After years of pressure from LGBTQ activists and viewers alike, the Hallmark Channel – best known for its massive catalog of feel-good family and holiday movies – is finally putting out a Christmas-themed romantic comedy focusing on a gay couple.
‘The Holiday Sitter’, starring Mean Girls actor Jonathan Bennett, appears to be otherwise basically identical to the dozens of cozy holiday films Hallmark plans to release this year.
Bennett plays “a workaholic bachelor who babysits his niece and nephew before the holidays” who then meets "handsome neighbor Jason, and finds himself in an unexpected romance."
In other words, it sounds like any other Hallmark flick… just with gay characters.
But the fallout from this film has been massive.
Internal turmoil at Hallmark over the decision to feature a same-sex romance has led to a major talent exodus, with Hallmark actors fleeing to a competitor channel that promises to stay focused on "traditional family values" and Christian-focused content.
Merry Christmas?
A Long Time Coming
For many Hallmark viewers, a film focusing on an LGBTQ couple is long overdue.
Over the years, Hallmark has produced hundreds of Christmas romcoms, and they only had their first gay characters – not lead characters, mind you, side characters – in the 2020 flick ‘The Christmas House’, also starring Bennett. That was after years of increasing pressure from the queer community to include queer representation in Hallmark’s yearly slate of holiday fare.
Prior to 2020, Hallmark seemed dismissive of the issue. In 2018, a network higher-up issued a statement about the lack of gay representation in their films, arguing that “there are no forced values associated with our networks” and that they’re “not an issues-oriented network.” But, they pointed out, they hire gay actors! That has to count for something!
The network has since changed its tune, however. Bennett, a regular on Hallmark, announced the first holiday film with a same-sex relationship at the center on Instagram. “Words can’t describe what it feels like to have Executive Produced and starred in such an incredible story that will mean so much to so many,” he wrote. A HUGE APPLAUSE to Hallmark Channel and all the leadership and executives, they not only believed in this story but took good care of it and championed it wholeheartedly.”
It’s worth noting that ‘The Holiday Sitter’ is just one of 40(!) holiday films debuting on Hallmark this holiday season. To put it another way, 2.5% of their films this year feature same-sex romance. That really isn’t that much, yet on the surface Hallmark appears as jolly as Santa to be championing increased representation.
Behind the scenes and on social media, however, the reception has been a tad… frosty.
The RomCalm Before the Storm
Candace Cameron Bure, a Hallmark mainstay in front of and behind the camera, recently left the company to sign with Great American Family (GAC), a direct competitor to Hallmark that has also produced a litany of cheery holiday films since its launch in 2021.
Bure minced no words about why she went to Great American Family, stating that “I knew the people behind Great American Family were Christians that love the Lord and wanted to promote faith programming and good family entertainment.”
Translation, in her own words: “I think that Great American Family will keep traditional marriage at the core.”
Actress Hilarie Burton Morgan shot back at Bure on Twitter, calling her a bigot.
And yet, on the other end of the social media spectrum, fans of GAC were applauding its religious stance.
“Thank you for standing up for family values!” wrote one commenter. “So thankful! I’ve read up on what has happened with Hallmark Channel and how this channel has come about. God Bless everyone involved and I’m so excited for this Christmas and what’s to come,” wrote another.
Is Holiday Diversity the Future?
Hallmark, for its part, is vowing to better represent groups they have generally neglected in years past. In addition to featuring same-sex couples, they’re also debuting films this year focusing on Hanukkah and Kwanzaa – the latter of which will be celebrated on Hallmark for the first time.
And yet, although Great American Family is a newcomer on the scene, it appears that there’s also an audience who want their holiday romcoms without the 2.5% queerness Hallmark is implementing.
What is your reaction?
Does anyone remember when there were no black people in movies? One day they decided to add one or two, then they became lead characters in those movies. Networks and studios realized it was time to show an equal representation of life. That includes all races and religions.
There have been gay characters in shows for years, and now they are becoming lead roles. It represents real life. We have always been there. We have always celebrated Christmas and other religious and non-religious holidays. It’s about time that we are shown in real life because we are living real lives right next to our straight counterparts.
That's the worst example ...color is not sin....gay is Roman's chapter 1. They need to go to Jesus and Jesus has the power to change them...come as you are buy you won't stay the way you are because there is power in the God I serve
David, David, David. At one point non white skin was considered less than. And people used the bible to support that egregious idea. That is history. Using the bible to hate on others is as inappropriate now as it was then. God created us regardless of color, orientation, or identity. Just because someone is different from you doesn't mean God didn't create them or have a plan for them.
Being gay or lesbian or anywhere else on the sexuality spectrum is not something to be changed! A true religious leader of any reputable faith, and their congregation, would love a person as they are if they meet the tenets of the faith.
People don't need to have God send them to Hell, which He doesn't do, anyway, because they are making Hell here on Earth for themselves by constantly trying to lower the moral standards and accepting and approving of everything, no matter how actually immoral it is!! They are falling all over each other in their insane rush to get down to Hell after they die, too!! They are like termites chewing away at the house that they live in until the house collapses on them and kills them, too, because they only care about what they want and not about any effects that they are having upon society at large! It is this self-centeredness that is leading people down to their destruction and moral dissolution!! Like lemmings running off a cliff and crashing and dying on the rocks below and like the rats being led out of the town by the Pied Piper of Hamelin to drown in the sea!! "Indeed, the safest road to Hell is the gradual one, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts".---C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters.
I thought one of the tenants of the scriptures was only God judges. I'm happy Candace Bure found another outlet for her bigotry. Like Jesus Christ is alleged to have said " many will come in my name and I won't know know them". Maybe CCB should read the scriptures more and judge other people less.
As a true Christian, we are not told to "not judge", we are told "not to condemn because of our judgement". We are called to judge in order to point out sinful behavior, in order to help the sinner to walk the Christian path. All Christians are sinners, but it is the changing of our sinful acts, repentance and asking of forgiveness that saves us. When you know you are sinning (as in homosexual behavior), and you choose to continue that path in the face of the scriptures, you are condemning yourself. Those of us crying out against homosexual acts are only trying to keep those poor souls from burning in the eternal fire in the next life.
Is that something you've seen for yourself or just something you read in an old book written in the bronze age by people trying to explain why the sun goes up and down? Leave people alone unless they ask for help. Until then it is harassment and persecution. Perhaps I'd believe your rhetoric if there were some (any!) evidence to the contrary. So if you're the person who found actual, evidence after a 6000 year or so search then by all means, show us. Until then, stop harassing people because some old work of fiction says to hate people born that particular way.
Why are only some people's religious views and morals about homosexuality from the Bronze Age being rejected and ridiculed here by you and others, but not other beliefs and statements from people living in that age or before, such as Aristotle, Plato, Thucycides, Marcus Aurelius, Pliny the Elder, Socrates, Epicurus, Demosthenes, Aesop, and many other ancient philosophers, playwrights, poets, and historians? If just the age in which someone lived invalidates anything that they had to say, then all of these other people would be invalidated, too, and not just those Bible writers because you dislike what they are saying, since that is discriminatory and a double standard. The Bronze Age is irrelevant to anything's being true or not because morals and truth are eternal and not just for one period of time, so that we have to keep changing our morals and truths every hundred or fifty or twenty or ten years or every year or every day or just make them up as we go along and say and think something different from one minute to the next!! That would be ridiculous and a world without any foundation, character, permanency, and truth and morals at all!! God can speak even to goat herders or anyone else that He wants to as much as He can speak to college professors, and get things through to the goat herders, who don't have all of the professors' and others' intellectual pride and barriers to understanding, that He couldn't get through to them. It is snobbishness to think and say otherwise.That may be why He spoke to them, rather than people today with all of our cynicism, skepticism, pseudo-sophistication and pseudo-intellectualism because we would block him out, while they were open to hearing Him. As Jesus said "Except you become as a little child, you shall not see the kingdom of God" and "God has revealed these things to the simple and hidden them from the wise and the mighty". "Be not wise in your own eyes and lean not upon your own understanding, but in all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will guide your paths". It is obvious that a divine order of nature, instead of a distorted disorder of nature, which is what we have, would have laws about sexuality between people and not just say that anything that people feel like doing with each other is "okay". That isn't harassment to tell people that there is that divine order of how God wants things to be, but just telling them the truth.There isn't one truth for you and a different truth for everyone else, since that is chaotic and like everyone's making up his or her own measurements for weight, time, distance, height, width, etc , so that nobody would know what anyone meant by anything and would be the Tower of Babel again!! The evidence for God is the entire universe, which couldn't regulate, synchronize, calibrate, coordinate, and maintain itself without a Mind behind it to do those things for it that it can't do for itself.
Was there any evidence in that rambling mess you wrote? Nope. Not one shred. You quote many things from the goatherder's guide to the galaxy, but not one bit of proof it ever happened. It is just bronze age man's imagining why the sun goes up and down. And the relevance of the bronze age? These people did not even know the difference between dreams and reality.
My post could only be considered "a rambling mess" by you and other people here who are looking through s**t covered glasses and don't have hearts filled with love for wayward and lost human beings. You will never understand my post or any other message of love here or anywhere else or see any evidence in it until you have opened your heart, eyes, and mind to the love and truth of God. It is like trying to describe colors to a blind man to try to explain to you the love and common sense (not from man's perspective, but from God's viewpoint) in my post here, but God can free your heart and mind from the hate, ungodliness, and rejection of God that control them now and remove those glasses from your eyes, and then you will be able to see the truth here and in Christianity unrestrictedly. There isn't any of that restriction that you have on your heart and mind on the minds and hearts of God loving goat herders today and wasn't on those kind of goat herders thousands of years ago that keeps or kept them from seeing the truth of God, if they will only open their minds and hearts to receiving it, no matter how little they know about where the sun goes at night or any other earthly matter. So, don't look down on them and be snobbish toward them. Asking God to free you from all of your hate, ungodliness, and rejection of God will open you up to a whole new world, such as you never imagined existed, the same as a blind man who suddenly receives his sight!! The world outside of God's friendship and knowing Him is under a curse of darkness and can't see, hear or know the truth!! "This is the judgment: light has come into the world, and men preferred the darkness over the light because their deeds were evil".
Hmmm... still no evidence, just more rambling about goat herders works of fiction. Sorry John, I am not the type of person to blindly believe in your imaginary friend without one tiny SHRED of evidence. So if you find one, well, you'd be the first.
It's woke and woke is good. LGBT is not a trend and it's not a lifestyle.
I must agree. LGBTQIA+ is something you are born with. I don't see the fuss either. Love is love and I can't see God condemning any kind of love. The Bible is not accurate or is mistranslated many, many times. For instance, in the King James version it states "And a virgin shall conceive a child" but in the original language it states "and a woman" get it? People have been reading it wrong all these centuries. Homosexuality is not a sin, it is an inborn need to love someone who is the same sex as you. I love the LGBTQIA+ community and so should you because Jesus said you should.
So you are one of those people? The kind that just says "the Bible not accurate..." and you continue on your merry way, with the devil leading you along the path to that eternal fire? Sister, you need to wake up and get right with God, because God condemns, and he has no room for blasphemers that lie about the scriptures. Jesus said to love others, as we love him. But that is not the point, he also instructed his believers to judge the behavior, and to help the sinner to correct their behavior. So, all the comments advising that homosexual behavior is wrong, are all just, and right! There is a hell, and there is a heaven. God will not allow sinners into heaven, and the only other destination is the eternal fire. You can contribute to the number of sinners going to hell, or you can do the right thing, and get people back on the right path to God. Your choice, because remember, God gave us free will...
It has been translated, sometime with a specific purpose in mind. Fact.
@Rev. Sebastian Pinder Are you saying being LGBT+ is a sin? We know people who are LGBT+ were created that way by God. They are not sinners.
@Wilberta M. Berry You stated, "I thought one of the tenants of the scriptures was only God judges." You are correct, but I've found Christians think they should do God's work and judge and criticize people before God get's a chance too. I don't think CCB can read scripture, only scripts Let's hope enough good people realize what CCR is doing is just pure evil.
Leaders within the Christian community have a responsibility to lead the flock away from sin. The Apostles taught right from wrong and minister should do likewise. Christians should not associate with people that will lead then to sin. The ultimate judge his God the father and he will give us our final judgment.
Hallmark holiday movies are boring and predictable. That they are now airing a movie about a same sex couple does not bother me. I liken it to a movie about a divorced pair getting together to remarry. Both would be about sinful people. Both are reflective about real life. We live in a fallen world. Welcome to it Hallmark.
You are the one that is hating I am trying to show you the way to salvation the truth shall set you free. But you hate God if you only knew what's in store for those who reject God you would not be this way. You have authority issues when God's word says not to do you get upset
David Cox, have you ever looked beyond the Bible at the historical and cultural content of society of the ancients? Do you hold that slavery is okay and homosexuality is a sin? Do you let your wife wear her gold wedding ring? Braids in her hair? Do you wear shorts? Do you shave? Do you have money in savings? Where do you draw the line between what was banned by the Bible as a sin and what is okay in today's society and culture? Do you realize arrogance is mentioned as a sin twice as often as homosexuality? So, who are you to determine which Biblical prohibitions can be ignored and which can not? Before you show others the way to salvation, perhaps you should take a really good long look in the mirror.
The word of God is my mirror I examine myself daily with I pray that God gives me strength to be an overcome. There is no one perfect only Jesus. But the true believer push toward the mark fight the good fight of faith. People are not the enemy its the spirit that are behind them that are the true enemies. We do not fight against flesh and blood but against demonic forces controlling all unbelievers and they don't even know it...that's the sad part
For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; 27 and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. 19 For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. 20 For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world,[g] in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. 21 For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Claiming to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things.
24 Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, 25 because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.
26 For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; 27 and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.
28 And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. 29 They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, 31 foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32 Though they know God's righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them. Roman's Chapter 1:18-32
Your comments hold no weight. Because you are going from the litard script to denounce God. You see, all those "Rules/Laws" you quoted were overridden by the act of Jesus dying on the cross for our sins. So yeah, slavery is a part of history, but that was imposed, while homosexuality is a choice. And choosing to act in a gross, detestable, unnatural, and immoral way, and engage in homosexual acts, is totally unacceptable!
Except that there's loads of scientific evidence to support homosexuality being a biological imperative. Homosexuality is no more a choice than heterosexuality. What is a choice, though, is your decision to use an ancient book of stories to demonize a group of people for how they were born. Choosing to act in a gross, detestable, unnatural, and immoral way by hating someone for being themselves is totally unacceptable. Your behavior has more in common with that of slavers than of a "loving Christian."
You are the one in for a huge surprise.
Please explain and present proof of you claim. Because all the proof for your sinful behavior leading to the eternal fire, has been presented to you. Now it's your turn to show us why us Christ Followers are wrong. Go ahead, show us the Oprah Windfree (spelling?), Alysa Milano, Snoop Dogg or Don Lemon quotes that you use to lead your life. Ga-head, show me!
There's plenty of quotes one can recall that provide better advice than the Bible. Christians always seem to forget that their religion isn't the only one.
“[Life]’s all chaos, it’s all random, and it’s horrifying. And if you want to try and reduce the horror, and reduce the chaos, be kind. That’s all you can do. It’s chaos. Be kind.” - Michelle McNamara
"You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection." - Buddha
“Set thy heart upon thy work, but never on its reward.” – Quote from Gita
“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
You haven't proven anything except that a book known as the Bible claims that certain practices are wrong, or sinful, because some people a few thousand years ago told stories. You have as much proof of God's almighty judgement reigning down upon non-believers as I have proof of unicorns galloping across the Great Plains.
how possibly can you know what happens after death? you can not possibly know the mind of goD it says so in your GHGTTU, why are so hateful towards others that don't share your beliefs? your bible tells you to do mean, horrible and evil things to people...are you going to go ahead and start beheading them because you thing it might please your goD? shameful really. just absolutely shameful. shame on you. try love instead of your righteous hatefulness. SATAN loves you all the same, doesn't promise or threaten you with anything
Where does the new testament say that...I am trying to tell you that you can be saved how is that hating?
If you knew the word of God it speaks of heaven many times. Many scriptures speak of heaven
You are the one in for a huge surprise.
I know I am going to be blessed in heaven with God...hope and pray that all of you will be there. God word is real no matter how you feel or what bad things you say about God's word. It will stand forever. Satan is a defeated foe.
All human constructs, David, but thank you for your thoughts.
Salvation from what? You have no evidence that eternal damnation awaits those who do not believe in God. You have no evidence that anything awaits us after we die. You have faith that these things are true, meaning you have a strong belief in something despite a lack of evidence, and that's fine, but no one else has to share your faith. In fact, nearly 5 billion people do not share your faith and instead follow a different set of beliefs and many of the Christians who do share your faith believe in a totally different way of practicing it.
I personally do not believe in the existence of a deity such as yours because, despite being surrounded by Christianity my whole life, I've never seen convincing evidence of God existing nor have I heard a convincing argument to believe in any god. If that means I will burn in Hell for eternity, regardless of how loving and compassionate I am towards other people, I will gladly do so over having to be around the vain, self-centered God you describe.
Have you ever read the Bible for yourself all the way through....I challenge you to read it for yourself
I've tried to read the Bible numerous times but I either have to stop from laughing at how ridiculous chapters such as Genesis are, fall asleep because it's boring and terribly written, or I stop because I'm tired of reading about ancient superstitions and hatred of those who are different.
You can enjoy being brainwashed into believing that the Earth is merely 6000 years old despite scientific evidence suggesting it's closer to 4.54 billion years old, or that an omnipresent being is watching your every move and judging you for eternity, or that consuming shellfish and wearing mixed fibers is a sin, or that your God flooded the Earth and Noah built an impossibly large boat to hold all of the animals despite no evidence to support that any of that story occurred, or that humans once lived for hundreds of years, or that believers of Jesus can drive off demons, speak in tongues, drink poison and not be harmed, and heal people simply by touching them. I prefer to exist in reality.
It's life! I know many gays who have been married many more years than the straights! So why do we have to go over and over with the same concerns! Why don't we move on to really important concerns with all of our lives!
It's about time we've got this special. LBGTQ people get married too and watch television. It's not for me, and doesn't need to be. I know how to change the channel when something comes on, that I'm not interested in.
So much hate and anger in these comments. I thought church members were expected to promote the values Jesus taught.
What about the church members who are Buddhist and don't follow the teachings of Jesus?
Spreading the hope of being saved is hate...wow. if we didn't care by showing love why would we tell you anything. We can't help to tell the good news because of love. Before I became a Christian I wouldn't even tell you nothing I was like you living in sin ignorant of God because I listened to other lost people and there point of views. Satan has people like puppets headed for destruction and they think they are ok. Jesus went and associated with sinner to tell them the good news and a change happened to their whole life changed. I still see it today how the worse gang member makes a complete change that's the power of God and you call it hate.. wow! And the person that said they would rather go to hell..you have no idea what kind of suffering is in hell. The bible speaks of he'll there is torment but Jesus saves you from going there and go to heaven a joyous place filled with love and no sin at all. You should try to get to know the God that you try to crucify because without God life is meaningless. You can't understand this because you are a slave to your own sinful desires your heart is hardened you won't listen and can't see what great of salvation is right front of you. Pride is many people downfall. Determined to push God away and serve other gods that are not really God's. It's just very sad to turn away from a love that you can't even comprehend. God created all things YHWH. He is the true way to follow. If I agree with you and accept what you are and not tell you the good news then it's like me seeing a blind man walking towards a cliff and I don't even tell him just let him fall....I am going to speak because I know the God in whom I serve He has change my whole life and has blessed me and He can do the same for you
It will be interesting to see how well, or not, the ratings go.
I was under the impression Hallmark went bankrupt.
They went morally bankrupt, which is worse.
Hallmark is now wokemark...
A man is not a substitute for a woman, nor a woman for a man. So there's no equality in that respect. And if the Sodomites had not tried to force themselves on the Angels God had sent to get Lot out of Sodom the history of this issue: man with man, woman with woman, LBGTQ, or whatever you wanna call it, might have been different.
you don't get it do you. it's not about what your goat herder's guide to the galaxy claims, it's the simple fact that YOUR beliefs are yours and you do NOT have the right to require other people to adhere to your beliefs. it's really that simple. you do YOU, and let everybody else alone. remember, there are other religions/beliefs out there that are JUST as valid to those believers as yours is to you. YOU do not get to negate someone else's religion or religious beliefs. if you think you can then you are a hypocrite and you ARE the problem.
God has the right to say anything and his word will stand forever .that's your mistake that you don't believe
He can say anything he wants, and I will be right here waiting (but not holding my breath) to hear it. But I would prefer that the xtian cultists would remain silent about their judgmental hatred until then.
Jesus is the way the truth and the life. Satan is deceiving everyone who does not believe and his days are numbered...don't let him take you with him trust God..have faith in the word of God
You need to learn God loves all His children the same and each is beautiful and precious in his sight. So, who are you to presume a right no man has? If Satan existed, which he does not, it would be you in need. Any thoughts or ideas based in hate or judgment is not of God. You continue the control and manipulation the men who published an edited version of the texts they chose to include which became the manmade interpretation of scripture that you call a Bible. Worry about yourself and your own soul.
So you are now the resident expert on whether or not the Devil exist? Wow, I did not know you assumed that title. But it is good to know. Because you see, your name will not be in the good book on judgement day. As they say, "keep a knockin' but ya can't come in!" And on that day of judgement, you will be tasked to explain your comments. So polish up on all your supporting information to back up your claims, because God is one tough guy to fool! LOL!!!!
actually SATAN IS the way, you've been mis-taught and mislead. let go of the goat herder's guide to the universe, it's fables and myths designed to lead astray the naive and the stupid. SATAN is the way. try it, it's non-judgemental, encourages thinking, kindness and responsibility. unlike your bible-of-chains. plus, SATAN doesn't hold grudges, doesn't require their followers to hate, kill or demonize (no pun intended) others.
"Satan doesn't hold grudges", whereas The Satanic Bible states: Satan represents vengeance, instead of turning the other cheek! "Doesn't require their followers to hate", but The Satanic Bible states: Hate your enemy with a whole heart and if a man smite you on one cheek, SMASH him on the other! (grudges and vengeance again!!). "It's non-judgemental", while actually Satanists are well known for considering and calling people "losers", "fools", "slaves", "worthless", "the herd", and many other derogatory terms, which The Satanic Bible is full of examples of (along with what else it is full of!!) and The Nineteenth Enochian Key says "Cast down such as fall!", proving Satanism's judgmental attitude. "Encourages thinking, kindness, and responsibility", whereas the reality of Satanists and worldly people, generally, is that they are the most unthinking people of all (since they can buy a universe without any Mind behind it still being able to do all the things for itself that only a Mind could do for it!), and "think" that God becomes whatever they want to say that He is ("balancing factor" or whatever else), Satanists are notoriously the most unkind, hateful, and uncaring people of all, and are the most irresponsible people of all, caring only about themselves and not about the well-being of other people in this world!! "The goat herder's guide to the universe, its fables and myths designed to lead astray the naive and the stupid", whereas Satanists admit to lying constantly and whenever they feel like it and are notorious for considering other people to be suckers, rubes, naive, and stupid, and duping and leading them astray whenever possible, casting down such as fall! The very things that you falsely accuse Christianity of doing and being!! So, your public relations for Satanism here doesn't fly, by Satanists' own actual behavior and standards, and proves that Satan isn't the way and that you don't even know your own alleged "religion"!! Satan is a loser and defeated for, as your feeble attempts at promotion of and apologetics for it and Anton Szandor LaVey's and all other Satanists' constant losing and incompetence keep proving over and over again endlessly!!
I'm thinking you should maybe examine the Bible just a bit before you place yourself above everyone else. You invoke Satan in your condemnation of others, but you refuse to look at the truth that is right there in your own scriptures. Satan rebelled and was cast out of Heaven...Why? He was angry with God because he gave Man Free Will. HOW could he Rebel unless he HAD FREE WILL? Unless you are willing to admit that your own scriptures are wrong, there are only 2 reasons for Satan to be able to rebel, and I'll let you decide which is true...but I'd really love to hear which you will go with.
1) Satan rebelled against Heaven BECAUSE GOD CREATED HIM TO DO SO. This would mean that God created a force to not only tempt man away from following him, but to intentionally "do evil" in the world, such as kill, steal, commit adultery...basically all the things you are condemning people for doing. This means that GOD CREATED THEM TO DO IT. It also means that he willingly created man in order to provide him someone to be able to punish.
2) The other choice is that GOD MADE A MISTAKE. Yes, God ACCIDENTALLY created Satan to be flawed and to cast aside all that God is and to hate and corrupt all that God created. This means that GOD IS NOT PERFECT.
Please...share your insight.
You assume a lot, say a lot, and think very highly of yourself. But you haven't a clue as to how this life works, and how God is the supreme being, and has laid out your path. You think you have control over things in your life, but you don't, except for whether or not you choose to be a believer and a Christ Follower. Everything else, is just the life you will have to survive. The good and the bad, even the catastrophic! And yes, the devil is real, and he was given dominion over the earth. He is the temptress, the deceiver and the beautiful lie that everyone chooses to believe, such as yourself. So rail against God, and ssume your superiority over others, but know that in the end, yu will be caled to answer for your iniquities, and you sure, have a lot of "esplaining to do!"
You don't know much about the original Hebrew and Greek and if you are not a believe you can't understand the spiritual meaning of the Bible because you are spiritually dead...you have to be born again. Born of the spirit then you will understand
You don't know much about the original Hebrew and Greek and if you are not a believe you can't understand the spiritual meaning of the Bible because you are spiritually dead...you have to be born again. Born of the spirit then you will understand
Well, please read all of Genesis 19 again. The sin of Sodom was actually two things: Rape - which is Lust - one of the deadly sins. And not welcoming the immigrant Lot, promising they "would do worse to him". Yahweh God considered mistreatment of immigrants a mortal sin, as was mentioned many times in the Torah to the Hebrews.
After all, if the townspeople of Sodom were raging homosexual rapists, Lot would not have offered his daughters to them. Genesis 19:4-5 is one of the tired old 7 "clobber passages" that are taken out of context and have been used to demonize people for centurys. And this instance is totally off the mark. Rapists quite often don't CARE what gender they are raping. People in Law Enforcement, and Psychology, will tell you that rape is really about domination and power over another, not sex.
Let us all please remember that God loves us. All of us. He does not hate that which He has created. We humans do all of the hating, unfortunately. Despite our Lord Jesus Christ telling us to "Love One Another".
Nice clear explanation, Jody. Unfortunately, the people reading your response now will completely "forget" about it when it comes time to spew hatred in the very next thread.
GOD hates sin. You cannot get past that.
Prove it.
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. 19 For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. 20 For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world,[g] in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. 21 For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Claiming to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things.
24 Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, 25 because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.
26 For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; 27 and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.
28 And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. 29 They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, 31 foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32 Though they know God's righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them. Roman's Chapter 1:18-32
God bless you brother, for you are doing God's work. We were warned that we would face persecution, and we may need to sacrifice everything in the name of God. Keep fighting the good fight and may your path to that amazing day when we get to see Jesus again, be one filled with the word, and the blessings of our Lord and Savior!
Comment removed by user.
Did you get all that from a story book somewhere, Michael?
I am so glad my days on earth are limited. I am not sure what kind of society we are creating. May God direct our path.
Personally, I thought we were creating a society where people didn't hate others for being different. For having a different sexual orientation; for having different colored skin; for being a different gender; just for being born.. different than them. Or judge someone because of what some magic book says. We made some progress in my lifetime, but lately these public displays of organized hatred threaten to undo all of it.
A person that's gay is walking in the flesh not in the spirit. The natural order that God made is Adam and Eve. Man and woman. If you are truly born again the old nature(flesh) dies and you live in the Spirit therefore you are not your own but God's. We will want to do what God wants not what I think my flesh wants. Read Galatians chapter five
@ Jimmy Moon and ESPECIALLY David Cox…Get off the cross, someone needs the wood! 😂 You’re not Jesus and you’re not here to be a our savior. So, you should stop pushing your negative opinion of what you think religion should be and what you think of others. Live your own life and mind your business. You both are just basic.
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. Religious people don't know God...because there walk is fake...but to be born again in the Spirit then you truly are one of his children...it's amazing how many people turn their backs on God because they listen to other people .....don't be a followed study for yourself...Satan is real and he will be cast into he'll and he is trying to take as many with him you have no idea what you are saying because you don't know nor have you really studied the Bible Jesus saves us from he'll that's the good news but you throw that salvation away. I pray that everyone in this blog will have there eyes open to the truth in the name of Jesus
I will pray for you because you know not what you do......Jesus loves you there is still time. Why do you hate God...why do you hate God's word have yall studied it for yourselves?
from The Satanic Temple, Ave Satanus The Seven Fundamental Tenets THERE ARE SEVEN FUNDAMENTAL TENETS
THERE ARE SEVEN FUNDAMENTAL TENETS I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.
that's it, no other crap telling people what to do, how they sin(ned), how they should think. Satanism at its Finest and without that x chen crappola nonsense that people here are spouting because they know, deep down inside (pun intended) that they are as gay as a rainbow unicorn
The Left Hand Path is the TRUE PATH May SATAN BLESS YOU
Satan has to kneel before my God Satan was created . Jesus loved you enough to die for your sins and you treat him like this.. wow! You can turn from your sins and give your life to Jesus there is still time
so yo still believe it's okay for a father to kill and torture his son and then rise from the dead as a zombie? you are all about cognitive dissonance if not outright mental disorders. sad really
Hail Zombie Jeebus!
You can't understand spiritual stuff because you are spiritually dead you have to be born again. Satan has you twisted open your eyes...you are like the pharasees in Jesus's day
Look at you thinking you know people. What's that called again? Oh yeah, being judgmental.
But I say, vwalk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify wthe desires of the flesh. 17 For xthe desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, yto keep you from doing the things you want to do. 18 But if you are zled by the Spirit, ayou are not under the law. 19 Now bthe works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, 20 idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, cdivisions, 21 envy,4 drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that dthose who do5 such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. 22 But ethe fruit of the Spirit is flove, joy, peace, patience, gkindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 hgentleness, iself-control; jagainst such things there is no law. 24 And those who belong to Christ Jesus khave crucified the flesh with its lpassions and desires.
25 If we live by the Spirit, mlet us also keep in step with the Spirit. 26 nLet us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. 19 For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. 20 For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world,[g] in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. 21 For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Claiming to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things.
24 Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, 25 because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.
26 For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; 27 and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.
28 And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. 29 They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, 31 foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32 Though they know God's righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them. Roman's Chapter 1:18-32
@david Cox & @jimmy Moon
Thank you both for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I have learned a great deal, and try to share that knowledge with as many people as I can. When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, for example, I simply remind them that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination ... End of debate.
I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some other elements of God's Laws and how to follow them.
Leviticus 25:44 states that I may possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighbouring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians?
I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her?
I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of Menstrual uncleanliness - Lev.15: 19-24. The problem is how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offence.
When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odour for the Lord - Lev.1:9. The problem is my neighbours. They claim the odour is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?
I have a neighbour who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself, or should I ask the police to do it?
A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination, Lev. 11:10, it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this? Are there 'degrees' of abomination?
Lev. 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle-room here?
Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev. 19:27. How should they die?
I know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?
My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev.19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? Lev.24:10-16. Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private family affair, like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14)
I know you have studied these things extensively and thus enjoy considerable expertise in such matters, so I'm confident you can help.
Thank you again for reminding us that God's word is eternal and unchanging.
I don't think I've ever loved or admired anyone as much as I do you right now. You are awesome and amazing. you are awzing, or amasome...oh hell, you're amazballs
thank you thank you thank you for presenting your very most excellent argument against these self-appointed morality police
really shows the cherry picking and hypocrisy that so many of these self-righteous, holier-than-thou
We are not under that law you need to read Galation we are under grace
For all who rely on works of the law are munder a curse; for it is written, n“Cursed be everyone who does not oabide by all things written in the Book of the Law, and do them.” 11 Now it is evident that pno one is justified before God by the law, for q“The righteous shall live by faith.”4 12 But the law is not of faith, rather r“The one who does them shall live by them.” 13 Christ sredeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us—for it is written, t“Cursed is everyone who is hanged uon a tree”— 14 so that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might vcome to the Gentiles, so that wwe might receive xthe promised Spirit5 through faith.
The Law and the Promise
15 yTo give a human example, brothers:6 zeven with a man-made covenant, no one annuls it or adds to it once it has been ratified. 16 Now athe promises were made bto Abraham and to his offspring. It does not say, “And to offsprings,” referring to many, but referring to one, c“And to your offspring,” who is Christ. 17 This is what I mean: the law, which came d430 years afterward, does not annul a covenant previously ratified by God, so as eto make the promise void. 18 For if the inheritance comes by the law, it no longer comes by promise; but fGod gave it to Abraham by a promise.
19 Why then the law? gIt was added because of transgressions, huntil the offspring should come to whom the promise had been made, and it was iput in place through angels jby an intermediary. 20 Now kan intermediary implies more than one, but lGod is one.
21 Is the law then contrary to the promises of God? Certainly not! For mif a law had been given that could give life, then righteousness would indeed be by the law. 22 But the Scripture nimprisoned everything under sin, so that othe promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given pto those who believe.
23 Now before faith came, we were held captive under the law, qimprisoned until the coming faith would be revealed. 24 So then, rthe law was our sguardian until Christ came, tin order that we might be justified by faith. 25 But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian, 26 for in Christ Jesus uyou are all sons of God, through faith. 27 For as many of you as vwere baptized winto Christ have xput on Christ. 28 yThere is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave7 nor free, zthere is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And aif you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s offspring, bheirs according to promise.
Obviously you are making fun of the word of God and you and you alone will face God and these words will be apart of your judgement....but there is still time turn from your sins confess it to God and he will forgive you and he will give you the power to overcome these false gods
@David Cox
Obviously I’m making fun of the word of God? Where’d THAT come from?😂 You…maybe a lil…the “word of God” not in the very least little bit. Never! Nice try…but you look like an incompetent fool! Try again!
C’mon…surly you can conjure up a more intelligent answer than that!?
So specifically…very specifically…in the words of David Cox…and/or…if you prefer…in the word of God…just which parts of the scripture are we to follow word for word and which ones are acceptable NOT to follow word for and WHY are those scriptures not meant to be followed word for word and other are?
Please, by all means, enlighten us all, educate us all so we all can be saved!
That's why you should read the bible for yourself because you have no understanding of the word of God.
I did read it for myself…I quoted it word for word almost above…obviously I didn’t understand it or I wouldn’t have asked for your enlightenment!
🙄 Obviously you have no answer for my questions…you keep alluding the obvious! You are only able to selectively pic parts of the Bible out that only meet “your” agenda, bigotries & hatreds! Either we take the entire bible and live it word for word or we don’t. So which is it? Word for word or not? If the answer is indeed word for word…please answer my questions. If we aren’t to live it word for word…specifically “which” words are we to live by?
When Jesus was crucified, and fulfilled the scriptures, he took away our sins. So, we do not follow "The Law" as presented to Moses (613 of them in fact. When Jesus died on that cross, he opened a door for us, a door that we can walk through by simply being baptized and accepting Jeus as our Lord and Savior. That is it. Now, that is just the start, from there you must follow the teachings in the Bible, and one of those, is that homosexuality is an abomination and is denounced in both the Old and New Testament. It is the only sin that is brought up and condemned in both the Old and New Testament as a matter of fact.
Did you get all this from a book, Lorenzo?
Lionheart, perhaps a few passages from Harry Potter may help in this thread?
Yes, thank you, Rev B.
'It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live, remember that. '
Let me get this straight, we don't follow "The Law" as presented to Moses so the possession of slaves and stoning adulterers no longer applies but the law stating that homosexuality is a sin still applies? What about the sins of a woman cutting her hair short, or a woman having her head uncovered, or a woman speaking or teaching in public? Those are all sins from 1 Corinthians. Or the sin of drunkenness or carousing? Why do we accept the consumption of alcohol but not homosexuality? Even murmuring or complaining is considered a sin yet no one here is condemning a person for quietly voicing their displeasure.
You're simply hiding your bigotry behind the Bible so you can condemn the LGBTQ+ community for being different than you.
In Jimmy theology, GOD gave us all we need to recognize HIM. No excuses. No matter how outdated you think the Bible is. It is still HIS world and HIS rules.
nope, it's written by men for men to control men (and mostly to control women) it's nothing more than a goat herder's guide to the universe
Well on judgement day you can tell that to God
there is no god but SATAN. seriously let it go, you have your (mis-directed) beliefs but other people actually are at least as right in their beliefs as you think you are. you really should be content to just believe what you choose and let everyone else be. if you think your goD gives points for harassing, judging and condemning others either your goD is false or you have sooooo missed the point.
I am not judging or condemning no one...I am telling you what the word says...you are condemning yourself...and you will be judged by these words that you have spoken...the bible says that. God says that in his word. When a person is heaed for a cliff and another tris to help him but the person pushes him out of the way and says I know my way but he is to stubborn to see that there is a cliff..don't be that person....Jesus loves you all and he wants to save you
Sure thing, David. "Judgement Day". Isn't that every day to your average xtian?
Tell that to God on Judgement day
@David Cox When your time comes, you will judge yourself as to how well or not so well you just fulfilled the chart you wrote for your own life. And even then, as long as you are not a dark entity, you will then resume your real life at Home. There is no hell or Satan. Both were created to control and manipulate the people by the corrupt church that published their Bible. So worry about yourself. Any thoughts or reasoning based in hate or Judgment is not of God. It is of men with agendas of their own.
When the end comes we will see but it will be to late for all of you who do not belive you rather believe lies from the world than accept the great salvation from God. That's where you have a choice and you choose the wrong path. He doesn't make anyone you he gives you a choice he wants you to come to the end of yourself and let the pride go and humble yourself. The Creator of all things and you think you know more than him...that's pride that's what happened with Satan
Praying you repent for your condemnation of others! We are not called to judge but to love one another. When we include ALL to love, then and only then have We achieved the Love Our lord spoke of. Praying for you my brother! Rev. Pamela
How am I judging....I have not judged anyone only the Lord is able to Judge
Are you a believer. Of the almighty God the father and Jesus Christ my Lord?Pamela Dountas? Paul went and turned people unto the Lord and they worshiped false gods like most of these people and Paul debated with them some he won over...I am telling them the good news and quoting scripture which do you condemn me for?
I'll judge, because we Christ Followers "are" called to judge. It's how we point out behavior that will prevent others from entering heaven. We do it to change behavior in order that we all make it into heaven. We would be sinning if we saw a brother or sister sinning against God, knowing it will lead to the eternal fire, and we said nothing. We are not banned from judging, that is a misconception. We can judge, we can't punish, that is up to God. So before you spread flowers and rose smelling farts all over the internet with your limited knowledge, read the Bible first, then come back and try again.
'pamda': We ARE to judge. Doncha read your Bible?
Jesus judged ('dogs, hypocrites, pigs', etc.) Matthew 7:6, 15,16; 23:23) and we're to be like Him. He told us to 'rebuke' (Luke 17:3), which involves judgement; and to 'judge rightly' in John 7;24.
The LGBTQxyzers' lifestyle is amoral, abnormal, an abomination and worthy of God's judgement. . . . . as is ALL sin. It's proper, responsible and loving to warn those in eternal peril of their doom. Jesus did and we are are to do so, as well.
Nothing new here. Same woke garbage to make a dollar.
@Timothy Albaugh Sounds like one full of hate and judgment without the right to it at all. I will say it again, Anything based in hate and judgment is not of God.
Who is hating? I am telling the good news
What news of yours is good?
The world is sick and tired of the Homosexual crowd......They amount to 3 to 5% of the population so get lost
@daniel ginther why are you here? ULC is supposed to be all accepting, all loving and here you are, bringing in hate and intolerance with you. what's your next comment going to be, kill all homos? because you sound like the kind of person who would believe and suggest such a horrific thing.
have you considered, and this is often the case, that people like you who express rage and hatred towards gays are, in fact, deeply closeted homosexuals themselves.
@daniel ginther you're anger towards gays may just be anger towards yourself because you're gay and too afraid to come out...because of people like you who say hateful things. maybe just accept that you are gay and let the world know. it's okay. your god will most likely forget all about your homo-hating comments if you come out right away
There are 1500 channels and a dozen streaming services. Watch something else. Your hatred is truly unchristian.
Pennsylvanians amount to less than 4% of the US population so should we tell them to get lost as well? Wyomingites are just 0.17% of the US population; why don't we just pretend they don't exist?
The word of God is sharp and to the point like a needle. The Bible is the haystack.
And someone should put a light to that biblical haystack, Keith, and put an end to all the mythical religious rubbish that permeates it.
I've got a zippo lighter if that's any help?! :-)
Arguing about scriptures over a tv network’s choices won’t change the network. Write to their sponsors, write to their headquarters, don’t watch it so their ratings go down. They understand feedback and monetary hurt.
Or likewise if you think the network is making good changes you can start watching the network, make sure to purchase from sponsors or just support the network or show as you think best. Give them positive feedback making sure to tell them why you support them. They will understand monetary gain and give you more diverse programming in the future. But I do agree that arguing about scriptures won't do a damn thing.
Anyone on here defending homosexuality is a product of Satan. You are controlled like a mindless puppet by the Prince of Darkness. He has your mind and your soul. And when you take to abusive slanderous commenting against those trying to help you get back on track with God, you are doing the Devil's bidding. That is as true as it gets. I know it hurts you serpent-tongued weak followers of Satan, and I don't care that it does. Your feelings are of no concern to me, but your soul; is. I will say these things to try to get you to regain your soul from that evil dark angel that is going to drag you straight to eternal fire if you do not heed my warning. Get right with God, Jesus is the only Lord and Savior, and repent of your sinful homosexual ways, and sinful support of that lifestyle!
there are a LOT of deeply closeted gay men here lately. you can tell they're deeply closeted because they get so angry at others who accept homosexuality while they themselves can't for fear of being unloved. the only ones that hate gays are people either delusional with their mythical bible stories or those that are deeply closeted homosexuals. SATAN loves everyone. come join us and find out what true love and acceptance truly is, without the anger, judging and moralizing. come on, you know you want to sleep with that hot dude you keep running into at church and the local bar. come on, he's hot, admit it
The Devil, Satan, or even any God, Lorenzo, is a human construct with no demonstrable evidence of their existance. Suggesting that people are "controlled like a mindless puppet" could indeed be referencing yourself if you are still insisting on believing in mythical tales propagated by stories in a book, much of it written by people who didn't know where the sun went at night. Those in the New Testament that did know where the sun went, but still believed the sun and universe revolved around the earth, never met the people they wrote about.🤷🏼
Telling people about the religious threat of the mythical Hell, in an attempt to keep people toeing the religious line, and driving them to psychiatric medications, is tantamount to religious mental abuse.
All you haters... Jesus didn't say a single work about homosexuality and neither should you.
I have watched the Hallmark channel for years but if you are going to promote homosexuality and lesbianism, then I shall remove your channel from my viewing list. What a shame you have fallen to this level.
so out of all the crappy movies that channel shows, the only one you find offensive, the only one you are going to personally boycott, is a romantic comedy with two gay guys?
I bet you like movies and tv shows with lots of killing and blowing things up because that's god-fearing good fun, innit?. probably like to see some jiggly young girls in bikinis, probably do a bit of drinking with the boys while you talk shi it about your women folk. and yet here you are, at ULC the monastery.org/blog to tell us how personally offended and attacked you are by hallmark humanizing gay romance. the only thing I wish for you is that all your kids and grandkids in perpetuity decided to become gay.
just kidding, people don't decide to become gay, GOD MAKES THEM GAY and until he decides otherwise, you and your ilk don't have a leg to stand on hating on the gays (you probably hate on the blacks, the browns, the yellows, the reds...anyone not old, fat, white and stupid)
Seeing all the hate in the comments, I don't want to have anything to do with your newsletters
The hate, and rude comments, John, mainly come from Christians, but us secular humanists have become used to it. At least they aren’t burning us at the stake again……….yet🤭
Tell me the hate professor Lionheart? You hate God and Christians. So who is hating?
Who says I'm hating a mythical God, and Christians that believe in it, David? Far from it! I actually have a lot of sympathy for those that have been so indoctrinated by their religion.....all religions, and have no idea how to get out, or are now too scared to get out due to the mythical pending doom of Hell.
I've been there, David, and it's not easy to get out of cults once you're in. You might be testimony to that, but I eventually "truly saw the light"...and have been "saved" from all the BS 🤭. Praise be to Zeus, or some other mythical god.......plus logic, reason, and critical thought 🤪.
You are still there in your atheist cult and it isn't easy for you to ever get out of your atheist indoctrination and brainwashing! You haven't seen the light or been saved or you would know what all of those who have actually seen the light and been saved know, and you can't just make up "seen the light" and "saved" to suit yourself. You don't have any logic, reason or critical thought, but only worldly herd "thinking", or you would be able to come to the obvious conclusion that all people who actually have logic, reason, and critical thought come to when confronted with the evidence of the synchronization, calibration, coordination, and maintenance in the universe, which an unthinking universe can't do for itself, and that is that there is a God and Mind behind the universe doing for it what it can't do for itself By their fruits you will know them and by the agreement of actually logical and reasonable and critically thinking people with obvious reason and logic we know them to be such, and not by people's just falsely claiming, as you do, to be "logical, reasonable, and a critical thinker".
John, you post a lot about how other people feel. Did your imaginary friend tell you that? Logical people don't believe in anything without evidence or proof. I keep asking you to show your evidence, but you keep rambling on about your xtian cult. Oh, and atheism is not a cult. There are no meetings, no tithing, and most of all, no belief in an imaginary space alien.
The whole universe is the evidence of God's existence and nothing imaginary can create and maintain the universe. So, that proves that God is real! Atheism is a social cult mindset, which doesn't require meetings or tithings, generally, though there are groups such as American Atheists and the Freedom From Religion Foundation and this blog and similar blogs and groups and they don't continue to exist without financial contributions, which is a form of tithing. And you atheists do have your own mythology: a universe without any Mind behind it doing things for itself that no mindless thing can do for itself. That is the biggest fairy tale of all and makes you the most gullible people to believe such obvious nonsense as that!! Love isn't imaginary and God is love and that is what tells me that you are blinded by hate and unforgiveness, which keep you from seeing and accepting the truth and evidence for God's existence.
Sorry, clearly you have never learned what evidence is. The fact that the universe exists is not proof that your imaginary friend created it. We have stated that the universe exists, now you have to prove it was because of a magical creature.
Clearly, you are the person here who doesn't know what evidence is, since if the universe didn't create itself (a logical impossibility because it wasn't here before it was here to be able to do that!) and can't regulate and maintain itself, being a mindless thing, then whatever did create and maintains and regulates it can't, by definition, be imaginary, since imaginary beings can't create or maintain and regulate anything. So, the universe's existence proves that its Creator exists and isn't imaginary or magical. Why can't you figure out what anyone who has basic logic and reason can figure out, if you also, supposedly, have basic logic and reason?!! Your not being able to figure that out proves, rather, that you don't have even basic logic and reason!!
Your totally illogical "thinking" doesn't become logical just because you say that it is and it is illogical to say that the mindless universe runs itself and that the One Who did create it and runs it is "imaginary", since imaginary beings can't run or create anything and the universe didn't create itself. Trying to talk logic and reason to someone such as yourself who is incapable of either logic or reasonable thought, though you have deluded yourself into "thinking" that you are a "master of them", is an exercise in futility and casting pearls before swine!! So, go on and live in your delusional world where a mindless universe is "running itself and created itself" and we actually logical and reasonable people will go on knowing that that couldn't possibly be true!!
You seem to be fixated on the "intelligent creator" theory. However, you have not shown why it is your deity that did it the way it says it did in your magic book. And how does logic explain the contradictions?
If that is what people want to watch, then watch it.
What I have a problem with is those who want to condemn me because I don't want to watch it. Why am I put down simply because I don't care to watch gay movies? It happened when Brokeback Mountain came out, then when the movie Bros came out and it will be the same with this one.
Those type of movies are just of no interest to me. I don't care for hard rock music, or rap, so I don't listen to them. It is no different me not wanting to watch these type of movies.-
Who is making you watch this movie? Seems like you just want to play victim here.
People condemn you because you don't want to watch a movie? Easy, get new friends. I don't know ANYONE whose friends would go all the way to condemning them. They are not your friends, Steven.
If you don't like the channel, then change it, even if it is to their direct competitor. When something is on ABC and I like the show better on CBS, I'm doing the same thing. The fact that the actors are leaving, is sad. However, is it the fact that it's because of the new shows or is it for better benefits? If their justifications are because of LGBT, like the one noted in the article, then so be it. Their views are based upon a book, The Holy Bible, which they feel is the ultimate supreme of books, which many people do. Following the Bible explicitly is the reason why religious wars have been happening for centuries. As a Spiritual Minister I feel that it is my job to help them concentrate on not only the Holy Bible but also what God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit has shown to guide in and out of the Bible. The Bible, in my opinion, is a great book. A book to use as a reference guide but never to use as an ultimate. Christianity, Catholicism and the many components within are just some religions as their focal point, their ultimate and what's worse their translation of such.
if it weren't for religion this wouldn't be an issue. I still don't understand why someone being gay is such an issue for so many. if you are not into same sex relations do date the same sex. and watching a gay-themed movie does not make a person gay. in fact, if you believe in your god then the reason someone is gay is because your god made them that way. one does not decide to be gay anymore than one decides to be straight. just wish the fundies and holy rollers would let it go and tend to their own lives.
You have Rev in front of your name...wow! You know nothing about the bible
of course not, the bible is a book of fables and myths written for the express purpose of controlling men and women by so called priests and 'men of the cloth'
but if you go by names and titles, then if would appear that according to your surname you are an expert on....
Myou like to insult people what are you in junior high. Be an adult and examine yourself because judgement day is coming there is still time to accept the gift of salvation
I prefer to go by "Man of the silk" I identify with Silk and although almost none of my wardrobe consists of silk I still would like to be called "Man of the silk" Merry Matrix and a happy Hylic New Year
Aesop's Fables is a book of fables, too, but people, generally, aren't saying that it is worthless because of that, since it teaches morals through those fables. The same with the Bible's fables. Besides, the Bible doesn't only relate God's thoughts and actions, but also the thoughts and actions of those people that He was dealing with (and who even put their own words and thoughts into God's mouth and blamed Him for what they wanted to do and said that "God told us to do it" to "justify" themselves) and so it couldn't fail to include those actions and thoughts and still show God's working and dealing with people. Some of the Bible writers and priests and ministers later on did misrepresent God and misinterpret the Bible to control people, but that is just their fault and wrongdoing and can't be blamed reasonably on God, since that wasn't and isn't His will for us.
Well I see you have anger issues if you knew Jesus you wouldn't have that problem.
Charles Schulz wrote, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
I see bigotry and vitriol regarding the LGBT community in these comments, and is especially repugnant among those who should show compassion and goodwill to the suffering, and it makes me weep. Love is love. Evil hates. Evil condemns. If you feel otherwise, I do hope your concept of deity can heal all the hate in your soul. As you are now you are small and petty. For the love of all that is good knows no bounds of religion or creed. You speak and spread hate to make yourself feel big, but it will not work. Until you let love and good into your heart you will not know joy or god or love and you will die bitter and hateful and small. Repent and spread the good word of compassion and goodwill to those who are different from you. Repent and spread love. Repent and show kindness, and compassion. Your god ,and those around you, will be thankful.
Homosexuality is a sin against God and the Bible makes it clear that you cannot be a practicing homosexual and a Christian. We are all given trials by God. Homosexuals trial is not to have a same sex relationship that includes sex. You are born male and female and you should only have sex with the opposite sex.
Your information is incorrect. I see you don't do research, but parrot purpose driven translations.
Yeah, whatever bronze-age goat herder wrote that was really homophobic, wasn't he? Kicked out of a cult because of the way he was born. Being gay isn't any more a "test" than having brown eyes is a test.
At least ten percent of babies are born with unclear genitals and it's easier for doctors to make them girls. Sexual orientation is in the mind, and being straight or gay is not a lifestyle "choice." It's the way a person really is and about who they are attracted to. The bible can be translated many ways, and Christians in the U.S. are shoving their religious views on the country. How would you like to be forced to follow Sharia Law? NO, right. You don't want to be forced to embrace someone else's view of how you should live. How does it affect you if a couple is gay? Everyone does not share your narrow views in a changing world where people were ALWAYS LBBTQ, they just suffered and lived alone. Jesus said to love everyone. He did.
The reason anyone is gay or a pedophile or a rapist or a serial killer or any other deviate from normal behavior isn't because God made them that way, but because distorted human nature, due to sin, or social pressure or propaganda or false compassion or other contributing factors, also due to sin, made them go that way. It is Satan appearing as an "angel of light" and "compassionate pleader for tolerance and acceptance of homosexuality" and whatever else he wants to lead us down the garden path into accepting and tolerating in all of these pleas for acceptance of homosexuality. That is what Satan always does, to try to make evil appear "innocent" and"acceptable", so that we will accept it, and keep pushing the envelope and see how much he can get us to accept and even approve of, to lead us, gradually, down to Hell and our destruction, like the Pied Piper of Hamlin, leading the rats out of the city to drown in the sea!! Like lemmings running over a cliff to crash and die on the rocks below!! That is how he got an organization called The North American Man/Boy Love Association (N.A.M.B.L.A.), advocating "acceptance of and equal rights for pedophiles" to be founded and tolerated, through the gradual erosion of moral standards that would have prevented such a public organization before!! That is why he inspires Mafia bosses to call themselves"legitimate businessmen" and inspired the Nazis call the concentration camps "districts of Jewish relocation". Euphemism isn't reality, but cover up of reality. Satan does all of this because he hates us and wants the worst and death for us, not because he is "really our friend", as Satanists and many other people implicitly or explicitly and stupidly believe! If it were really "only evil that condemns", there couldn't be any condemnation of the Holocaust or child molesters or serial killers or racial discrimination and injustice and lynchings or anything else without that being "evil", which is ridiculous!! The love of all that is good doesn't mean and has never meant loving everything that any people do, since that isn't love, but actually hate and being indifferent to their well being and good, spiritually as well as physically, and would be like standing by and smiling approvingly as someone walks into a burning building and dies!! We are our brother's keeper and it is our responsibility to warn him about spiritual as well as physical dangers. Morality and truth aren't decided by popular opinion and current propaganda.