America’s newest forever war may not be so forever after all. After decades of heated battle, there are signs that the War on Christmas may be coming to an end.
What began as a yearly clash over whether to say "Happy Holidays" or "Merry Christmas" as the seasonal greeting of choice erupted into a full-blown annual national fight over everything from the color of Starbucks cups to the seasonal decor offered at Target. On one side, lamentations that "Christ" was being taken out of "Christmas". On the other side, calls for more inclusivity during the holiday season.
But this year, the war machine is conspicuously quiet. The gingerbread troops aren’t mobilizing, the candy cane bayonets are sheathed. In fact, there's even new evidence that one side may have achieved victory.
Have the last shots in the War on Christmas already rung out?
Believers Disappear
In order for there to be a war, you need two opposing sides who agree they're fighting one. That may no longer be the case.
A new YouGov poll taken earlier this month shows that the percentage of Americans who believe there is a war on Christmas has sharply declined since 2022. Just two years ago, 39% of U.S. adults believed that there was a war on Christmas. Now that number has dropped to a scant 23%.
That's right: after years of fighting over "Merry Christmas", fewer than one-in-four Americans believe the holidays are under siege.
Related: The Secret Story of the Original War on Christmas
The poll also broke things down along political lines. In 2024, only 13% of Democrats believed the war on Christmas is being waged today, compared to 19% of independent voters and 36% of Republicans. In 2022, 25% of Democrats, 35% of independents, and a whopping 59% of Republicans believed in the War on Christmas.
According to Taylor Orth, director of survey data journalism at YouGov, the number of War on Christmas believers was higher ten years ago. “There has been a significant drop in the share of Americans who believe there is a war on Christmas, from 51% who said so roughly a decade ago to roughly half as many – 23% – today,” she said.
But those numbers don't tell the whole story. For example, why are respondents so sure the war is over?
And if it is indeed over, who won?
Has Christmas Prevailed?
One theory being put forward: the re-election of Donald Trump and a resurgence of traditional cultural values.
Trump regularly accused his political rivals of dropping "Merry Christmas" for "Happy Holidays" as the season’s greeting (though the Obamas, President Biden, and Vice President Harris have all said "Merry Christmas" at events or on social media).
Earlier this year, Trump’s son Eric revived the debate ahead of the holiday season. “You had a cognizant effort to get rid of the word ‘Christmas.’ I mean, they were calling it a ‘holiday tree’ during the Obama administration,” Eric Trump said. “It wasn’t until my father came in and said, ‘Listen, we’re gonna call it a Christmas tree because we celebrate Christmas as a nation.’”
And Trump himself jumped into the debate in October, promising voters that if they vote for him we’ll be a “Merry Christmas” nation again.
Could the poll response, overwhelmingly in favor of the war on Christmas being over, be a referendum on this particular cultural clash? A tacit acknowledgement that the “Merry Christmas” crowd has won out over the “Happy Holidays” group?
Some think so – and they point to real world examples. At a recent Christmas event at the White House, children can be heard correcting First Lady Jill Biden when she tries to use "Happy Holidays":
Who Won the War on Christmas?
Of course, it's also possible that the war wasn't necessarily "won" so much as people simply decided to move on. Perhaps those involved realized that spending what is supposed to be the jolliest time of year bickering wasn't all that rewarding.
However, it also seems evident that "Merry Christmas" is back in vogue (if it ever went out of style, that is).
Interestingly, just as this debate appears settled, the YouGov poll may have provided a new seasonal argument.
Poll respondents were also asked which side of the political spectrum Santa Claus would fall on. Unsurprisingly, Democrats believed Santa would be a Democrat, independents believed Santa would be an independent, and Republicans believed Santa would be a Republican.
With the "Happy Holidays" vs "Merry Christmas" clash perhaps on hold, perhaps "Santa: Republican or Democrat?" will spark the next round of debate.
What is your reaction? Has the War on Christmas been decided, or is this just a temporary armistice?
im Wiccan, anyone thats not Pagan ill say happy holidays to, not merry christmas, saying happy holidays is respecting my religion and others religions as well, i dont celebrate christmas, i celebrate Yule, which btw christmas is actually Yule, anyone Wiccan ill say blessed Yule
Ask any Christian to find the words "Christmas" in the bible. It's not there. The words "Mistletoe" and "Christmas tree" isn't in the bible either.
But the word for Babylonian wise men, aka "Magi" and "Astrologers" are given the Gospel Seal of Approval because they predicted the birth of the messiah and they brought valuable gifts to the baby. So apparently the bible of Jesus approves of astrology, which means that Jesus would definitely approve of Christians inviting astrologers to give them their official readings all year around.
Shakespeare wrote a play about this… Much Ado About Nothing.
With so many real issues in the world, and so many suffering, I think we should be focused on People, and not on what is or isn't on some over priced cup of coffee. I pray all of you have safe and happy holidays, and that you share kindness and love where ever you go.
"Season's Greetings!" works for all situations and for all peoples!
Happy holidays covers it all. Period.
"Modernism and Islamic motifs: How Indian artists envisioned Christ's birth"
Actual artistic works depicting baby Jesus with Mary. Some of them look beautiful and some look a bit bizarre, but they represent the views of artists with a variety of religious backgrounds.
I can't tell by looking at you which holiday you celebrate. Between Nov 15 and Jan 15 there are over 40 holidays of various religions and cultures. How would I know what you do? so I say "Happy Holiday" (which means Holy Day) so you can choose which one you believe in. There's never been a war on Christmas. Christians made it up because they WANT to be persecuted, so that earns them yet another "crown" in this death-cult. You have to wait till you die for your rewards. Many want a stack of golden crowns that gawd will give them for what they did in life. a Persecuted crown is a big one, so they lie so as to hope they're persecuted so they can get it. Just a bunch of bull. HAPPY HOLIDAYS to all you out there! Keep the peace!
There is no real point to any of these mythologies, except the leaders want to control the followers.
There was never really a war, just a bunch of people getting bent out of shape when someone showed respect for all holidays by saying happy holidays. Why is still beyond me after all these years.
What I am observing just here in this comments section is that there are people who have been told that there is a war on Christmas and that there are people who don't want them to say Merry Christmas, so they believe that. I'm not seeing any anecdotes, any examples of this, or any thought toward why they think this might be. All I see is people's reactions to the idea that this war exists and how it would impact them personally. No one seems to be questioning it except for people who are outside of the issue entirely, or maybe people who work in retail...but I think the "why" of it is basically that someone got a random idea and spread it around as if it were true, and no one questioned them. There just does not seem to be any other way that a more inclusive greeting could be misconstrued as an attack, unless people really, truly wish for no one but themselves to be included in happiness. And surely no one that is a member of an online universal church, whose logo is literally a lineup of different religious icons, would feel that way.
There has NEVER been a war on Christmas. Yes there were, at one HISTORICAL point, a religious faction that said "You can't celebrate it" but that didn't last, and people, even then, STILL celebrated it.
In the modern era, no one is EVER punished for celebrating the holiday. No one is put in jail for it, no one is held at gun point for it, no one is fired for saying Merry Christmas, etc. The only ones CLAIMING there is a "war on christmas" are political pundits pushing for an ultra-conservative agenda built on hate and violence.
They are fighting tooth and nail to get the gullible rubes to act violently toward anyone who doesn't automatically say "Merry Christmas" and to get them to vandalize displays that are not considered "Traditional".
A good example of this are the people who are vandalizing, even BURNING people who follow the satanic church and also vandalizing the homes of people that do so. Or those that vandalize, or even burn, displays of people who follow pagan faiths and have non-Christian / Catholic displays up. It's sickening as he**.
Freedom of Religion or from religion, means ALL RELIGIONS, not just one or two.
But the fact is, there is no such THING as a "war on christmas". It was, is, and has ALWAYS been in this modern era, nothing more than a political ploy to stoke HATE and to get morons to enact violence on behest of people seeking power, people who get a sick thrill watching mob-violence against innocents, shock-jocks and rich interest groups.
It's Christmas!
Jesus was a Jew.
Merry Christmas.
Some have to be offended by everything, all the time. They led miserable lives.
Merry Christmas!
Jesus "Hey Zeus" was a Jew until they rejected him and told the Romans to crucify him.
The pope was Christian until he converted to communism. Many Catholics reject the communist pope and some have joined the ULC!
It's Christmas!
Jesus was a Jew.
Merry Christmas.
Some have to be offended by everything, all the time. They led miserable lives.
Merry Christmas!
"They" led miserable lives". Pray, who is "they"?
Jesus wasn't a "Christian", he was a Jew and he celebrated all the Jewish holidays.
"Christianity" is a long-running cult and it's current version wouldn't meet the theme of love taught by Jesus. I'm no longer sure what form of vile hatred & divisiveness the current Evangelicals and "Christians" propose, but I'm 100% positive it is not the word of God or Christ.
I don't care how people express their yule time greeting; if it's said in goodwill & love, that suffices. To get upset & angry, and demand one version of greeting over another goes against all that I believe to be true about our one God.
🎄 Happy Yule to all my fellow Hobgoblins. 🎄
I agree with a lot that is being said here. There's no reason why people of all faiths can't celebrate this season however we see fit. This season has multiple meanings to many, respect however the celebrate and remember the true meaning of this time of year is peace and goodwill to all.
I agree with a lot that is being said here. There's no reason why people of all faiths can't celebrate this season however we see fit. This season has multiple meanings to many, respect however the celebrate and remember the true meaning of this time of year is peace and goodwill to all.
It is not important enough to me to be in a war against Christmas because I will celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ without it. Celebrating his birth is what's important to me and not a "so called war that's just another way of non saved people to nip pick at us. It's coming into times when we feel that we don't need to fight against the rest of the world to prove anything. Jesus already came into this world and did what he came to do. His birth is important. The results of why is in everyday life and more to come.
Saying Merry Christmas is a reverence to the holy day of Jesus’s birth where Happy Holidays is I feel dumb down statement to the season upon us. If you say Happy Holidays to me I will respond with Merry Christmas.
OK. I will say "Happy Winter Solstice" and "Happy Yule".
It's not necessarily about the season, though, there are different holidays on the same day sometimes. Try to put yourself in these shoes: Imagine you are a grocery store clerk, and it's December 25th of 2024, and your cruel store is open and made you work today, and crazy people are out getting last minute stuff for their family feasts. Now, obviously, today, the 25th of December in 2024, is Christmas. But it's also the first day of Hanukkah, and the fifth day of Yule. Now imagine that NONE of your customers are wearing any religious symbols whatsoever, but you know that there are Jewish, Christian, Wiccan, and agnostic families in your community. So you have no way to know which customer is celebrating what holiday today. But you still want to wish them a happy day in a way that's relevant to them.
Season's Greetings!
I think, today is not the day..
Let us celebrate the highest in our traditions and all can tune into the Christ today, tomorrow , and this week.
Thank you God and Christ for coming here and being with us. Let us call upon him and even when he's near ask him to be with me/you/us.
Christ, this is what we have today. See us, and be with us. I'm sorry Christ. Let us amplify what we have today, in our bodies, thoughts, and emotions. Even if it's not alot or what we would want.
Thank you.
There are other beliefs rather than Christian let's respect that and not everyone wants to be Christian
There are other beliefs rather than Christian let's respect that and not everyone wants to be Christian
There are other beliefs rather than Christian let's respect that and not everyone wants to be Christian
Having been raised as an evangelical fundamentalist, I want nothing to do with the Christian mythology!
This was only an issue for the sort of mouth-breathers who watch Fox News, much like migrant caravans and litter boxes in schools and the whole “ANTIFA” fiasco, where a handful of Internet trolls was elevated to the status of the Symbionese Liberation Army. Normal people ignored the whole “War on Christmas” deal, because it was obviously nonsense.
This is the kind of statement you see on Facebook.
Since modern Christmas traditions are all stolen from pre-christianity or molested by commercialism, it's really irrelevant. Happy holidays is a good coverall. Regardless of faith.
Ms. Smith: Right On!
There was never a war on Christmas. The article says it very clearly: "In order for there to be a war, you need two opposing sides who agree they're fighting one." There has never been a side that thought they were waging war on Christmas. Not one person ever thought or said, "I'm against Christmas, I think we shouldn't have it." That was something completely made up by people who think that if someone offers them their choice of a chocolate or a vanilla ice cream cone, there's a war on vanilla. I've heard a lot of ridiculous nonsense in my years but this "war on Christmas" bs is in the top ten stupidest things anyone has ever taken seriously.
I will accept goodwill wishes anytime and reciprocate. I see no reason why there ought to be a rule on how such a wish is delivered.
The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights put up this lovely billboard to demonstrate their unequivocal commitment to being malignant narcissists. Apparently it's more important to demonstrate their claim of exclusive ownership over the holiday season (in denial of the phenomenon of axial tilt) than it is to spread holiday cheer and goodwill towards men, to say nothing of spending the money on helping those in need in their community.
This idea that there's a "war on Christmas" just shows the need for Abrahamic religions to win the victim Olympics in spite of history demonstrating beyond doubt that they are reliably the perpetrators of intolerance and injustice since the inception of their belief system. Saying "Merry Christmas" to those who aren't Christian, or presuming they are to begin with, is not about spreading good will and holiday cheer, but about perpetuating and normalising the narcissistic self aggrandisement so exemplary of Abrahamic traditions.
The Roman Catholics got the idea to celebrate the "birth of the son" holiday from the Romans who had been celebrating the "birth of the sun" during the winter solstice.
Jesus never told his disciples to celebrate his birthday, so it becomes more obvious the Vatican of the Catholic church adopted the holiday of "Sol Invictus, the Invincible Sun" from the Roman Empire.
The season around December 21st is still linked to the winter solstice. The Vatican dressed up the Roman holiday in religious apparel and turned it into the birth of a "Son" instead of the Sun. There's more evidence for the Sun of God.
Wow. That billboard looks like something that someone would make up as an exaggerated example and not be really serious about it. It boggles my mind that people could be that obtuse. They actually put that up and were serious about it. O_o
We are all children of the same universe . God bless . ✝️
Which deity, by name, please!
Really? Is this an issue? What's next, are we going to discuss Jewish space lasers? Are there more magat conspiracy nonissues to waste time on? Immigrants eating cats and dogs, windmill bird graveyards, voting machines sending signals to Chinese satellites to Italy? What the hell folks?
Are there more dimrat anti-science conspiracy issues like 365 genders? Or men magically transforming their DNA into a woman by putting on a dress? Or groomers telling kids if they let a surgeon cut off their genitals they can be the opposite sex? WTH folks?
Parents allowing their transgender children to receive gender affirming care are not "groomers." Those are all the priests molesting kids in the church.
LOL, tell me that you don't understand the science without telling me that you don't understand the science 🤦♂️
How many colors are there in the "Gender Reveal Kits"? Two.
When doctors fill out birth certificates, how many genders are listed on the document. Two.
When coroners try to determine the gender of a deceased person, how many genders do they look for when testing the DNA? Two.
Those are the scientific facts in this world. What world are you in?
NO! Those are the standardized conventions that were adopted some time ago, and they force the child to become one or the other when they are not. Babies come in at least 4 real configurations: (1) asex; (2) male; (3) female and (4) intersex. I have met some of each type.
False. DNA tests show that humans are born as only one of two genders: Male or Female.
There is no scientific DNA evidence for any other genders among humans. So that "4 configurations" claim is obviously a lie told by some wacko who is ignorant of DNA Science.
Try to keep up with DNA evidence by contacting your local coroner for a reality check.
I'd rather talk to scientists about this than a coroner. Someone who studies gender and sex will have a much more through understanding of it. Should you actually try, you'll find that tons of well respected doctors disagree with you. Gender and sex are not the same thing and asex and intersex people absolutely exist.
No, it is not a lie that children are born with one of four configurations of sex organs. And yes, there is plenty of DNA, Genes, and Chromosome evidence for more selections of gender and sex than just those four.
I agree with Michael Hunt. Those who study the topic are far more knowledgeable than you are, Larry! Get a real degree!
Since you failed to provide any peer-reviewed genetic and scientific links to your claim about multiple sexes and genders, I can legally question your claim.
We all know that DNA tests reveal only two human sexes and genders: 1. Male. 2. Female. All other claims are delusions.
You literally used "gender reveal kits" as an example of science? Interesting. I'd be very curious to know what scientific facts you could extract from birthday candles, tax forms, and Amazon gift cards.
Did I say that gender reveal kits are scientific evidence? No. But they reflect the reality of the DNA evidence showing that human are either born with male DNA or female DNA.
Your local coroner or police detective can educate you on the Science of DNA. There is no evidence of any third gender of humans, so it seems you failed to present scientific evidence for your claim.
When coroners and detectives examine evidence, they can only find DNA from males or females, not from any mythical "genders" that some wacko teacher told you.
You're confusing biological sex with gender. Gender is a socially constructed concept that refers to the roles, behaviors, expressions, and identities of people. It's different from sex, which is a set of biological attributes that define humans as male or female.
Axial Tilt is the Reason for the Season.
Merry Christmas
Happy Sol Invictus! Happy Invincible Sun Holiday!
Season's Greetings!
I think this whole subject is made up I nor my friends never stopped saying Merry Christmas. It's the day I celebrate. If someone gets offended that is their problem. I would not be offended if someone wished me Happy Hanukkah. I'd simply say "I'm not Jewish but thank you". There is so much to get upset over but which holiday ti celebrate, or not, is simply not one of them.
It's just more culture war. People around me say Merry Christmas. Although I'm not Christian, I'll say Merry Christmas back a lot of the time, or Happy Holidays, Joyous Yule, or whatever else.
I have to wonder about this "war on Christmas" since the 3 or 4 emails on either side of the notification for this post were merchants explicitly offering items for Christmas, or there's still time to order for Christmas, and other such things.
Like it or not, Christmas is a secular holiday, one measuring economics. Only for a few does it really represent anything religious. Heck, there's significant evidence Jesus was not born in December.
This seems reasonable, so long as "I'm not Christian, but thanks." isn't an offensive reply.
I usually just go with "You too" as a reply. I find most people aren't trying to weaponize their wishes for a "Merry Christmas", and those that are really aren't worth arguing with. They've lost that battle before it even started. 🤷♂️
I'm an atheist. But I'm also a peace-lover. So when someone wishes me a "Merry Christmas," I choose to assume they said it in love, and I respond with a heartfelt "Thank you."
That's been my response for decades, and I've never had any push back.
If it bothers you to hear someone wish you a Merry Christmas, just be courteous, say hello or nod politely if need be, and walk on.
Or you could say, "Happy Birthday to the Sun!" They would smile and think you're talking about their "son of god" but the holiday originated from the "pagan" belief that the SUN was being reborn during the winter solstice!
Just out of curiosity, have you ever observed anyone being upset that someone said "merry/happy Christmas"? I ask because in my personal experience I've only seen the opposite situation, where someone said "happy holidays" and got yelled at for not saying Xmas specifically. If you ran into people who were angry at being wished a "merry/happy Christmas" did they explain why?
It's been Merry Christmas in England for more years than I can remember and I'm 66 years old.But I believe it's Happy Holidays over the pond.But it could be shy holiday.
The holiday originated with the Sun worshipping "pagans" who celebrated the "rebirth" of the sun at the winter solstice around December 22.
According to the bible, the Egyptian Sun God Ra, later named "Amen Ra" was more powerful than the Jewish god. How do we know that? Because when Abraham, Sarah, Jacob or the twelve tribes were starving to death in Palestine, their god told them to "go down to Egypt where you will be fed, sheltered and prospered."
In the ancient world where the gods were believed to rule over specific lands and nations, the Egyptian God was King of the Providers while the Jewish god was a failure at providing food for his followers living in the Palestine desert.
This held true even in the new testament. When Herod gave orders to kill all babies, the Jewish god was unable to stop him. Instead, he allegedly told Joseph and Mary to take the baby Jesus to Egypt, where they could all be fed and protected by the greater God Amen Ra.
That is a clever, concise and accurate observation of those situations! Well done! 🖤🩶🤍
I can’t believe that this is an issue. Happy Christmas, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays all mean roughly the same thing. Nobody’s trying to be rude to you; they don’t know your religion, so Happy Holidays is often the best.
Reverend Paula, I couldn't agree with you more. Happy Holidays covers everything and everyone to me also.
No...."Merry Christmas" is a phrase specifically aimed at December 25, a date that has nothing to do with the mythical Jesus but it helped the gullible Abrahamic mythos fanbois co-opt Solstice for their own silliness. Happy Holidays is the blanket term that includes numerous celebrations around the REAL Reason for the Season: Obliquity of the Ecliptic.
First of all, bible scholars know that Jesus (pronounced "Hay Zeus" by the Christians who wrote the new testament) was NOT born in December.
Secondly, Jesus never told his followers to celebrate his birthday.
Thirdly, it has turned into a time of throwing parties, driving drunk, and spending billions of dollars on "gifts" like fruitcakes that nobody eats and ugly sweaters that nobody wears.
Does anyone really think that "Hey Zeus" would approve of the drunken Dionysian parties being held in his name? No. More likely he would approve of a time of quiet meditation to reflect on how the holiday originated from "pagans" who celebrated the "rebirth" of the sun during the winter solstice on December 22.
As the great Roman Emperor Augustus Caesar told his people, "Celebramus Sol Invictus!" "Celebrate the Invincible Sun!" which faithfully rises every morning and after every winter solstice.
Merry Christmas!