The environmental protest group “Just Stop Oil” has quickly earned a reputation for using in-your-face tactics to draw attention to climate change issues. The UK-based group has drawn both praise and criticism for its controversial acts of civil resistance and symbolic protest.
Founded in 2022 in opposition to the UK government's new fossil fuel licensing and production agreements, Just Stop Oil advocates for investment in things like renewable energy and improved thermal insulation in buildings.
But its goals are far less contentious than the aggressive tactics it employs.
Just Stop Oil Tactics
The group has been involved in various high-profile protests, including disrupting sporting events, art galleries, and oil company facilities. Notably, they have also targeted cultural institutions as protest locations.
Among their most notable protest acts:
- Tossing tomato soup on Van Gogh’s “Sunflowers.”
- Throwing cake in the face of a wax figure of King Charles III.
- More recently, protesters vandalized a Christmas tree with orange paint
- Back in November, two 80-year-old protesters disrupted a Thanksgiving church service with a banner that read “will our children thank us?”
Does Controversy Work?
That’s one of the questions fundamental to the group’s cause.
Opponents argue that targeting beloved cultural sites and symbols is more likely to alienate potential allies than bring people on board to support the fight against climate change.
However, Just Stop Oil embraces these divisive tactics on the grounds that it’s better to cause offense and help their cause get noticed than be polite and have it go unnoticed.
And clearly some folks agree, as the group has won plenty of valuable allies along the way.
Faith and the Fight Against Climate Change
Included in the alliance: religious leaders who feel called to join the fight against fossil fuels.
In a recent opinion piece in the Church Times, retired priest and Just Stop Oil supporter Peter Lippiett explained that he participates in their protests as part of his Christian duty to love his neighbor and to challenge the harmful dependence on fossil fuels – even if it means being disliked.
“We believe that we are winning. We are not in it to be liked. Many may hate us and our methods, but there is clear evidence that they are moving the agenda…All our main political parties except that of the Government, now agree: no new oil.
A disgrace to the cloth? Quite possibly. A disgrace to Christ’s gospel? I believe not. Is the Archbishop of Canterbury ashamed of me? I have no idea — and that’s not the issue.”
And Lippiett is not the only one. Retired Church of England vicar Mark Coleman has also joined the protests, and was even arrested during a demonstration last year.
He later made a video while behind bars: https://x.com/JustStop_Oil/status/1571800353728872448?s=20
Green Christian, a faith-based environmental group, has also publicly supported Just Stop Oil and its tactics. They see it as part of the broader Christian calling to renounce evil and protect the planet. "As Christians it is our job to care about this, to be prophetic, to call out our government’s flagrant dereliction of duty and to demand action," the group says.
Did God Create Fossil Fuels?
Of course, not all faith leaders feel this way. In some circles, Just Stop Oil is viewed as brash and distasteful – just as likely to drive the climate movement apart as they are to bring people together.
Rowan Williams, a former Archbishop of Canterbury, criticized the group after protesters vandalized the Van Gogh painting. "I think in terms of tactics, it's not really doing many favours if I’m honest," Williams said.
Other faith leaders have gone further, arguing that we should even feel encouraged to use fossil fuels because God created them for humans to find.
Such is the opinion of Bryan Fischer, from the Christian-led American Family Association. "[God] has given us these gifts of abundant and inexpensive and effective fuel sources,” Fischer said in a past interview. “And we don’t thank him for it and we don’t use it…You know, God has buried those treasures there because he loves to see us find them.”
Where do you stand? Are Just Stop Oil’s tactics in line with faith teachings, or do some of their protests cross a line?
Don't disfigure great art works! It's cowardly to pick such " soft" targets, many of whose devotees are sympathetic to the Green cause! Do civil disobedience, etc., in front of Parliament, the White House, wherever power mongers reside and legislate their wicked deeds
I don’t understand why so many people go along with a narrative that is being fed to them by people that don’t give two cents about them.These people are protesting something that doesn’t exist and causing all sorts of havoc because of it. Yes the earth changes, it has natural cycles every so many thousands of years, it’s what it does naturally. Of course people being on the earth are going to make it be probably about 2-4% worse, but that’s not a huge difference. If these people actually believe that breathing and cow poop is a problem then they need to go read some real science books and stop listening to paid shills that tell them this absolute garbage being fed to them. I’ll give you an example for those that have been alive long enough to remember and for those that haven’t, go look this stuff up. 1970’s- they claimed that the ice age was creeping up on us, or the “new ice age” 1980’s- acid rain, yeah if they made it from their weather making machines (yes these do exist, look up HARP) 1990’s- there is a hole in the ozone and we are destroying the ozone layer (hmm, what happened to this one?) 2000’s- global warming or El Niño But of course they changed the narrative because the globe isn’t warming anymore Any of these ring any bells to anyone?? Yeah it’s all a bunch of BS!! And they are fear mongering the people to keep control and syphon billions and billions of dollars off of the people. There’s so much more too! Are you all awake yet? If not, Wake up!
I think this has gone too far. GOD does not promote violence and for people doing this in the name of GOD is not people of faith. They are hiding behind faith, using faith wrong. GOD is not POLITICS. Keep politics out of religion
God does not promote violence? He drowned babies, infants, children, and pregnant mothers, and then killed the children of the first born, promoted slavery, and stoning people to death. He has to be the biggest butcher of all the deities mankind has created. Are you getting your stories from a different book?
A bunch of immature 'useful idiots' intent upon destroying Western society - that is Just Stop Oil. There is nothing Godly in what they are doing. I agree with the commenter above who suggested that bystanders give them a slap alongside the head or a sharp kick in the behind. That seems to be the only way to dissuade them from their foolish course of action. Police actually doing their job might be another good way - followed by a stiff jail term.
Frankly I don't think he cares. Now how we are abusing resources and how we treat each other over it, that he might care more about.
I wonder how long their protests will last when the petrochemical derivative known as plastic goes away because there's no oil, making their little mobile phones, computers and other conveniences go away. There will be no more modern tires for their bicycles, meaning the manufacturers will need to destroy more rubber trees to get the latex for the rubber. There will be no more synthetic fabrics, including their underwear and support clothing. There will be no more KY Jelly for their other activities, as well as Vaseline for the rest of their needs. Fuel such as gasoline and diesel are by-products of petroleum. They will also have to freeze or burn coal or wood in the winter and to cook. There is no such thing as "renewable" energy, and the Earth has been warming ever since the ice age. This is reality, and now scientists are beginning to expose the lies. Destroying other people's property to make a point only shows disregard for the others in this world and deserves to be punished in such a way that brings to realization that their behavior is not acceptable. They're criminal thugs that I cannot support.
I would wonder how these individuals traveled to their point of protest. Did they walk? Did they use private or public transportation? Did they fly? Or did they jump onto their unicorns and just slide into the function??
They don’t want oil then give up everything in their life that has oil as a byproduct in it. No computers, no television, no cellphone, no vehicles, not even electric, most of the items in their homes, as all of that stuff that has plastic, has oil.
Most of the clothing they wear, unless 100% cotton or wool, has oil in it.
Get ride of all their furniture as the materials covering it have oil. They must also not have any type of plastic on plumbing in their home, as that is oil.
Oh wait, that oil that benefits them and makes life easy for them is fine, don’t ask them to inconvenience themselves, but just everyone else.
I have never, ever seen a successful argument made by pissing people off. This an absurd strategy and makes it impossible to believe that they are acting in good faith. It looks rather like they are malicious pranksters that like negative attention, using oil as an excuse just to be disruptive and destructive.
Keith (Delete Comment) Dec 26, 2023 at 10:49 pm (0 votes) I love your article, and I think we are articulating the same thing differently. I 100% agree that violence and destruction are wrong regardless of who does it or when. I agree that two wrongs don’t make it right. And, yes, I agree morals should start in the home. That’s where my morals started. I respect others and their property. I’m just being realistic. It would be wonderful to see the same moral characteristics thriving in communities in our country today. However, I’ve lived 63 years, and I’ve seen changes in the morality of our country, and it’s not good. I still show the respect today that I learned as a child. I don’t see much of it in today’s society unless it’s coming from the older generations. Some people may look the other way and not want to see these characteristics slowly becoming instinct in our society. I’m not promoting any of these things that Trump or anyone else is pushing because it’s criminal and not morally correct. But I have to acknowledge that people are promoting it because I see it every day. It still doesn’t make it right, but it happens, and I hope these people get punished for the wrong they are doing to our country. If morality and common decency were the same as what we learned, our world might be better. Until then, I agree with you 100% that two wrongs don’t make it right and that violence and destruction are wrong regardless of who you are. I also agree that if people are taught at home to respect others and their property, there should be less violence and destruction. It would be fantastic. But I can’t ignore what’s happening, and if people can’t respect others and their property, they need to be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.
Rev. Keith
There was a time in Western civilization when the man in the street would've knocked some sense into these idiots. Unfortunately, if they did so today, the police would go after the men instead of the sniveling twerps who are causing the trouble. Why am I so harsh? Because these so called protesters are either knowing or unknowingly collaboraters with our enemies who seek to destroy Western societies through such acts of domestic sabotage. These tactics are right out of the playbook. Literally. One is available on Amazon which I bought and read. So, until men find wherever woman have put their ... courage ... we should deport these saboteurs to China where they will either be given a medal or a heavy prison sentence. I'd prefer the latter.
Destruction of any kind would never get anyone anywhere. Violence doesn't get anyone anywhere. If they want change they need to start right in their own homes and lives. By setting a good example, others may follow. Vandalizing should get them thrown in jail for a while. Maybe they'll change their minds about destroying property.
I agree that destruction and violence are not the way. However, your statement is not precisely the truth anymore. You stated that destruction and violence don’t get anyone anywhere. Unfortunately, people see these political figures getting away with destruction and violence, and they think, if they can do these things and get away with it, then why can’t we? I know it’s not ethically correct. However, that seems to be the way of the world. I still pray that God and his loving mercy fill this world with his loving peace so that we, all of God’s creations, can live in peace and harmony in a free world.
I totally disagree with you. You missed the point of what I wrote. Violence and destruction are wrong, no matter who does it or when it is done. Just because one fool promotes that sort of thing does not mean that we should all promote it. Where are the morals going? It all starts in the homes. If people are brought up believing that they should respect others and the property of others, there will be less destruction and violence. Two wrongs never have and never will make a right.
I love your article, and I think we are articulating the same thing differently. I 100% agree that violence and destruction are wrong regardless of who does it or when. I agree that two wrongs don’t make it right. And, yes, I agree morals should start in the home. That’s where my morals started. I respect others and their property. I’m just being realistic. It would be wonderful to see the same moral characteristics thriving in communities in our country today. However, I’ve lived 63 years, and I’ve seen changes in the morality of our country, and it’s not good. I still show the respect today that I learned as a child. I don’t see much of it in today’s society unless it’s coming from the older generations. Some people may look the other way and not want to see these characteristics slowly becoming instinct in our society. I’m not promoting any of these things that Trump or anyone else is pushing because it’s criminal and not morally correct. But I have to acknowledge that people are promoting it because I see it every day. It still doesn’t make it right, but it happens, and I hope these people get punished for the wrong they are doing to our country. If morality and common decency were the same as what we learned, our world might be better. Until then, I agree with you 100% that two wrongs don’t make it right and that violence and destruction are wrong regardless of who you are. I also agree that if people are taught at home to respect others and their property, there should be less violence and destruction. It would be fantastic. But I can’t ignore what’s happening, and if people can’t respect others and their property, they need to be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.
Rev. Keith
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Recycling is a joke. No one wants the plastic so it gets dumped in the ocean. I wouldn't be surprised China dumps alot of the plastic she once got from the USA. Ithink a great recycling for plastic is make guns out of it. And deadly plastic bullets.
The police are too soft with these idiots blocking Ambulances on a code red call they're just immature adults who would rather disrupt people's every day lives instead of working.If we could live without oil we would.I get sick of all these so called activists . People disruptors more like.Another thing these idiots don't realise is the vehicle they travel in need oil.
Myself, I’m going to keep living my life with no further changes. I recycle. I bike to the store if the weather is okay. I flush the toilet every other time when I pee (unless I forget). Sometimes I turn off the water while I wash my hair. I’ve never run an oil tanker aground and I’ve told my offspring to consider carefully before they have offspring.
That’s about all you’re getting from me. My car needs gas and I have to change the oil now and then.
Peaceful protest is welcome. Destroying or vandalizing public or private property is not a religious act, but a crime. Such acts will only alienate potential advocates. They are winning despite their tactics not because of them. They are winning as people realize the environmental damage of fossil fuels is horrific. However, it is impossible to expect economies built on fossil fuels to transform overnight. Such an expectation is not realistic for the average person or for the protesters who are themselves using fossil fuel products in full view of cameras.
Perhaps their energy would be better directed towards developing technology that does not rely on oil, making suggestions rather than pointless criticism. They are retarding their cause with their negativity. Regardless of climate change, we will be better off without relying on fossil fuels that will run out eventually, it's progress we need
Ego can be the most destructive force in existence. No matter which side it is, ego justifies its actions. Unfortunately it's not a zero sum game, with out intellect, greed wins.
These people have crossed the lines. This is no way to get anyone to stop using oil and its by-products.
Our environment did not change overnight, nor can we repair it that quickly.
@Colleen McAllister
There are a lot of products that can be made without fossil fuels. People who are chemically sensitive learn how, as well as learning to live with inconveniences that are a small trade off for physical comfort and improved health.
It's really up to consumers to start paying attention and choose more wisely. Manufacturers use oil byproducts because most of us buy those.
If 'Stop the Oil' protestors were serious and really wanted to drive home their focus, why not use organic, hand woven, fair trade cloth canvas painted with blood from a butcher shop or similar? That circle doesn't seem to lack the funds.
I agree but it won't happen overnight. And there is the matter of all those who work in the fossil fuel industry.retraining, creating jobs. This is not going to be a quick fix.
I hope Van Gogh's 'Sunflowers' was a replica on display.
It was that single act of vandalism that turned me against them
Same as Greenpeace with that poster of Megan Fox years ago, also comprised of toxic materials.
Hypocrisy has no bounds or barriers and is most rife among attention seekers.
Interesting how all those plastic sheets they are holding up, and the orange safety jackets are all made from the byproducts of oil 🤔
Like all the protest groups. They're paid and naive. They wouldn't know their behind from a hole in the ground. Sadly, they have youth i.volved whom ate way to young to really know what is truth and what isn't. They just accept any bull they're told.
Some children throwing temper tantrums supported by a dude that thinks he's a Christian supporting Jesus.
Jesus specifically said not to follow the mob. Jesus does not support the summer of arson and looting in the name of the criminal called Floyd, a riot at the Capitol or trowing tomatoes at a stupid painting. Per the bible, these are the tactics of evil.