
The state of Arkansas voted against legalizing recreational marijuana in November. Did the Bible play a role in its defeat?
The initiative intended to “authorize the possession, personal use and conception of cannabis by adults, to authorize the cultivation and sale of cannabis by licensed commercial facilities, and to provide for the regulation of those facilities” statewide.
One group that fought the law is the Arkansas Family Council Action Committee (AFCAC), a conservative Christian lobbying group that opposes marijuana use.
In its effort to stop marijuana legalization in Arkansas, the AFCAC enlisted a powerful ally: local pastors.
Does a Higher Power Oppose Getting High?
The AFCAC encouraged local faith leaders can take the anti-marijuana fight to the pews. The group prepared a brief for local pastors explaining why they should join the fight against legalization, how to answer common questions, and why marijuana consumption is anti-biblical.
Call it the Christian case against marijuana.
In a section titled "Higher purpose than getting high," they lay out their first point: “The whole point of consuming ‘recreational’ marijuana is to get high,” the brief reads. “The Bible has numerous warnings against drunkenness. Being filled with the Spirit leads to more self-control, but using marijuana leads to less self-control and a loss of inhibitions.”
In another section, they argue that “Christ-followers are commanded to stay awake - to be alert to the privilege and responsibility of living out their citizenship of the gospel, always, everywhere, and before everyone. Marijuana clouds our ability to perceive the world clearly, and it dulls our sense of urgency about what disciples of Christ should be doing. It clouds a person’s senses, and it makes it more difficult for them to see their need for Christ.”
Additionally, that marijuana consumption is a violation of the Bible’s golden rule: thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
“The Bible says we are to love our neighbors as ourselves,” the brief says. “There is nothing loving about standing by and looking the other way in silence while your neighbor destroys his or her life and those around them.”
Blaze the Lord
Apparently, the strategy worked; the Arkansas initiative only received 44% of the vote this past fall.
However, supporters say things are trending in the right direction and plan to reintroduce another bill during the next election cycle.
They may have a point, in that marijuana legalization at the state level has gone from a fringe proposal to commonplace in the span of just a decade. Is it just a matter of time before all states adopt the policy?
At least one other governor is looking at some form of legalization; North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper recently called on his own state legislature to “end the stigma” and decriminalize small amounts of marijuana intended for personal use.
However, one interesting storyline here is faith leaders' ability – so far, anyway – to successfully lobby against legalizing cannabis.
Franklin Graham – one of the most prominent evangelical voices in America and a North Carolina native – called the effort to decriminalize in his home state “harmful.”
It seems the battle lines are being drawn, but the real fight will happen at the ballot box. The outcome of those votes could have huge implications for the fate of legal marijuana in other states across the country.
What is your view on legalizing marijuana? Is there a biblical case to be made against legalization, or are Christian groups grasping at straws here?
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If God created everything he created cannabis as medicine for his children or he wouldn't have given us cannabanoid pick up receptors in our brains so the medicine can work properly and treat so many of our ailments as a whole. So just out of curiosity on the ? Day God created Cannabis? God is the almighty creator of everything!!! Yes, even the Stickiest of the Icky!!! Thank you Lord God for your most awesome creation, Reverend Matthew Ropac Palm Springs CA
I was raised Roman Catholic and my Grandmother lived in the rectory with the priests who all drank way too much and if the Bible says not to be a drunk then why do they allow priests to drink and use wine and drink wine during church services? I think they shouldn't knock it off they haven't tried it!!! I was and alcoholic for most of my life and since I started using cannabis I no longer drink!!! Reverend Matthew Ropac Palm Springs CA
leave the marijuana alone it's a natural grown plants and people should get up to their big fat heads it's not just one God and if there was just one God that would have been Julius Caesar attack the drunk drivers in the alcoholics leave the medical marijuana alone people are stupid
There is more biblical evidence in SUPPORT of cannabis instead of against it. The very first chapter of the very first book puts it quite plainly:
29And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. 30And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so. 31And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
Cannabis marijuana is a blessed sacrament. Compared to all the other garbage out there like alcohol which destroys lives? Marijuana saved my life. It's a Christian herb.
It says nothing in the Christian Bible about Marijuana nothing! Stop twisting things to fit your agenda. Marijuana helps cancer patients andonce again people are messing around. I don't even smoke or use this and never will but it can be used for many medical reasons including eating disorders as well. Jesus was a healer it's too bad his followers don't follow him. John 14:12 they are haulting greater works!
Cherry picking again always cherry picking no one on this thread lives biblically. Read the book Living bibically and see if you can actually walk the walk. And if your left handed your out! Deaf people use to be abandoned in forests because it was believed they were possesed by demons. Yes DEAF people. Moles were a sign of witchcraft and demonic possesion. Stop cherry picking what you want to follow and believe for this year. Ohh and women can't be teachers or teach women shall remain SILENT! I could go on.
I'm sorry which god? Not everyone is christian. According to that bible using your left hand is demonic so where is the article on that?
The enabling US federal laws dictate that all substances listed as Schedule 1 must cause great harm, and must have no medical use. Hard to reconcile that with the medical patents that the same federal government holds on uses from the USDA pot farm in Mississippi. The original 'Reefer Madness' war on drugs was created when alcohol Prohibition failed, in order to give ambitious Harry J. Anslinger a platform to demonize his way to higher political office.
In Genisus it clearly states that God put ALL PLANTS and HERBS on the earth and said, "they are GOOD"!!! Marijuana does NOT dull your senses. It actually makes you think deeper on things that you otherwise wouldn't have perceived on your own. It is not addictive nor is it a gateway drug (the high you get is total opposite than that of meth, coke etc). It is naturally found on earth not lab created. It heals and is a true medicine. Alcohol is worse and leaves you dull and impaired where as marijuana elevates your mentality on different levels. There a prescriptive drugs out there that are worse than marijuana and I believe that it should be legal EVERYWHERE!!! Not everyone can pay close to 3 and 4 hundred dollars to pay for a medical marijuana card and have problems that marijuana can help (insomnia, eating disorders, anxiety, asthma, cancer, bodily pain conditions that you can use marijuana lotions that you can only buy at dispensaries, and so much more). If all states were smart as the 19 other ones are you legalize it, tax it and now there's more funds from the taxation than if they didn't legalize it. Literally a win win for the citizens AND law makers.
As I've been taught to understand from my Christian up bringing, the seeded herb was given to us from creation. That is Biblical. I see it as a Sacrament and treat it in a sacred way. We hang with our best buds and earnestly seek the Most High.
I find the efforts of 'Christian Leaders' to deny their parishioners the legal means to combat pain, depression and adults with multiple sclerosis to be consistent with their efforts to suppress homosexuals and any other humans they don't 'approve of'. When any human says they are 'speaking for God' or are just looking out for the 'welfare' of their followers? I feel that they are being 'disingenuous' (not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does). While some may say "I speak to God everyday, and he talks back to me!", I will counter with "You had an internal conversation with yourself." Just because you 'think' you have spoken to God, does not make it so. When the pulpit speaks against something, anything? A reasonable human should question the meaning and motivations behind the edict. History is littered with failed ministries and body counts. (A few apparently objected, but in the end, more than 900 cultists, including more than 200 children, were soon lying lifeless on the ground. Jonestown on November 18, 1978 and there are several more ministries). Being aware and informed are a good thing in today's world. Perhaps one of the flock tried to share their thoughts on legalizing cannabis and tried to communicate how important it can be for many folks. When I read the 'reasons' cited concerning this divisive issue, I am saddened at the reasoning held forth. "It clouds a person’s senses, and it makes it more difficult for them to see their need for Christ.” I would say that history is strewn with acolytes who 'found god' while inebriated. In closing, I will repeat that the pulpit often says one thing while doing the opposite of what they say. Also, I noticed that 44% voted for it and shows that there are some who understand the need for this ancient plant. For adults, it is a beneficial herb and should be raised to the level of aspirin and ibuprofen.
Those Christians aren't Christian. America is Antichrist to the core. There are no Christians. Just fakers. They don't have the guts to call out the Antichrist Jews that killed Jesus. I have no use for spineless Christians. I have no use for alcohol either yet it's everywhere breaking up and destroying families
There are a lot of things that are currently legal that many Christians think are harmful. It doesn’t make sense to just pick one thing out of the air to prevent from being legal because a number of Christians think it is harmful. We don’t live in a Theocracy in the US, why are we pretending that we live in one.
Christians promote cannibalism and vampirism, why complain about ganja? I say legalize all drugs and let Darwinism sort things out.
Legalize it, tax it, regulate it and make it safe to do business around something that people will and already are doing now, whether there is a law against it or not.
Exactly what they did where I live. It has been legal for four years now. There are still laws and regulations surrounding its production, distribution, and use. There are a variety of dispensaries for consumer choice. There are no increased social problems (a problem last Halloween when kids got cannabis candies in their treat bags, but responsible parents checked bags and found anomalous packages). There was probably no huge increase in usage or in number of users. Most people who use legal pot already used it when it was illegal. People should just use good moral judgment regarding its safe use and respect the rights and safety of their neighbors.
All of you know that this conversation on Marijuana is a moog point and loss cause. There is no one in the world that will ever come up with a plausible excuse for using marijuana, alcohol, or any other substance. Each and every one of us makes a great point. Whatever you come up with for an answer will be correct. If anyone abuses any type of substance then that person is wrong and has to answer to himself, not to anyone else. We are all tested in life by the things we do and the way we do them. I just hope everyone can understand this and quit blaming others for their own ignorance and mistakes, myself included. In this new year let us all try and show more love and giving and try to get the universe back on somewhat of an even keel. Now if we can get the people that have hate in their hearts from killing other people for no reason to stop then this world will become a better place to live.
Marijuana was used for medicine, rub it on. not for smoking, not to get high. Every thing God made is Good, but this World has twisted every thing.WHAT IS GOOD IS BAD, WHAT BAD IS GOOD,
The concept that humans can outlaw a plant that was created by God is a case of humans putting themselves above God. In an old Torah I found several references to Sweet Cane which was translated to mean cannabis. In Medieval Europe cannabis was used as incense during services. Christians of today need to learn the history of the religion as well as the Bible.
He created it so I don't think he'd burn it.
Please tell me where in the Bible, that cannibus goes against God.
Here is the thing about cannabis, religion, and the Bible... its funny that most belief systems say cannabis use is a sin and God does not condone this sin right? God designed the human body down to the very cell that starts our existence. That being true, why did God create every human and most mammals with a endocannabinoid system that produces THC and CBD for the entire body to use? And why did God creat a receptor system to take in and store supplemental THC and CBD from outside sources? Bottom line is if God didnt create the cannabis plant for his creation to use then every man, woman, and child in the world is walking around with TCH all in thier bloodstream. Medical fact!
Here’s the real thing about cannabis, and pages of the bible, Kristopher. You can roll them up and smoke them, and you’ll enjoy the cannabis far more than you’ll ever enjoy the bible. Strangely though, it can be extremely pleasurable “seeing” a bible burn, than actually “smoking” it. Weird……right? 🤔
The organized opposition to cannabis is just flat sad. Mainly because I recognize the lies that these groups use in order to advance their agenda. There are two things in the bible that these groups largely ignore. One is that in Genesis it says God gave seed bearing herbs to man for his use. To deny this verse leads us to the second reason this is a problem. The second reason being that we are commanded to not change ever one word of the bible. Yet these groups choose to "reinterpret" the bible to more closely match what they want to believe instead of what God has actually commanded. They actually do this a LOT... which leads to the warning we are given in that in the end times what is wrong shall seem right and what is right shall seem wrong. How can you be against something that God gave us and which is specifically mentioned as being a give to man from God (seed bearing herb). It should be very obvious to anyone that truly walks in righteousness that people are being seduced by the false prophets that we are warned about in the bible.
I suppose the established churches of the dark ages didnt get the memo about not changing the script......oh, my bad. Got the memo;did it anyway. Forced new interpretations not to see the light of day (print).
Everyone around the global be “thought” that the legalization of marijuana would be really kool, that you could buy it over the counter like a pack of cigarettes and at the same cost as a pack of cigarettes. That might have been a good idea and, it might have even worked until Uncle Sam got his hands into it. Now, you can’t afford it and the government is getting all your hard earned money. The battle for legalization of marijuana is not different than the legalization of alcohol was a hundred years ago. I honestly don’t care if you want to sit around for the rest of your life being as high as a fruit fly. Just remember, you got what you ask for.
I must disagree with this part. "Now, you can’t afford it and the government is getting all your hard earned money." Not sure where you live but the price of an eighth oz is still around $40 here. Is there a tax? Of course! BUT! I can choose from over 80 strains and different amounts of thc and cbd. Before it was legal, I had to meet with someone clandestinely and they only had one choice and it was never an 1/8th oz. I rejoice at the difference! I agree with your thoughts on alcohol being legalized.
Everyone around the global be “thought” that the legalization of marijuana would be really kool, that you could buy it over the counter like a pack of cigarettes and at the same cost as a pack of cigarettes. That might have been a good idea and, it might have even worked until Uncle Sam got his hands into it. Now, you can’t afford it and the government is getting all your hard earned money. The battle for legalization of marijuana is not different than the legalization of alcohol was a hundred years ago. I honestly don’t care if you want to sit around for the rest of your life being as high as a fruit fly. Just remember, you got what you ask for.
Legalize it
Stupidest crap I've ever heard. I am a Christian who smokes marijuana. I am an adult these lies about marijuana are just that. That's the same type of crap they used in the 30's just repeating itself. Okay just exactly what oil's were burnt in those golden menorah's. Marijuana is not used for making stupid decisions. The Holy spirit can override the effects of marijuana and can be worse as far as making conscious decisions. Marijuana is not nearly as terrible as alcohol and it's damage to the mind and body. Alcohol makes people blackout and make very stupid decisions to the extent of violence and death. These people are so I'll informed and willing to believe what these liars are saying about marijuana without knowing anything about it. Marijuana is a medicine that actually helps people function when they normally don't.
Genesis 1:29 “And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.”
"God" is a figment of the imagination. Organized religions were created to control people, and that is just what they are doing. People who do not think for themselves are easily led astray, and in that vein, alcohol can do much more damage than marijuana. Prohibition was a failure, and so are laws against the personal use of marijuana. The politicians are merely exerting power over the masses for the sake of exerting their personal power. Look at the circus in the Republican House. Somehow, the "people" need to prevail and fix this mess. Proper schooling and education will help if the politicians can be stopped from interfering with "what is to be taught".
I could go either way on the question of legalization, however I totally support decriminalization for possession and use of small amounts of marijuana intended for personal use. Drinking, smoking are legal so why not weed. If you object to weed on a spiritual level that's fine - just don't try to legislate against sin.
We don’t need another form of intoxication to relieve us of our ability to make judgments that are right and fair. While Alcohol is used and accepted in society currently does not make it right. I agree with Franklin Graham, it is harmful to our society. It gives the opportunity for the Godless part of ourselves to make decisions that are wrong. While drunkenness is covered very well in the Bible, using drugs is just another form of drunkenness.
Evidence of cannabis use by jewish priests in biblical times has been found. It was used to help them achieve a religious state of mind. Makes me feel the same way.
"God" is a figment of the imagination. Organized religions were created to control people, and that is just what they are doing. People who do not think for themselves are easily led astray, and in that vein, alcohol can do much more damage than marijuana. Prohibition was a failure, and so are laws against the personal use of marijuana. The politicians are merely exerting power over the masses for the sake of exerting their personal power. Look at the circus in the Republican House. Somehow, the "people" need to prevail and fix this mess. Proper schooling and education will help if the politicians can be stopped from interfering with "what is to be taught".
Please don't blame the Bible for your own stupidity.
When I read these rants, tirades, or well thought out talking points I'm compelled to remember ALL of scripture, not just the bits that support my belief(s).
Genesis states, He gave us ALL SEED BEARING PLANTS TO USE.... is this just the ones the government, your board, or you personally endorse? Not in my eyes. Are you fully educated on the subject, research the true findings, speak with those directly involved, and keep your mind open to how God can move without your okay?
Or do you demand a God that supports your thoughts & beliefs only?
One can only decide for themself. You have NO RIGHT to control another, not in any way, shape, nor form. Your belief is yours, your choice is yours. CHRIST, said, "JUDGE NOT." We are called to LOVE, not judgement. Preach/Teach the gospel of Christ, not the laws of man. WE ARE TO BE A HOLY PRIESTHOOD....... not a political action committee. Act accordingly.
Render unto Caesar (the world) that which is Caesar's (the worlds), but render unto God that which is Gods. GOD created the plant, it is neither good nor evil. It is what men do with it that can make it good or evil.
Stop projecting your weaknesses upon others, lift each other up, and lean not upon your understanding. Go in peace and may His peace be with you my fam! ❤
Oh dear. Religious spirit is the hardest thing to overcome because opinions are stubborn and most of the time self-serving. Lack of information and stubborn biased opinions cause problems such as racial bigotry, and hatred toward certain faith groups. I have had people tell me they do not believe in the prosperity preachers movement because of the mansions or airplanes they have. Perhaps if people would pull their head out of their butts and look into the scriptures a bit more, they would find evidence in the word of god that management of money as a tool is not evil. Abraham was wealthy and he is the father of nations and of faith. Jesus had a treaserer, Judas escariot. The ancient apostles drank wine, and I am sure people smoked hash back then too. As long as you do not get stupid and unwisely spend up your money on weed and other things that are meant for relaxation then you are being a wise steward, and lets not forget that there are medical purposes for pot such as migraines, anxiety, and seizures.
I’m just gonna say this. Marijuana grows as a plant, from the soil of the earth.
Personally, I use medicinal marijuana for my health issues. No one is going to tell me that opioids and the medications used to treat my health issues are less dangerous than weed.
I’m not going to die from a weed overdose. I don’t care what anyone says. One case of a man who injected marijuana to treat issues with a brain tumor—the side effects of using too much caused restlessness, sleep problems and confusion. NOT DEATH.
How about this? Don’t tell me how to treat my illness and I won’t tell you how to treat yours.
This whole thing really chaps my behind. Go ahead and create places where addicts can safely put poison into their bodies. God forbid we legalize a natural substance🙄
Legalizing marijuana is too much like right. Problem is if it’s legal, then the government doesn’t get their cut.
And, to quote another post, I am NOT a bible believer so don’t use that logic on me. I am entitled to my opinion as you are to yours.
Here’s my take on this subject of marijuana is it looked down on by Christians. Like anything else everyone has their own opinions. Here’s an example… in the small north Alabama that I live in and was born and raised just legalized alcohol sales 4-5 years ago. I never thought I’d see that in my lifetime being we are in the center of the Bible Belt, the issue had been voted down many times before the churches would band together like a coalition. At the time of going wet, my city was the largest municipality in the State of Alabama that was a Dry county. Less than a year later, from just alcohol sales alone the city purchased a $750K Firetruck bc others were outdated. Look at all the years of missed revenue and every year wanting to raise property taxes or sales tax. Our city has a lot of older leaders against being Wet as well. Yet, I had thought once my generation is the majority as the older dying and my kids generation able to vote that it might pass and it did. A almost bankrupt city government is thriving now. If people don’t consume alcohol then this city going wet isn’t gonna affect them at all. And might actually save citizens money from the revenue boost and not raising sales taxes and property tax. So don’t use your religious beliefs to keep revenue from a dying city. Same as marijuana. If you don’t use it don’t hinder the city gaining taxes from it. Nobody is gonna force it on you. Mind your own business. You don’t pay the government’s bills. But, why do you think all these states are legalizing marijuana? Research it, it does have many medicinal purposes. Now, if someone wants go get high high and go to the moon that’s none of your business either. No different than an alcoholic yet alcohol is legal. Marijuana is a plant 🌱, God made marijuana. It’s not addictive. Smoke too much and your gonna raid the refrigerator and cabinets trying to find something to eat and then at some point your gonna fall asleep. It is all natural plant no additives or chemicals in it. A lot of people need it for chronic pain and it does help them. So with that being said. It’s already passed legislation and dispensaries are being talked about coming to different cities. Again, if you don’t need it nobody is gonna force it on you. I’m a independent Christian and newly ordained and I myself live with chronic pain every hour of every day, so I choose to be a Pro weed Minister. The thoughts of people getting high are just that thoughts of it being taboo. Casting judgement on anyone is a sin. We are all sinners so if it is wrong by Gods word then upon asking for forgiveness one shall be forgiven. It’s no different than gluttony or over eating which obesity and morbid obesity will kill you! Yet, it’s okay to drink just not be a drunkard in the eyes of the church. And alcohol will eventually kill you from serous of the liver. Unlike Meth or Cocaine, Fentanyl which are chemical will kill you. Marijuana will not kill you. And too, actually it will make your perspective of life better as well as your mood and any anxiety you may suffer from. So sinner find out something else for all of us sinners to be cast in judgment for. And stop being hypocritical. Leave the judgment sentencing to God. Have a Nice Day! God is Good All the Time! … Minister MOON Mullins ROLL TIDE!! 🐘
Have Been a firm believer since tender young age. I have studied the Bible end to end over and over again. Memorized 3/4 of it by chapter and verse. No place does it say weed Is wrong. In fact It clearly says your illnesses and diseases can find a cure in the plants of the wild. anyone who says weed is a mind altering drug clearly never used it, or had very little experience with it and or grossly abused it. Is wine and spirits Mind altering ?. I dare Say No. Not unless you abuse it. Like A Gun Does Not Kill unless it is abused or miss used when it does get miss used does that mean all Christians should stop using them because God Said Do Not Kill ? Whats more, Weed Does Not even come close to the Mind altering effects of the socially accepted Liquor. Miss use or abuse The Holy Communion wine and you will Indeed Find mind altering effects. should we then Not Drink The Communion ? The mind altering effect of many pastors and priests are more damaging and mind altering than Pot could ever become by its worst abuser while in its natural form and being smoked. All Things are permissible lest it offends thy neighbor. Refer Madness offends thy neighbor. Lets start to put things in proper perspective. The Christian Karen Does not even know they are being Karen's in this Regard.
If God really didn't want us to use marijuana or tobacco, the plants would not exist. If He did not want us to create alcohol, fermentation would not work in the fashion we know now. God wants us to make the right choices in life, otherwise He would not have given us free will. If everything is illegal, then the secular government is making the choices for us, which is against God's will.
Do not be blinded by the greed being sold... Anything that is illegal is not found on every street corner...a marketing strategy...buy* the system...
A sedative is not a hard narcotic...But a wise man understands... Anything that impairs your thought process to the point of over taking your God given Common Sense...of moral principles...is not designed to get you high but is designed to enslave your moral judgement...to conquer your free will...to lock you in a box... Hard anything : means it will be Hard on your life in everyway...Hard Alcohol being legally one of the most dangerous ⚡... Anything that impairs your sanity...will simple out others around you in danger and killed... when you LOSE the righteousness of your own mind...Most natural herbs created by nature are not a problem...But when any of them are chemically enhanced...to multiple times the original strength...They are no longer natural but are a root of greeds evilness... For God is: The Mathematical Truth of Loving Wisdom ... In these terms:if you cannot maintain the principalities of who and what you Are... You are now drinking the Kool-Aid you are being served... United We Stand... Divided We Fall... All(men)...
God created EVERY LITTLE THING on Earth. Cannabis is one of those plants. It is beneficial to the body for some people.. much like, "He can get by with taking aspirin for his pain and suffering, yet this one can't take man made medicines - yet cannabis helps with his arthritis pain, glaucoma and mental clarity, back pain". For those of you calling it evil need to realize that it is a plant that benefits the human and animal bodies and the pulp can create things like houses, bricks, car tires, tools, home furnishings, clothing, and so on. It is not a bad thing. It isn't a killer medicine like the covid vaccine has been (again, man made). Did you people know that your brain makes its own supply of THC (research that please and see for yourselves), the active molecules in cannabis that get you high? All of us make this substance. It helps our brains function properly. Some people don't get the proper amount and need cannabis to replenish what the brain can no longer produce. To deny these people cannabis, is exactly similar to denying a person who is a diabetic, their medicine.. think about that. It needs legalized and saying God doesn't approve is WRONG ON YOUR PART, because God created it.. think about that too.
Having just checked with my beloved friend, Alexa, she informed me that mankind has created, and has believed in, over 3000 gods. Which one if those are you referring to? Just asking for those who believe in one of the other 2999 that think differently to yourself.
As an aside, Alexa doesn’t believe in any of them, I really like her. She never gets upset no matter how many times I ask her the same question. People like her are hard to find. Thank you, holy Lord Amazon Echo 🙏🏻
I live in N.C. and would vote for decriminalization. Not a fan of Cooper or Graham.
The bible only states not to indulge to much of a substance to the point of complete intoxication . Even Jesus drank wine . I'm sure he would have enjoyed the calming effects of marijuana and whose to say he didn't . The real fight Christians have is the world itself . Any distraction from the Spiritual is the purpose of the material world . Remember whose Kingdom the earth belongs to . With that said , what the church is afraid of is loss of control of it's followers . If they don't constantly throw fear at you for not accepting thier belief system and that your going to hell if you don't . Then they will always try to some devious way to make you conform . It's up to us to show true freedom from man by believing in something more than lies . A lie is a lie even if everyone believes it but the truth remains the truth even if no one believes it . Believe in the Force (God) because God is all there is . I call God the force because God is energy and energy is all there is and that's all there is to it .
In earlier times, "the Church" considered the effects of wine was of God. Alcohol is called spirits because it is associated with the Christian concept of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is often thought of as a mystical, unseen force that can inspire and transform people. In the same way, alcohol can be seen as a mystical substance that can alter a person’s state of mind and lead to new insights and perspectives. Another explanation is that alcohol is called spirits because it was once used as a tool for divination. In many cultures, including Christianity, alcohol was believed to have spiritual properties that could be used to glimpse the future or to communicate with the dead. Whatever the reason, alcohol has long been associated with spirituality, and the term “spirits” is just one way to describe this connection.
What is the difference?
The "war on marijuana" wasn't initiated until after the release of a 1930's movie called Reefer Madnees. Prior to that even the AMA said they found nothing harmful about smoking weed. So to answer the question not legalizing it has ZERO to do with the Bible. It was 100% percent race based against the American Black citizens and and Mexicans. J Edgar Hoover appointed Harry J Anslinger as the first American drug czar to initiate a terrorist campaign against minorities. Based on a lie that smoking weed would drive Black men in particular crazy to where they would rape every white woman thay saw. This propaganda was not only reprehensible but consists until today. 100% has nothing to do with God, Religion or the Bible.
Marijuana was illegal in 29 states by 1931. W.R. Hearst started a campaign against it in 1935 because of greed. Reefer Madness came out in 1936, and weed was made illegal coast to coast in 1937. The war was well underway before the movie came out. The AMA spoke out in favor of the drug even as Congress was making it illegal. On a side note, Mr. Anslinger happened to be the son-in-law of Andrew Mellon, the Secretary of the Treasury. Mr. Mellon's family owned Mellon bank, which was Mr. Hearst's main financier.
It’s flabbergasting to see a “Christian Elder” claim the Bible abhors drunkenness as they are currently drunk on hate and judgement. They claim the Bible says “ love thy neighbor as thy self” as they hold ZERO respect or love towards what their neighbor thinks is best for themselves but hold what THEY think is best for the neighbor in high regards. This reminds me of two different verses: Matthew 7:5 & Matthew 23:13
Matthew 7:5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.
Matthew 23:13 Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.
I am also reminded that….
1 Corinthians 6:9-10 states these pastors who are brow beating people over the decisions they make are NOT entering the Kingdom of Heaven either. God despises ‘revilers’
[A reviler is a person who uses words to damage, control, or insult someone’s character or reputation. Today we would call a reviler a verbal abuser. Reviler is a multi-purpose word that is used in the Bible to describe all manner of verbal sin, such as slander, angry outbursts, and foul language.]
1 Corinthians 6:9-11
9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous[a] will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality,[b] 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor REVILERS, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
Some may use verse 6:11 to justify their judgements of others but… 1 Corinthians 6:11 uses the past tense “were” which suggests “no longer partaking in”. If one is still partaking in thieving, greed, drunkenness (even of emotion), reviling others, swindling etc… this verse doesn’t cover your actions “in the name of Jesus”…
It’s flabbergasting to see a “Christian Elder” claim the Bible abhors drunkenness as they are currently drunk on hate and judgement. They claim the Bible says “ love thy neighbor as thy self” as they hold ZERO respect or love towards what their neighbor thinks is best for themselves but hold what THEY think is best for the neighbor in high regards. This reminds me of two different verses: Matthew 7:5 & Matthew 23:13
Matthew 7:5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.
Matthew 23:13 Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.
I am also reminded that….
1 Corinthians 6:9-10 states these pastors who are brow beating people over the decisions they make are NOT entering the Kingdom of Heaven either. God despises ‘revilers’
[A reviler is a person who uses words to damage, control, or insult someone’s character or reputation. Today we would call a reviler a verbal abuser. Reviler is a multi-purpose word that is used in the Bible to describe all manner of verbal sin, such as slander, angry outbursts, and foul language.]
1 Corinthians 6:9-11
9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous[a] will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality,[b] 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor REVILERS, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
Some may use verse 6:11 to justify their judgements of others but… 1 Corinthians 6:11 uses the past tense “were” which suggests “no longer partaking in”. If one is still partaking in thieving, greed, drunkenness (even of emotion), reviling others, swindling etc… this verse doesn’t cover your actions “in the name of Jesus”…
God created all living things, and if we weren't meant to have it, it simply would not exist. Whether it's about Love, Life, or Death, there's some good aspects of it and some bad aspects of it. He left it up to us to decide.
Marijuana weed is GOD'S CREATION. God created this weed with a very good intention. If marijuana be legalized, i don't mind, because i don't know much about it. If it's posing danger to the community at large, surely the Government's intervention becomes necessary. STEPHEN TREVOR MOHLALOGA MAKGOATHANE
And WHO are these 'Pastors' that are trying to control our lives?
Whenever I hear the term 'Pastor' I immediately think 'bogus vicar', i.e. someone who could not be ar**d to spend the proper time needed to be a proper priest like many of my TRUE Chrisitian friends did. Here in the UK it takes almost as long to train a 'clerk in holy orders' as it does to train a doctor - and rightly so.
But these 'pasties' as I call them have never been a proper university in their lives. They have thier fancy dan 'degrees' from this bible college or that 'christian university' which have about as much value to them as a soiled diaper!
Ignore them and follow the SCIENCE!
The Hobby Lobby in the mall in Escanaba has promised to close if a marijuana store opens, as expected, in the same mall. Oddly, Hobby Lobby had no problem with a sports bar sitting immediately in front of them when they opened in the mall.
Really Bible thumpers where in the Bible does it say man shall not smoke pot .
I guess right next to the phrase burn the women as witches so we can have their money and land.
The xtian bible does not mention pot. However, it does mention intoxication. It would seem that it is talking about overindulging (anything).
Just what is a Higher Power? I know the Democrat party sees themselves as being a higher power. Most of them seem to be high all the time, especially Biden, who doesn’t seem able to put two words together intelligibly. He doesn’t even know what’s stored in his garage 🤷🏼. I thought Trump was bad, but this loser has to be the worst President of all time. As for his Press Secretary….what an idiotic Goon! What drug is she on?
Cannabis has been found at ancient religious sites get over yourselves.its ok to drink alcohol or take pills but not to make yourself child-like while learning the word isn't that what he wanted?god made every seed bearing and fruit bearing tree and plant for us to use.god made cannabis man made alcohol who do you trust?
Lmao trump was and is the biggest idiot ever and the idiots in the republican party think it's ok for rape as long as a child is produced from it.trump knows nothing about anything other than his own lies he thinks he is god idiot sheep republican followers believe every word he says they are just as much as a braindead idiot as he is
Your inability to grasp logic, and truth that Biden is the worst President of all time, and a complete laughing stock all around the world, is not a valid argument against it.
May your god have mercy on your soul 🤭
Are you ready for the impending doom of recession yet, caused by that man that has difficulty reading his script, and doesn’t know which side of the stage to walk off? What a complete and utter joke of a man. I thought Trump was bad, until Biden came along to show us what bad is really like.
Dont have to. Its still illegal under federal law which means any police office of any department can walk into a dispensary and arrest anyone and everyone in there for trafficking and seize all drugs as well as all money on the premises and any vehicles outside as well as the building and the property it sits on, and it makes not one bit of difference what the local or state has to say about this as federal law ALWAYS overturns local or state law. The ONLY way to get this legal is by a law passed in both houses of Congress otherwise you are taking your liberty in hand each time you go buy this. Makes no difference if you like it or if you dont. THIS is why you STILL can be fired from your job if you are required to take a drug test and they find this in your system and your "medical pot card" wont help you in the slightest. Even NORML admits that you can be charged and sent to prison for even a small amount if you are suspected of distributing it https://norml.org/laws/federal-penalties-2/ So I have no idea why people think they can do this. If you are a pilot, you are fired and your license is revoked. Same if you operate a ship or a train or drive a taxi or semi. And God help you if you are an EMT or fireman or police officer or any of the safety services as you wont be seeing daylight for a long time. And if you are in an accident and they test you and find pot in your system....say goodbye gracie. So if you want pot legal, then get your congress member to support a bill and get it passed, otherwise this is just as stupid as drinking and driving.
No the police cannot just walk in and do that. You're misleading people with your comment. The only way police can involve themselves in a dispensary is if the dispensary calls for a domestic dispute outside their building, or if someone inside the facility goes rogue.. otherwise dispensaries are protected. I know someone who works for one and I know your explanation is incorrect.
Sorry but they CAN do this no matter what you think. Federal Law overturns local or state law and once they swear to support and defend the Constitution they then have the right to do exactly as I said.
And again since federal law is superior to state and local law, this means that IF they did this then you would have absolutely no recourse against them. Dont believe me? then just ask the DOJ and see what they tell you but get ready for a major slap upside the had and a wake up call.
https://www.mpp.org/policy/federal/ On the federal level, cannabis remains illegal. The federal government classifies cannabis, along with heroin and cocaine, as a Schedule I drug with a high potential for abuse and little to no medical benefit.
guess you dont know as much as you think you do.
That may be true, but police enforce state laws, not federal laws. Federal law enforcement would have to be the ones to do this.
Nope sorry, when a police officer raises his right hand and swears to uphold the laws of the UNITED STATES "Can local law enforcement enforce federal law? Under Section 287(g) of the Immigration and Naturalization Act, states or localities sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the federal government to deputize officials to enforce federal immigration law or allow the local authorities to enforce federal law when they observe it being in violation "in relation to the investigation, apprehension, or detention of [noncitizens] in the United States." 8 U.S.C
Now tell us, if local police can arrest illegals or others who violate federal law, then whats so hard for you to understand that they can also arrest you for violations of federal drug laws?
Maybe you should give a call to the police in Washington, or California, or Colorado, or any of the other states that have legalized recreational cannabis use and ask them why they're not arresting dispensary owners for selling cannabis. I'm sure they could clear up the confusion for you.
Maybe you should actually check the federal law "On the federal level, cannabis remains illegal. The federal government classifies cannabis, along with heroin and cocaine, as a Schedule I drug with a high potential for abuse and little to no medical benefit." its called the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) of 1970 which in essence states the following "The Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution (Article VI, Clause 2) establishes that federal law controls when state law and federal law conflict. The Constitution itself, provides NO exceptions when it comes to the exercise of police powers. In practical terms, this means that states cannot prevent federal prosecutions of their citizens who are using medical marijuana, by making such use noncriminal under their own laws, they cannot eliminate state prosecutions of those citizens under state law, especially since federal law is superior (means it overturns any state law that is in conflict or violation of federal law) which means that any local or state police officer can arrest anyone buying or transporting pot no matter if they have a license for it or not. Thats why banks are not allowed to do business with them. Nice try Tom but you have been proved wrong yet again. Try one more time and lets see if you can overturn federal law with your pitiful state laws. Article VI, Paragraph 2 of the U.S. Constitution is referred to as the Supremacy Clause. It establishes that the federal constitution, and federal law, take precedence over state laws, and even state constitutions. Bang, you're done
It's hard to really say that any of those Bible verses say anything on the issue. These groups start from a world view opposed to sex, drugs and rock'n'roll and try to find Bible quotes to fit, unsuccessfully in this case.
Interesting in that many Evangelicals insist on reading the Holy Bible with a "strict interpretation", but then use vaguue generalizations out of scripture in order to make the point against pot. I'm still waiting for someone to explain how "Staying alert and awake" gets changes into "Thou Shall Not Smoke Weed".
By that argument, no one should use pain-killers, anesthesia, or Ny-Quil.
These folks already tried this with Prohibition. And how well did that work out?
If The Bible says ANYTHING about MJ, it would be nice if someone could point that out to me.
Continue to wait. As with the second coming. Or hell freezing over.
typical crschin hypocracy, ban marijuana but alcohol is fine. these xters are after nothing less than a xtiantaliban, a crster theocracy to rule all theocracies. just imagine if muslims, or even jews went after pork consumption and tried to outright ban the raising, butchering and eating pork because it's against their beliefs and they feel that it's in the best interest of their neighbors as well. love to see how that plays out.
Damn the unholy Graham family, who preach for power and profit! These mass media money monger Tories serve superstitious, paranoid, and power-hungry Caligula, not Jesus. They sell their soul to the highest conservative bidder, and deserve not even a stool at the table. Their corruption is what Jesus warned us about. If one loves their neighbor as themself, then one doesn’t throw someone in jail for some simple r&r. Nor do they cast the first stone. Jesus is love, not hate. To steal someone’s right to choose is a mortal sin which serves no one. The Grahams confuse Big Brother for Jesus of Nazareth. Fools.
I grew up in Billy Graham’s era. Personally I thought he was sincere. At least when I listened to him. But I have never, ever held the belief in god, so I lost interest in him. He apparently morphed from a sincere, but delusional, xtian into a money-grubbing delusional xtian when I wasn’t looking.
I wonder though, what was the POINT of Billy Graham. Much was made of his huge rallies - he used to take over massive arena's here in the UK and they were attended by thousands.
But who were these people? Well, once when I was involved in a christian church we had another one of these big name Yankee prosperity preachers take over a local soccer stadium. And like Graham, he filled the place - with people like me who had all been bussed in from London churches! There might have been a few curious souls, wanting to see what all the fuss was about. But when the PR machine showed hundreds of people rushing forward to 'take Jeyes Uss into their lives' fact was that the massive majority of them were folk who were already in churches.
No doubt it was exactly the same in Billy Graham's time and doubtless Franklin Graham thinks that as he is preaching the bible from the comfort of his private jet or fancy car, he is making a difference. He is not.
Out of all of the comments here no one is in favor of stopping marijuana legalization in Arkansas.
As if the law and the Arkansas Family Council Action Committee (AFCAC), are going to prevent or stop the use of marijuana in Arkansas. While the AFCAC may have won this "battle", they are losing the war. Young people today just look at these Christians as being mean and cruel. Marijuana is known to help sick people and people undergoing cancer treatment. Just reinforces in the minds of young people how mean and uncaring Christians are. They want nothing to do with them.
"Young people today just look at these Christians as being mean and cruel." I'm not young any more and I feel the same way. As humans sometimes we need to feel morally superior, because so many of us struggle just to stay alive and keep our families fed. So condemning people for getting high plays right into the paradigm of "we must save these poor souls by preaching the gospel to every creature." So they vote against a perceived vice and feel morally superior and sing "praise Jesus" on Sunday.
Christ commanded that we LOVE one another. That is the gospel. Not baptizing people or voting to make something criminal that is a benign plant.
@Susan Gail Wieland Well said. Not sure if Christ commanded we LOVE one another. I always thought man said that is what God/Christ said.
Having lived a year in an area where cannabis is legal, my biggest concern is its effect on the children in the home and their tiny little lungs. It is one thing for an adult to choose it, but at the same time, when one is too young to speak for themselves, that is a form of abuse. How does one know they are over the limit when they smoke or digest cannabis, as for alcohol which, yes, is very addicting, you have an idea. Over 700 were charged in two weeks with a combination of both during the holidays.
I have seen more violence in our area, not just from cannabis but opioids. When one does not work, many with depression or struggling, tend to use something more potent and life-threatening.
As for medical CBD, checked in a laboratory and given by doctors, different thoughts there. It actually can work.
“… How does one know they are over the limit when they smoke or digest cannabis, as for alcohol which, yes, is very addicting, you have an idea.”
It’s a bit unclear how much weed will kill you. Because as far as we know, it hasn’t happened. A judge for the DEA stated “ A smoker would theoretically have to consume nearly 1,500 pounds of marijuana within about fifteen minutes to induce a lethal response.” I kinda’ expect that a user would pretty much go to sleep after the first couple of ounces, leaving 1,499 lb 26 ozs left on the table. When I smoked back in the 70s having that much weed would end your life, because you could have gotten a life sentence for that amount.
I have never seen an example of a ‘contact high’. My cats and dogs never exhibited ‘high behavior’. Okay, Gandalf got high as a kite when he ate a weed brownie. And he did EXACTLY what I described above….he went to sleep.
It’s “interesting” that religion — which is widely-known as the “opium of the masses” is now trying to eliminate the use of marijuana, because the Christian God, after “he ?” created marijuana, claimed that “he” never intended for it to be used as an alternative for any addictive, physically-harmful drugs currently making huge profits for the USA’s pharmaceutical companies.
If I were the Christian God, I don’t know how long I could wait, until I legalized marijuana to be fully utilized in the Christian portion of the Universal Heaven.
It would be easy for me (as the Christian God) to do a little weed, as I kept my eye on what my Christian followers were doing for eternity - instead of formerly just having to attend a Christian Church, once a week.
‘Opiate’ of the masses.
So should we make religion illegal? Nope. We’ve only been fully conscious for about 5000 years or so. That’s a blink of an eye on the evolutionary scale. And religious belief is declining. Give it time.
sorry but no and when you made this statement before you were proved wrong. Out of the whole population of the earth, less then 10% do not believe in religion. As a matter of fact Muslum and Christianity combined take up close to 1/3rd of the population of the world. and thats before you add in the other faiths.
Underdeveloped/third world countries have high rates of belief but countries such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada have rates over 25%. Sweden is getting close to 50%. And religious belief is decreasing in almost all countries and THAT WAS MY POINT. The US has about 15% that are agnostic, atheistic or just aren’t affiliated with any particular religion.
Now Pakistan, Iran and Saudi Arabia all have about 99.9% believers. Again, third world countries. And professing nony-belief gets your head chopped off.
and yet it is so easy to prove you wrong just in 2022
Religion Percent Christianity 31.11% Islam 24.90% Unaffiliated 15.58% Hinduism 15.16% Buddhism 6.62% Folk religions 5.61% Sikhism 0.30% Other religions which comes out to well over 98% of the 7+ Billion population of the world having a religion. So I dont know where you or anyone else comes up with the claim that religions are dying....
I believe you're quoting statistics showing the global percentage of the population who practices each religion which also includes those who don't practice a religion, unaffiliated.
If you do a Google search for "decline of religion in the world" you'll find numerous articles and studies showing that the percentage of those without a religion is increasing while Christianity in particular has seen a decrease.
Agree. It’s laughable.
yes but its laughable because it proves you wrong
@Gray … Tom had commented on your warped conclusions. My point is that some countries have populations composed of around 50% atheists. The US has a growing population of atheistic/agnostics/non-affiliated citizens.
My original comment was simply the number of non-believers is growing and that it will continue to grow. The human consciousness is extremely young on the evolutionary scale. Such silliness is slowly dying out.
No more comments from me on this. I don’t deal with blathering, religious dolts or this screwed up forum format of ‘thin’ messages.
No Tom is just trying to justify his claim that was clearly proved wrong, and then you are just trying to do the same with your claim. Get it through your head, that no matter what source you use, over 85 to 90% of the worlds population do involve themselves in some form of a religion no matter how you may not like it or try and prove it wrong. Deal with it.
All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not. (Exodus 20:22-23;) Given that man was given free will, he or she can do whatever is necessary to cope with certain personal situations. You can use whatever is necessary for one to deal with pain or other negative physical issues. Some drugs that are legal cause worse mental issues than cannabis. I am in agreement that some caution is necessary when trying to make decisions for the masses, but ultimately it is the individual that must make that decision, particularly when it comes to mood altering substances. Done legally, the use of cannabis can raise revenue for other pertinent things a state needs for its citizens. Done illegally, you lose the revenue, with More Money spent on keeping the offenders incarcerated. (Catch 22….smile)We all know that money is the bottom line. Money is not the root of all evil……Ignorance is!
Money is the root of all evil? Nope. Simple ignorance and religious stupidity causes a lot of evil without bringing money into the picture.
you are Wrong Money is NOT the Root Of all Evil. Please read that passage again it clearly states The LOVE of Money Is The root NOT Money Itself.
You sir are correct! The Love of money is the problem! Why does such a Trump supporter as Franklin Graham have a right to declare anything bad! Cannabis is much better for the human body than toxic alcohol. Also, very few cannabis users commit crimes or harm others which is not the case with alcohol! Ignorance kills!!!
Bravo! The LOVE of money. Remember that lawmakers are being paid big money by corporations to vote for laws that increase their bottom line. Having worked for one for 26 years, I can tell you that the ONLY thing they (the corporations) love is a great big fat bottom line of profit. (aka MONEY)
Pastors should be able to control the behavior of their own flocks rather than looking to the law to do it for them. As a Jew, I do not need or want to stay awake for Christ.
The war on drugs was designed to be a war on minorities. It had nothing to do with drug use except as an excuse to harass and imprison minorities. If the bible prohibits cannabis, does it also prohibit opioids, Prozac, aspirin, metformin, etc.? Most of the harm from cannabis is because it's illegal.
Bravo Let's not forget Christians drink the blood of Jesus and many get drunk.
With that much alcohol in his blood, Jeebus must have been wasted 24/7.
Drink his blood and eat his body, no?
On the legality of pot. How else do you understand the "talking bush".
Comment removed by user.
Amen. Well said.
Not wrong there.
The war on drugs was a war on whites. Pharmaceuticals are the leading cause of death yet the doctors never get prosecuted. All races do drugs. All races go to jail for doing drugs. They don't care as long as the lawyers get rich off these bogus drug laws which are Antichrist.
Matthew 15:11, NIV: What goes into someone's mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.'..Because I used to work for the United States Government, I don't utilize Cannabis, but as the Christian Holy Scripture Relay's and I have always believed this I am for it.
All I can say is that I live in Arkansas and personally favor the legalization of marijuana. It should never have been illegal in the first place. And for the record I am not a bible believing Christian so those arguments fall on deaf ears. There, I said it.
Bravo, my friend.
There. I said it.
Bravo, My Friend... there I said it!
All things in moderation and yes, like all things... it can be abused and not just used...
Total agree!
This, I think, is more about the depth of ignorance of some american religious organizations. These people are still reveling in feelgood moments with their kids around the dinner table when they don't realize the kids ain't feelin it.
Society becoming (woke) is unstoppable. Because of the centuries of manipulation of information by institutional religion that kept people under the thumbs of their spiritual leaders. Let that sink in. (centuries)
Those same preachers probly discouraged movie going, and listening to rock music. Paul McCartney did not earn the title of Sir Paul in England by churning out musical junk. He is darn genius. Didn't do it drunk. Cannibis is lauded my many celebrities to enhance creative mental imagery. (duh)
That reminds me of an example of a song that made the rounds when Dubya was president. Don't know the whole song, I wasn't the interested. But the jest was in the memorable chorus. Can you just imagine a clean cut cowboy, full of himself, belting out lines that, unbelievably, are dumber than, "Lets go Branden". Somebody has to remember this; "Duh ha, duh huh. Duh ha ha, duh huh huh! That's all I got at the moment, my blunt is cashed.
The Arkansas recreational marijuana bill was a badly written bill. It did nothing to support free enterprise within the industry. Instead it gave an instant monopoly to all current grows and dispensaries. It did not allow for any new grow permits. It did not specify when, if ever, new permits for recreational only dispensaries would be open to those who are not already part of the machine. The verbage of the bill pretty much made new dispensaries almost impossible to open, medical and recreational could not be sold in the same building, most of the tax revenue created would got to law enforcement. And overall, the bill was crap. That is why it failed. A good bill would have passed, but our legislatures think we are still in the 1600s.