tarot cards and pagan materials in a shop
The shop owner is being accused of witchcraft and Satanism, but she says it's all been blown out of proportion.

Is energy healing Satanic? What about tarot cards or candles?

Outrage has been crystalizing in the small Kentucky town of Winchester following the local tourism board’s promotion of Crystal Coven Mystic Cottage, a one-stop shop for crystals, incense, and all your spiritual and metaphysical needs.

The owner says she’s just trying to run a small business, but some local churchgoers say she’s promoting witchcraft right in their backyard – activity antithetical to the community's Christian beliefs.

Crystal Panic

Crystal Coven Mystic Cottage is just a few months shy of the one-year anniversary, but owner Shannon Tipton may not be in a celebratory mood.

Earlier this year, the Winchester-Clark County Tourism Commission, the county’s official tourism board, promoted an event taking place at Crystal Coven Mystic Cottage in a recent newsletter.

This prompted swift backlash against the metaphysical shop from members of the community who accused the shop of witchcraft and Satanism, and argued that the county’s official tourism newsletter shouldn’t be promoting such beliefs. 

Dr. Mark Miller, 4th district magistrate of the county, released a statement arguing that “the people who object to this believe that the Tourism Department should not promote any business which sells witchcraft materials… Tourism needs to be neutral on divisive issues and cultural agendas.”

Lee Cruse, senior pastor of a local church, agrees. He says he believes “anybody has the right to be able to have any business that they want to.”

He says that they’re “not asking her to change, we’re just simply saying that we just felt like for tourist attractions and things this was, we didn’t feel this was necessarily the way we wanted our community to be perceived.”

As another resident, Tim Sparks, put it, “the products they sell, the material, some of it is used in witchcraft.”

A Big Misunderstanding?

Shop owner Shannon Tipton says that some have the wrong idea about her business. 

"It’s been said that I’m a devil-worshiping witch; I’m a Satanic shop,” she explained. “None of that is true.”

Tipton argues that her business may have a spiritual angle, but it’s certainly not religious. She sells things like crystals, tarot cards, incense, and herbs. 

“I don’t claim a religion. I’m a metaphysical shop. I am registered as a business. Not a church.” 

A Modern Day Witch Hunt?

For Tipton, the outrage is overblown and inaccurate – a religious crusade mischaracterizing her business to advance a “personal vendetta” against her. “There’s a specific group of people who would rather me not do business here in Winchester,” she says, “because it doesn’t align with their personal beliefs.”

The county’s tourism department has no final judgment on whether featuring Crystal Coven Mystic Cottage in their newsletter was inappropriate, but for Tipton, the damage is done.

Some customers have told her they’re afraid to even walk in the shop now, and Tipton reported receiving threatening messages stating things like “we burned witches once, we’ll do it again.”

What do you think? Is this just a modern day witch hunt, or was the county wrong to promote the shop due to its spiritual connections?


  1. Joe Stutler's Avatar Joe Stutler

    There are those who would claim that the only religion that should be promoted is one of the variants of the Abrahamic mythos. Those folks are stupid and should be ignored other than to get them the mental health care they clearly display a need for.

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Joe Stutler,

      Given that there is historical evidence to back up biblical stories, what's so metal about that more than following the lead of superstitions?

      1. Joe Stutler's Avatar Joe Stutler

        Sure there is, silly kitten, sure there is. Tell us about the leprechauns next...then do the Tooth Fairy! Your mythology is no more real than the mythologies it derives from. Welcome to reality, best wishes. ;-)

        1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

          Joe Stutler,

          Your lack of archeological education is clear. And the fact that you need to name-call me to boost your self-esteem is telling.

          I'm not going to reply to silly comments.

  1. Alan Meunier's Avatar Alan Meunier

    I thought the entire (Salem) witch hunt thing was settled centuries ago. Which year is this again??? (Apparently the 1600s in Kentucky!)

    1. Bridget Kielas-Fecyk's Avatar Bridget Kielas-Fecyk

      Tell that to Arizona that is trying to enforce laws from the 1800's.

    2. Michael Joseph Garceau's Avatar Michael Joseph Garceau

      This is Kentucky; Hypocrisy also lives there

    3. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Alan Meunier,

      I hope you'll never get burnt by the effects of curses so that you can maintain your secularised thinking :-)

  1. Katelynne Shouse's Avatar Katelynne Shouse

    Once again......There's No Hate Like Christian "Love"!

  1. John W's Avatar John W

    And once again the hard core bible pounders find themselves embarrassing the Commonwealth of Kentucky via their pushing of their religious beliefs on others and using their feelings like a proverbial cudgel via threatening acts of violence against others of different beliefs. It's a business like any other that deals with specialty items. Items that consumers purchase and pay sales tax on; A store that the owners have to pay property taxes on and the operator has to pay employee taxes on. The local tourism folks are just doing their jobs promoting businesses in the community and their events. I love Kentucky for all of it's beauty, but it gets hard to love folks like those spreading hatred in the name of their version of being Christian.

  1. Laura McAllister's Avatar Laura McAllister

    What century is this ,are you going to hang her or do what. If she is evil she will face God one day. We have enough going on in this world right now let’s work on that first.

    1. Bridget Kielas-Fecyk's Avatar Bridget Kielas-Fecyk

      The woman is NOT "evil". They're CLAIMING she's evil all because she's running a new-age store and HATE her for it.

    2. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

      If she’s evil then she’s evil. Facing god one day is your opinion. Based upon Bronze Age superstitious nonsense.

      1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

        Given that there is historical evidence to back up biblical stories, what's so metal about that more than following the lead of superstitions?

  1. Joy's Avatar Joy

    Oh but it’s ok for Christians to burn incense during a mass, and tell fairy tales from a magic book? The hypocrisy is ridiculous.

    1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

      Brilliant point joy!

    2. Rev. Klaire ThD, MA's Avatar Rev. Klaire ThD, MA

      Joy, and the hypocrisy is constant! It verges on the insane.

    3. Sadie Tan's Avatar Sadie Tan

      EXCUSE ME, the contets of Star Wars beginning is NOT a fary tail, it is sci-nce fiction. THE SECOND MOVIE WAS INPECTABLE AND FOR YOU TO CALL IT FIRY TAELS IS AN OUTRAGE. 😡😡😡, Also Aninkin was was fine 😏😏. groans cutelyAL IN AL MY ur review is impeccably horrible.

      Signing off mic drop Shannon

    4. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day


  1. Rev “D”'s Avatar Rev “D”

    So christian cannibals and bodily fluids drinkers are now upset over a rock shop? Such fragile egos christians have, you’d think believers of hell would have stronger stomachs. Tsk tsk

    1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

      I think you're confusing Biden's tall tale of his uncle getting eaten by some Philippine guys or some such and the Koryak people from Siberia. They'd drink each other's urine to get the muscimol for a trip. Brothers didn't know you could just cook the caps and drink the juice.

      Somehow you've combined bidens drivel and the shamans practice. Crazy how the human mind works huh?

      1. Danny D. Maynard's Avatar Danny D. Maynard

        That s a totally illogical comment, SOJ!

      2. Rev. Klaire ThD, MA's Avatar Rev. Klaire ThD, MA

        This is an inappropriate place to be airing your conspiracy theories. Please stay on topic if you want to be taken seriously.

      3. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

        Are you being obtuse? Body and blood, the sacrament. How in the bloody hell does Biden have anything to do with this?

      4. Michael Joseph Garceau's Avatar Michael Joseph Garceau

        This is Kentucky; Hypocrisy also lives there

      5. Michael Joseph Garceau's Avatar Michael Joseph Garceau

        yes and your comment proves that "every acccusation is actually an admission of guilt". Et tu Brut?

  1. Najah P Tamargo's Avatar Najah P Tamargo

    Najah Tamargo - USA

    Good Grief Charlie Brown!!!! The healing and power of stones and herbs has been around way BEFORE any known religion. If it comes from Mother Earth, it is believed to have power. Are they going Salem on her???? Burn her at the stake??? With all the horrific things going on in the world.....go back to your church and PRAY ON THOSE!!! Don't PREY on a single woman that is just trying to run her business.

    PS - Those stores are all over the country, and I used to "Rock Hound" when I was a kid. Get with the times folks!!!!

    1. shiningwolf9's Avatar shiningwolf9


    2. Maryann Palms's Avatar Maryann Palms

      Mother Earth aka Gaia her fruit of labor has been the bones of this Earth and that is Chakra stones. Welcome to the New Era of understanding.

      1. Keith Graham Ainsworth's Avatar Keith Graham Ainsworth

        Gaia is from mythology as old as the bible. She arranged for one of her sons to murder her husband

      2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        Maryann Palms,

        Understanding is a gift of God.

  1. Timothy C Stone's Avatar Timothy C Stone

    This is a business like any other. Obviously creating a market. Believe whatever superstitions you want. If it works for you or just a novelty. Polished stones are pretty and feel good in your hand. Tarot cards? They can work like The I-Ching, and The I-Ching works. I wonder how many of those 'Christians' wear crosses. Any way, All power comes from God. Many paths for many people in search of the same destination.

  1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

    Give me a break. They are nothing more then rocks and candles. If this helps people to ascribe to their chosen Deity, then so be it. I wonder how much the people complaining would be doing or how loudly they would be doing it, it their religious parts of their worship were to be banned?

    If the deity they worship isnt real then as long as they dont break any laws, exactly WHO have they harmed? Lets use my belief for an example...Do I believe in Christ and the trinity? Yes I do. Now when I die if I have done all kinds of "good works" and helped as many as I could, if there is nothing afterwords then so what? I will still be remembered and talked about long after I am gone. And if there IS something afterwords, then I will be rewarded. Now on the other hand if I deny a deity and I pass, and to my chock there is one. I dont think standing before them and saying "ooopps my bad" is gonna quite get it now is it? Thats what a lot of people dont seem to understand, and thats including the writers of this thread and the people who are making the charge.

    1. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

      This, Daniel Gray, is just a poorly stated version of "Pascal's Wager," which is deeply logically flawed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pascal%27s_wager

      Blaise Pascal was speaking from a strictly Christian viewpoint, which means he neglected to consider a very important question. "What if you are worshipping the wrong deity?"

      What happens if, when you get to the Pearly Gates, you are greeted by the Hindu god Ganesh? Worse, what if he turns out to be as jealous a god as is claimed for the god of Abraham? I'm inclined to agree that "standing before them and saying "ooopps my bad" isn't gonna quite get it."

      1. Rev. Klaire ThD, MA's Avatar Rev. Klaire ThD, MA

        John, agreed! As well, Pascal was also making a calculated statement, which he believed to be beyond the logical/intellectual capabilities of the church to refute, in an effort to avoid the same fate as Galileo.

        1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

          Rev. Klaire ThD, MA

          Those were different days, before the tiranny of goddess Reason!

      2. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

        The real thing with Pascal’s Wager, at least for me, is that I can’t just ‘decide to believe’. No evidence=just can’t do it. I could SAY IT but I couldn’t believe it. And I tried the ‘fake it till you make it’ thing for about 4 years in college. My girlfriend never knew, so I could fool her. Think I could fool a god though? If anything the ‘faking it’ pkan forced me to contemplate all the religious bs for so long that my tolerance to the stuff is paper thin.

        1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

          Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

          Faith is a gift, but you have to ask for it. It is also a sign of predestination though.

      3. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

        Sorry Johnny boy, its fact and the only people trying to claim otherwise is ones like you

    2. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      I agree with you, Sir Daniel. It’s just rocks, candles, incense, and talking to thin air. It’s a bit like the candles, incense, and talking into the air that religionists tend to do. It’s harmless, so let them get on with it.


      1. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

        But it would be nice if they would just keep it ‘their little secret’.

        1. Amber Fry's Avatar Amber Fry

          It would be nicer if those who disagree with it would just mind their own business instead.

          1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            It’s just that we find Christian rituals to be just as hilarious with the drinking the blood thing, incense, candles, speaking to walls, floors, or ceilings, all under the impression that a man made deity is listening and supports those crazy rituals. The next thing they’ll be doing is cutting off little boys foreskins in the name of their religion. Oh! But wait…..some do that now as well. Crazy! Right?


            1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day


              I did a circmcision for health reasons. It wasn't the synagogue - it was the NHS! So, circumcision, to your liking, equals good health!

              When I turned Messano Jew, I was told that for converts circumcision is not compulsory, yet encouraged.

              So, you must be getting your sources somewhere not quite trustworthy.

          2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

            Amber Fry,

            We have a duty of care for souls!

            1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

              What exactly do you see a soul really is? I think you’ll find it to be a human construct by religionists that believe in a life after death, when in reality we have no demonstrable evidence anything exists after this life.

              Interesting claim though!


              1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day


                The sould makes up our emotions and thinking. The spirt is what you refer to, which makes up our being like God.

              2. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                I wonder how we can prove that claim? 🤔


        2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

          Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

          The Great Commission is a divine mandate. So, your wish isn't an option!

      2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        Here you are, Lionheart!!

        1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

          Yes, here I am. I’m glad you’ve caught up to date with this blog. Welcome back.


    3. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Daniel Gray,

      You miss the pint. In other words, if witchcraft is real, curses and spells are too! Hence, they should be illegal!

      1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

        I miss nothing. If this is their free will and this is how they want to do it, then fine. Now on the other hand if this is real and they cause damage to a person and it can be proved and such, then they are legally able to be charged and punished for same.

        1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

          Daniel Gray,

          Well, then we agree on something :-)

          1. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

            I’m a pagan minister and a witch. I assure you that witchcraft is real, as are spells and curses. As far as legality is concerned, it’s none of your business what someone else’s religion is, unless it’s hurting you or someone else.

  1. Katelynne Shouse's Avatar Katelynne Shouse

    Once again......There's No Hate Like Christian "Love"!

  1. Bridget Kielas-Fecyk's Avatar Bridget Kielas-Fecyk

    Most of these individuals are Alt-Right "MAGAs" who want to turn the USA into an Evangelical Theocracy. I heard about this before it was put here. There have been physical attacks and protests at the person's little shop, and the owner, herself, has been physically attacked more than once, with people even threatening to kill her and "Burn her body where everyone can see it".

    They want the time of mass-murders and witch-burnings to return again out of sheer hate and the demands to control people and erase all religions but theirs. It's sickening.

    Freedom of religion is ALL religions. And people can be free to not worship ANY religion if they don't to. I agree, this is likely a personal vendetta people in the church have against anyone who refuse to conform and obey them.

    1. Mountainsage's Avatar Mountainsage

      Don’t lump everyone together and judge them by their politics. I know many people who “practice” alternative religions who are Maga. And THEY support religious FREEDOM! Hope that makes you feel safer.

      1. Bridget Kielas-Fecyk's Avatar Bridget Kielas-Fecyk

        No, MAGA does NOT support religious freedom. If they DID, they would not be pushing so hard to turn the USA into a religious Theocracy. They keep screaming that this is a "Christian Nation" when it's obviously NOT.

        And Danny Ray Henderson, as far as what that man did to ME, personally? I'm a woman who grew up before Roe v Wade and saw what it did to my mother. So I take it VERY personally. I almost grew up without a mother because of it.

        And yeah, most of the ones condemning this poor woman are MAGA followers. And, believe it or not, the MAGAs now have their own church where they worship Trump as their god.

        1. Russel A. Kester's Avatar Russel A. Kester

          Bridget, your first sentence was your opinion not fact. The second was a personal experience which took courage to share. The last was hyperbole, but entertaining.

          Mountainsage, wrote of his personal experience of interacting with MAGA Republicans which you summarily dismissed. That's unfortunate. We are all better for hearing each other's life experiences and shouldn't invalidate them.

        2. Christina O's Avatar Christina O

          I disagree, as I am a freedom fighter, and I have owned a metaphysical shop for going on 9 years in CT. I have many church going people that shop in my place regularly, as well as 'recovered Catholics' as they like to say because they have been so disappointed in the Church over the years. I believe that it is the extremely religious people that have the issues with anyone outside of their religion, because they have to rely on a book and a person on a pulpit to live their lives. Those I come across are also the most judgmental folks around! Let's everyone mind their business, agree to disagree, and get along! You don't like something, keep walking...just my two cents.

          1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

            Christina O,

            That's a good philosophy, but why don't you guys do it with s Christians too?

      2. Amber Fry's Avatar Amber Fry

        There is a difference between being republican and being MAGA. MAGAs are extreme and do not allow for differences. It seems to be taking over the party but there does still seem to be some republicans keeping some sense and not going that far.

    2. Bond Wright's Avatar Bond Wright

      These people are LOSERS. They are, in fact, Empty Ghosts. Since they have copped out and chosen the coward's way a long time ago--the consequences are they are EMPTY. They end up being empty. That is what creates the fascist personality. Then the world has to deal with them. "Witchcraft" is, in their minds, a "threat". And, they murdered thousands of girls, women and some men between the 14th and 17th centuries. Same dynamic. (check the history--it's all there). We are in better shape as a people. And these people are the off spring of those with the fascist personality that came before. They fear democracy and fear Eros (life force). They fear the erotic. They feel confronted and threatened by these phenomenon. The real Christians have no use for them and nothing in common. Real Christians see other spiritual approaches as their sisters and brothers; e.g.Native Americans, Inuit, Pagan spiritual approaches. Real Christians see homosexuals as just another group of people that they love and want to protect. Ms. Tipton is the victim of bullying by these Empty Ghosts. I find these Empty Ghosts to be entirely insipid and BORING. And, we have to deal with them to a solution.

    3. Danny Ray Henderson's Avatar Danny Ray Henderson

      "Bridget Kielas-Fecyk". - Why do you bring politics into the Religious equation? The Term "MAGA" simply means "Make America Great Again". Nothing Less and Nothing More. It has nothing to do with any Religion or Religious Belief or Religious Aspect or even any other meaning for that matter except in the minds of Anti-Trumper's like yourself of which have turned it into a derogatory term and meaning. I also ask What has Trump himself personally done to you yourself either mentally or physically of which has caused you so much hate, anger and anguish towards the man? I agree with "Mountainsage", Don't lump everyone together and judge them by their politics or type of business or religious beliefs.

      1. Amber Fry's Avatar Amber Fry

        Because the religious right is trying to overcome politics in the states. It's becoming an unfortunate fact of life here right now.

  1. Theresa C. Marquess's Avatar Theresa C. Marquess

    Pity that the Christian community of Winchester, KY is so insecure that they have to attempt to drive out one Metaphysical Shop from their community. I will pray for them. ...blessed be!

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Theresa C. Marquess,

      God hears the prayers of the pure in heart!

      1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        Only if God exists, otherwise it’s just speaking into thin air.

        I personally like the thought of Dionysus, the God of wine. 🤭


        1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day


          Ever thought of changing record??

          1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            Not while ever people keep playing the same record that a god really exists without being able to demonstrably support those claims. Until then, the needle in the “God” record player will just stay in the same groove with the record going round and round. 🤭


  1. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

    It’s amazing that these towns people haven’t learned from history. The Salem witch trials are over and were found to be wrong. Not one witch was burned. I’d laugh if this weren’t so serious. People are threatening the shop owner, and her customers don’t feel safe. Then simultaneously, you have Christians claiming religious persecution. What is going on? People have truly lost their minds. Just when you think it can’t get stranger, it does. Are we returning to the dark ages, the crusades, and the inquisitions?

    1. Amber Fry's Avatar Amber Fry

      Nope, though 19 were hung and one crushed to death under stones, nobody was burned, and not one of them were actually witches. According to later testimony the majority of it was paranoia and a bit of prejudice. Differences still seem to be a huge issue anymore. Why not just live according to your own beliefs, don't harm anyone and let others do the same? How is it so many find this to be such a hard thing to do?

      1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        Amber Fry,

        First, to answer your question, witchcraft factually and intentionally harms others when hexes are claimed. Second, nowhere does it say the witch trials were wrong. This is the secular thinking of today.

        1. Russel A. Kester's Avatar Russel A. Kester

          George, what on earth are you saying? Do you actually believe that witches can hex people and cause them harm? If not, where's the intentional harm? It would seem there's no harm at all just wishful thinking. And I believe I remember correctly when I say that research points more to the possibility that their supply of rye developed ergot which acted like LSD when ingested. They were on acid!

          There are those who practice witchcraft today and they have high ethical standards. No reason for a witch hunt today.

          1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

            Russel A. Kester,

            The occult of witchcraft has never burned you, it seems. Consider yourself lucky and be grateful.

    2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      James Riggle-Johnson,

      Maybe we should!

  1. Matthew Mastrogiovanni's Avatar Matthew Mastrogiovanni

    Freedom of religion means ALL religions! It doesn't matter if the shop is new age, witchcraft or Satanic - it's their American right! Abrahamics have overstepped and need to be reigned in.

    1. Danny Ray Henderson's Avatar Danny Ray Henderson

      I agree.

    2. Jacen's Avatar Jacen

      The best and only comment that needed saying about this matter.

  1. Rev. Michael Gerraghty II's Avatar Rev. Michael Gerraghty II

    Its the Entitlement for me that Christians seem to think they're some sort of authority figure and can dictate over everyone..

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Rev. Michael Gerraghty II,

      We simply have the Good News to share.

  1. Scottie Lee Carpenter's Avatar Scottie Lee Carpenter

    Never again the Burning times! That pastor is a biggot and the shop deserves all the support she can get!

  1. Rev_Shaun's Avatar Rev_Shaun

    How comical!

    One set of dumb kids objecting to the antics of another set of dumb kids. When I were a lad, our physical education teacher would put a pair of boxing gloves on two arguing kids and leave them to sort it out in the gym.

    1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

      I wouldn't call business woman Tipton part of "another set of dumb kids". I'd call her a shop owner trying to make an honest living in a backward state frightened by ghosts, UFOs, Satanists and reptilian overlords.

      Maybe if she sold Trump Bibles too, she'd get a pass.

      1. Mountainsage's Avatar Mountainsage

        If she were to sell bibles would she be left alone? And she should be able to if she so desires.

        1. Amber Fry's Avatar Amber Fry

          Of course she would be left to it. That's part of the point. If it isn't in support of their own beliefs then it will be targeted.

          1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

            Amber Fry,

            When you need help out of what your 'beliefs' are soaking you into, I hope there will be 'enough' Christians to rescue you :-)!

      2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        Rev. BH,

        I don't get the point of such silly comments, respectfully!

    2. shiningwolf9's Avatar shiningwolf9

      Your post is ignorant, and not understanding that some "so called 'christians' are truly evil, and actually will commit bodily harm, including murder, in the name of their god. They are people of the old book, not their new book. These people are to stupid to understand " bible" means book.

      1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day


        I think you need a theology fast-track course!

        1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

          Oh my goodness, no. A study in philosophy using logic, reason, and critical thought, is much better for everyone.


          1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day


            That is precisely what comprises the study of theology = science that studies the things of God!

            1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

              Which man made God are you referencing that you’d like to study involving science?

              Until you can demonstrably prove one exists there’s no point in studying it. It’s like saying the study of Fairies/Vishnu/Thor/Santa Clause and science is worthwhile. Can you see the idiocy of that statement?


  1. Reverend Cory's Avatar Reverend Cory

    Much ado about nothing.

    1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

      Nothing? Not when they ultimately threaten, harass and drive the poor shop owner out of town.

      1. Bridget Kielas-Fecyk's Avatar Bridget Kielas-Fecyk

        You really think they're going to let this poor woman leave the town ALIVE?

        1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

          Hopefully she contacts the police and they do their job to find the offenders. She needs to exercise her 2nd amendment and protect herself in case the fuzz doesn't.

          1. Bridget Kielas-Fecyk's Avatar Bridget Kielas-Fecyk

            Unless a member of the police decide to side with the church and "2nd amendment" her, and then try to claim he was "afraid for his life"

            1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

              Bridget Kielas-Fecyk,

              The shop owner should have her license revoked!

  1. Robert Edward Szekely's Avatar Robert Edward Szekely

    What needs to be recognized is that a bunch fanatics claiming to represent "Christian Values" (which they aren't) are taking something harmless and blowing it out of proportion. The question is, what is the REAL problem they're trying to deflect attention from?

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Robert Edward Szekely,

      When you become possessed by Pazuzu, don't run to the Christians fo help!

  1. Rev. Carol M Anaski-Figurski's Avatar Rev. Carol M Anaski-Figurski

    Congrats on your one yaer anniversary. keep your business growing with interesting things.Dont let them scare you off. There are over a million witches in modern society today in fact. I am a wiccan practitioner & it is often wicca is witch. & male practitioners are warlocks, " It has spiritual roots in antiquity, acceptance of magic & mysterious made it particularly appealing." Wicca is a religion. You have the right to believe what ever you want. Blest be.

    1. Barbara Harris's Avatar Barbara Harris

      I'm a hereditary witch and the term warlock is a very derogatory term. Wiccan is a new kid on the block so maybe you need to do some more studying.

      1. Robert J. Kirkman's Avatar Robert J. Kirkman

        Absolutely! The term "warlock" comes from and old English word "waerloga", which means an oath breaker, It was used to refer to a Witch who broke his or her Coven oath by revealing the names of other Coven members to the Witch hunters. It's connection to male Witches comes from the 1400's when it was applied to the male practitioners of a particularly malevolent form of the Craft. This concept was further bolstered by the records from the Scottish Witch trials, written by the Christian authorities, and thus by those ignorant of the true practices of the Craft. Please understand, a Witch is a Witch regardless of gender. To call someone a warlock would be considered an insult by most Witches. There is a certain segment of those who practice the Craft who have embraced the term because they think it sounds "cool", or for the "shock" value. Mostly dilettantes who wish to be seen as rebellious or "bad-ass" Witches. The only thing they manage to accomplish is to give the Craft a black eye! Please give a thought to following the previous suggestion. I believe MUCH more studying is in order! It doesn't do well to display one's ignorance in public...

        1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

          Robert J. Kirkman,

          Your last line is a wise statement. Sadly it is not so accurately applied to the knowledge of biblical truth and its archeological evidence.

      2. Russel A. Kester's Avatar Russel A. Kester

        Barbara, your claim to hereditary status as a witch is no more valid than any other witch. Carol's use of warlock for a male practitioner of witchcraft is valid and has been recorded in English court records as such. Early feminists altered it in order to destroy the binary in favor of themselves and to try to force males to identify themselves using a female term. It was a power grab. Male practitioners of the craft reclaim the term warlock. There are books and websites discussing this. You and Robert are simply overstepping when you assert the right to tell anyone how they may identify. And you both are wrong on the historical record. I recommend the book 'Witch, Warlock, and Magician Historical Sketches of Magic and Witchcraft in England' as good reading in this area.

    2. shiningwolf9's Avatar shiningwolf9

      Don't know where you are from, but most (very few do) male witches do not go for the word meaning "oath breaker" (warlock). Most use witch, as in an older English dialect, where the words wicca and wicce were used for either male or female.

    3. Bond Wright's Avatar Bond Wright

      Warlock is a patriarchal invention. Male wiccans are witches, too. They don;'t accept "warlock"(oath breaker).

      1. Russel A. Kester's Avatar Russel A. Kester

        Bond, if warlocks broke their oath it was the oath all males had to make to the church. They did not break their oath to their coven.

  1. Tareq Asfour's Avatar Tareq Asfour

    So sick and tired of Americans christians who are lost themselves accusing others of witchcraft….

    1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

      Very kindly Tareq, you're in a long line of people who don't believe the Bible that judge Christians with the bible.

      Little else can be said.

    2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Tareq Asfour,

      WOW! And what should we Christians say about the increase of witchcraft in society?

      There's no such thing as relative truth. Fire either burns or is harmless. I have seen over again people burnt by witchcraft run to the Christians for help.

      The movie The Exorcist was inspired by a real story. I began with witchcraft!

  1. Daniel Todd Kamm's Avatar Daniel Todd Kamm

    While accusing and seeking to chase a "witch" out of town, tell them not to forget to check for warts or moles or whether she floats... and while they are at it flush out the Jews, the Queers , migrants, Catholics, Democrats, and anyone else in town (or their own families) they don't like... like the pastor that was making dirty phone calls during lunch and may or may not have accidentally impregnated the occasional wife, daughter or black cat.

    Very poor community values. And lacking those, I would say religious and spiritual values as well.

    Are there businesses owned by these crackers to boycott or rate online, or a chamber of commerce to complain to ...while I purchase a candle or two from this lady?

    I'm a fan of beeswax myself.

    Reb tk

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Daniel Todd Kamm,

      You are confusing Christians who give into disordered passions (which they may be fighting, yet with little to no success) and a clear deliberate choice to harm others.

      I call this intellectual dishonesty.

  1. David Arthur Lewis's Avatar David Arthur Lewis

    Who Would Jesus Hate?

  1. Nicholas J Page's Avatar Nicholas J Page

    Crystals have been used for years now this lady is running a business where is the proof that she is a Satanist there isnt any.So leave her alone and mind your own business are you going to claim next that her customers are evil?Satanists grow up people and get a life of your own.

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Nicholas J Page,

      We would if we were not harrassed by curses flying around!

  1. Mark John Simpson's Avatar Mark John Simpson

    I may be stepping on toes but isn't this just the pot calling the kettle black? We all know there are those in our own community that are like this. I don't believe any have the right to run something/one down just because of a personal belief. A hammer is just a hammer until it's used to bash in a head.....items such as those being sold are used in many different ways in many different religions and even in non religious activities. It would seem to me some one of proper authority and/or persuasion should get this kind of activity settled up before it becomes a plight on that community.

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Mark John Simpson,

      I agree. Close down the shop! :-/ !!

  1. Ann Vogts's Avatar Ann Vogts

    All I have to say is people fear what they don’t know or understand. For those people they don’t like change and their opinions are the only right ones. Be not afraid to learn and grow from others. So mote it be. So blessings and prayers for the shop owners

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Ann Vogts,

      ... and curses and spells to those she dislikes?!

  1. Matthew Mastrogiovanni's Avatar Matthew Mastrogiovanni

    Enough already. Freedom of religion means all religions.

  1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

    Been through all parts of Kentucky lots of times. Beautiful state. I'm surprised they're not more worried about the crystal meth than they are a crystal shop.

    There's a war being waged and its fought by poor white men.

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day


      Many pastors are black... not sure where you got the white element in!

  1. Robert E. Polston's Avatar Robert E. Polston

    Hello Friends!

    As we know, it gets windy at times and one can get sawdust in their eye. It is always a best practice however not to attempt to remove the sawdust in a neighbors eye before removing the plank of wood that is lodged in your own eye.

    What if we all started rumors and had meetings to condem this church group for their blatent child sexual abuse? What if? Making thngs up without understanding or out of fear or bigotry is just human stupidity at work. It seems that for some people religion and superstician are just about the same thing.

    This kind of gossipy crapolla should be contrary to a church community of loving people, so what is it that these people are practicing?

    All Fed Up, Bob

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Robert E. Polston,

      Had you been badly burnt by the side effects of witchcraft, you wouldn't be addressing it as superstition.

  1. Mountainsage's Avatar Mountainsage

    I would recommend some studies and education on modern day witchcraft, there seems to be a fear factor going on here. And what people are afraid of they demonize.

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day


      How about starting with Hitler, who was also a witchcraft practitioner?

  1. Religion as a Weapon is Wrong's Avatar Religion as a Weapon is Wrong

    The reaction to this business is sparked by people that don't understand their own Christianity. Their local religious leaders should educate them. The shop is not about religion and there are similar stores all over the country. Rocks and candles only have magical properties in the movies and literature. Using religion to attack people is so 16th century.

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Rev. Rory,

      I fully disagree.

  1. Rev Ned's Avatar Rev Ned

    Let’s all sing, 🎼 “Jesus loves me, but He can’t stand you!”

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Rev Ned,

      This song is a pathetic joke!

  1. Lisa R Reeder's Avatar Lisa R Reeder

    OMG! Crystals and herbs are of this earth! So the earth itself is evil and satanic?! Some people use all sort of items as totems or whatever, that is each persons choice....but anybody, Christians included, can enjoy and appreciate natural things that make some people feel good! This is ridiculous. I sure hope the owner sees the amount of support she has here, and that this doesn't fill her with so much hurtful, negative energy that she quits. Everyone needs to think about my daily mantra "I release all Energy that is not mine".

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Lisa R Reeder

      'Crystals and herbs are of this earth! So the earth itself is evil and satanic?! '

      No, it isn't. But the Sos of God that fills the air have, in great numbers, rebelled against him.

  1. Robert J. Kirkman's Avatar Robert J. Kirkman

    Just the latest example of small town ignorance and prejudice. If this shop were located in a larger city, it's likely that no one would raise an eyebrow. We have religious freedom in America, but that doesn't give ANYONE the right to force their religion down anyone else's throat! The shop owner claims that the materials she sells are spiritual rather than religious, and that's fine. Even among actual Witches, some have a religious aspect to their practices. For others, the Craft6 is simply a system of magickal practices, without any religious aspect. And some may practice the Craft yet hold a totally different religious affiliation. I personally know "Christo-Pagans" and "Jewitches"...one of whom I initiated! Bottom line, follow your own path and allow others to follow theirs without interference!

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Robert J. Kirkman,

      I'm a Protestant, Messianic Jew.

      Witchcraft and Jdeo-Christiany, by their very definition, are intrinsically incompatible.

      You can call yourself whatever you like, but that does not necessarily make you such.

  1. Rev Samantha Counihan's Avatar Rev Samantha Counihan

    1) just because someone runs a shop with tarot cards, herbs, incense, and crystals dosnt mean theyre in a religion or religious practice. 2) Witchcraft (religious practice) has nothing to do with satanism (book abraham religion). 3) if churchgoers dont like her shop then they dont have the right to go in there harassing her and threatening to murder which she can have them escorted and arrested for death threats. 4) they dont own the town freedom of religion includes the shop owners

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Rev Samantha Counihan

      'Witchcraft (religious practice) has nothing to do with satanism (book abraham religion).'

      That's like saying: the sports newspaper has nothing to do with football!

  1. Jennifer Louise Kemper's Avatar Jennifer Louise Kemper

    Excuse me, but doesn't our nations' constitution guarantee frredom of religion?

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Jennifer Louise Kemper,

      ... as long as it doesn't cause harm to others!

  1. Rev Samantha Counihan's Avatar Rev Samantha Counihan

    1) just because someone runs a shop with tarot cards, herbs, incense, and crystals dosnt mean theyre in a religion or religious practice. 2) Witchcraft (religious practice) has nothing to do with satanism (book abraham religion). 3) if churchgoers dont like her shop then they dont have the right to go in there harassing her and threatening which she can have them escorted and arrested for such threats. 4) they dont own the town freedom of religion includes the shop owners

  1. April B's Avatar April B

    The bible has very clear accounts of gemstones/crystals use. Moses brother Aaron, The High Priest, wore the priestly breastplate made of 12 gemstones representing the twelve tribes of Israel. (Joshua 4) Also, the Urim and the Thummim were used for divination. (Exodus 28:30, Numbers 27:21) None of these Bible accounts stated it was wrong to use these things. I wish more people could comprehend what they have read in the Bible; if they have read it at all.

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      April Camille Berg,

      Not only do I read and pray with the Bible. I also teach it and study it at the university level.

      You are missing out on a fundamental point. The use of crystal is licit in seeking God's will if he directs you that way. That was the case before we had a written record, which sort of replaces 'voices' and 'crystals.'

      The use of the Torah (or instruction for a good living), even in Biblical accounts, gradually replaced the use of Urim and Thummin.

      Only on one occasion, in the book of Acts, was casting lots resorted to seeking God's will in who should replace Judas Iscariot. Most scholars would agree that this was a further expression of human failure. God had already chosen Paul as the twelfth apostle, and nowhere in the New Testament did we further read about Matthias.

  1. Storm's Avatar Storm

    shakes head So many misconceptions regarding metaphysical shops and witchcraft

    First, for those unaware, not all people that shop at metaphysical shops consider themselves to be witches. While some of us do follow a pagan path, some of my friends are Christian and shop for not only their candles and incense, but also some of the herbal tinctures that are made to help with pain relief or muscle spasms. These herbal concoctions are all natural, they find better relief from those than they do from prescription drugs and they don't need to be concerned about it being habit forming because the ones they are grabbing aren't. That isn't to say there aren't some herbs that need to be used carefully as with many things, overuse may not always be positive. However, a natural remedy is sometimes their preference.

    Not all those that call themselves a witch follow the same path, but the craft is all about intent. While there may be those on TikTok being idiotic and speaking of hexes, most of those that are part of witchtok or pagantok that I have seen are much more interested in seeing the communities come together to support peace and open hearts. They want to stop the growth of hate, racism, genocide, transphobia, homophobia, and see people unify.

    Crystals are often used to facilitate a specific need or energy, for example when I know someone facing extreme anxiety I will often give them a charged amethyst and a hematite so they have the calming energy of the first and the negative energy repellant of the other.

    Contrary to what many think, a Tarot divination is not a devil's tool (we'd have to believe in the devil first and most of us believe that evil is inside of each person, not necessarily an entity guiding that evil, but our choices determine our path toward that evil). Tarot is for seeing where one has been, where one is, and where they are going while also helping them to see what problems might be holding them back. And so many claim the death card is a sign of a devilish thing as well, but in truth when a death card comes up it doesn't actually mean that type of death. Most times it can mean the end of something and the preparation to start something new.

    Candle's are often chosen for rituals based on need, but most are chosen for their protection and for extra focus for whatever we might be doing. We call them rituals but they can very much be similar to prayers where we seek to have our will done but if a higher being (whatever we may call our deity/deities) doesn't will something to come of it then it will not be. We know that if something does happen it was not by our power, we are just a conduit for our deity/deities.

    For many years I have at times had friends in different covens that would gather for healing rituals at the same time as I had Christian friends gathering for prayer circles all to focus on a single person with the hopes that the person would survive and heal. I know I may have requested they all time when their thoughts were joined as one, but I was merely the tool that helped those people that did survive.

    Not once have I tried to force my belief on others and I wish others would stop trying to force their belief on people. If people could leave a few things at the door, so many people would get along otherwise.

  1. Asa William Sprague, II's Avatar Asa William Sprague, II

    Sounds like the town should put signs on the outskirts saying "A Christians Only Community" and then craft local laws to allow their LE to arrest any "not-Christian" that might ignore the warnings and enter their commune.

  1. Bishop William Dusenberry, DD's Avatar Bishop William Dusenberry, DD

    When the European Christians tried to eradicate witches, during the European Inquisitions (1300 — 1804) they were successful, and burned untold hundreds of thousands of them as the stake, which is why ther are no more witches today. Ergo, no witches, no witchcraft.

    1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

      "Hundreds of thousands" is quite an exaggeration. The actual figure was about 16,000. (Still horrific!) "... which is why there are no more witches today. Ergo, no witches, no witchcraft." You're being ironic, for sure. Hundreds of thousands of witches are alive and well on this site alone! (Give or take)

    2. shiningwolf9's Avatar shiningwolf9


      Bishop William needs to do a retake of history. Nothing was right. Except his name, maybe.

    3. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

      There are loads of witches all over the place William. Most prevent pop artists are self described witches. You can verify that buy watching MTV. See for yourself watch a doja cat video or some such.

      It's not a genetic thing, like killing off the dodo bird. It's an idea thing. Ideas are mighty hard to kill off. Just tangle with a flat earther once, you'll see.

      1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day


        They are even at Eurovision sadly!!

    4. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Bishop William Dusenberry, DD

      They did the same to the heretics, not just the witches. Fire was viewed as a purifier. And they had already sold their souls to the devil. They were, however, lastly given a chance to repent. Some did.

      You still do that in some USA states. You just call it the death penalty!

  1. Wayne Edward Kilmer's Avatar Wayne Edward Kilmer

    There are probably more witches and Santanist now than there was in the 1600s. That is their choice, the wrong one in my opinion but still it’s their choice and their consequence.

    1. Bridget Kielas-Fecyk's Avatar Bridget Kielas-Fecyk

      Why is it the "Wrong choice?" It's no different than Christians doing their own worship. And yes I DO practice witchcraft. I follow the Shamanic Traditions.

      1. Wayne Edward Kilmer's Avatar Wayne Edward Kilmer

        As I said in “my opinion” apparently you believe no one should have an opinion different than yours. I didn’t explain why that’s my opinion and you didn’t explain why you practice witchcraft. In “MY OPINION “ both are obvious and need no explanation. Sorry if you don’t get it. GOD bless

        1. shiningwolf9's Avatar shiningwolf9

          I failed; I am replying. Your post to a certain person was way more than an opinion. You blatantly, on purpose, used words to put someone down, "below you", for having certain beliefs. And, in an on line discussion about discrimination.

          "the wrong one in my opinion"; "and their consequence".

          In a forum where we should be discussing, and helping one another, " jokes", and derogatory comments From Anyone here shouldn't be aloud. Frankly, such has never been upheld. Please try to do better.

      2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        Bridget Kielas-Fecyk,

        May God protect you from Lillith and Pazuzu!

    2. Bridget Kielas-Fecyk's Avatar Bridget Kielas-Fecyk

      Btw, so you're saying this person DESERVES to be violently attacked, harassed, imprisoned, possibly murdered because she doesn't follow your beliefs? You say "Their choice and their consequence", I'm guessing that implies you agree with those churches that outright trying to get her killed out of religious hatred.

      1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

        Eternal consequences Bridget, not mortal consequences.

  1. James Richard Norby's Avatar James Richard Norby

    I hear the term "witch hunt" a lot in the news today. This might be the real thing and it is unfortunate.

  1. Patrick Alois deHertogh's Avatar Patrick Alois deHertogh

    I did not read entire article. I got to Kentucky. Are these storeys real. It be more interesting if they burned the witches.

    1. shiningwolf9's Avatar shiningwolf9

      Maybe you first, then tell us how it feels before you go.

  1. Colleen McAllister's Avatar Colleen McAllister

    Nothing Satanic here folks. Move along.

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Colleen McAllister,

      ... only fallen angels :-)!

  1. Rev. Klaire ThD, MA's Avatar Rev. Klaire ThD, MA

    I'm filing this one under the heading "So, what?" A local "church" doesn't get to determine what legal businesses get to operate in a properly zoned locality.

  1. shiningwolf9's Avatar shiningwolf9

    Just my comment I left elsewhere here. Only meant for some, yet, good thought for all of us, including me.

    In a forum where we should be discussing, and helping one another, "jokes", and derogatory comments From Anyone here shouldn't be aloud. Frankly, such has never been upheld. Please try to do better.

  1. Evone Payton Banks (Minister non denominational)'s Avatar Evone Payton Banks (Minister non denominational)

    I'm in Pennsylvania and when I moved from Darby, PA I started putting the pieces back together, and thinking about the clues. So one night after meditation.. I came to and wrote what spirit realm from The Most High GOD said. " Put on my and my sisters page; they watched my sister die". At first I thought it was about a series of poetry of experiences I had... had. Then after a while personal practices items in Chester, PA started coming up missing, then signs of break-in missed. I went to police in the open and was listed as a nuisance by being told my landlord got a fine. Then I continued my practices and as more and more things started to happen; I went through a terrible series of events. Next I started praying the "Christianity way" but with still no denomination. My ancestors rode in meditation. I went to someone I could trust, and the advice given I did opposite as I wasn't out to harm but to heal what has been broken spiritually around my home in that city. Then everything fell apart. Noise citation that wasn't supposed to be given as I knew the ordinance. Then I continued my prayers even in front of my house there. After the ancestors of my way of life rode again I had other experiences "out of world". My son mysteriously came home sickly but looked like he had been harmed... January 8, 2020 I was taking him to the hospital so he could get his fever broken and tell whatever else happened in a supposed "safe place to report". I got questioned about mental state and then surrounded and put in a hospital. Every time I went to seek help I got put inpatient in hospitals. I even got sexually assaulted in the hospital by a room filled with men.. no female nurses. And drugged. I finally put that behind me as I was already in therapy for so much.. I moved from that City to Philadelphia and it continued in different ways. I started to try to date online and kept running into people who wished me harm either by word of mouth or trying to say I was using "feminine" to be listed as something I am not. I met someone fell in love and was happy because he was of another way and past no judgement. We moved to Upper Darby PA and the family of the people who got involved in Chester PA,.. showed up in Upper Darby PA. Now I'm all for moving except my children were bullied and harmed by their family and their children made it known their parents were involved. After that more series of strange events including police and other ways of life got involved in the open bullying. Now I'm in a new space I. Philadelphia and the same behaviors I saw in Darby, PA Camden, New Jersey.. Wilmington DE, Texas at first, then different states as I went on a road trip requested by a now friend as we chose not to date.. florida, other places.. i came back to Philadelphia and the current space I am going through open (for lack of a better term hell) after being assaulted, sexually assaulted, tortured, drugged on mental health, rights violated and ignored, and openly demeaned.. this story hits home. They (people and family of law enforcement and other ways of life) has found clever ways, to witch hunt me and family members of blood relations. I even reached out to the ULC by email for legal help and I was told they didn't have help for ministers. I went back to share the email to them directly and it was erased without my doing so. So as a victim and survivor of this currently. This story needs to be paid more attention.

    1. Rev. Manuel Morales, PhD's Avatar Rev. Manuel Morales, PhD

      If you haven't, read Allan Kardec's books. Maybe they will help you understand your situation. You can download them for free on any spiritualism page.

      1. Evone Payton Banks (Minister non denominational)'s Avatar Evone Payton Banks (Minister non denominational)

        Thank you (brother/sister out of today's climate). I'll search up the books

    2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Evone Payton Banks (Minister non denominational),

      Did you not file a lawsuit with the local police?

  1. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

    WOW! People have opinions on this topic, huh?

    I used to dig crystals in Arkansas and make jewelry. Put the pieces in all kinds of small shops on consignment. One shop was run by a Wiccan couple. And I can tell you that crystals truly possess the potential for harm. Especially the larger ones, at least in the wrong hands. I had this one rather large clump of crystals. The owners of the shop had no problems with it but a novice came in one day. Dropped it on her foot.

    Religious people be whack. They should mind their own business.

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Dr. Zerpersande, NSC,

      Yet, of your admission, it was you who had a problem with the crystals! Religious people have nothing to do here!

  1. William J Lewis's Avatar William J Lewis

    Well.. that's what happens when you deride education. Sure, shut the public education system down, every thing will be so much better.

    Remember, an educated man makes a poor slave!

    Big money wants more slaves, and Big money gets what it wants in the US.

  1. Rev. Dr. Father JJ's Avatar Rev. Dr. Father JJ

    education takes work and commitment, ignorance is the complete opposite. keep on coasting, kentucky (and all rest of the kriz chen ignorami). heads down and nose to the 'bible'

  1. Ari Joseph Bertine's Avatar Ari Joseph Bertine

    Here's the thing...yes, it's stupid for them to start slinging the word "Satanic" around and panicking over crystals, that's some real 1980s genius there. But so what if she WAS Satanic? This is America. I may not appreciate some Satanists, but I don't appreciate a lot of mainstream religions either...but more importantly, my opinion of any religion means NOTHING in the face of our Constitution. All religions are equal by our laws. She has a business, and promotion of any business by a government division should always be completely independent of any knowledge or judgement regarding any religion involved. As long as a religion's practice doesn't break any laws, it should be treated exactly the same as any other religion. And that includes promoting local businesses, whether they are a Christian bakery or a Satanic ice cream parlor.

    1. Ann Vogts's Avatar Ann Vogts

      I would go to that satanic ice cream parlor. Especially if it had cool names for the flavors.

      1. Ari Joseph Bertine's Avatar Ari Joseph Bertine

        Devil's Food Chocolate is a shoo-in. And I want you to know that I have spent far too much time already today trying to think up catchy satanic ice cream flavor names. Did not expect to go there today. xD

    2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Ari Joseph Bertine,

      Satanism is deadly by its very nature.

      1. Ari Joseph Bertine's Avatar Ari Joseph Bertine

        How? Compared to many other religions, Satanism has claimed fewer lives and molested fewer children.

  1. Dalton Lynn Austin's Avatar Dalton Lynn Austin

    Witchcraft is what we all do everyday that we prepare a meal for our loved ones and if they want to speak of suck religion maybe they should learn the original religion animism the belief that everyone is connected to everything and everything is a spiritual attraction

  1. George S Guida's Avatar George S Guida

    Once again the Christian Taliban strikes again. The entirety of Christianity is to blame for this by allowing a hateful minority to continue their Taliban ways. Real Christians need to begin telling these hate mongers to seal up their pie hole. Even Jesus would be speaking up by now...

  1. Carey Copeland's Avatar Carey Copeland

    Frankincense and myrrh are resin incense. Gold and silver are minerals that are extracted from rocks. Christianity is stolen from paganism. Easter is a pagan holiday. Christmas is viking pagan. I guess I should stop here before I bring up the fact that the jesus is black, in Kentucky. And knowing is half the battle. Yo Joe! Oh, my wife has the same type of shop in northeast Florida.

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Carey Copeland,

      Yeshu was Semitic from the Middle East, most likely of Palestinian traits.

      Christianity is an extension of Judaism organized by Paul, the apostle of the Gentiles, aka Rabbi Sha'ul.

  1. Misti's Avatar Misti

    I do not consider these people spiritual at all. Fear Mongering and Demonization of Powerful tools to empower individuals are ancient tactics of “Mind Control” used by Organized Religion and leaders of the church. Their ignorance Illuminates their incredible Lack of knowledge on Crystals. The church is a failure at creating Unity, Dignity, Respect and Oneness. I use Crystals even Crystal Skulls (gasp) in a grid utilizing the 72 Fire Codes of Creation to bring more Love, Divine Light, Peace, Kindness, Healing and Blessings of Protection to all sentient beings. Earthly & Galactic. This is very High upper World spiritual work on behalf of the Creator. Please Support this Shop in Kentucky. I am checking for an online store. Grace & Gratitude to all!

  1. Mark P. Bender's Avatar Mark P. Bender

    God made crystals. God giveth, and God taketh away. The Pagan ways are only for those people. Crystals or not - Paganism is a choice. It's just not for me. Think on this and Pray. God has all the answers for your fee will.

  1. John Wesley Pike's Avatar John Wesley Pike

    As a fellow Kentuckian, I moved to Florida for this exact Bull! Backwards for the stupid cause!! Really, not everyone in Kentucky is uneducated! But the narrow mindset will never leave that state! Just move out! It's easier than fighting city hall!

  1. Rev Samantha Counihan's Avatar Rev Samantha Counihan

    the churchgoers can get in trouble for hate crime

    1. Rev Samantha Counihan's Avatar Rev Samantha Counihan

      1) just because someone runs a shop with tarot cards, herbs, incense, and crystals dosnt mean theyre in a religion or religious practice. 2) Witchcraft (religious practice) has nothing to do with satanism (book abraham religion). 3) if churchgoers dont like her shop then they dont have the right to go in there harassing her and threatening which she can have them escorted and arrested for such threats. 4) they dont own the town freedom of religion includes the shop owners

    2. Rev Samantha Counihan's Avatar Rev Samantha Counihan

      just because someone runs a shop with tarot cards, herbs, incense, and crystals dosnt mean theyre in a religion or religious practice. Witchcraft (religious practice) has nothing to do with satanism (book abraham religion). if churchgoers dont like her shop then they dont have the right to go in there harassing her and threatening which she can have them escorted and arrested for such threats. they dont own the town freedom of religion includes the shop owners

  1. Rev Samantha Counihan's Avatar Rev Samantha Counihan

    1) just because someone runs a shop with tarot cards, herbs, incense, and crystals dosnt mean theyre in a religion or religious practice. 2) Witchcraft (religious practice) has nothing to do with satanism (book abraham religion). 3) if churchgoers dont like her shop then they dont have the right to go in there harassing her and threatening to murder which she can have them escorted and arrested for death threats. 4) they dont own the town freedom of religion includes the shop owners

  1. Walter J. Holbrook's Avatar Walter J. Holbrook

    Matthew 12:36-37.. I tell you, on the day of judgement people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words, you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned. James 1:22.. But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourself.

    We must be careful of who we let interpret the word of God to us and not fall from his word. The devourer is waiting for any seed of distrust he can plant to separate you from God and using false bearers of the word in our churches and communities.

    1. Rev. Dr. Father JJ's Avatar Rev. Dr. Father JJ

      “One feather is of no use to me, I must have the whole bird.” ― Jacob Grimm, The Complete Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales

  1. David Webber's Avatar David Webber

    Horse manure. These church people are blowing it all out of proportion. She's trying to make a living. Don't blame her if her items are used in Witchcraft.

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      David Webber,

      Then she shouldn't be selling those items!

  1. Govannon Thunorwulf's Avatar Govannon Thunorwulf

    This, to me, is certainly a modern day witch hunt.

  1. Amber Fry's Avatar Amber Fry

    And here I thought God created everything in nature? Crystals are dug out of the earth and if that's true then how do they make the leap to them being demonic?

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      If crystals are demonic they’ve been demonic for millions of years before mankind ever existed. I wonder who, or what, they were demonic for?🤷🏼


    2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Amber Fry,

      Because demons are Sons of God who, from before the fall of creation, were entrusted certain areas of the planet.

  1. Antonio Monte Lewis's Avatar Antonio Monte Lewis

    How do crystals promote a "panic"? I mean even in Christianity symbols of the cross are said to promote the same thing and folks just accept it.

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Antonio Monte Lewis,

      The cross is foolishness for Gentiles and scandal for the Jews because Yeshua accepted it. It is a sign of hope for Russians now.

  1. Michelle Kitz's Avatar Michelle Kitz

    This is ridiculous. I thought we were done trying to burn witches. Aren't we supposed to be free to worship as we please? And how are crystals dangerous exactly? One quote almost made me laugh: “the products they sell, the material, some of it is used in witchcraft.” Do they realize witches also use candles and herbs which can be purchased in many shops, not just metaphysical focused ones? Are they going to ban the sale of candles and herbs as well as crystals. I'm shaking my head here. I openly wear my pentacle every day and everywhere. Am I to understand I wouldn't be safe in this community?

  1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

    Anything that promotes magic is Satanic. There's no such thing as 'white' or 'neutral' magic. That's just a myth!

    1. April B's Avatar April B

      “Anything that promotes magic” … Like walking on water, controlling the weather, making the blind see again, casting out demons, stopping a woman’s long menstruation, and having legions of angels at your disposal? Sounds like magic to me… pardon me…miracles. SMH

      1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        April Camille Berg,

        It was not a long menstruation. It was an issue of blood that had lasted 12 years.

    2. Rev Ned's Avatar Rev Ned

      Comment removed by user.

  1. Lady Mutt Cat's Avatar Lady Mutt Cat

    So what if she's promoting Witchcraft? While Witches don't generally proselytize, we have as much right to our religion as Christians have to theirs. And Goddess knows Christians are notorious for trying to shove their religion down others' throats.

    1. Sandra A Rasmussen's Avatar Sandra A Rasmussen

      I believe that they are targeting the wrong people, this lady runs basically a new age and white witch shop-no harm is done in her business and they need to stop picking on her

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