This may be the moment many LGBTQ+ advocates feared when Roe v. Wade was overturned.
Idaho politicians are proposing a resolution officially calling Obergefell v. Hodges – which enshrined gay marriage as law across the country – an “illegitimate overreach.” They’re asking the Supreme Court to weigh in and reinstate the “natural definition of marriage,” which they say is between one man and one woman.
Should the measure pass the Idaho legislature, it will be sent to the Supreme Court, who will decide whether to weigh in or not.
Gay Marriage at Risk?
The text of the Idaho resolution is not yet online, but committee notes show that “the background and the purpose of the proposed resolution is to reaffirm the state's authority to regulate marriage. It encourages the Supreme Court to revisit Obergefell vs Hodges and request reconsideration and the purpose to restore federalism.”
“The purpose of this resolution is just to affirm our state authority to regulate marriage,” says Idaho Representative Heather Scott, who initially proposed the measure. The measure is purely symbolic, but if passed by the legislature – which seems likely in highly conservative Idaho – the statement will be sent to the Supreme Court for consideration.
The goal, LGBTQ+ advocates fear, is teeing up the Supreme Court, which has a 6-3 conservative majority, to overturn same-sex marriage nation by allowing Idaho to restore its ban on same-sex marriage.
How Roe and Obergefell Connect
It’s an outcome the LGBTQ+ community has dreaded, particularly in the aftermath of Roe v. Wade's demise in 2022. Could a Court focused on the expansion of religious liberty eventually turn its eye on same-sex marriage protections?
Two justices who voted against the Obergefell decision, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, penned a joint opinion at the time insisting that “Obergefell will continue to have ruinous consequences for religious liberty."
When Roe v. Wade was overturned by the high court’s conservative majority, it was on the grounds that Roe was initially decided on a faulty premise: that abortion is not a form of “liberty” protected by the 14th amendment.
While the high court made clear that this ruling would only apply to abortion and should not be viewed as casting doubt on any other rights granted in non-Roe cases, there have been warning signs that the Court may not stop there.
In a 213-page concurring opinion, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas wrote that “in future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell.”
Thomas's logic indicates that the right to contraception, interracial marriage, and same-sex marriage could also be sent to the chopping block, with similar legal arguments serving as the headsman.
Court Sits In Waiting
So, what next?
It remains to be seen if the resolution in question will be approved by the Idaho legislature. Should the measure pass, it would then need to be challenged, before possibly making its way to the Supreme Court.
There are a lot of "ifs" on that path. However, one thing seems clear: there are those on the Supreme Court who feel Obergefell was a mistake. Should the Court get a chance to rule on the matter again, there's no guarantee they'll come to the same decision as in 2015.
What is your reaction? Is Obergefell a settled case, or could same-sex marriage be in jeopardy?
The Fight for Love and Equality: A Call for Justice and Solidarity By Rev. JTSunrise
The news that Idaho is pushing to overturn Obergefell v. Hodges, the landmark Supreme Court ruling that legalized same-sex marriage nationwide, is a chilling reminder that the fight for LGBTQ+ rights is far from over. It’s easy to think that once rights are enshrined in law, they are permanent. But in a world where the winds of political change blow fiercely, nothing is guaranteed.
In the wake of the Roe v. Wade reversal, we feared this moment might come. The same arguments used to strip away a woman’s right to choose are now being used to question the fundamental rights of LGBTQ+ individuals. And the terrifying truth is that many powerful voices are working tirelessly to erase the progress we’ve made toward equality, justice, and love.
The measure being pushed by Idaho lawmakers isn’t just a symbolic gesture; it’s a warning shot fired at the heart of our collective humanity. It calls into question the very essence of marriage, love, and personal liberty — principles that should never be subject to the whims of political forces. We are witnessing an attempt to deny love the full expression it deserves, to silence the voices of those who have fought for decades to be seen and heard.
As a society, we must ask ourselves: What are we afraid of? Why does the love between two consenting adults, regardless of their gender, pose such a threat? Why do some seek to dismantle the rights of their fellow citizens under the guise of “defending tradition” or “religious liberty”? These arguments are rooted in fear, not reason. They are a rejection of the truth that love transcends all boundaries, that justice is for all, and that the divine is present in every expression of love, regardless of how it is manifested.
The proponents of this resolution want us to believe that marriage is about “natural” definitions, that only a union between one man and one woman is sacred. But this is a distortion of the very nature of love. Love is not confined to a specific form. Love is not constrained by the limitations of human tradition. Love is sacred because it is universal, and it is a reflection of the divine that flows through each and every one of us. To deny the sanctity of love in all its forms is to deny the very essence of what makes us human.
Let us be clear: marriage is not the sole province of any one group. Marriage is a human right, not a political tool. We are all created equal in the eyes of the divine, and the love that binds two people together is no less sacred because they are of the same gender. It is time for us to recognize that love — real, honest, genuine love — is the force that unites us all. This is the divine truth we must stand by.
The threat of overturning Obergefell is not just a legal issue; it is a moral issue. It is a matter of whether we, as a society, will uphold the values of justice, compassion, and inclusion, or whether we will allow the forces of division and hate to win. We must choose love. We must choose solidarity with our LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters. We must stand firm in the face of injustice and demand that every person, regardless of who they love, be treated with the dignity and respect they deserve.
The struggle for equality is not over. It is a battle that will continue as long as there are those who seek to oppress, divide, and harm. But we must not back down. We must rise to this challenge with unwavering faith in the power of love, justice, and human dignity.
Now, more than ever, it is crucial that we stand together as a people of faith and compassion. We must unite to protect the rights of those who are vulnerable, to defend the sanctity of love in all its forms, and to ensure that the blessings of equality, freedom, and justice are accessible to all.
Let us not be afraid. Let us not shrink from this fight. The love that binds us is stronger than any law, stronger than any hate, and stronger than any force that seeks to divide us. May we rise up, with love and determination, and ensure that the rights of all people are protected, upheld, and celebrated.
— Rev. JTSunrise
Once again, I would like to thank you for your message. That is the kind of message that needs to be heard.
Well written, in your opinion. While I agree with some items, I disagree with your statement; "The proponents of this resolution want us to believe that marriage is about “natural” definitions, that only a union between one man and one woman is sacred." It's in the Bible: Genesis 2:24: "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.". That pretty much sums it up. All else is "man made" to satisfy current trends. But your reply is very well written in defense of your views. Kudos on that. May the Lord Bless you and keep you. - Rev. Rick
This court is filled with liars who should not have been allowed to serve in the capacity of the Supreme Court, and by denying a sitting President his rights and duties as the President , because of those that defy the Constitution and settled and ignore law and judicial norms, have damaged our democracy, embraced the ignorance of one party rule.
I hope these next few generations will retain their freedom by getting it back, and NOW is not too soon!
I am just amazed and astounded as I dont know if this is complete ignorance of the law or just a made up lie. We had one person claim they have a fried who married people to more then one spouse at the same time. Oh how I would love to be a fly on the wall when they tried to register these illegal marriage licenses at the court house, or God forbid, one of the bigamists tries to collect on a life insurance policy, or notify the local paper of their illegal spouses death in the paper. that is why when they tried to change this with that idiotic "sister Wives" TV show it got cancelled and the so called husband is now rotting in jail. Thats why when you hear of men or women marrying multiple partners without divorcing one first, it 100% of the time means they go to prison for a LONG time. And dont get me started on the fool that marries them as they are also looking at prison time https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/polygamy
When these faux Christians actually read a Bible instead of being told what to do and what to believe and how to live their lives, they will continue to view the world and the people who do not share their beliefs as an evil that needs to be irradicated.
Are you quoting Hitler? Isn't that what he said about jews?
Obviously, Hitler was wrong!
Hitler was wrong but look what he did when people foolishly followed him. I hope we are not making the same mistake. How many of our rules and guidelines have already been changed, overlooked or violated? How or why does Mr. Musk get so much authority? Sometimes it seems like he is more in charge then Trump
N ow there is a senator who is trying to amend the constitution to allow a third term. We need to be careful.
//Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell//... //the right to contraception, interracial marriage, and same-sex marriage//
Lawrence v. Texas does not protect interracial marriage - it does protect the right to consensual gay sex.
The precedent for interracial marriage is Loving v. Virginia, and THAT one was NOT mentioned by Justice Thomas. Thomas is a black man, his wife Ginni is white. Draw your own conclusions.
""The precedent for interracial marriage is Loving v. Virginia, and THAT one was NOT mentioned by Justice Thomas. Thomas is a black man, his wife Ginni is white. Draw your own conclusions.""
Do you think that matters to them?
I agree with you there, there are many, unfortunately, in the ULC whom I've found are very homophobic and against same sex marriage, and also very transphobic and also very racist. I find it heartbreaking, to be candid.
The ULC is supposed to be dedicated to the idea of everyone, no matter who they are, being equals. But with that in mind, many times in the comments I see ones that are filled with hatred, bigotry, and even hints of cruelty. Hardline mindsets that dive people away from religion instead of drawing people to it. Even individuals who seem to be set on the idea of forcing people to follow religious doctrines on pain of legal punishment, or even physical punishment.
Same sex marriage has been protected for some time now. And interracial marriage has been protected for close to a century. And yet, more and more often I am seeing, both here in comments, and in legislatures in the USA, hardliners fighting tooth and nail to make these illegal, and bring the USA back to the early 1900's, when the word "Freedom" didn't mean everyone, but "a select few based on their gender, religion, and skin color".
We cannot backslide, ever, to that horrific time. No one should ever romanticize it, either, because that wasn't a romantic time, that was a terrible time filled with cruelty.
Loving vs Virginia happened in 1967 for interracial marriages. Obergefell v. Hodges happened in 2016. The first same-sex marriage happened in Massachusetts in 2004.
I'm aware. As I said, same-sex marriage has been protected for some time now. And back in the early 1900's, there was a time where if your beloved had a different skin color, you couldn't marry them. And these hardliners and MAGAs are trying to force us to go back to that time.
These same debates have been happening for decades. Same answers on both sides. God is love vs let’s marry sheep or sisters. This is why young people and, dare I say it, educated people, are moving far away from the church. I see it everywhere, young people are afraid of being brainwashed every Sunday. Can’t marry the person who loves and supports them regardless of sexuality, race, or religion. We as a country are truly sliding backwards. Unfortunately, Idont believe all of the damage has been done, there is so much more coming. The division is already evident and getting worse. Flocks are being pushed further away.
You're right. Love is supposed to be about consenting adults being together, regardless of gender, sexuality, color, nationality, religion, etc. And yet, there are WAY too many people who want to push for nearly xenophobic hatred as well as hatred of the LGBTQ+ community. They are pushing hard for isolationism and a hard, radicalized, view of religious doctrine. Which, of course, pushes people away from the churches.
I understand on why they want a ban on Same Sex Marriages. However, what happens if a Man finds a natural born Hermaphrodite? Or a Woman finds a natural born Hermaphrodite? What do you do for those type of people? Are the Hermaphrodites supposed to stay married to only Hermaphrodites? Just to clarify.... I am all natural born woman. I just need some clarity on that issue. And how do you tell if they are male Hermaphrodite or female Hermaphrodite is it the placement of whatever serial part is the first from under the belly button? My husband knows several of them so I am confused because I have not ever met them in person.
You can find all you want to know about hermaphrodites at PMID: 3236177 "Early Gender Assignment in Hermaphroditism"
Summary: Medical doctors advise raising nearly all hermaphrodites as FEMALES unless the newborns show the obvious genitalia of males.
What genders are the Intersex and the Asex?
The definition of Marriage was written by God the Father and is not subject to debate. Homosexuality is a mortal sin. Love truly is Love...as defined by God. However, homosexual sex is not synonymous with Love. If it were, Love would then be sinful. There is no argument that can be made here. Homosexual persons then may seek to be legally treated as married couples regarding taxation, insurance, and family discounts etc. This is not a problem. It has been the norm for some time in the form of Domestic Union. However, that does not seem to be good enough. Many gay persons want to be married in the same fashion as Man and Woman and seek to have the Church make allowances for them. Some even "fight" to see it done in all churches bearing a 501c3...or else.
To do so would require Gods Children to profess with their mouths and deeds that unions between Homosexual Couples and Straight Couples are one and the same thing...and they are not.-
No, actually, it's not. In fact if you read the New Testament, you'll not find a SINGLE passage that condemns it. In fact, the only passage that condemns it which is ONE sentence in the entire book, is almost completely wiped out by other passages. Problem is, all the hate-filled individuals who use that single passage. In the New Testament, the one that is called Jesus even says to embrace EVERYONE no matter their differences, including people who are LGBTQ+ and heavily emphasizes how everyone are equal.
Equality for all means just that, * FOR ALL * not for "some" while leaving everyone else out.
No, domestic partnerships and civil unions do not provide the same rights as marriage does. That's the problem and what people are fighting for: equal recognition under the law. https://www.metlife.com/stories/legal/domestic-partnership-vs-marriage/
Using the word of God to beat people down is anti-christian and is also a betrayal to God, which would be a mortal sin.
Contrary to your beliefs, Atheists marry every day. Religion is not needed for a marriage. Moreover, "sin" is irrelevant when it comes to US laws. Further, marriage is not needed for procreation, and not all hetero marriages end up with children!
marriage isnt just for "1 man and 1 woman", love is love, which bigot nazis wont see, marriage is about love, no matter the sex or gender, 1 man + 1 woman = marriage, 1 man + 1 man = marriage, 1 woman + 1 woman = marriage etc. marriage isnt for just a man and a woman and saying otherwise is hate speech
Further, marriage is not needed for procreation, and procreation does not happen in all (hetero, in particular) marriages.
Love is Love...however, Homosexual sex is not synonymous with Love...
Neither is heterosexual sex either.
You are wrong on that account, Jimmy!
If "love is love" does that mean somebody can marry their cat or dog or horse as long as they love them in return? If so, then it won't be long we'll have wedding ceremonies for vibrators and sheep!
Just can’t with you. Turn off the computer and go back to your Faux News
I am sorry but this is beyond ridiculous. I can understand (not agree with) your opinion on same-sex relations, but you are pushing this argument to silly extremes. Having intelligent disagreement is one thing but let's keep it intelligent.
This is what happens when someone replies, common sense, logic and reasoning. They come to a correct answer and c. The slippery slope. I've been saying the same thing for years. It won't be long. Tell Mother's are marrying their sons and the left will be throwing flowers.
Oh there is no common sense, logic, or reasoning being used here. Just a slippery-slope fallacy and absurd claims that the left wants mothers to marry their sons.
Sorry Michael. You are trying to twist the truth . It is not the liberals who are talking about marryung dogs and cats and mothers and sisters etc. Yes the liberals are asking for same sex marriage but not to the extreme you are trying to twist it. It is similar to the extremist claims that everyone trying to come to the US is a sexual predator and crook and murderer etc. People who know and work with these people know that most are very good people seeking a better life. The antis are relying on too many lies and exaggerations to try and make a point. Maybe they should try the truth.
I suppose you prefer vibrators and sheep. I do not!
This is the kind of ridiculous comments I was talking about. I mentioned twisting the truth. Honest conversation should be possible. The discussion should be about relationships between two people. This discussion should be one man and one woman or about two people of the same sex. But dogs, cats, moms, dads. Are people really dumb enough to believe that junk? It shpould not be part of the conversation
Good job Idaho
The government has no business regulating marriage at any level. As it stands today, a marriage is a contractual agreement between two people and the government. The government has complete control over whether you can get married or dissolve a marriage. It's all nonsense. It is none of the government's business who you intend to spend your life with. All that's really necessary is having a proper will and probate instructions. All that should be required to solemnize a marriage is a public notice and notification to involved parties (insurance, land title, etc.) showing evidence of the public notices. Same for dissolving the marriage. Also, a thorough prenuptial agreement should be done. Take the government out of any contractual agreement.
How would you handle a will, or when no will exists? Marriage is the early-on solution to that terribly legal problem, particularly some 40 or more years later after a marriage is co solemnized.
So if the state or nation should never get involved in marriage, wouldn't that mean that an 85 year old man could marry a 2 year old baby girl?
You'd better think this through before making crazy claims. There need to be boundaries when it comes to marriages.
This is completely wrong. Marriage should be among CONSENTING ADULTS. It does not mean "man and woman", but two ADULTS, nothing more, nothing less. But these want to take us back to the stone age. Where blacks and women have no rights, people cannot marry who they love, and, basically, back to the BAD old days.
Several religious groups in multiple states are now doing a hard push to make same-sex marriages illegal, but some are pushing to make interracial marriages illegal as well. It's not going to stop until WE stop them.
This can be argued as true from a Legal standpoint of man...but, it cannot be argued as a Godly point of view. Man and Man, Woman and Woman can never be "One Flesh" as defined by God. That does not contradict the notion that "Love is Love". By all means, Love all you can. But know that Love and Homosexual Sex are not the same thing.
Depends upon which god one is considering...and from whose interpretation. As for your homophobic rant, you're welcome to fuck straight off.
The phrase "love is love" often used to justify any and all marriages is false on its face.
Example: A cat lady could "love" her cats or dogs or horses, but that doesn't mean she should "marry" them. The same is true for anyone's love for their car, their house or their chocolate candy bar. When it comes to the topic of marriage, specific boundaries are required to prevent a lunatic asylum of total confusion.
Who is to say when a person is an "adult"? In the Roman Empire, a ceremony of adulthood was held when a child reached the age of 12 because that's when the Romans assigned adulthood to children. It's also the age when Nature gives females the power to bear children.
Today, Islamic "Sharia" law allows Muslim men to "marry" nine year old girls, which is why their Hindu neighbors arrange "marriages" between male and female infants shortly after the children are born. So a Hindu response might be something like, "Sorry Abdul, my 9 year old daughter Radha is spoken for in marriage to 10 year old Krishna, so you'll have to return to your camels."
Please consider a reverse sensitivity. What has helped me explain how I can understand gay feelings. So many are saying that gays are bad people. I reverse check my feelings. If you put me in a room with 3 ugly women and 3 good looking guys, I will be attracted to the three ugly women. Good looking guys don't attract me. It then makes sense to me that gays who are attracted to same sex people do so because of something in their make up. I see so many couples that have been separated for years and they get back together because they loved each other Gays love each other in some way that I don't understand but I recognize their feelings.
I agree with you completely. Yet marriage at its core is not about sex. It is not about feelings, it is about procreation and the continuity of mankind, which is why God said "Go forth, be fruitful and multiply" Not "Hey, dump your seed in a barren dung hole." Gays can have sex all they want, but let's leave marriage to those who are aiming towards raising a biological family of their own. This isn't rocket science if we apply sanity.
I am sorry to disagree with you. I only had 3 children but I had sex with my wife many more times than just three times. We called it making love. We loved each other. Let gays have the right to be with the one they love, even if they are not procreating children.
Marriage is not about "procreation and the continuity of mankind," it's about two people choosing to legally join as one in the eyes of the state. I can procreate without needing to get married and I can get married without procreating.
If we follow your "sanity," seniors who can no longer reproduce would not be able to marry, nor would someone who was infertile, nor would a couple who simply doesn't wish to bear children. That's insanity, not sanity.
Oh and "Go forth, be fruitful and multiply" wasn't God's words since God did not write the Bible. The Bible was written by men who claim to be divinely inspired but clearly were not since many of the stories they wrote have been debunked by science. Genesis, the book you pulled the quote from, is a complete fiction as we have undeniable evidence that the Earth is far older than the thousands of years claimed in the Bible.
I believe our forefathers know more than most of the college educated souls we have running anything today . They were some pretty smart old boys and look now , we have degrees and education beyond anything they could ever fathom. Look at the mess we have allowed to happen . It’s not just one sided both sides for the last 60 plus years have let this nation slip to where it is today . Why is everybody so up in arms about something that should have never been allowed in the first place . We surely have bigger fish to fry .
Getting a bipartisan system in place should be one of the first things on the agenda but no let’s instead go after the president elect because the establishment is afraid of loosing their free ride .
Most of you people a smart people why are you not seeing that our government is taking from you your freedom , you livelihood, you bank account , the ability to to raise your children to have respect just to name a few things , I won’t speak on gay marriage you all would want me to voice my opinion , you won’t listen to reason anyway .
Yes me too In It’s original writing .
Too many amendments . Let’s get back to the basics .
Our christian right has forsaken Christ for the their anti-christ, the Donald! He is gathering men like himself to direct our government agencies and the MAGAs still do not see what that means to them, the world, and our Nation.
Please explain. Where in the bible does it say the antichrist will "Make America Great Again"? There is no scripture for that, is there? I swear some people have been smoking too much locoweed.
Are you a member of the JW religious group that claimed Jesus was coming back in 1878, 1881, 1914, 1918, 1925 and 1975?
Trump's not interested in "making America great again" either. And how about YOU read the bible about the antichrist? They claim to be the "Chosen One", which he does. They claim to be "for the people" which he does. They claim that they alone can heal everything, which he does. They insist on loyalty to him above all, even above the bibles, which he does. Hell, even CALLS himself the "second coming". And his followers are all but tattooing ins name on themselves.
Since the man called "Jeezus" claimed to heal by the power of exorcisms (debunked today) and also claimed that washing hands before meals was a sinful act (when scientists know today that washing hands prevents diseases), then maybe it's time for someone like an "anti-Jeezus" to step forward to educate our minds and our society with the scientific principles of hand washing and hygiene.
To be honest, I trust any person who knows enough about hygiene to wash their hands after using the restroom than the biblical "Jeezus" who condemned washing filthy hands before handling foods at common meals. Mark 7
What happened during the first four years of President Trump? Did he demand you worship him? No. Did he claim he could heal everyone? No. The paranoia is strong in smokers of locoweed.
It doesn't. However it does outline specific traits which Trump pretty much nails down. Reading comprehension is your friend. Go look.
Be specific please. I haven't met one person who was harmed during the first four years of Trump's presidency.
Paranoia can paralyze the mind. Tell us, where on the doll did Trump touch you during his first Presidency? Oh that's right. He didn't harm you or anyone else, but the media and the anti-democratic dnc sure attacked him night and day during his time in office, didn't they, just like they attacked Jill Stein of the Green Party and Bernie Sanders and RFK jr.
Look at their actions and like Jill Stein and RFK Jr you'll learn they were attacked by the dnc and media to prevent them from receiving any votes!
Always annoyed me when a bunch of zealots decide who you can love. Marriage is a contract (like any other contract) between two people. It's time those who want to control others MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS!!!
If "marriage is a contract between two people" then who or what determines the AGE of the two people? And why not a contract between 3 people? Or 4 people? Or a dozen people, just like in the real world when contracts can be made between multiple people on the same document.
And why should a marriage be a written contract? There were no written marriage contracts between Adam and Eve, Abram and Sara or anyone else in biblical times. You're setting down too many rules Tom! /s
This is troubling on several levels.
Yes, I think same sex marriage should be legal! I also know there are laws requiring states to recognize the vital statistics of other states. What of people in Idaho who are already married to their same-sex partner?
If this falls, other things are not far behind, such as interracial marriage. Again, declaring married people to be unmarried without cause or a petition for dissolution of marriage is problematic.
All the overturning of Roe v. Wade did was to return the question to the states. Each state now has its own abortion policy. The question of gay marriage is the same sort of issue. The federal government has no business setting rules for such things. This a question for each state to decide.
Yes, it let states decide for individuals who may need a procedure to save their lives if they get to live or die. That's just cruel. It should have been upheld as a personal decision as that person saw fit. The states shouldn't be making personal decisions for individuals.
Calm down Amber. Not one state bans any life saving procedure. Locoweed is better at paranoia than truth.
they ALWAYS have been making personal decisions form people, from taxing you tom death to telling you who you should and should not associate with or to telling you that you cant follow your religion like they did pr tried to do in Florida and again in Colorado and again in Washington State and again in Battle creek Michigan. Or telling me that I need to promote a person because of their skin color instead of promoting the best person for a job.
If you think that the government does not tell you or make personal decisions for you and force you to follow them then you are clearly delusional
The problem with leaving it up to the states is that legislators don't always do what the people want them to do. In Missouri, for example, an anti-abortion bill was voted down by the people. However, legislators are working on passing the bill anyhow. The State has no business setting rules for who can or cannot marry. I don't understand why this is even an issue other than some people find it icky.
So the state has no business setting age limits on those who want to get married? Are you in favor of a 85 year old man marrying a 2 year old toddler? Asking for a friend.
Larry, you appear to be king of the straw man argument. Either that or a troll who gets their jollies stirring pots. Regardless, I'm done with you and your facetious posts.
You're terribly wrong, and terribly anti-American. Bugger off back to Trumpistan or whatever "shit hole country" you wandered away from.
Joe, the minister who quickly spews hatred against anyone he disagrees with. Is Joe a good role model for all ULC ministers to follow? I hope not.
If it were up to me, I would end marriage as it is today. From a legal standpoint, marriage is just a contract between two people in which the State has too much say. If all the State could do is require certain considerations within the contract, such as what to do with children, finances, etc. should the union end, but not state what the contract specifically says, the People would have more freedoms to choose their own paths. Since the contract would be required before a marriage license can be issued, and must contain all the considerations required by the State, people wanting to get married would have to write their own agreements, which might make them reconsider marriage, especially if one party or the other wants unrealistic clauses in the contract. A prenuptial agreement would not be needed, as that would be built into the contract. Divorce courts would barely be needed, as how everything would be divided in the event of a breakup would also be in the contract, including various events that could trigger a divorce. Contract lawyers would be needed more often in contentious divorces than those specializing in the separations.
Unfortunately that would mean a whole new set of laws to cover when people share a home and a life together. Families can be cruel when they don't approve of someone's life partner. Over and over it's been proven if one falls ill the family swoops in and takes everything, leaving the healthy partner an outcast and quite often destitute. The marriage is fine. It's people that need an overhaul. Don't want gay marriage? Don't be in one. It should be that simple. Leave people to their own lives and live yours as you see fit.
What gives you the right to determine who is or is not a "Christian"?
Does a person have to go to "church" to be a "Christian" ?
Or, is that just to show off the shiny new car?
I know people that go to church from both parties that practically, and in some cases literally, run to their car after "Church" and cut off their alleged Christian friends to get out of the church parking lot first while cursing anyone to beats them the front of the lot.
Do you eat? Do you poop?
Are you a legal citizen of the United States of America.
Get off your high horse.
Uh, a study of the bible gives that right. Too many do not even know what is in the bible, how it's constructed or why some things are even in it. most who claim to be Christian are following the parts in it that are examples of how not to be. That's the sad part. Reading comprehension is dire in this case.
The bible contradicts itself when defining a Christian. Jeezus said, "Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For My flesh is real food, and My blood is real drink." Jeezus demanded a form of cannibalism before receiving eternal life.
Paul says to believe and you'll be saved, so he believes in saying the "magic words" of "I believe."
James said "Faith without works is dead" so he added works to the magic words. Then again Jeezus told men to sell everything, give him the cash and then abandon their wives and children so they could receive eternal life.
There is never one clear message in the new testament and that's why there are so many churches, each one clinging to certain words more than others.
This is just the beginning! The so called Christians in the GOP seen to forget that we are created in God's image. These are not Christians, they are racist bigots.
We are created as male and female in Genesis 1.26-28.
And I don't see racism in this law, but if you do, show me specifically where you found it. Otherwise you're just spewing hatred instead of love while making no sense at all.
I am a straight, white guy. And although I am mostly conservative in my political views, I hope same-sex marriage continues as the current law states. Unfortunately, it's possible that it could be over-turned (but highly unlikely). Which would be a travesty in my opinion.
For same sex-marriage to cease, the Supreme Court would have to overturn its original June 26, 2015 ruling. The 5-4 decision legalized same-sex marriage in all 50 states based on the Due Process Clause and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. In 2013, the Supreme Court struck down Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act which at the time prohibited same sex-marriage. Again, the Supreme Court found it violated the Due Process Clause and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.
Reading the GOP platform, Plan 47, and Project 2025, indicates no desire, at least in those documents, that the incoming administration wants to end same sex-marriage. This article may help: https://www.nclrights.org/2024-update-now-that-trump-has-been-elected-can-our-marriage-be-undone/
We can only hope that the Supreme Court will NOT overturn this nor make it a state rights issue like Roe V Wade.
I wish I had more faith in the current Supreme Court to actually uphold the Constitution.
Yes, it's sad to see the few women on the court being unable to be intelligent enough to define what a woman is!
It should be up to each state to decide. It really is not a constitutional issue for the federal courts.
Let people decide for their state.-
How about if you just let the people (each individual person) decide for themselves? A novel concept with regard to all women and all men as well as all LGBTQ+ people. Why is it the “state” should be the controller of who gets to marry who and who gets to dissolve a failed marriage for whatever reason? The “state” should mind its own business.
Why should a state decide who marries who? Because without legal boundaries, an 85 year old man could marry a 2 year old toddler. Or a cat lady could marry her cats. Or a shepherd could marry one of his sheep. There would be a lunatic asylum of mass confusion!
I'd rather let people decide personal issues in their personal lives and keep the government out of it entirely, state or federal. Nobody should have their life decisions made for them when those decisions do not affect the rest of society. And nobody should be subject to bigotry just because a law says so.
It's simple. If you don't like the laws of a state, then move out of that state.
As the Southwest Airlines ad says, "You are now free to move about the country!"
My very 1st wedding ceremony was for a same sex couple! I bought a book for creating your own ceremony and let them design from that their dream wedding. What made it possible for me was their choice to leave God out of the wording of ceremony. There are biblical rules or 7 things God hates and one that's an abomination homosexuality. However, after my childhood upbringing in a strict Biblical guidance family, I learned that my father was gay, several cousins and my mother's sister. They were all in "proper" heterosexual marriage, but saught companions outside the marriage because their generation kept it "in the closet". Science has done a lot of work in understanding why or how a person forms sexual preference and has proven in many cases brain structures show reasons for that. From all of these enlightenments, I can accept homosexuality as a human trait possible because of scientific proof. There is a rainbow of variations too. A sexual to nymphomaniac, strait, bi and same sexual preferences, but in all of God's creations there are infinite possibilities so it's His grand design. Jesus gave 2 most significant laws: love the Lord with all your heart, mind and soul. Secondly your neighbor as yourself. To this point love in the world is the biggest downfall of all since it seems that being derisive, rude, name calling, judgemental and generalizing entire groups of people as "this, that & the other" takes away the second most important observance of loveing your neighbor. Most of us don't even know our neighbors, show a kindness to our fellow (wo)man or have consideration for anyone be it a parking space or a road accident. We may as well be the robbed and left for dead Semite in ditch as people pass by without so much as a look up from our devices than be the one kind man who took pity and brought the Semite to the inn. People get real, be considerate and thoughtful because you never know what another is going through and if they're gay know it's one of the most discriminated groups in the world. Think... What if it was you God created "different" and give love as you're able to anyone especially if they're being discriminated against by one or a mob. Call for help if you can't help yourself. Love God and be a blessing to all along your way, even a smile can change an individual's day! Bless you.
If that happens. Maybe it's time to start over. Break up the Republican and Democratic Parties. Vote Everyone out of office. Only elect Independent Candidates no matter what. Make Congress and the Senate rule against it. A 2/3rd majority vote can override a Supreme Courts ruling.
Or we can actually start paying attention to state and mid term elections so we can keep these things more under control. We can push for much more transparency, full background checks and a VERY public release of the results so we know who we are considering for the votes. That's how democracy works. We need to be involved, like it or not. It needs to be taught in schools at every grade level and needs to be supported on every level, local, state and federal.
From the legal perspective the US Constitution does not grant the federal government dominion over marriage law and therefore it is a states rights issue. Similar to Roe, the Oberkfel decision relied on manipulative jurisprudence and judicial activism. This can only be settled via constitutional amendment, else like Roe, each time there is a slight change in the culture it will continue to bounce around in the courts.
True in part. However states can start pushing the laws in a way they want. If enough of them pull marriage rights and equality from their laws they can petition for the constitution to have a clause or article added to make it a nationwide law.
So two people love, respect and cherish each other. They devote their lives to each other. They are contributing members of the community. What they do in their bedroom is their business and no one else’s.
Of course equal marriage rights are threatened. The incoming administration is dead set on destroying religious freedom in America. Allowing a state to deny the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is a dreadful step back into dark ages.
I don't see how anyone can be surprised by this. Hatred for LGBT+ people is like black mold...it thrives in the dark corners of society, and has slowly been releasing its poison until it could creep back out to choke us all.
Marriage is a way man codified the natural order of things while deterring unhealth. It gave social structure to safe and reliable procreation. Religion sanctified the natural order. Gay marriage was an imposition on common sense.
No one is born religious. Thus, religion is an unimaginable and evil imposition on the natural order of the Universe. Your religion comes from the geographic area where you were born and/or raised. And all religion was created, implement and maintained by religious fanatical power-hungry human beings. God has nothing to do with religion. A silent, invisible and eternally-absent deity is a nothing and has no powers.
I wonder of exactly what the Christofascists are afraid.
The Christofascists fear being treated in the same manner that they treat the minorities, which they demean, persecute and bully.
In part, yes, but I think they are also worked about their privilege being taken away. They are mostly white men, and mostly given more consideration than others. Not having that extra consideration or at least having everyone else not be discriminated against for whatever reason seems a hard pill for them to swollow.
They are afraid of a people united by any force other than their own rule. This is not even a Christian thing--the people pushing for this worship their own power and money rather than any god, let alone a purported god of love.
By discriminating they only start inviting minorities to work together against them. When various minorities join up they end up outnumbering these dolts by quite a bit. It only speeds up that possibility of having their own rule taken away. And you are right, it isn't a Christian thing. It's fascists and bigots using religion as a sword and shield to do whatever they want.
I really figured the last couple decades would be reversed sooner than later. No one will accuse me of being an optimist. Didn't someone once say that fascism would come draped in a flag and carrying a cross? No, it wasn't said by anyone in this particular manner. But this was said, "from Halford E. Luccock, in Keeping Life Out of Confusion (1938): “When and if fascism comes to America it will not be labeled ‘made in Germany’; it will not be marked with a swastika; it will not even be called fascism; it will be called, of course, ‘Americanism.'”
Give them enough time, and MAGA will have the women covering their heads. In case you think only ME religions do that, consider what nuns wear, and the symbology behind it.
It shocks me that USA is tossing their advanced progressive reputation away, regressing into something that is backward and a little embarrassing.
More than that. If they have their way women will be squeezed out of most jobs again. They want to go back to pre world war conditions of family unit, work spaces and rights.
These religious fanatics want to take us back to 1800 ... when slavery was legal.
Curious to know what does the ULC church and ULC ministers think of the Sharia Law of the Muslim religion that imposes the death penalty on gays and lesbians?
When in Rome, do as the Romans do!
This is not a Muslim country. Ritual murder is an invalid concept in the United States. In fact, no murder is permitted lawfully in the United States, on any US Territory or any of its possessions.
Stop with the silly and impertinent comments, Larry, please!
It's exactly what happens when there is no separation of church and state. And it's where we are headed.
Freedom of religion has exceptions. To my knowledge, no person has been executed in the US under Sharia Law and not held to account for it as a murder. Likewise crimes against any adults, children, and animals by clergy or any religious ritual (think sacrifice) are also criiminal acts, even if their "religion" specifies it as part of their practice.
"Marriage" should be redefined as a purely religious ceremony and separated from a "Civil Union". "Marriage" should NOT CONFER any legal standing or advantage, such as a tax break or the ability to determine control over the other in the event of incapacitation. "Marriage" would then be left where it belongs: in the hands of individual religious denominations.
A "Civil Union" would then be the only method to confer legal standing. The question would then become, "can a State determine who can enter into a Civil union" which would essentially be a contract and subject to contract law. If the state were to say, "only between men & women" it would breech contract law.
If we remove the alleged morality issue AND the legal standing/advantages conferred by our current system of "marriage" it becomes moot as an issue.
Take away every "right" conferred by "marriage" in every legislative bill, operating procedure and contract unless it was also codified as a "Civil union".
A "mere husband/wife by marriage" could no longer automatically inherit, determine who could visit in a hospital, become automatically the guardian, file joint taxes, etc.
Change the nomenclature, change the status. Faux-Christians argument that "biblically a marriage is between a man & a woman" should have ZERO ability to conferred legal standing or advantages. Let their churches determine who can marry within their churches doctrine; take the State out of it entirely.
In Germany, all marriages are done legally through the state instead of allowing religious ministers to officiate weddings legally. Many people still choose to have a ceremony officiated by a minister but it's only symbolic at that point. Alabama of all places now just has a couple sign a document in front of a notary to get legally married. Both seem like better alternatives to enshrine marriage equality.
That seems like a lot of extra steps just to get around a modern semantics issue. Marriage has always been civil first, with religion only coming into it as a controlling factor when religion has a hand in government. Restoring the definition of marriage as a civil contract would take care of all that.
Under contract law, would it also mean that a person could have a civil union with a group of people, or a corporation? You can also have contracts between siblings. Will that count?
As a christian man, i do not believe in same sex marriage, but the holy bible also states that we shall not judge others less we be judged ourselves. i will not deny gay marriages if i am asked to perform one, and i will not bible thump anyone. i feel it is my job only to perform marriages; its gods job to take care of the rest.
This is as it should be. We all have a right to an opinion and our beliefs. We don't have a right to force it on others. Thank you for that.
That is the way of an enlightened adult! r'Amen!
That is same position of all executioners, tax collectors and supposably the defendants at the nuremberg trials. If you don't believe in something and you don't stand your ground, then you fail your own morality test.
Marriage is the act of changing one's inheritance to a person who is not (usually) a close blood relative. It has absolutely nothing to do with religion ... or any imaginary supernatural beings.
This discussion is one of many that involves judging others. Who are we to judge? I just wish that everyone would truly "love thy neighbor..."
Someone once said here: "keep religion out of politics" but I say keep politics out of religion. We are talking about marital vows but they already have become meaningless since "till death do us part" is no longer considered a part of a marriage contract. As far as same sex marriages, leave it as is, as long as it does not become mandatory for churches to perform such ceremonies.
I agree that no religious group should be required to conduct same sex marriages but I don't see why a gay couple would even be members of a religion that espouse hatred of the LGBTQ+ ccommunity. That said, in any country with an official church (such as the UK) that church should be required to conduct gay marriages. If (in the UK) His Majesty's Government sees fit to legalise gay marriage, His Majesty's Church should be obligated to solemnize them.
States are not allowed to interfere with religious practices, and trying to force a church to perform a marriage it doesn't believe in would be an automatic challenge. Churches perform marriages all the time that are "illegal." They just don't report them to the state. This pertains mostly to polygamy, but also was rampant before gay marriage. Providing the legal protections of marriage to an "illegal" spouse isn't iron clad and costs thousands of dollars in legal fees. All of this never covers government protections like spousal privilege and taxes. I'm not a fan of the close tie of religion/clergy to a legally binding contract that the only way to disolve is through divorce. Perhaps the legal and religious parts of the marriage contract should be separate. Not sure how to define or facilitate that, but worth consideration.
The LGBTQ community has been waiting for this since 2015 when Thomas and Alito wrote that this should be challenged at a future date. Thomas’s opinion that “Obergefell will continue to have ruinous consequences for religious liberty” is nonsense. Nobody is forcing religious institutions to perform same-sex marriages. The only people forced are those in positions that require them to serve the public. Positions like county clerks and judges were elected or hired to perform certain functions for all citizens. They should not be able to decide which citizens are worthy.
I’d like to believe that those of us already married would be grandfathered but that isn’t guaranteed. And future generations would not be allowed to benefit from the protection’s marriage guarantees like filing jointly on tax returns, making medical decisions for their spouse, and inheritance when a spouse dies.
I have witnessed family members who despised their son's life choices rush in when they were dying and ban their lifelong partner's access to them on their deathbed. They then collect all that person's personal belongings leaving the partner with nothing. Same-sex couples are forced to jump through legal hoops, which cost money, to ensure their rights, and many times those are challenged in court.
Some religious extremists predicted society would fall apart if we were allowed to marry and after 10 years society still stands. Of course, some of them would blame natural disasters on the LGBTQ community claiming it’s God’s punishment, but maybe God is punishing them for their actions. For the record, I do not believe God has anything to do with natural disasters. End of rant. Just my two cents.
The first same-sex marriage in the United States occurred in 2004 in Massachusetts. That is now 21 years later with no appreciable consequences happening because of MarriAge Equality.
21 years ago, that marriage was not recognized by the federal government or any other state at the time. And there is NO Marriage Equality Act because it was struck down by the tRumplican party. I would go into a lengthy explanation of what’s wrong with the Respect of Marriage Act, but I really don’t think you care.
The real nutshell answer is that no state can stop a same-sex marriage, per the US Supreme Court.
The Robert's Court is out of step with all of our continental history and the 235+ years since the Declaration of Independence was signed and the US Constitution was ratified by all the 13 states, and which has been required to be accepted by all states that have entered the Union ever since. Removing rights is not an American political or family value.
If they overturn Obergfell like they did Roe v. Wade, then it goes back to the states. Many of which have laws banning us from getting married. Overturning Obergfell is what this article is about.
which is nothing more then hot air.
Out of 9 Judges, you have 4 that are of the left wing and will not vote to overturn this.
You have 5 that are right wing and you will need all 5 to vote to overturn this so you have a majority or it stays
John Roberts voted for this and has said that he does not agree with overturning set law if its not in conflict with the Constitution.
and finally if you are so concerned, then why dont you have the same concerns with Sotomayoir and Ginesberg when both of them voted for SSM even AFTER they held SSM cerimonies in their offices and officiated at same, a clear conflict of interest and should have required them to recuse themselves, but they didnt because they knew this was the only way they could get it passed so instead of following established law, they made law from the bench which is also illegal as well as a violation of Article 1 Section 1 of the US Constitution.
The hypocrisy of your claims is breath taking
Your first-grade understanding of the law is amusing. Now find a new subject to bully someone over. We can pick this up again if they start collecting all gay citizens and putting us in camps.
The scenario you mention in your third paragraph is exactly what I'm afraid of seeing happen again. Imagining someone's beloved partner of decades dying and they can't even go see them or be there to comfort them, all because the government has made a religious law in our supposed "free country." What a cruel, vicious thing to do to people. The fact that so many want that to happen is very embittering.
Ari, I don’t want to go back to that either. It was awful to live through. The thing is, we beat it before and we will do it again, but this time we are better prepared.
Marriage is a practical term, it's an engineering term and a scientific term. It's not possible for two humans of the same gender to marry. They can hang out and commit to be with one another forever under love until death though. And why should this be a problem? Redefining words is where it gets messy and heels get dug in.
Only a woman can be a wife to a man and only a man can be a husband to a woman. Only the combination on man and fulfills the design of Man both body and mind.
Anything else is anything but marriage.
However, my husband and I have been together for 50 years, and after we were lawfully married 15 years ago, all the benefits and guarantees became available to us, and we noticed the difference, and they were not minimal. For instance, we were able to use the GI Bill for obtaining a VA Home Loan, which saved us 33% on our mortgage interest. We calculated and figured we paid over a $1,000,000 in mortgage interest alone over those 35 years we were not permitted to lawfully marry. Furthermore, we could easily use that money to help us in our old age, but that was denied to us by all the religious fanatics and prejudiced bullies. I can say for sure that our marriage in no way affects you or your life. Get over being control freaks now!
I'm sorry those things happened to you Danny. You may have missed my point, I don't have a problem with what people choose to do with themselves or each other. I probably said that over hundred different times on this blog. It never seems to be heard though.
I'm glad you finally were able to receive the benefits you deserve.
My wife and I were denied a VA loan some years ago. Being a straight white guy there's no special program for me so we've had to truck forward the old fashioned way. Four jobs between the two of us and head down swinging.
If only we were all treated equally...
SoJ, cut the crap. Everything is geared toward men, especially white men… you know what? Never mind. Your “poor me, I feel put upon” is an old tired trope usually employed by bitter straight people. “If only we were all treated equally…” that’s pathetic!
It's estimated there are hundreds of thousands of assistance programs for non white males. Those programs include white women. I'd call those programs gears. From my angle it looks like things are geared towards non white males, at least on paper anyhow. To be fair, there are race neutral programs to assist anyone who seeks help.
Based on society's actions and efforts, it looks like most everyone agrees with the white supremacists, that whites are superior to all other races. Personally I don't see it but then again, I'm just a white guy.
I'm curious Paula, when Danny gave his experience about not being eligible a VA loan then finally getting one, why am I the bad guy because I never could get one? Is it because I just accepted the denial as a reality then worked my way through my difficulties? Is that why I'm evil and bitter, because I stayed positive through my trials? Why is it pathetic for me to want equality but not pathetic for you to want equality?
The reason that there are assistance programs for non-white males and women is that these groups were actively discriminated against in this country for decades and they are trying to catch up to where white men begin their lives, thanks to the simple privilege of being male and white. It's not because white men are superior, it's that society has treated them as such for so long and given them advantages in life because of it. White men are seeing the results of "when someone is accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression."
What did you do to earn those benefits. I have two honorable United States Navy Discharges, yet I am not considered a US Veteran. Now, speak to me about the world being unfair!
Danny, how can they not recognize you as a veteran?
Laws, designed to keep the government free of responsibility.
SOJ, as evidences by all your comments on this and previous articles, you are not sorry about the events that happened to us. You are worried you got caught saying such tripe and fear being treated like you treat us. Please, unless you can say something LGBTQIA+ positive, don't comment on any of my comments in the future, please!
So why were you denied a VA loan if you served and were discharged honorably? Sorry, but I don't believe what you say. And if you are having a problem with the way people react to what you say, you may want to proof-read what you say from their POV before you hit the "Post Comment" button.
I believe the things you say while you don't believe the things I say. It's a common problem when liberals and conservatives try to communicate Paula. Even when I say same sex couples ought not be hindered it's not good enough. It never will be good enough.
It's an impasse, a road with no exit. Too bad. In this so called universal church there's nothing but arguing and fighting. Just about zero communication.
What a picture of humanity. Fallen and corrupt.
I'm sorry, were you replying to me, or Paula? Since you didn't answer any of my questions or get my name right, I'm assuming you hit the wrong "Post Reply" button
I joined the US Navy Reserve when I was 17, with my parent's consent. At 18, just after I graduated from high school, I received an appointment as a Midshipman in the NROTC (Naval Reserve Officer's Training Crop). To accept the Midshipman commission, I had to be discharged as an enlisted man, and then I was able to accept the appointment. I was in the NROTC program for 2 years, when I had a health problem develop which disqualified me from accepting an officer's commission. At that point, I was discharged honorably for the 2nd time, in 4 years. Unfortunately, they told me that I did not have enough active duty time to be considered a veteran for any VA benefits purposes. But this did not stop me working hard for my country! Later, I ran the facility as a civilian for the US Navy for 2 years, and helped them automate using their existing Planned Maintenance System Database in new and exceptional ways. I made it possible for the cruise missiles to be launched from the US Navy cruises during Desert Storm (2003), but I did my part of the work in the late 1980s and early 1990s. I had a very illustrative career in computer system development and production implementation for many large companies, and both the state and federal governments. Believe me, I write only truth, Patty!
Danny, I'm sorry to hear that and I feel like you should have access to veterans benefits because of both your military and civilian service in support of the military, but I don't write the laws. I'll try to be more clear next time, but the comments I made were responding to SOJ's claim that he was also denied VA benefits, which probably means he also didn't have the minimum service required, didn't serve, or was dischared without the "honorable" moniker. I apologize if you thought I was responding to you.
BTW, I have worked hard with several veterans when I was working in a non-profit service center. Some were homeless, some had been incarcerated for frivilous issues, and I have successfully connected them to veterans organizations that were eventually able to get them the services they needed. There are many advocate groups out there that work hard to get veterans their needed services, especially when they were discharged and not allowed the honorable status that gives them benefits. Many of the stories are heartbreaking, especially those discharged for mental health reasons, when the issues were caused by traumatic issues witnessed or experienced while on active duty and "on the job." Trying to get a retroactive change of status is daunting, and Uncle Sam doesn't like it when he is sued, so it is not something that someone can try to navigate alone. It takes experience in working through the system.
Wrong Danny. When you join the Navel reserve, and then get appointed to the ROTC its the same thing as being given a field commission/promotion. Its been that way since my grandfather was in WW1 and thats a lot longer then 50 years. If you went into any military post/base/or club and tried telling people that you would be laughed right off the property.
IF what you say is true (and I highly doubt it is) ALL your time in service would be listed on block 14 with a complete detailed example of where you were and for how long and your rank when you left service. Anyone wants proof of this all they have to do is go down to the local recruiting office and they will set you straight in a heartbeat
You sure do seem to know it all! How sad! :(
From someone who actually RETIRED from the US Army (101st Airborne 22nd Combat and my MOS was Demolitions with a secondary in Weapons) yea I would say that I know far more about the military then you are claiming.
Or you can just contact MILPERCEN (Military Personnel Records Center St Louis) and ask them and they will tell you the same thing.
Now as for them not considering you a Veteran, you do know you are REQUIRED to spend 18 months ACTIVE Duty for you to earn that title. Even the VA or the local Veterans officer will tell you the exact same thing.
So the question remains, why are you trying to pass off something that isnt true?
Wrong. Maybe learn what the words mean before attempting to use them in public....far less embarrassing for you that way. Try harder, you can do it!
Hey Joe, go marry two bolts together or two nuts together, I'll go get a cup of coffee while you try.
For a proper fastener connection one must marry a nut to a bolt. In this way they together become a singular unit designed for a specific purpose.
Sure, one could look up the 2025 definition to get what they want, definitions change to meet social pressure. After 2020 vaccines stopped vaccinating, not they just "lessen the symptoms", lol. Sure they do....
It's a good thing humans are more complex and diverse than nuts and bolts! Definitions change as society changes, regardless of social pressure.
Bringing vaccines into this as well is strange since vaccines have never "stopped vaccinating". Vaccinations provide your body with a weakened version of the disease so it can learn to defend itself. With some diseases, it prevents the virus from infecting the body at all (see smallpox, mumps, measles) while other viruses mutate and change in ways that can get around the vaccine to infect a person but the vaccine still provides enough knowledge of the virus for antibodies to mitigate disease and prevent serious outcomes (see influenza, corona-viruses). The definition of vaccine, vaccination, or any other form of the word has not been changed.
Your analogies on this topic are erroneous. This is about people, not mechanical sex acts. When you reduce human beings to the mechanics of sex, you demean all human beings, not just we Gay and Lesbians.
Dearest Danny, the entire lgbtqia++map community is specifically centered around sexual mechanics.
Then you do not understand the meaning of the letters L, G, B, T, Q ... sequence. It is you who is doing the demeaning, not us.
L= Two chicks get it on. Gay= two dudes get it on. B= get it on with anybody T=something your not getting it on with whoever Q=questioning/queer=get it on with who you want.
Sounds a lot like sex mechanics bro.
You left out heteros, from whence all "alphabet people" come from! Let's all cheer for the Alphabet People, because without the Alphabet, no one could communicate!
It seems to me that for as long as there is religious freedom in the US, the government should not be able to restrict who can marry except on the grounds of safety of the individuals involved (which means legitimate restrictions based on age, mental acuity, etc). So, if a gay Episcopalian couple marry, their union has the same legal status as the hetrosexual union of a Southern Baptist couple, which has the same legal status as the polygamous union of three Mormons, which has the same legal status as the union of a "mixed-race" atheist couple. If the US government bestows (tax and other) benefits on those who are married, they must do so for all who are married according to the religious beliefs they may hold, or according to the rational beliefs they live by. To do otherwise is to deny freedom and equality to all Americans.
"Marriage" as a practical, engineering term means that two substances mix together to become a new one, usually liquids. To use it to refer to humans, one cannot apply it physically because we do not literally, physically merge together on the molecular level to become a single being. So you can't apply it to nuts and bolts, because a nut and a bolt screwed together are still two separate objects connected by interlocking, not a single object.
Since the term began to be used in medieval times, it has referred to the connection between two people and their families and possessions, and the whole purpose was to keep track of lineage and inheritance.
If we enact that purpose today, then no person born with infertility, no person whose reproductive system has been damaged by biases or injury, and no one who doesn't intend to have children would be allowed to marry.
Modern society recognizes this as inequitable, and has adapted the term to cover a spiritual angle; the mingling that is pledged is that of two souls. Souls have no gender, and the deep and committed love between two people of the same gender is the same as its counterpart in a mixed-gender relationship.
Well, that's an opinion but it's historically inaccurate and deceiving.
A swizler can be a stick used to mix a drink, or it can also be a brand of licorice. Or it could be somebody stirring the pot.
Dictionaries often have multiple meanings for the same word. If you ever grab a dictionary from the nineteen thirties you'll find that words have changed their meaning over the years. So if you want to know what someone meant in the 'year of our lord seventeen hundred' when they said certain words, (which have been corrupted today), you would have to look at a dictionary from that time as well as the cultural context it was used in to understand the meaning.
In the context of this discussion, once upon a time a f*g was a burning brand and g@y was joyous. I don't use these examples to be mean I use them because I've actually seen people read old books and break down giggling when they come across certain terms that means something completely different today. Usually something that's been twisted into derogatory sexual term.
I personally don't have a problem with gay people getting together and making a commitment to each other. Hijacking the rainbow, hijacking the unicorn and hijacking marriage I do have a problem with. They're supposed to be the creative people, so create something unique for themselves. Don't corrupt the traditions of others. In a sense it's an attack.
Based on your opinion there's no reason why a mother shouldn't be allowed to marry her own offspring, regardless of their sex, because "she loves them".
Most states do not allow you to marry your sister or a first cousin. Do you know why?
It's because the offspring are more likely to have genetic defects like the royal family. 😆
That should be a strong indication that legal marriage is about procreation at it's most basic level.
If not, the law should be you're allowed to marry your sister as long as you promise not to have children.
You're not arguing for someone's rights. You are arguing to destroy tradition and religious beliefs of others.
Once again, I don't have a problem with a gay civil union and what benefits might come of it.
I told people years ago that the next step would be they'd come after the children and now we see minor attracted individuals and they have their own MAP flag made of all the colors of babies. Pastels of pink and blue and yellow. Isn't that sweet?
If an adult loves a child, should they be allowed to marry them? If the child loves them back?
My guess is you might say no to some of these things which means you also have a line and a limit.Yours is just different than mine That's what we call an opinion.
What is wrong with two people wanting to be married? What is wrong with them being the same sex? As long as they’re not bothering anyone care? It’s not like my being gay is going to suddenly rub off on you… are they jealous?
According to them, same-sex marriage might lead to legalizing marriage between a human and a goat. Lol. Or their argument that it will lead to society falling apart. It’s all ridiculous of course. I agree with you, Paula. How can my marriage to my husband affect them negatively? According to them, same-sex marriage might lead to legalizing marriage between a human and a goat. Lol. Or their argument that it will lead to society falling apart. It’s all ridiculous of course. I agree with you, Paula. How can my marriage to my husband affect them negatively? I think those against it truly despise us and/or fear us.
Its already been done People have married themselves, guitars/cars/etc. So tell me Johnson, where would you draw the line?
They can't get a marriage license to legally marry an inanimate object or an animal. That’s the difference, and where I draw the line.
they do and I guess the links I provided showing how wrong you are upset you enough that they removed the post with the links proving you wrong.
I mean all you have to do is look at Priests, they are married to the Church. I have yet to see a Catholic Church drive kids to school or go on a honeymoon. And they have been doing this for over 200 years.
This doesn't happen in England leave people alone.
I agree, next step is to outlaw mixed marriages. Perhaps they might nullify non-Christian marriages such as Jewish, Muslim, etc. Nothing would surprise me.
Why are people getting so worked up? The state legislators have not said they would pass this norm has it been introduced into a committee as is required under their laws. And yet you have people here losing their minds over this non issue
Cut the gaslighting, Grey. Darkening an already dark matter with your histrionic narcissistic comments does no one any good.
Daniel is stating the truth and as we all know from the past four years, "In a land of lies, TRUTH is the enemy." RJR just proved that point by attacking the truth.
Not gas lighting anything ruhnke, a bill once introduced MUST go through a committee and then be passed out of same to a floor vote. Thats how ALL bills are passed in every state in the union and it the US Congress. So tell us exactly when this went to a committee and when it was passed out of same or its YOU that are doing the gaslighting here as you usually do
We are not “losing our minds” over this.
Many of us will lose our families to countries where diverse marriages between two consenting adults are permitted.
It’s sad you can’t see what is the very clear direction that president Musk(rat) and his cronies are taking us.
LOL,Musk-rat, I love it!
If someone in your family prefers to live in a different nation, why are you concerned? Aren't they free to do as they please? Don't demand freedom if you're not willing to let others be free.
One cannot arbitrarily choose to live in a different country. There are requirements to be met to move to a different country to live permanently. Just look at what the US imposes on immigrants, legal and illegal! #tsktsktsk
None of that is what I call freedom anywhere, at any time!
For the past four disastrous years of dementia Joe, nobody has seen any strict requirements to stop the invasions by illegal criminals or terrorists.
In fact the felons have been given billions of our tax dollars for free food, free cash, free medical care and free luxury rooms in 4 star hotels, while several democrat run cities have kicked our veterans and homeless outside in the cold to make way for illegals to take over.
Nothing is free. Those Republican or otherwise publicly-owned companies do employ those illegals. What say ye of punishing those people too? Why do we never hear of business owners ever going to jail for violating international immigration laws?
How can you lose anything when the supposed bill has never been introduced in a committee as of yet even though it must be.
I can see that you are losing your mind Liz, the simple fact that all you have is a claim and an opinion, nothing more. So until this is actually brought up and voted on and passed and survives a legal challenge that is sure to come, why are you getting so upset?
Danny, 31 states in the US have constitutional bans and/or statutes that ban same-sex marriage. Should Obergfell be overturned, same-sex couples living in those states will not be allowed to get married. That is what’s so upsetting about this.
In this case, so what? Marriage MUST be handled with national laws, simply because we are a mobile group of people. The Federal Government and the US Military must employ people (soldiers and civilians) from all walks of life, from all states and with all sorts of conditions. Thus, their marital contracts must be accepted in all states. That is the reality of life, which cannot be restricted to some arbitrarily-narrowed and grossly-bigoted political and/or religious points of view.
I’m not sure you understand.
he does, its YOU who do not
Your reading comprehension amazes me. I did not say this was happening today. You obviously didn’t read the part of my post that shows how many states already have laws banning same-sex marriage. WE ARE only one Supreme Court decision to reenact them. Google it.
So you didnt post this and yet you are still trying top claim you didnt say or imply it?
"James Riggle-Johnson Jan 15, 2025 at 01:44 pm Danny, 31 states in the US have constitutional bans and/or statutes that ban same-sex marriage. Should Obergfell be overturned, same-sex couples living in those states will not be allowed to get married. That is what’s so upsetting about this."
You have no idea how much I know on this topic!
Not only that, but they may not even have their marriage in another state or country recognized. They could be legally married in Massachusetts and not have that recognized in Alabama (for an example).
Lisbeth, the Respect for Marriage Act passed in 2022 is supposed to take care of that. Each state must recognize marriages performed in other states. The problem with this law is that those states that may not recognize same-sex marriages may challenge the law in court. With the current layout of the SCOTUS, they may agree with those states.
yet again a nothing burger argument. Its in the Constitution called the Full Faith and Credit Act which requires EVERY state to recognize a legal document from another state as if the same document was issued by their state. Which is why for example, inheritance/medical licenses (may be required to get more training)gun licenses/drivers licenses/court judgements/etc) be recognized. Thats why if you get a speeding ticket in Colorado and you live in Penn, they dont arrest you for driving without a license.
My trans child’s marriage hurts no one. Gerald Polis’s Gay marriage hurts no one. Clarence Thomas’s interracial marriage hurts no one. My parents’ inter religious marriage hurt no one. None of these have interfered with anyone’s ability to live their lives.
The whole “religious exemptions” thing is pure BS. Mind your own genitals.
Sharia law of the Muslims demands the death penalty for LBGTQS, so please forward your message to all mosques in your state along with your name and address. Thank you.
First, calling it Sharia Law is redundant because Sharia is a body of religious law so you're basically just saying "law law".
Second, what relevance does your comment have to the previous comment? I don't see anything there promoting Islam or even deriding Christianity. Why did you feel the need to bring Sharia into a conversation about the US government's relationship with same-sex marriage?
The claim that same sex marriages harm nobody should be addressed to the Muslims, who are told to permanently eliminate same sex couples. I guess that point flew over your head.
Okay, that's not being argued against here. No one is saying that extremist Muslim governments are good on gay rights. We're talking about America here and what Americans are trying to do to gay marriage. Bringing up Muslims when discussing what right wing Christians are doing here is "whataboutism," a deflection technique meant to push blame on to another group instead of addressing the initial critique.
The word "sharia" literally means "a path" and not "a law." Common usage is "Sharia law" when describing the government of most Muslim nations and the symptoms are the same: Women forced to wear burqas, gays thrown from the roofs of tall buildings and people forced to either convert or lose their jobs and businesses to Muslims. But if that's what you really want, then Afghanistan beckons you.
And when did I ever suggest that was what I wanted? Painting assumptions on me does you no favors.
What was the point in bringing in Sharia and Islam into a discussion about the acts of the religious right in America? To point out that it could be worse? No one is making such an argument. You're not actually engaging with the conversation being had about Christian extremists trying to remove the national right to marriage for same-sex couples.
Sigh, wrong yet again Mike. Its RELIGIOUS TEACHINGS not Law Law as you claim
"Sharia, Sharī'ah, Shari'a, or Shariah is a body of religious law that forms a part of the Islamic tradition based on scriptures of Islam, particularly the Qur'an and hadith."
Let me ease your worries, Lawrence. Nowhere in the United States is it legal for Sharia to be enacted to kill people. There is no consideration by US legislators to provide the death penalty for the LGBTQ+ community to American Muslims. American mosques in every state understand that already, and American Muslims are not petitioning the Supreme Court to impose their own religious restrictions on other citizens.
It's the Christian Sharia doing that.
What a horrible thing to say to Ms. Erbe-Wilcox. I certainly hope you're not advocating that her adult child (or anyone else in the LGBTQIA+++ community) should be put to death because of who they are. This (the US) is not a Sharia nation, but it really seems like you're pushing that particular agenda, Mr. Pearce.
If you want to live by Sharia, why don't you move to Afghanistan or any number of other countries where that practice is the norm. Your thinly-veiled hatred of the LGBTQIA+++ community is not fooling anyone and it's not a good look. We are not bothering you; keep your venom to yourself.
Have a good day, Mr. Pearce.
Other people's sex lives are none of my concern. And, same sex marriage has no effect or affect on my life. God bless a union of love.I have gay and lesbian friends. I once heard a comedian say ' I believe 'they' have as much right to be miserable as us other married couples.'
So true. Another famous saying is, "The only thing we learn from history is that we never learn from history."
When gays began demanding to be married, I told some of them that I worked with, "Why would you want to be married? Do you think a wedding ring will make you happy? You're wrong. The proof is that most marriages end in divorce!"
And as we all know, gays divorce each other as fast or faster than any hetero marriages.
Same-sex marriages end in divorce at the same rate as heterosexual marriages. Many homosexual couples wish to get married because there are legal advantages given to married couples that are not given to unmarried couples. This is just homophobia on your part.
It's not "homophobia" to point out that wearing a wedding ring will not make anyone happy forever, nor will a marriage certificate guarantee the marriage will last. I guess those facts flew directly over your head.
I'm sorry if I wasn't clear enough. Pointing out that "wearing a wedding ring will not make anyone happy forever" is not the homophobic thing you said.
This is the homophobic thing you said: "gays divorce each other as fast or faster than any hetero marriages."
That's a false stereotype played by those opposed to gay marriage to try and argue that gay people shouldn't be allowed to get married. In truth, they get divorced at the same rate as hetero couples.
Before same sex marriages were legal, it was legal for the family if a dying gay man to throw his life partner out of the hospital, refuse to let them see each other, and then take everything belonging to the man once he died and leave his partner with nothing, not their shared home or photos or even their pets. Because it was legal, people did this. Often. It was cruel and heartbreaking and yet they did it anyway, because there are always people who will do cruel things as long as they can legally get away with it. That's why we have laws to protect against such things.
Gays want to marry so they can legally access their spouse's care, and legally have joint ownership of things so that nobody can just swoop in and destroy them if one of them gets sick.
Have I got news for you. Today it's known that hospitals and relatives will "swoop in" and take everything you own if you are sick and dying in hospital, no matter your religion or sexual preferences. A wedding ring and certificate mean nothing to the billing department of hospitals.
After we married, we were able to use the GI Bill to obtain a VA Mortgage, at an interest rate that is 33.3% cheaper than conventional mortgages. I calculated that we paid over $1,000,000.00 in excessive interest payments over the life of our mortgage for 35 years. That would come in handy now that we have been together for 50 years and lawfully married for 15 years. The other benefits guaranteed to a married couple sure will be necessary as we reach the ends of our lives together, such as spousal hospital visitation, and control over the body when one of us dies. There are over 2,000 legal and lawful benefits guaranteed to a married couple.
Separate but equal is never valid! Segregation is an invalid political policy.
Who is bothered by gay marriage? Who fears it or despises it? Why? I think those who do, the angry, the frightened, are the ones I do not wish to live next door or eat in my restaurant. These people are concerning, not a committed, loving couple.
The Muslims are bothered by gays and gay marriages and yet we've seen gays march for the protection of Muslims! It makes no sense.
If you think I'm wrong, fly into Afghanistan and wave a rainbow flag outside a mosque.
That’s because queer people tend to generally be good people. They know what it’s like to be oppressed and only want the best for other people facing the same challenges, so long as they aren’t hurting anyone.
These hypocrites need to keep their religion out of politics and out of people's personal lives. It harms nobody if two men or two women, or even multiple persons, want to marry so long as they are of legal age. It's nothing but legalized bigotry and hatred and discrimination.
For what it's worth, I live in the middle of Trumplandia, and I'm ordained. I am happy to perform any marriage so long as they meet the above criteria.
you do know that being married to more then one person is illegal and has been since the 1880's (Polygamy became illegal in the United States in 1882 when Congress passed the Edmunds Anti-Polygamy Act and is classified as a federal felony) and the SCOTUS has refused every challenge for this since this. Not to mention this was the rule that Idaho had to follow to even be considered for statehood, so why you bothered to include this in your post is known only to you. So go ahead and try and marry three or more people and see what happens to you, just remember not to drop the soap in the shower
Why do you have to be crude and rude, Danny? That last line about dropping the soap in the shower was unnecessary. You go out of your way to insult people, and it’s disgusting in this forum.
"Dropping soap in the shower" is a well known joke that's told even among gay men, so don't act like it's the worst thing in the world.
As someone said, "I used to be offended and triggered by so many things. I would yell and cry about how much my feelings were hurt. But then one day I woke up and my mom enrolled me in kindergarten, where I learned how to play with the other kids." LOL
I’m only offended by an internet troll saying it, Lawrence.
These Anti-Gay Bullies never learned that lesson, obviously!
I’m not offended by what was said, but by who said it. I was one of those kids in school who when a bully came after me or my friends, I stood up to them. Most bullies are cowards.
James never said he was offended by it, Lawrence. He only pointed out it was unnecessary, which it was. The entire rant by Daniel was unnecessary because he either misunderstood what I said or took it out of context. Some of us have moved past kindergarten and learned that sometimes just because you can say something doesn't mean you have to.
So stating fact and law is misunderstanding to you Chris? hope you never have to deal with an attorney or a police officer.
Dan, your "stating law and fact" when I merely stated my opinion was irrelevant. I didn't understand why you felt the need to bring it up. I can't help that you enjoy using "Straw Man" arguments because you don't have any real basis for your retorts.
But hey, you want law and fact? The First Amendment states the Federal Government cannot put forth laws promoting or restricting any religion. Yet here we are with Christian Nationalism, something that we've had since the beginning despite the First Amendment. Things like your anti-polygamy law, based on religion, was unconstitutional. Didn't stop it from being pushed through though, did it? Fact and Law.
And your problem with your rant is that you have not proved any such this as "christian nationalism" You are just upset that you have been proved wrong.
Dan Dan Dan.... you refuse to see the obvious. I'm not sure if this is due to deliberate ignorance or not, but if you need me to "prove" Christian Nationalism to you, I doubt I'd be able to simply because you would refuse to accept anything I put forth. Evidence is everywhere, from Blue Laws to the Pledge of Allegiance to discrimination laws. Accept it or not, I don't care. Stay blind, stay ignorant, stay hateful. I'm done with you.
"Dropping soap in the shower" is an obvious joke. It was probably a way for Daniel to add some levity to the conversation. But then the easily offended are always easily offended by the smallest thing, aren't they?
There seems to be one person insulting people. I saw no insults in the post by Daniel Gray and I dare anyone to find it, because it doesn't exist.
Again, it is not WHAT but WHO. I’ve had enough dealings with the WHO to know it isn’t levity. And for the record, I’m not easily offended.
Larry, you presume too far!
Maybe it shouldn’t be. Maybe the state should stay out of marriage entirely. With the exception of regulating age of consent of course. Time we as a nation grow up and stop penalizing people for who they love.
So you're in favor of polygamy? Let me enlighten you on what happens in a polygamous community.
There are an equal number of boys and girls born, so as they mature, boys will usually make friends with the girls and two of them may decide they want to live as friends forever. But then the leader of the polygamous group kicks the boys out and takes all the girls for his harem.
This is the reality of the Mormon polygamous group in southern Utah and the sad thing is that several girls and many of the boys suicide after being shunned by the polygamous group leader. This is why we need the state to step in to protect the children, teens and adults.
The problem you are describing is less polygamy and more forced marriage or perceived or real ownership of women by men. Polygamy can exist in positive relationships as well.
Not in large communities.
The Oneida Christian commune was a group of people who believed Jesus when he told them that if they sold everything and gave him the cash, they would receive 100 times as many wives and properties.
They figured that if they swapped wives at the rate of one every month, they could probably enjoy the fantasy of having 100 different wives, all shared among the men of course.
The Oneida commune earned money by creating silver spoons, forks, knives and plates. However, the commune fell apart when some of their kids and grandkids were always wondering "Who's my daddy?" LOL
You mean like "Uncle Daddy" and "Aunt Mommy"?
No Pearce. I’m not pro forced marriage. Quite the opposite. Im saying no one has the right to dictate what adults do with one another. I get you’re a twisted pervert, but don’t project your values onto mine in an attempt to villainize what I’m saying. Polygamy, Polyandry, polyamory when between consenting adults should be validated or at least tolerated. I get the consenting adult part confuses you.
All of those "Poly---"s present many problems with the division of property if someone wishes to leave or join the community! Furthermore, contracts can never be "all-inclusive" or "all-forgiving".
Daniel, you really are a hoot. I never said it was legal, only that it shouldn't be illegal. The only reason polygamy was banned was because of anti-Mormon sentiment. Your focus on that one part of my comment is quite telling, though. But thanks for playing along.
Chris, I think you have the cart before the horse. The anti-Mormon sentiment was because of polygamy.
Chris did you even read this for sense before posting? If its not illegal then its legal, there are no other sides of the coin. Your exact quote is "I never said it was legal, only that it shouldn't be illegal." So which is it? Is it legal or illegal? Federal Law says its illegal and unless you can get Congress to change it then its illegal no matter what you think.
It leaves me to wonder why this particular faction of supposed Christians keep trying to bring back the old laws, but not allowing men to have as many wives and concubines as they wish.
You are only correct as far as a "legal" marriage goes.I've had friends who have had ordained ministers marry them to more than one spouse and have a religious certificate. The additional spouse(s) were not registered with the state as spouses, so did not have any marital privilege. If they asserted any legal protections that would allow them alimony, custody, or power of attorney, I don't know, but to get those privileges it would have cost them legal fees to do so.
Not legally and if they have a certificate that says they are, then they AND the religious figure that married them are now guilty of a federal felony. Are you really sure you want to say this in a forum like this?
I'm sure that the verbiage on the certificate did not use the term "marriage," just like all gay "marriages" when that was illegal. Most certificates use some terms that indicate "joining" or "union." In their hearts and minds, they are married, even if the state doesn't acknowledge them as such. They are adults and their arrangement(s) are consentual.
Oh really? You just said that he married them, how else is anyone suppose to take it, that is unless you intentionally made up this story. And if they cohabitant and either one uses the last name of the other one, after a specific time they are classified as common law
Nice try but your attempted spin just makes it worse in how you try and explain it
Not every state recognizes a common-law marriage.
People can change their name legally without a marriage by petitioning a civil court. My husband does not go by the name on his birth certificate, and that was how his was changed.
I have lesbian friends that were "married" in a religious ceremony 15 years before they were allowed to legally. (They had a certificate indicating they were joind in love, not marriage). They had a second ceremony 15 years later, after it was legal. Today they state they have been married 20+ years. They have cohabitated for more than 30 years and never would have been allowed to consider it common-law in any state before Obergefell.
Wrong. EVERY state in the US recognizes a common law marriage.
Daniel, I'm sorry, but I am right. I live in Delaware, and there is no provisions for common-law marriages here. State code explicitly excludes them.
It would only be a problem if they submit a legal marriage license for a second marriage. You can spiritually marry as many people together as you want.
And the second you try and use your "spiritual" partners name on any federal or state document, then its reclassified as a common law marriage and if you are already married then its now classified as bigamy. Or are you going to say Blacks Law Library (the same law library that every judge/or attorney used while in law school and to obtain their JD are all wrong because you say so?
The problem is that you don't understand marriage is a legal institution, so absolutely the government and legislation are involved. You can crawl onto bed and do whatever you want. You don't get legal benefits without going through the legal system. Why is this so difficult for supposedly educated individuals to understand? Is it because education is really a doctrination into idiocy and lack of critical thinking skills. I'm sorry, but if you can't jump over a crack, you shouldn't be running hurdles.
Speak for yourself. "Doctrination" isn't a word. Maybe you'd know that if you had an education or critical thinking skills. Sorry, but if you can't understand grammar, you shouldn't be writing dumb comments?
Now you're playing the grammar karen. I usually just talk to the phone and sometimes a word gets mrssed up. (See just found one there) Intelligent people understand that and look at the substance versus the shine Pease insert the 'in' and give me my C- for grammar.
The fact remains, you can't defend your point so you went for the low. Bravo. I may have misspelled, but you miss-thought.
Xtian Nationalist theofascists are antithetical to the values of We The People. Don't give that mouse a cookie.
The founders of America were Christians and Deist members of the Congregationalist Churches. They were also nationalists who fought to create a nation separate from Britain and all other nations. So when they wrote "We the People" they were specifically describing themselves as nationalists who were Christians and Deists.
The phrase “America as a shining city on a hill” originates from a sermon given by Puritan John Winthrop in 1630. He used the metaphor to describe the Massachusetts Bay Colony, emphasizing that the new community would be visible to the world. This concept was later referenced by John F Kennedy to describe America’s role as a beacon of hope and freedom for the world.
Those who have a problem with the Christian nationalist founders of America may prefer to live in a different nation that matches their identities, like Ellen Degeneres, who decided she prefers to live in Britain.
Do these sentiments sound like “Xtian Nationalism” to you?
“The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.” John Adams
"And the day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. But may we hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away with this artificial scaffolding, and restore to us the primitive and genuine doctrines of this most venerated reformer of human errors." Thomas Jefferson
Adams and Jefferson were Deists and yet they respected the rights and freedoms of all Christians, unlike someone who seems to post hatred against Christians.
As for the government of the USA, it was founded on the lessons learned from the Roman and British Empires with one leader (Caesar/ King/ President) and one Congress (Senate/ Parliament/ House of Commons/ House of Representatives). It's true that there was no real governmental organization created by Jesus or his disciples.
The quote by Thomas Jefferson actually praises Christ as "the most venerated reformer of human errors" which I personally disagree with. Scholars admit that Christ taught some errors like exorcisms, but his worst mistake was telling people to NOT wash their hands. His doctrine against hygiene caused the deaths of millions of Christians for the next 1800 years until Dr Semmelweis of Austria and Dr Joseph Lister of Britain proved that simply washing hands could easily prevent the spread of germs, bacteria, death and diseases!
"Deism" is a philosophy based upon the precept that the being that created the universe is not present now, and that it is our duty to use human common sense and rational thought as our moral guides, instead of religious dogma. A Deist can be Christian or non-Christian. There were both types among the Founding Fathers.
A "Christian nationalist" is a person who believes that the entire country should be governed by (their own specific denomination's) Christian dogma.
These are opposite stances. The Founding Fathers who were Deists worked in harmony with their Orthodox fellows to set up a country that would NOT be governed by religious dogma, since that was the whole point of leaving England in the first place. They did the Christian Nationalist thing back in England and they disliked it enough to leave and come here to make a new country.
Invoking the Founding Fathers to promote the polar opposite of what they carefully crafted is disrespectful.
The Founders respected the Catholic state of MARYland specifically set aside for the Roman Catholics to rule over and worship as they wished, so yes, they allowed for states to be ruled by their dominant Christian religions. Next.
Simple google search = No, the Founding Fathers did not intend to establish the United States as a Christian nation. Instead, they created a secular government that protected the freedom of all people to practice their religion.
Your poorly worded comment shows you did not excel in American History or World History!
I didn't excel in that and I understood there is a clear separation.
So where does it stop? First abortion, next gay marriage? It this article it mentions "interracial marriage" which would be rich since Clarence Thomas is married to a white woman! I would be okay with the term civil unions, or something else. But to expect people to live in the shadows or lie about who they love in the year "2025" that would be a shame!
Separate but equal is NEVER EQUAL!
"Separate but equal is NEVER equal"? What if I buy a dozen eggs and give you six of them. Those eggs are separate but equal, right? Yet you claim they're not?
How about the Amish? They prefer to live as separate yet equal and that's exactly how they live their lives. Yet you claim they're not?
Maybe you should rethink your claim because the word "never" doesn't belong in it.
You obviously are trying to somehow equate eggs with marriage… are you feeling well?
Not respectful.
Civil Unions were tried in New Jersey. The concept failed miserably! "Separate but equal", essential Segregation, is in invalid concept and philosophy.
The Amish seem to be happy in their "separate but equal" religious communities. I don't see any problem with the concept.
They choose to behave that way. Not everyone wants to withdraw from general society! The problem is that these religious fanatics seem to want to tell everyone how to live and how to behave. R U 1 2 ?
The concept of "Civil Union" does not imply the same rights as a marriage, and if it is codified to do so, why not call it a marriage? Marriage implies rights of inheritance, custody, the ability to speak for one another, privilage to not be required to testify against one another and property rights during divorce to name just a few. This doesn't even touch the marriage "tax penalty" of filing jointly, which for some can be positive but for most it is negative when there are two incomes.
A civil union only means they were not married in a religious ceremony. It's still a marriage. Legally everything else applies. At least for now. That all can change with this. It won't stop here either. Interracial marriage will be on that block sooner or later.
Not in every state. Where I live, when same-sex wanted to be married, it was called a civil union and the certificate was for a civil union, not a marriage. Less than a year later, they changed that language and converted all civil unions to marriages. They completely eliminated the civil union.
If we look at the history of marriages across through history, it seems the ceremonies were created to provide a financial and social network of support for the married couple and their children.
In other words, marriages invited a social community who would help them in case something happened to the parents or children. This was especially true in most of human history when there were fires, droughts, floods, raids, wars and other disasters that threatened entire communities of people.
I think you should see your doctor, Mr. Pearce. Your comments are not very organized. You say marriage invites a social construct, which it does not. I have no responsibility to your family, and I certainly don’t want you near mine, so your social construct theory is baseless prima fascia. You’ve tried to use eggs to justify segregation, which I find interesting, but you really should see your doctor.
I disagree with almost everything that Pearce says and at times I wish we could get him to tone down. But I am very uncomfortable with the name calling that you are using.
I can't quote it directly but isn't there some phrase about "It takes a community"? I don't think his comments here were that far off base.
All I care to know about same sex "marriages" is the primary Bible verse stating that marriage is between a man and a woman in Genesis 2:24: "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.". These are from the Word of our Lord and Savior and if we are truly Ministers of God, we should follow it and not what the world says it should be. Consenting adults, love each other, does no harm, all are fine words to cover up the truth but we should be professing the Bible, not what is "acceptable". Then again, like all variations of thought, one will find what suit them best. To each their own. God bless everyone, regardless of their misunderstanding of the Bible. - Rev. Rick