A father of two was shot to death on his way to work in Manhattan recently. Based on only those facts, you could be forgiven for concluding this was a horrible tragedy. One might also assume the killer would be widely condemned.
But the assassination of Brian Thompson, the CEO of UnitedHealthcare, has sparked a decidedly different reaction. Not only has there been a surprising lack of sympathy for the victim, but many people have even celebrated the murder and cheered on the suspected killer, 26-year-old Luigi Mangione.
The reasoning offered? The killing of a single man pales in comparison to the immense harm done by his employer and by the private health insurance industry as a whole.
This reaction has kindled widespread concern – and intense debate – about the moral implications of the public’s indifference. It has also spurred some religious ethicists to weigh in.
At the heart of the issue is a basic question: is it wrong to celebrate a murder if the victim represents a system widely viewed as evil?
The Ethics of Cheering On a Killing
As the news of Thompson’s killing became public and reactions came pouring in online, it soon became clear that this was no ordinary killing. To many, Thompson symbolized a corrupt and greedy system that profits off of denying care to people when they are most vulnerable.
Perhaps that explains why reactions to his death would be more easily characterized as callous and mocking than sympathetic or sorrowful.
Not only that, but Mangione has apparently achieved a sort of folk hero status. He’s been cheered in public:
Students reportedly walked out of class in solidarity with him:
And his actions have sparked an endless stream of supportive jokes online:
Religious Ethicists Respond
While his employer is widely despised, Thompson was never charged with a crime. He was an innocent man according to the U.S. legal system – his death effectively an extrajudicial killing.
Needless to say, the celebrations of his death have alarmed ethicists, including some religious ethicists who recently spoke with America Magazine.
Daniel Daly, a professor of moral theology at Boston College, found the reactions disturbing from a moral and theological standpoint. “Brian Thompson was a human being and fully imaged God with intrinsic dignity, as we all do,” he said.
“I think there’s some indifference to suffering here,” he continued. “People seem not to care that this man has died, that his wife and children are left without their husband and father. We’ve lost the capacity to ‘suffer with’ and practice mercy and compassion.”
“We should be able to hold two ideas in our minds simultaneously,” Dr. Daly continued. “One is to mourn the loss of a human being; the other is to have an ongoing conversation about the nature of health insurance in this country and the injustices embedded in the system.”
However, Dr. Daly makes it clear that he believes Jesus would not approve of Thompson’s killing – and especially the public’s reaction to it:
“The idea of schadenfreude, taking pleasure in the misfortunes of others, is rejected by Jesus in the Gospels. He invites us to love all people, even those who have harmed us. He directs us to stop judging others. I think the expressions of joy at Thompson’s death reflect an implicit judgment of him—that he is wholly morally corrupt—and this is exactly the kind of judgment of the state of another’s soul that Jesus tells his followers not to make.”
Father Michael Rozier, of St. Louis University, says he understands American’s frustration with the healthcare system. “In health care right now, people feel small and insignificant,” he explains. “We’ve created systems that are confusing, complex and not human-centered, and people feel like they have very few options to resolve their issues.”
But that doesn’t excuse an act of violence, Rozier insists. “The pervasive presence of guns in society has led to us broadly tolerating this kind of violence in ways that other countries do not,” he said.
What is your reaction?
In Defense of the Morality of Life: Is It Ever Right to Celebrate a Murder? By Rev. JTSunrise
The tragic murder of Brian Thompson, CEO of UnitedHealthcare, has sparked unexpected reactions. Rather than universal condemnation, many online commentators have expressed a disturbing sense of celebration over the death, particularly due to Thompson’s role in the private health insurance system. These views raise a moral question: Is it wrong to cheer the death of someone who represents an allegedly corrupt and oppressive system?
From a Christian perspective, it’s essential to examine this issue through the lens of scripture, recognizing that all life is sacred, and even the most immoral individuals retain inherent value as part of God’s creation. The Bible teaches us that vengeance belongs to God alone (Romans 12:19). Celebrating the death of any individual, no matter how much their actions may harm society, contravenes this divine command, replacing justice with personal retribution.
The story of David and Goliath provides a relevant example in understanding how Christians should approach these moral dilemmas. When David faced the giant Goliath, he did so not out of a desire for personal vengeance but because Goliath was defying the living God and causing harm to God’s people (1 Samuel 17:46). However, David did not take joy in Goliath’s death. His victory over Goliath, while righteous and celebrated, was not about maliciously destroying an enemy but defending God’s honor. In the same way, while the evil of corporate greed and systemic harm should be confronted, Christians must remember that vengeance is God’s and that taking pleasure in another’s suffering is inherently sinful.
In contrast to David’s example, when we seek to justify the murder of an individual, even one who personifies a corrupt system, we distort the righteous judgment of God into a personal vendetta. It is not our place to rejoice over the death of another, regardless of the harm their actions have caused. This does not mean we condone or overlook the evil perpetuated by figures like Thompson. The Bible calls us to stand for justice, to speak against oppression, and to help the oppressed (Isaiah 1:17, Micah 6:8). But it also commands us to be merciful and to leave room for God’s judgment (Matthew 7:1-2, Luke 6:36).
Scripture cautions against becoming a part of the violence we decry. In Matthew 5:44, Jesus teaches us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. This does not imply a passive tolerance of injustice; rather, it reflects an active resistance that upholds justice through peaceful means. The Church is called to be a light to the world, to model Christ’s love and forgiveness, even when surrounded by systemic sin.
Moreover, celebrating Thompson’s death risks perpetuating the same cycle of harm that fuels the very systems we aim to dismantle. It is crucial to remember that every life matters to God. Even those who are complicit in evil are still recipients of grace, and it is not our role to deny them that opportunity. As Christians, we are commanded to offer hope and transformation, not to revel in the suffering of others, no matter how justified their downfall may seem (Romans 12:21).
In conclusion, while it is just to resist and expose the systems of injustice embodied by individuals like Brian Thompson, it is unbiblical to celebrate their death. The Christian response to oppression is not hatred but love, not violence but peace. God is the ultimate judge, and it is He alone who decides the fate of each soul (Romans 14:10-12). Rather than rejoicing in death, we are called to continue the fight for justice in a way that reflects Christ’s compassion, mercy, and grace.
— Rev. JTSunrise
Lawrence I don’t engage in recreational pharmaceuticals. The Baby Boomer generation (born approximately 1946–1964) has been associated with high levels of resource consumption due to their large population size and the economic growth during their prime working years. Here are some resources cited as being overly consumed or impacted by the Baby Boomer generation:
Housing • Overconsumption: Baby Boomers benefited from affordable housing in the mid-20th century, leading to high homeownership rates. Many now own multiple properties or large suburban homes, reducing availability for younger generations. • Impact: Rising housing costs and reduced inventory have contributed to affordability issues for Millennials and Gen Z.
Social Security and Medicare • Overconsumption: As Boomers retire, they are drawing heavily on Social Security and Medicare. These systems were not designed to support such a large retired population for extended periods due to increased life expectancy. • Impact: Younger workers are contributing more to sustain these programs, raising concerns about long-term viability.
Fossil Fuels • Overconsumption: Baby Boomers grew up during a time of rapid industrialization and suburbanization, heavily relying on cars and fossil fuels. • Impact: High energy consumption during this period contributed to climate change, and the infrastructure they built (sprawling suburbs) perpetuates high fossil fuel use.
Natural Resources • Overconsumption: Industrial and economic growth during the Baby Boomers' working years led to increased use of timber, water, minerals, and other natural resources. • Impact: Deforestation, depletion of groundwater, and resource scarcity are ongoing issues exacerbated by this overuse.
Education Funding • Overconsumption: Baby Boomers benefited from affordable college tuition and robust public education funding. • Impact: Subsequent generations face skyrocketing tuition costs and reduced state funding for education.
Job Opportunities • Overconsumption: Boomers held onto jobs longer and delayed retirement, particularly after the 2008 financial crisis. • Impact: This has limited upward mobility for younger workers in many industries.
Healthcare Resources • Overconsumption: As Boomers age, they require more medical care, putting strain on healthcare systems. • Impact: Rising healthcare costs and shortages in medical professionals are partially attributed to the high demand from this demographic.
Conclusion While Baby Boomers contributed significantly to economic growth, their resource consumption has had lasting consequences for subsequent generations. Addressing these challenges requires rethinking policies on housing, retirement benefits, energy use, and environmental sustainability.
Luigi missed the origin of this "bribes were paid" problem. The entire health insurance disaster began in March 2010 when the ACA (also known as Obamacare) was signed into law by President Obama. The stocks of the health insurance companies immediately doubled and tripled in price as the profits rolled into the corporate bank accounts.
How medical insurance companies made billions of dollars from "Obamacare": 1. Enacting an enforceable mandate, requiring Americans to either buy health insurance or pay a penalty. 2. The new law required health insurance coverage to millions of previously uninsured Americans, resulting in higher revenues for insurance corporations. 3. Obamacare created new revenue streams for health insurance companies through the sale of various insurance plans like "catastrophic care." 4. The medical insurance companies raked in even more billions of dollars because Obamacare led to increased demand for primary care, mental health, and substance abuse treatments. 5. Higher administrative costs: The ACA’s complexity and regulatory requirements increased administrative costs for health insurance companies, which were passed on to consumers through higher prices. 6. Price increases: The ACA’s requirement for insurers to offer coverage to individuals with pre-existing conditions led to price increases and higher revenues for many health insurance companies.
Today we see the results of the ACA/ Obamacare as medical insurance companies deny, delay and defend their profits from Americans who are forced to either buy their insurance from them or pay penalties. The ACA/ Obamacare law needs to be repealed and replaced with a better system that does not force people to pay for overpriced medical insurance. Competition among insurance companies will reduce the prices and provide better benefits in the long term.
Come up with a better plan to provide health care for people. Healthcare profits and provider charges should be limited. Unchecked capitalism and medical coverage don’t work.
Universal Healthcare is the answer.
No it isnt. That was tried with Obama and it got shot down by over 80% of the public.
52 people are murdered hourly, yet none of you have anything to say about them? What makes this CEO so special to you all personally?
First of all, the murder took place on video for the world to see and talk about. Second, the man was shot in the back by a coward who didn't have the balls to face him. Third, Luigi didn't have the courage to ask the man who was responsible for higher insurance prices and denied claims. Fourth, Luigi would have learned that the responsible person enacted the ACA in 2010 and it caused today's medical insurance mess. Fifth, the murder ruined the lives of two people and two families. Sixth, the murder didn't solve the problem, it just added more trauma for everyone involved. Seventh, the problem will be solved only when the ACA is finally repealed and the insurance companies will be forced to compete for clients with lower prices, fewer regulations and better claims departments.
When will "we the people" pressure Biden and Trump to repeal the ACA so this problem can be eliminated forever???
Lawrence, I'll answer your question, after you answer mine.
Bless you all! However, whether Christianity or most any other religion does not condone the killing of another human being. It begins as the "community" (or church/temple/organization) members present laws or rules their members should follow. The Code of Hammurabi is most remembered for "an eye for an eye", there were well over 100 laws. As an ordained minister via ULC, and as a Rover Scout, our governing rules (Ten Commandments, Scout Oath and Law, etc.) are no longer becoming the foundation of most people, so many disrespect themselves, so how can they respect another person. Without any respect for the sanctity of life, it is too easy to be accepted by other like individuals, and support or emulate them. Even the spiritualist who may not specifically worsphip a god, has core beliefs of the value of life. A son, a husband, father and successful employee being murdered is wrong, even if your deranged brain adds in something to make it somehow make you believe it is right. Daniel Gray is correct. If you are in this class - seek Professional help now.
Rick I agree entirely with this: "so many disrespect themselves, so how can they respect another person." This CEO has murdered 26,000 members of the community, by his practice of: Delay, Deny, Defend. I call Luigi a defender of the people by his actions.
If you have proof that the man who was shot in the back by a coward actually murdered 26,000 people, then show us the evidence.
Oh, you don't have links to any evidence? Well then maybe you should find the evidence before talking like some "roid rage cop" who shoots first as "judge, jury and executioner." Do you approve of roid rage cops? Or are you one of them? Let us know.
You're challenging my statement. Prove me wrong.
I do not think it would be wrong to believe that something about our public etiquette has gotten worse.
The primary reason the medical insurance companies are banking profits is because their buddy Obama approved of them ripping off average Amercans with his deceptive sounding "Obamacare."
Obamacare raised the costs for medical insurance across the board while forcing Americans to either buy from the insurance companies or pay penalties in the thousands of dollars! Ask any retired doctor or nurse about how Obamacare destroyed the wealth of Americans while making the insurance companies richer.
I know because I saw the stock prices of medical insurance companies triple when Obamacare was enacted into law by the democrats. I knew it was going to rip off millions of Americans because the lobbyists had probably paid off Obama and the democrat congress to force it onto the American people in March 2010.
"The heavy Democratic losses in 2010 were mainly attributed to the passing of the Obamacare aka "The Affordable Care Act" along with a poor economic recovery from the Great Recession and large budget deficits."
Please site sources,
"The ACA / Obamacare is Making Health Insurers Much Richer" As we approach the 14-year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, the law is quite different from what Congress originally enacted and has turned out to be enormously profitable to the health care industry, particularly insurers. Major subsidies to insurers, such as the law’s Medicaid expansion and premium tax credits for exchange plans, are significantly growing while the major provisions that they disliked—the Cadillac tax, the health insurance tax, and the Independent Payment Advisory Board—have been repealed.
In fiscal year 2023, federal subsidies through the ACA Medicaid expansion and the exchanges, which almost all flowed to insurers, totaled $218 billion. As the Paragon Pic shows, the weighted average of health insurer stock prices are up 1,032 percent from 2010, when the ACA was enacted.
The statement is generally true, though it oversimplifies the complexities behind the Democratic losses in the 2010 midterm elections. Here's a breakdown of the key factors mentioned:
The passing of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare): The passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in March 2010 was a significant and controversial piece of legislation. While it was a major achievement for President Obama and the Democrats, it also galvanized significant opposition, particularly from conservative groups and some moderate voters. The law became a focal point for Republican candidates, who campaigned on repealing or limiting it. Many voters were concerned about the cost, government involvement, and the potential for changes to their healthcare plans. This opposition helped drive voter dissatisfaction, contributing to the Democrats' losses in the House of Representatives during the 2010 midterms.
Poor economic recovery from the Great Recession: The U.S. was still recovering from the Great Recession during the 2010 elections, and while the economy was technically growing again, the recovery was slow and unemployment remained high (around 9.6% in 2010). Many voters felt that the recovery efforts under the Obama administration were insufficient or ineffective in improving their personal financial situations. Economic frustration often translates into political backlash, and this contributed significantly to the Democratic losses in the midterms.
Large budget deficits: The U.S. government faced large budget deficits following the 2008 financial crisis, exacerbated by stimulus measures, bailouts, and economic recovery programs. While some of these measures were credited with helping to stabilize the economy, many voters were concerned about the rising national debt and deficits. This was a major talking point for Republicans in 2010, who used the issues of government spending and deficits to argue for a shift in power. Tea Party movements, in particular, emerged in reaction to concerns over federal spending and deficits.
The Democratic losses in 2010 were indeed influenced by the passage of Obamacare, the slow economic recovery, and concerns over large deficits. However, other factors also played a role, including dissatisfaction with the handling of the economy, the rise of the Tea Party, and general midterm election dynamics, which often favor the opposition party. While these factors all combined, it’s accurate to say they played a central role in the losses that year.
Perhaps my secular humanist morals are different to some of those in the Christian faith, but I think we shouldn’t celebrate any murderer.
The Christian god was happy to instruct people to stone someone to death just for picking up sticks on the Sabbath. Clearly his morals are worse than mine, but perhaps I’m old school. 🤷
You mean like Muslums do now and have always done Lion?
Yes, absolutely. They are currently now the worst religion as far as man’s inhumanity to man. Much like Christians used to be a few hundred years ago when they tried rooting out Witches and others that were classed as heretics. It’s the typical curse and mental illness of fundamentalist religions.
At least Christians have tried to change.
The cult that is infamous for "honor killings" and "suicide belts for women and children" has no place in Heaven. Those who commit murder of innocents are condemned by their own actions to punishment because everything revolves around our actions (karma). "Don’t be deceived - you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest whatever you planted." Gal 6.7
People of all religions who have died and been revived on the operating table have told of a higher world where they learned that every one of us chose our bodies and our experiences on earth before we were born. "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I set you apart." Jer 1.5
The punishment for picking up sticks on the sabbath was decreed by Moses the murderer, who claimed his "god" told him to say that. So legally, it's all "hearsay" from a Jewish man (Moses) who publicly admitted that he heard voices while wandering for years in the dry Sinai (Moon god mountain) desert.
You must also realize that the "insane" punishment of death by throwing rocks at a person for doing nothing more than picking up sticks was enforced by Jews, not by Christians.
I mentioned the “Christian” God assuming some might believe it’s the same one as the Jewish God spoken about in those tales, but who really knows? There are so many that mankind has created. 🤷
Thank you for your reply, Sir Lawrence. 🤗
Moses had a god made in his own image, a god who was full of anger and vengeance.
One wise person has said, "Describe your god to me and I will tell you what you are like."
In talking to thousands of people around the world, I agree with that statement. If a person believes in a good God who is loving and generous, they will be good, loving and generous.
But if a person thinks their god is an angry and jealous god who wants to kill everyone, I avoid that person like the plague!
Interestingly, there is still know demonstrable evidence that Moses was a real person. Thank you for your comment. 🤗
The punishment for picking up sticks on the sabbath was decreed by Moses the murderer, who claimed his "god" told him to say that. So legally, it's all "hearsay" from a Jewish man (Moses) who publicly admitted that he heard voices while wandering for years in the dry Sinai (Moon god mountain) desert.
You must also realize that the "insane" punishment of death by throwing rocks at a person for doing nothing more than picking up sticks was enforced by Jews, not by Christians.
The punishment for picking up sticks on the sabbath was decreed by Moses the murderer, who claimed his "god" told him to say that. So legally, it's all "hearsay" from a Jewish man (Moses) who publicly admitted that he heard voices while wandering for years in the dry Sinai (Moon god mountain) desert.
You must also realize that the "insane" punishment of death by throwing rocks at a person for doing nothing more than picking up sticks was enforced by Jews, not by Christians.
Luigi committed premeditated, cold blooded murder. It was an assassination plain and simple. He should stand trial based on what he did. He should be sentenced on that basis.
Brian Thompson may have done a great deal of evil, or he may have just been a businessman in charge of an evil company. If a person assassinates someone they believe to be extremely evil, and justify it in their own mind, that doesn't change the fact that they will face a judicial system and whatever sentence the court deems appropriate for the crime.
We cannot have vigilante killing in a society like ours. If these people are made heroes or heroic, then where does it stop? Who decides who lives, and who dies?
Luiji is the newest Kyle Rittenhouse. With his policy of Delay, Deny, Defend, that evil CEO is responsible for the deaths of 26,000 people. Made him no better then Hitler.
There is no justification for plain outright murder and there is a price that is paid with such deeds. If one man walks up and takes the life of another man without cause to defend his own life from that man taking his, like this man did as they say, then it is murder and the price that is paid is his soul. Notice the man's eyes, that spark that we see in the joy of children's eyes as they play or the spark we see in the eyes of two people in love or that even brighter light we see in the eyes of the faithful. This is the light of a man's soul. Now look at the image of this man and we see no light, an empty void where that light should be and this man's enjoyment and pleasures he takes in life will depart from him. Food will lose its taste, the women he sleeps with will bring him no joy or saite his thirst. His soul is lost but not forever. He can find his way back but only through the teachings of the anointed son and by believing in his teachings of redemption that he shows us through his life spoken of in the bible, only through this can he find his path to forgiveness and regain his lost soul.
As a Jew, whose ancestors on both my birth parents sides were genecided in the Holocaust, I would'nt find it funny either. Nor the assertion that my God was'nt there. I actually wrote a Sermon on "Rightous Judgement" a few weeks ago.
"Don't judge"! Certainly, you have had someone declare this statement to you at some point. Perhaps they went further, stating, "Don't judge, Jesus doesn't judge"! But is this the doctrinal truth, or is it Scripture, taken out of context? At the end of Christ's Sermon on the Mount, He declared, "Judge not, lest you be judged"! Does this mean, that how we judge others, the Lord will judge us? No, of course not! Imagine if our Creator judged by the same measure we do. No, He judges with complete authority and justification. Then let us examine what the word "Judge" means in this example. The word judge in Greek, 'krinó', translates to our word 'condemn'. The Lord is telling us, don't condemn one another. Basically, don't 'write off' others, and find them without any redemptive quality unjustly. Christ goes on, to give more insight into His decree; " First take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye”. And in this statement, instructs us; yes, we're called to hold one another accountable, but let it be in love, with authority, and justified. Many in the crowd Christ was speaking to, and certainly, the Pharisees and Temple Sadducees present, made a habit of "Condemning" others.; of completely 'writing them off', in some cases, condemning them to death. They were careful to not miss the smallest of sins in someone else’s life while ignoring the glaring sin in their own. They weren’t offering help and they certainly weren’t 'Judging' in love. Jesus is directly pointing at their behavior and calling them out. He referred to them as "Whitewashed tombs"; which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men's bones and everything unclean". This is what the Lord is getting after; He never says we should not point out the speck, but rather we should deal with our own problems so that we can help others deal with theirs. Followers of Jesus have a responsibility to confront erroring brothers and sisters. But we must do this in love. The point Jesus is making is that in order to help each other out, we have to get our lives in order first. In other words, "The blind can’t lead the blind". And if we are going to hold others accountable, we should do so in the authority of His Word, not solely by our own measure. We should not condemn; that’s not our job; but we should point out transgressions and potential errors. Not only is that okay, but that’s also what love requires. When someone is doing something that is dangerous, or potentially damaging, what is the loving thing to do? Every good parent analyzes and evaluates their kids right? In essence, they judge their child's behaviors. And in love, they offer correction when needed. That’s the loving thing to do. However, it’s not very loving to condemn. To scold your child and never tell them why you're doing so, is not loving or helpful. To condescendingly tell someone they are wrong, but not offer help and clarity, is not loving. That’s condemning, and that’s what we are called not to do. Many people, also churches, are falling prey to this assertion, that we're not to hold others accountable. As a result, far too many, are compromising the Word of God, deserting their brethren that need their help, and accepting, sometimes celebrating, those things the Lord calls transgressions and abominations. We see it all around us, how it plagues our society and leads many, especially our children to poor behavior and sinful theology. Their literally billions, including those who attest to belonging to the Body of Christ, living in self-deception, belonging to false theologies of good deeds, works of the Mosaic Law, and denominational traditions. Many are lost in their rejection of Christ and/or their ignorance regarding His sacrifice and free offer of grace. Should we sit idle, or are we called to respond in love? To make statements of accountability, the Word of God as our authority? I know this can be difficult. I'll be honest with you; each week, after I have finished these Sermons, I read them before posting, and I typically break down into tears. I thank God, for giving me the words to say, and I pray that even one of you will elect to receive them. I pray that it will bring glory to the Lord and that He will comfort me through the rejection and abandonment that comes when one declares His message. Perhaps, this is in part, why so many choose to stay quiet and not hold others accountable to God's Word. Perhaps some, inwardly, recognize that they themselves are partaking in the very transgression for which you're holding others accountable. Perhaps they simply reject all forms of accountability, including their Creators.
Oh Heavenly Father!, PLEASE STOP! I have read through many of these previous excerpts and the voices on this issue which have extremely sadden me as a Christian man. I refrain to elaborate without equivocation on the basis of twin evils set forth here between the matter between the sins of Greed and Murder. To my brethren and sister, from here set forth is not for us to pass judgment but by our Lord. Amen! Keep Lucifer's Voices out of your mind, This is a demonic attempt to turn us against each other. Be Wise in the Lord Jesus'
Murder is wrong period, I don't care who it is murder is always wrong. So it is immoral to celebrate someone's murder including a CEO of a company.
PS... Jannetje Eleanore Van Went, George floyds killer is still ALIVE and in a medium security prison in Texas
No, the toxicology and autopsy reports showed that George Floyd overdosed on his own supply of illegal drugs that he took when he heard police sirens coming to get him.
Do you know that the first building to be looted and burned down was a black owned supermarket? The crowd then looted and burned down several other nearby black owned businesses!
Is that what "black lives matter" is all about? Destroying the businesses and jobs of thousands of black people? If so, then they are their own worst enemies!
"The toxicology and autopsy reports showed that George Floyd overdosed on his own supply of illegal drugs." This is patently false and, in context of the rest of your post, screams of racism. https://www.reuters.com/article/fact-check/no-evidence-drug-overdose-was-main-cause-of-death-for-george-floyd-in-2020-idUSL1N3241XJ/
"Kanye West blames fentanyl for the death of George Floyd" after watching the documentary by Candace Owens. The tired old "racist card" is gone because Kanye West and Candace Owens are black celebrities!
Rolling Stone magazine: "Most notably, Kanye West said that fentanyl, and not being suffocated by a police officer’s knee, caused Floyd’s death. “I watched the George Floyd documentary that Candace Owens put out,” West told Drink Champs. “They (two friends of Floyd) hit him with the fentanyl. If you look, the guy’s knee wasn’t even on his neck like that.” https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/kanye-west-george-floyd-drink-champs-1234612069/
The Greatest Lie Ever Sold: George Floyd & the Rise of BLM | OFFICIAL TRAILER https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XVjmepFjwI
Derek Chauvin’s new attorney, Gregory Joseph, writes that “grounds for relief in this Motion establishes actual innocence, ineffective assistance of counsel, discovery violations … and related violations of due process and a fair trial under the United States Constitution.” The 15-page petition alleges that the full details of the Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s report and toxicology report were NOT provided to Chauvin until July 2023.
Chauvin’s petition also states that Dr. Baker did NOT mention “neck compressions” or “homicide” in his original autopsy findings. Hennepin County prosecutor Amy Sweasy, who was involved in prosecuting Chauvin, testified that Dr. Baker was concerned because there “were no medical indications of asphyxia or strangulation.” Sweasy also testified that Dr. Baker asked, “what happens when the actual evidence doesn’t match up with the public narrative that everyone’s already decided on?”
My source is Reuters which quotes the medical examiner in this case as saying, "Mr. Floyd’s use of fentanyl did not cause the subdual or the neck restraint, his heart disease did not cause the subdual or the neck restraint”. He added that while Floyd suffered from heart disease, and fentanyl and methamphetamine found in his blood may have played a role in the death, they "were not direct causes."
Your source is Kanye West and Candace Owens, a musician who has recently gone on antisemitic and conspiracy laden rants as of late and a woman who also promotes antisemitic tropes on her shows as well as conspiracies about the LGBTQ+ community and has downplayed the impact of racism and slavery on the Black community.
I think I'm going to trust the medical examiners who supported the findings of the autopsy over two antisemitic conspiracy theorists.
It’s scary listening to people quoting Kanye West and Candice Ownes as proof of their assertions. Look out 2025; we’re heading down the rabbit hole.
For those not supporting the murder.... how many people did god kill just for being in the way of his chosen? or for not doing what he told them to do? This is of course if you are christian and believe in that book... if not then you can be outraged at the wanton murder of a fellow human being!
And I can say the exact same thing about Atheists and Socialists who have killed more people in world history then all the wars combined x 10. Heck just to name 4 Stalin-Mao-Poppa Doc-Pol Pot between the four of them have killed more then 700 million people by murder-starvation and yes even actual cannibalism (Poppa Doc) Name me one other group that has killed that many people. You cant.
None of those we killed in the name of atheism. Millions have been (and continue to be) killed in the name of religion, though You're really not that good at this, Daniel.
Wrong yet again Donnie, ALL of the people I mentioned were Atheists and I see you seem to want to ignore Stalin and Mao whos own phrase "Religion is the opium of the masses" and all 4 of these people clearly stated that they murdered all of these people BECAUSE of their religious beliefs. No matter how you look at it or try and claim different, they murdered people in the name of their belief, Atheism. And before you go off on a tangent, you first need to refute what history says happened.
Prove it, little danny boy. You don't read or try to understand what is posted -- you simply react with the same BS you hear on you right wing bubble machines. . Critical thinking is beyond you. You're a troll with no life, so you have plenty of time for this. I'll be back in a week or so for some more laughs.
Already did, And this is what is making you upset as it proves you still dont know what you are talking about
Danny makes things up and you’re supposed to take his word. Even when he gives links to support his views, he either doesn’t vet them, misinterprets them, or says the opposite of what he claims they do. It’s useless to argue with him because he lives in his bubble where he’s the king.
Mass killings under atheist ruled communist regimes occurred through a variety of means during the 20th century, including executions, famine, deaths through forced labor, deportation, starvation, and imprisonment. These include murders committed by the atheists Josef Stalin, Mao Zedong and Pol Pot of Cambodia.
Some of these events have been classified as genocides or crimes against humanity. Communists killed more than 100 million people in the 20th century, about 80 to 90 million more than all religious wars combined in the previous 2,000 years.
According to various historians, religion has been the cause of only about 7% of all wars in history, accounting for only 2% of all deaths during wars.
Most wars have been caused by a mix of political, tribal and ethnic factors.
Historians admit that at least 100 million more people were killed by atheistic communists in the 20th century than by any "religious" wars during the same time frame.
It's the Jews who wrote the stories about the flood and genocide in the old testament, not the Christians who changed all of that to "God is Love!" and "Do for others as you wish them to do for you!"
Don't blame Christians for the violent stories that the Jews have unleashed on the world.
I think its pitiful and sad as well not giving anyone a good view on humanity, that we have so many people in here trying to justify the murder of an innocent man, going so far as to make up lies and claims about him that are not true, and then getting upset when they are proved wrong.If you are that bloodthirsty then do us all a favor and stay out of the public and dont interact with decent law abiding people, and for Gods sake, please dont breed.
I don't agree with killing at all, but it still happens, people are very aware of the facts here, it is wrong to kill, it is immoral to kill and you may not recieve salvation for an act of murder...but it is the high level leaders who have made killers the reasons they create jobs.
So could this possibly be karma, it's like when the officer who had killed George Floyd was killed in prison, you have to wonder, is there also justice from spirit and afterlife that comes back to make wrongs right.
Could this be something that happens because now we are forced to see, the people we are told are good, rich and run our systems are corrupt that spirits have returned and karma is making us aware....There is a price for seeing men as gods and not men. We have a priest as a leader for instance how do we trust a man who falls from leadership of God's to feeling the power he gets under a male system is superior or will gain him more power than he had as 22+ years as a minister under God maybe this is a way to say, men in leadership of any kind will bring the people to corruption. They should have not convinced us so much and so hard with murder to keep men in power and judgement would be making it look like to gain power on earth as a man, you must kill. Religious leaders agreed with murder to keep their faiths alive, now men in leadership face death for having leadership gained by murder and lies. Gods and spirit also bring us the truth, the way and make right the wrongs, it's clear men are not good leaders. This is a sign they have failed to teach people killing is not the answer, they use it to stay in power ever time they have war, capitalism and corrupt leadership's that are so bad people feel relief from their loss.
Nobody killed George Floyd, unless you count the drug dealers who provided him with the fentanyl and meth pills that caused his death by overdose on his own drug supply.
The officer you claim was killed in prison has been raised from the dead and he's filing a lawsuit against the judge and prosecutor who deliberately suppressed evidence that exonerated him. God works in mysterious ways!
You are entirely incorrect.
Some experts hold that once a person starts killing, it gets easier and easier with every new kill. To imply liquidate people we don't care for, no matter who "we" or "they" are and no matter the reason(s), could lead to an eventual anarchy where everybody simply takes out anyone all the time for myriad "reasons". This would not stop corporations from, in the case of CEOs, swiftly emplacing new ones; insurance, health, and other industry's corporations are the money people who keep in office at every level officials who constantly enact loopholes, "make it okay" regulations, or both. Without better officials at every level, taking out their players will accomplish little; has decades of "lock up the local dealers and users" dented much in the "War On Drugs"? It thus seems to me illogical to encourage people like Mangione in lieu of demanding better from officials and their Federal, State agencies.
I am asking the editor of the visionary to rethink and broaden his comments regarding Luigi Mangione
The editor wrote, "But the public’s indifference – and even celebration – in response to the killing has also raised alarm among religious ethicists."
The implication in this statement is that only religious ethicists had a problem. I would posit that at least as great a percentage of non-religious ethicists have a problem with public's approval of the killers actions.
Comment removed by user.
The troubling thing is that so many people believe him to be guilty because the "state" says he is using all their traditional propaganda channels.
My judgement of Luigi if I assume the "state" is telling the truth 'sticks' to me. He is a progenitor of change and I would use jury nullification to free him.-
Comment removed by user.
Odd, that so many think themselves in a position to decide. Our Creator made clear His position. "Thou shall not murder"! Facts don't care about a persons feelings!
Do as I say not as I do! lol There is good evidence that our Creator murdered 99.9% of us with water.
You can say it was justified and that the adults were corrupt but children were drowned, the same ones that Jesus said "the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these"-
Sounds like you may have the same beef that Nimrod did when he thought himself in a position to judge his Creator, and proclaim himself a god. The only authority I have, is the authority granted me by the one true God. I would never think myself in a position to dictate whether His actions are justified or not, any more than I would think to dictate who or how one receives salvation, what dictates a life, a gender or a marriage. I am a Pastor based on His definition, not my own. If I have a question, I look to the only authority, His Word. I recognize that many here would disagree, perhaps would suggest 2+2 is 5, but I'm not one of them. :)
A holocaust survivor dies of old age and goes to heaven. When he gets there he meets God and tells him a holocaust joke. God says, “That’s not funny.” And the man says, “I guess you had to be there. “
That is hilarious and certainly gives pause.
JC is attributed in the "word" John 7-24 to have said " judge with righteous judgment".-
The Gestapo, the Nazi secret police, gave all European Jews an opportunity to survive by moving to Spain, with the conditions that they give up all their property in Germany, none of the Jews travel to Palestine, all the deportees be transported from Spain to the USA or British colonies, $1000 ransom for every Jewish family.
The Zionist leader Izaak Greenbaum who received the offer, rejected it because, he said: "Only Palestine would be considered as a destination for the deportees, so that a Zionist State would be created, no ransom is going to be paid." Then he allegedly added, "One cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews in Europe." https://www.politicsforum.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=64493
Archaeologists now admit that if there was a flood, it was a local flood in the Mesopotamia region.
Plus there is NO WAY that all animals would be able to board that tiny ark and float around for a year while being fed from stockpiles of foods aboard the ark too.
Also consider, "where did all the poop go?" that was falling into the bottom of the ark?
All of that poop from elephants, cows, rhinos, giraffes, birds, lions, tigers and bears would cause everyone on board to suffocate from the fumes, so obviously that story falls apart as we look at it from a variety of scientific points of view today!
People keep taunting the “innocence” of UHC’s CEO. I would like to remind everyone that under the United States legal system, his accused killer is also innocent — until proven guilty, and the evidence thus far presented is highly circumstantial and suspect.
And may I remind you that he has been charged with Murder and the videotape clearly shows him committing the murder so there is no way he can be called innocent no matter how you want to spin this.
The Roman in charge says torment him and crucify him
Actually the bible says the Roman Pontius Pilate wanted to release Jesus, but the Pharisees in the crowd shouted "Crucify him or you're an enemy of Caesar!"
Don't blame the Romans for what the Pharisees demanded.
Actually it's a theological fact that that was phrased like that, because the writers lived under Roman rule and were afraid to speak the truth.
Murder is never acceptable. If it becomes acceptable to kill someone who you disagree with then society must start accepting school shootings as well.
Obviously, there is something seriously wrong with our system that causes people to act this way. We are all wired for survival. We have primary instincts.
When our body suffers from pain, we need care. Just like eating. If our ancestors didn’t have to kill for survival, we wouldn’t be here today discussing this topic. It is sad that our society beginning to revert to stone age. People are feeling threatened. This murder should be a wake up call to everyone. During my childhood I lived in a country that was very corrupt; it had no-money health care system. If you needed a root canal, you would have to pay out of pocket for anesthesia. Most people didn’t have that kind of money. So they would have to suffer through it. A lot of surgeries were performed without anesthesia. If you never had a surgery without anesthesia, consider yourself lucky. The pain is so excruciating you wouldn’t wish it to your worst enemy. Literally. So, before talking about spiritual aspects of this case, we should carefully examine the way our human basic needs being met.
The problem is not just with health insurance companies. Capitalism is no longer working for the little guy. 5% of our population controls 95% of the wealth in our country. It promises to get even worse when Trump takes over. I think Brian Thompson is the first of more to come. In 2022 Walmart’s Doug McMillon had a net worth of $100 million. Today Doug McMillon’s net worth is $463 million. He has achieved that level of wealth by raising prices across every Walmart to the point that he is breaking the financial backs of middle class and poor Americans all over our country just so that he can achieve an obscene level of personal wealth. Oh, and here is the kicker, he claims to be a devout Christian. I think he has proven that he worships at the alter of the Almighty Dollar. Something needs to change, and it needs to be very soon.
Walmart has hired and pays more than 2.1 MILLION people to work in their stores and warehouses and transportation departments. The CEO also manages more than 10,600 Walmart stores around the world, so he deserves his salary. When you achieve the same level, you can tell us how much you want as your salary.
On the other hand, you obviously ignored the Billionaire Jeff Bezos of Amazon, whose net worth is $343 billion dollars. Now compare his massive $343 BILLION dollars with Walmart's CEO $463 million and tell me, which amount is larger? LOL
These guys are living in their own little world, completely oblivious to how the majority of people live because they just don't look at anyone that isn't "them". Unfortunately, they have a ridiculous amount of power, because under normal circumstances this sort of behavior would get sorted out when the majority realizes they outnumber the ones harming them. So the harm continues unmitigated and then these fatcats are shocked when normal people don't relate to them as fellow humans. Talk about hypocrisy. It feels very telling that there aren't any multibillionaires who are overtly good people who care about others enough to change the world to help them, but there are...every one we know of publicly, who entirely lack care for humanity. Making big money, significant money, appears to require a lack of empathy, so the people who will do the least good with it are the ones that can get it. Horrible. People forget that the original phrase is "the love of money is the root of all evil", not money itself. And the fact that people who have enough already to buy countless houses and cars and foods and land are not even interested in that, they are obsessively interested with having more and more and more money. That's the love of money right there that is the root of all evil. And the only way to have there be no more addicts is to get rid of the addictive substance, and I can't even imagine people seriously considering switching to a no-money system. It feels like it will literally take such cataclysmic, horrific loss of life that there is no status quo anymore to change things. This is so discouraging.
The higher ground is view the shooter as the evil devil, and the shot ceo as a victim. I feel extreme sympathy for the wife, kids and love ones.
HAVING DEALT WITH UNITED HEALTH PLANS and the pain and suffering the give for nothing but greed. Knowing the victim was the cause of that pain and suffering because of HIS greed and DRIVE profit well that changes the picture as to who.was the devil ...I suspect these uprising will happen again and again unless CEO's, boards and investors figure out people first profit and greed second.
The higher ground is view the shooter as the evil devil, and the shot ceo as a victim. I feel extreme sympathy for the wife, kids and love ones.
HAVING DEALT WITH UNITED HEALTH PLANS and the pain and suffering the give for nothing but greed. Knowing the victim was the cause of that pain and suffering because of HIS greed and DRIVE profit well that changes the picture as to who.was the devil ...I suspect these uprising will happen again and again unless CEO's, boards and investors figure out people first profit and greed second.
Justice for the people who died because of their insurance being denied? And by what right do you have to say that when you have not provided any proof?
The proof is out there, if YOU don't want to go and do your own research, then the burden is on You. Buh Bye!
I did and not one of what has been said has been proved to be the truth, so maybe you should take your own advice? Buh Bye
My reaction is that rage and grief are classic causes of people's hearts hardening. Our society has bloated to such an unnatural size that there is no sense of community left, and the pressure of personal threats to survival estrange those threatened from the idea of their oppressors as fellow humans.
The reaction of the public to this guy's murder reminds me of the public reaction to the killing of Osama bin Laden. I had to explain hatred to a Buddhist friend who was distressed at what appeared to her as everyone celebrating the death of another human being. She had not considered the extreme effect of years of terror and grief upon a population; it is difficult to conceive of a fellow human being capable of such acts as cause so much death. So the man becomes a monster, dehumanized by those who dreaded him and his peers because that is the defense mechanism of a social animal.
While people are very loath to admit it, we are animals, and we react as is natural for our species. If we want to transcend that, we build a system of beliefs strong enough to counteract the natural impulse. A system built to enlighten groups of mere thousands of people at most is going to need to be updated for billions, as our ability to form meaningful social ties becomes less effective the larger our "community" grows.
I think that the focus on present morality is unhelpful in this context. The public reaction is tragic not because it's immoral; it's tragic because it reveals how vast an expanse of dread and grief the public is suffering to cause this reaction. Rather than fretting or scolding, religious ethicists should be talking about where the breaks have occurred between traditional morals and our societal situation, and how to update the moral approach to work with what society is and needs now.
Killing is not always wrong, and is sometimes necessary. Violence has its place in the world, and has been used to carry out God's will more than once in our history. Murder, by its legal definition, and by God's definition, is always wrong. Some people in the past, like Hitler and some people on Death Row, were killed, but they were not murdered. Big difference. There is no legal, ethical, or moral justification for Mr. Thompson's death at the hands of another, so this was a clear case of murder.
I voted only for the first sentence in your paragraph. We don't know an awful lot about Thompson's offing yet. Only a judge or jury, not you, can rule a killing to be a murder. And are you referring to that nasty desert warrior god who just loved drowning people? That god?
for a person who admitted they dont know a lot about how he was murdered or why, you seem to be doing quite a lot of voicing your OPINIONS on how and why this happened
I like your phrase, "nasty desert warrior god who loved drowning people." Any reader of the bible will rightfully conclude that Amun Ra, the God of Egypt was more loving and merciful than the god of the Jews. The proof is that whenever Abraham, Jacob, the twelve tribes or Jesus were starving or facing death in Palestine, their god would tell them to "go down into Egypt" where they received food, safe shelter and prosperity!
Yes, even Jesus was taken down to Egypt by his father Joseph and his mother Mariam when Herod had ordered the murders of all infants. So AMUN RA or AMEN RA is superior to the god of the Jews and Christians!
Also remember that the Jewish god killed of ALL of the Jews who left Egypt, except for two men, Joshua and Caleb. If they had stayed in Egypt, they would have enjoyed a long life.
The cold blooded murder of Brian Thompson cannot be justified. Murder or assault are never “ok”. Incidents such as these should never be cheered or celebrated. Determining the root cause of these terrible acts should be our first goal; second, where we find immoral or unethical behavior in a person’s actions or their choice of employment- ORGANIZE! Brian Thompson may have been the corporate face of United Healthcare. He obviously drank the corporate kool aid, personally profiting from UHC’s choice to maximize personal and shareholder’s profits at the expense of their enrollees’ physical health, enrollees’ families’ financial health, and quality of life. Brian Thompson did not create the constantly devolving American so-called “health care” system. Rather than feeding into people’s vile and base response to his death (celebration), people who have had it with our broken “healthcare” corporations have a moral and social responsibility to organize and act within the existing legal framework. “Obama Care” did not happen overnight, but it happened and has survived because Americans ACTED and ENGAGED in the process. They wrote to their state and federal representatives, they showed up at town halls, and encouraged countless others to join the fight. Continuing the reformation of American healthcare will not happen quickly but it will not happen at all if we choose to sit on our duffs, stew in our anger, and debase ourselves and this country by self-righteously picking off insurance company executives and workers on the street, their homes, or their place of work.
Murdering the CEO was not the answer to improving access to healthcare. This is not going to suddenly make insurance companies have a change of heart. They will still continue making record profits by denying claims. I don’t have all the answers to improve how insurance companies make their money. They are greedy SOBs that put profit above helping their customers. I think murder is wrong.
If you want to change the law and hold these organizations legally liable, then replace your politicians. Just remember that they are paid by these companies. As I said, I don’t have the answers, but I still will not condone or celebrate a murderer, even when I understand their motivation.
To focus all your anger on one man, Thompson, is a cheap shot. If your porffolio includes stocks in the health insurance industry, you are part of the problem. Let's do the long-term work of divesting ourselves of those stocks, voting for people that will reign in corporations, and taking an inward look at our materialism. Murdet is a cheap shot as is all violence.
I don't think everyone's focusing their anger on Thompson, he is just the example that came up. Nobody that had never heard of him before he was murdered was angry with him specifically, they just hated health insurance companies and their predation. But since he was made famous by being murdered, people suddenly found out that these companies have faces. I very, very much doubt that anyone who owns stock in the health insurance industry has any problems with health insurance--they don't even need to use it, they can just afford healthcare anyway. The people harmed by health insurance are not doing well financially already...that's why they have to have insurance.
If you trace the problem back to its origin, you'll find it began with "obamacare" with its laws that allowed insurance companies to reject claims, require high deductible amounts and enjoy enormous profits.
I know because I watched the stocks of these medical insurance companies double and triple when "obamacare" was passed by Congress! I didn't know what was in the package, but I knew the insurance companies were being handed billions of dollars by their buddy Obama!
Now we see the results of "obamacare" and it needs to be repealed and replaced immediately by President Trump and Elon Musk!
Just wondering why lying in wait for someone and then putting several bullets into them is pre-meditated mrder, but creating an algorithm to deny someone the medication that keeps them alive isn't?
because your Algorithm was never developed or used.
Umm... yes it has according to this class action lawsuit: https://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/class-action-v-unitedhealth-and-navihealth-1.pdf
Um no Matt, as they could never prove that it was used even when the health care people opened their computers to them, so your source has lied to you and the lawsuit was thrown out for lack of evidence.
The court records show this case is still ongoing. It has not been thrown out as you claim, with no evidence. https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/68006832/estate-of-gene-b-lokken-the-v-unitedhealth-group-inc/?filed_after=&filed_before=&entry_gte=&entry_lte=&order_by=desc
Oh really? You really should start actually READING your sources as according to your own source "Estate of Frank Chester Perry added. Frank Chester Perry terminated. Signed by Magistrate Judge Shannon G. Elkins on 11/14/2024. (CMP) (Entered: 11/14/2024) And earlier in all the word salad listed the original estate was also terminated from the lawsuit. Now since both estates were terminated, that means the case is over.
That's not at all what that means. All that those motions mean is that someone is substituting as the plaintiff for one of the original plaintiffs. And you're flat out lying that "the original estate was also terminated from the lawsuit" because the same plaintiffs are still listed on the case, with the exception of Frank Chester Perry being replaced by a representative for his estate. This case is very much still ongoing.
Ask Obama, the man who pushed for the current medical insurance system that denies, delays and defends the refusal to pay for certain medical treatments. It's all there in his "obamacare" package that the insurance companies obey to this day!
Of course that would upset your canoe and force you to admit that Obama was the man who caused the problems we see with medical insurance today.
LOL at "medications that keep them alive."
True story from a professional who had set up and was operating Audio Visual equipment at a major drug company shareholder meeting. He said the CEO bragged to shareholders: "We have a new drug coming out that will treat cancer, but don't worry. We never create a drug unless we can show that it will cause at least 2 or more serious side effects which we have drugs for!"
In other words, when people take the new drug for cancer, it will cause serious side effects that will force them to buy more drugs from the same company. Or as one physician who was about to retire said, "If I ever have cancer, I'm NOT going to the hospital, I'm going out to a cabin in the country where I can live out my last days the way I choose!"
Being alive he has until his death to ask for forgiveness. Everyone else doesn’t fall into that category. It’s not my place to forgive him. He will answer.
Greed and pride are dangerous character flaws that are deadly. They breed murderous hatred
If corporation's only get a fine for killing for profit, then we should be able to create a go fund me for Luigi and just pay the fine, Unless the court system is only for the wealthy, white christian nationals...... Almost 70,000 thousand people die each year due to lack of health care, poor health care or denial of coverage, Thats 20, 911's in a year, that the holocaust in ten years, these companies are no better then the terrorists who flew the planes into the towers
A M U T H A F U $ I N M E N!!!
Strange you should try and make that lie, you do know that this is what Obamacare was put into place for and since you can get this and not have to pay a premium, then the only reason for them to be dying at the rate you a making up is for their own actions.
The medical insurance companies are only following the laws put in place by Obama! He is directly responsible for the practices of denying claims, raising deductibles and costing Americans more money for medical insurance!
I know because at the time his law was put into place, I watched the stocks of these medical insurance companies double and triple when "obamacare" was enacted into law! The shareholders knew that big profits were coming thanks to their buddy Obama, the man behind the current rip off medical plans with their "deny, delay, defend" strategies!
Before Obamacare, companies could deny you insurance if you have a "preexisting condition" and many people could not afford or were provided with no health care at all. I know so many people who finally got to see a doctor once the ACA was passed and a friend of mine would never have been able to afford the cancer treatment his wife needed. These practices have long been in place by insurance companies; this didn't happen because the ACA was passed.
yea right, and you have proof of this or is it just another of your myths?
More proof than you ever have lol.
Mangione for President.....if we're going to have a felon as President, I'd rather have one that actually cares for the people!
Why? Biden will be gone in less then 3 weeks.
What felonies has Biden been charged with? Oh none? Hmm...
Oh really? Try the TS Documents that were clearly visible in his garage while he was driving his car out. Or the 4 other places that he had some stashed, or his admission that he read TS documents to his ghost writer over an unsecured line, ALL of these are Federal Felonies. You want more, just ask.
So he's been charged with felonies for doing these things then?
He should be and he will be held accountable for his many crimes. He is in the 1% and currently protected, but karma comes for everyone. It's a law of the universe like the laws of physics.
What many crimes? Besides the claims about him having top secret documents, which Biden claimed he didn't realize he had (whether you believe him or not) and he immediately returned them to the government, what other "crimes" has he committed?
Meanwhile, Trump took boxes and boxes of classified documents and tried to hide the fact that he had them numerous times until the FBI had to raid his home to locate them.
Why is Biden being held to a different standard than Trump?
Trump had those documents protected by the Secret Service inside the very secure Mar A Lago compound.
Joe had stolen classified documents and stored them in open boxes where any Chinese spy could steal them. No protection whatsoever.
If you cannot tell the difference between those two scenarios, then you should never open a security firm.
Trump stored boxes and boxes of files in a bathroom. Files he was not supposed to have, was asked to return, and had to be forcefully taken from him when the FBI raided Mar a Lago. Trump was having employees at Mar a Lago move these boxes to try and keep them hidden. Mar a Lago is a club where tons of people are coming and going every day. It's also a place were a number of Chinese nationals have been charged with trespassing in the past 4 years. I fail to see how that is more secure than Biden's home, which is also protected by Secret Service.
Trump also is on a recording sharing a classified plan of how the US could attack Iran with writers working on a book where he even says the plan is classified and still secret. https://www.factcheck.org/2023/06/trump-iran-and-the-highly-confidential-document/
The amount of documents and the active attempts to obstruct the justice department from recovering these documents make Trump's actions way more egregious than Biden and it's not even close.
Luigi cared for nobody or he would have thrown a pie in the face of the CEO and called for class action lawsuits against the company.
If you're a "minister" who condones the murders of people without giving them a fair trial, then you're a "minister of death."
OK.....and your point is!?
The point is that there are peaceful, non-violent and legal ways to expose the "crimes" of the medical insurance companies who are only following the laws imposed by Barack Obama in 2010.
Filing class action lawsuits, presenting evidence in court and getting victims paid millions of dollars for what Obama did to them is better than shooting an unarmed man in the back without a fair trial. I think that's called "death penalty without due process" and it's horrific to see so many "ministers" on this forum approve of murdering a man without a trial.
All of the problems with "deny, delay and defend" can be traced directly to "Obamacare" passed by democrats in March 2010. They are the criminals who started the medical insurance disaster we see today!
Sorry Lawrence, but the problems with the insurance comanies taking over healthcare started back in the 1980s when anti-trust laws were changed to allow the insurance companies to invest in the healthcare industry as if it weren't a conflict of interest (sarcasm intended) and HMOs were born. Obama was only trying to right a ship that was already sinking. Unfortunately the whole intertwining of insurance, pharmaseuticals, hospitals, pharmacies, and other healthcare establishmnets ad infinitum is so ingrained in the economy there is no easy way to untangle the mess. Single payer healthcare is a utopian ideal, but there is no way to get there without a signficant impact on the economy, and disrupting the healtcare system could have catestrophic consequences during the cut-over. The short-sighted notion is that if one person dies during a cutover, then it isn't worth changing anything because the collateral damage can be expensive to both lives and livlihoods. Unfortunately, I'm part of that camp, but at the same time, watching thousands of others die due to lack of insurance or insurance denials isn't right either. I'm not sure there is a happy medium.
You may be right, but the ACA "Obamacare" made things far worse.
I realize without reading it that there are still gross inequities in the system, and I think we both agree that there is a bleak possibility that the system is broken beyond repair. Until healthcare is taken out of the hands of for-profit companies, it will continue to be broken, as decisions over what is "covered" are made based on profitability, not patient need. I can say that the biggest plus in Obamacare was the removal of pre-existing condition clauses and guaranteed affordable coverage. People were held hostage in dead-end jobs and in fear of getting laid off, because when they changed jobs the insurance companies could deny coverage for a previously existing (chronic) condition. People with seizure disorders and diabetes were left without coverage for conditions that could be overwhelming to pay for out of pocket. People who had recovered from cancer were in fear of a relapse because it would mean they had to choose between living and bankrupting their family.
Even if Luigi were to be brought up on charges of fraud or murder (in the denial of claims causing death), he is at least one (probably more) step away from any crime that would justify the death penalty. No person in this country can act as judge, jury, and executioner. While I have not been a fan of UHS and have had trouble with them accepting and paying claims to the detriment of my credit rating, in no way do I condone what was done to him. Yes, the healthcare system is broken, but one CEO dying is not going to fix it. UHS is probably still denying claims at the same rate they were before he was killed, and whoever is taking over for him is probably enjoying a security detail paid for by those whose premiums will go up next year to pay for it.
He has been brought up on murder charges Paula by both the State of NY and by the Federal Government
I know Luigi has. My first sentence was referring to the CEO and didn't realize the mistake until after it posted.
I see a lot of passion here. My opinion is that while we ought not celebrate the death of the man, we may still celebrate the event. Brian and Luigi are (and always will be) both deserving of God's mercy and as much of our forgiveness as we can muster. The assassination is now a part of our collective experience and will be remembered for quite some time. It represents several of our social issues (health care, wealth inequality, gun violence and even mob mentality come to my mind) and will be seen as a turning point, for good or ill. As an illustration of my point, I bring up the Battle of the Bulge. While no one celebrates the individual deaths, we still celebrate the victory every year. Peace be with you.
Today's stories are interesting. There's Luigi, and then there's the teenage girl who shot up her school. The facts coming out about the girl's family life are tragic. She chose to shoot a bunch of innocent people because of her pain. Luigi went to the cause of his problem.
No Lady, he did no such thing. He was not even a member of that health care so if he went to the source of his problem as you say, he went to the wrong place.
And I have had 6 spinal fusions from my military service, I can tell the weather is going to change a good week before the weatherman tells you. I have damaged nerves from the operations and am in pain with a spinal simulator in my spine that I have to recharge every 10 days. I have been like this for longer then this idiot has been alive and not once have I or would I have thought of going to DC and taking all of this pain and suffering out on the VA Sec or my doctors. I deal with what I have been given and move on. Nobody will want to be around you if all you do is quote Marx and whine about your imagined pain and yes I said imagined. Look at a picture of your spin, my problems run from the L5 area where it joins your hips all the way up to the T7 Area right about the bottom area of your shoulder blades and I can set off a metal detector at over 20 feet away and have done it in airports and must carry a card with me that shows where all my rods and pins and screws and gaskets and so on are located so I know pain. And you cant get in the shape he is in with a bad back as there are things you are forbidden from ever doing again as they will destroy your back. and once you have one surgery on your back its like tapping a domino, its not IF the next one will fall, its when.
So I am sorry but your post is clearly wrong.
To commit murder is a horrible crime. Depriving a man of his life and taking a husband and father from his family is not something that should ever be celebrated. We should also never celebrate someone who dies this sort of thing. The fact that someone would willingly take it on themselves to end someone else's life is detestable and should be viewed as a crime by every civilized person. That being said...The fact that anyone of the Christian Faith would condemn a person for shooting a person at a time when so many Christians across the Country are promoting hate and racism, and deifying the evil man at the heart of it is laughable...and if you look at the history of Christianity, it begs the question of if those same "religious ethicists" would speak the same if senior representatives of the church had condemned the man before it happened...or if they would be glorifying "Saint Louigi" instead.
It shouldn’t ruin his future ??? Are you serious? This coward didn’t even have the courage or the fortitude to look his victim in the face before he murderers him. Like the low life ferret that he is, he snuck up behind him and shot him in the back; then ran away to hide. Cowardly piece of social flotsam. And you defend this coward and offer the statement that it shouldn’t ruin his future. His future should be entrance into a wood chipper. Feet first.
As should the entire Seal Team 6 for storming into a man's home and killing him in his sleep
the difference between this and that is Bin Laden was shown by documentation that he ordered the deaths of millions, you have no documentation of any sort that this man ordered anything, So your analogy is faulty at best and a total fabrication at worst.
Taking a life is murder, no matter the status of the individual. Each soul is no more important than another. Whether in war or in peace murder is murder, yet we praise soldiers of the government for it and alienate the common person for it.
No, when you are tried for murder, or you have been shown to be responsible for murder, then its "an eye for an eye" and you cant complain when your life is taken for your actions. Thats something that a 10 year old child understands, so why cant you?
If that's the case, why do we praise soldiers for murdering others for a government? That's the question being posed to you.
When the Congress declares war then they already know there are going to be killings done. The difference Hunt that you seem to refuse to understand is that when Congress declares war, they do it by the law, not like some mafia hitman
So we should praise people who kill for the government because that kind of killing is lawful? What happened to killing being wrong?
nice try but your post shows how clearly factious your whole argument actually is as it makes no sense to even start with.
Nope. Taking a life is killing, not murder. It's murder only after a judge or jury says it's murder. Murder is a legal conclusion.
taking a life is killing and when Congress orders it or a jury orders it, then its done by and under the law.
But when you walk up behind someone and kill them, its called MURDER and thats what this creep is being charged with and when found guilty as there is no way you can refuse the video, he is going to be sentenced to die and it will be by the same law that everyone else here lives by. you can try and split hairs and call it what you want but in the eyes of the law this is murder, plain pure and simple
How many of Thompson's victims did HE look in the eye before their life-saving medical procedures were denied?
Comment has been removed.
TDS and sour grapes much?
I don't think you can have TDS and have sour grapes be relevant. Nobody who says they hate Trump actually wanted him in the first place.
you have just dismissed your entire argument with your own words.
Now we know how to take whatever spews from your mouth in the future
I really thought that ULC ministers would never approve of shooting anyone in the back. I guess I was wrong.
How many ULC ministers are planning to shoot someone in their back? Asking for a friend.
How Christian of you. Aren't you told not to judge or do God's rules only apply to empower white men or to crush abortion rights and LBGTQ rights?
and you couldnt help yourself as you just had to bring in two left wing sacred cows that have absolutely nothing to do with this conversation
How about answering the question. Aren't you told not to judge or do God's rules only apply to empower white men or to crush abortion rights and LBGTQ rights?
While killing is wrong, stopping the unneeded death of many future victims of a system which has turned from helping people to profiting off their misfortune is to be praised. This is going to be one of those philosophical questions like "knowing what you know know now, given the chance, would you assassinate A.H. to stop the Holocaust?". What if, in a different timeline, this man has been left to live and hundreds of thousands of people were harmed or ended up dead because they were denied health care coverage for much needed surgeries or medications. Would we not, having seen the inhuman nature of such those actions, call to the justice system to set things correct and then be bogged down with months if not years of legal battles over this or that policy. And while thar would be taking place the CEO continues to allow people to be harmed by their misuse of power over whether a medication or surgery is needed as well as lining their pockets with money that doesn't help the people it is intended to help.
Again murder is wrong, but stopping a murderer is not. While blood had yet to stain their hands, the company was set on a course to have just that. We see murders being praised every day in America, with the war on terrorism. Should headlines read, "Israeli family left in ruin after American Air Strike" strikes a different cord than "ISIS leader killed in America Air Strike". One brings out sympathy for a family, the other praise for the death of a leader. It is all a matter of perspective and always will be.
If a killer kills a future killer are they a hero or just another killer? I believe Luigi did what needed to be done. A single death to save thousands. To uncover and showcase the injustice of a system who was starting to practice medicine without a license. Who was going to make life so much harder for others just to profit from these hardships caused by their own hand. I praise Luigi for doing the necessary evil that needed to be done.
Did you receive a "Ministry of Death" degree? Your post seems to condone killing anyone of any age if you happen to believe they could kill someone when they get older. That is a very dangerous doctrine of your church/ temple.
My Circle does not believe in harming children, they are new to the world and are trying to understand it as best they can. Our job as Adults is to set good morals for them, nurture them and help them get a foothold in the BS Mountain we pass off as Life. Whatever a child becomes is yet to be written. We can not know what they will do later in life because the future is ever changing. If an Adult, in a position of power, harms a child, knowing full well what they ARE doing WILL harm them I have no remorse for the loss of life.
Forgive, yes. Forget, NO.
No it's not justified, if found guilty, give him life without parole.
Its immoral to celebrate anyone murderer. The guy who did the murder was not even a member of that health care company so any anger he had was not directed at the innocent man he killed.It should have been with his own healt care insurance and no he should not have murdered anyone. His grandmother left him 30 million dollars so he had plenty of money to pay for his own health care, so I find it very much off center for him to start claiming socialistic views now. And as a person who has had 6 spinal fusions because of my military service and am looking at a 7th one very soon which will take up close to 2/3rds of mu back, I can assure you that you dont get into that kind of shape with a bad back as your surgeon will tell you flat out, that there are things you can never do again...FULL STOP Weightlifting, sit ups, roller coasters, skiing, surfing, etc. Anything that puts a strain on your back is now off limits as this would cause strain on the rods and pins thus causing damage to the bones above and below the injury and would 99.9% of the time require yet another surgery to fix the problem that you caused by ignoring the doctors orders.
The only people who are for this murderer are ones that have never had to actually suffer through a spinal fusion and should keep their traps shut on the issue.
The “innocent” man he killed was responsible for 26,000 deaths on his orders to “deny, defend, and depose” in order to increase shareholder profits. I’m one of the “innocent” man’s victims. I’ve been fighting for years to get various surgeries, and, while I am currently laying in a hospital bed after finally getting a spinal fusion, UHC’s policies denied a 15 minute, medically necessary surgery that would allow me to stop taking a med that is removing time from my lifespan every time I take it. Zero sympathy for me, so I have the same for him.
I'm so sorry Reverend Diana. I wish I could help. I'll light a candle for you and pray that the divine help you.
Prove it Diana, otherwise its just as much a lie as what Matt is spewing.
I love how everyone else has to go to crazy lengths to prove everything to you but you just give your opinion and claim it's fact with no proof and expect us all to accept it.
It's like he expects people to violate their own privacy for him. I hope he never has the nerve to tell other people to Google things.
Oh he has in the past. It would be comical if it wasn't so sad.
I love it when you are asked to prove something as I am done constantly and then you go off on a 4 year old tangent and never show any proof that it actually happened. That Matt is called LYING.
And sorry Bertie, but if you are going to make a statement like Diana did, you DAMN well better have proof or its called slander and thats against the law.
So you want Diana to provide you with all of her personal communications with the insurance company and all of her medical records? Meanwhile you can claim that you have some extended family member that works in whatever field is convenient for you at the time so you can use it as an anecdote to try and disprove other people without needing to provide any proof at all. Quite the double standard, Daniel.
Nope, she claimed 26000 people died and I am expecting her to show proof of that claim. Why is that so hard for you to understand?
prove it, show documentation that he supposedly did this. I bet you wont as you cant! So your opinion sucks snail slime.
Diana, you're celebrating a spinal fusion? I suffered the very same back injury but the condition was healed using an "inversion table" with the help of a friend. And it only took one treatment!
While working inside hospitals for years, I learned that alternative and natural treatments are much better and safer than the "cut (surgery), burn (radiation) and poison (drug side effects)" methods used by today's "quack" doctors.
You should have taken her "celebration of a spinal fusion surgery" in context. I have had, or will have had 7 and I have yet to find even one person who is celebrating this kind of surgery
I'm not convinced the students were walking out for any other purpose than to not be in school that day. Protesting is more fun than school, even if you barely understand the cause. The direct lesson they're learning is that it's perfectly okay to shoot people you don't like - a lesson that seems entirely confined to United States, thankfully.
Is it immoral to celebrate the killing of a killer? Hmmmmmm......... 🤔
what killer Joe? as usual you are wrong. Even the people he worked with on a daily basis have stated that he was trying to get this changed and was doing very well in getting some policies changed and was fighting the board of directors to get others changed. For you to claim him as a killer is just so pathetic that it should not even be allowed to be posted here.
Daniel, that CEO used an AI to deny claims that he knew was wrong 90% of the time. He wasn't innocent.
Matt stop lying. There is no proof of your claim and I challenge you to bring some if you have it, but I wont waste my time in holding my breath and waiting for you to do so as you cant.
When you accuse people of lying about things that are readily available to read on the internet, the burden of proof that they're lying is on you. You are the one making an extraordinary claim, not them.
And you want to believe something just because it was on the internet? You really need to get a larger tinfoil hat as the one you are wearing is choking off the blood to your brain
Would you believe something on the internet if there was a class action lawsuit filed in court, Daniel? https://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/class-action-v-unitedhealth-and-navihealth-1.pdf
there are class action lawsuits filed ever day in the US, that does not mean a whole lot now does it Hunt?
How about a Senate investigation that found UHC did use AI to deny claims?: https://www.hsgac.senate.gov/wp-content/uploads/2024.10.17-PSI-Majority-Staff-Report-on-Medicare-Advantage.pdf
Oh you mean the one by Richard Blumenthal? The one that had exactly 12 people in attendance including the so called witnesses who were majority Universal Health Care people? The one where they didnt even have ONE person there that could prove anything they were trying to claim? The same hearing that was shown on C-Span? You mean THAT report Hunt?
What happened to Thou Shall Not Kill? I think it's morally wrong to kill someone the CEO Should have faced legal justice not at the hand's of a maniac.
Nicholas people of that CEOs wealth never face legal justice in court.
really? Hmmm, So I guess you are now saying that the person who murdered the CEO and has 30 Million dollars that his grandmother left him, is not going to see his day in court? Seems funny you say that since he is sitting in a jail cell waiting for trial in NY right now.
Anyone who approves of murder instead of class action lawsuits will be facing a strong arm arrest by police and a sentence by a judge to death row in prison.
That's not how the legal system works.
I cannot and do not condone murder, ever. I can, however, understand it in this case. Do I think it was necessary? No. Do I think it was effective? Time will tell.
It's already been effective. The insurance company was about to cut anesthesia benefits in half, and cancelled that because of this,
another one of your myths. So if this is true then where is your proof?
This released the day after his death: https://www.cnn.com/2024/12/05/health/anthem-blue-cross-blue-shield-anesthesia-claim-limits/index.html
And you also need to read where this idea was shot down by a majority of the Board of Directors and the CEO and the idiot that brought this up has since resigned. Or did you just see the misleading headline and tried to run with it thinking it would back you up, instead of reading the story and finding out that it completely destroys you and your claim
Nothing in the article I provided states that this idea was shot down by the Board of Directors of the CEO, nor does it state that the person who brought it up resigned. Prove your claims or they're just your OPINION.
No sorry its FACT. As nothing you or your source claimed ever happened. You constantly seem to ignore the little parts that prove you wrong.
You continue to claim your statements are factual while providing no evidence to support your claim. I however, have provided numerous examples of evidence to support my claims. Other people here realize this so it's no skin off my back if you don't.
and your sources, do not show anything like what you are trying to claim and you do this on a regular basis, so what are you upset about other then you got caught in yet another myth of your own making
It's been effective already. Society as a whole is discussing the issue. This has never happened before.
Um sorry Lady yet again, they had this discussion back before Obamacare was enacted and over 80% of the American Public said they didnt want that either
Before the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was signed into law in March 2010, public opinion was divided, and a significant portion of the country opposed it. According to polling data from that time:
Opposition: Around 46-50% of Americans expressed opposition to the ACA in various polls conducted by organizations such as Gallup, Pew Research, and CNN/ORC. Support: Support for the ACA hovered around 40-45%, with many Americans unsure about the legislation's potential impact.
Reasons for Opposition
Political Partisanship: Republicans and conservative-leaning voters largely opposed the ACA, viewing it as government overreach and a step toward socialized medicine. Democrats and liberal-leaning voters were more supportive, seeing it as a necessary reform to expand access to healthcare.
Misinformation and Fear: Some opposition stemmed from misconceptions about the law, such as the false claim of "death panels." Concerns about increased taxes, premiums, and government interference in healthcare fueled skepticism.
Lack of Understanding: Many Americans were unsure about what the ACA entailed and how it would affect them personally, contributing to hesitancy or outright opposition.
Similar things happened in the industrial revolution when workers were desperate for better wages and working conditions but it's been about a century since.
I want to know why so many "ministers" in this comments section are applauding the murder of a man without first giving him a fair trial along with all of the evidence.
The very same "ministers" are usually the first to yell, "Judge not lest you be judged" which makes them even more hypocritical.
It's time to get rid of hypocrisy by aligning your basic beliefs with your words and actions. If you approve of murder, then join the violent inmates on death row. If you approve of fair trials, then file class action lawsuits.
Comment removed by user.
The CEO might as well have been a contract killer, with all of the people who died because he denied them coverage. This is karmic justice. Luigi came from a good home, with a good education and good future prospects. This one incident shouldn't ruin his future.
Luigi took a human life. The man was a father and husband. Those children will never see their father again. Luigi committed a premeditated murder, and he should never see the light of day again. We cannot give life back to his victim so why should his murderer be set free? You can despise the healthcare industry without celebrating the murder of one of its CEOs.
By denying insurance claims, thus denying people life saving medical care - especially when it was done by an AI that he knew was wrong 90% of the time ... the CEO was a killer. Choosing profit over people.
Prove it, I and others didnt know you were in his office 24/7 and saw what he did so you could make that claim. Maybe you need to go to the police and explain your myth of a claim. I am sure they would love to hear from you
UnitedHealthcare has faced allegations of using artificial intelligence (AI) to deny insurance claims, despite awareness of significant inaccuracies. A class-action lawsuit filed in November 2023 claims that UnitedHealthcare and its subsidiary, NaviHealth, employed an AI model with a reported 90% error rate to deny Medicare Advantage claims. The lawsuit alleges that the company continued using this flawed system, knowing that only about 0.2% of policyholders would appeal denied claims, leading most to pay out-of-pocket or forgo necessary care.
He also held the policy of "Delay, Deny, Defend" is a term often used to describe controversial practices in the insurance industry, including health insurance, where companies focus on minimizing payouts to policyholders, this approach has been associated with UnitedHealthcare and similar corporations. Delay: Insurance companies may intentionally delay processing claims to frustrate policyholders and create barriers to reimbursement. The goal is often to wear down claimants, causing them to either abandon their claims or accept lower settlements.
Deny: Claims are denied on technical grounds or questionable interpretations of policy terms. Common reasons include: Alleged insufficient documentation. Claims deemed "not medically necessary." Exclusions in fine print that are leveraged against the policyholder.
Defend: If policyholders dispute denials, the companies may aggressively defend their decisions through lengthy appeals or legal battles. This tactic disproportionately affects individuals who lack the resources or knowledge to navigate the complex appeals process.
He was a hitler, or the terrorists who flew planes into the towers. The company he lead allowed almost 70,000 people die a year for profits. We should be talking about why someone felt like they needed to shoot the CEO, not that the CEO was shot. This will no doubt enlighten his children, and hopefully learn from their fathers mistakes, Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. The CEO knew what he was doing.
It could also have the opposite effect on his children. Making them vigilantes passing judgment on other accused murderers and killing them before trial. Would they be justified as well?
So, by your logic, if we're expecting that, shouldn't we follow the middle-eastern practice of killing his sons to, so they can't seek revenge?
I wouldn’t be surprised if we started doing things like in the near future.
Did you miss all of the people whose Thompson's policies killed? Bunches of them were fathers and husbands, too. Thompson took thousands of lives. And since the shooting (you cannot call it murder, although I've seen this ignorant comment elsewhere. Murder is a legal conclusion, to be pronounced by a judge or jury.) Your last sentence could read, "You can despise nazism without celebrating the murder of its CEO."
I get that the insurance industry is broken. It’s a cesspool of greedy degenerates who put personal wealth above helping sick people. Does that mean we should start executing all the CEO’s? Their companies will simply fortify their security to protect them. It will do nothing about their policies.
It’s not just the healthcare industry making record profits. While gas prices continued to skyrocket around the world the oil companies continued to make record profits. I don’t see people trying to take them out. Hunting CEO’s down and killing them will not do anything to change the problem.
That's actually pretty close to what happened during the industrial revolution that lead to major changes in employee safety and the start of unions. Employees went after their employers with violence and it ultimately changed working conditions for the better.
I'm not saying that we should start executing CEOs. I'm saying it's understandable why some people want to execute CEOs. The gas industry doesn't kill people as directly as the so-called healthcare industry does. Like it or not, Luigi's shooting has gotten society talking about the healthcare industry like nothing ever has before. And in the wake of the shooting, Anthem has rescinded its policy of only paying for anesthesia for a set period of time. So we're seeing results already.
Prove your claim Lady, or its just your OPINION and not based on any factual evidence
You're challenging her. Prove her wrong.
It shouldn’t ruin his future ??? Are you serious? This coward didn’t even have the courage or the fortitude to look his victim in the face before he murdered him. Like the low life ferret that he is, he snuck up behind him and shot him in the back; then ran away to hide. Cowardly piece of social flotsam. And you defend this coward and offer the statement that it shouldn’t ruin his future. His future should be entrance into a wood chipper. Feet first.
How many of Thompson's victims did HE look in the eye?
How many rapists have gotten off because of the very reason I stated. But the victim here was a man and not a woman, so different rules I guess.
Not defending either man involved, just want to remark that Mangione is/was at least in the same tax bracket as his victim, or higher. I'm surprised he was actually arrested, considering that the taller the stack of money you stand on, the higher you are above the law. Backstabbing is very corporate, he was just exercising their culture.
I’m sorry… WHAT?
Reverend Paula Copp what are you questioning?
She is questioning you and this time I support her 1000% as you make absolutely no sense.
The CEO might has well been a contract killer, because of the people who died because he denied them coverage. This is karmic justice. Luigi came from a good home, with a good education and good future prospects. This one incident shouldn't ruin his future.
prove it Matt
You prove it, Daniel. You base 100% of your moral authority on a book of fairy tales that have zero historical evidence.
Oh no, dont even go there. A claim was made and I challenged him to prove it. Now either Matt cant prove it and you are trying to cover for him which means both of you are wrong, or you are trying to justify the murder of an innocent.
Which is it?
Don't even go there? Of course you would say that. You and bible-thumpers throughout history have come up with exactly zero evidence of literally anything written as worship-worthy "fact" in that magical book you selectively quote when it suit you. Try Googling "UnitedHealth algorithims: and here is the first item that pops up:
Then keep going -- the evidence of United Health's horrific actions under Thompson is overwhelmig. You want proof -- there it is, just waiting for you. Now STFU about your "proof."
How nice, I ask that the claim be proved and you go off on a rant trying to inject religion into it. Oh and you DO know (or you should) that this was in 2023 and the case was thrown out because of lack of EVIDENCE that this was being done....so in other words for you to understand...THERE WAS NO PROOF THAT THIS EVER HAPPENED!
Understand now? or are you just going to continue on your rants? So hows about YOU doing the STFU?
A fair trial is required before issuing a guilty verdict, let alone a death penalty.
It is horrific that any "minister" would applaud and approve of the murder of any person without a fair trial that presents all of the evidence. Remember that under the universal law of karma, what you wish for others will ultimately be applied to you.
Celebrating the murder of anyone is morally wrong. It was not Mangione's place to act as judge, jury, and executioner. He needs to be punished via the same justice system that he tried to usurp.
BTW Jesus was not murdered. He went willingly to that cross and gave His life as a sacrifice. For us.
Jesus asked God not to kill him and God said get on that tree and Jesus obeyed. He didn't need to die. His death served no purpose. His death was supposed to wash away sin, yet we still not only have sin, but original sin from before Jesus died. The God of Abraham is a genocidal narcissist that inspired the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, the Witch trials and slavery in America.
There you go posting stuff you do not understand. Worry about your own belief and stop bashing others because of your ignorance
I was a Christian for half my life. I'm a former lay Eucharistic minister, lay reader, usher, altar boy and Vestryman. I've read the bible more times then you have.
You're one of the few sane voices here, Matthew.
so when did his train go off on the dirt track?
Daniel Gray
Very wise call!
Matthew, Jesus did not come to do away with sin. Just look at the world. He came to pay the penalty for that sin that required a perfect sacrifice. That is why satan was constantly trying to get Him to sin, to void that sacrifice. Along with the sacrifice He gave us the ability to flee from sin. When God created Adam, He opened his side and created the perfect woman. When the soldier pierced the side of the second Adam, out poured water and blood. The ingredients for a perfect woman(church) blood to cover the sin and water (Holy spirit) to give us the power to overcome.
Thomas, no one had to die on a tree (well, have his mortal shell killed, Jesus is immortal after all). The all knowing, all powerful, every present father of his could have just let everyone back into heaven. Adam had a wife before Eve, made from the Earth, like Adam was. Her name was Lilith. She wouldn’t be subservient though, so Adam asked God to get rid of her and give him a more demure wife, Eve. The all knowing God, put the tree in the Garden, knowing even before he put it there, that man would eat from it. So that whole story was just a cruel set up. That same God, being all knowing would know how his creation would progress and could have created mankind with the power to overcome, but he chose not too. God is not a loving father. Loving father’s don’t do all the terrible things that God has done.
Matthew Mastrogiovanni
You overlook a crucial point clouded by your own anger. God respects our freedom and did not create robots.
As I often ask, which God are you referencing? I know you will say “The one and only, God”, but you just might want to reference which one you like to think is real just so that those who believe in other gods know which one you are talking about. Just sayin’ for a friend of mine that believes in Lord Krishna.
Yeshua HaMashiach, El Adon!
Jesus did not ask God to not kill him Matthew. It was the temporary separation from God that was troubling to Jesus, not the death of the body. By the way, we humans are permanently separated from God unless we value what Jesus did on the cross. The killing of a truly innocent man apparently has cosmic implications. It's quite the feeling of euphoria when one is right with God.
Waves of murder in the name of Jesus are inspired by evil men under the influence of Satan or mankind's own moral compass which always points down.
Matthew 26:39 (NIV):
"Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, 'My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.'"
That's right Mathew, separation from God was on his mind. He didn't want to exist as we exist today, separated from God and in darkness.
How can one fear death of the body if one knows death of the body is irrelevant?
If Jesus believed that he was the demigod son of God, he would have realized that he was immortal and wouldn't worry about being crucified and wouldn't have asked God to spare him from it.
Matthew Mastrogiovanni
Had you done a bit of research, you would have realized that the cup Yeshua refers to here is the third cup of Passover Seder. It goes far beyond your simplistic interpretation.
Ezekiel chapter 18 says that we are responsible for our own sins and it tells us exactly how to get forgiveness for sins without killing anyone. As the Lord told Ezekiel throughout that chapter, "The son shall not be punished for the sins of his father, nor shall the father be punished for the sins of his son. Everyone is responsible for their own sins."
The remedy was to stop doing the sins (mistakes, crimes) and begin doing good (treating people fairly and doing no harm to other people). The simple act of turning away from evil and doing good instantly opened the door to heaven.
Ezekiel 18 also implies that we are NOT punished to the sin of Adam or Eve, so there is NO "original sin!" The theologians have tried to put us down into hell with false accusations, while the God of Ezekiel 18 tells us that we are born without sin and we have to consciously choose between doing evil and getting punished or doing good and getting rewards.
Lawrence, a big AMEN!
Matthew Mastrogiovanni
This is totally misleading. While the term "original sin" is, as you say, a theological term, the biblical concept is explained length in Deuteronomy 28.
Concupiscence (or the curse affecting our innocence) is passed on through the bloodline - hence the need for a blood sacrifice to cover sin. Yeshua's blood doesn't just cover it, it also erases it.
As for the theological "original" concepts, there are actually four originals in theology:
- Original Solitude
- Original Unity
- Original Nakedness
- Original Sin
Only the fourth 'original' affects our human condition into concupiscence. And yes, it is passed on through generations, leading to family patterns or tendencies (ex: upbringing of fraud, anger, addictions, mafia...), so we need redemption to the other original state of purity.
This is called Theology of the Body.
I apologize, Matthew Mastrogiovanni. My response was intended to address Lawrence Pearce's comment.
Thank you. I agree with your first 4 sentences. 🤗
You mean the Four Originals I just pointed out?
Celebrating the murder of anyone is immoral. We are talking about a human being who at the time of his death, was simply walking on a NYC street on his way to a meeting. He had as much right to live as anyone else does, including the perpetrator who murdered him.
Celebrating the death of Hitler, pedophile priests, mass murderers is not immoral. It is expected.
Elizbeth, not expected from a true Christian.
Thomas, judge not that ye be not judged…
Paula, not judging, a good tree can only bear good fruit. His words not mine.
Question: If a coward shoots a person in the back and murders him, is that what you call "good fruit" or "bad fruit"?
Most people would call that "bad fruit." If you call it "good fruit" then do you plan to shoot people in the back? Asking for a friendly detective.
Lawrence, why did he shoot him in the back? What did he do? God is the Judge not me. Even a healthy apple tree bears bad fruit once in a while.
Luigi was judge, jury and executioner, so you should tell him he shouldn't have murdered the man without a fair trial.
A banana cream pie in the face while live streaming would have been more effective and less likely to cause death while spreading the message around the world.
A member of the 1% doesn't get a fair trial. They're to wealthy for that. God sacrificed his son for the good of others and Luigi sacrificed the CEO for the good of others.
Bernie Madoff and Martha Stewart and Jeffrey Epstein were rich and yet they went to prison for their crimes.
You should ask for a refund from the school that told you lies! You should also give a person the chance to present their case in court. Do you plan to shoot rich people in the back like the coward Luigi did? Asking for a friend.
Since his grandmother left him 30 Million I guess you are trying to say he wont stand trial? You DO know he is in a NYC Jail cell right now under suicide watch...right? Or Bernie madoff died in PRISON. Or Puff Daddy is in jail right now, or the Scientologist who raped all these women is now serving 30 years to life?
Your claim is so much a fantasy that the Brothers Grimm dont find it believable
The idea that wealthy individuals can evade conviction due to their resources highlights the concept of "affluenza" or systemic inequality in the legal system. While it's important to clarify that not all wealthy people accused of crimes escape conviction, certain cases suggest that access to top-tier legal representation, influence, and wealth can make a significant difference. Here are some notable examples: Examples
O.J. Simpson (1995) Case: Accused of murdering his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend Ron Goldman. Outcome: Acquitted in the criminal trial, but later found liable in a civil trial. Wealth Factor: Simpson's "Dream Team" defense was extraordinarily expensive, featuring high-profile attorneys like Johnnie Cochran and Robert Shapiro.
Robert Durst Case: Accused of multiple murders, including the disappearance of his wife in 1982. Outcome: Acquitted in the killing of his neighbor, Morris Black, on the claim of self-defense. Wealth Factor: Durst’s family fortune enabled extensive legal resources, though he was later convicted in 2021 for another crime.
Jeffrey Epstein Case: Accused of sex trafficking and abuse of minors. Outcome: Avoided significant punishment in a 2008 plea deal, serving only 13 months in a work-release program. Wealth Factor: Epstein's high-profile connections and substantial resources influenced the leniency of his initial plea agreement.
Harvey Weinstein Case: Accused of sexual harassment and assault by numerous women. Outcome: While eventually convicted in 2020, Weinstein evaded consequences for years despite multiple allegations. Wealth Factor: Weinstein used his wealth and power to suppress accusations through settlements and intimidation.
Donald Trump Case: Accused of various financial crimes, sexual misconduct, and political improprieties. Outcome: As of now, Trump has faced multiple investigations and lawsuits but has not been criminally convicted. Wealth Factor: His ability to hire powerful legal teams and influence political narratives has contributed to his avoidance of criminal conviction.
Broader Observations
These cases illustrate systemic disparities where:
Wealth allows individuals to hire exceptional legal teams. Long, costly trials deter prosecutors from pursuing charges. Influence and connections can impact judicial outcomes.
While these examples focus on specific individuals, the broader trend raises questions about fairness and equality in the justice system.
and the ones that are sitting in jail cells disproves your claim
Elizabeth, by whom is the celebrating the death of such individuals as Hitler, pedophile priests, and mass murderers expected? I don't believe you and I live in the same world..
Comment removed by user.
That CEO, like any of the 1% are to wealthy to ever be punished by the court. This is the only justice that could ever happen.
To Elizabeth and Matthew, I have no idea what is wrong with your generation! To celebrate anyone's death is wrong. Where is your sense of morality? You are vilifying the wrong people. The CEO was a murder victim. Who are you to judge what you consider his sins or anyone else's? Have either of you ever read the bible? It does say Judge not lest you be judged. Let me suggest that you look deeply into your own selves before you decide that this man's murder is justified. Shame on you!
Theresa, I'm not a christian, but I've read the Bible many times. If Christians aren't to judge, then no christian should speak out against Luigi. The CEO used an AI to deny claims, that he was aware was wrong 90% of the time.
He chose profit over lives and got the Karmic return that he deserved.-
I do not agree with you at all. Murder is wrong. How do you see that murder justifies something that someone else has done. Apparently Luigi was blessed to have been born in a family of wealth. He acts like he resents that. He chose to take a life. To rob a man of his future. If that man is guilty of wrong doings it will catch up with him. It always does. That is Karma. Taking a life because you don't like someone's actions is wrong. It is NOT Karma. I don't understand why you can't see that. It matters not whether you are a Christian or whether you have read the Bible, what matters is that you didn't learn anything from it...
Luigi was very much the instrument of karma.
Luigi was very much the instrument of socialistic stupidity
There fixed it for you
Luigi acted like a coward by shooting a person in the back and without giving the man a chance at a fair trial.
According to you, we should all start shooting people in the back because we have a grudge against them? No. That's not how it works in the real world. If you have evidence, then bring it forward to a judge for a decision.
If you shoot someone in the back or front without presenting any evidence to a judge, you'll be staring at four walls in a hole with other violent criminals for the rest of your life. Think before committing any crime.
Did the CEO give anyone a fair trial before using his his AI (which he knew rejected paying customers incorrectly 90% of the time) with his practice of Delay, Deny, Defend, thus causing the deaths of 26,000 people. Doesn't your God tell you not to judge others? Let he who is without sin cast the 1st stone?
and you have yet to prove he didnt Matt. And until you can, its YOUR OPINION
Are you trying to say that the CEO held a trial for each and every person that he subjected to his: Delay, Deny, Defend process?
So by your logic, every oncologist (cancer doctor) should be eliminated because they know from statistics that chemo, radiation and surgery actually reduces the lifespan of people, but they don't care because they make money from those useless treatments.
One doctor was finally convicted of falsely telling every patient, "You have cancer" and sending them to his cancer treatment center so he could make millions of dollars from the drugs, surgery and radiation. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/cancer/farid-fata-doctor-who-gave-chemo-healthy-patients-faces-sentencing-n385161
People in your generation celebrated the death of those they disliked too, Theresa. Get off your high horse before ya fall off. Shame on you for sticking up for a man who made it his mission to deny people health care. Ending many lives in the process. The shame goes to you.
Robert, Here we go again, disagreeing. You have no idea who I am, what my feelings are, or how I live. Not shame on me, shame on you for not seeing that a murder committed by Luigi is wrong. To take anyone's life, under any circumstances is wrong. That's what this is all about. I'm not 'sticking up' for anyone. What I am trying to convey to you is that any wrong doings by the CEO should have been handled by the United States Court System. Two wrongs don't make a right. The CEO may have been guilty of wrong doings, but so is Luigi!
I really think the military's sponsorship of violent video games for children and teens has turned a generation of normal people into psychopaths who think shooting a living person in the back is wonderful.
There are only three outcomes for psychopaths and that is either prison, an early death from other psychopaths or rejecting violent video games in a support group.
I really thought that ULC ministers would not be endorsing murder, but I guess I was wrong.
Dear Lawrence, This ULC Minister definitely does not endorse any kind of violence, most definitely not to deprive an individual of his or her precious life. I abhor violence of any kind. I don't understand people coming to the defense of an individual who would deliberately shoot another human being in the back. It makes me wonder what our world has become that we don't value a life as we should. Life is a precious gift. Our life hangs in the balance of one breath. We are that close to not being at all. To take the natural progression of life from an individual is a horrific crime.
IMO, the ULC should suspend and/ or pull the license of any ULC minister who approves of shooting someone in the back with intent to kill them.
The news media could run with some of these horrific comments and make the ULC look like a place where psychopathic "ministers" post their approvals of violent crimes. The ULC should enforce their principles on those psychopaths.
Lawrence, If you've read my post, you would have learned that I do not condone the murder of the CEO of United Healthcare, Brian Thompson, or any other human being. Murder is a crime against humanity and is not justifiable under any circumstances. Now it is up to the US Court System to prosecute Luigi Mangione who was reported to have murdered Brian Thompson. Let's not forget that he is innocent until proven guilty under the law.
So, by that logic we should disband the military and disarm the police and then ban all weapons or other items with a potential for being lethal.
No, I did not say anything of the kind. Can you read or do you just make up what you think are qualified answers to questions? Give it up, Matthew. You are tiresome.
Yes you did: "I do not condone the murder of the CEO of United Healthcare, Brian Thompson, or any other human being. Murder is a crime against humanity and is not justifiable under any circumstances" If that's the case then we need to disarm and disband the military and disarm the police.
Also, how do you know what generation that I am?
Does that really matter in the whole scheme of things???
Maybe she could tell by your post for Luigi that you are likely to be in the "kill all CEOs" generation?
Most of us are in the less violent "throw a banana cream pie in his face" group.
Lawrence you know a people by their music
The Boomers wrote all the anti-government,eat the rich music. I'm Gen-X our music is about how the boomers are hypocrites, who have used up all the resources and left us cynical with no hopes of a good future. Millennials were lost growing up in an internet world. The did mostly electronic music trying to find individual expression. Gen-Z who Luigi is part of, grew up in an era of unprecedented connectivity and accessibility to music. Their preference for music that promotes inclusivity, social justice, and emotional authenticity mirrors their commitment to creating a better world. You must be a boomer, who hates the thought of a wealthy person dying.-
What resources have been "used up" as you claim? We have plenty of fresh air, clean water, untapped oil reserves in Alaska, lots of hydroelectric, wind power and solar energy.
We can still grow tons of cotton and hemp for apparel, grains for food, fruits and vegetables for kitchens. So I really don't understand the negative vibes you're emanating.
Have you ever tried to free your mind with trips on various natural plants? Go to Boulder Colorado and ask for a day trip.
Lawrence, Yes, America can and does grow substantial amounts of cotton, hemp, grains, fruits, and vegetables. However, the ability to continue producing these resources sustainably depends on addressing several challenges, including climate change, soil health, water availability, and agricultural policy. Here's a breakdown:
Cotton and Hemp for Apparel 1. Cotton: ◦ Current Status: The U.S. is one of the world's largest cotton producers, particularly in states like Texas, Georgia, and Mississippi. ◦ Challenges: ▪ Water Use: Cotton is water-intensive and faces challenges in arid regions. ▪ Pests and Diseases: Boll weevils and other pests require careful management. ▪ Climate Change: Extreme weather events threaten yields. ◦ Solutions: ▪ Adoption of drought-resistant varieties. ▪ Precision agriculture to optimize water and fertilizer use. 2. Hemp: ◦ Current Status: Hemp cultivation was federally legalized in 2018, and it's grown for textiles, paper, and other products. ◦ Challenges: ▪ Regulatory hurdles, including strict THC limits. ▪ Lack of processing infrastructure in some regions. ◦ Solutions: ▪ Investing in infrastructure for processing and refining hemp. ▪ Encouraging research into new uses for hemp products.
Grains for Food 1. Corn: ◦ Current Status: The U.S. is the top global producer of corn, much of which is used for animal feed, ethanol, and processed foods. ◦ Challenges: ▪ Over-reliance on monoculture farming depletes soil health. ▪ Pesticide and fertilizer runoff pollutes waterways. ◦ Solutions: ▪ Crop rotation and regenerative agriculture practices. ▪ Use of precision farming to reduce input waste. 2. Wheat and Soybeans: ◦ Current Status: Significant exports make the U.S. a major player in global grain markets. ◦ Challenges: ▪ Rising input costs and international competition. ▪ Vulnerability to climate shifts, like droughts or floods. ◦ Solutions: ▪ Development of climate-resilient crop varieties. ▪ Expansion of organic and sustainable farming practices.
Fruits and Vegetables for Kitchens 1. Fruits: ◦ Current Status: States like California, Florida, and Washington produce citrus, apples, berries, and more. ◦ Challenges: ▪ Water scarcity in key regions like California. ▪ Labor shortages in agriculture. ◦ Solutions: ▪ Investing in water-efficient irrigation technologies. ▪ Automation and robotics for harvesting. 2. Vegetables: ◦ Current Status: The U.S. grows a wide variety of vegetables, particularly in California's Central Valley. ◦ Challenges: ▪ Soil degradation from intensive farming. ▪ Seasonal variability and market access for small farmers. ◦ Solutions: ▪ Encouraging urban farming and vertical agriculture. ▪ Subsidies for small-scale and local farmers.
Outlook for Sustainability America can continue to produce these agricultural products, but sustainable growth depends on: • Water Management: Investing in irrigation technology and protecting aquifers. • Soil Health: Encouraging practices like no-till farming and cover cropping. • Climate Adaptation: Breeding crops for resilience to heat and drought. • Policy Support: Funding agricultural research, supporting farmers, and improving trade policies.
"The Cuyahoga River in Cleveland, Ohio, famously caught fire on June 22, 1969, due to pollution and an oil slick on the water’s surface. This event became a pivotal moment in the environmental movement, leading to the creation of the federal Environmental Protection Agency and the passage of the Clean Water Act in 1972. The river had caught fire at least twelve other times since 1868, highlighting the severe pollution issues it faced.
Since then, significant cleanup efforts have transformed the river into a clean and vibrant ecosystem, with recent milestones including the declaration that fish caught in the river are safe to eat and the reintroduction of lake sturgeon."
Boomers created the first Earth Day and the environmental movement to clean the air, the water and the earth, so your generation wouldn't have to figure out how to put out a fire burning on top of your local river! Such ingratitude!
Thank you for your comment, Lawrence.
Do you condemn the people who celebrated Hitler's death?
Mutt Cat, To celebrate anyone's death is a terrible thing. Hitler was an evil person, however, he was as rightful to his life as anyone else would be. That's why there are courts. They determine a person's guilt or innocence. After WWII there were the Nuremberg Trials during which Nazi leaders were prosecuted for their war crimes and the crimes against humanity which they participated in. Hitler should have been among those persecuted, but his death was by his own hand. The coward's way out, rather than face his wrongdoings. And you want to celebrate that? What's wrong with you?
And what happens when those courts don't hold anyone accountable for their actions? By denying claims, he was executing his fiduciary duty to shareholders to maximize profits before all else which means he can't be held responsible for the unnecessary deaths caused by his company's policies.
Hi Michael, It sounds to me like you have become the judge, jury, and executioner here. It's not up to you personally until or unless you serve on the jury. Now that won't happen at all because Luigi has taken it upon himself to serve as the judge, jury, and executioner. I still and always will uphold the right to a jury trial for a person who has been accused of any crime, and that also means Brian Johnson.
If there wasn't ever going to be a jury because there's no way to hold a CEO accountable for allowing people to die for the sake of profit, what do we expect to happen? I'm not condoning the murder of CEOs, just pointing out that when the system fails to provide equal justice, people will seek their own means of justice.
Michael, I have to ask whether you know how business actually works. Brian Thompson, CEO of United Healthcare could not possibly be held responsible for whether an individual subscriber to United Healthcare dies because he or she has been refused medical attention. There are literally hundreds of employees between Thompson and the so called victims of United Healthcare. Thompson isn't personally handling each case. So where is there 'justice' in murdering him? I would also like to add that each and every medical patient has the right to seek a second medical opinion...if that isn't satisfactory, there are countless other medical insurance companies to choose from. I reiterate, the murder of Brian Thompson was morally wrong!
You can seek a hundred different medical opinions ,,, theoretically. If you have the time and money. The problem is you take the same insurance with you. The ultimate decision on all policy is held by the CEO. He was the worst of them all in the practice of Insurance companies delay paying for a claim, deny coverage for the claim, and defend ... why it was denied. With an average rate of 32 percent of claims.
so what you are really saying is that if you think you are not being treated fairly, you have somehow the right to take matters into your own hands?
Didn't Trump do that, on January 6th with that Insurrection that he inspired?
Did you miss the update about Hitler? In the final days of the war, he allegedly escaped from Germany to Spain, where he was taken along with his wife Eva in a German submarine that was later found scuttled offshore in Argentina.
Many eyewitnesses claimed they saw him without his famous mustache at various hotels and cafes in south America. The "burned body" the Allies found in Berlin was probably a deceased German man of similar height whose body was placed there to throw off the investigators. Of course this is all speculation, but the possibility that it happened has never been disproven and the dental records didn't match.
A banana cream pie in the face of a CEO is actually funnier and less controversial. It's a shame that any so called "minister" would condone the murder of anyone without a fair trial!
Theresa C. Marquess
Abortion is equivalent to murder and is far worse than the actions of this young individual.
Pastor George, No where in my comments have I mentioned abortion at any time. Why are you opening an entirely new subject here? As far as I'm concerned, I do not believe in abortion aside from the endangerment of the lives of both the infant and the mother, or in rape, or incest. Okay? That's where I stand. However, anyone who is considering or has had an abortion has to answer to her God, or higher power, whichever one that might be. If you wish to know what my stand is on the actions of this young man against a CEO, please refer to my previous comments and just go away.
Theresa C. Marquess
By your own admission, you just stated that if a child has a rapist or incestuous father, they should be killed.
Now, how is that different from the actions of Luigi Mangione?
I see it as being very different; incidentally, so does the law.
what justice matt, or are you 6 degrees off bubble yet again
Justice for the people who died because he denied their claims.
I don’t know, but I don’t think the CEO would personally deny any claims, but has to take overall responsibility for the company’s policies! This denial would be done by an office waller following some rules re claims! Blame that person if you’re looking for a scapegoat!
Geoffrey the CEO had a policy of Delay, Deny, Defend (you can look that up) and kept using an AI, that he knew was denying people incorrectly 90% of time. He sacrificed 26,000 people for profit. That makes him a hired assassin.
No Matt this is YOUR OPINION and it has not been proved he did anything like you are trying to claim and there is nothing on the net that says or shows different
Prove that it's opinion and not fact.
Murder is not justification for anything and if you believe it is then you are one sick puppy and should have a guardian around you 24/7
It was a killing. It isn't murder until a judge or jury says that it's murder.
No Lady, when you intentionally come up from behind and shoot someone, its murder. You can split as many hairs as you want but its murder and thats what he is being charged with, which carries the death penalty according to the latest news out of NY
Daniel, in the USA, you are innocent until proven guilty. Now when DT said not to wear a mask or get the Covid vaccine, because like a miracle Covid would disappear over night causing the deaths of thousands. I would call that murder, but because of his incredible manipulation skills, he'll never face a trial. So, he'll never officially be deemed a murderer.
You can say that al you want Matt, but when a video camera clearly shows you shooting someone in cold blood its murder plain pure and simple. And after doing a LexisNexis search (think google on steroids) at NO time was I ever able to find the Quote from Trump about this being gone overnight, though I DID find Pelosi and the little goblin making statements to that effect. So I guess by your logic then booth of them are murderers.
LexisNexis is not Google on steroids, it's a resource that assists with legal work. Meanwhile, here's just one of many news articles that details all the times that Trump downplayed the virus including saying, "It’s going to disappear. It is disappearing." https://edition.cnn.com/interactive/2020/10/politics/covid-disappearing-trump-comment-tracker/
Do you EVER get tired Matt of being proved wrong with almost everything you say?
No sense in lying about it or making stuff up just to cya
I'm not the one making stuff up, Daniel. I back my claims up with evidence, you don't. Per your link, LexisNexis is a "Online Public Records Research Provider" which is not "Google on steroids." It helps legal professionals with discovery through a search of public personal records. You won't find various statements made by politicians through LexisNexis. You can, however, find those comments through a Google search which multiple people have clearly done for you and provided you with proof.
Seemingly you are as if you contact lexisnexis they will tell you straight up that they are a search engine. so I guess you are calling them liars now?
They're a search engine for legal documents, public records, research papers, and other things helpful for lawyers. They are not "Google on steroids" but a search engine for a specific niche. You are not going to find any statements made by politicians on LexisNexis. You are lying when you say that you found comments made by Pelosi on LexisNexis. Meanwhile, you still can't refute the evidence I provided of the comments made by Trump.
Donald Trump made several statements about COVID-19 disappearing, but the most widely cited quote occurred during a February 27, 2020 press briefing. Here’s the exact quote:
"It's going to disappear. One day, it's like a miracle—it will disappear."
Name one matt, otherwise its your twisted opinion and not based on fact or reality
Here's a couple different stories from doctors about patients having their claims denied including ones where their patient died because they couldn't afford the treatment after their claim was denied. https://www.yahoo.com/news/medical-professionals-sharing-infuriating-stories-173217042.html
And all of these "charges" have been tossed out because they provided no proof that this is what happened.
Nice try
Have you ever worked in a hospital? I have worked in the ER and ICU, where doctors make life and death decisions every day.
An intelligent doctor will consider the age and condition of a patient before choosing whether to save the life of a child with a stab wound before treating an 85 year old obese person who has refused to take her diabetes medications.
Obviously if you're intelligent, you focus your time, energy and resources on the people you can save, while those who have been saved many times but refuse to stay on their diet or medications can wait.
What those "doctors" refuse to tell you: 1. The diabetic who had his leg amputated was obviously NOT staying on his medications or following the diet that would have prevented the amputation. It's the diabetics fault. 2. The cardiac patient should have been told by the doctor to take aspirin or a prescribed blood thinner to prevent blood clots. That's the surgeon's fault. 3. The diabetic who couldn't afford insulin, when it's only thirty five dollars a month? Cut back on the sugary drinks and the $7 dollar a cup Tarsux! 4. The woman suffering a heart attack? ER doctors recommend aspirin or low cost blood thinner meds, not surgery, to relieve her temporary condition. 5. Postpartum hemorrhage treatment? Same as a deep wound... stop the bleeding with medical gauze pads. 6. Low sodium? Borrow a salt shaker from the hospital cafeteria! 7. Meth drug addict using a needle wants expensive treatment? Cold turkey works.
Summary: Most of those medical cases could be fixed with low cost, simple solutions!
Reference: The Merck Manual of Medical Information, Second Edition: The World's Most Widely Used Medical Reference. Only $7 at Walmart com! Every doctor, nurse and parent should have a copy in their office, bedroom and bathroom!
The legal way to handle any disputes with companies is to file class action lawsuits. There are attorneys that advertise to take these cases every day!
It's sad when any so called "minister" whether pagan, Christian, Jew, Buddhist or Moslem calls for the death or celebrates the death of any person without a fair trial.
Theresa you are incorrect on murder: Your hate filled religion has justifiable killing in the Old Testament
Exodus 22:19 “Whoever lies with an animal shall be put to death.
Leviticus 20:27 “‘A man or woman who is a medium or spiritist among you must be put to death. You are to stone them; their blood will be on their own heads.'”
Leviticus 20:13 “If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense.
Leviticus 20:10″‘If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife–with the wife of his neighbor–both the adulterer and the adulteress are to be put to death.
What do you know of me or of my religion, Matthew? In today's world, if a person subscribed to the points 16 thru 19 (Old Testament) that you have made, and executed the people mentioned in those points, he or she would be convicted of murder in today's courts. What's wrong with you people that you don't understand the difference between right and wrong? Didn't your mommy get to that lesson, or were you too interested in gazing at your naval on that particular day?
Theresa, for almost half my life I was a Christian. I was any: acolyte, lay Eucharistic minister, lay reader, usher and was elected twice as a vestryman. That's what I know about Christianity. Points 16 thru 19 even though in the old testament are still in the bible. Christians are breaking God's law by not enforcing that ... like how the LBGTQ community is persecuted because of the old testament. Abortion is permitted in the Bible and Torah, but Christians erroneously are up in arms against it. Like Kyle Rittenhouse was lauded as a hero for his actions of defending people, Luigi is a hero for stopping that CEO from sentencing anyone else to death.
Matthew, I'm happy for you that you have been a Christian for half of your life. The New Testament was written after Christ was born. His philosophy differed from the Old Testament. In the Old Testament God was more violent in His actions...that's why they were left behind when the New Testament was written where God was love. Look at it this way, when God had a son, He matured and saw a more gentle way about Himself and His outlook toward others. Hence, He left His Old ways behind and saw things differently. I've tried to tell you right from wrong and it doesn't seem to take hold with you. Maybe explaining it to you in this manner, you would understand better... May my God bless you!
Theresa, This statement is incorrect, "n the Old Testament God was more violent in His actions...that's why they were left behind". If the O.T. was left behind it wouldn't be in the Bible. Conservatives wouldn't quote from it to persecute the LBGTQ community or witches. They also wouldn't use it to control women. The Old Testament was used to justify slavery in America too, and those are facts.
Also, the The Book of Revelation in the Bible contains apocalyptic visions that describe significant suffering and death during the end times. However, it does not provide a precise number of people who will suffer and die. Instead, it uses symbolic language and imagery to depict widespread devastation. Here are some key elements: 1. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Revelation 6:1-8)Description: The four horsemen bring conquest, war, famine, and death. Impact: The fourth horseman, Death, is given authority to kill a quarter of the earth's population through sword, famine, plague, and wild beasts. Interpretation: If taken literally, this could mean 25% of the global population would perish.
- The Seven Trumpets (Revelation 8–11)
Description: Each trumpet signals a catastrophic event, including: Hail and fire burning a third of the earth. A third of the sea turning to blood and marine life dying. A third of freshwater becoming bitter and undrinkable. Plagues killing a significant portion of humanity. Impact: The sixth trumpet unleashes an army that kills a third of humanity (Revelation 9:15-18).
- The Seven Bowls of Wrath (Revelation 16)
Description: God's wrath is poured out in the form of plagues, including: Painful sores. Rivers turning to blood. Scorching heat. Darkness and suffering. Impact: While the text does not specify a death toll, the devastation is described as global and catastrophic.
- Additional Judgments
Armageddon (Revelation 16:16): A final battle leads to massive casualties as God's enemies are defeated. Plagues and Natural Disasters: Other passages describe earthquakes, fires, and cosmic events causing widespread destruction.
Summary of Suffering
Revelation does not give an exact number but describes: Significant portions of humanity being killed (e.g., a quarter, then a third). Global suffering and death from various plagues, wars, and natural disasters. The ultimate focus is on divine judgment and the vindication of the righteous.
Matthew, There are times when you make my head hurt! I don't give a flip about your opinion. Why do you care about mine??? The statement which you referred to was not someone else's quote, it was my opinion, something to which I am privileged to be able to opine. Stuff it, Matthew!
When it is false information, it's not an opinion, it's a lie. Lies can not be used to prove a point.
Mathew, I find this entire subject/question tiresome and would like to move on to something else without you pestering me. Get the hint brother, and I know that you are not my brother, however, we are taught that we are all brothers and sisters. Please go away and bother someone else. You don't want me to have to offend you and get thrown off of this site, do you? I'm not normally the type of person to do that kind of thing. I live a quiet lifestyle of prayer, peace and love for my fellow man, but I do have to tell you that I will surely make an exception for you!
Theresa C Marquess
Matthew is simply eager to save your soul.
If I were Matthew I would worry about my own soul. As for me, mine is in good shape! But thank you for the comment, Pastor George! Comments are always welcome!
Theresa C. Marquess
Watch out! Adam and Eve's downfall was all about pride. :-)
: D
Don't worry about me...
Okay Matthew, you just rejected the Torah of the Jews, just like 99% of the world.
Now let's focus on the coward Luigi who shot a man in the back. Do you approve of shooting people in the back? Why and why not?
Very strange for a ULC minister to applaud a cowardly murder while at the same time claiming we are all children of the universe, wouldn't you agree?
Lawrence statistically 52 people are killed every hour. Where's your outrage about that? Conservatives are only outraged about this CEO, because he was a wealthy white man. If Luigi had shot a homeless person, you wouldn't have even paid attention to that story.
When Jesus (pronounced "Hey Zeus" by the first Christians in most languages) spoke with the spirits or ghosts of Moses and Elijah on the mountain, most Jews would call that Spiritism and Mediumship.
If he had done that in front of the Pharisees, they would have stoned him to death on the spot as a spirit medium and all Christians today would be wearing stones around their necks instead of a cross! LOL
References: Matthew 17.3 and Mark 9.4 and Luke 9.30 - 31
Biblically we shouldn't "Celebrate" anyone's death regardless of how they died; that said keep it in mind come Friday, April 18, 2025 the very "Christians" that would criticize the murderer will "Celebrate" Yeshua the Messiah's Murder. Then teach their children three days later The Easter Bunny laid colored Easter egg and presents like the magical Satan Claws in a few weeks. There are many people I'd like to kill but Yeshua My Messiah told me to leave them to Him. So, I take my PTSD meds; In the Gulf War we were killing people because our Government was paying us to kill them, and Americans celebrating their deaths then pretend that they are all high and moral. That CEO was no worse than any other CEO of a major money grubbing corporation. Cut the Hydra's head off two more will grow in it's place.
Reverend, Abrahamics more people have been tortured and murdered in the name of God, then for any other reason. Your God has committed Genocide, sent plagues, destroyed 2 cities and had his own son murdered in the second worst way possible. Yet millions of people praise, worship and adore him. He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.
Stop talking about God that way. If you don't understand anything about the bible. Don't speak out of ignorance
David are you saying that the Great Flood, the plagues of Egypt, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, his own son being murdered by his will didn't happen?
David, please read 1Cor. 13:1-13
Matthew, just because people claim that some of these atrocities were done in the name of God, does not mean that He did them as you imply. When it comes to the Flood and Egypt and Sodom and Gomorrah, He gave them ample time to repent.
Abraham was warned before Sodom & Gomorrah and he begged God to let his nephew Lot, who lived there, to be warned. That's it. Regardless, this is God the Father not giving his children, his creation a punishment. We're talking Genocide here. Is that the behavior of a God who loved his creation so much that he had a demigod son, with a 14 year old girl, just to have him crucified. for our sins and yet we still have sin?
Matthew, Abraham argued with God to spare the city. Argued Him all the way down to 10 righteous people. If Abraham could only find 10, God would not go through with it. Well Abraham couldn't and the city was destroyed. Gen 18:20 And the LORD said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous; Gen 18:21 I will go down now and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which is come unto me; and if not, I will know. Gen 18:23 And Abraham drew near, and said, Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked? Gen 18:24 Peradventure there be fifty righteous within the city: wilt thou also destroy and not spare the place for the fifty righteous that are therein? Gen 18:25 That be far from thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked: and that the righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from thee: Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right? Gen 18:26 And the LORD said, If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes. Gen 18:27 And Abraham answered and said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord, which am but dust and ashes: Gen 18:28 Peradventure there shall lack five of the fifty righteous: wilt thou destroy all the city for lack of five? And he said, If I find there forty and five, I will not destroy it. Gen 18:29 And he spake unto him yet again, and said, Peradventure there shall be forty found there. And he said, I will not do it for forty's sake. Gen 18:30 And he said unto him, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak: Peradventure there shall thirty be found there. And he said, I will not do it, if I find thirty there. Gen 18:31 And he said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord: Peradventure there shall be twenty found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for twenty's sake. Gen 18:32 And he said, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak yet but this once: Peradventure ten shall be found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for ten's sake. Gen 18:33 And the LORD went his way, as soon as he had left communing with Abraham: and Abraham returned unto his place. ............. Not only God the father loved creation so much, but so did God the son. So much that none of this took them by surprise because we are told ....1Pe 1:19 But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot: 1Pe 1:20 Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, would you allow your loved one to give up all the glories of heaven for this world? If Jesus lost at the cross, He would be confined to this earth forever and under satan's rule. That is why satan offered Him that option in the wilderness because satan was the god of this world. Not sure where the 14-year-old came from, what I have read over the years was that she was not very attractive, or she would have been married off already. His death had nothing to do with eliminating sin. His death paid the penalty for sin. The second death. The first death is due to Adams sin, the second is due to ours. By His example we can overcome sin, but that is our choice, He cannot force us. When this world is over the presence of sin will be eliminated. Nah 1:9 What do ye imagine against the LORD? he will make an utter end: affliction shall not rise up the second time.
Thomas All of that, does not cancel the fact that only Abraham was warned by God about the impending destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Mary is believed to be 14 by Catholic, Episcopal, and Orthodox Catholics. Jesus's was a victim of filicide for no reason. God the father is supposedly, omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. God could have allowed mankind back into Heaven without killing anyone. Human's have said God love's his creation. God is never quoted of saying that himself. God is . God demanding worship and loyalty, is egotistical or narcissistic. The Flood (Genesis 6-9) or the plagues of Egypt (Exodus 7-11) involve large-scale loss of life, which are divine acts of "murder." The conception of Jesus (Luke 1) is instances where God's actions bypass human consent, making him a rapist. Job's trials and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19) are cruel and murderous.n standards. The sacrifice of Jesus (John 3:16) was an act of filicide.
Matthew, not sure what the issue with God warning His children about the future is? As I said earlier, I heard Mary was much older but what difference does age make. My neighbors were 15 when they were married. Since God created life, it is His choice to take it back. From my reading it was a win win for both sides. (God is love) I am sure that if Mary wanted to decline, He would not have chosen her. To allow sinful man back into heaven, that makes little sense, since Satan and his angels made such a mess of it, they were cast out. Jesus had to die, without the shedding of blood there is not remission of sins. His death paid the penalty for sin, so those that accept it do not need to die the second death. His death did not remove the opportunity to sin from the world, it only gave us the power if we choose to over come it.
Amazing. You just compared the man shot in the back by the cowardly Luigi with Jesus "Hey Zeus" who had been through two LEGAL trials by both Jews and Romans before being sentenced to death.
Do you approve of shooting people in the back before they get a chance to present their case in a trial? Asking for a friend.
Lawrence his trials were a farce. God the Almighty, deemed that his son be grotesquely murdered and it happened. Since CEOs are nearly untouchable by normal the legal system, heroes like Luigi balance the playing field.
Oh dear...! tk
Describing Brian Thompson as innocent is a stretch. It could easily be argued that he had considerable blood on his hands.
prove it Tom
Google it, Daniel
Already did paula, seemingly you have not. He was in the lead to try and get the policies you claimed as bad, changed. Every worker he worked with and even the Board of Directors have all said the exact same thing. So tell us paula, who are we to believe? the people who worked with him daily and knew him and his actions far better then you or anyone else trying to justify this murder, or the people like you that are somehow trying to justify his murder?
Funnily enough, Daniel, I don’t remember Jesus quizzing the money lenders whether or not they had denied someone before he kicked them ALL OUT!
funny enough paula, you trying to use the bible for any reason is suspicious, you claim to be a pagan and as such you dont believe in the bible anyway. Nice try.
So, I'm pagan too and I too know about this. For your reference please check: Matthew 21:12-13 Mark 11:15-17 Luke 19:45-46 John 2:13-16
I guess you dont seem to grasp the irony or you claiming to be pagan and then want to try and use a religious text that you dont believe in as your source.
I was Episcopal for almost half of my 55 years. I was formerly a lay Eucharistic minister, lay reader, acolyte and vestryman.I know the bible better then most Christians.
As a pagan, you should know about the law of karma. You should also know that you are NOT the "judge, jury and executioner" of anyone who has not harmed you.
You need to bone up on your pagan doctrines and leave the bible out of it if you no longer believe it.
Lawrence, the only pagans that recognize Karma are: Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Taoism and Confucianism.
Maybe you're the one who needs to "bone up".
Also, as you say, when it comes to Luigi, "You should also know that you are NOT the "judge, jury and executioner" of anyone who has not harmed you." He has not even been tried, much less convicted of this crime.
Matthew Mastrogiovanni
Definitely not better than me
Comment removed by user.
Yes. Celebrating is mentally sick and morally repugnant. Furthermore, it solves nothing. It does, however, deprive two children of the love of their father.
Were all of the people who celebrated Hitler's death mentally sick? Was it okay with Hitler because he caused the killing of more than Thompson? Don't forget that Hitler didn't personally kill anybody. It was his policies that were carried out by others that caused the deaths. Just like Thompson.
Inside the medical field looking out? Or outside looking in? My years inside the medical field convinced me that most drugs have dangerous and even deadly side effects and most surgeries are either unnecessary expenses or they carry the risk of fatal "iatrogenic" (physician caused) infections.
The future of medicine will be aligned with Nature: antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal herbs along with specific "Energy Waves" that will be attuned to safely neutralize and eliminate cancers and all other toxic radicals in the mind and body of patients.
The pharmaceutical companies will never allow a rise in homeopathic medicine.
Gotta prove it works first. You have a whacko who is out claiming he can cure 99.8% of all illnesses out there from Cancer to MS to blindness and he was the reason that MS fired Jerry Lewis, that he can cure mental diseases like any form of dementia or would be able to have made Christopher Reeves walk again, all you need to do was ignore your doctor and take his homeopathic garbage (which cost close to 3K a month and its called CriticalHealthNews.com) And you DO know right that if you make a claim about a product and how its effective, if you are challenged you better dang well be able to back it up or you are going to be in real trouble under federal law(s) including:
Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act-Federal Trade Commission (FTC) claim substantiation The FTC requires advertisers to provide a reasonable basis for their claims-Consumer Product Safety Act (CPSA)-Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)-Implied warranties-Strict liability, and this is just a few of the federal laws you have to satisfy. You cant just say it and go
So IF they can prove it works, then they have nothing to worry about
How about the thousands of people that died because the CEO denied coverage to the people who paid for it. And it did solve something. The insurance company was that day announcing they were cutting benefits in regard to anesthesia and they reversed that decision over this. So, I see the good from this action.
Romans 12:19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
Name one Matthew....
Sorry Hunt, they dont name any either.
Matthew, The CEO may have led the charge, but he was not the one that denied the claims. It was the healtcare system's policy to do so. My guess is that they are still denying claims at the same rate as before the murder on the order of the new management and board of directors.
The CEO decides policies. It was his call and his workers followed orders. Just like Nazis followed Hitler's orders.
Do you think that his death has made one iota of difference in how UHC processes claims? The only change is in the security detail for their leadership.
It did Patricia. The insurance company was going to change their policy on anesthesia coverage, reducing it tremendously. This change was cancelled the day after that CEO was unlived.
If that is the only policy out of the hundreds, if not thousands of other policies that have cost people their lives, then it isn't much of an argument. Reducing the reimbursement for medications isn't the same as a flat-out denial of coverage for lifesaving treatments.
Delay, Deny, Defend is an inhuman policy that the CEO had that cost the lives of 26,000 people. Why do their lives not matter to you? Or does it take the death of a wealthy person to rile you up?
Why are you advocating for "the masses" to take the law into their own hands? I am not suggesting that he was a saint, only that he was simply a small cog in a huge machine that has taken over healthcare. Are you suggesting that every health insurance CEO should have a target on their backs? The problem with insurance's takeover of the healthcare systems reaches much further than one CEO. The way the laws are written in this country, he could have never been arested or convicted of any crime that would justify the death penalty.
Also Patricia, our children walk around with targets on their backs because conservatives and the NRA won't allow any form of gun control. So, why shouldn't the wealthy fear a gun too? Who knows, this may trigger gun control.
Patricia you nailed it with "The way the laws are written in this country, he could have never been arrested or convicted of any crime that would justify the death penalty." No CEO is a small cog.They are the ultimate decision makers. He was in some respects worse than Hitler. Hitler said get the job done & let his generals do whatever they needed to to get the job done.The CEO made the decisions and told his workers to let paying customers die, by refusing service. Insurance companies took over the medical community 40 years ago. Healthcare for profit is insidious.
Ask experts in the medical field if putting a 80 year old with late stage cancer through expensive chemo, radiation and surgery would help or harm him. The answer is that those "treatments" reduce lifespans in every case, so they are wasteful costs.
There are many alternative treatments for all diseases, like herbals that are linked to Nature. The entire medical industry from pharmaceuticals to surgeries needs to be reworked in the light of natural alternatives that are more helpful than anything they are selling to sick people today.
Its one thing to have a personal opinion, it is another to celebrate another person's death. You should think about his kids, if nothing else.
Please get well!
Celebrating Trumps win = killing a guy. Sure John, no difference.
How many people died because DT lied and said that Covid would disappear overnight like a miracle and told people not to wear masks and inject bleach into their veins?
No disagreement with your statement, MM. I'm making a totally different point in regards to ALL CAPS MAN's Trump was elected so its OK to kill somebody non sequitur.
You mean PELOSI and the little goblins statements of this not being anything and to go out and enjoy yourself. There Matthew, fixed it for you
That was Trump and his cronies who said those things. He called it a Democrat hoax.
No,Daniel. Check this: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-repeats-coronavirus-will-go-away/
yea right and I see all of you refuse to listen to facts
The little goblin also tried to claim Covid wasnt as bad as they were trying to make it out to be https://oversight.house.gov/release/covid-select-subcommittee-releases-dr-faucis-transcript-highlights-key-takeaways-in-new-memo/
Fauci tries to CHA and disputes with the WHO about Covid https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/10/dr-anthony-fauci-says-whos-remark-on-asymptomatic-coronavirus-spread-was-not-correct.html
At no time did Trump say or claim what you are trying to say he did. But I just gave you links proving that it was pelosi and her little goblins that made it worse.
I suppose you get your information from Fox News (which already claimed it was nothing more than entertainment. Look up court records, not Breitbart.
He always spews conspiracy theories and statistics that appear on Fox or Breitbart or just made up in his mind. He is frequently rude and exhausting.
You can not confuse stupid people with the facts.
Did you see anything in there Paula from Fox or Breitbart? No? Then why are you trying to imply there is? Or is it that the links destroy you and your opinion yet again?
Daniel, now that you’ve hopped on the COVID train and are spewing more lies, let’s break down some of your fiction.
1) Pelosi’s statement came from February 2020 when we were still somewhat unsure what impact COVID would have in the US. 2) tRumps rant about it was “going to go away” was at the end of April 2020, after his experts told him it was not. 3) I’m not even touching the last link because it’s the tRumplican parties sub-committee going after Fauci.
tRump did say exactly what Matthew and the CBS article said he did. Again, you’re just squishing your face up and screaming at what you think goes against your Orange Jesus cult.
Frankly if we want to ding trump and all others involved, let's ding them on producing and forcing the use of a vaccine that doesn't vaccinate outside the mandatory 10 year study required for any new medication.
Imagine that, two presidents involved in this catastrophic vaccine and both sides are still blaming the other.
Say it with me....it's Trumps fault and it's Bidens fault...
Catastrophic? The Covid vaccine, authorized for emergency use, has been incredibly effective and is the reason we're not still in a global pandemic with thousands of people dying every day. The vaccines have been used globally to great success.
The medical statistics prove the covid shots paralyzed and killed thousands of healthy people. Openvaers.com/covid-data
OpenVAERS is known for anti-vaccine misinformation and is run by a prominent anti-vaxxer. It's not a scientific website with verified data and statistics, it's misinformation 101.
"OPENVAERS.COM is a Reporting System put in place in 1990. It is a voluntary reporting system that has been estimated to account for only 1% of vaccine injuries. OpenVAERS is built from the HHS data available for download at https://vaers.hhs.gov/
"The OpenVAERS Project allows browsing and searching of the reports without the need to compose an advanced search. More advanced searches can be done at https://medalerts.org/index.php or https://vaers.hhs.gov/
"Liars are fryers"
No links to your misinformation is there? You know why? Because the Covid shots were a Violation of the Nuremberg Code and the Scientific Tests Required for All New Vaccines (usually a ten year study).
Here's two different scientific journals explaining what VAERS is and how it's being used for misinformation: https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2022/what-vaers-is-and-isnt https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/2815786
You're also incorrect that OpenVAERS has been around since 1990. VAERS, the reporting system run by HHS has been around since 1990. OpenVAERS was created in 2021 by Liz Wilner, a known anti-vax advocate.
The vaccines were not in violation of the Nuremberg Code. They were approved for emergency authorization because the humanitarian importance of having the vaccine to mitigate a global pandemic. There's nothing in the Nuremberg Code that prevents this.
Nope sorry, I provided you with links there Johnson. If you cant or wont understand then there is no help for you as you have went off the deep end to far out to be saved or educated.
You didn’t read what I wrote. I stated the problem with your links is the dates they were written. The link YOU PROVIDED quoted Orange Jesus saying it is “going to go away” at the end of April 2020. I’m using the link you provided.
But honestly, you’re not going to check any of this. You read the passages you want to and take them out of context. Then you claim you’re right and everyone else must provide proof that you’re wrong when you were never right to begin with. It’s called circular logic or in some circles, it’s referred to as insanity.
I did reply and I did show you were you were wrong, but it seems you are just stomping your feet and complaining that reality does not go the way you and Hunt want it to
Predictable, Grey.
what showing how wrong you were and how you refuse to accept that fact?
Gray, can't you find other people to troll? You, Lionheart and Servant of Judgement have been spreading lies and stirring the pot for years hear. Aren''t you bored with this yet?
Daniel Gray
You are the sanest of them all!
And James's criticisms of the links you provided are valid so he's not the one who can't understand things and he's certainly not the one who's gone off the deep end.
No Hunt, you are just upset that they prove both you and james wrong and you cant stand it
Make a Christmas wish to learn how to interact with people civilly, how to look at ALL the facts, and not to act so childishly. I’m going to go enjoy my holiday now. Happy Holidays, or Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year, bully buddy.
I did, that you and the others would stop lying.
Daniel, Dr Fauci is a doctor who graduated 1st in his class.
Title/Office: director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (1984–present) chief of the Laboratory of Immunoregulation, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (1980–present)Awards And Honors: National Medal of Science Presidential Medal of Freedom (2008)
Please tell us what credentials that you have, that you can call him a liar.
and what does that have to do with the price of eggs in china? His past record cant get rid or cover up for all the lies and problems he has caused.
Please provide proof of these lies.
Oh HO, I provide the links as you requested and you get them removed as it would decimate your whole world belief system on this.
You mean like when Fauchi and Pelosi told people that this was nothing to worry about and get out and enjoy yourself and to come visit Chinatown? You mean like that?
stop it, seek professional help
While we all may feel that this isn't what WJWD in our current society with all the corruption it takes one or more individuals to make a movement happen. With out conflict do we not see change? Without drastic measures, we do not see society or the individuals that want to control society making any significant changes to how healthcare systems are run. It is due time much like the Labor movements in our history that we all come together and seek the right to healthcare that is a right to everyone. Not just the privileged or the system's choice of who to approve. As spiritual leaders, we must bring those with a strong spiritual belief forward and speak out to the State and Federal governments for Universal Healthcare which is not limited and that the best possible care for any illness, disease, or condition is treated equally.