It seems the Mormon Church has finally come around to the benefits of medical marijuana.
Breaking with its own longstanding prohibition on substances of all types including alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs and even coffee LDS leadership has reluctantly sided with pot activists to back legislation allowing medical marijuana to be sold in Utah. With considerable religious weight now behind the movement for legal pot, it looks likely that medicinal marijuana will soon become a reality in the traditionally conservative state.
So, What Changed?
The monumental shift in Mormon thinking should not be understated. LDS members adhere to very strict health guidelines known as the "Word of Wisdom" which dictates that "illegal drugs can especially destroy those who use them."
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' sudden about-face came after months of fierce debate, during which prominent LDS leaders argued strongly against allowing legal pot in any form. This surprisingly change of heart took many advocates off guard, considering the church has long been a primary opponent in the battle to ease marijuana restrictions. The LDS global leader, Jack Gerard, is apparently no longer worried the medical stores will encourage broader pot use. In a statement backing medical marijuana, Gerard described being "thrilled" to be part of a movement that will "alleviate human pain and suffering."
There are some caveats, however. The compromise the church has agreed to won't allow patients who live too far from a dispensary to grow their own pot. It also outlaws the production of edible THC products like cookies and brownies that could potentially be appealing to children.
The Death of Reefer Madness
Compromises aside, the simple fact that some form of medical marijuana is set to pass in conservative Utah underscores a radical shift in our society's attitude toward the once-feared drug. Medical marijuana use is already legal in over 30 states, with Missouri up to bat on the November ballot as well. Although still a tough sell on the federal level, individual states are realizing that it's easier to regulate a drug than to start a war against it and much cheaper, too.
As more states move to allow medical marijuana or even legalize the plant entirely it seems increasingly likely that pot will become legal nationwide in our lifetimes. Will religious groups choose to be on forefront of this revolution in thinking, or remain stubborn holdouts until the end?
Hey, who do you think owns Folgers Coffee?! Yep!
It's about time.
Good for the Mormon Church...now there needs to be full legalization for recreational use (it will prove out that liquor is a far worse drug than marijuana)...Peace...Tom
It is now legal country wide in Canada. Since October 17 2018.
Well, don’t forget that god condoned drugs. He advocated that people should be stoned!
Jesus was known to turn water into wine. The Bible said nothing about them sipping it with their meals. In the book of Genesis they even spoke of using mandrake, which is a hallucinogen. That was probably what was responsible for what they mistakenly thought were prophecies. Marijuana is also a hallucinogen, so regardless of its true efficacy in healing, it could contribute to religious people visualizing it healing them, through which they could actually be healed. However, I have heard that medical marijuana does not contain THC, and I can't imagine anyone wanting to use the stuff, if they know they aren't going to get a buzz.
Cannabis is a natural analgesic, which is why they prescribe it for cancer, glaucoma, etc. In it's true form it does not contain THC. That is the premise for CBD oil, no THC. Just pure cannabid oil for pain relief, seizures, etc.
Most medical marijuana definitely contains THC.
Still, it feels a lot better to get stoned than to be stoned, and to already be stoned when they stone you.
It was the distilleries which lobbied Congress to pass the Marijuana Act long ago. Something of a conflict of interest, I would say.
The marijuana dealers ought to lobby congress to make alcohol illegal again, since it's a much better high than alcohol, and causes far less crime. Marijuana has become immensely more popular since the last prohibition, and if weed was now legal and alcohol not most people would probably switch to marijuana and put the alcohol companies out of business. Then we'll just have to think of another law to break, when we want to have some good, clean, evil fun.
Legalizing marijuana should make the price go down, even if it's taxed. When I was a kid in the seventies a four finger bag of commercial was only ten dollars. Now it's no less than six times higher for cheap dirt weed, and four hundred dollars an ounce for dro. If it was legal most people would buy their own tables from High Times Magazine, and grow their own dro. That would undoubtedly bring the cost way down, and the quality way up.I was smoking weed when I was eleven, without having to engage in worse than petty crime to get the money for it. Kids can't afford today's prices for a good quality buzz, to help them cope with the many aggravations and frustrations of commercial teenage life. So let's atleast be altruistic enough to legalize it and lower the price for the sake of the kids. Our future; the juvenile delinquents of America. Because no good story ever started with eating a salad, except for in a Cheech and Chong movie.
The reality is anyone can grow pot but a few can grow good pot. People anticipated a lot of people growing their own after legalization here but most grow a few humble plants in the back yard. A lot of the grow stores that opened after went out of business quick.
You can buy it at a dispensary for $2-$15 a gram. Even the $2 stuff is better than what most will grow themselves. And way better than the import weed a lot of the country smokes.
My first question is why should the state (or anyone else at that matter) CARE what the LDS church "wants" or thinks? We still have separation of church and state. If any church should get in the way of any beneficial laws why do we let them? If they didn't like it then the state could have held a referendum anyway. Time to rule by (secular) law as the constitution intended.
They've always said we had separation of church and state, but when did it ever truly, totally pan out that way? It never has, and surely never will.
"Jack Gerard" is not and LDS global leader. No matter how hard you try to spin it. This is a ridiculous spin on the "Word of Wisdom" it says very little about medical usage and is clearly about recreational usage of substances. It'd be nice if you guys did some research first.
We just like talking about the sacred herb in all contexts, regardless of how the subject is brought up. It kind of like gives us a Holy high, you know, like manna from Heaven, by just talking about it; it makes us feel good. We'll see you at 4:20 , amigo. Ciou!
I haven't used marijuana since the 1970s and have no interest in resuming the habit. I don't care if people use pot, for any purpose. That said, the government(s) need to get ahead of the DUI detection for this substance. Employers in states where marijuana has been legalized for recreational use, still will not hire people who test positive for THC and they fire those who test positive on the job. Insurance companies will cancel business insurance if the employer knowingly has intoxicated people on the job.
As hard as it is to convince the anti-pot proponents, there is useful good for pain patients who are now being denied alternatives. Ohio's soulless politicians have removed most opioid legally prescribed drugs due to the street use of hydrocodone, oxycodone and fentanyl. This "broad brush" approach has cause many PSTD and chronic patients to lose what relief they had. And four close people I ministered to took their lives because they could not take the pain. As an elderly man with the onset of pain in the finger joints, (which makes me drop my papers and bible), I think pot would be preferred over tramadol and other prescriptions. But the fact is, the medical institutions and drug companies would rather have customers long term, than an alternative homeopathic solution. As far as religion, I'm sure God would not want us to live in pain, and would prefer healthy humans who can live by his word. Spin this as you may,
Like everything else, God is the only one responsible for the creation of marijuana, and infused it with all of its beneficial properties. So those who have a problem with it should take it up with God. I've heard that God smokes it too. How else could he keep his cool with all the crap that goes on in this world.
Father Fred...well said and written...i agree...Peace...Tom
legal or not people will smoke pot anyway so make it legal and make money
It's a fact that a pothead's reaction time and decision acuity are impaired with marijuana use. And you approve of its use . . . . . recreational and/or medical. What about the innocent drivers on the road facing a stoned pothead coming from the opposite direction? Instead of supporting pot use, support 'drug'-free driving, and severe penalties for its misuse!
Too much innocence can be bad, Bobby. It's like naivity. Wouldn't it be better to encourage all drivers to smoke weed, so everyone will think everything is going slower than it is, and adjust accordingly, in a very calm and peaceful way. That would also eliminate road rage.
Drug laws don't work. Drunk driving laws don't either.
A DRUNK driver just killed 4 people in the city of Ashtabula this weekend. The people who were smoking weed were on their porch watching it as it happened.
Go for the gusto! Or was that a beer commercial? Well, I think it sounds better in this context. Wouldn't y'all agree?
Legal or not, we'll make money off of it anyway. Haven't you ever sold a joint?
what about the drunk driver the ones texing or talking on the phone or driving with there head up there but so keep your eyes on the road and be ready for any thing you can not stop them all
We ought to line up those drunk drivers before a firing squad of good, decent stoners, and be patient...
The Mormons are apparently becoming more progressive. Someday I bet they'll let gay Mormons have multiple husbands, and their husbands will also have multiple child wives, who will grow up to be lesbians, who will have multiple wives. Ponder all that while smoking a joint.
So what changed? The Hippocrits! (Hippo as in fat cats!) There was money to be made, and I bet they had no shares of coffee, coke, or such that was potentially as profitable!!!!! Oh, well, maybe they can evict some poor people from their many trailer parks!!! ( Not me, I'm elsewhere)