Should pot smokers go to jail? Many politicians on both sides of the aisle sure think so, despite having a hazy past with pot themselves. Presidential candidate Jeb Bush is one such person. His rival for the Republican nomination, Rand Paul, recently called out Bush on this issue while speaking in Dallas.
"He was even opposed to medical marijuana," said Paul_._
"This is a guy who now admits he smoked marijuana but he wants to put people in jail who do.
"I think that's the real hypocrisy, is that people on our side, which include a lot of people who made mistakes growing up, admit their mistakes but now still want to put people in jail for that. Had he been caught at Andover, he'd have never been governor; he'd probably never have a chance to run for the presidency."
It's not just candidates that have admitted to smoking, but several actual Presidents as well. Barack Obama was asked if he smoked and answered, "When I was a kid, I inhaled, frequently. That was the point." We know that George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and JFK got high, as well as many other politicians.
Pot Puffing Politicians
Name Highest Position(s) Party Bruce Babbitt Gov. of AZ, Secretary of Interior Democrat Michael Bloomberg Mayor of New York City Independent Bill Bradley Senator from NJ Democrat George W. Bush President of the United States Republican Jeb Bush Gov of FL Republican Jack Conway Attorney General of KY Democrat Paul Cellucci Gov. of Mayor Republican Lincoln Chafee Senator from RI, Gov. of RI Independent Lawton Chiles Senator from FL, Gov. of FL Democrat Bill Clinton President of the United States Democrat Ted Cruz Senator from TX Republican Andrew Cuomo Gov. of NY Republican Howard Dean Gov. of VT Democrat Mary Donohue Lieutenant Gov. of NY Republican John Edwards Senator from NC Democrat Newt Gingrich Speaker of the House of Representatives Republican Al Gore Vice President of the United States Democrat Gary Johnson Gov. of NM Libertarian John F. Kennedy President of the United States Democrat John Kerry Secretary of State Democrat Ed Koch Mayor of New York City Democrat Richard Lamm Gov. of CO Democrat Connie Mack III Senator from FL Republican Barack Obama President of the United States Democrat Sarah Palin Gov. of AK Republican George Pataki Gov. of NY Republican Claiborne Pell Senator from RI Democrat Rick Santorum Senator from PA Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger Gov. of CA Republican William Scranton III Lieutenant Gov. of PA Republican Jesse Ventura Gov. of MN Independent
Put 'em in the Joint
It may be a fun fact that so many commanders-in-chief got baked and still managed to lead the free world, but there's nothing funny about all the people rotting in jail for the same act due to a wasteful war on drugs. Let's be blunt; if Jeb Bush can blaze it up and still end up being a productive citizen, why is he convinced no one else can?
750,000 people are arrested every year for marijuana offenses in the United States. There are actually now more people jailed for weed than for violent offenses according to researcher and author Eric Schlosser. What's even more absurd is that in 15 states, you can actually receive a life sentence for a nonviolent marijuana offense, yet the average sentence for a convicted murder in the U.S. is merely 6 years.
Recreational use by adults in the privacy of their own homes is one thing, but the ganja has become an important medicine for people with AIDS, cancer, and multiple sclerosis. Many of these ailing patients have been thrown in the joint for trying to alleviate their symptoms. Do we want people taking up space and resources in our crowded jails that were finding a way to relax on the weekend or trying to find pain relief from a terrible disease?
Is it not better to allow states to bolster overwhelmed budgets by legalizing it? There's quite a buzz around how much revenue Colorado and Washington state have reaped in state taxes to pay for roads, healthcare, and schools. We also wouldn't have to support Mexican drug cartels if restrictions on Americans growing plants were lifted.
What do you think?
A Comparison
Let's look at two people and examine the start differences in effects that the war on drugs has had on their lives.

Jonathan Magbie of Washington DC was paralyzed from the neck down after being hit by a drunk driver. He required constant medical attention to breath at night. In 2004 he was charged with marijuana possession after cops found a joint in a car he was riding in. He had no prior criminal offenses of any kind, yet he was given a 10-day sentence in jail. Unable to use a ventilator to sustain his breathing, he died in jail in just 4 days.
Jeb Bush smoked pot while he was a student in Andover, Massachusetts. It helped him stave off boredom, appreciate snacks too much, and made his hijinks particularly hilarious. He was never charged and would later go on to govern the state of Florida where he championed jail time instead of treatment for nonviolent drug offenders (like himself). He also pushed for mandatory prison sentences for drug offenders (with the sole exception of his daughter, Noelle, who enjoyed using crack cocaine).
Florida has been determined to illegally use minor drug offences to disenfranchise the black vote. They systematically purge voter rolls of anyone with a black sounding name (like Shaniqua Washington or Abdul Jefferson Jr.) that merely resembles a list of names of convicted felons from Florida prisons. It is widely known that Republicans could not win in Florida if all votes were applied and counted in a reasonable manner. Instead wild gerrymandering of districts plus systemic disenfranchisement of minorities are used as tools to keep the GOP in power.
Pardon Me, Mr. President
Nothing will bring back people like Jonathan Magbie, or correct the grossly unfair implementation of punishment for various smokers, but we can change things going forward. Mr. Obama should extend pardons to everyone who has served time for smoking marijuana.
No, we aren't going to throw the bowl out with the bong water and include all those convicted of trafficking, selling, or any related violent crimes. We merely mean to unclog our jails by freeing the peaceful stoners and the medical marijuana patients.

In the past, Presidents have pardoned people for worse offenses. Bill Clinton gave Marc Rich a free pass despite evading taxes to the tune of about $50 million. George H.W. Bush pardoned Caspar Weinberger for illegally conducting arms sales with Iran.
It's true, there has never been such a mass pardon as the one we are proposing, but we should offer the same grace to the unlucky saps that got caught with pot that fate extended to people like the Bush brothers and Obama: a clean record. Let's let them go on to be (or continue to be) productive members of our society. Who knows what innovations we have stifled by putting a weed charge on someone's permanent record?
Congress and state government should also work to hash out more reasonable and uniform penalties for a drug that is far less dangerous than alcohol. Like Washington, Colorado, Alaska, and Oregon, states could dictate that adults can enjoy some Mary Jane in private. Selling and driving while high would of course still be illegal.
There's so much we can do to better the current situation in our country with marijuana. To Republicans and Democrats like Obama and Bush, stop pretending that weed use is such an egregious offense while happily never being subjected to the punishments they dole out on others.
What would you do?
Sources:, New York Times, Huffington Post, & PBS
Need to think about the environment and fresh air amen.
We must continue this war in drugs until we find another method of keeping Blacks incarcerated at high rates. This is what's best for our white genetic survival. They
We duel to the death over this topic. Why are we talking? This topic is a great offense. Smoke away and give 90 acres of land. I have been offended. Never ask for my help again!
Freedom from drug dependency takes hard work, intelligence and coordinated efforts and majority support. Putting people in jail for pot because they don't want to allow people real freedoms is why the system will continue to eradicate drug pushers from society. Being pain free and strong and happy with nutrition and studying, allowing human nature to provide natural drug free highs reduces birth defects and psuedo(fake) people acting friendly (being friendly is real and acting friendly is fake) and not working to build a better future in for all humanity. That's why pot abusers get thrown away. To be totally fair not every smoker is a pothead degenerate criminal, but as the saying goes,"Kill em all and let God sort them out.". Keeping it real in Idaho.
I just read an article today about a former first round pick NFL wide receiver getting his life destroyed by this drug. It is pretty bad when you can't quit smoking for a million dollar contract. The governor Butch Otter just vetoed a medical marijuana bill for proposed for an epileptic little girl. Too tough to pass legislation in Idaho. I don't drink or smoke. People that have to live clean shouldn't have to debate. Law makers and politicians have the final say and the people shouldn't fight and bicker amongst themselves.
Or............. Maybe the serpent is tricking the people in government by telling them it is evil. Pot smokers are peaceful people, not the other way around.
Hemp supporters make legalization seem like pot is God's gift to man, but maybe Satan doesn't want you to have it and that serpent tricks you so the government says use at your own risk and you might go to jail.
pot is natural unlike meth therefore shouldn't be illegal god made pot and god makes no mistakes and if you say so then im guessing you gonna have to take it up with the father up stairs
Staying out of jail requires wise thinking. Statistic show that crimes committed ie: DUI, domestic violence, ect..have possession in addition to the crime. People aren't necessarily put in jail for pot, but more often for another crime that gets them the drug charges.
Pot should be legal and drinking should be illegal
I have Crohns disease smoking has helped where nothing else will. Now that doctors cannot give out pain medications to people who smoke marijuana it has been a nightmare for me. I used Tylenol with Codine for years for my disease to slow my bowel movements so that I could live a semi normal life, now they will no longer prescribe it because of the new laws the government has imposed on them. They could lose their jobs if they give out to many pain medications in a year so now they don't give out any, even if you don't smoke marijuana. My disease kicked up from no more Codine's and going off marijuana is not an option since I can no longer get Codine and Tylenol. Doctors have their hands tied now and cannot help their patients anymore. Every system we allow the government to be involved in has gone down hill. the government needs to get out of the medical field as they have no idea of the suffering they have caused us with these new regulations. I only took 1 pill a day for 37 years and now cannot continue what made me able to go anywhere is gone, and I am pretty much house bound as now I have incontenance, and am never sure of when it will hit, I have been to so many different doctors and all they want to do is put me on highly expensive treatment with genetic drugs I don't want in my body. The poor are once again denied even the simplest of human kindness, the right to live without pain!
I go for sentencing on the 12of June for trafficking because my state decided that the weight of my edible form of medicine was enough to justify a felony. When in reality the actual amount of thc was way below the bar to justify a felony.and to top it off I most likely will be in jail when it is legalized in the attorney General how ok'd a petition to be placed on the ballot.way to go Ohio
For those who have questions about hemp, I'd invite you to look at Hemp For Victory, a US WWII promo piece aimed at getting farmers to grow Hemp, after we lost The Philippines:
There have been several people who have used cannabis for various health issues, ranging from mental health to curing cannabis. One place to start is
I am Michael Anthony Sakell and for my entire adult life I have practiced unique religious beliefs that ultimately resulted in my excommunication by the Mormon Church for supporting the medical and spiritual use of marijuana. I do believe I have been blessed with a unique opportunity as possibly the best first amendment test case for Marijuana Religious protections. In 1996 after my excommunication I started a ' turn myself in' campaign in Oregon yet no one would arrest me for my controversial beliefs; neither local or state law enforcement nor federal DEA. Hence I went to Utah to challenge my MC excommunication and was yet further ignored thus I created The Latter-day Hempsters of Christ Cannabis Church and hosted a Cannabis Spiritual Revival in Salt Lake City. In 2000 I hosted a similar revival at the Wayne Morse Free Speech Plaza in Eugene, Oregon where I currently reside and continue my ministry work hosting similar events intended to share the healing Cannabis plant as I sincerely believe I have been commanded to share the tremendous benefits of this God-given herbal remedy with those suffering and in desperate need of its undeniable medicinal properties. Doctrine and Covenants Section 42 and 43: And whosoever among you are sick and have not faith to be healed, but believe, shall be nourished with all tenderness, with herbs and mild food, and that not by the hand of an enemy. Doctrine and Covenants Section 59 17 Yea, and the herb, and the good things which come of the earth, whether for food or for raiment, or for houses, or for barns, or for orchards, or for gardens, or for vineyards;
18 Yea, all things which come of the earth, in the season thereof, are made for the benefit and the use of man, both to please the eye and to gladden the heart;
19 Yea, for food and for raiment, for taste and for smell, to strengthen the body and to enliven the soul.
20 And it pleaseth God that he hath given all these things unto man; for unto this end were they made to be used, with judgment, not to excess, neither by extortion.
21 And in nothing doth man offend God, or against none is his wrath kindled, save those who confess not his hand in all things, and obey not his commandments.
22 Behold, this is according to the law and the prophets; wherefore, trouble me no more concerning this matter.
23 But learn that he who doeth the works of righteousness shall receive his reward, even peace in this world, and eternal life in the world to come.
24 I, the Lord, have spoken it, and the Spirit beareth record. Amen. The goal of my ministry is to bring cannabis medicine to the sick protected by the first amendment free of charge in states not yet medical tolerant .. I have in the past and will in the future provided cannabis medicine to the sick. So please spread the good word of a Cannabis Spiritual Revival. May your day be blessed Rev Michael Anthony Sakell
I AM a 420 friendly ordained minister seeking like-minded ministers to share this message! Thank you.
We must stand up to unjust law's!...Use Cannabis & Hemp anyway you see fit...C & H will not only Heal us,but Save our little planet...& Soon!...Rev Charles D. Slaughter,ULC Minister & Pagan High Priest,founder Rev Slaughters Cannabis Crusade...Y'all take care & thank you for this post and your many years of service around the planet...:-)
It comes from the earth put here for a reason no chemicals make cigarettes and liquor illegal then, same laws should apply what you do at your home is your business get caught in the streets are behind the wheel pay the price so simple and love everyone and we will be fine,to easy devil gotta twist it
Ask each presidential candidate: Will you choose to take the easy way, the low road, to be forever identified with the dwindling band of prohibitionists, pseudo-scientists backed by vested interests, heirs to 'Reefer Madness' and disgraced former US President Richard Nixon's failed 'War on Drugs'? Or will you align with genuine reformers, independent scientists and researchers, and increasing numbers of ordinary citizens, hold your head high and claim your place on the right side of history, by offering to repeal cruel, irrational, inconsistent drug laws; and to cancel criminal records of non-violent cannabis 'offenders'?
Given the fact that some 125,000 Americans die each year from prescribed drugs, to say nothing of those not reported by CDC, what does it really matter? Of course its all a racket. Always has been, always will be. Its pure competition for the big sorcerers (greek:pharmacy/pharma) that own the government, the media, and most of the American public at a tune of a couple $trillion$ a year. Rick Simpsons very simple protocol has cured virtually everyone with cancer that did it. Lets say that ohhhhh...10,000 people to make it easy. In America, $500,000-$1,000,000 per person for cancer for pharma, medicine and stockholders (401K's, insurance, investments, ect..) Loose $5,000,000,000-10,000,000,000 a year legalizing pot which is far safer than most top three disease drugs (heart, cancer, diabetes)? I don't think so. Its all about the money baby. I am personally always amazed when we Americans live in fear of everything around us (like pot, drugs, S.A.) but nothing from within. Bottom line is, Americans kill more Americans by a massive margin by "rights", medicine, drugs, ect,. than anyone outside the country will ever do including pot with the exception of a nuclear war and that's looking more possible everyday. Just think, just those three legal things mentioned eliminate more Americans every year than all of our countries looses in war put together. We got everything bass ackwards. God help us....for some, he will. For others that keep denying the truth, your up the creek without a paddle.
Brilliant comment, Allen. (y) I shall copy to the Medical Cannabis Users Association Facebook page, to further our members' education.
It is not "okay" to stereotype black men as weed dealers or accepting of the culture because Obama has not been conservative about his past. Going to work and not having my constitutional rights denied is a more important conversation for me.
- another James on here. Other comments from James are not this James. I'll start using JC instead since someone else didn't bother to distinguish himself from me. I'll distinguish myself from him.
I don't drink alcohol or smoke at all and am thankful for this forum to be able to sound off. Peer pressure is fueled by lies to get people to do something even when it is wrong. I am in a growing minority of people who refuse to accept the possible wide sweeping legislation. The government wants bright talented citizens to compete worldwide to succeed. The laws against this pot smoking culture is to prevent people just laying around in a grass field listening to music like a Woodstock that doesn't show a good example. Birth defects from smoking should be a crime against pregnant women, but it is not. The brutal police shooting and war like response of cops is a self preservation of the government. Read your history in China there was an opium epidemic and their government slaughtered addicts. Be wise even when pressured and outnumbered. There will always be a need for someone that can say you can be your best and be healed without dangerous prescription medication that now weed has become a prescription drug. God bless and pray for victory for the righteous.
A gift from the great spirit is what it is! Herb..means herb! as in healing herb!
I think the government should take over the use of marijuana. I think they should release all the prisoners who was arrested for just marijuana use and possession. Then the government should remove the THC from the plants so that they really are medicinal and not recreational. As for what people did in the past. If no one was harmed then why worry about it? Everyone makes mistakes when they are young.
Leave everyone alone !I think they should make snickers bars illegal instead
prohibition doesnt work remember!? we are wasting resources chasing and prosecuting pot smokers who are the most relax easy going folks you'll ever meet. they need pain reliefe and shouldnt have to go to h]jail even if its used for pleasure like alcohol is . alcohol doesnt heal anything or help pain or sufffering it actually causes more suffering and pain and divorce and family disfunction. pot heads just want reliefe from misery and suffering and be happy with theier familys. its in the book of genesis God gave us the herbs. i dont argue with God
This issue is merely a consequence a deranged criminal justice system that puts the almighty dollar in the drivers seat. As long as arresting, prosecuting,and incarcerating minor drug offenders is profitable, there will be no changes. Lets put a stop to privatization of prisons, and find a way to take the money out of justice for the two are clearly mutually exclusive, and money IS the root of all evil!
If there is no victim, there is no crime. People should not be able to enforce their moral views on others by utilizing the force of the State. Being a free person means being free to make decisions that may or may not be good for us. Slavery is wrong, and locking up a non-violent individual for making a choice to consume a substance is the same as making this person a slave.
Prohibition did not work. War on drugs has been a great success at ruining the lives of peaceable individuals.
Speaking as someone who was a recreational and now is a medical user, these antiquated drug laws must change; and to those who say pot users are stupid and lazy I own my own business, have two degrees (forensic psychology and cybersecurity) and a 198 yeah
God put this here for a reason and it should be legalized, The American Indians used it for Centuries for medical and recreation and even in the peace pipes. Here in PA we are now pushing for it's total legalization not only for it's medicinal purposes but for it's recreation purposes and believe me it's not as addictive nor is a gateway drug. Yes I have used it and it has helped with my headaches and anxiety and panic attacks. let alone with neuromuscular condition, and I don't stand alone on this.
Doesn't sound like you can stand at all Rev!
Just because politicians do it doesnt mean its right. Politicians have taken bribes and cheated on their wives, too. Does that mean we should do that too? Not me.
I have seen pot be a gateway drug that led to financial loss, physical loss, death, and spiritual bankruptcy. for three generations in my family. It led to drug addiction and killed members of my family. It is a drug and should remain illegal as a deterrent...I went to school with guys who were a little buzzed and crashed their cars - into other cars, once into a McDonalds front window.
Why does the ULC even have an opinion on the government anyway? There is supposed to be separation of church and state. I thought its only believe was that each person was free to worship God as they understand God?
The only place pot should be legal is for bona fide medical marijuana users - like people with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, chemo nausea, and the like. I am 57, grew up in the 70's and have seen what pot leads to. Bravo for it being illegal.
Because this issue is not about the government, but about spiritual practice and human rights. Spiritual and religious foundations have always been involved in human rights issues.
We are all divine spirits that have been endowed with free will. Marijuana i its natural state is a natural, non-addictive plant that can not only heal, it can also be used to expand consciousness and having it restricted inhibits that aspect of spiritual practice.
I'm not a fan of daily use or even weekly or regular use, but people have to be educated to use their own best judgment as to what is right for them.
As far as being a "gateway" drug ... as with my own family who have chemical and financial abuse issues, I look to genetics rather than the list of substances that family members use.
And if we are going to go there, we also have to ask why people want the sensation of escaping reality so much that they would stay in a constant state of being stoned, drunk or drugged.
Jim, I am so sorry for you families troubles, however, I think you might have gotten the cart before the horse. Some people are very susceptible to drug and alcohol addiction. The fact that family members started with marijuana does not mean marijuana caused their addictive personality. Again, while I am so sorry for your families troubles, I think it would be much better for society to get pot away from criminal influences and into the hands of (small) farmers, other small businessmen, and individual that prefer to grow their own. There would be less problems for everyone all around.
Thanks for everybodys empathy and input. How refreshing rather than just hater posts! Actually, I wont debate because I believe what I believe and you believe what you want - thats ok. its America and I like peaceful co existence. However, Im still not happy the ULC took a position. It has only one spiritual believe, ie pursue God as you understand God...Thats it. Not all the other important issues - sexuality, abortion, etc etc. Just seek God as you believe God to be. So an editor injecting his opinion on a Federal/state law issue is commingling church and state, and I dont like that at all.
That said, give this some thought. I believe in what you are saying...but....perhaps this was editors attempt to provide an avenue for individuals of open mindsets to converge in active conversation over an issue in a more hospitable forum setting than possibly elsewhere.
This issue is actually twofold: pardoning a large number of people for getting caught with a natural substance, and the big business of the corporate prison system.
For example, this article from last year: Legalization of Pot Means Trouble for Private Prisons:
I agree that pot should be decriminalized (rather than legalized - semantics, I know, but the meanings are important) and that anyone in prison on pot charges (only) should be released without a record. This would create chaos in the corporate structure of prisons, which I think is a good thing, but they are going to fight tooth and nail not to let those people out. As opposed to thieves, murderers, and rapists, people in prison only because they were in possession of pot or got caught smoking it are probably, comparatively, model prisoners and easy to take care of, while exploiting their skills and time being served.
Shocking Facts About America's For-Profit Prison Industry:
As an ordained minister I am in support of the legalization of marijuana all the way. Genesis 1:11&12 states that God created grass and herb yielding seed as well as the fruit tree yielding seed in itself and saw that it was good. I find this ironic. He created a bed for us to lay in while we consumed the herb and he even created food for us for when we got the munchies afterword's.
Actually, I believe that you meant that marijuana should be decriminalized. Legalizing pot will just lead to a huge federal bureaucracy with so many more problems than exist now. As far as your Bible quote.....I'm sure you have one for every situation.
I do not use marijuana. However, I support the right of individuals to decide for themselves whether or not they will use it, for medical, recreational or spiritual reasons. Some regulations surrounding marijuana use make sense - not driving high, for example. Treating marijuana like alcohol seems like a reasonable approach. Jailing people for smoking pot never seemed like a reasonable approach to me.
I attended a meeting about the subject of legalization. The three speakers were a doctor, a lawyer, and a police officer. Each of them stated that professionally they had dealt with many more problems through their work related to alcohol than related to marijuana. Compared to marijuana use, traffic accidents, overdoses, domestic violence etc. are all way more common with alcohol intoxication.
As long as the person is using this drug as directed it should be available to ALL, who have the need or desire to partake in the privacy of thei homes or in smoke clubs, just as alcohol is!
Ok. The Bible tells us to "Follow the law of the land" whether you used and got caught or not the law has to be fairly dispatched. With that said. Those who are admitted drug users should not be exempt from the same rules as the rest of drug users, convicted or not. I say, anyone professing to use marajuana have to be held to the same standards. Cancer patients and Veterans should be exempt for MEDICAL use only as they have debilitating illnesses. I'm not ok with the Policy "if you didn't get caught you didn't do it" lie that this country has become accustomed to. If ya did it and confess it. Ok but ya got NO BUSINESS IN THE PEOPLE BUSINESS. Morals are already a second thought in this country. Kids not respecting their parents. Parents doing the drugs with their kids worse than marajuana. When do we start making our adults accountable for teaching our kids it's ok? By NOT ACCEPTING ANYTHING LESS THAN THE MORAL BEST IN THE PRESIDENCY. Greed one of " envy" is so rampid in this country that the rich have the evil to run this country thinking that those who helped them become Rick are now less than them. Had it not been US that purchased their products and services they wouldn't be rich. We need to start putting our foot down as a country. Feed our people that our poor, manage our monies without stealing, lying, and envy getting in your way. What goes for one goes for all addict policy needs to definitely play a role in our Chiefs. Moral perpetude as well. Biblical law which this country was built on is being thrown a way with each new President. Where do we as a Country DRAW THE LINE" ! Amen
It is not the drug that does harm, it's the ability of the user to control their intake; it is not the gun that causes the crime, it's the ability of the user to control their use of the firearm; it is not the lettering of the bible that creates the Christian, it's the ability of the reader to discern from what they are reading the true intent behind the words...not the actual words that have been changed from King to King, Ruler to Ruler removing those books that the particular Ruler/King, whomever, chose to NOT give consideration as to that Ruler's take on the subject...or how it would affect that Ruler. Maybe just my belief, but I am of the thinking that it is up to the individual in control of the teaching of a given person to do as best as they can to teach the learner to glean from whatever they are presented with all that actually matters and not what society or your neighbor or the government thinks is perfectly fine for you to live your life by. We have to follow a given list of rules....we don't have to believe in them.
Back in the day,even now,it is common to smoke a little weed.A Social thing.
Does not deserve a Jail sentence
Draconian marijuana laws and the accompanying propaganda that has served to maintain support for such unjust laws is one of the biggest crimes against Americans in the past 50 years. So much time and effort has gone into "proving" the harms of a plant we now know to be significantly beneficial in moderate doses and significantly less harmful than promoted by law enforcement and politicians. So many lives and livelihoods have been lost by the demonization of cannabis and it's time we put a stop to this madness and right the wrongs we've been living with for so long. I'm glad that ULC takes this stance public and, as an ordained minister, I echo the sentiment and fully agree it's time for a sea change in publicly policy regarding this complex, interesting, and beneficial gift from God.
very true I agree entirely too but the sad truth is it that most people involved in political agendas only hear what they want to hear.... and I fear most the in church are the same way.
Apparently the "big shots" make lots of $$$ by pot being illegal. I don't really believe it has anything to do with protecting us. There are many substances more dangerous, such as most of our food, if that was the true issue.
Bullseye! Money and power is the moving force against legalizing drugs........not the holier than thou politicians. Keeping the masses at odds within subgroups of society is the bread and butter of the elite, who believe they are the only ones bright enough to lead society. The ruling elite must have fractured societies around them to stay in control. Blessed are they who love, accept, and legitimize those who may believe differently. We all have the right to personal spiritual beliefs, and pray the gift of compassion and love from and toward all.
pot smokers are stupid and lazy, but I don't think they should go to jail. because for one thing they have enough problems by being addictive to pot. but I am mostly joking, I don't think they should be smoking it for recreational use, however I do believe it to be an herb and can have some beneficial herbal property, and nobody ever should be punished or stopped from using herbs. because if the government doesn't have the right to force medications on people, likewise they should not stop people from using herbal or alternative medicine or medical or naturopathic healing.
People who think pot smokers are stupid and lazy are severly misinformed.
oops sorry if your from europe you can act here to but acctually i wanted to post this
That was funny....and what I have been saying for 45 years. Legalize it and the price goes nuts, the quality goes down and it will be just another over-modified crop. Decriminalizing it makes much more sense.
Did I miss something or didn't dougy say he was mostly joking?? He states he is in favor of control not abolition.
with a blind miss conception that all smokers are lazy and stupid. Most of the Honor Roll kids at my School would blaze in the am to clear their minds and be able to focus. Most of witch had 4.0 and went on to be very successful and high on spirit. js
Amen Susan
dougy, You type like your stoned. Why not pick up a dictionary and take some writing lessons before you claim pot smokers are stupid. Third grade grammar is far beyond your ability..
As stated above: dougy is mostly joking. I believe he is probably making statement to the absurdity of those staunch anti marijuana individuals. I know I could be wrong, but that's my take on the reading of his words. As a participant during my college years I can say I'm not stupid. I graduated #1 in my graduation class.
One Percenter,
If you're going to criticize someone's grammar please note, Your is possessive and doesn't belong in front of the word stoned. The contraction You're would work nicely and then your point might be considered as valid. Just saying.....
I'm a minster of ulc and an elected official with numerous medical problems oh yes I'm also been in a week chair for 10 years smoking on my weekly trips to Denver Colorado has allowed me to move around on MY FEET I'm not lazy doing numerous volintèr services some I provide on my own with no compinsation I'm WALKING PROOF that marijuana is beneficial but it is a crime for me to take this medicine in my state so avoid criminal charges I have to travel out of state a six to seven hour drive one way just to take a medical treatment
Granmer and spell check before you call people stupid and lazy.
Is it ok to smoke tobacco DUH !!!
I don't think marjiuana should be a crime either to own it or smoke it. Medical marijuana has helped thousands of people. The more scientist can work on it the better the product can become. Working of the different compounds to get to something that doesn't make you stoned but pain free. Just think of the taxes it would bring in, not to mention putting dealers and some cartels out of business!
Right on Lisa! Drugs are too dangerous to allow the dealers and cartels to distribute.
Totally agree Lisa. Treat drugs like alcohol. This would really cut down on a lot of crime not to mention a lot of deaths from smoking tainted substances.
Marijuanna was made illegal so the police force could have a way to make money this is word up !
Actually, marijuana was made illegal due to pressure from the liquor industry because they were afraid that people would prefer it to alcohol.
Aaaaaaactually, it was the liquor industry AFTER the logging industry, which saw the hemp plants (not cannabis itself) as a real danger to the industry as a whole. Hemp grew faster, was more sustainable, and had much more far-reaching uses than just as building material. Following suit with the logging industry, the liquor industry also recognized the threat cannabis could pose as a whole. And while the logging industry couldn't make hemp illegal, they COULD lobby against cannabis, ensuring that hemp never got the chance to become a mainstream tool of not only building, but textile as well. The liquor industry didn't really play a huge part in the prohibition of cannabis like the logging industry did.
@Jefferson Square: I did not know that. Makes sense.
I agree we should legalize it and tax it and maybe put some of the big government agencies that spent millions of dollars trying to criminalize it out of business.
Totally agree Lisa, now if the dispensaries will lower there price@
Also when it is legal as it is here in WA., one can control your high. 5 mgs. Helps relieve anxiety and pain while not intoxicating!
hey its up to you which kind of way you choose to consume your drug at least smoking is more dangerous than to take chewing tobacco but equal which way you choose you will get cancer from both ways ;-). but the good way on smoking substances is you can controll the dose easier and your not toally screwed for a long time if you take to much by oral consuming
as managing director of, The Marijuana Growers association of America. I couldn't agree more.
Genesis 1:12, I need say no more.
I am Michael Anthony Sakell and for my entire adult life I have practiced unique religious beliefs that ultimately resulted in my excommunication by the Mormon Church for supporting the medical and spiritual use of marijuana. I do believe I have been blessed with a unique opportunity as possibly the best first amendment test case for Marijuana Religious protections. In 1996 after my excommunication I started a ' turn myself in' campaign in Oregon yet no one would arrest me for my controversial beliefs; neither local or state law enforcement nor federal DEA. Hence I went to Utah to challenge my MC excommunication and was yet further ignored thus I created The Latter-day Hempsters of Christ Cannabis Church and hosted a Cannabis Spiritual Revival in Salt Lake City. In 2000 I hosted a similar revival at the Wayne Morse Free Speech Plaza in Eugene, Oregon where I currently reside and continue my ministry work hosting similar events intended to share the healing Cannabis plant as I sincerely believe I have been commanded to share the tremendous benefits of this God-given herbal remedy with those suffering and in desperate need of its undeniable medicinal properties. Doctrine and Covenants Section 42 and 43: And whosoever among you are sick and have not faith to be healed, but believe, shall be nourished with all tenderness, with herbs and mild food, and that not by the hand of an enemy. Doctrine and Covenants Section 59 17 Yea, and the herb, and the good things which come of the earth, whether for food or for raiment, or for houses, or for barns, or for orchards, or for gardens, or for vineyards;
18 Yea, all things which come of the earth, in the season thereof, are made for the benefit and the use of man, both to please the eye and to gladden the heart;
19 Yea, for food and for raiment, for taste and for smell, to strengthen the body and to enliven the soul.
20 And it pleaseth God that he hath given all these things unto man; for unto this end were they made to be used, with judgment, not to excess, neither by extortion.
21 And in nothing doth man offend God, or against none is his wrath kindled, save those who confess not his hand in all things, and obey not his commandments.
22 Behold, this is according to the law and the prophets; wherefore, trouble me no more concerning this matter.
23 But learn that he who doeth the works of righteousness shall receive his reward, even peace in this world, and eternal life in the world to come.
24 I, the Lord, have spoken it, and the Spirit beareth record. Amen. The goal of my ministry is to bring cannabis medicine to the sick protected by the first amendment free of charge in states not yet medical tolerant .. I have in the past and will in the future provided cannabis medicine to the sick. So please spread the good word of a Cannabis Spiritual Revival. May your day be blessed Rev Michael Anthony Sakell
You can't praise God, if you spend all your time trying to get high. Amen!