Arts and crafts chain Hobby Lobby is facing backlash over a controversial 4th of July advertisement arguing that America is a Christian nation.
The full-page ad, which ran in newspapers across the country, includes the headline “One Nation Under God” and quotes Psalm 33:12, which reads “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.”
The ad quotes everyone from former presidents to founding fathers to Supreme Court justices to make the case that America is a Christian nation.
While many were pleased to see such an unapologetically faith-forward message from a major retailer, not everyone’s happy. Some say that with this ad, Hobby Lobby is advocating for nothing less than full-blown theocracy in America.
Crafting Up Some Drama
The 21 quotes chosen by Hobby Lobby all seem to reflect a similar sentiment - that America is not in fact secular - it is Christian. Quoting George Washington, for example, the ad states: "It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor.”
As the ads hit local papers across the country on July 4th, and thousands of users took to Twitter to express their outrage over what they view as a dominionist message as 'Hobby Lobby' trended on the social media giant for several hours during Independence Day.
“Take your theocracy and shove it,” wrote one. “If Hobby Lobby knew anything about the origins of this country, they’d know that a lot of people came here because they didn’t want their government to tell them how to worship,” wrote another.
The Freedom From Religion Foundation issued their own rebuttal to the Hobby Lobby ad titled ‘Our Godless Constitution’, quoting those very same founding fathers as being actually anti-religion, or at the very least against very much in favor of a secular government. They also issued a quote-by-quote rebuttal to the original ad, arguing that most of the quotes are taken out of context or aren't relevant.
Not Their First Rodeo
This isn’t Hobby Lobby’s first time facing criticism for their outspoken Christian faith. Just a few years ago, Hobby Lobby found itself defending its faith in front of the Supreme Court after refusing to cover birth control on their employee health insurance. The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in Hobby Lobby’s favor, agreeing that Hobby Lobby’s sincerely-held religious beliefs would be violated by being forced to provide contraceptive medicine to women, prompting a nationwide boycott.
Despite the backlash, Hobby Lobby certainly isn’t short on defenders either. Evangelist Franklin Graham posted on Facebook that “Hobby Lobby is being attacked for running some beautiful full-page newspaper ads on July 4… I hope this exposure for their ads, even though it was intended for harm, will actually allow even more people to read the message and appreciate what Hobby Lobby’s owners, the Green family stand for. I thank God for the Green family, their Christian-run business, and their strong public stand for the Word of God and biblical values.”
And several Twitter users pondered if the people expressing outrage over the ads are even Hobby Lobby’s target market anyway. As one user told another, “Hobby Lobby's target audience is families... especially moms. They don't really care what people like you think about them. My Hobby Lobby is constantly packed. Great store. Will shop there again tonight.”
What do you think? Is the ad advocating for Christian theocracy, or are critics twisting a simple pro-Christian ad into something else entirely? And is running an ad that can be construed that way truly good business?
Publicity stunt that is all it is. They are free to express their opinions just as I am free to disregard them. Peace.
The constitution say's freedom of religion, not one but all.
Don't mean to be argumentative, but it doesn't say "freedom of religion". That is an interpretation of "...shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;...".
To me it says, Freedom from religion.
LOL! So says a guy who calls who calls himself 'Minister' So you are a 'minister' of non-religion? Sounds interesting!
You really have a hard time. I think your brain is broken.
As I understand it, the Framers of our Constitution were indeed a mix of Christian and Christian inspired Deist.
Their views were tempered by Enlightenment Era Liberalism, which as I understand was based on the idea of "That Government is Best, which governs Least.".
Under the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution recognition of freedom of religious conscience, I am a Heathen.
This does adhere to the Oath I swore when I donned the Uniform of the US Armed Forces.
It's companies like this which making young people not trust in God. Just look at how religion is used to divide our country.
It amazes me how many people will demand that the US is a Christian nation when numerous founders demanded it wasn't, including John Adams in the Treaty of Tripoli, Thomas Jefferson, John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison to name just a few.
(Try reading any of the Federalist Papers. They are quite enlightening!)
The founders you cite were also all slave holders, only Adams was against the idea because it was "Un-republican" Thomas Jefferson owned 600 slaves and had the habit of fornicating with the young ones, leaving many mixed race babies. John Jay, a New York Governor and the nation's first Supream Court justice, owned 17 slaves, Alexander Hamiliton also kept slaves as 'house help' James Madison had 100 slaves...So it's not very shocking to learn that they also were not Christian...And yes, I am aware that self avowed 'christians' also kept slaves. 41 of the 56 of the signers kept slaves but the 16 who did not were Christian and also ardent abolitionists. What all had in common, and all signed upon "GOD made all men equal and gave them the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" What has our country come to now? Babies are killed by the millions in their mother's wombs, Government enforced 'lockdowns' and forced closing of small business...there goes your right to life liberty and pursuit of happiness...and BTW...they want your ability to fight back so give up your guns.
Turn off the FOX News and other conservative news outlets and come back to reality. There are so many things you are wrong about and it’s sad for all the people you are trying to indoctrinate because they end up hating the Church.
In the Pledge of Allegiance, the words Under God were added in the 1950s because of Communism, did you know that? The word God is used not as your God, but some watcher from above. It is everyone’s God.
I know this is all very hard for you to comprehend, in fact, you most likely do not, but it is the truth. We are a secular nation and separation of church and state is the law, no matter how much people like Pence try to change it.
Jeepers Dude! In the 1950's Communism killed at the least 100 MILLION people in the newly formed USSR...IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY! And their claim to 'fame' was the "fact" that people only existed to serve the state and not a "god" thus making their lives 100% expendable....Know what they did FIRST? They tore down EVERY czar, and religious statue around and put up statues of Stalin, Marx, and a bunch of other satanists to convince the people that this is the way to go....Sound Familar? Heard about statues being torn down around America lately? I know this is all very hard for to comprehend, in fact, your cognitive dissonance will probably over ride what ever it is you use to comprehend facts...BUT! I'll be open to questions and am able to bring you to the 'LIGHT SIDE' LOL!!! probably not....do your own reasearch and come at me with actual facts. Do NOT waste my time.
John Norris Campbell and christians have a history of killing people who refuse to convert, as well as killing other christian sects. christians tore down temples of other religions and smashed religious items
P.S Stalin, Marx were not Satanists-
The Roman Catholic church is not a Christian organization. They follow "another Jesus" and pray to a 'Queen of Heaven" for intercession on their behalf, thus making them something else entirely. But you may be right about Stalin and Marx...perhaps simply refering to them as 'godless murderers' would have been a better title for them. Because Stalin led a brutal campaign against religion and religious leaders and Marx, coauthor of "The Communist Manifesto" declared "Communism begins where atheism begins" During WW2 the totalitarian dictator, shattered churchs, synagogues, and mosques and ordered the killing and imprisonmentof thousands of religious leaders in an effort to eliminate even the concept of "God"...sounds kind of satanic to me, but then again satanists worship satan as a god eh?
Please... satanists? Evidence? Ever consider it was just influential people with a bad plan who happened to get some traction for a while before they finally petered out? Satanists? Geesh.
Well that 'traction' claimed the lives of at least 100 million....sounds pretty demonic to me.
total misinterpretation of the founders. Ignorant and self righteous
The logical fallacy of your post cannot be ignored. Equating "Christian" with "Slave Holders"... since either could be true or false the logic is gone. Then comes the fact they signed a document with the word "God" on it. You do know they could have been far more specific, correct? There is far more evidence in the document that they were very, very careful in regards to being unspecific about "Their creator". Not the creator, their creator. That seems interesting. It would seem more an appeasement to the faithful and the agnostic. "Babies" killed by the millions in their mother's wombs! Man, a bit of drama goes a long ways with you. Do you mean a fetus? There are very distinct phases of prenatal development. I bet you are aware of that yet somehow admitting it weakens your dramatic argument so you choose to not include it. When people choose to ignore facts to make their point I consider them cowards unable to use the truth to establish their argument. That's a weird thing to do. Closing businesses & taking your guns... it could not be more ironic that in one breath you oppose death but right after that you're good with taking no action regarding 600K of dead from Covid and unknown dead from guns. Show me the evidence of the most recent gun raids where "they" came & took the guns away from law abiding folk. I would suggest you might be "evil" in the manner you understand evil to be. You cannot tell the truth while you claim all kinds of stuff as if it were fact.
We are a free nation, not a Christian nation
And you are incorrect. And please dont start with that discredited crap about the founding fathers being Deists. There were only TWO Deists in the whole group and the rest were Christian or Catholic or Protestant. Their papers clearly show that and the tour guides at the Capitol Building as well as the Smithsonian Museums both say the same thing. Now are you going to call them liars because they destroyed you? Want proof? ok its very simple. Look at the Dec of Independence and the Constitution. At the bottom of the pages it gives a religious greeting and salutation that was used on ALL official state documents "In the Year of Our Lord" Since 99.9% of the Europeans at that time believed in God, just how are you going to refute this?
Oh Daniel, Daniel, Daniel. Your "authority" is tour guides? Honestly? That's just sad!
I have been inside the capitol building 6 times as well as the House floor and the Senate floor. The House has a beautiful mosaic cut glass pattern on the entrance. And I have taken the tour each and every time I have been there. Now you and carla can whine all you want but unless you can actually say you have been there then you dont have any idea of what you are talking or whining about.
Yes, Daniel. I have taken the capital tour, though I can't imagine how you can think that is pertinent to our discussion of whether the US is a Christian nation.
John, Daniel just wanted you to think he had done something important in his life, and couldn't think of anything else. He only forgot to mention (ever so conveniently) that they dragged him into the capital, while he was wearing handcuffs and leg irons.
I bet your paws were in cuffs Everytime they dragged you into that capital building, weren't they Danielle?
Considering Daniels low status John, tour guides are people he looks up to, in reverence, and admiration.
Don't concern yourself with Daniel Gray, John Condron. Nobody on this blog seems to like him, and we don't pay much attention to him. I'm the only one who ever votes for him, and that's only meant as a joke.
Look at all the time that has passed since my above comment about Daniel Gray feather (plucked from a seagull on the Cherokee reservation), and nobody has said a word in her defense, yet. That should show that berdache that I must have been telling the truth. Maybe this will lead her to go away and find a blog where other low life's will like her, and believe Buffalo Doo Doo.
Mad because I can trace my family back to before the Dawes Roll Carla? Sure sounds like you have your panties in a knot because of it.
Native Americans who wonder why they haven't advanced much in this nation should blame it on Daniel Gray.
Oh really Carla, its people like you that are in DC that stole over 1.5 billion dollars from the BIA. Its people like you that refuse to honor the legal and binding agreements with the Native Americans. And its people like you who call names like a spoiled child when they cant disprove what was said. Please continue carla, you are only harming yourself.
You must have eaten plenty of Buffalo chips to come up with that one, Daniel. I'm all about equality and equal rights for all, Native American tribes included. It's only certain individuals who I oppose, and that has nothing to do with yall's heritage.
Many of the Europeans that believed in gods Daniel were Pagan and Wiccan. Far more than christians use the word god to refer the their deities.
So you want me and all others arrested and or killed for worshiping other Gods? or for having no religion, or even another brand of Christianity ....or do you want me to be forced to accept your religion? .that don't sound like freedom
I hope that's not in reference to anything I said, Nathaniel Robert Hunt. I'm all for all religions, and never preach my religious beliefs to anyone. I consider myself an inter-faith minister, in that I minister to people of all religious and spiritual paths, in accordance with their beliefs, never my own. And please don't confuse me with a Christian, for I am nothinglike one. I belong to a Pagan life path called Wicca. A natural eclectic solitairy whose Witch name is Raven Apollo (the Greek and Roman god of healing). I was initiated into the old religion (sometimes called elder Wicca), on January 1, 1980. And only the Goddess initiates, so if you have a problem with any of that take it up with her. Blessed be! If your response has anything to do with my quarrels with Daniel Gray, keep in mind that it is a personal thing, and has nothing to do with the articles we are discussing.
it was about what Daniel Gray said, for some reason it didn't post under his commit
Nobody said anything about you being arrested for anything Robert, except you. What, you nervous for some reason?
Daniel Gray a lot of you christian want me arrested for worshiping Pagan Gods , holding services and such. And when gay marriage became legal more so because I was standing on the sidewalk signing marriage licenses for them, I got death threats for doing that
And no I don't have so much as a speeding ticket on my record -
You can worship whoever or whatever you choose. As long as you keep it to yourself. But when you step out and demand we accept your beliefs, then YOU have overstepped the line. I have never said or implied anything like what you are posting, so where you got this anger at I have no idea.
So Daniel, you think this country is a theocracy? Well, you're dead wrong!!! It is NOT and never will be a christian nation!!! I bet you're even one of the morons who think that the constitution is based on your religions laws....lol. Just so you know the facts, the constitution was based on the Gayanashegowa....the great law of peace of the Haudenosaunee confederacy. The Iroquois nations.
Nope never said that, you are assuming and you know what they say about assuming. I am only stating fact. And please dont start with that Deist nonsense about the founding fathers. There were actually only TWO deists in that groups and you can find this out very swiftly, the rest were catholic-methodist and protestant as you can clearly see by reading their papers in the Smithsonian Museum or the US Library of Congress.Thus it was founded by Christians and as such it IS a christian nation no matter how you want to think otherwise. Every founding document uses a religious salutation and valediction. IN fact both the Dec of Independence and the US Constitution end with "In the Year of our Lord"
And yes I know a major part was from there. You either seem to forget or intentionally didnt state that the Cherokee were part of that confederation. And as I have said before I am a member of the Cherokee Nation Wolf Clan and clearly listed as such on the records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs in DC. I can trace my family clear back past the Dawes roll, look it up. And unless you can show your family member was on the Dawes roll, you cannot and will not be allowed into our Native American Nation. Nor be allowed to claim you are from same.
I can only say this to you in our language, "apane hothon ko phadaphadaana shuroo karane se pahale apana itihaas jaan len"
Daniel, first off the comment was actually from me, not my wife Shalandra. That was a mistake on my part. And, for your information, the Cherokee were NEVER part of the Iroquois Confederacy. The Confederacy was first the 5 nations, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca, and Cayuga. Later it became the 6 nations when the Tuscarora were added. Learn your history. You also claim that you're Cherokee....what band specifically? You sound like the typical wannabes that are always claiming something they're not. Oh, one more point, you said that was in your language? What language is that? What dialect? It sure as hell isn't Cherokee ookshan!!!!
Then you better go back and re read the history books and speak with the Cherokee Elders as they will tell you flat out they WERE.
And sorry it is Cherokee child, if you were part of the nation as you imply that you are or know anything about the Cherokee language, you would know this. Instead you have just destroyed yourself with your own words.
And again check with the BIA, I am clearly listed there as a member of the Cherokee Nation, so whats wrong? Jealous that you cant and never will be able to make that claim?
Child? Think again yonega. It's funny that you can't name the specific dialect you claim to be using or the specific band you belong to. Those seem like very simple basics that you should know. If anyone here destroyed themselves it was clearly you for not being capable of providing the most basic of information. But I'm not surprised. You're the typical wannabe, watvsgoli. And it didn't take any effort to prove it. Tsalagi hiwonisgi!!
Awww, how nice of you to try and claim I am a thief, but the slap in the face for you is that I am clearly listed as Cherokee at the Bureau of Indian Affairs in DC, so lets see you call them a liar. And I can trace my family clear back before the Dawes roll. Or are you just upset that you cant? As for your claim of a dialect, child if you had any brains you would know that there are only TWO branches of the Cherokee nation, one in Oklahoma and one in the Virginias and they BOTH SPEAK THE SAME LANGUAGE. You would know that if you actually had any knowledge of my people. And how nice of you to use an English to cherokee translator. In your desperation you have just proved you are a fraud. nudanсdсna. I told you what clan I was with, you have yet to prove you are even a kissing cousin to the Cherokee people
You keep bringing up the B.I.A. with nothing to back it up. So defensive. My family is on the Dawes roll so I'm not the least bit upset. And you failed the band challenge too....lol. There is NO band of the Cherokee legally recognized in VA. But there are 3 federally recognized bands. 2 in Oklahoma, The Western Cherokee Nation and the United Kituwah, and 1 in NORTH CAROLINA, not VA. The Qualla Boundary that surrounds Cherokee, NC. And while they both speak the Cherokee language but, for you info, there are 2 dialects, eastern and western. A translator....lol. Idiots like you amaze me. And your claim of Aniwahya, is it eastern band or western. There is a difference
And for everyone else who reads all of this, the words in his so called "Cherokee" language are actually Hindu. This lowlife, and yes I mean YOU DANIEL GRAY, is an absolute liar and a fraud!!!!!
Man, Daniel. That "tour guide" homework... you really out did yourself this time. I guess I can stop reading all the old correspondence and other documents written by the founders that you can read right here online so that one can draw what seems to be a pretty logical conclusion about their opinions about a great many topics. Tour guide told me. Mike drop. We out.
Man Brian you are just upset because you cant disprove what I said. Typical response from people like you when someone pops your bubble of reality
The founding fathers left England to escape religious persecution and many where not catholic and several where Unitarian which is technically NOT Christian. Our Constitution also says we are a nation of many different religions and faiths...
No more Hobby Lobby for me and I used to actually like them; oh well - I used to like Walmart to many millennium ago...
The group of English colonists who settled in North America and later became known as the Pilgrim Fathers originated as a group of Puritans from Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire. By 1605 this group had come to believe that their Christian faith was incompatible with the Church of England. The pilgrims who risked their lives to settle in a strange land were extreme Puritans, that is to say they disapproved of several of the rituals and practices of the Church of England that had been established by parliament at the beginning of Elizabeth I reign. There was no Catholic’s amongst the Pilgrim fathers.
Journalism such as this belongs on media such National Enquirer, not on a site that demands rational and logical thinking. Mythical idealism is the foundation of most religions, we accept that out of respect for freedom of speech, not because there is any truth in the assumptions. Zealots such as F. Graham are a danger to social stability.
People always make a mountain out of a molehill ! You don't like Hobby Lobby's philosophy, shop at Michael's. I like both!
The basic principals of Christianity, ie the great command, as in treat everyone as you wish to be treated - fairly and honestly seem to be good guiding ideals to build a country upon. We respect and honor your right to chose your belief system, but to act as if we founded our documents on nothing? That also seems wrong. We are certainly not a country founded by unbelievers who felt we could do as we wished with no consequences, nor are we founded on the ideas of Islam or Hinduism or Shinto or Buddhism or any other faith because few if any of their adherents were present in or at the founding of our country. We did not tell them to change their faith when they arrived, we said welcome. Try bringing your faith to certain other countries and see what you get for a welcome. We are not a theocracy, we can acknowledge that more than likely, the Bible was a source of moral code and inspiration for our founding citizens as well as the documents they produced. So, perhaps calling ourselves a Christian country is too much for some, perhaps they can agree that we are a country that was founded on Christian principals.
A side effect of democracy. Everyone has the right to express their opinion.
And we have the right to kick ass, and go to jail for it too, Sergiy.
Not all rights need to be used?
Agian as a fellow Christians I don’t realy think fighting about issues of weather hobby lobby is right or wrong for there comment in a ad is something that we need to be doing right know we have more and bigger important matters in this nation to worry about ? Let’s try and worry about stuff like the children and adults that lost there lives to Covid the people that died in the Florida condo stuff like this ty for your time
There IS a difference between there and their....Don't worry...this is just a warning....but future infractions of the english language will result in stiff penalities....For myself....An actual triage nurse in a major city hospital, I have'nt seen ONE person die "from" covid....not ONE....We lost alot of really morbidly obese people that were first hit by cars and then dropped, by accident, into a meat grinder, but then we had to list the cause of death as covid. And that's why I live under my bed and wait breathlessly for the next CNN fear porn segment.
I now am certain that you cannot tell the truth about anything. It will be as if your posts do not exist.
There IS a difference between there and their....Don't worry...this is just a warning....but future infractions of the english language will result in stiff penalities....For myself....An actual triage nurse in a major city hospital, I have'nt seen ONE person die "from" covid....not ONE....We lost alot of really morbidly obese people that were first hit by cars and then dropped, by accident, into a meat grinder, but then we had to list the cause of death as covid. And that's why I live under my bed and wait breathlessly for the next CNN fear porn segment.
Comment removed by user.
Comment removed by user.
Summer you are right, let’s tackle (not worry about) stuff like the CHILDREN and adults that lost their lives to COVID-19 and the people that died in the Florida condo, etc. Let us solve this problem.
If Christianity was taught correctly We believe that CHILDREN and adults would not be dying from catastrophes like COVID-19 and falling buildings because God is LOVE (1 John 4:8-16). Strong, Tough, Protective LOVE. John 1:18 and 1 John 4:12 teach you and the world that "NO MAN HAS SEEN GOD AT ANYTIME."
But Christians have been fooled into believing that they have seen Father God in the form of a corruptible, tortured, COVID-19, dead, Racist Voodoo white man nailed forever to a cruel Roman Catholic cross. And Christians worship it!!!
That is a reason for the Tribulations!!! Christians are Slyly Subliminally Seduced. Summer, the Bible is the Book Christians say they believe in. But they believe in false doctrine taught by the pope and other demons. The above two verses prove it (John 1:18 and 1 John 4:12).
Billions of Christians believe a lie, but misery loves company, and since Billions of confused Christians believe the lies, the lies must be Truth. The majority rule, right??? Wrong!!!
Christ in the Bible Heals the sick, Feeds the masses, Raises people from the dead, and Christ LOVES CHILDREN. The VICTORIOUS Christ is sitting in the THRONE in Revelation 3:21 with His Father God. Yet in fake Christianity innocent CHILDREN are dying because they are taught to believe their white crucified god's greatest act of love was to DIE!!!
So CHILDREN and adults commit SUICIDE in one way or another to die like their crucified god. Or they die from COVID-19, or die in collapsed buildings, etc. The devil rules. So sad.
But Summer Jesus Christ declares that He CONQUERED death in Revelation 1:18.
Christians evidently have not read those VICTORIOUS Words of Christ. You should read the above verses for yourself in your Bible if you have one.
Billions of Christians have never studied their Bible. So it's the Blind following the Blind and they now find themselves in the ditch of Tribulation and death. So sad. It's time to FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH Summer!!!
Amen. Peace. Namaste. And God-LOVE to you and yours. Any questions Summer???
Quite frankly, any business has the right to express their religious vent. The problem with individuals today (and there are a LOT of "individuals" today) is; they all think their sense of what is, who is, and how it should be is contrary to what it really is. When someone looses touch (swayed by evil, or taken a path unwise, or out of God's path) with their soul, and God, of course their dysfunction surfaces. This dysfunction of the individuals today, are why we are seeing things for truly what they are for the AWAKENED one's. Almost every story on mainstream media today is about vanity in one degree or another. They are about deceit, and manipulation for the people's minds. They are lying innumerable times each day, that their souls are blacked, and their spirit is no longer God's Spirit, and they only see the promised carrot at the end of the stick like a donkey. This entire process is built through satan's treachery upon God's Children (all of us).
So I would say GOOD for Hobby Lobby! They should be able to speak about God, and those who don't want to hear it, those who claim offense can simply shop elsewhere! HOBBY LOBBY - DO NOT SUCCUMB TO THE MINORITY OF EVIL DEVICES THAT TAINTED SOULS WILL THROW AT YOU FOR YOUR BELIEF! DO NOT BOW TO THE EVIL OR YOU ARE JUST AS LOST AS THE EVIL GOD'S BELIEVERS ARE SEEKIING TO DESTROY ON EARTH. As the saying goes "Stick to your guns!"
Nothing surprising here........Evangelical Christo-Fascist Dominionist are Evangelical Christo-Fascist Dominionist all day every day. Thankfully, with this add, those who may have been ambivalent as to whether Blobby Globby is indeed as shitty as others have claimed them to be can now see for themselves the 100% accuracy of others statements!
I believe we are in a Christian country called United States of America. On the U.S. currency,it says,"In God We Trust". All Americans should all be Christians and obey the Holy Bible while in the U.S.A..
You do realize that that phrase wasn't (and isn't, if you can find them) on US currency prior to the 1950's. The motto of your country is "E Pluribus Unum," "One from Many", and that was what was on prior currency. And not everyone who visits the US, myself included, is Christian. How do you decide what faith a person is at the border? My parents were Christian, and my name sounds like I should be, so you would think I was. Forcing a faith is what drove the Puritans (English), the Quakers (English), the Irish (Catholics), and the Germans (Anabaptists) TO the US. Interpretation of the Bible has caused even American-only faith groups to splinter into different factions. Who is right?
Does the monetary system say in which god we trust? Could it be Vishnu? Thor? Àllah?
Please let me know.
I heard it was Bachus, Sir Lionheart. And the best place to spend Bachus' money is at Spec's liquor store, in Galveston, Texas.
You could be right Carl. Dionysus is also a very good god to celebrate imbibing alcoholic beverages.
Again, you make me laugh!
Laroche, all Americans, who are ever increasingly not christians, should pee on their evil bibles, and throw them in the trash! That's what I did with mine when I was eighteen years old, and now at 58 I haven't regretted it yet!
Carl, that is exactly what every Christian is doing to the Bible, whether they know it or not, from the sly pope on up to the pauper preacher.
You may as well go live in Iran then bub, any one who tries to force me to bend knee to the bible or the god in it is a man who will die by my own hands.
Does the monetary system say in which god we trust? Could it be Vishnu? Thor? Àllah?
Please let me know.
Lionheart they were probably talking about money as their God, when the wrote "In God We Trust."
The constitution suggests otherwise....
Angel, the Constitution has been violated by the politicians and the so-called "Supreme" Court Just-Ices to such an extent that America is a now "Secret" DICTATORSHIP that won't stay Secret.
It will soon be evident!!!! It is evident that America is a DICTATORSHIP right now for those who know and study the Constitution.
Be Safe and Healthy Angel. Peace.
Any questions???
The word has nothing to do with Christianity Laroche, you damn fool! We use it in Paganism and Wicca. It a generic term, used by many, to reference divinity. It is also thought of by many as G.O.D. (good, orderly, direction), and many dyslexics think it's referring to a dog. So it means different things to different people, and doesn't belong to Christianity.
I think the Green family is getting their rewards on earth. They don’t need to find any rewards in heaven. They are selling their wares on the back of Jesus. This has never been a good look.
The Greens also own Mardels..a Christian book store chain. "on the back of Jesus" is an odd comment. Both business are closed on Sundays and major Christian holy days, while the rest of their competition stays open. Much like Chick-fil-A, they honor what they believe to be truth by their actions. But we all know "haters gonna hate" so take your money else where....these folks are not hurting for business, both have packed parking lots on any given business day, and Chick-fil-A always has a line of cars at least 10 deep at lunch times.
They are not advocating anything at all. Like any other business, they guess what sort of advertisement will sell their products, and if it does not work, they will change the advertisement. Whether a nation is "Christian" or not, is a matter of opinion, and therefore not important. I would never have known that "Hobby Lobby" existed, as I sit here in Portugal, but thanks to this interesting controversy, I am curious what "Hobby Lobby sells.
Hobby lobby sells craft supplies and home decor items
Yes, they do, rebadams7. They also know that most of their customers are hyper-christian. They know this from market research, but also from the responses they have had from previous advertising, as well as decisions like withholding birth control coverage from their employee's health plans. They didn't have to go to the expense of taking that all the way to the Supreme Court, but they did it for the free advertising.
Being an Englishman when I visited California I never once saw anything about Religion.Sure they had the Christian TV shows but that was all I saw.That was in the 90s before my mum passed away.As a minister myselfof themonastry.org I was under the impression that only places of worship advertised God.Not every Tom ,Dick,or Harry
I do not patronize businesses that flaunt their religious beliefs like Hobby Lobby and Chick Fil A.
I'll be willing to bet you that the tears they shed about you not 'patronizing' their business would'nt even be enough to dilute your meth for a bump.
All western civilisation is based on Judeo-Christian tradition invokes shared values and connected fates. The Judeo-Christian tradition is a core tenet of British and American national identity, part of the civic religion of the Western civilisation. All our morality and many of our traditions come from the Christian religion. It can be said without much reservation, that the contributions made by Christians and Jews laid the foundation of the West.
That's a lie!! You assume everyone's morality, or lack of it, comes from abrahamic religion. Mine comes from me, with absolutely NO abrahamic or christian influence!!! But slaves will be slaves i guess. I'm not one of them, I'm the adversary
I'd love to learn more about your self manifested morality. What did you base it on? Do you hold human life dear? Jeffery Dahmer's personal morality led him to rape, kill, and eat his victims, which apparently sat just fine with his world view. After 17 victims the cops finally got him, and in his mugshots he is smiling...I believe the courts considered him an adverary when they sentenced him to 15 life sentences...
In God We Trust was added to the U.S. currency in 1957. See: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_God_We_Trust Republicans added the language. No surprise there, not much has changed in their culture war. Sadly, their respect for police, justice and the Constitution has taken a serious hit in their messaging.
Fact Checked FALSE...Turn off your MSM propaganda channels...both parties exist to only divide this country, right wing, left wing, both wings on a vulture, and you swallowed it, hook, line and sinker.
It's been christians dividing this nation for years, playing "our church is the only right one" and seeking to deny the rights to people of other faiths or no faith
You are right Nathaniel. Fake Racist Christianity is divisive from the sly pope on up to the pauper preacher, including other pagan religions.
What verifiable factual evidence is there to support your claims?
The whole goddam bible Mike, for starters!
Minister Mike, Carl is right. And verifiable facts are John 1:18 and 1 John 4:12 which say that "NO MAN HAS SEEN GOD AT ANYTIME." But Christians have been deceived and taught that they have seen Father God in the form of a corruptible, tortured, COVID-19, dead Voodoo white man nailed forever to a Roman Catholic cross.
John Norris Campbell - "Fact Checked False" by WHOM? On what authority do you question the written laws of the United States? If you are questioning actual historical FACTS, you need to show some documentation to back up your crazy conspiracy theory.
Allah is the God of the Moon, that is all I need to say.....
Well I guess that allah dude has to hang out somewhere....personally, If I were an all powerful allah, I'd pick somewhere near the beach.....maybe around the Florida Keys...the fishing is great there...and I'd have an awesome allah boat....with a clear bottom, so I can see the sand sharks....oh! and one more thing! I'd have a personally chilled 'allah' keg on board...with my favorite Irish whiskey....OH! YEA! and Lots of snacks...like salty almonds, cashews, and pecans....
I'll drink to that. Cheers,!
One Nation Under God??? Interesting. Which God is Hobby Lobby talking about??? There is Father God and there is the devil, the god of idolatry and this falling world.
Every idolatrous, racist, sinful picture We see of the Christian god is a fear-proving, guilt-provoking, depressing picture of a pagan white man, usually bloody, forsaken and nailed to a cursed Roman Catholic/Christian/Protestant/Mormon cross forever by jealous, double-crossing religious leaders and their religious foolish followers who hated Jesus Christ.
America began as a Slave nation and still is a Slave nation, passing Slave laws like the Supreme Court sanctioned Unconstitutional Ex Post Facto law called the Sex Offenders Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) that goes back FIFITY (50) YEARS and arrests, without the Constitutional mandated DUE PROCESS OF LAW, anyone that was ever convicted of a sex offense and was FREED by the double crossing American Just-Ice system for serving their time for the crime, of which many were poorly defended in the first place.
Therefore the so-called Black/African-America man is the major target of the Ex Post Facto law SORNA that illegally reaches back over Fifty (50) Years and destroys the lives of Millions of people Black-skinned to White-skinned. The Silent and Scared Majority.
We mention this because, whether you Americans and Christians know it or not, the making of the Ex Post Facto law SORNA violated so many Constitutional laws that America is now a "Secret DICTATORSHIP" without a Constitution, unless it's politically expedient to pretend there is still a Constitution to keep you SLEEPING. If you are AWAKE you can see the non-existent Constitution being violated everyday.
At anytime You, along with your LOVING Family and Friends can be Arrested even if you have Never committed a crime!!! Yes, that's Right!!! And remember, whatever President chooses to pull the trigger and make America and "Obvious DICTATORSHIP" by using more Ex Post Facto laws, or use the Ex Post Facto laws already in use, he or she has the Military to back them up. You have been warned!!!
LOOK UP the definition of "Ex Post Facto" and see why the now Destroyed CONSTITUTION Forbids these laws. "Ex Post Facto" laws are just ONE of many Constitutional violations that made SORNA, and made America a DICTATORSHIP. LOOK UP THE DEFINITION OF "EX POST FACTO" and you will be able to anticipate the future of America.
DICTATORSHIPS pass evil Ex Post Facto laws that trap the weak and despised, so those laws are therefore overlooked by the rest of society, to eventually TRAP All of society!!! That's what Hitler did to the Jewish people to trap German society in his losing madness. It is an historically Sly and successful tactic, and you will eventually personally feel it, even if you cannot personally now see it. If you trust Politicians and the Supreme Court you will soon see the folly of your trust, just like you foolishly trust popes, priests, pastors, prophets, preachers and mormon missionaries. (TO BE CONTINUED)
(CONTINUED) Foolish Christians call Jesus Christ God when actually He is the Son of God because the BIBLE says NO MAN HAS SEEN GOD AT ANYTIME!!! But Hundreds of thousands of people saw My VICTORIOUS Twin Brother Jesus Christ during His Mission on Earth to Free ALL people from evil. Confused Christians are blind to Christ today, just like religious people were blind yesterday!!!
John 1:18 declares to the world "NO MAN HAS SEEN GOD AT ANY TIME; The Only Begotten Son [JESUS CHRIST], which is IN the Bosom of The Father, Only He has see God."
But as We said Confused Christians think My VICOTORIOUS Twin Brother Christ is His Father God!!!
1 John 4:12 declares to the world "NO MAN HAS SEEN GOD AT ANY TIME. If we LOVE one another, God dwells IN US, and His LOVE is Perfected IN US."
However IDOL-WORSHIPPING Christians so-call love and adore their fake IDOLS of a white-supremacist, Voodoo, COVID-19 death-god on a evil Roman Catholic/Christian/Protestant/Mormon bloody cross more they LOVE each other!!! So they kill each other and spill each other's blood, especially in the religious "black" community, and die of diseases like COVID-19 and its variants.
Here is a thought We had today, concerning the CHILDREN and adults, the FDA has not publicly indicated a timeline for approval of the vaccines. Why not??? Just asking why not???
We are draining the swamp of Racist/Sexist, Idolatrous Christianity.
"God is LOVE." 1 John 4:8, 16. Tough, Strong Life Protecting, Life-Saving LOVE.
There is a Greek word "agape" that means unconditional LOVE. And Billions of confused, weak Christians call Father God and Christ's LOVE unconditional. So they do whatever they want, like worshipping idols, because they think they are saved by Jesus Christ's death. NO!!! They should read Romans 1:22-23 and Revelation 3:21 and WAKE UP!!!
God and Christ's Mighty Protective LOVE is NOT unconditional or there would have never been a Flood or a Judgement Day which is this day!!! Just look at the Horror news, and the coming of World War III on TV. God is not doing it. The "lack" of God is doing it!!!
Only Father God and Jesus Christ of the Bible can save the world. Not politics, not the so-called "Supreme" Court and not Sexist/Racist idol-worshipping white-supremacist religion.
Psalm 33:12 “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” That nation is not America.
Sincerely your Revolutionary Friend Nimrod, The Spiritual Revolutionary "LIFE" Coach KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. (REVELATION 19:11-21).
Amen. Peace. Namaste. God-LOVE.
Yes no man has seen god, or any of all the other gods created by mankind. Eventually, human beings figured out that if you are going to create a god, make sure it can't be, seen, heard, or observed, and with a bit of luck some people might just fall for it.
Here's a bullet list of historical facts about Jesus that can be proven by anyone:
Yes Lionheart you make sense. The Christian god is an evil, racist myth. Interestingly enough, even the Bible proves the Christian god is a false god.
By the way, the U.S. Constitution is a false Constitution, and so-called intelligent men and women judges and justices have increased its falseness over the centuries by their writings and sly politicians by their actions.
No Christian is safe today if they follow the false teachings of Christianity, and no American is safe if they believe they are constitutionally protected.
Christianity is a TRAP and America is at present a "Secret" DICTATORSHIP to those who don't know. However, many do know.
Peace, Lionheart.
Please enlighten me! Exactlt HOW can a 'myth' be considered 'evil'....are unicorns also evil?
John, that is a good question. A myth can be evil if it is a lie pretending to be the truth. And of course, to many the truth is subjective or non-existent.
Are unicorns also evil John??? That is or you to decide.
However, We will say this, everyone's truth or falsehood will be tested by life, either today, tomorrow, someday.
Surely John you are aware of the chaotic news, wars, children killing parents, parents killing children and pandemics in this falling world.
Hopefully whatever your truth is will help you through to the Peace and Prosperity that is here right now. That is if you believe in Peace and Prosperity John.
Every body has the free-will to believe anything they want.
Jeremiah 8:15 "We looked for Peace, but no good came; and for a time of Health, and behold trouble!"
Jesus Christ, in Matthew 24:11-12 prophesied that in the end times; "Then many false prophets will rise up and decieve many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold" As I look at any news channel what do I see? Hate, lawlessness, and the love of many turning cold...Mother's killing their own babies still in the womb, children killing each other, senior citizens being beat down by young thugs for the couple of bucks in their pockets---EVERYTHING Jesus said would happen is happening now.
Dude, you seriously need to chill. Try a CBD gummie, or better yet try some Jesus Christ OG indica. There is no Invisible Man in the Sky. The Creator is female. The Destroyer is male. The Goddess takes no interest in the doings of mere mortals. She is busy creating the world. Only the Destroyer cares for your prayers. And this is not a Christian website.
I guess you did not recieve the Bumper sticker from this site showing ALL religions...and BTW! I would love to learn more about this chick you think is in charge of everything...Is her name Karen? Asking for a friend!
John I AM aware this site is for ALL religions. That's good. Are you aware of it??? If you are than why speak against what We say??? We are not speaking against what you say. We are just speaking, Our Truth.
It is good that you and your friend want to learn about the female in charge of everything. However I AM not a Catholic. If I was I would say her name is Mary.
But since I AM a Spiritual Revolutionary "LIFE" Coach the Name of the Man in charge is "THE KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS."
He can be found in the Bible, in the Book of Revelation 19:11-21.
Inform Us if this did not answer you and your friend's question because We want you to know.
Psalms 1:3 "And he shall be like a Tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth his Fruit in his Season; his Leaf also shall Not wither; and Whatsoever he doeth shall Prosper!!!"
My previous comment was in direct response to David Arthur Lewis but I do welcome your opinion as well. I am not a Roman Catholic, I do not consider Mary or any other female to be in charge of anything, except maybe making me lunch and doing the laundry. I'm curious if you are using the pronouns "We" "us" and "our" in the royal sense of the word, or perhaps, you have a mouse in your pocket that helps you? From David's statement he clearly believes the Creator is a female and that anyone that opposes his paticular truth should "chill" and get high on CBD gummybears.
Here's where, in my not-so-humble opinion, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Zoroastrians, and all other monotheists entirely miss the mark on how the universe operates. No one is "in charge". No one is "in charge". Chaos reigns on earth. The Goddess is eternally engaged in the work of Creation. That invisible man in the sky is the Destroyer.
John I thought your comment was meant for Us. When We post a comment We always put the person's first name to whom it is attended. Many people do not that which causes confusion, intentionally or unintentionally.
The following reason is why I AM using We, Us and Our.
In John 14:20 My Victorious Twin Brother Christ declares to you and to the world "At that Day [TODAY!!!] you shall know that I AM in My Father, and You in Me, and I in You."
Therefore John since God and Christ are in Me and I AM a Believer, I AM always speaking as a TEAM PLAYER.
Also John the reason We capitalize I AM is because it is the Secret Name of Father God.
Father God said to Mighty Moses in Exodus 3:14 "And God said to Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and He said, Thus shalt thou say to the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me to you."
Consequently putting something negative after you use I AM is taking the LORD's Name in vain.
People should always put something Positive after I AM, for example: I AM Smart, I AM Healthy, I AM Rich, etc. because whatever a person puts after "I AM" he or she usually becomes.
It is also Our firm Belief John that when Father God said in Genesis 1:26 "And God said, Let Us make man in Our Image, after Our Likeness." Father God was referring to Himself and His Son Jesus Christ who was with Him in the Beginning.
Religions are ignorant to God due to slick, Suicidal "scholars." They do not realize that as this Godless world dies, so will they and their families die too. Look at and listen the news.
But the "scholars" know, because that is what Suicide is, intentionally killing yourself.
Time will tell.
Sincerely, your Friend Nimrod, the Spiritual Revolutionary "LIFE" Coach KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS (Revelation 19:11-21).
Peace. Amen. Shalom. As-Salaam-Alaikum. Namaste.
David, I AM saying, if what you wrote is your belief system, then it is your belief system. It will do you good or harm in this very dangerous time. Time always reveals the truth, to those people who handle the accept the truth. What is the truth??? That is for you to decide. Evidently you have decided.
Good for you David.
Proverbs 12:18 "There is that speaketh like the piercings of a sword: but the tongue of the Wise is Health."
In Ganesh We Trust. All Others Pay Cash.
It's time to completely eradicate the abrahamic religions influence from our country!!!
Great Idea! You should start with the Muslims! Let me know how all that works out for you!
It really is time to label Christianity a hate group. Them and all their alt-reich beliefs have got to go.
Jeepers! You sounds like YOU are spouting HATE....good luck with all that!
Do you not have the God given right and the mind to think as you wish? Do you not have a choice in your life, relationships, employment, beliefs, and who you associate with? Put that tiny shoe of yours on the other foot - then put yourself in the shoes of the one's you are quick to trespass. ! Just as you have all the right of choice so does everyone else. what stands above that personal choice we all have the right to is: - Worship of God - Freedom to speak about anything (which is on the brink of vanishing)
It is no different for a company and their right to speak up about their values. Every company worth anything has a company values statement. Just wait until all of this chaos is resolved and the righteous prevail - the truth will be know. And if you cannot open your mind up and critically think about what is going on - you are part of the problem in this world.
Do you not have the God given right and the mind to think as you wish? Do you not have a choice in your life, relationships, employment, beliefs, and who you associate with? Put that tiny shoe of yours on the other foot - then put yourself in the shoes of the one's you are quick to trespass. ! Just as you have all the right of choice so does everyone else. what stands above that personal choice we all have the right to is: - Worship of God - Freedom to speak about anything (which is on the brink of vanishing)
It is no different for a company and their right to speak up about their values. Every company worth anything has a company values statement. Just wait until all of this chaos is resolved and the righteous prevail - the truth will be know. And if you cannot open your mind up and critically think about what is going on - you are part of the problem in this world.
Your're obviously confusing the Roman Catholic Church as being "CHRISTIAN"....You make the same mistake as other uneducated people like the Muslims, Jehovah's witness, Mormons, and other RELIGIONS that can only pretend they have the truth....good luck with all that!
Yours is a foolish statement. Roman Catholicism was the FIRST Christian church. Your statement reflects a 500 year old argument by Protestants to marginalize the church.
In this day when we Christians are under attack it would be better if you tried to find common ground rather than divide us even further.
Actually the great shism of 1054 occured first...Between east and west "Catholic" churches...Apostasy is a real thing...When the "first" church started to deviate from the truth and started making up new stuff to keep the ppl in bondage.
◄ Romans 12 ► Peshitta Holy Bible Translated Par ▾ 1 I beg you therefore, my brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God by a logical service. 2 And do not imitate this world, but be transformed by the renovation of your minds, and you shall distinguish what is the good, acceptable and perfect will of God. 3 I say to all of you by the grace that is given to me, that you should not have self-esteem beyond what is necessary to have self-esteem, but you should have self-esteem and modesty as God distributes faith to every person by a measure. 4 For just as we have many members in one body, and all those members do not have one function, 5 So also, we who are many, are one body in The Messiah, and each one of us is a member of the other. 6 But we have a variety of gifts, according to the grace that is given us; one has prophecy according to the measure of his faith, 7 And one has ministry in his service, and one has that of a teacher in his instruction. 8 One has that of a comforter, which is in his comforting, and a giver in generosity, and a top leader with diligence, and that of caregiver with cheerfulness.
9 And be not deceitful in your love, but hate evil and cleave to the good. 10 Be affectionate to your brethren and love one another; be preferring and honoring one another. 11 Be diligent and do not be lazy; be enthusiastic in spirit; be working for your Lord. 12 Be rejoicing in your hope. Bear your afflictions bravely. Be persistent in prayer. 13 Be partakers with the needs of the holy; befriend strangers.
14 Bless your persecutors; bless and do not curse. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. 16 And whatever you esteem about yourselves do also about your brethren. Do not esteem high opinions, but go out to those who are humble, and do not be wise in your opinions of yourselves. 17 Repay no person evil for evil, but be concerned with doing good before all people. 18 And if it is possible, according to what is within you, make peace with every person. 19 Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but give place to rage, for it is written: “If you will not execute judgment for yourself, I shall execute your judgment, says God.” 20“And if your enemy hungers, feed him, and if he thirsts, give him a drink, and if you do these things to him you will heap coals of fire on his skull.” 21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil by good.
The Peshitta Holy Bible Translated Translated by Glenn David Bauscher Glenn David Bauscher Lulu Publishing Copyright © 2018 Lulu Publishing 3rd edition Copyright © 2019
It is a shame, the FBI has several sources that have been revealed as White Supremecist Organizations, whom are cloaked as 'wolves in sheeps clothing'.... I think the Boss once said-'Love your neighbor, as you would yourself'. I think I read that somewhere. Please correct me if I am wrong..Jamie
I do apologize, upon further reading the article. The founding fathers, did want God to be a major part, but God was never monotheistic. They explicitly, wanted it to be that way. 'One Nation under God. With Liberty and Justice for all'. God, could have been just Good Orderly Direction.
Frankly, I am happy when a business puts their mythology out in the open. It gives me the opportunity to shop elsewhere. There are a few upscale IHOP type restaurants here in Las Vegas called Blueberry Hill and they are very xtian and even have a bible thumping bookstore at one of their locations. Although the food is good, (I had a weak moment once) I still choose not to give then a penny of my atheist cash.
Is that the same 'atheist cash' that says "In God We Trust"?
Yes, unfortunately, it would be tricky to start printing my own money. If I could, it would probably say "I serve no master".
John Norris Campbell I mostly use a debit/paypal card and checks , the card has an image of my Pagan altar on it And the courts have ruled the only way "in god we trust" can stay is if it is left up to free citizens what that god is
My reply was directed to a self avowed "atheist"...Those that believe there is no god. You seem to have a god that your're cool with...
Have you ever considered the 'mythology' of the Chinese Empire? You know.... The people who produce EVERYTHING you buy at Walmart? The masses only exist to serve the state...Meaning that when they come to the inevitable end of their life, and they can no longer produce for the state....they are killed... I'll be willing to bet Hobby Lobby does'nt do that.
I call BS! “The Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion" -John Adams, Founding Father and Second President of the United States, 1797
I mean it is in the sense it was used to justify manifest destiny and the genocide of the peoples already living on the american continents. So sure in that sense the U.S. was founded as a christian nation proud of its origins as an evil genocidal force of conquest and subjugation.