a man made (contrived) sin. Please somebode refresh my memory where Jesus or any other prophet denounced nudity or pornography.

  1. Robert Gagnon's Avatar Robert Gagnon

    Good for her! Have to admit, she'll reach peoples ears that don't wander into church much. Nothing wrong with earthly pleasures in moderation.

    1. Mark Stephen Edwards's Avatar Mark Stephen Edwards

      She is not self-conscious. She reveals her body and faith.

      1. Ann Elizabeth Schurman's Avatar Ann Elizabeth Schurman

        Oh she is conscious. She’s given her reasons for which she has self awareness. That I’m it self is def reflection of how her action rooms edger, her belief in herself, god and her family. We all have perceptions - Her perceptions appear, based on this article’s content to have quite a considerable amount of awareness on many elements on many levels. She is a higher conscious being in my perception. Can you point out my oversights about theses details laid out here. I’m speaking of factual information/data, Not an opinion based on your experiences of your past and being triggered by these that make your projects all the more obvious. Many blessings to you

  1. John Ash McCormick's Avatar John Ash McCormick

    my god, if she did anything after initiating big bang and moving on to a reasonable universe, would have left you as a horrible, terrible, abominable example.

  1. Nicholas J Page's Avatar Nicholas J Page

    Only fans is a disgusting and degrading website We're put on this earth to serve God and his son Jesus not through this or any website.

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      I wouldn’t know that, I’ve never been to it but I’ll take your word for it. Did you find it disgusting and degrading?


    2. Stephen Tulley's Avatar Stephen Tulley

      Says righteous guy posting on web site.

    3. Ann Elizabeth Schurman's Avatar Ann Elizabeth Schurman

      There is no such thing as Satan, for it is all frequencies: higher and lower. Satan was created by religions as dogma to keep ppl in fear. Fear is the mechanical utilization in control. Fear is the absence of love

    4. Rev. Don's Avatar Rev. Don

      Based on your comment, we're also put on earth to judge those who serve God through the use of technology that He has enabled us to create.

      1. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

        Don, I am thinking about a book I read many years ago. It talks about the inventions of Thomas Edison. In that book he attributes those inventions to the evil angels. Then I recall all the videos I have watched a lot of our actors and singers attributes their fame to selling their soul to the devil. Not sure He created us to live our lives like that.

    5. Mark Stephen Edwards's Avatar Mark Stephen Edwards

      Male curiosity, hormones, and delusion power men to view voluptuously beautiful nude females.

    6. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

      How did you find that out?

  1. Johnny Mac 's Avatar Johnny Mac

    I shall pray you will adhere to GOD’s word and not Satans in this matter. Purify thy heart , mind, and soul! In the name of CHRIST JESUS may you find your way on the straight and narrow! Amen

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Thank you so much for adding humor to this post. 🤗


    2. Ann Elizabeth Schurman's Avatar Ann Elizabeth Schurman

      There is no such thing as Satan, for it is all frequencies: higher and lower. Satan was created by religions as dogma to keep ppl in fear. Fear is the mechanical utilization in control. Fear is the absence of love

    3. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

      Say that 3 times while dancing with a rattlesnake.

  1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

    If it’s true that a real God put her here for a reason, count me in as a religious convert. 🤪

    I wonder which God it would have been. Thor might be a good candidate, or Venus 🤔


    1. Ann Elizabeth Schurman's Avatar Ann Elizabeth Schurman

      I understand your attempt at humor. How about allowing your real consciencness to speak…. or was that it…?

      1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        I’m sure she must be anathema to the Pope, and other people who class themselves as being religious, but the Pope has enough on his plate, dealing with his immoral priests.

        At earning $43 a year, and still being a virgin, and devoutly religious, which is more than can be said for many Catholic Priests, I say, good luck to her.

        Thank you for your comment, Lady Ann.


      2. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        Edit: At earning $43 million a year……

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