Faced with a rash of recent measles outbreaks, states like Washington, New York and New Jersey are proposing laws that would eliminate religious exemptions for vaccines. Both the medical community and anti-vaccination activists are curious to see what states will follow California's lead, which did away with both personal and religious vaccine exemption following a Disneyland-linked outbreak of measles that began in 2014. Now, only home-schooled students can avoid vaccination without a doctor's signature.
It would seem the stakes for such legislation has never been higher. The United States experienced 17 different measles outbreaks in 2018, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
And while high percentage of vaccinated children results in the kind of "herd immunity" that prevents contagious diseases like the measles from spreading, some doctors have warned that honing in on religious exemptions alone won't address the risk of future outbreaks.
"People think of the Amish as the classic group that doesn't want to vaccinate," explains Daniel Salmon, a director of the Institute for Vaccine Safety. "Most people who have concerns aren't ideologically opposed to vaccines. They just don't trust the science, they've been misinformed, or they hold different values."
The Science is Clear
While vaccine exemptions have grown steadily over the past three years, to a median 2.2 percent of kindergartners among all states, it's unclear the precise role religion has played. Many Amish in Ohio began vaccinating their children after their own 2014 measles outbreak, for example.
In the largely agnostic state of Washington, only 0.3 percent of families used a religious exemption to avoid vaccinating their young children in 2018, compared to 3.7 percent who used a personal exemption. Many who oppose vaccines cite the threat of autism, based on a 1998 study that used falsified data. Though the study was later retracted and debunked by overwhelming scientific evidence, many of those fears persist to this day.
Despite the fact that recent outbreaks in New York and New Jersey have occurred primarily among unvaccinated ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities, where many believe vaccines cause diseases, religion alone may not be to blame.
The Pew Research Center found most religious believe healthy children should be required to receive vaccinations to attend school. Scholars insist no major religious group can point to doctrine to advocate against vaccinations, even if some do object to the use of tissue from aborted fetuses in creating vaccines. The Catholic Church has since come on board, while the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission has compared the practice to using organs from a murdered person to justify vaccines.
Legitimate Concern - or Loophole?
Some researchers believe certain parents only use religious exemptions because they can.
"As the anti-vaccine movement grows in strength and power, they could use the religious exemption loophole," says Peter Hotez, a vaccination proponent and dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. "Right now I don't see it as significant as an issue."
Rather than pick on the religious, it may be wiser to tackle the wonky science and selfish personal beliefs behind the anti-vaccination movement once and for all.
This may be the quickest path to full ignorance-immunity.
Tee hee you are funny MF ! Misinformation huh? Did you even read ONE of the studies Man, guess you’ll be devastated when they tell you there’s no Santa Claus too
There’s no changing your mind so keep on drinking the kool-aid of government feared “misinformation “ Enjoy the bliss
Keep spreading the misinformation about the dangers of vaccines. Ignorance like company.
Herd immunity is not provided by vaccinations, but by natural immunities within the herd. Most of you are doomed if there is a deadly pathogen on the loose, and it will have nothing to do with anti-vaxxers.
Bonita: considering your child had only a 1 in 10000 risk of dying from the measles (same as getting struck by lighting) Id be pretty mad the role of the vaccine risk dice may have given my child a brain injury..PSSSST there's been lots more studies since the Wakefield one you spoke of (his only conclusion was the MMR vax link to autism required more research; and for THAT he as publicaly eviscerated to serve as an example to any Dr who dare follow in his foot steps ) Below are only a FEW links to scientific research largely from PubMed published since Wakefield; and I have lots more on the autoimmune impacts of aluminum adjuvants and the ineffectiveness of these tired old vaccines
but you wont read then will you ? because that's what denial looks like you'd rather live in a sunshine world were Big phrama and your government takes care of you, protects you and would NEVER mislead you !
good luck with that
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3878266/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21623535 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25377033 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24995277 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12145534 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21058170 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22099159 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3364648/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17454560 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19106436 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3774468/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3697751/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21299355 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21907498 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11339848 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17674242 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21993250 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15780490 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12933322 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16870260 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19043938 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12142947 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24675092
Causal relationship between vaccine induced immunity and autism http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12849883
Subtle DNA changes and the overuse of vaccines in autism http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3364648/
Vaccine and Autism- a New Scientific Review http://www.cbsnews.com/news/vaccines-and-autism-a-new-scientific-review/
Summary of previous Journal of Immunology http://danmurphydc.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/AR-10-12-rata-AUTISM-VACCINE.pdf
Autism and Resulting Medical Conditions: http://www.tacanow.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/autism-studies-april-2008.pdf
Mercury toxic encephalopathy manifesting with clinical symptoms of regressive autistic disorders. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17454560
Relation of mercury to high autism rates in boys http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16264412
Elevated levels of measles in children with Autism http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12849883
Abnormal MMR antibodies in children with autism http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12145534
Tylenol, MMR and Autism - A parent survey study http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18445737
A Positive Association found between Autism Prevalence and Childhood Vaccination http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/tandf/uteh/2011/00000074/00000014/art00002?token=004c170388ee06a6e5865462431636f5720415d23763c247b5e4e26634a492f2530332976261
Peer reviewed study on fetal cell contamination with retro virus associated with autism and cancer http://www.globalresearch.ca/new-study-in-journal-of-public-health-finds-autism-and-cancer-related-to-human-fetal-dna-in-vaccines/5402912 Autism and mercury poisoning http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11339848
Hypothesis: conjugate vaccines may predispose children to autism spectrum disorders http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21993250
Rise in autism coincides with rise in vaccines http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21623535
A two-phase study evaluating the relationship between Thimerosal-containing vaccine administration and the risk for an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis in the United States http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3878266/
Elevated levels of measles antibodies in children with autism. - PubMed - NCBI Pediatr Neurol. 2003 Apr;28(4):292-4. Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Everyone talking about the package insert, have you read the package insert for Tylenol? All medical procedures and medicines come with risk but overwhelmingly the benefits outweigh the risks. When any drug is being tested it is mandated that every event is reported. Even if a person with known cardiac disease has a cardiac event while in study it is reported and becomes a “risk”.
I guess I’m left to ask even though the autism “study” was debunked years ago and that physician lost his license, at what point would you rather have a dead child than an autistic child? I have an autistic child and he is amazing.
Define Debunked? How is formaldehyde, heavy metals, GMO'ed / synthesized compounds, preservatives and other chemicals never on this planet B4 humans created them a cure for an ailment? Oils in lue of statins, pepper for colds. Feel free to maintain the mindset that the for-profit drug cartel / companies know it all. AND the FDA states "only a drug can prevent or cure". PS, Smoking is good for you. Cigs contain Beta Carotene. Smoke up, side effects are work the benefits. Oh wait a moment... That was debunked, (100 years later) while the tobacco sellers made a HIGH ON THE HOG living for the last century + b4 it was proven. Just becasue the Government is making BIG bucks off cannibals & liqueur. NOT make it healthy. Only makes $$$. Now we need to legalize HEMP as fast as they did THC. Maybe we can PUSH to legalize citrus as a major stepping stone for scurvy and get the insurances companies to pay for it.
Having an amazing child w/ some form of autism? Thats Gr8... Until ALL the TRUE "cause/s" are known it is NOT prudent to claim alllllll these chemicals, drugs and pollutants NOT the cause this, that or the other ailment as everyone sits back claiming no one knows what the causes are. This FDA mindset set of "only a drug can prevent or cure" is like 10k ppl standing on a bridge that can only handle 1000 ppl. Then every one claiming innocents as each person claims they only weights 200 lbs or they were there 1st. The 1st cigarette not kill you, a collective of all pollution & chemicals as a whole take their toll. Look at the mess this earth is in and all the suffering life on it. As no one claims their share of the doings.
I've been against forced vaccination since I found out the truth. In the 60s and 70s vaccines for measles, influenza, and polio were causing cancer in people and the covered it up and still use the same vaccines that killed more than 200'000 Americans since the 60s of cancer, TB, well before these people reach 50. Go ahead and vaccinat your child. But do the research like I did. The government has never been for the people except when our Country was founded. The constitution is the only protection from total socialism and legal slavery. God bless all of you.
The authorities were injecting us with biological time-bombs, Post. To fulfill the desire for us to live until we start getting too old to work hard, and then die, as in Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World". They are still trying to perfect it, though, working on the young here, and the third world wherever they can go.
My body, my choice. Or since they claim it is perfectly all right to murder children, why is it not ok to vaccinate them.
...or not?
T’Keren Valmez Having a hard time figuring out this seriously odd message but have come to the conclusion:
A) you need serious help B) you’re trying for some twisted Oscar role C) seriously concerned you would throw your child on top of a grenade to prevent case of measles or chicken pox ?
If yes, I’ll choose A
Nature at the microscopic level is the ultimate battle ground. Ever second trillions of bacteria around our world fight to the death in a struggle to determine which is truly the fittest and meant to wipe out all other life. The scientist that helped bring the multi thousand year plague of tuberculosis to an end understood that. He also knew that at best our efforts to protect our species was a temporary one. But also a needed one, for every year, every decade, ever century we buy our species to develop our civilization to advance our science, so that when this current defense finally fails, another will be ready to fill the gap.
All one has to do is look at rampant outbreaks to understand the need for EVERYONE to be part of the process. Having some not so protected is like having some knights go onto the battle field naked rather then in armor. Such would be liabilities to all rather then staunch allies ready to hold the line.
As with any freedom of this country of ours, it must be balanced against the responsibility each of us has to the whole. There is a reason one of the most famous lines uttered in film in a scene of selfless sacrifice is "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few". This is why when we hear stories of soldiers the likes of Audie Murphy risking themselves to protect many earn our admiration and respect even if we in general view warmongers with contempt.
There is a reason why one of the most famous statements ever made by any president is.....
" Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans—born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage—and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.
And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country"
No matter who foots the bill. Unvaccinated ppl are not the "cause" of an outbreak. The industrialized way of life is the cause of weak immune systems. Society (life styles) in general lets bug take hold in a given person. Weak, unhealthy immune system in the over all collective or society is not a reason for others to get drugged up w/ alum & mercury make the healthy ppl weak & dependent.
17 measles outbreaks? Thats it? What about the 70k ppl that died from drugs. Why are ppl turning to legal & illegal drugs to the point of death? Compensate for something??? As a society we are becoming more physically and emotional & mentally unhealthy and unstable... https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/video/american-life-expectancy-drops-for-the-second-time-a-trend-not-seen-since-early-1900s-cdc-report-shows-1384228419576
Look at the situation w/ Monsanto / Bayar. No matter how many reports were done on how GMO's were safe. And how the "patented seeds / spores" were non threatening and non problematic. Here we are w/ GMO's cross contaminating everything. Organic is no longer organic. Copious farmers got their seeds blown across their fields and then sued the farmers for patient infringement & took their lands (google it). Trade one ailment for a drug that has 20 side effects. Eradicate one virus w/a drug and it mutates, now we have 5 virus mutations (5 more drugs to market) and a load of more side effects. Anyone that was saved by a "drug" traded one ailment for another (check your liver enzymes) I'm sure there are hidden signs. Kicking the can down the street as a Dr will tall you "thats normal". A normal that changes every 5 years to suit the "industry".
Children do not belong to the collective. They belong to their parents, so long as their parents provide sustenance and shelter to them. Therefore, the village shall not be allowed to demand that the child be vaccinated. The village can request it, or suggest it. It cannot mandate it. The collective does not have the best interest of the child at heart. The collective only cares about the collective. A parent cares about their child. If the collective has a good case to be made, let the collective make the case to the parents. If the case is not good, the collective will take it to the court, where political pressure has some sway. The collective can become too demanding for its own good. Then it becomes self-destructive.
The parent/custodian who will be responsible for the financial outcome of doing something (in this case, vaccinations) should have the final decision on whether the action is taken or not. If a parent foots the bill for his child, then he should make the decision. If the child is a ward of the state, including welfare healthcare, then the state should make the decision. A bad outcome from doing something is the opposite of a bad outcome from doing nothing. If the state forces a parent to get vaccination and there is a bad outcome, is the state going to cover the future healthcare and maintenance costs, or is the parent?
To the author, have you heard of free will? Domain over one's person? Do you believe the for-profit-at-any-cost propaganda and self-funded safety studies? Do you not understand basic capitalistic principles about the consumer choosing what product and service thrives by researching accurate information? Do you worship science instead of critically evaluate how the process may be corrupted for profit interests?
If you believe there are no risks to vaccines, check out the Supreme Court decision stating they are "unavoidably unsafe" so that manufacturers are not liable for injury and death caused by the product. Those are the same companies that produce drugs that have been FDA approved as safe and effective, but get taken off the shelves because they kill people. Why would anyone purchase a product that has never been tested for true safety (not as compared to another vaccine or adjuvant)?
Why would anyone buy a product that has no liability? No matter how "small" you think the risk of death or serious injury from vaccines is, how many health people dying is acceptable to you? If it was your child, husband, mother that "gave their lives for the good of society" would it be okay?
When religion pushes a for-profit agenda, it becomes a Political Action Committee.
Polio! To get a shot or not. Logic you get the shot but there are those who rather risk not giving their children a shot. If the kid gets polio then they can lose the ability to walk, used of their arms, or maybe have an iron lung wrap around them for the rest of their lives. What great parents that child has.
well first lets say freedom from religion should be talked about looks like we will have understand pushing their agenda puts all in danger!!! A mandate to get a shot in a country that does no have medical care if a shot to protect from losing your house because some wingnut claims their delusions should be accepted as true regardless of anyone else's health to many people can be harmed in the name of invisible friends who will not even help belivers who pray germs don't give a rats ass. Cause they are real can kill !! so stop all this fake ass shit get a shot to protect me from you please. I BLESS YOU ALL CAUSE I SAY SO!!!!!!!
What is this ? ~ ~ Scholars insist no major religious group can point to doctrine to advocate against vaccinations ~ ~ ... < --- Depends on how one wishes to spin, twist, phaneron the verbiage in any given spiritual book/s or teaching/s to justify a given perspective. What part of (something to the effect of), "thou shall not defyth they temple" as touched on in various parts of 1-Corinthians? or "Partake not of the tree of knowledge" mentioned in Genesis. These examples are limited and may be focused. These biblical teachings apply in copious ways. We consider genetic cannibalism, mercury and other foreign substances injected into the body to comply with "only a drug can prevent or cure" is a self serving set up for the pharma industry.
I am shocked that this discussion is on this site. Everything should be a choice especially because I do not trust the people who are making decisions for us. I am not a child. I research everything from the food I eat to the minerals and supplements I take,. If we all took the time do be our own advocates instead or relying on others we all would make better informed choices. I am vaccinated, I wish I was not. I had measles , chicken pox's, mumps. When have they become deadly , a certain amount of illness strengthens the immune system. I had like what 10 vaccines compared to the amount today which is ridiculous. Why are you afraid of the unvaxed if the vaccine works your protected who are you to tell me what I should do with my children.
Novalee57 I absolutely agree for it is the fact the Universal Life Church ran an article that disregards strongly held beliefs and disgregards those who seek religious freedoms that is the true issue of this argument. Although I am in total agreement with your stance on vaccination, the question of the efficacy and safety of vaccines is not the point, rather, it is the removal of constitutional entitlements and how quickly people are willing to join in on the lynch mob mentality that I find alarming.
What if is I was a vegan, militantly opposed to the ingestion of any animal being forcefully vaccinated with vaccines rife animal DNA ? or a Wicca / or follower of Native religions who turns to Mother Earth to heal and not big pharma? What If I was a Satanist, committed to free will ? What if I was a Christian, against abortion, yet forced to be injected with fetal cells? What if I was a Jew or Muslim against ingestion of pork forced to be injected with porcine vaccines...it is irrelevant that the leaders of any church has sanctioned vaccines as OK for it is still up to the follower NOT a man dictating their beliefs
VERY disturbed by the Universal Life Church on this one and yes, shocking to even be having this conversation in a forum with those who I would expect would rise above knee jerk reactions and consider the implications of forcing any human being to be injected with agents that conflict with their beleif system while chastising them for holding very real religious convictions To me, that would feel like rape ... and to those who are so quick to pick up a pitch fork and join in the fervour to force a medical intervention, I ask you consider this
My sister's baby (too young to be vaccinated) died from a preventable communicable disease after exposure to a sick non-vaccinated child in daycare. It was that child's parent's supposed religious choice. What happened to "Thou shalt not kill" ? In my opinion, those parents selfishly murdered my sisters innocent baby and murder is worse than your melodramatic feeling of rape.
I'm very sorry about your niece and not to minimize, but my friends baby died post her first round of vaccinations and another friends child had debilitating seizures post his DTAP vaccine until his death at the age of 23. It is their stories that endeared me to this fight. Could both these parents say public health agendas and those "selfishly" forcing vaccines murdered their children ? There are horrible stories from either side yet those injured and killed by vaccines are not heard and rather kept as dirty little secrets by public health authorities.
What we did 50 years (or 20) ago is a major brick in the wall of what is happening today. The USA is the most fed, but worst fed nation in the world. The most prominent medical knowledge (western med) but we are loosing the war on health at most every turn. Claim a drug cure to one ailment? 5 different ones take it place. More drugs can be made for those 5. \
they are not dirty little secrets. Anyone and everyone not willfully ignorant understands there will always be those handfuls that are genetically so flawed that what cures most kills a few. Just like with every other species, we must recognize when the loss of those few is a need to insure the ultimate success of the many.
Selfish is seeing a grenade land and taking cover while many die, rather then falling on the grenade so only one dies.
We admire historically throughout many cultures those prepared to sacrifice that which they love to protect even complete strangers.
We do not need selfish cowards putting one above many.
We feel for your situation. How we have defyth'ed our bodies (50-100 years ago) has weekended us as a species where our temples are not pure. Mind, body or spirit is so far out of sync w/ nature we are dropping like flies. All the poisons we partake of created a domino effect to keep us weak and susceptible to conditions that never existed 100's of years ago. Most all we experience is man created.
“Most all we experience is man created”
Yes, even gods and religion!
Just because incident B followed incident A that does not mean they are related. Where is the proof vaccination were the cause? One of my sister's was left handicapped and mildly retarded ataage 2 due to the lack of vaccination that could have prevented the disease.
@ Matt... Just becasue party "A" appears innocent. Not make party "B" guilty. Where is the proof vaccines were innocent ?
What if your sister's baby died from a vaccinated person who caught the disease from the vaccine or someone who the vaccine didn't work? Would that make the child any less dead? Would you feel any better about the death? If the unvaccinated child "killed" your sister's baby with a disease he or she got from a vaccinated child, who killed the infant? If the unvaccinated child would have been killed by the vaccine (had a previous near death reaction to vaccines), do you think that child's mother should have gladly sacrificed her child to save your sister's?
I understand your anger and need to blame. But those parents didn't murder your sister's innocent baby.
Thou shall not kill and first do no harm should be heeded by the medical industry. If you think vaccines fit that bill, you haven't done your research.
Marie, what if you could prove your point without having to paint a hypothetical scenario? What happened to Judith's niece is not only tragic, it was preventable.
I'll bet everyone reading this forum now will start questioning everywhere their children go to find out if there are un-vaccinated children among them.
Perhaps daycare facilities should disclose the presence of un-vaccinated children; Not identify them, but just inform parents of their presence.
Cynthia You said it very well I concur.
Just check out Bill Gates talk about eugenics and vaccines.
I grew up in the 50's before some of the vaccines we now have. Some children like me suffered with the scabs caused by Chicken Pox with no lasting harm, for example. My wife, on the other hand had a seriously high fever from measles which permanently damaged her vision. Some children died. The problem I have with not vaccinating your children is two-fold. First, the parent is risking their child's health and life with no scientific basis for doing so, without the child having any meaningful way to influence the decision. Second, if the child contracts the disease they could easily infect infants too young to get the vaccines and others for which vaccination is contraindicated risking those persons health and lives. This is simply unacceptable. I contacted my representatives in Washington State regarding the vaccination bill. It would allow parents to exempt their children for "religious" reasons if they simply claimed that vaccination was against their "personal religious beliefs". All they would have to do is visit a doctor who would give them information about the risks of not vaccinating their children. That loophole is far too big and would give parents an easy way to exempt their children. The other exemption would be for members of religious organizations which have a stated policy against medical care.
I think it is a sad state of affairs when misinformation guides parents' medical decisions and a "personal religious belief" can be used to injure and kill not only their own children but anyone they may come in contact with.
I have the right to say no to the government making mandate alterations to my physical body especially to my DNA. I believe in true patient autonomy: the freedom and right to choose one's caregivers independent of their official certification. This means I can visit private health care providers who have not been programmed and paid off by the government and pharmaceutical companies. True medicine people only provide services when requested by the patient, anything else is a criminal act.
Well stated rain, If we stopped poisoning our environment, our bodies, our minds and spirit, we would not have these issues. We read Dr Mercolas data base. There are billions bricks in the wall erected in the past 100 years that have set the stage for what we have 2day. Drugs and chemicals are not the answer. We as a species need to undo a lot of what was enacted 50 / 100 years ago to correct this down-fall of Emotional, Mental, Physical & Spiritual health.
Being old enough to remember the scourge of polio and the relief engendered by the sauk vaccine, and the days of parents intentionally infecting their children with the common childhood diseases to confer adult immunity, I am flabbergasted by people who refuse to immunize. The right to voluntarily eschew modern medicine is literally the right of suicide. I have traveled the world and have been vaccinated for everything for which there is a vaccine and have seen populations which do not enjoy this advantage. The difference is horrifying. Just my opinion, but it's informed by science.
Science? Is only as accurate as humans "think" they fathom it. We were created in the image of god / love (perfect). What happened? Dependency on drugs and chemicals to survive is not what creation had in mind millions of years ago. Many ailments are being blamed on "heredity". The 1st humans were created (Adam / Eve if you will) and it was stated... "be fruitful AND multiply". Of all the ailments currently known to humans. I can tell now, the 1st (male / female) humans did NOT possess all these (millions of ailment) to be selectively passed down as most humans are currently experiencing. Where did these "ailments" enter the DNA (or RNA as some claim) along the way to make this planet and its inhabitence so unhealthy as many life forms are dying off at an unprecedented rate. Chemicals, pollution and destruction of the earth infrastructure can't be the cause? Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. IT'S A DRUG DEFICIENCY>>> Thats the cause.
The population of the US is 5% of the worlds population, yet we consume 85% of the worlds drugs. Other countries have implemented far more reasonable vaccination schedules with far better outcomes.
Death by pharmaceuticals is the 3rd leading cause of death in the US.
Pharma fraud. Doesn't the opioid crisis give you pause as to how Big Pharma is cannabilizing our population? 95% of flu vaccines have been proven ineffective. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program relieves all pharma companies of any responsibility and liability for vaccine damaged children, any vaccine damage at all. This compensation program was created by Congress. How many in Congress are accepting payments from Big Pharma in order to implement legislation benefiting Big Pharma? Paid outcomes on research of vaccines is a big issues.
In Tennessee, our state Senator Marsha Blackburn is known as "Opioid Martha". She had the opportunity to stand up against the crisis of opioids in our state, against Big Pharma, yet she opted for BIG Pharma and has grown wealthy from their payola.
Many folks are not opposed to vaccines. They are opposed to the preservatives that are contained within the vaccines. They are opposed to the vaccination schedule, which is the highest implemented in the world. Many of us are opposed to amalgams in our teeth, aluminum in our cooking pots and fluoride in our water. These substances have been proven to be harmful and have been outlawed in many countries. We still get our cavities filled, use cookware and drink water.
A government mandated philosophy of medicine is unconstitutional. Big Pharma, the AMA have conspired with Congress to push their pro-pharma agenda. There are many types of philosophies of healthcare that do a better job and have better outcomes than the US.
Many in our country have been let down by our medical and insurance system. We are told we must go bankrupt, lose our homes and lead a miserable existence because drugs are our only hope to survive. Drugs are our only hope to survive? I think not.
"Anti-vaxxer" is an inflammatory word. It paints a broad stroke of ignorance, which is simply not the case. If you are an informed consumer and have taken the time to research the ill-effects of vaccines, then you are considered an "informed consumer". If you have not taken the time to do the research, you are labeled as "derelict". I prefer the opposite.
The label "Pro-Pharma" or "Pharma Fraud" should be implemented to denote those that are in the pocket of paid research, payola and Big Pharma. It is so interesting that the population of the US is suspect of everything our government implements but has gone along naively when it comes to the continued harassment of those that dare to question the lockhold Big Pharma has in propgandizing and implementing the Big Pharma agenda.
I am not against medical and health care where it is warranted and in the right measure. Statistically 45% of the population will have a back surgery if they see a doctor. Only 1.5% will have surgery if they see a Chiropractor. Forms of natural care and supplements have been vilified because they are independent of the AMA and Big Pharma. They do not result in profit for Doctors or Big Pharma. Once an intervention has been entered into, it creates a cascade of side effects and adverse reaction to drug use, resulting in more drugs to manage the side effects.
In the US we medicate our school children, senior citizens and prison population in order to manage behavior. So much easier than having to expend the time to get to the root cause of the issue. The right use of our time and efforts would be better spent in not demonizing those that have objections to how Big Pharma and the AMA have implemented a propharma agenda. We should focus our efforts on creating a safe way to manage outbreaks and disease. Implementing a not-for-profit healthcare system is the number one way to reducing the use of these dangerous measures that threaten the health and safety of society.
On the CDC web site it states Sodium fluoride is safe, effective and approved for consumption / use. Did deep in the CDC site and get the MSDS on S Fluoride. It requires a full body protective gear and requires special handling. Warnings of inhalation, consumption and epidermal application is a no-no. This conflict says to me. S.F is toxic until mixed w/ a carrier. Drink-up, eat-up, brush-up and partake. PS. Fluoride on teeth when born is NOT the same compound as the chemicalized varieties in consumables.
Would we put poison in our mouth, but most do.
Take a look at the poison warning notice on your toothpaste with fluoride:
WARNING keep out of reach of children under 6 years of age. If more than used for brushing is accidentally swallowed, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right away.
I'm of mixed opinion on floridation. It seems to protect against cavities at a population level, but it may increase them in some individuals.
Nonetheless, the MSDS sheet has to do with encountering a lot of it in concentrated form. It does not always translate to how it's used in a typical setting. On some things, there are required levels, deficiency levels, and toxic levels. The fact that something has a toxic level or dosage does not mean that it's not good for you at a lower level.
Toxicity exposures ?... The differences is it just takes longer to effect a person one crumb at a time. Some laws state, if the product not damage you in 5.5 years.. it was not the products fault. A plaintiff may have an uphill war to prove otherwise. Like cell phones.. one is (on average) claimed to be safe. Reality is... Who has one portable device? The users of these devices are getting an overdose as a whole and its not taken into account when companies are putting these end users consumables on the market. PS: Inorganic S Fluoride making it to the tooth where it may be needed? There is no blood flow to a tooth, migration to the tooth where it is needed is minimal to none. More inorganic fluorides ends up in the brain than the tooth. In the case of organic fluoride on the teeth at birth VS inorganic fluoride put out by the chemical industry. They are not the same compound as nature and the human body reads it. Kinda like calling cyanide, oxygen. The brain & heart "thinks" it the same but degeneration happens. Be it slow or fast, quality of life is nibbled away one grain at a time. In 75 years look where most of us are. Aging is a metabolic disorder. Energies we partake of gets us moving in that direction just a bit faster than being one w/ nature / god.
I find it interesting that we use science as a term that carries with it the feeling of the final proof. Yet although science tells us that we have man made climate change, there are those that deny it. And, much that "science" has told us to be true in the past, has been found to be not only false, but harmful, even deadly over time. It is obvious that in the short term, vaccinations have done much good, but we really don't know and can't be sure of what kind of long term effects they are having on the population. So, basically, we don't know.
The exchange of ideas and differences of opinion are the basis of a free society, as well as freedom of choice. Because one may have decided one way or another on an issue doesn't give them the right to force their views on others. We give away our freedoms and trample on the constitution. Having freedom doesn't mean we always make the right decisions, but we have seen all throughout time what happens to societies and their cultures when their rights are taken away. I don't know which side is "right" here, but we walk a razor's edge when we advocate for imposing the will of some onto the rest.
This is just further proof that not everyone is fit to be parents and that having children needs to be regulated.
If you prefer to live in a police state, you are cordially invited to move. In America we defend our personal freedom tenaciously.
Wrong, very wrong. You need to look up the definition of a "Police State".
po·lice state. NOUNa totalitarian state controlled by a political police force that secretly supervises the citizens' activities.
There is no "personal freedom" that endorses placing others in risk from situations that are preventable.
So tell me what places citizens at risk ? The disease or the vaccine ?
A) over the past decade there has been one death as result of measles ( unconfirmed if measles was even the cause) yet according to USA government data from VAERS ( vaccine injury fund ) found there has been 105 deaths as a result of the MMR vaccine ....
How about you do step outside the Lynch mob mentality and seek the science and rationale behind a movement growing stronger every day largely bc of mistrust in government officials use of misrepresented evidence
B) again, the elephant in the room; if your vaccines work so well why are the vaccinated worried ?... and don’t tell me to protect the vulnerable bc if is a moot point since the risk of vaccine injury is equal to the small risk poised to the vulnerable
forcing medical treatments is the practice of tyrants PASTOR Quinn
And yet your comment has absolutely nothing to do with what I wrote.
Preventable like, the adverse reaction to a tainted injection? Is there a personal freedom that allows you to hold an unwilling person and inject them with unknown substances?
The personal freedom to abstain from vaccination does not place others at risk, as they have the personal freedom to stay away from the unvaccinated.
You clearly either have no concept of what a contagious disease is or you are simply too arrogant.
I am dumbfounded that YOU would have the NERVE to say someone ELSE is arrogant. You come across as so arrogant you should call yourself PUFFER Quinn.
I know perfectly well what a contagious disease is and how to prevent their spread, and that does NOT include holding people down and injecting them with unknown substances!
You are denying science in a way that I find barbaric and archaic by denying the citations on this page. Read them first, and then come back with some more of your sublime arrogance which can only be the result of the smugness enforced by lack of knowledge.
Anti-vaccine, flat Eathers all of the same ilk. Proud of their ignorance and further proof of our failed education system. Of the two, the anti-vaccine bunch are infinitely more dangerous.
Unvaccinated children should not be admitted to school, plain and simple, vaccinations should be mandatory for the general welfare of all.-
Another flat Earth comment. I've never EVER seen anyone who could be considered a proponent of, or subscriber to flat Earth doctrine, except for liberals who keep talking about flat Earth. The fact that you people keep saying that is further proof of our failed education(al) system. From whence do you all receive your programming? Do you even know?
If vaccines are MANDATORY for all, that means ALL, and we all know some people physically cannot have them. You cannot have it both ways. You can't require a kid to go to school, and THEN require them to be injected against their parents' will. You cannot. If the damned things work at all, then only the unvaccinated are at risk from other unvaccinated people. The fact that you cannot reason that out is also further proof of our failed education(al) system.
I wonder, Do you apply that same mentality to illegal aliens and unvetted immigrants? I'm guessing you don't. Somehow, those "undocumented" sicknesses don't threaten us as a nation.
Ilk. Yeah. That's what you are-- ilk.
“...flat Eathers...further proof of our failed education system...vaccination should be mandatory...”
Interesting perspective Mathew, but we actually live in a country of freedom and liberty for all. Could it just be that those who disagree with you might actually be very well educated? Once we open that floodgate it leaves the field wide open for insisting on circumcision, flu shots, and a tattooed “Earth Membership” number on our foreheads.
In the year 2000 The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) announced that the THIRD leading cause of deaths in the U.S. was an “iatrogenic death” (deaths caused by the medical profession), which has to be listed on Death Certificates. We are talking here of 250,000 deaths a year, on average. I suspect JAMA was reprimanded because since then, they have never issued a quantifiable list of iatrogenic deaths. It’s also possible that vaccination deaths don’t make that iatrogenic list.
Most of the people who insist on mandatory vaccines claim that it is their concern for immunocompromised folks, the elderly and babies, that is the basis of their push for removal of exemptions.
And yet...
When it comes to keeping sick (vaccinated) kids at home from school, they would rather dose them up with over-the-counter meds to hide symptoms and send them off to school so they can freely spread their infectious diseases (ones without any vaccines) all over, putting those very same immunocompromised students and staff at risk and exposing students with immunocompromised, elderly and infant family members at home, as well.
They whine - "Well if I keep my kids home, I have to take a day off work to take care of them and I could lose my job, so that makes it ok for me to expose the immunocompromised folks...but those non-vaxxers, they can just lose their jobs and stay home and homeschool their kids who may be perfectly healthy and no risk to anyone!"
I once sat through a 10-minute rant by a school nurse on orientation night who was nearly literally spitting vitriol as she talked about all the sickies that get sent to school after their parents dosed them with over-the-counter meds, putting EVERYONE at risk.
So why not push for mandatory penalties for parents who dose their sickies with OTC meds and send them to school so they can spread disease? Why not push for jobs to allow parents to stay home with their sickies with no risk of job loss? Why not push for schools to have more flexible absence policies so parents can keep their sickies home without being harassed by the school for too many absences?
There's a lot more spreadable illness out there that affects schools and commmunities that does not have a vaccine related to it. Letting actually sick kids into school while keeping healthy non-disease-carrying non-vaccinated kids out is a double standard that needs to be addressed. But since there's no profit to be made by pharmaceutical companies (who fund around 70% of mainstream media), we haven't seen the push for this in media or by politicians (who also receive hefty payouts by pharmaceutical companies).
It's something to consider...
I think there's a lot to be concerned about in the current vaccine program, just as there is a lot to be concerned about for ANY government program out there. Drug companies that manufacture vaccines were given a free pass on liability by Congress and at the same time they MANDATED the Dept of HHS to do safety studies and enact safety measures to make the vaccines safer and make regular reports to Congress every year or so on those measures and studies. Well, recently in court, the Dept of HHS admitted that in the past 30 years since that zero-liability for manufacturers was enacted, the Dept of HHS has done no safety studies and enacted no safety measures and made no reports to Congress, and Congress just let that slide.
That's very reassuring that there are no problems with the vaccine program, right? And the fact that the folks at the top of the FDA get nice cushy jobs with the vaccine manufacturers after they leave the FDA, certainly doesn't ring any alarm bells either, that the vaccine program and the push for mandatory vaccines may have just a wee bit of conflict of interest going on there, right?
Reform the program, do the safety studies (with an actual inert placebo, not just another vaccine as the placebo, and use a control group that is not affected by the medication - ya know, actual gold-standard science - and then folks will have a lot more trust in vaccines, since these are some of the main speedbumps for most of the vax refusers.
This was pretty interesting reading for those of you actually willing to read some science studies and let go of that tired old chestnut that the only reason people have concerns about vaccines is based on that one long-long ago study by Dr. Wakefield:
"There is no science that shows vaccines cause Autism, except in all these government published studies which show vaccines cause Autism.?
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3878266/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21623535 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25377033 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24995277 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12145534 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21058170 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22099159 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3364648/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17454560 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19106436 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3774468/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3697751/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21299355 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21907498 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11339848 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17674242 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21993250 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15780490 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12933322 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16870260 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19043938 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12142947 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24675092 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25198681
Vaccines caused autism here in this federal court case http://www.uscfc.uscourts.gov/.../ABELL.ZELLER073008.pdf And here page 2 http://www.uscfc.uscourts.gov/.../CAMPBELL-SMITH.MOJABI... And here - https://ecf.cofc.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/show_public_doc...
Here are 83 cases reviewed by lawyers http://digitalcommons.pace.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi...
Oh look here's a dead kid compensated https://ecf.cofc.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/show_public_doc...
If you ever need a lawyer http://www.mctlawyers.com/vaccine-injury/cases/
Here are 127 separate studies linking vaccines and autism. https://www.scribd.com/.../124-Research-Papers-Supporting...
Read this about Hannah Brusewitz case and how she was harmed by DTP https://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/cert/09-152
Supreme Court Unavoidably Unsafe http://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/10pdf/09-152.pdf
A dose-response relationship between organic mercury exposure from thimerosal-containing vaccines and neurodevelopmental disorders. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25198681
Relative trends in hospitalizations and mortality among infants by the number of vaccine doses and age, based on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 1990-2010. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22531966
Is infant immunization a risk factor for childhood asthma or allergy? http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9345669
Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given: Is there a biochemical or synergistic toxicity? http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3170075/
Infection, vaccines and other environmental triggers of autoimmunity. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16126512
DTP with or after measles vaccination is associated with increased in-hospital mortality in Guinea-Bissau. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17092614#
Measles outbreak in a vaccinated school population: epidemiology, chains of transmission and the role of vaccine failures. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1646939/
A positive association found between autism prevalence and childhood vaccination uptake across the U.S. population. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21623535
Hepatitis B vaccination of male neonates and autism diagnosis, NHIS 1997-2002. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21058170
Abnormal measles-mumps-rubella antibodies and CNS autoimmunity in children with autism. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12145534
The plausibility of a role for mercury in the etiology of autism: a cellular perspective http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3173748/
Detection of RNA of Mumps Virus during an Outbreak in a Population with a High Level of Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccine Coverage http://jcm.asm.org/content/46/3/1101.long
A case series of children with apparent mercury toxic encephalopathies manifesting with clinical symptoms of regressive autistic disorders. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17454560
Aluminum in the central nervous system (CNS): toxicity in humans and animals, vaccine adjuvants, and autoimmunity. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23609067
Unvaccinated Children are Healthier http://www.mednat.org/vaccini/dannivacc_study.pdf
Self-Organized Criticality Theory of Autoimmunity http://www.plosone.org/.../10.1371/journal.pone.0008382
Combination MMRV vaccine linked with 2-fold risk of seizures http://www.eurekalert.org/pub.../2010-06/kp-cmv062310.php
Impact of environmental factors on the prevalence of autistic disorder after 1979 http://www.ms.academicjournals.org/.../article1409245960...
Increased risk of noninfluenza respiratory virus infections associated with receipt of inactivated influenza vaccine. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22423139
Effectiveness of trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine in influenza-related hospitalization in children: a case-control study. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22525386
Speciation of methyl- and ethyl-mercury in hair of breastfed infants acutely exposed to thimerosal-containing vaccines. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21575620
Comparison of VAERS fetal-loss reports during three consecutive influenza seasons
Oh, but these ever-so-HIGHLY educated vaxxers won't go along with all that science, because it does not agree with them. That would be like accepting science regarding climate or the origins of life.
Thank you John Owens for taking the time.
No hay tos, Jeff.
Just for the record my doctor has serious concerns about vaccinations. His children are vaccine free and are home schooled. No school hazing or bullying for his children!
My great grandmother lived to be 98 with no vaccinations. Possibly she’d have lived to be well over 100 if she’d had them ?
One of mine was 102. The other 97. Not one vaccination. Ate pork, too. Dipped snuff. Had like ten kids. At their houses, not the hospital.
There is so much misinformation in this article...more spewing of what big Pharma has the media and their paid allies shoving down our throats, all because they make money, money, money. As of 1986, the pharmaceutical companies have ZERO liability for anyone injured or killed by vaccines. Now, as I see it, that is a huge red flag. Over 4 billion dollars has been paid out since them to people injured/killed by vaccines, and that is estimated to be only 1-10% of occurrences. We, and our children, cannot afford to be forced to vaccinate, we cannot let the government take our constitutional rights away, or to ignore our religious beliefs!
Thank you, Christina.
I think there are more people dying from some vaccines than from the diseases they are supposed to prevent.
There is no source to back that up.
Yes. They state that they have compensated 19,098 claims for vaccine injury since 1998. HOW MANY vaccinations were given over the past 20 years? Billions.
Considering even the HSA confirms only 1% of adverse events are reported I’d say this is a problem ... and what if one of those 20000 was your child? - disabled, injured or killed to protect against largely self limiting illnesses from which they would have had two weeks down time
AND the fact vaccine failure and wane of protection would have offered them fleeting to no protection ( as evidenced by outbreaks in fully vaccinated communities)
Regardless, as my previous post said,this argument is about a religious organization which preaches tolerance and respect trampling strongly held beliefs
The fact THIS group is rife with tyrants who see fit to strip constitutional entitlements is shocking
Still a lot more than zero.
That hardly backs up the claim that "more people dying from some vaccines than from the diseases they are supposed to prevent" now does it.
It is very simple math, Quinn.
Gift me with the honers of taking a spin from corporate mentality. AND apply it to my view. 100% of all ppl that take vaccines die. How is that cherry picked perspectives to make a point ? There is zero evidence that vaccines (formaldehyde, Polyzorbate 80, etc etc) are safe. If we were made in the image of god (love) and made perfect. why is this planet & its occupants are in such dire disease ridden states where we need all these drugs to survive? We are loosing the war on health as we perpetrate the cause in a catch 22.
Anyone can report a vaccine injury. Those are investigated. About 1 vaccine in 1 million has a valid complaint and actual injury. Many of those do not cause long-term or serious injury.
The reason that the vaccines cause more deaths than the diseases is BECAUSE OF the vaccines. Most of the diseases for which we have vaccines are rarely seen anymore - because enough of the population is immune from the disease, so it cannot take hold as an epidemic. It cannot spread very well.
To see how this was, visit any cemetery which was in use before 1900. Look at family plots. You will see a mother and father, and near them numerous children who died as children. Look at the death-dates on those children's tombstones - you will see that they lost several children within days. Look at nearby family plots, and you will see the same thing - along with similar dates. Several dates, within a couple of weeks, will come up in communities. Fortunately, we vaccinate against those diseases now.
Has it ever occurred to you that we might be becoming immune because mothers who have developed an immunity passed them to their children, and nursed them with colostrum milk? Or perhaps we use more anti-viral and anti-bacterial cleansers and practice different forms of hygiene now? Lifestyle, travelling habits, hygiene, covering the mouth when coughing, staying home when ill, all of these have as much to do with decreasing instances of disease as any vaccine.
It doesn't matter what I "think.". Thats why people come here, flock here... So the government can't tell us how to "think," whether this, guns... Not your right. Take one state like California... You can use it as a test ground for how to suck up born rights as they hardly have any of their constitutional rights left and are now flocking to Arizona Colorado and Nevada as they've created such chaos there in telling others how they can or cannot live their lives. If we wanted to support a dictatorship we would've all voted for Hitler's world. Maybe all those in favor should study history more ... or go live in a few existing 3rd world's that are on par ... But I doubt you would. It's easier having been no where and know nothing of the past horrors typing from your computer telling us all how and when to jump. And I'll just repeat myself. If your science is so good, you have no need to worry about my family. Namaste
Vaccines are mainly a victim of their own success. We haven't seen many people left disabled or dead from polio. We haven't seen people left horribly scarred or dead from smallpox. We haven't seen many people left blind and/or deaf from measles or scarlet fever.
As an exercise, I invite you to visit any cemetery that was in use before 1900. Look at random family plots. You will see a husband and wife - possibly two or more wives who died in succession, and numerous children, who lived days or months after their births. Today we seldom encounter a family who has lost a child - much less 2 or 3 or 7 of them! Most children don't go through the round of "childhood diseases", including rubella, measles, mumps, scarlet fever, polio, chicken pox, smallpox, parvo.... We don't have a lot of adults who are blind and/or deaf from the aftereffects of those diseases. In fact, smallpox and rinderpest (a disease of cattle) are the only two diseases to date made extinct through a combination of vaccinations and quarantines.
We came close with polio, but because of some Muslims' fear that we were trying to make their women infertile, refusing the vaccines, it's back. We'll have a new round of children and young adults spending their lives wearing braces and in wheelchairs for the rest of their lives. Measles was eradicated from North America, and on the run worldwide, but, it's baaaak, thanks to the anti-vaxxers.
My mother died of post-polio syndrome. My mother in law has post-polio syndrome and isn't doing well.
I don't think the government has the right to insist that anyone be vaccinated. Society does have the right and duty to protect itself, including its vulnerable members (elderly, immunocompromised, infants) from dangers. To participate in open society, one should be vaccinated, have immunity as a result of having had the disease (doesn't always give immunity) or have a legitimate medical reason why they cannot be vaccinated. Those who cannot be vaccinated are the definition of who's protected by "herd immunity". When too many people are not immune to the disease - by vaccination or having had the illness, and each new person with the disease infects more than 1 person on average, it spreads.
Quarantines need to be used. The laws that allowed them in the 19th and early 20th century, before there were (many) vaccines are still on the books. The Navy, who is by law the organization charged with enforcing quarantines, is permitted to shoot anyone breaking quarantine. They pose an immediate threat to the lives of others. During the 1918 flu, police and sheriffs in many locations threatened to, or actually did, shoot people coming into their jurisdiction, as a form of reverse quarantine. Typhoid Mary was held in isolation for the last several decades of her life because she refused to adhere to quarantine or milder restrictions on her actions, including not working as a cook or washing her hands.
Alternatively, we can sequence the DNA from a virus now. Viruses mutate frequently - thus, it would be easy to find the person who gave us the virus. We could just sue that person (or their parents) for the damages caused from the illness, including any deaths. I'm not saying that we should go as far as charge them with battery or murder, even though a negligent action or inaction that causes the death of someone is part of the definition of manslaughter in most jurisdictions.
But, this too is the government acting. We must be allowed to protect ourselves. If we see a person with measles, which is deadly or disabling in some cases, or who we think has the flu, and knowing that seasonal flu caused 36,000 deaths in the US last year - a typical year - and it's higher if there is an epidemic or pandemic flu - we just use the force required to prevent them from getting near us or our loved ones - or in any room where we might go over the next 8 hours - up to and including deadly force. They pose a threat to our lives and those of our loved ones.
....It seems to me that vaccines are the less intrusive, but do your own research, do your own diligence, sue or prosecute those who injure you, and stand your ground.
I think a great deal of your comments are well written and spot on. I would only disagree to one minor point. I believe that the Government not Society (unless you recognize that our Government is a Government of the people) does have the right and duty to protect its vulnerable members (elderly, immunocompromised, infants) from dangers. This includes mandating anything that is statistically viable to save more lives than it costs. Government mandates many things to save lives, Seatbelts, Licensing for many professions, drinking water standards, etc.
Pastor Quinn,
I think we're very much on the same page on this. Human societies are what make governments, according to the norms and values of the people in that society. Many societies, thus governments, accept that we/they have a right and duty to protect our vulnerable members from dangers, as well as protect ourselves from those dangers. Moreover, whoever is paying the costs of healthcare has a duty to contain costs - a vaccine is much less expensive than treating a disease. Whether that is a government-run system, or one paid for privately, or a corporate-run insurance program, it's much less expensive to prevent disease than to treat or cure it. For deaths from disease, direct cost is the least of the problem, but we generally want to prevent death as we are able.
A government to mandate that something is put in place to prevent a disease is much more efficient than having a hodge-podge of companies, organizations, and individuals doing it. Thinking of the absurdity of everyone protecting their own loved ones makes for societal breakdown.
For instance, polio is transmitted via the oral/fecal route. Governments in the US and throughout the industrialized world put in requirements for sewage treatment as well as testing and treatment of public water supplies in small villages to cities. That is also why it is illegal in most places to have an "old fashioned" outhouse, and homes and buildings which plumbing was too difficult to install were abandoned. Hence, the number of vacant run-down homestead houses you will see on farms and ranches throughout the US and Canadian prairie. This combined with vaccination is why there aren't many polio victims, and survivors with everything from iron lungs to braces anymore - unless they are elderly and got it before the 1950s.
If drugs, vaccines, GMO's are so effective / safe? Why are we loosing the war on health. Why is the medical field so overwhelmed by the sick? Why are so many new ailments (and old ones) returning. We as a species are unable to replicate (have kids) that can get a shot at a childhood w/ out being drugged up or laying in hospitals? Why are so many kids on drugs shooting up their own schools? Most industrialized nations are the most fed but are the worsts fed in history, many claim drugs and toxic chemicals are the way so solve. Where is the "solving"? How do more than 3/4 of the population get off drug merry-go-round to be as we were created, "perfect". This appears to be looked at at the nano levels. Drugs are the answer to protect the weak. Clean up the planet, our bodies, our spiritualism (be one w/ nature) and all these ailments will be way less.
I've been sick 3 times in my life. The 1st time, I called the doctor to give me the news because I had a bad case of loving her but no pill could cure my ill unfortunately.
The 2nd time, I had a fever of 103. It turned out I was hot blooded. Also turned out that I do more than dance.
The 3rd time, was food born illness. I ate a whole dang Pringles can and said flavor gave me a fever.
Vaccines did not help any of those situations and in fact I was forceably removed from the doctors' offices. That's why I hate vaccines.
Your message is somewhat unclear. It seems you hate vaccines because something designed to prevent measles didn't protect you from the illness you got from gorging on Pringles! This makes as much sense as hating your refrigerator for its inability to cook.
With proper ventilation and some charcoal in the vegetable drawer, I bet I can cook all the food in my refrigerator.
I think you missed Tom's joke. It was based on some popular songs from decades past, as well as a Pringle's ad.
Cute :-)
I get blasted for my no vaccine beliefs... Mine stem from being first generation German-american and how Hitler used vaccines. I do not believe the government has a right to intervene. Also knowing someone who works for CDC that wont vaccinate their children tells me something. Those for vaccination get violent in their rhetoric against us that do not. If their science is so real in protecting them, what do they have to fear from those that do not, they should have their shield right? That is, if the science is so right...
Shiva Atma Singh
Exactly. Thank you.
They fear the break out and SENSELESS death from a desease that is easily prentable by a simple shot. I do not give one damn how you chose to take chances with your body, but I will step in to protect a child. Tell me something, just for a little clarity, what do you think of guns? Careful on this one, I am trying to trick your thinking.....
The efficacy and safety of vaccines is FAR from the iron clad case you make for it " preventable by a single shot"
Here's what unbiased experts say about the current state of science...for trust me, it is in the toilet as is the evidence to support the glowing merits of vaccination
“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.” Dr. Marcia Angell
“Half the results published in peer-reviewed scientific journals are probably wrong. John Ioannidis, now a professor of medicine at Stanford, made headlines with that claim in 2005. Since then, researchers have confirmed his skepticism by trying — and often failing — to reproduce many influential journal articles. Slowly, scientists are internalizing the lessons of this irreproducibility crisis. But what about government, which has been making policy for generations without confirming that the science behind it is valid? —Peter Wood and David Randall, The Wall Street Journal, 17 April 2018
Below link is to an excellent resource on this topic which mentions vaccine science as well
(PS I despise guns but I am committed to the constitution and understand the grave implications of alerting it...such as the removal of personal freedoms, religious or otherwise )
And, thank you.
If a publication, citation, article, abstract or any material is peer reviewed. Heaven help you if you buck the system. Be that lemming or risk your licence. Dr Mercola is a prime example. Gag orders all over the place.
Guns, knives, bow & arrows, throwing stars, baseball bats, etc not kill... The user does. It is not possible to regulate greed, stupidity & hatred. Regulate every materialistic objects you want. Crime follows few laws.
Thank you Shiva, Cynthia, J, and Patricia, for speaking out.
Fear mongering, Save a CHILD. More fear perpetuated by pulling the emotional card w/ the word "baby / child" in it to plant fear and emotion into submission. Formaldehyde, xxx-mercury is NOT the answer to stop diseases that are mostly man made in the 1st place. What us humans did 75 years ago is now coming home to roost. Its called 3rd generation ailments. More drugs & chemicals keep the catch 22 going.
"what do they have to fear from those that do not, they should have their shield right?"
Ah, so you are ignorant of how vaccines work, not to mention herd immunity. The reason people get angry is that your ignorance directly threatens their children. You should educate yourself before speaking on a subject.
I keep hearing about this stupid-ass "herd immunity". If there is such a thing, why are you worried about it? If the vaccines actually perform as they are supposed to perform, those vaccinated have nothing to fear. If they do NOT, they are a damned placebo anyway. You should think before spouting stupid bullshit.
And what about the immunocompromised? What about the kid who has leukemia, or the elderly, or someone who has AIDS? They rely on herd immunity to protect them. Please, don't accuse others of spouting nonsense just because of your ignorance.
You are making MY point, through spouting(your word) your own ignorance(also your word). Please, herd immunity is a stupid concept. If no one is sick, there is nothing to fear. It has nothing whatsoever to do with vaccinations. If those people who are immunocompromised can catch measles, they can spread measles too. You are saying, to protect THEM, everyone else must be injected. We should risk the health of the many for the few? That is ignorant in itself. To assume that every bureaucrat and technician and pharmaceutical employee involved in vaccines has the absolute best interests of each child as their foremost consideration is romantically naive to the point of being vacuous and ignorant. Do you also insist that everyone who enters any port of entry into the country be stopped and vaccinated? Why not? Can they not infect your immunocompromised people? They are a MUCH bigger danger than an unvaccinated four-year-old who has never left their own community.
If vaccines were safe, there would be no attempt at blanket immunity from lawsuits regarding them. Do you insist on total transparency regarding vaccines? Like, a table of contents, a guarantee of safety, a chain of possession, any of that? It is ignorant not to do so. -
Drug up 500 ppl to protect one, type mentality. Let not pull the emotional card as a weapon to push the healthy into submission. Cancers already have a cure. Alkali the body. Anything that acidifies the body at the cellular level will feed / permit cancer.. Its not a patent-able meter-able cure so it will not work to satisfy the mentality of "only a drug will prevent or cure".
Do you think that individuals who are not vaccinated due to a religious exemption are somehow MORE likely to spread a sickness than, say, a person who has a MEDICAL exemption, or perhaps, an illegal alien who has not been vaccinated nor examined?
Here you go, Shiva. Please educate yourself why vaccines are important. There is plenty more out there with a simple Google search. See how easy it was for me to find science on the Internet?
Vaccines are important alright... For the almighty buck to make corporations. I can produce link after link from credible authors that claims smoking (inhalation of carbonized particulates) is good for humans. One most famous report read (smoking is good for a person becasue it contains beta carotene). The polio vacc did save many a lives, as the true cause of polio was never addressed. Mutations and copious other ailments manifested (some are called side effects). Something to make MORE drugs for. More $$$. Similar to smoking. This safe till proven otherwise mentality is a joke. Immune systems are weak becasue the planet and our bodies are so polluted so we better drug-up the strong so the weak can be safe.
Shiva...………..Exactly what I've been saying all these decades! If your kid is "protected" why fear mine?! If governments would focus on providing clean, sanitary living conditions, REAL food and REAL health care to ALL, this wouldn't even be a topic of conversation!
I do not "fear" your children. But here are the reasons why your decision is detrimental to society as a whole.
1.There are many children that cannot be vaccinated, for various reasons such as an autoimmune disease, allergies, or simply being too young to have received the vaccine yet. These children have no protection against the disease. If they are exposed to it through an unvaccinated person, they are at risk of suffering and/or even dying.
2.Those unable to be vaccinated are protected by the herd immunity created by the vaccinated. Herd immunity basically means that if enough people are vaccinated it becomes really hard for the disease to find hosts it can survive in and spread. The more that are unvaccinated the greater the risk that herd immunity will fail. If herd immunity fails, all suffer.
3.Vaccines do not offer 100% immunity towards disease. The efficacy varies; some vaccines offer higher rates of efficacy, some lower. Having received a vaccine doesn’t guarantee that a child will not get sick when exposed to the disease. Vaccines reduce the risk of contracting the disease, if exposed, dramatically, but there will always be a number of children for whom the vaccine will not provide protection. Those children will be at significant risk, from other unvaccinated children who may contract and spread the disease.
However, the first and foremost children that are being put at risk by the unvaccinated children, are the unvaccinated children themselves. Contracting the disease could carry with it all kinds of pain and suffering, including in some cases death.
If vaccines do not cause injuries, why has the Vaccine Injury Trust Fund paid out $4,061,322,557.08 for vaccine injuries?
Do you deny vaccine injury? Do you laugh off brain damaging seizures post vaccination ? Encephalitis? Guillain Barre syndrome ? Death ?
The media has people so hoodwinked they honestly believe blanket assurances of vaccine safety and mock patents who speak of witnessing dramatic declines post vaccination .... considering the HHS confirms only 1% of vaccine injuries are reported... I think we have a problem
If you want information on the Vaccine Injury Trust Fund see
Here are some quotes from the sites I listed:
"Almost 80% of all compensation awarded by the VICP comes as result of a negotiated settlement between the parties in which HHS has not concluded, based upon review of the evidence, that the alleged vaccine(s) caused the alleged injury."
"According to the CDC, from 2006 to 2017 over 3.4 billion doses of covered vaccines were distributed in the U.S. For petitions filed in this time period, 6,094 petitions were adjudicated by the Court, and of those 4,172 were compensated. This means for every one million doses of vaccine that were distributed, one individual was compensated.
Since 1988, over 20,332 petitions have been filed with the VICP. Over that 30-year time period, 17,627 petitions have been adjudicated, with 6,358 of those determined to be compensable, while 11,269 were dismissed. Total compensation paid over the life of the program is approximately $4.0 billion."
So, if 80% of the claims were paid even though there was the evidence was not significant enough to demonstrate that the vaccine caused the injury, this means that, using the 30 year ratio and claims date from 2006 to 1997 over 11 years, 1,271 claims showed probable cause. That amounts to 13,000 cases a year from a vaccination pool of over 113 million vaccinations a year. In essence the chances that your child would have a condition that would have been probably caused by a vaccination is one out of 8,700.
Serious measles infections now occur as follows:
Hospitalization 1 out of 4 cases Encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) 1 per 1,000 cases Death 1-2 per 1,000 cases
So do you want to expose your child to a risk of 1-2 deaths per thousand children infected, one per thousand who experience brain swelling or one in four who need to be hospitalized to reduce the one in 8,700 chance that they might have a likely injury from a vaccine? I realize that the number of infected people your child could be exposed to factors into this as well. The more children not being vaccinated means the greater the overall risk. Russian Roulette anyone?
You decide... though I seriously wish you would have no choice in the matter.
Considering only 1% of vaccine risks are reported and negative effects only studied for days post vaccination I’d say the odds remain alarming And as to your 1-2 in 1000 data Please note, once again the misrepresented evidence
Health Ontario: https://www.publichealthontario.ca/-/media/documents/ohp-measles.pdf?la=en
This cites your figure based upon a collective of studies performed almost 40 yes ago on third world populations without access to clean water or sanitation This figure is NOT reflective of 2019 North American
Micheal O’Connell here is the study https://academic.oup.com/ije/article/38/1/192/696766
Note the study populations
Micheal O’Connell Re I seriously wish you would have no choice in the matter.
Careful, your fascism is showing
Protect society as a whole? On the surface that makes sense. In the deeper recesses, society is weak becasue of all the (as M stated) pollution on the planet & in most ppls bodies. The healthy / strong should not be polluted w/ known toxins to protect the already weak population that's fed propaganda that Gov is the new God and a know it all. All these ailments humans experience are not from drug deficiencies. Head pains are not from an aspirin deficiency. Polio is not from a mercury deficiency. Masking symptoms is not curing the under laying issue.
Contracting the disease could carry with it all kinds of pain and suffering, including in some cases death? < ---- Most are ppl programmed to believe that. The only reason there is "no cure" to many ailment is to define "cure". Cure must fall under the FDA guide lines "only a drug can prevent or cure". This removes all natural remedies and causes. so the alleged "cure" can be metered & controlled. It MUST be a drug that corrects the situation. Dr Mercola has an extensive data base on natural approaches. Remove the causes, implement corrective measures. < ----- Drugs not do this as it keeps the users in a catch 22.
While I will not "blast you" for your beliefs. I will tell you that I believe that willfully allowing your child to be placed in a situation that is well documented to result in death, scarring, or permanent disability is in fact Child Abuse by any definition.
Just taking measles as an example (since that is the current outbreak we are seeing), in 1980, 2.6 million people died from Measles, in 1990, 545,000 died; by 2014, global vaccination programs had reduced the number of deaths from measles to 73,000. Now, completely due to people who think they know better than science, the disease is on the rise.
We vaccinated our son, but we did not go by the schedule the medical community recommends, which is 33 vaccinations before 18 months old. Our pediatrician is awesome and fully agreed with our modified schedule. She also recommended some of the more important ones be done first. He had everything done by the time he turned five years old, and the school district had no complaints.
I believe vaccines are safe. I also did a ton of homework on the subject as did our pediatrician. There are still too many people that fell for the junk science a few year ago that suggested vaccines cause autism, which of course we now now is false. Parents need to do their due diligence and educate themselves on the vaccines their children need to be safe.
Given that our global community is rapidly shrinking, it is more important than ever to have our children vaccinated. More and more we are exposed to people that come from all different parts of the world, and there are still many places that are seriously behind the US and other first-world nations in terms of healthcare and disease control.
Jim D, Sounds to me that your approach was a good one. Supposedly autism is not caused by vaccinations. I can only wonder about that. My son was born with a lot of birth defects, which we later found out, autism was one of them. He seemed to be very bright in spite of this. He started talking early. At age two he could sing rock-a-bye baby and count to 26. He could also do his ABC's - m, but after the 3 in one shot his temperature shot up to 103-104. It was downhill after that. His speech went away, as did so much else. He is now 34 years old and we have had a extremely rough road. People can argue that the vaccines don't cause this and because he already had so much going on perhaps it was just coincidence with the timing of it, but when it is experience it's hard not to blame the vaccine. I do agree with vaccinating children, but it must be done slowly and with great caution. There so much we don't know. There's so many mistakes that have been made in the name of science. I'm glad you move slowly.
The current state of science is flawed with industry bias, incentivized researchers funded by pharma and sheep Drs and health officials who look no deeper than what they are told.
This is an excellent summary of the current state of science I have highlighted alarming testimony from Robert Kennedy JR regarding only one of many troubling stories of big pharma and CDC corruption
RFK JR.: “Simpsonwood” was the transcripts of a secret meeting that was held between CDC and 75 representatives of the vaccine industry in which they reviewed a report that CDC had ordered—the Verstraeten study—of a hundred thousand children in the United States vaccine safety database. And when they looked at it themselves, they said, quote: “It is impossible to massage this data to make the signal go away. There is no denying that there is a connection between autism and thimerosal in the vaccines.” And this is what they said. I didn’t say this. This is what their own scientists [said] and their own conclusion of the best doctors, the top people at CDC, the top people at the pharmaceutical injury industry.
And you know, when they had this meeting they had it not in Atlanta—which was the headquarters of the CDC—but in Simpsonwood at a private conference center, because they believed that that would make them able to insulate themselves from a court request under the Freedom of Information Law and they would not have to disclose the transcripts of these meetings to the public. Somebody transcribed the meetings and we were able to get a hold of it. You have them talking about the Verstraeten study and saying there’s a clear link, not just with autism but with the whole range of neurological disorders—speech delay, language delay, all kinds of learning disorders, ADD, hyperactivity disorder—and the injection of these vaccines.
[. . .]and at the end of that meeting they make a few decisions. One is Verstraeten, the man who designed who conducted the study, is hired the next day by GlaxoSmithKline and shipped off to switzerland, and six months later he sends in a redesigned study that includes cohorts who are too young to have been diagnosed as autistic. So he loads the study down, the data down, and they tell the public that they’ve lost all the original data. This is what CDC says till this day: That it does not know what happened to the original data in the Verstraeten study. And they published this other study that is a corrupt and crooked—what we call tobacco science done by a bunch of bio-stitutes, crooked scientists who are trying to fool the American public.
We as a species are so messed up. This was underway 70+ years ago. What humans did in the 1800's may be a stepping stone to what we experience 2day. It's called 3rd generation ailments. "Only a drug can prevent or cure" mentality (FDA) perpetuates the down fall of humans health as we keep the catch 22 going. As a species, we are loosing the war on health. Think macro and a bit less on the nano / micro situation to fathom what is happening.
My brother did the same for his kids. They had all they needed prior to starting school. I agree with vax, I just think they are given far too many at the same time now. I like the spreading them out. Funny story. When I was in the Navy, they kept losing my shot record, including my pediatric ones. I have a had so many MMRs, polio, typhoid, and even 2 shots of anthrax that if I get any disease - shame on the drug companies LOL!
By what authority do you claim to tell another they must do or not do a thing? Do you have that power?
Governments are instituted among men deriving their just power from them.
If you dont have the power to tell suzy to cut her lawn or remove those tatoo'syou can not give authority you dont have to a government formed from you.
Whoa! Pull back on the reins there, ynnek. The only thing I said is that it is every parent's responsibility to do research and get informed. I never told anyone to get vaccines or not to get them. Nor do I believe the government should have the authority to tell anyone to get vaccinated either. If encouraging people to do research and inform themselves of the facts is a bad thing to you, then you must be surrounded by a lot of very uniformed people.
And who the heck is Suzy, and what do I care what she does with her lawn and her tattoos? Makes no sense.
As for your last statement, "you can not give authority you dont have to a government formed from you," I'm afraid you're dead wrong on that one. Not sure where you're from, but your name suggests you're not from the US, or you are perhaps first generation American. We have a government that is of, by, and for the people. Yet, in recent decades we have been slowly but surely ceding our freedoms, our liberties, our "power" to our government. I don't know why. Maybe it started with the baby boomers and kept getting worse from there. I know the greatest generation (the one before baby boomers, the one that fought in WWII) would never have been so quick to give up their freedoms. Nowadays it seems like the younger the person, the more they want the government to take of everything for them like a nanny. Tragic!
Jim- can you tell me the schedule you are contemplating. I have a newborn and want to fully vaccinate, take care of the killer and crippling diseases first then space out the remaining one over a longer period of time. Any assistance or insight would be appreciated.
Let me see if I can get a hold of my son's vaccination records. My ex-wife has them. I'll get back to you.
Why inject known toxins into a child becasue the rest of the world has weak immune system? Alum or mercury deficiency are not the cause of outbreaks.
Then why is dumping antifreeze on the ground illegal but Monsanto can sell it as a weed killer? Why is mercury banned but it is dumped in our oceans and injected into kids? Why is there copious reports on aluminum cookware concerns but it safe also injected into kids? Why is Sodium Fluoride classed toxic on the MSDS sheet (full body protection is needed to handle) but once impregnated into consumables it magically become "safe" to ingest? Everything is safe till the lawsuits kick in. Injecting healthy kids w/ known toxicities to offset a population thats poisoned to the point they have weak immunize systems is not the answer. The healthy should not be inoculated becasue the weak immune systems refuse to walk a healthy life style.
Once the doors are open for government to force vaccinations, how much longer will it be to force euthanasia, or inject into our bloodstream chemicals that we know nothing about, which perhaps they already do?
they already are, Oregon has a bill they are most likely going to pass about starving the mentally ill to death....it will be legal to starve someone to death against their will, when you have plenty of food. they are undoubtedly doing this already. clearly Universal Life here, even putting this on their site, tells me they are freemasons and illuminatti, new world order. They undoubtedly support abortions after birth and starving the elderly and mentally ill. and appear to condone forcing vax which Bill Gates can be found all over the internet saying he intends to use for world depopulation. The recent outbreak in Colorado is amongst those already vaccinated, so it appears that Bill Gates plan is being put into motion. Fools and liars.
What bill are you referring too? I would like to fact check this.
Dang Lynne why are you so lost in the woods, Bill is good ppl, he's not a monster like Steve jobs was
Certainly already do.
I was absolutely shocked at the level of intolerance and disrespect of strongly held beliefs coming from an organization that preaches those very values. Rather than dismiss the "wonky science" can you please research the risks of immune activation, adjuvants and the impact of neurotoxins found in vaccines upon developing brains from scientific articles found on credible websites such as vaccinepapers.org or the Children's Health Defense Network.
Over $4 billion has been paid out for vaccine injuries and deaths and HHS estimates less than 1% of adverse events are reported. Mandating any procedure involving such risks is unethical for it is unjust to set one child on fire to keep 100 warm
Your quick dismissal of religious freedoms and full embrace of utilitarian principles is a slippery slope. Research the case of Carrie Buck, a mentally challenged woman who was forcefully sterilized in 1927 "to protect the public' . The 8-1 ruling cited the same case law being used today to override religious exemptions (the forced vaccination of the Jacobson family in 1905 ) and concluded “ the principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes”
Setting presidents that remove constitutional rights in the wrong hands can have serious consequences to the personal freedoms of ALL ....still giving my head a shake that Im even writing this an organization I respected so much...until now
Please, what proof is there that a single vaccine has caused harm, other than fools lying
Are you for real? There is NO medical procedure that comes without risk, even a Tylenol
Although vaccine injury is VASTLY underreported and denied before you sign on the the absolute safety of an injectable medication capable of mediating immune responses ( ps immunogenicity does not necessarily mean immunity ) please consider over $4 billion has been paid out for vaccine injuries and deaths form the USA VAERS ( vaccine adverse events reporting system ) and HHS estimates less than 1% of adverse events are reported. Mandating any procedure involving such risks is unethical.
Please go to this government website and consider reading the product Monograph before you make sweeping assurances of safety and judgements of the stupidity of those who have witnessed injury first hand
AYKM? Run a search for yourself here: https://vaers.hhs.gov/data.html
Better yet, read the package inserts provided by the manufacturers. http://www.immunize.org/fda/
Wow. I wish the "pro-vaxxers" would read some of that stuff. Most are woefully uninformed, and judgmental regarding "anti-vaxxers" at the same time.
@ Larry... Exactly... what proof is there that a single vaccine has NOT caused harm, other than fools lying
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3878266/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21623535 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25377033 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24995277 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12145534 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21058170 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22099159 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3364648/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17454560 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19106436 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3774468/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3697751/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21299355 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21907498 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11339848 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17674242 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21993250 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15780490 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12933322 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16870260 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19043938 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12142947 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24675092 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25198681
copied from Cynthia below
There is no proof I know of that vaccines are harmful. It does make.me wonder why there is such an increase in add and adhd and autism. Is it a result of the vaccines or just more reporting and diagnoses of the problems. I really am distrustful of government.reports In the 70s all the scientists were saying world cooling. Now all the scientist say global warming. Both 70s and today pushed by government. I don't know about global warming or cooling done.by man. Neither do I know about the possible harm by vaccines .. It seems like vaccines and global warming.or cooling is political and not facts as is vaccines . It would appear vaccines are more good than bad but perhaps there are some real negatives
"Global warming" not just a "temperature reading" a human feels. Its a process / condition that can be an ice-age, heat wave or both. There is never a good time to inject a living life form w/ formaldehyde, mercury or other man-made concoctions to protect the weak from man-made ailments.
Please give it a break. New studies not old have much more pertinent and assuring information. Who is anyone who dares to put other peoples children and pregnant women at risk by using any excuse available. Love thy neighbor?? If one truly puts other peoples needs before their own, especially one that can kill a child, do not bring science into it, Give Ceasers things to Ceaser and Gods things to God. We have to follow Gods law first but we are to follow the rules of Governing bodies as long as they do not ask us to do something that is against Gods Laws. Be honest here, you do not want vaxxes because you are afraid of having an Autistic child. All children are Gods children and anyone whom goes out of their way to assure what they deem is a "normal" child, shame on you. pure shame. I am so tired of this selfish generation who puts their needs above all else, although it is not up to me to judge, I do leave it to prayer and in the hands of God.
Well, I guess your post has answered the question within the article. How many people exempt from vaccines due to religious beliefs. More than I would have thought & for stranger reasons than I imagined. Please continue to enjoy your rights to put others at greater risk while believing that your god thinks you're doing the right thing.
Put others at risk? How would the non vaccinated put the vaccinated at risk? What are the vaccinated scared of? If the shield of vaccines work so well and protect. Who cares if the un-vaccinated drop like flies. The vaccinated are protected.
Please cite your sources for your statements of harm and give links to government or other websites. I believe you are grossly misinformed about dangers of vaccines!
Gee Bob- better wipe that saliva away from your frothing mouth and grab a pitchfork to go with your mob mentality
here you go better take a little breath there before you get reading enjoy !!
go to vaccinepapers.org
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3878266/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21623535 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25377033 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24995277 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12145534 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21058170 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22099159 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3364648/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17454560 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19106436 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3774468/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3697751/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21299355 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21907498 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11339848 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17674242 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21993250 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15780490 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12933322 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16870260 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19043938 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12142947 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24675092 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25198681
Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given: Is there a biochemical or synergistic toxicity? http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3170075/
Infection, vaccines and other environmental triggers of autoimmunity. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16126512
DTP with or after measles vaccination is associated with increased in-hospital mortality in Guinea-Bissau. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17092614#
Measles outbreak in a vaccinated school population: epidemiology, chains of transmission and the role of vaccine failures. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1646939/
A positive association found between autism prevalence and childhood vaccination uptake across the U.S. population. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21623535
Hepatitis B vaccination of male neonates and autism diagnosis, NHIS 1997-2002. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21058170
Abnormal measles-mumps-rubella antibodies and CNS autoimmunity in children with autism. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12145534
The plausibility of a role for mercury in the etiology of autism: a cellular perspective http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3173748/
Detection of RNA of Mumps Virus during an Outbreak in a Population with a High Level of Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccine Coverage http://jcm.asm.org/content/46/3/1101.long
A case series of children with apparent mercury toxic encephalopathies manifesting with clinical symptoms of regressive autistic disorders. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17454560
Aluminum in the central nervous system (CNS): toxicity in humans and animals, vaccine adjuvants, and autoimmunity. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23609067
Unvaccinated Children are Healthier http://www.mednat.org/vaccini/dannivacc_study.pdf
Self-Organized Criticality Theory of Autoimmunity http://www.plosone.org/…/10.1371/journal.pone.0008382
Combination MMRV vaccine linked with 2-fold risk of seizures http://www.eurekalert.org/pub…/2010-06/kp-cmv062310.php
Increased risk of noninfluenza respiratory virus infections associated with receipt of inactivated influenza vaccine. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22423139
Effectiveness of trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine in influenza-related hospitalization in children: a case-control study. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22525386
Speciation of methyl- and ethyl-mercury in hair of breastfed infants acutely exposed to thimerosal-containing vaccines. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21575620 Comparison of VAERS fetal-loss reports during three consecutive influenza seasons http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3888271/
Unfortunately most (not all) who is presented w/ links, papers, citations, references, abstracts, studies need to have this "proof / conformation" be run thru and approved by know it all officials or passed thru the hands of government / corporate channels to be accepted by their minds... Real eyes, realize, real lies.
Ummmm... You can see the NIH.GOV in the address there. This is not Alex Jones or Glenn Beck saying all this stuff.
That doesn't mean shit, John
Give links from the government? Thats like asking Monsanto / Bayer for reports that indicate Round-up is safe. We'll pick the "other" sites. Even tho the gov does contradict it self many times. There are many many Gov sites that indicate a swing both directions...
I am pro choice on vaccines and medical freedom. I came across this site specifically to see if you "do what is right," included "doing no harm," to the body. PLEASE Check out this amazing and thorough letter referencing the MMR vaccine. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/video/written-testimony-for-hb-1638-2019-20-madam-chair-and-members-of-the-committee/
Wendy THANK you SO much for this well researched and well supported letter written by an evidently very awake, and educated dad. I just posted it on a chat room Im on. Favor returned : please check out this clip of an other such well supported, passionate plea for ethical and scientifically sound vaccination policy http://vaccinesafety.ca/2019/04/09/toronto-board-of-health-april-8-2019-are-you-aware-vaccines/
thank you for being sane in a world slipping further into Neo-liberalism every day
I don't believe anybody being forced to do anything. It's a choice. If we don't wish to vaccinate our children. That's fine. However we must accept what comes with the choice. Such as being removed from school. Or refused some after-school programs. Things of that nature. I don't believe it's a must. I'm sure it's still a choice.
Really? That is where you are going with this? The slippery slope theory? The Government can, and does place requirements and restrictions on every facet of our lives, thank goodness too! Licensing, insurance, qualifications for certain trades, even which side of the road that we drive on. Get real. Mandated vaccinations is well documented to save countless lives. No child should be allowed to attend public school without complete age appropriate vaccinations, unless they are medically exempt. No exemptions for any so called religion.
There are, and shall always be exemptions for freedom of choice in this country.
Consider this: You believe women should be able to choose to kill their babies, and that "old white men should not have control over their bodies", but you don't believe parents should be free to choose for their own children whether they think it is safe to inject them, or whether to trust total strangers and agencies with their children's health. That means you think it is perfectly acceptable for "old white men" to decide what is good for our children.
I find that kind of double standard to be incongruous among free people. You cannot mandate that children go to school, and then mandate the requisites for them to attend school, and still kid yourself that we are a free or relatively free people.
I believe the data has proven beyond a doubt that the world, as a whole, is better off with vaccinated people. That someone will be injured by a vaccine is without a doubt just as someone will be injured doing almost anything. But, the lives & injury prevented are far, far more numerous than those injured. Allowing people to opt out with their own opinions & "beliefs" actually prevents the benefit of vaccination. It only works when a large % of the people are vaccinated.
Well, if you believe the rights of the Collective are greater than the rights of the individual, then all must be vaccinated, including those whom it will kill, but that is not the principle on which our great nation was founded. It was founded on the rights of the individual, and our government's purpose is to protect those rights, not the rights of the Collective. You have an individual right to be vaccinated, and I have an individual right not to be.
I think most people adhere to the same indoctrination as you, so the percentage of those who elect not to be vaccinated is relatively small.
I still do not understand your belief-- If vaccinations so effective, vaccinated people have naught to fear. If they are not effective, what is the point?
Those injured are small? In the micro sense maybe... But the macro... All these ailment, illness, sickness, copious children in cancer hospitals, 1/2 the population has some form of Diabetes 1-3, obesity, cancers, etc,etc. The injuries produced by "conventional" science IS a major brick in the wall to keeping this cycle of "loosing the war" on so many sickness and ailment that require more, moRE & MORE drugs / chemicals. Which do loooooong term injury. The industry / Dr's make no $$$ of healthy ppl.
If you have an autistic child as a result then you would not agree with the findings in this artical you would be against it as I am the government will not tell you because they get paid for your child being done there vaccine was housed in a ware houses and it expired but thousands of children were vaccinated with the vaccine that could and would never cover them your child for the diseases look it up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_djM_7W6oSc Dont Vaccinate your children its all a hoax https://youtu.be/xf6uCw2ztxw
There is zero evidence that vaccines are linked to autism. The infamous "study" that showed this was revealed as a hoax. Also this nonsense about mercury shows that you have absolutely no understanding of chemistry. A compound containing an element does not share the same properties of the base element: Sodium is an extremely soft metal that will melt in your hand and Chlorine is a deadly gas; Sodium Chloride is a compound of those element, more commonly know as table salt, which is neither a metal nor a deadly gas. The only hoax here is this pseudoscience drivel. Educate yourself and do real research from credible, peer reviewed sources.
If there was zero evidence there would no be any discussion. Perhaps you do not accept the evidence that does exist, but that does not equal zero evidence. The same people who are insisting on vaccinations and profiting from them cannot be trusted to analyze any of the evidence because they have a huge conflict of interest. What you find credible, others find biased, because of a vested interest. Educating oneself sometimes means opening one's eyes and mind beyond what they have already accepted as true, if only for long enough to honestly evaluate opinions different than their own.
How many for-profit-at-any-cost industries will fund research proving their product is unsafe? You know there are very few independent research studies, right?
Of course there is zero evidence (define) mercury and other compounds are toxic? It is proven that smoking cigs is good for you becasue it contains beta-carotene. Humans think they know allllllll about the human body and how this, that or the other thing will affect / effect the body / mind. As life on this planet becomes more and more sick and we are more & more forced to depend on drugs and chemicals to bandade the last eras mistakes. No one gov agency or company will ever claim how they polluted this planet a& its occupants. Nor will the massive illnessess prevalent today is caused by all the pollution.
"AdvancedHelp Result Filters Format: AbstractSend to J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2011;74(14):903-16. doi: 10.1080/15287394.2011.573736. A positive association found between autism prevalence and childhood vaccination uptake across the U.S. population. Delong G1. Author information Abstract The reason for the rapid rise of autism in the United States that began in the 1990s is a mystery. Although individuals probably have a genetic predisposition to develop autism, researchers suspect that one or more environmental triggers are also needed. One of those triggers might be the battery of vaccinations that young children receive. Using regression analysis and controlling for family income and ethnicity, the relationship between the proportion of children who received the recommended vaccines by age 2 years and the prevalence of autism (AUT) or speech or language impairment (SLI) in each U.S. state from 2001 and 2007 was determined. A positive and statistically significant relationship was found: The higher the proportion of children receiving recommended vaccinations, the higher was the prevalence of AUT or SLI. A 1% increase in vaccination was associated with an additional 680 children having AUT or SLI. Neither parental behavior nor access to care affected the results, since vaccination proportions were not significantly related (statistically) to any other disability or to the number of pediatricians in a U.S. state. The results suggest that although mercury has been removed from many vaccines, other culprits may link vaccines to autism. Further study into the relationship between vaccines and autism is warranted."
Here is your "pseudo-science".
Most of you are just lemmings, following the herd. No wonder you believe in "herd-immunity."
PubMed has a LOT of great info. IE: ... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21623535 . Unfortunately, it is still a government publication. A gov that ridws a mantality that everything is safe till the lawsuits kick in. A government that makes laws that read. "Only a drug can prevent or cure". Just becasue one is unable to "prove" this, that or the other thing was or not the cause not make vaccines innocent. Dis-eases are not from a formaldehyde (or what ever it may be this season) deficiency.
@ Stoodie is correct in several ways... Unfortunately peer reviewed citations, abstracts or articles are only a million propagandized ppl all taught by the same schools, funded by the same governments pushed by the same corporations that all lead back to one parent law maker of "only a drug can prevent or cure" mentality. Peer reviewed is all about testing MUST follow Government / Corp type of thinking of their agents, representatives. PS; Table salt example is a poor quality example. Quality salts are critical to human existences. Table salts are a toxic no-no in general health. If your entry reads "ZERO creditable evidence" that this, that, or the other thing may be linked to autism (or any ailment). Well, to others... There is ZERO ACCEPTABLE evidence that all these chemicals / drugs and compounds that companies are introducing into the human genome / DNA ARE safe. Safe till proven otherwise is NOT a SAFE mentality to run by. Sounds like line tobacco claims made in the 1950's
I agree with Stoodie Baker. The one "study" done by Dr. Wakefield that supposedly showed vaccines cause autism was revealed as a fraud, done for an insurance settlement. It is the only article ever retracted by The Lancet through their 100+ year history.
Even if vaccines did cause autism, are you saying that you'd rather have a dead child from these diseases than an autistic child? Do you think other children who cannot be vaccinated or the ones it does not work on should also be dead?
The amount of mercury in a vaccine is much lower than that in a can of tuna.
autism vs. measles HMMMMM let me think about that- LOL!
just as a tip for all the misinformed vaccine pushers out there. As soon as someone mentions Mercury or Wakefield us vaccine critics already know your very limited and skewed knowledge of vaccine risks and you are given zero credibility. There are countless research papers on the risks of such things as aluminum adjuvants upon both immune activation and neurological conditions.
Seriously get some new material !!!
This one is currently being hailed by pro vaxxers yet it shows 1 in 100 participants got autism from the MMR vaccine...
Immune activation and risks of adjuvants http://vaccinepapers.org/
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3878266/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21623535 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25377033 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24995277 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12145534 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21058170 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22099159 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3364648/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17454560 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19106436 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3774468/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3697751/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21299355 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21907498 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11339848 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17674242 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21993250 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15780490 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12933322 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16870260 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19043938 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12142947 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24675092 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25198681
Vaccines caused autism here in this federal court case http://www.uscfc.uscourts.gov/…/ABELL.ZELLER073008.pdf And here page 2 http://www.uscfc.uscourts.gov/…/CAMPBELL-SMITH.MOJABI… And here – https://ecf.cofc.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/show_public_doc…
Here are 83 cases reviewed by lawyers http://digitalcommons.pace.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi…
Oh look here’s a dead kid compensated https://ecf.cofc.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/show_public_doc…
If you ever need a lawyer http://www.mctlawyers.com/vaccine-injury/cases/
Here are 127 separate studies linking vaccines and autism. https://www.scribd.com/…/124-Research-Papers-Supporting…
Read this about Hannah Brusewitz case and how she was harmed by DTP https://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/cert/09-152
Supreme Court Unavoidably Unsafe http://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/10pdf/09-152.pdf
A dose-response relationship between organic mercury exposure from thimerosal-containing vaccines and neurodevelopmental disorders. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25198681
Relative trends in hospitalizations and mortality among infants by the number of vaccine doses and age, based on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 1990-2010. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22531966
Is infant immunization a risk factor for childhood asthma or allergy? http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9345669
Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given: Is there a biochemical or synergistic toxicity? http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3170075/
Infection, vaccines and other environmental triggers of autoimmunity. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16126512
DTP with or after measles vaccination is associated with increased in-hospital mortality in Guinea-Bissau. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17092614#
Measles outbreak in a vaccinated school population: epidemiology, chains of transmission and the role of vaccine failures. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1646939/
A positive association found between autism prevalence and childhood vaccination uptake across the U.S. population. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21623535
Hepatitis B vaccination of male neonates and autism diagnosis, NHIS 1997-2002. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21058170
Abnormal measles-mumps-rubella antibodies and CNS autoimmunity in children with autism. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12145534
The plausibility of a role for mercury in the etiology of autism: a cellular perspective http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3173748/
Detection of RNA of Mumps Virus during an Outbreak in a Population with a High Level of Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccine Coverage http://jcm.asm.org/content/46/3/1101.long
A case series of children with apparent mercury toxic encephalopathies manifesting with clinical symptoms of regressive autistic disorders. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17454560
Aluminum in the central nervous system (CNS): toxicity in humans and animals, vaccine adjuvants, and autoimmunity. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23609067
Unvaccinated Children are Healthier http://www.mednat.org/vaccini/dannivacc_study.pdf
Self-Organized Criticality Theory of Autoimmunity http://www.plosone.org/…/10.1371/journal.pone.0008382
Combination MMRV vaccine linked with 2-fold risk of seizures http://www.eurekalert.org/pub…/2010-06/kp-cmv062310.php
Impact of environmental factors on the prevalence of autistic disorder after 1979 http://www.ms.academicjournals.org/…/article1409245960…
Increased risk of noninfluenza respiratory virus infections associated with receipt of inactivated influenza vaccine. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22423139
Effectiveness of trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine in influenza-related hospitalization in children: a case-control study. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22525386
Speciation of methyl- and ethyl-mercury in hair of breastfed infants acutely exposed to thimerosal-containing vaccines. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21575620
Comparison of VAERS fetal-loss reports during three consecutive influenza seasons http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3888271/
We are 120 % in agreeance Cynthia. We can post these links allllllllll day. The nay-sayers may claim the abstracts, citations, reports etc are not pier-reviewed or is biased. Scientific evidence & "proof" is conditioned on governments definition of said terms. FDA claims "Only as drug can prevent or cure" type laws & rules. These types of companies and agencies claim everything is safe till the lawsuits kick in. A judges gavel not make something unsafe. And for thoes who may claim... Winning a case not amke a product safe / unsafe). The judge / jury will governed on "preponderance of the evidence" produced by findings of fact. Facts produced by medical pros that tipped the scales.Its all about the $$$ and ones personal phaneron of choice.
Zero evidence mercury (and other compounds) causes autism? Hmmm. There is zero evidence mercury is safe. Ok so we eat tuna (BTW, depends on where the tuna was living & caught). Albacore is a bit healthier. One cig is nothing mentality? Great... Thats permission to partake of a whole pack? Now eat that tuna w/ the same cocktail in the vaccine, AND inject it straight into the blood where the digestive system has no say to weed & screen out particulates or choose what goes where. Injections are more apt to cross the blood-brain barrier a lot easier than ingesting it. So the brains actual dosing may be higher than a can of tuna.
There is also a great difference in the effects of a tiny amount of mercury between having an adult ingest it mixed with food, and injecting it into a child.
Moot point, there is no mercury in vaccines. The compound is ethylmercury which is used to make Thimerosal the preservative that is used. However Thimerosal is not used in Children's Vaccines, it is used in Flu shots.
There is no mercury in childhood vaccines.
yes Isn’t it interesting that brain damaging mercury was quietly removed from several vaccines despite it being there for years with full assurances of its safety... it is still found in multi dose flu shots however
Anyways, there’s a new enemy in town pastor Quinn ( read up on it on vaccinepapers.org); it’s aluminum adjuvants.
I wish you luck injecting this garbage ....for the Meger ( if any) fleeting immunity you get as a result .... just don’t expect others to blindly trust government health officials who have broken the public’s trust long ago
No mercury in childs vacc? And paint is lead free (not). Anything free (per law) states there is less than (something to the effect) of .00005% or detectable levels.. then measuring devices is set for .00006. (or something to that effect). Lead, mercury, cadmium, colbolt (or the like) is still in there in one contorted way or another. Put mercury in the parents then they have kids. Get it in the breast milk. Then into the child. 3-rd generation ailments is also a factor. In 15 years mark my words. If humans can survive. the health industry will make minimal to no headway. See the movie idocracy. < --- Thats where we are headed. Does some one have some insight to... Stair steps to Christ ~ VS ~ Hwy to Hell.
SOME vaccines contain no mercury. SOME do. You are misinformed, Quinn.
"... The results suggest that although mercury has been removed from many vaccines, other culprits may link vaccines to autism. Further study into the relationship between vaccines and autism is warranted." (last two sentences in abstract. Note the word, "many" as opposed to "all")
The same people saying vaccines are safe now were the ones saying they were safe when MOST of them contained mercury.
No mercury? That in legal language reads "detectable amounts of mercury". Even if there is 0.0000000000% of mercury in "some". What about all the other known (and unknown - hidden ingredients). in the inoculates. IE: Beta-Propiolactone, Formaldehyde, Tri(n)butylphosphate. Etc, Etc. Many (those we mentioned and then some) are ingredients / compounds listed on the EPA toxicity list.
@ Pastor Quinn ~March 8, 2019 at 1:24 pm Moot point, there is no mercury in vaccines. The compound is ethylmercury which is used to make Thimerosal the preservative that is used. However Thimerosal is not used in Children’s Vaccines, it is used in Flu shots. .... Mercury? Ethylmecury. Not in kids or senior inoculations? That is "Detectable amounts of said compound" the testing was done to skip anything under 0.0005% (or some small figure). none the less. it IS in there. Watch the movie "Stinkmovie". FenFen is still on the market, banned compounds is still in use. The new replacement for Round-Up is form of Agent Orange. Spin the names of various forms of mercuries still not make it "safe".
@ Beth... All these ailments would not exist to the rampid state they are currently in if we lived an overall healthy life style. Life on this planet is NOT designed to have mercury, formaldehyde & other cultured compounds as a cure for what man created and set the stage for in the early 1900's. Measles are NOT from a mercury deficiency. Polio is not form a colbolt imbalance. Cancer is NOT from a shortage or radiation bombardment & cocktails of man made compounds. Head pains are not from an aspirin deficiency. All drugs do it mask symptoms, the bodys alarm signal something is wrong to make one "think" they are cured / fixed as the underlying causes remained untreated or unknown. The domino effect is already 100 years in the making, 3-rd generation ailments are starting to show. Name one thing that humans learned from their past as history keeps repeating. We polluted the earth, polluted space (space junk) now we dump highly toxic / radio active waste on our neighboring planets and we have no viable way to clean it up. Humans are very destructive to the environment and our selves, and we want more peer reviewed / government mandated mentality.
Mercury (heavy metals), formaldehydes, etc etc. Everything is safe till the lawsuits kick in. Oh wait..... corporate immunity.
Vaccinations save lives. Theres no argument you have against that. Thousands of mothers prayed over their dying children asking for God to provide a way to save them. And diseases were cured.....via medicine. It's there....everyone else's kids were saved from dying from the measles or polio......because at some point enough parents apparently prayed enough that God gave the cure for those diseases and all you have to do is take advantage of that answered prayer and your child will be spared from that disease. If God already gave you the resources to save your child from the MUMPS and you won't accept the cure he provided for the MUMPS before you had to deal with it.........if your kid gets cancer and you pray about it......do you not think God might send a doctor to you that has the answer to your prayer with him? Don't reject the answer to your prayer because you expected it to arrive in a prettier package.
Vaccines save lives? (kind of a vague/loose statement). Some vaccines may stops the SYMPTOMS of one aliment created 5 more years / decades later.
What better way to control the masses than to fake the 2-nd coming of Christ. And, they come to help / be an answer to some prayer. If prayers are truly answered, humans would NOT be in the mess they are in to need false gods / LOVE... PERIOD. Thy shall have no false gods / love B4 thee. What is safe, what is right, good / bad? All in all. Look at the mess this world (and its inhabitance) are in. As every polluter claims "they are innocent". No one really steps up to the plate and claims "I DID IT". Lets change the laws. Prove it's safe, prove its clean, prove it is healthy, take the $$$ away... See what happens in the loooooooong run.
Thinking you know God's will is a sin, why did he allow us to develop these vaccines etc. Was it because ppl prayed for a cure, or was it to cause more pain, I believe the later, God doesn't want us to suffer, it's our fellow men n women that want that.
"God doesn't want us to suffer"
Perhaps you could go and visit your local children's hospital and take a look at those in pain dying of cancer. Your god is actually quite pathetic helping those in serious need. I can do a better job of it, and in fact I do, so I guess that makes me greater than your god. And if you think thoughts and prayers help them, go and take another look at them suffering.
I'm not going to accept your scare tactics of your imaginary God saying it's a sin to know his will. You can only fool little children of that, and those with a lack of decent education, and understanding reason.
God is pathetic? As a species (humans) god helps those who help themselves. We must reach out (and w/in) to god to be "perfect". We are programmed by gov & corporations to "think" they are our god. Any one who suffers is at the mercy of "lacking god". GOD IS LOVE. Lack of universal / cellular love will feed what we experience (individually and collectively). Scientist know the cure for many ailment. They just can't patient / meter them. "Only a drug can prevent or cure" mentality perpetuates the down fall of our health. LOVE is perfect. Mans interfering and control. Failure to be one w/ the universe) is the lack of god / love there of. Watch the movie "They live" (sunglasses). We are NOT able to be one w/ god as we are brainwashed into a "corporate" life style.
I've heard the silly "God is love" statement before. Have you seriously read your bible?
He condones stoning people to death. He condones slavery. He killed children. He drowned everyone on earth, men, women, and children, (if you believe the story of the flood), with the exception of one family led be a drunkard. He's a very jealous angry deity, that has major anger management issues. So yes, your god is pathetic!
@ Lion... Read the bible? Seriously? how does one read "seriously". Yep, read just about every religions teaching that I'm able to translate... Along w / all the copious translations and perspective possible. Taking any biblical teaching in a "physical view" is biased. A bibles main intent is a spiritual guide written 100's of years after Jesus death. God is love means the term god & love is togglable term in biblical verbiage usage. Love is not a "he", god has no set gender as humans understand gender. Anger issues? All humans fall short of the glory. Every one has the capability of anger. The threshold is the key question. The mentioning of anger & ppls actions is to be taken as a spiritual learning curve. Not as permission to be as others did 1800 years ago. All biblical / spiritual teachings are an instruction manual / general guide for the human mind to start from. My god, your god? Love is love, no matter whos it may be. Look up where Jesus went to school and look up where he learned some of his path. No matter who may hold any % of accuracy related to any spiritual teachings. I can see the love flowing from your fingers as ego claims one god is pathetic over an other. its all about ones personal phaneron. Consider a few years of Spiritual Epistemology study. It may suggest that Egocentric predicament can be deceptive or enlightening by choice.
Thank you for your opinion j. Mine stays the same.
"All humans fall short of the glory. Every one has the capability of anger. The threshold is the key question." God's threshold is poor. Drowned most everyone. Went on major killing sprees.
"Look up where Jesus went to school and look up where he learned some of his path." We don't even know with assurance your Jesus ever existed, so why would we look at where he went to school? We don't even know that any God exists. If your god does exist, I still have the opinion your god pathetic, but again, thank you for your opinion.
God is love. Love is perfect. All else is the absence there of. Suffering in any context is the absence of god / love in ones life. Absence of being one with (God = Love). Laws of physics / Natural selection will make the call. Not you, nor I.
So children in pain dying if cancer is the absence of God? I’m sorry, but I think you are very sick. But wait...sick people have the absence of god. Weird huh?
Children in pain? You think? Just becasue you or I "think" sets nothing in stone. Hmmm... Be it a baby, a teen, a middle aged, or senior. Epigeniticly and metaphysically speaking, All life forces / energies are all subject to the same (lord) laws of existence. Using "emotions" as a weapon to inflict a guilt trip changes nothing. The (lord) laws of nature remains. All life forms are subjected to same same laws. GOD (Love) is perfect. Unfortunately humans are not. What humans have set into motion (collectively or individually) dictates what us (humans) will experience. We were made in the image of love (perfection). Humans screw it up. Emotional, Mental, Physical or Spiritual illness / sickness called dis-ease put forth to any given life form is lacking continuity to the fabric of existence. Love / God can not be sin'ed against. Collectively or singularly, we only sin against our selves. This planet, its inhabitence, all suffering is brought upon our selves by the lack of being "one with". As stated in copious metaphysical teachings "comply or die". The health of this planet and its inhabitance shall be the indicator of our path compliance. We all fall short of the glory and fail to see the signs. Humans are loosing the war on health and happiness. The more knowledge humans "think" they know the more we are thirsty for wisdom. Now, on the science side of things. Youtube S. Hawkings myriad of predictions of humans survivability if we continue our destructive path. PS: GOD is perfect? Are cancers?
Cancer, what it is and how it grows. The 3 main Mental, Spiritual, Emotional and Physical causes / conditions that permit a state of cancer to exist... 1, Cellular De-oxygenation, 2, Internal cellular fermentation & 3, Internal cellular acidification. < --- Cancers are preventable. And the corrective measures are NOT patent-able. FDA laws claim "only a drug can prevent or cure".
DNA can be programmed causing damaging changes, change which in turn Western medicine give it a title called cancer, then claimed DNA mutation may be inherited and or the cause. Cancer is a metabolic disruption. The cell is chronically emotional, spiritually & nutritionally starved and poisoned to the point it may no longer be classed as human cell. What better way for a cell to save its self? "Replicate" and do it fast as cellular life slips away. Gene mutation / DNA can be inherited by parents having the same pollutants / deficiencies and the kids carry on the deficiencies. Cancer = Rapid cell division is all it is.
Some good words.... Love is love... God is love. Love has no desire to want or dis-want. To humans, LOVE is a life style and has no ego to "want". Make vaccines, make atomic weapons, make love, make hatred? It's called free will choice. Individually or collectively, karma will decide what is good or bad. NOT some humans choosing to take GOD's inventory of what he / she / it thinks, wants or feels.
This argument gets stale quickly. The chemicals are known. The data is from huge populations of people. Shall we all stop washing our hands? Shall we give up clean water for whatever nature provides? Shall we stop testing people for diseases and let the chips fall where they may? Jumping from vaccines to forced euthanasia... I'm trying to think of a bigger leap but you may have come up with the largest one imaginable.
@ Brian... Forced euthanasia? Already here, Starts w/ quarantine (for many different reason). Also there is death row in prisons (for many diff reasons). There is cop shootings. (For many different reasons). Some of the reasons may even be legitimate). How about ppl that are assassinated by a "secret service". All a form of forced euthanasia. And thats what we are aware of.
Vaccinations should be mandatory in every state before a child can attend any school or daycare or any group situation! Unvaccinated children pose a significant health risk to all other persons who have any contact with them. I personally think that it should be a crime to refuse or fail to innoculate a child against diseases for which a vaccine is available..
The only weakness is a weak life form that is all GMO'ed, chemically inoculated, radiated by toxic energies (microwaves, portable devices, EMF's, etc) and the healthy ones that are classed as carriers are told to join the toxic crowd), partake of the chemical cocktails to be the same. Save a human from small pox using mercury so we all will be weakens and trapped in the stream of drugs and chemicals having a dozed other ailments. BUT we are saved from small-pox and still alive (altho weak) to feed the system.
Exactly. It is also child abuse to knowing place your child in a situation where they can be harmed, maimed or killed.
Being on this planet is child abuse. As we all sur-come to the new god (Corporations & Government). They have ALLLLLLLLLLL the answers. Meter & control the answers (cures) at the hands of the almighty $$$.
There is only one thing worse than being duped into believing that Government and Corporations have all the answers as they cause most problems on this planet. Then meter & control the corrective measures. It is getting ppl to realize they have been duped... If the FDA claims "Only a drug can prevent or cure". A simple but prime example... Why is organic citrus (oranges / grapefruit / lemons) not an approved form medical treatment & covered by insurance to remedy scurvy?
How do the Unvaccinated post a health risk IF vaccines work? Your protected right that is what you say. This is has to be the most curious thing of all that pro vax people say. ???? Most if not all Break outs here in USA are caused by the vaccinated shedding the virus to the unvaccinated so if I want to take that risk it is my free will to.
As stated copious time in a myriad of ways. What are the vaccinated so spooked of? If their shield works so well, what is the problem? Let us croak off and they are safe. It's our choice to die of the alleged bug/s than unacceptable compounds.