Deadpool & Wolverine is already one of the biggest box office hits of all time, but some Christian Marvel fans are probably hoping to get a refund.
Reports of walkouts during Deadpool & Wolverine are all over social media, with many Christians decrying the film as blasphemous, and warning their fellow faithful not to go see it. “They are blaspheming our creator,” warns one Christian. “You should not see it, do not spend money on it.”
Is Deadpool actually blasphemous, or is this all blown out of proportion?
“Marvel Jesus”
The controversy centers around Deadpool repeatedly calling himself “Marvel Jesus'' in the film. That is a reference not only to Deadpool’s ability to regenerate, but also a meta reference to Deadpool as the savior of the Marvel Cinematic Universe franchise.
But is that line too far? The reference to “Marvel Jesus” is receiving massive backlash from some churchgoers, who say that it’s mocking their faith. In a viral video, one Christian couple explains why they walked out of the film 25 minutes in. “They use Jesus’ name in it in a disgusting way,” the TikTok user says. “If you’re a Christian, do not see it.”
Others took things a step further. In another video making the rounds on social media, two Christian women say that “it feels like the devil made the movie.”
And soon, other reactions from Christians rolled in, with even those who seemingly enjoyed the movie acknowledging the blasphemy.
It wasn’t just Deadpool’s “Marvel Jesus” reference which Christian Marvel fans objected to, however. The film also features a moment where Wolverine is crucified on a large X. Though the crucifixion is a reference to an iconic 1989 cover from The Uncanny X-Men series, many fans felt it also made light of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross.
Did Deadpool Go Too Far?
Marvel fans were quick to defend the new film, arguing that the savior character is a well-worn fiction trope as old as storytelling. But it’s the specific references to Jesus that has so many believers upset and feeling like the film made a mockery of their faith and their deity the butt of cheap jokes. As a woman in one of the videos above said, “no one is Jesus but Jesus” - not even Ryan Reynolds.
It’s not just in the movie theater that Christians are seeing blasphemy, however. Many have also criticized much of the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games, objecting to everything from what they perceived as a drag queen recreation of The Last Supper, to imagery straight out of Revelation, to a golden bull - believed to be a nod to an ancient pagan god.
In both situations, critics accused the Christian detractors of being too sensitive, or even seeing blasphemy where none exists. But what do you think? Should Christians seriously avoid Deadpool & Wolverine?
I believe this is pure blasphemy and, like the guy said in the video, mockery of God comes with a high price.
That Jesus remark was in the trailer, so what were they expecting. Have they not seen the ladt two Deadpool movies? This some Christian fundamental trying to make something out of nothing.
Some people are not happy unless they have something to complain about. Let them bask in their self righteousness.
Ryan Reynolds, regardless of if having a female wife, has long been known to be bisexual and does favor having sex with men as he is a "giving" Bottom-Verse. You could easily ask the children of Ryan Reynolds and his wife. He had made himself to be a savior for Marvel, is more interested in making money, and had no qualms about having sex with men. So you tell me: If that is not demonic then neither is it demonic to murder a group of people, which includes children, am I correct?
You are way off base. Religion is pure mythology! All religions!
They have either never watched the first two Deadpool movies or they just figured they would get their 5 minutes of internet fame. Deadpool is known for being irreverent.
I think a lot of Right Wing Nuts deliberately go to these types of things to BE offended. They WANT IT. That way they can claim a "crown" for being persecuted when they die and go to "heaven." Won't they be surprised when they die and nothing is there but eternal deadness!
Deadpool is comedy wrapped in making fun of EVERYTHING. If you've watched the other movies, nothing is excluded from being made fun of. Yes it's violent, but that's how it's written to be. does that make it real? NO. It's FICTION.
Just like religion. Pure fiction. Written almost a hundred after the events in a manner as if they were eyewitnesses. You see this type of writing style all the time, it's common. And the stories were retold over and over for hundreds of years before being written down. so you have the telephone game here. Plus it was edited, re-edited, re-translated, given to kings and popes to add or subtract what they desired. Then re-translated, re-written, re-edited over and over and over. You can't know what's "original" about it. Thousands of mistakes in translation perpetuated over and over. Additions of what others want in it. Subtractions of what they don't want. All-in-all, not at all reliable.
If you're going to watch Deadpool and Wolverine to be persecuted, then DON'T go. It's not for you. If you don't like religion for all it's mistakes and lies and contradictions, then don't be religious. Just be you and don't fret about the rest.
If the name is what they are saying is so wrong then I have a problem with that. Jesus is a very common name in the Latin community. Are they all wrong or are they naming the children according to their personal wishes and after beloved family members? Perspective is everything in this instance. Remember people, this is make believe and not real! Who, in their right mind, is going to think that this movie has anything to do with reality. Come to think of it, if they think that this movie is wrong then where do we draw the line? Do we interfere with other religions because they don't go along with what we believe? Are a different color? Dress differently? Where do YOU draw the line? This is what all of this is about. Not everyone believes in the same thing, the same way, or even at all sometimes. Get over it people, this is just a movie!
Seriously?! I am a Christian and ordained Minister. This movie and the reference to Jesus is just pure entertainment. Using "Jesus Christ" in a cursing manner is more Blasphemous than calling oneself Marvel Jesus. If you don't want to hear this then don't go see the movie. There are worse things to worry about then that.
i'll tell you what is not fiction.....there is a woman who goes by the social media name of that vegan teacher who is clamming that vegans are better than God .
JCB- A vegan is clamming?
If you take anything that Ryan Reynolds says in one of his movies seriously, you've missed the point. Secondly, if you're spiritual beliefs are so fragile, that a joke in a movie offends you, grow up. Third, seriously, get a sense of humor.
Take a look at the Ryan Reynolds movie called "Waiting".
What have Deadpool and religions got in common? They are all fiction!
I had to Google this clip to see what the uproar was about and the statement Deadpool made was "I am the Messiah; I am Marvel Jesus". Knowing that the word Messiah means savior, I believe that Deadpool was making a joke about how he was resurrecting the Marvel Universe five years after Avengers: Endgame supposedly brought an end to the series. There is nothing demonic or blasphemous about this comment. If anything, I think the reference to Jesus was supposed to help give context to people who may not really know what the name Messiah means as a lot of terms in the Bible have been grossly misinterpreted. I do not recall people people in the 80's throwing a tantrum when Queen sang that Flash Gordon was the Savior of the Universe in movie's theme song. Maybe that was because there was no internet where people could display the mountains they made out of molehills.
Rev. Michelle Love,
Please do your homework.
Ha Mashiach = The Anointed
The term refers to the reigning king of the Davidic line.
Deadpool and Wolverine torqued the Super Christian’s’ Wa?
More of that, please?!
We need more things to upset their complacency
The Unpardonable Sin 28 “Assuredly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they may utter; 29 but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is subject to eternal condemnation”— 30 because they said, “He has an unclean spirit.”
Let us Pray. One cannot recieve the Holy Spirit unless they have accepted Jesus as their Savior.
What you do with your temple Body and spirit which houses your soul and the Holy Spirit, not acting in according the Holy Spirit and the commands your Lord and Savior have given you. LOVE everyone!
Deadpool is funny! Hypocritical Christians are not funny. Albeit, they are to be pitied. They have damned themselves to ever lasting damnation.
This statement is in 2 of the other Gospels.
Instead of the outrage for deadpool, use it against those who wish to abuse people with government. Those who misuse this sentiment Mark 3:28-29. Love not Hate. Fix not destroy, Evolve not de-evolve. Think thoroughly instead of being lead by decievers. Phillipians 2:18. Romans 13:10.
And why, I a pagan, have to share scripture to christians to be christ like. I don't act on faith. I act on what I know. I'm a mystic. I do believe in 2 things, Life and Love, and that means I must have Truth in equillibrium/harmony with Life and Love. This begets Integrity. I have one irrational faith, that my faith informs the above principles. I have faith that humanity will evolve for the better. I pray that the circumstances will be gentle.I am prepared if it isn't.
May you be blessed in your path with creator and creation. May you find joy, peace and contentment along that path.
All Spirits all come from a bottle, and even a holy bottle.
Dear Religious Fanatics. We have bigger problems in the world than to argue over a fictitious movie. I know some of you will say it is encouraging and brain washing our country. But can that also be said of you.
so tired of Christians being offended by everything! Grow up!
Hollyweird is a huge cesspool anyway. You can find anything in movies to be offended by, be my guest and social media away. I'll watch it for the entertainment value.
TV and movies present plenty of entertainment value of all sorts now. It was so much less available when I was a child. Be glad for it now. Everything was Pleasantville, USA because of 1950s TV and movie censorship!
I'm a child of the late 60's and I remember the pleasantville shows.
Why are we so sensitive as a generation. Jesus when was going to the cross was being call every name under the book and spit and even hit did not even say anything. What did He do. He prayed for them. That's it
Really? You’re expecting DEADPOOL to be something other than DELIBERATELY offensive and outrageous? Did you understand which movie you were going to see when you bought your ticket? You misread Deadpool and thought it said Bambi?
This is the kind of thing that gives religion a bad name.
If your faith is so fragile that a superhero movie can damage it,then maybe you should reexamine your faith. All of the complaints about this and the Olympics opening ceremony reminds me of that saying about those who pray where they can be seen.
Oh FCOL. Then don’t watch rated R movies if you are so fragile about your own faith. With everything going on in the world THIS is what Christians focus in on?
(That’s for crying out loud because I didn’t want to offend anyone with FFS) 🤦♀️🤣
Why are you using swear words?
I have believed that the opening of the Olympics is Blasmathous from the beginning Also how the Olympics could allow a man to fight a woman and call it sports For had not God created Eve from Adam's rib so that he would take her under his arm and protect her I believe that we are in a war of good versus evil and at this point seem to be losing But God in his mercy is showing us the way to goodness and mercy but also telling us to stand up for our faith 🙏
They don't allow men to fight women. All of the women that have fought in the Olympics have been cisgender women.
Ari Joseph Bertine,
That is not true. One was intersex., with XY chromosomes. Go back and check the news!
"For had not God created Eve from Adam's rib so that he would take her under his arm and protect her" where exactly in the bible does it say that?* And how do we then defend the much more real everyday occurences of rape, domestic abuse, and murder perpetrated on Eve by her Adam? Thank goodness women are learning to stand up and fight. We need to be able to recognize what evil is before trying to eradicate it. And standing up for our faith would be actually living it. Actions of love speak louder than words of hate.
*It's a Matthew Henry quote used to help men respect and love women. That quote also does not take into consideration the equality of someone side by side. We each protect and care for one another - side by side.
And a thought on that Last Supper analogy - who was Jesus sitting with? With whom did he break bread, and to whom did he offer himself? Tax collectors, prostitutes, doubters and the uneducated poor. The outcast and rejected and despised of the day. Think on that. Meditate and Pray. We need to come much closer to the heart of the Divine today. Heaven help those who call themselves Christian. Perhaps the greatest call today is for those who profess the Name to come to a clearer vision of their own true nature before attempting to remove the speck in the eye of the world.
And while I'm here.... it appears the opening of the Olympics was more accurately based on the feast of Dionysis.....Once you enter into that frame of reference it became rather amazing. Art invites us to look at things in a different way.
On Blasphemy: It etymologically relates back to an unclean animal and refers to religious sodomy with animals practiced in that day.
And yet, these SAME individuals screaming foul about Deadpool..... have absolutely NO problem with the fact Trump is, literally, comparing himself to Jesus. These individuals screaming foul about Deadpool, are the same ones who are making memes of Trump up on the cross claiming he is their "new savior."
Damn hypocrites.
Amen, Amen.
The producers and investors behind the Deadpool & Wolverine movie would like to take this moment to thank the right-wing nutcases who are working so hard to promote their movie.
Of course Deadpool is "blasphemous." That is a key part of the appeal of the character. Anyone who chooses to see this movie knows exactly what they will see, and are simply cogs in the well-oiled Xian outrage machine.
One last point. The entire concept of "blaspheming" against an all powerful god is silly.
Heresy and Blasphemy are victimless crimes.
Movies are pretend ... please do not get upset ... (considering the types of movies that are out today.)
Marvel films are for entertainment not real superheros if you are offended by it simple solution don't watch it let's worry if WW 3 is on its way.
I am not that interested in the movie but surely that type of movie is not for kids. Did you not see the rating. And please remember that the name Jesus is not holy in itself. I have known a few men named Jesus. A rather common name thru history. Bad taste, probably. Blasphemy, nope.
For the love of the creator! It’s a flipping movie. If you don’t like leave, which is what these people did. Methinks the christians doth protest too much…
Thank you. The "Christians" are not the only people living in this world and no religion has the right to complain about any form of expression by others. Tend to your followers and stay out of others business.
Okay. The Christian's should stay out of your business. I hope you have very happy holidays in the depths of hell
Such fearmongering does not work on this site, Quinn Amaro!
Paula Copp,
Yes, some Christians protest too much and pray too little. Good point!
They're offended about a comedy, but not about pedophile priests or convicted felon Trump? Poor priorities Xtians.
Absolutely nuts,Trump can claim he's the second coming of Christ and they bow and worship him, this is just a movie,nothing more, get over it!!
That movie us no different than the efforts if Trump
Hey! You leave Orange Man alone. 😜. Surely he’s no different to career politicians, left or right who miraculously manage to escape being investigated and convicted, when most if us would possibly be in jail by now if we were just as corrupt as them. Are the Clintons still living free? I guess they are! Weird….right?🤷🏼 I won’t mention the current Sniffer in Chief. 🤣
He's weird and his VP is a creep.
Ahh Lionheart, one of my favorite commentors. Spot on there, my friend.
Well said!
Matthew Mastrogiovanni,
Blasphemy and pedophilia are both serious crimes and both punishable in the Torah. Now, how are they possibly related? I think you are answering a different thread!
what the hell are good kkkris chins doing watching a movie that has massive amounts of blood, shooting, stabbing, killing, foul language and sexual innuendo??
well of course, it's all about kkkristofascist hypocrisy. they go to see an R rated and they complain about mockery? anyone want to bet that this is intentional on their part, part of a greater kkkristofascist agenda where they are all out now looking for something to be offended about, pushing hard into that kkkristofascist nationalist dominionist theocracy. it appears kkkristofascists will do anything, say anything and lie about anything to try and force their agenda down the throats of regular americans. shame on them
They’re weird. I’ve never been one for ‘fashionable’ adjective because when it comes to the religiously delusional I feel the need to expand upon their idiocy. But ‘weird’.
Okay, religiously delusional and weird.
You've got a good point there, Rev. Dr. Father JJ.
Rev. Michelle Love,
And what exactly, may I kindly ask, might the good point be?
You can't buy tickets to see an "R" rated movie then have the nerve to be offended.
And you must be clearly aware that Ryan Reynolds is bisexual
So what! We all are something or another.
Can’t have a falling leaf in the woods anymore without a right wing Christian calling out blasphemy on it these days. What am I talking about, complaining about made up phantasms has been a right wing Christian tradition since the orthodox Christians started murdering Gnostics all those centuries ago.
You do great at citing history but you are unable to the work of the devil in the movies and TV industry.
You seem to be slinging aroung false narratives!
Now this is just a lot of boohaha over nothing. There are far worse things to worry about now then this, for instance Iran has threatened to attack Israel with Jordan and Syria and quite a few other countries around them, and if they request our help we as a co signer of a mutual protection treaty, MUST give it to them in Short WW3. Same this if NATO allows the Ukraine to join and Russia attacks it after that, WW3 as all of NATO now must go after Russia. So if you dont like the movie then dont go see it, but again there are far more things to worry about then a movie.
For once I can agree with you. When you are raised or indoctrinated to see evil under every rock, you stop being able to see actual truth right in front of you.
100% incorrect. You cry about international incidents while the devil used the movie industry to twist people's mind's to disregard God and Jesus and the Bible.
I hope you realize that more than two-thirds of the world's people are not Christian in any way or form.
I don’t think the movie industry is involved with the devil, and I think this particular reaction is overblown.
Daniel Gray,
This is why this is not a time to mock God, let alone that he should never be mocked anyway!
Just more pointing out motes instead of removing beams. It’s not like the church doesn’t have enough work to do on their own house. And please…it’s Deadpool for the love of Mike!