A controversial Tennessee law banning children from attending drag shows was upheld by an appeals court after legal challenges from LGBTQ+ advocates.
Tennessee's Adult Entertainment Act, which was put on hold by a federal judge after passing last year, bans anyone under 18 from attending “adult cabaret entertainment" – defined by the law as "topless dancers, go-go dancers, exotic dancers, male or female impersonators, or similar entertainers."
The judge said at the time the law was an "unconstitutional restriction on free speech under the First Amendment," but a three-judge panel on the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals apparently disagrees.
Should Kids See Drag?
Though the scope of the bill is wide, many in Tennessee’s LGBTQ+ community believe the bill was specifically targeting them, because minors were already prohibited from entering locations like strip clubs in the first place. They say that the additional language of “male or female impersonators'' is squarely targeted at drag queens and drag shows.
The bill's author, Senate Majority Leader Jack Johnson, appeared to confirm that intent:
“There have been several reports of controversial drag shows in Tennessee where children were present. Many Tennesseans were concerned and had questions about the legality of certain sexually explicit performances. This bill clarifies the law so that it spells out what performances are not appropriate for children to be present at.”
Under the new law, any establishment showing drag “of a sexual nature” will be required to collect IDs from all patrons to ensure everyone in attendance is 18 years of age or older.
The legal punishment is steep for drag queens or businesses in violation. The first offense is a misdemeanor, and the second offense is a felony carrying a sentence of up to six years in prison.
Innocent Fun vs. "Wicked" Agenda
From the beginning, some drag show critics weren’t shy about their opposition being steeped in their faith in Christ.
Shawn Graham, director of Conservative Christians of Tennessee, described those in favor of drag shows as “radical activists,” who are “pushing this debauchery and these extremely wicked agendas in their neighborhood.”
On its website, the group calls attention to "Tennessee's Drag Show Problem," and highlights an example of religious opposition prevailing in Memphis:
"Recently, Memphis’s Pink Palace became a hotspot for this wicked, child abusing activity. We thank God that He answered the prayers of Christians and that this particular Drag Show did not happen.
The Pink Palace drag show cancellation occurred with a startling lack of involvement by local elected conservative leaders. Christians prayed, and Christians called the police... We believe that such shows not only violate God’s law and basic morality, but Tennessee’s Cabaret laws."
Government Overreach?
Although the bill easily passed in the Tennessee legislature, it’s worth noting that not everyone in the Volunteer State is for it.
Others point out that Tennessee Governor Bill Lee, who signed the bill into law, might himself have faced prosecution under these strict new standards:
Where do you stand?
Should kids be prohibited from seeing “sexually inappropriate” drag shows (and where exactly is that line, anyway)?
And should religious opposition trump protecting free expression?
I'm really overwhelmed by the comments I read here. If you've never been to a drag show and only believe what haters want you to believe, you'll think of them as probably x-rated lascivious demonstrations. If you've ever been to a drag show, you'll know it's generally talented folks who dress up, have extravagant hair and makeup, and they sing, dance, and act like the best actors on screen (and sometimes better). Their intent is not to be any more provocative than anything kids see on cable TV or social media, and certainly not to 'recruit'. Hold your judgement. See something in real life before believing what 'trusted sources' will have you believe. If you're this worried about the kids, ban the Instagram Models (and stop looking at them yourselves), get rid of scantily clad cartoon characters and busty Barbie dolls, remove the sports magazines from the shelves when they're covered in scantily clad women (why is there a swimsuit edition of Sports Illistrated...nothing sporty about it). Stop hating on a tiny aspect that few are ever given the opportunity to experience and focus on the real harm being done every day in our society.
We shouldn’t have to guard our children from these types of attacks
What type of attack, exactly?
I don't understand why this is an issue to begin with? What do children benefit from seeing grown men dressed like women, dancing provocatively & (possibly) making sexual gestures? There is no reason why children should be exposed to that.
The thing about Drag as an entertainment firm, is that it has range and depth. There are ranges of Drag that are absolutely not appropriate for children with or without parental supervision. So if this law were modified to ban minors from attending some drag shows, sure. I don’t see anything wrong with that. Are there some drag shows appropriate for youngsters? Absolutely. Are there some drag performers who cater to younger audiences by reading them books? Absolutely. People who only ever focus on the adult end of spectrum are weird perverts whose minds go to weird places automatically. Get therapy. Yeesh.
Exactly and such laws existed prior to this unnecessary law. Are children in Tenessee still allowed to view Bug's Bunny cartoons? Tenessee's law appears to ban Bug's Bunny from broadcast.
why would an ADULT themed show even WANT to cater to children?
Exactly. Either they're pedophiles, or they're trying to condition/groom children into thinking this kind of stuff is ok (which it isn't).
tennessee dont have much to say, they allow pedophiles to marry and touch 10 year olds
Peaches Christ has the best midnight mass.
I'm still not entirely sure why this is a big deal. Are people not aware that there has always been people dressing in drag? Nobody is forcing it on anyone else, nobody got naked, nobody got assaulted and it was all in good fun... so what's the real issue?
The issue is that children have no business being exposed to it, regardless.
There are a total of 16 Comic Cons scheduled in the state of Tennessee this year alone. Will children be denied access to these events or will be people be told they cannot dress up as characters of the opposite sex? According to the wording of this law, it could be implied that cross dressing is illegal which would make many transgender people wanting to dress in a manner that more accurately represents the gender they identify with be afraid to come out in public during the day. Was that the effect law makers were going for?
Maybe the conventions need to relocate out of Tennessee to protect their participants from potential criminal consequences. Either that or Tennessee is not equally enforcing the law in violation of the 5th and 14th Amendments.
The Bible is clear. Men should not dress as women dress and women should not dress as men dress. Cross dressing should be illegal because it's immoral.
I've been to a lot of drag shows in my day, and while I'm sure there are "sexual" drag shows, I've never been to one. Made friends with many of queens over the years, they were just regular folk off the stage. Some lived in drag, most did not. I didn't care either way. I don't know what drag queens some of you are hanging out with, but there are extremes in all groups, including so called christians.
From what I read the new law stated children under the age of 18 was banned from drag (with sexual content). Which I would agree and would think the performers wouldn't have a issue with.
personally I think that this shouldn't be a religious problem, it seems dangerous to have religion dictate laws. I should hope that people don't turn to religion leaders when it comes time for solid legislation. As a minister I can understand why the bible (especially certain parts) could be misinterpreted to encourage violence or impose restrictions on people who have differing beliefs. I believe that we should use our powers as religious figureheads to encourage peace and prosperity for as many people as we can.
Watch your freedoms... speech 1st, more to follow. Are we raising our children purely? Or poorly? Are we trying to raise others children? Or just our own? If they want to see it so badly, which this big kerfuffle will cause they'll find it. What young man here didn't peek at dad's mags? The body builder mags are in view at all stores, shouldn't they cover those up? And the cartoons with exaggerated body parts and skimpy clothes? Begone! Cosmopolitan has racey content. Auto mags too. Should they be gone? Our forefathers fought for freedoms. Not for new censors. I believe no child had been dragged to a show, kicking and screaming. Raise your child as you see fit. Let others do the same. Kids will try hatred to do something they've been told not to do. Make sure you're not in a glass house yourself.
I don't have a problem with drag shows buy why does it always seem that they are recruiting for some greater cause? They are a different group and should be observed only. They also display alot of outrageous serial implications that seems part of acting out in public. For those reasons this should not be schooled to children they are not adults. I would not have a drag queen babysit my kids but that's just me I have to draw the line somewhere. It seems way bigger than Barney and I don't think the kids can make sound judgements in their own.
This is an abomination against the word of God. But I am not the judge of man
Anything that's inappropriate for our children is rated R
Drag shows are an art of self expression, there is nothing wrong them. I feel that just because a person is gay, lesbian, trans-gender that they should be able to express themselves in anyway that they are comfortable. Drag shows are fun, entertaining and not done in bad taste. Children should be able to attend these with their parents.
This sounds more like forcing kids to attend something they would want to see. What about the parents discision? Seems parentol control is being terminated on allowing parents to raise their children according to family values. Now it also sounds as if " Drag Shows" are recruiting new drag queens and these shows should be rated X and permitted to adults starting at the age of 21+.
It's about time states started standing up for children. That short clip video looks like a govt video. A one liner. I bet that guy if he had kids would not allow his kids to go, nor would he go. He's a fisherman/hunter. He's wearing a Cabella hat. There is age limit on drinking, driving, voting, and joining military. SO YES, no one under 18 or 21 which ever preferred
Drag is and has always been ADULT ENTERTAINMENT! Any drag performers that are willing to perform for children are not really performers but rather sick perverted pedophiles in my opinion!
Are you saying that Robin Williams was a sick perverted pedophile for playing a woman in Mrs. Doubtfire? I'm sure Tyler Perry would love to know your opinion of his performances as Madea.
While I am often a supporter of the DRAG community, I can see a need to monitor the content and apply the same restrictions as other sexually explicit and offensive language when it comes to whether or not children should be able to attend. Most of the drag shows I have seen were rife with F-bombs and burlesque style costuming. Definitely not an XXX-rating, but an R or PG13 rating. That said, not all drag shows are the same. Drag brunches, queens reading books are done with modest clothing and content compared to the full-blown burlesque style DRAG shows. I would hate to see the 18+ restiction applied to all DRAG options. The 18+ should only apply when stripping or nudity is involved and significant offensive language. Otherwise parental guidance should apply.
Go Tennessee!!! There is no need for children to be exposed to Drag shows. If adults choose to go to see something like that, fine, but children are so vulnerable. They grow up soon enough without pushing them into an adult world that they might or might not find objectionable. As adults, they should be quite capable of making their own decisions.
Theresa, I have attended a drag show in Tennessee. It was in a 21 and over venue and started at 11 PM, well past children's bedtimes. The show was very tame and consisted of grown men dressed as women lip syncing to popular music. It was very tame and children are literally being exposed to worse on social media and network television.
I am well aware of what a drag show is, and that is fine for adults who choose to go to see them. I just dislike the idea of young children (under the age of consent) seeing such shows. I found Robin Williams portrayal of the owner of such a club in the movie "Birdcage" well done and entertaining. I am not a prude, just a little old Southern Great-Grandmother.
As a Christian, I'm not concerned at all. The state of the world, and behavior like this, simply reinforces to us how close the Lord's return is. Any parent with a functional brain will keep their children away from this nonsense anyway. So, no worries!!
If you doubt there is a Heaven or hell.The gates of hell are wide open and they are among us Pray And Become A Soldier of Christ
If an adult wants to go see this sick behavior, that is up to them, but it should not be seen by children. They are too young to be able to separate the sickness and sin of these shows.
So they will have to ban "Der Fledermaus" by Strauss, as prince Orlofskij is written for a woman in drag.
By the way the same goes for https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charley%27s_Aunt
Y’all need to quit scaring evangelicals with stuff like Bugs Bunny in drag, Tootsie, 🌈 s on stuff etc.
The religiously delusional freak out over anything related to sex. Even bathrooms because it involves ‘those parts’. Of course they are going to freak out over ANYTHING a trans/gay/etc person does bc to them the way they deal with their ‘parts’ defines them.
And Tennessee is chock full of the religiously delusional sort. Expect craziness and you won’t be disappointed.
These drag shows are not appropriate for children - period. After watching the Pride Parade in Toronto, Canada where naked men were hopping down the streets with their 'junk' bobbing up an down, in front of children, I wish more places had the guts to challenge these so-called 'entertainments'.
Scary ain’t it?
The government should absolutely ban anything like this when it involves children! They don’t need to be exposed to anyone’s abnormal sexual orientation. Keep it to yourselves where it belongs! You are causing psychological damage to children! And parents are pissed!
I'm so glad I'm not your child. I'd be needing years of therapy to undo all the psychological damage you'd have done to me with your ridiculous religious indoctrination.
GOOD. Kids should not have to deal with this
I don’t understand how these conservative states and religious institutions can say they support parental rights when it comes to books available in libraries, or rainbows being placed in the classroom, on one hand. Then say we don’t respect parental rights if you take your kids to a drag show with the other hand. How is it they can decide what parents can and cannot let their kids read or see different types of entertainment? Again, this is simply about what Christian deem appropriate, and has nothing to do with the parents’ rights.
There is NO logic applied when it comes to the kkkristofascists. They will twist words, the constitution, the law, everything in a way that suits them best and only.
The kkkristofascists have proven that their religion is an egotistical one that exists only to serve themselves and and like-minded others, seek out and nest with each other
And I can say the same thing about people and states like you who try and claim they believe in parental rights when they refuse to tell the parents that their child is wanting an abortion (I mean you have to sigh a parental slip for a freaking field trip right?) or taking them across state lines without permission or doing indoctrination on the kids like when a gay teacher told the kids if they didnt believe her ideology they could get the h3ll out of her classroom.
So how do you defend this and then complain about the students/kids being banned from watching transvestites parade around in skimpy costumes?
Look at the picture heading this article. Does that person look sexy to you? Are they scantly clad? As for you other comments on abortion… Where do you think I live, Daniel? Children are not taken to get abortions without their parents knowing. What are you talking about?
Greh gets out there at times. If he starts spewing opinions on SCOTUS rulings you can either assume that he is wrong OR check the specific ruling and prove that he is wrong.
BTW, ‘Greh’ is pronounced the same as ‘Gray’ but it kinda’ gives a visual of how his posts make you feel. Kinda’ like the name Gollum.
Anything that attempts to change a child in a way that will harm them for life should be banned.
That includes especially, religion.
No child should be exposed to the horrible stories of rape, murder, incest, child sacrifice etc until age 18
If tennessee really wants to lead the way in protecting children from being exposed to inappropriate things...BAN RELIGION
JJ, way over the top. I remember being told Bible stories as a child and they were 'G' rated and taught wonderful, ethical values. Your comment simply paints a very wrong and distorted picture of what children are taught in Sunday Schools or by their parents. So, Christianity does not "change a child in a way that will harm them for life" but transgendering a child does.
Mass murder of first born is G rated? Wow. The great flood to kill all living things is simply “drown all.” A quick review of key words: Bible references over 50 “annihilations,””slavery”, “hell” and “murders.” Over 450 manners of “deaths.” Over 800 passages of “destruction.” Over 250 on “disease.” Over 700 references to “war,” “Executioners” Ethical values to hate and kill non-believers. Values that if you speak against parent is to be put to death. Over thousand incidents “to fear.” Amusing how drag shows, that you may or may not attend versus Sunday school teaching kill non believers while school instructors are exposed for being molesters. Hmm, choice is simple christians should be rounded up, they are zealots that will betray their country for a god that “transcends genders” Hmm talk about being confused, you’all better tell your god what he is since in his image he created male and female. So guess guess it can go whatever which way, as in his image!
Wow, Hollywood movies showing the world exploding and everyone dying, orgies, and every scene filled with sex, blood, and guts. Oh, but these are good values according to those who think like you because that's just entertainment; it's not real. Oh wait ... you also say the Bible's not real. So that must be entertainment too in your way of thinking only without all the visual affects that add so much more reality. Hmmm...
Wow, Russell. For someone who admonishes everyone on this board for not providing supporting evidence or staying on topic, and this is the best you can come up with? Where in your reply did you mention the topic (drag queens.) I'm glad "D" responded, because I was about to say the same thing. Your Sunday School must omit the stories of the Great Flood, David and Goliath (one of the most graphic and violent depictions in The Holy Bible), and the Song of Solomon (erotic enough to make you blush).
So the bible teaches little girls to get their fathers drunk and sleep with them to get pregnant. The bible teaches kids that if a woman is suspected of having a lover outside her marriage, you're to throw rocks at her until she's dead. The bible teaches that god drowned everyone on the planet because they were not doing what he said. Yeah... real "G-Rated".
And, btw, being Transgender is GENETIC. Either the youngster is trans or they are not. It's like being left or right handed. People like yourself used to beat left-handed kids bloody in schools, break their left hands, or tie them up, to try to force them to use their right hand.
The moment it became acceptable for people to be left-handed, boom, a ton of people were "suddenly left-handed". Except they weren't. They were ALWAYS left-handed, they simply no longer had to try to force themselves to be who they are not.
Same with being LGBTQ+, esp. trans. It's now becoming more acceptable, save for the hate-filled holdouts who want to brutalize kids, to simply be who you are. Kids are not being "transgendered". They are already transgender. It's simply being recognized and they're being helped. And if they do fully transition, it's going through therapy and being helped to live their lives.
Still wrong. Biblical stories in Sunday school are tailored to be age appropriate. There is still no proof that being trans is genetic. Kids are being pushed to be transgendered. Listen to the growing detransitioners tell their horror stories and deep regret at listening to activists.
Nope, bible is not appropriate for children, besides who wants to fill their child's head with stupid and silly stories and make believe beings.
Look at you and some others here, most likely exposed to the toxic ideas of religion at an early age and now you hate people NOT like you, you want to make everyone follow your silly beliefs because you've been brainwashed.
I expect nothing less from the kkkristofascist hive mind cabal, out there in the world as well as right here in ULC where you and others have no respect for those of differing, or lack of, belief.
Shame on you for being so close minded and mean spirited and hard of heart towards children.
JJ, first I don't hate anyone. That's the prerogative the fascist, woke lefties. Second, I am not filling any child's head with anything. These are decisions being made by the actual parents of the children. Third, I do show respect for beliefs other than my own such as Buddhism, Hinduism, ancient pagan beliefs in the virtuous life, and even an atheist who actually practices an ethical life. I do not have respect for childish, progressives who are intolerant of others, scream in people's ears with bullhorns, groom other people's children, and try to silence people with opposing views using tactics like shaming and trying to cancel those voices. I have on many occasions here encouraged others to speak their truth especially when it differs from my own. Have you done the same? If so, I haven't seen it yet.
Wow... for someone who doesn't hate anyone you sure spewed a whole lot of it on people who have a diffrent political view as you... and a very false view at that.
Kester, this isn’t about being transgender. It’s about drag queens. They are two totally different things.
Actually James, this thread was focusing on the Bible and religion and whether or not it's bad for children where the material is presented in age appropriate ways. I was then accused of being a hateful person and defended myself and pointed out that it is the progressive crowd who are actually intolerant and hateful.
A lot of this is governmental overreach. Show me a Tennessee school with no kids gyrating and twerking, I mean, cone on. What a ludicrous piece of legislation. I can completely understand and I concur wholeheartedly with the existing law that protects children from indecent exposure, and lewd and lascivious behavior. But this is just preventing children from finding other LGBTQ+ people to connect with AND it finds a new way to prosecute people who are simply just being TRANS, just like the Eunuchs were. Ridiculous. God doesnt hate Gays. Its absurd. BUT he is changing this wicked and deceived system. He makes all things new. It is happening RIGHT NOW. PRAISE HIM..
Ban books, too. It's an art form. Ban it now, kids will really be curious secretly.
I have no problem with children seeing drag shows though I wonder if children would het any of the jokes. Not all drag queens are gay nor are all guys drag queens. And neither is a danger to children.
People need to be accepted for who they are not how they dress.
People do accept the way they are! But leave children out of it! You don’t know the damage you may be causing. It may not show up now but it may show up years from now! You want to be drag be responsible with who you share your abnormal behavior with. Yes abnormal! LEAVE CHILDREN OUT OF IT!
Maria, do you know anything about what LGBTQ children go through growing up? Talk about causing damage. Being told you are sinful and that you’re going to hell. Some parents try to beat the gay out of their children. Some try to lock them up until they commit to a life of holy goodness. That damages a child far beyond listing to a man dressed up in girls close while they read them a story. I’ve lived the life of a damaged child and it had nothing to do with me being confused. It had to do with the hatred of those who were supposed to love me.
Even though the bible(Jesus) says men are not to wear women's clothing?
Let's show our kids how to do other things the Bible is in opposition to. I'll show them how to get fall down drunk while you show them how to shoot heroin. How's that sound?
No, Jesus never said men are not to wear women's clothing. He DID, however, do the Sermon on the Mount, and admonish people like you about spreading hate.
And being LGBTQ+ is not the same as being drunk or shooting heroin. The reason you're trying to use THOSE examples is you're trying to make it sound like seeing an entertainer dressing in drag, or being a drag entertainer and doing things like "Story Hour", is the same as deliberately doing things that are slowly killing you.
VERY False equivalency.
Hey lets teach things bible says! Ezekiel 9:6-7 “slay old and young, maids and little children” or Deuteronomy 20:16 “do not leave alive anything that breathes.” Numbers 31:17-18 “kill all the women have known man lying with, but take the women and children that have not for yourself” or even better Lord said destroy all the Canaanites! Wow yes lets teach to kill, take women and children as slaves, and annihilate entire ethnic groups because some crackpot says god told him too. christians are some truly hypocritical individuals.
This isn't about keeping state and religion separate from each other. This us about parent's doing their best with the children to prevent them from becoming trapped in a situation that could ruin their lives. Simply, the parent's are responsible for their children. By law, those children have not become adults until they reach the age of 18. Once the children have become 18, they can then, by law, make their own decisions. That's pretty simple, yes? This is not about religion. The age of 18, both state and federal law sees them as adults.
But they are telling parents that they CANNOT let a drag queen read a book to their children. So this isn’t protecting parents that don’t want their children to go see a drag queen, it’s about the parents that say it’s okay. They are being told NO… YOU do not have the right to let your child be read to by a drag queen. It’s overreach. It’s because the republican legislature is forcing their religious dogma onto everyone else. They have said it out loud. They have said how anything drag is against God.
Exactly, it's the parent's decision, not the government's.
I see nothing wrong with kids at some TYPES of drag shows. Drag shows that include showing nudity, or has very... "adult" language? Oh hell no.
Drag shows that are peaceful, harmless, things, like drag story hour? Absolutely nothing wrong with that.
Drag shows that are just people in drag handing out balloons at fairs, doing face-painting, that kind of thing? Nothing wrong with that, either.
Drag shows where people in drag are going to conventions or other events where people are fully clothed and it's kept mostly PG to PG-13? Again, nothing wrong with that.
And yet, these SAME people who are banning drag shows, find absolutely NOTHING wrong with parents forcing little girls into sexual outfits, wearing wigs and makeup, and wiggle their bottoms to attract pedo judges in "child beauty contests".
You want to BAN something, ban child beauty contests. "Little Miss... " Or "Baby Idol". Needs to be completely disappear, forever.
But to ban drag shows because "OMGawd..... my kid my learn that LGBTQ+ people EXIST!"... is nothing more than open hatred being given a platform. And no, I'm not talking "Drag strip club shows". I'm talking things like stated above, the harmless varieties.
What is the purpose of dressing in drag and for whom does one do it? In a cabaret setting, the purpose is to entertainment adults. Not adult of the 'XXX' sort. But the type that expressed adult ideas and parodies them. But then what would be the purpose of drag at story time hour for children? It's purpose is to queer the library space and to normalize transgender and queer ideology. In other words, it's a form of performance propaganda. And it is inappropriate for children. Children do not exist for progressive, queer propaganda, they exist as beautiful expressions of our Divine Creator and to have childhoods free from such unsavory efforts from the far-left.
ROFL. "To queer the library space and bring forth queer ideology?" ROFL "Performance propaganda? LOL!!!!
Dude, do you READ what you put before actually hit send? Holy hell. Alright, first, your question. "What is the purpose of dressing in drag for Drag Queen Story Hour". It is to entertain kids and get them interested in reading. No different than someone coming in, in a superhero costume, or someone coming in, some sort of mascot costume.
And no it's not "to Queer a library" or for any "ideologies". LGBTQ+ individuals, or as you try to use the word "queer" in a derogatory fashion, are no different than you or me. They work, they go out to eat, they do their laundry, pay their taxes, etc. "Oh the horror!" right? Only real difference is who they love. Instead of being opposite sex, it's same sex. Though THAT idea, esp. if it's two men who are in love, is absolutely abhorrent to you, isn't it?
As far as "normalizing transgender"? There is nothing wrong with letting kids know that transgender individuals ARE normal people. And that they should be treated with the same respect and dignity you treat anyone else. Though given by the posts I've read in the past, giving anyone who doesn't look, and think, just like you respect and dignity isn't in your lexicon I suspect.
However, being transgender, i.e. intersex, is GENETIC. It's not "grooming kids to become queer" it's not "grooming kids to become trans", etc. It's either they are, or they are not. They are BORN that way, simply put. So yeah, letting kids know that someone who is transgender is just as normal as they are is a GOOD thing, not a bad thing. It's not propaganda at all.
However, teaching kids to HATE those who are different? Now THAT is propaganda. They're exposed to huge amounts of such propaganda every single time their parents, or their pastors rage on about it.
Tell me, if YOUR son, or daughter, were to come out to you as LGBTQ+. Especially that they were trans, what would you do? No I know what you'd do, you'd reject them, call them evil, try to force them into "conversion camps", tell them they're "sick in the head", etc. Because that's what a "loving" parent does, right?
Oh, btw, do you know the process of transitioning? Can you describe it, in detail? How it starts, and the steps involved? I'm curious if you know.
You asked where I got ideas like queering a space. Well, I got it from books written by queer activists. Those are THEIR TERMS dear. Maybe you should actually read their books and listen to them instead of rolling on the floor. There is still no proof that suffering gender dysphoria is genetic. However, it is a mental illness and should be treated by a mental healthcare professional. Instead of asking if I understand the process which one undergoes for gender reassignment surgery, which is far different from simply saying one identifies as trans without any referral to a mental healthcare professional required, you should tell us your understanding. Express yourself. Show off your vast knowledge. And read up on the terms queer and queering (a verb). Yes, it's an actual term.
Gender dysphoria is treated by mental health professionals...The result of that treatment sometimes results in gender reassignment therapy... Educate yourself before you say ignorant things.
Michael, your comment did not address the thrust of the previous comments which were about the purpose of the drag in front of children. It's simply performative propaganda. Keep it for adults. The next item was about the terms 'queer' and 'queering.' Some people don't seem to know how the community that goes by that term are using it and why. As far as gender dysphoria, I've already written many times in previous comments that it is a condition to be addressed by competent mental healthcare professionals. I have taken the time to educate myself on this topic from many sources and perspectives. What you failed to address in your comment was the 'self-identified' trans persons who are the actual activists saying and doing harmful and crazy things. They need to see a mental healthcare professional but don't. Instead they, in their delusions, preach to the world that they're just fine as do people with schizophrenia who refuse to take their meds. They need help, not enablement.
Russel A. Kester
I actually do read their books. And I read them to understand them, not to mock, jeer, or hate. You, apparently have absolutely no understanding of its meaning.
When they speak of "Queering a Space". They are NOT talking of "forcefully indoctrinating kids". Nor does it mean "drag shows". "Queering a Space" refers to something you absolutely HATE, and it's getting more obvious each time you post. It means to make an area more comfortable for everyone, including those who are LGBTQ+.
When you speak of it, you speak of it as being divisive and deliberately forcing views onto others, and that is not it at all. If you actually LOOKED UP the meaning, and actually read the books, it means to create a zone of inclusion where everyone, no matter how badly marginalized, can be welcomed and there is no hostility, only acceptance.
What did YOU think it meant? Sex and orgies? Strip shows? LOL You really need to educate yourself properly instead of running to bigoted echo chambers.
Now, your second statement, "There is no genetic evidence of..." That is 100% horse manure. I have provided, in MULTIPLE posts, scientific research that has PROVEN that being trans / going through gender dysphoria, is GENETIC. Nothing more, nothing less.
It's not "forced onto" anyone. It's not "heavily indoctrinated into people and taught", etc. It is GENETIC. Period. I'm going to provide the research, again, but I know da** well you're not going to look at it. You can't, to acknowledge it exists is to admit you are deliberately hating people for how they are born. This is, in the same vein, as hating someone for being born with brown eyes. Or hating someone for being born with darker skin. Or hating someone becasue they have larger ears. And while being trans is only about 1.5% to 2% of the human population, that's A LOT of people.
People go "There were no trans before....." But the fact is, there WERE. But before, they had to hide because of hate-filled bigots attacking them, threatening them, and they had no way of finding each other, and protecting each other as readily as they can, now, thanks to the internet.
Let me put it this way. Before a certain point in time, very few people showed themselves to be left-handed. This is because they were beaten for it, their left hand was tightly tied if they used it, and, as such, they often had to be forced to use their right hand, which was not natural to them. What happened when being left-handed was no longer stigmatized and people could just be themselves? You saw a huge "explosion" in people who were left-handed. It wasn't because they were "indoctrinated" into using their left hand, it's just the way they are born.
Same with gender dysphoria. And what "Actual activists" are "doing and saying things that are crazy?" Hm? You mean like saying "Trans people are normal and need to be given the same human rights as everyone else?
And you've also made it VERY clear you have no idea what the process of transitioning is, or what gender dysphoria is when it pertains to being trans. And, again, it is GENETIC. Not "Oh I just suddenly don't want to be male / female today". The TRUE diagnosis of it is NOT a "Mental illness that needs to be medicated and prayed away". It's a genetic condition. And the fact you compare it to schizophrenia says a lot of what you think of those who ARE Trans / Intersex.
Now, as promised, the data I said I would provide. Though I 100% know you will refuse to look at it and simply scream how it's "evil" and "there's no proof". Despite the actual research sitting right in front of you.
And yes, while it IS treated like a mental disorder would be, it is NOT, in fact, a true disorder. Those that are genetically predisposed to be trans / intersex will suffer it due to being forced to deny their actual genetic gender. Why? Due to how they were born appearing to be. Those who are in their teens who are simply being stressed out over hormonal changes are tested to see if this is a true diagnosis of the condition, but the fact is, they're not usually diagnosed with it.
Now, I have a question for you, now that I've ALSO provided you with the research.
What does this have to do with actors in drag doing completely clean, age-appropriate, events?
"Queering (also called queer reading) is a technique used to challenge heteronormativity by analyzing places in a text that use heterosexuality or identity binaries."
This is the same way the books I've read identified the meaning of the term 'queering' a space which I intends to challenge physical spaces as the above quote refers to challenging texts. It is intended to be divisive as that is how it challenged what is sees as the heteronormativity and binary atmosphere. I have no idea where you got your thoughts.
What this has to do with drag in library spaces is exactly what I said. It is to challenge the heteronormativity and binary usual to the library. It is also visual propaganda for the values of trans activists.
Russel, I'm aware of what the WIKI says. However, YOUR interpretation is skewed as ****. Where I get my thoughts? I'm LGBTQ+. Bi to be precise. YOUR views are being pushed through a lens of hatred, plain and simple, and this is as obvious as looking at the sky and seeing it is blue.
You speak of it as "Forcefully indoctrinating kids to be LGBTQ and refusing to give them a choice, and forcing kids to be trans against their will."
It's not "Visual propaganda" nor is it "challenging the heteronormative life or binary values". What it DOES do is help children accept that some people are different. That it is OK to be themselves, whether they be hetero, or LGBTQ+, or if they are a-sexual. I'm sure you don't know what a-sexual is.
In a nutshell, it's not a challenge to anything except the idea that being LGBTQ+ is "evil" or "wrong". It's challenging the mindset that those who are such are "sick" or "pedophiles" or "mentally deranged".
What drag queen reading hour does is make it fun for children to be read to, and to make it more fun for children to read and to use their imaginations. There is, in many ways, no difference between a male actor wearing a dress, wig, and makeup, and believe it or not MOST men who dress in drag are heterosexual, not homosexual, and do so for the fun of it, or as paid actors, and a female actor wearing a fake mustache, a bowler hat, and traditionally "male" clothing.
The only reason individuals like yourself are throwing massive fits over it, seems to be, because it's a male actor who is challenging the idea of "masculinity". And I've also noticed how obsessed individuals like yourself are with the idea of males in a dress vs females wearing pants.
Again, there is no "queering" of anything with drag queen reading hours. And I suppose I should have simplified it as you appear to not understand connotations. Queering the space, as you call it, does NOT exist when you speak of drag queen story hour. Because it's not "challenging the idea of being hetero or having a binary relationship". What it is challenging, and shattering, is the idea that being anything else is "wrong".
It's not "indoctrinating" anyone. As I earlier stated, and SHOWED, which I know bloody well you did not read, is that being LGBTQ+ is 100% natural and a part of people's genetics. Nothing more, nothing less.
You have a mental disorder....Keep your homosexuality to yourself. If something doesn't line up with God's word then it's wrong !
LOL Sorry kiddo, but being LGBTQ+ is very much genetic, not a "mental disorder". And your "books on god" were written by HUMANS, not by any invisible entity.
However, if "something doesn't line up with god's word then it's wrong", huh?
Well, allowing women education, depending on your bible, doesn't line up with it, shall we pull ALL women out of all schools?
Female girls are supposed to be slaves to their fathers, shall you whip your daughter and sell her off?
Your bible is as contradictory as it gets, and I guarentee, 100%, you do NOT live by it, at all.
You want to live by something that "lines up with your bible?" Ok then.
Go to a homeless shelter tomorrow and offer to make meals for the homeless.
Go to undocumented migrants and help them learn the system so they can get the documents they need to stay in the USA.
Go to people living on the street and offer to help get them proper shelter and help ensure they have food.
Go to a shelter that houses homeless LGBTQ+ young men and women and tell them that you support them, and that them being forced out of their homes was wrong and that you'll be there to help them.
I know you'll not do any of this. In fact, you'd rather eat shards of glass than do ANY of this. But all of this is strongly advocated in the bible as well. Along with many other actions that so-called "Good Christians" hate.
My sister is gay and married to a woman. I love her dearly, but, I told her that my children are mine and I will train them for life.
I forbade her to influence, coerce or manipulate my children with anything homosexual, considered adult entertainment or in any way disrespected my wishes as their father, their teacher and my right of discretion.
Children do not belong in the over reach of government, social groups or dissenting organizations.
I vehemently oppose anyone claiming they are offended by my right of parentage!
You, apparently, DON'T love your sister at all. You hate her for being LGBTQ+, and have made it clear you intend to teach your children to hate her for it, too. And teach them that she is "wrong" and "evil" for being married to a woman.
I feel sorry for your kids, and your sister. There is no "gay agenda". She is not going to try to "influence" your kids, or try to "coerce" or "manipulate" them into being LGBTQ+. What are you going to do? Tell her to LIE to them and say she's married to a man when she isn't? Or that her wife is just "a friend?"
That's a quick way to end up without a sister in your life.
Bill, I’m curious if you allow your children to be around your sister and her wife. If so, how do you explain the relationship? Do they say they’re just good friends? I do believe you have the right to raise you children as you see fit. To decide what they can see and what they cannot, but do you believe that other parents have those same rights? Is it okay for other parents to allow their children to attend a drag queen story hour? I mean no disrespect, I am just curious.
Well they better BAN "The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar, Victor/Victoria, La Cage aux Folles, The Birdcage, Tootsie, Some Like It Hot, Mrs. Doubtfire, Hairspray, RuPaul's Drag Race, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Rent, LadyBug, She's The Man, The Crying Game, Just One of the Guys. Just to Name a Few.
And reruns of Mash! Think of the evils of Klinger, HA HA
Oh, so no kids at drag shows because they're scary or naughty or whatever. I imagine that kids at gun shows and Klan rallies would be just fine, though, because that's what "real men" do. 🙄
or even church
Totally agree. Im guessing The Heritage Foundation never read the part of the bible that discusses the intersex/trans Eunuchs being baptised into Christianity, of course. I promise not all of us religious folks are hateful.. Everyone is welcome at my church. Everyone IS the church body, in my church. God is love!!!
Christo Fascism has taken over states and communities and it must be stopped. Drag is performance art and has been enjoyed by humans since before recorded history. Christo Fascism is contrary to the very foundations of our nation.
You're right. They want to turn the USA into a second Afghanistan. Where people who are LGBTQ+, esp. if they are trans, are put into prison, and people who entertain as drag show performers are put to death. Where women lose every single right we've fought so hard to gain, and are forced to stay in our homes and hide ourselves unless we're "graciously allowed out" by those same white men.
They call porno flicks art too. Same with skin mags, that's art too. It's really just filmed prostitution or prostitution with an audience.
B.S. is what I call it, not art. It's B.S.
You want six year olds admiring the art in a Hustler mag?
We're talking dress up here, not undressing. Stick to the conversation.
And since when is "Drag Queen Story Hour" porn? Hm? Since when is a Drag Queen going to a school, and yeah the parents ARE told of the schedule beforehand, to read to kids "Prostitution"?
If a guy in a gawdy dress, bad makeup and a wig is your idea of pornography, your tastes are really twisted.
Classic false equivalency fallacy.
My child of 29 years old does Drag and they are darn good at it! One of the locations they perform at has an "all ages Drag brunch" once a month. It gives younger performers an opportunity to try out this art form in a safe environment. It is absolutely a clean show. The owner of the venue wouldn't have it any other way. Yes, there are other shows that do have a more "adult" theme to them, but who are these silly old white men to tell me or any other parent what their child can or cannot see? Ohhhhhhh, yeah, I forgot...We gotta ban masks, books, womens' rights, and we might as well throw Drag into it, too.
Why are these silly white men so very concerned about what's in anyone's pants? I can see them foaming at the mouths as they fantasize about it. Perverts is what they are!
@Elizabeth Jame Erbe Wilcox. According to the ones posting hate-comments here, your child should be put in prison, or worse.....unalived. They believe that anyone doing such things are evil pedophiles that need to be 'disappeared' because it goes against their own personal views on how men and women should dressed.
Men and women have done 'fancy dress's for a long, long time wherein women dress as men and men as woman for parties and, yes, have for Halloween too. So, it's not about men dressing in drag per se. There is something else that we're not understanding. It could be part of a larger backlash from Trans and Queer activism whose activists have put a spotlight on such activities especially since gay pride parades had trans and queer activists screaming that they are coming after children. That would definitely "spook the horses" as they say. Generally, I think parents are the best persons to decide what is or isn't appropriate for their child. So I'm dubious about the law as understood from this article. On the other hand, I can see that it might prevent things like drag queens reading to kids in schools where the parents don't know about it is a legitimate concern for parents and the state. Better to be too cautious then sorry.
Of course parents know what’s going on when they take their kids to Drag Queen Story Hour. These conservative states keep preaching about parental rights, but what they mean is parents can decide only if it agrees with what they think is appropriate.
James, that's not true. We recently had an article on this blog about that shadow book being read to kids and how upset parents were when they found out about it. And that was at a Catholic organization. But because it got federal funding, they claimed -- if I remember correctly, they had to read the book. So this would seem to hold true for any library that gets similar funding. So I don't think parents do know whose reading to their children when they drop them off at the library.
Kester, if you’re talking about the book where the child had a purple shadow then you are wrong. That was a totally different thing. There were no drag queens, and parents were not informed. Drag Queen story hours have parents bring their children. Drag is performance art and usually is not sexual in nature. To see that you would have to go to an adult night club where children are not allowed. This law is the tRumplican party saying “We don’t like this so it’s not allowed.”
And why would anyone need to do performance art while reading books to small children? It's a form of propaganda and indoctrination plain and simple. But I asked Google AI if parents know who will be reading to their children in public libraries. It responded, "Some say that parents should be able to access information about drag queen story hours publicly, instead of having drag queens share it with children. Others say that libraries tell concerned citizens that drag queens are promoting diversity and inclusion, and that parents and pastors often feel powerless to stop these events." That doesn't seem to agree with your assessment. Why do drag queens feel an obsession to force themselves in front of other people's children? That's right, indoctrination..
You don't watch many kids shows, do you. People have dressed up in various costumes to read stories to kids for literally decades. Just because it's in drag shouldn't be a big deal.
How amusing that parents are not allowed to decide if their child can attend a drag show. Just wondering how many Christian youth ministers, adult ministers, priests, etc have committed, or charged and convicted for abuse of children versus how many live drag shows were? Poor GOP’s dislike of women, hate funny shows, while demanding compliance of their way in the Land of the (cough cough) do as told!!
Silly teachers and schools bring drag shows to schools and libraries against the will of parents. The woke hive mind that exists in schools and governments think they have rights over children's parents. This is in response the the vile and evil nature of the woke drones.
We hate women so much that we won't let men complete against them. The woke drones love women so much that the demand men can break their faces in a volleyball match.
Lol, the left hates women with every fiber of their being and they put their money where their mouth is. True and proper madness is their mantra.
Name one where a child was exposed without the parents consent and where it harmed a child.
You have to be kidding, right? Just look at the next blog where tenessee is requiring schools to teach the bible WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF THE PARENTS.
The kkkristofascists Hive Mind seem to find drag shows sinful but have no problem violating both the constitution and PARENTAL RIGHTS.
Your comments are always amusing and indicative of how the kkkristofascist Hive Mind functions (without a brain stem it appears)
May Satan Bless you and May the Great Flying Spaghetti Monster fondle you into submission with their multitude of arms
As I've said countless times JJ, I'm opposed to the Bible being taught in public schools the same as I'm opposed to drag or other wokeness taught in public schools. The kkk is identical to wokeness in my mind and on paper. The two have more in common than either realize. Both are racist, oppressive and demonic.
It's no surprise that you hold Satan in such high regard with your praises made in jest. Indeed, your very mantra is in opposition to kindness, decency and dare I say love. That which you do in jest I see you do as a reality, you mean what you say. From the opinions here towards and about Christians, you'd qualify to be the next Kenneth Copeland.
It would be nice if animals had better reading comprehension and retention skills. Sadly, animals choose to remain as much and words are just black splotches on a white background.
soj all that matters is that you are pushing a kkkristofascist agenda and ARE in favor in instituting a kkkristofascist theocracy in the US.
and for the LOVE of DOG and SATAN learn what the hell "woke" means. not the kkkristofascist neo-nazi nationalist dominionist gopper definition but what that phrase actually meant.
as it is now all of you kkkristofascists use woke to fling as your version of monkey poo at anyone who disagrees with you, anyone one believes in freedom, anyone who loves the US and has served to defend it.
"people" like you don't care about the US at all, all you "people" want is to have your own sharia, rule the country based on your version of the bible and basically force everyone to believe like you.
who I hold in regard and how high is unknown to you because you feel that way about any human being who simply believes differently than you AND is willing to fight you for their/our right to believe or not believe.
think about it, if you goD was who he you say she is they would never tolerate the hatred, violence, racism that you all promote every day. your belief is no different and no better than that of the most virulent believers of islam, in fact there is not only no difference between you two, I believe you two are in fact one and the same.
Rev Dbl J, you are almost completely correct. If you're going to call yourself Rev, father etc you might want to quit drinking so much Haterade, you sound worse than the sick twisted murderers we call Christian, Catholic, and Muslim. Religion is the most evil, vile institution in the world, always has been. Just the fact that they call that terrible book the "Word of God" makes me sick. God is perfect, doesn't make mistakes and everything in the Bible NEGATES HIS EXISTENCE; not to mention makes him look like an unreliable bipolar jerk that condones murder, torture, rape and oppression but will definitely send you to hell if you have sex with someone you find sexy. Puh-lease! Pray for forgiveness? WHAT FOR? Did God screw up when he made me? Duh, no. It's people that should ask each other for forgiveness. WE ARE NEVER GOING TO AGREE WITH EACH OTHER ON ANYTHING AND THAT'S OK! I can't stand these "alphabet people", I have VERY strong opinions about their words and actions BUT THEY ARE PERFECT TOO AND ALSO HAVE FREE WILL SO IT'S NEVER GOING TO BE PERFECT, DIG? Accept. Then do it again. And then when someone really makes you mad, after you're done going off and trying to ruin them GO SAY YOU'RE SORRY and then go back. No deeds, no repartitions, just no hate, no regret and no damage to you or the other person. Boom, that's God. Easy, Free, & 100% affective, 100% of the time. Two simple yet HUGE concepts... PERFECT----FREE WILL. I'm right. And so glad
In the UK, schools are required by law to hold daily, "broadly Christian", religious assemblies and to teach Christianity. Despite that, parents have an absolute right to remove their children from both or either for any or no reason. Will Tennessee parents have a similar right?
@ServantOfJudgement and @ Russel A Kester.
No "Teachers and Schools" are bringing drag shows to schools against the will of parents. This isn't about "Woke Hive mind" and no, hate to burst your bubble, but "the left" don't hate women. Though "The right" sure as hell seem to as they are pushing so hard for laws to strip women of every single human right and dignity they have.
Name ONE school that "brings drag shows to schools against the will of parents". You can't and I know you can't. And, for that matter, name ONE individual in drag that has harmed / attacked kids? Again, I know dam* well you can't. And, btw, drag is not always "burlesque". And it has nothing to do with "Woke". Sometimes drag is just for the fun of it. And not all drag actors are individuals who are transitioning. In fact, MOST of them are not.
MOST individuals who do drag are entertainers. Nothing more, nothing less. They are not transitioning and they don't intend to do so. They do it for the fun of it. And there is a HUGE difference between someone in drag sitting and reading a book and someone dancing on a stage removing their clothing.
Of course, HATE-filled individuals can't tell the difference, can you? It's a male wearing a dress, therefore it's automatically EVIL. Though you never say why. You shriek "GROOMERZ!!!" and about pedophiles, and how the "left hate women" and how it's "woke".
But when you're asked what "Woke" means, you have no definition except "Things I," meaning you, not me, "dislike". But if you look at the dictionary, it means awake, and aware of your surroundings and situation. Something people on the VERY far right hate more than anything. For people to be alert and aware of their surroundings.
No one is doing "anything behind parents backs", at least not when it comes to such. On the flip side, the Alt Right are forcing religion into schools against parents wishes. They take kids to churches from the schools without parental consent, and punish, sometimes severely, any kid that refuses to go. And they sure LOVE making excuses for priests that sexually assault young children, too. Often blaming the kid for what they suffered.
There's a HUGE difference between "Drag Queen Story Hour", which is a drag queen sitting, fully clothed, reading a story to kids, and a strip club. And no, teachers are NOT bringing kids to strip clubs against their parents wills.
If PARENTS want to bring their kids to a drag strip show, while I disagree with it, that IS their decision. But the SCHOOLS and Libraries are not doing such.
SOJ, nice to see another post from you. It seems it's been awhile. I agree. The progressives are doing things behind parents backs and then trying to make it seem like it's no big thing. Good to prevent such 'innocent' events before they happen.
Yet cheerleaders wear less clothes are are far more provocative!
Let's not forget the "family friendly" Hooters and Twin Peaks restaurants.
Parents should have the freedom to make the choice for their children. This is another loss for parent's rights. For a party supposedly in favor of freedoms, it sure seems intent on taking freedoms away, especially from minorities.
They believe in parental rights as long as it agrees with what they consider parents should do.
Yes and parents should have the same rights to bring small children to the strip joints with them. It's all just art, and children can understand what's going on. Maybe even compete in amateur hour, wouldn't that be inclusive? Just leave children out of adult venues. Drag has been an adult entertainment for ever, why must it be thrust on children?
Who's "thrusting" it on children? And strip joint nudity is the complete opposite of dressing up drag. On the other hand, I did not grow up with drag story time, or being taken to drag comedy shows. I fail to see the need for kids to do so, but on the other hand I think it's up to mom and dad to decide and not more government prohibition. This was once the land of the free where family values were the family's choice.
I've seen first hand drag shows and I think someone saying it is different than strip club nudity isn't true. I saw people wearing sexually explicit garments and devices strapped to their bodies. I was even bashful at what I saw and I am 49 years old. I think the bigger question is why people want small children at these kinds of events in the first place? I was an adult who made the decision to go and witness it with my own eyes, but small children/ adolescents don't have that choice when the adults are showing it to them, Nor do they have the mindset to properly assess the images they are being exposed to. I don't know if punishment of felonies is the right answer but there needs to be a line as to what we are exposing to our children. Why do they feel the need/or want to have children at such events?
This is not a Christian state. If it was it was outside the constitution and therefore a foreign enemy of the United States.
Keep state separated from religious views.
It's good to know that at least somebody in the government has working brain cells. It's obvious that children, don't need to see people who don't know what gender they are, who try to convince children that they are not who they are. Not the job or duty of the government, or those who can't tell the difference between a man or a woman, to tell children what they are.
Well they better BAN "The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar, Victor/Victoria, La Cage aux Folles, The Birdcage, Tootsie, Some Like It Hot, Mrs. Doubtfire, Hairspray, RuPaul's Drag Race, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Rent, LadyBug, She's The Man, The Crying Game, Just One of the Guys. Just to Name a Few.
Don't forget Bugs Bunny.
Yes, in almost every older (from my childhood) episode, Bugs Bunny dresses in drag.
Mr. Atwood, I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and believe that you’re ignorant of gender identity. That’s the only logical explanation for your vitriol. Not all people feel comfortable in their own skin, and those people deserve safe spaces, too.
Can you tell me the difference between a man and a woman? How can you tell?
As a trans person, I find drag extremely extremely offensive. Equal to blackface. Yes equal. Anything sexualizing in front of children like most drag shows do should be illegal and arrests should be made! I fully support banning minors from seeing this filth!