Like the religious revivals of old, led by charismatic Christians like Billy Sunday and Billy Graham, worship leader Sean Feucht is taking his Christian show on the road, traveling across America and sharing the gospel with thousands of worshippers.
Only, the difference between right now and back then is, Sunday and Graham didn’t tour America in the midst of an international pandemic that has claimed the lives of 160,000 of their countrymen.
Last month, the former Congressional candidate, worship leader, and musician made a splash when he hosted a ‘beach revival’ in Southern California. The Huntington Beach event was attended by over 200 Christians, held in defiance of California’s coronavirus orders.
Now the apparent second leg of Feucht’s West Coast tour is on, with recent events held in Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington, as those densely populated cities struggle to maintain the spread of COVID-19.
Feucht says he wants to uplift these communities and show examples of God’s love. But many are saying by traveling up and down the coast and holding events with thousands of attendees, he’s doing indescribable harm to communities he doesn’t even live in.
The Maskless Singer
Looking at footage of the events, a face mask is harder to find in the crowd than Waldo.
“We’re not being mask people, so it doesn’t bother us,” one woman who attended the Portland event said, as her partner wipes his face with his hands.
“My faith’s in God, not fear of [COVID],” says another attendee.
The recent ‘Let Us Worship’ events were attended by hundreds, in obvious violation of each of those states’ large gathering orders.
Rebecca Sumner, a local pastor at Seattle’s Welcome Table Christian Church, told the Seattle Times that she was disgusted by her fellow faith leader’s reckless behavior. “Traveling from town to town to have a rally is a really great way to spread a deadly disease,” she said.
Science Skepticism
It should be no surprise that these events were highly attended but sparsely masked, because a great number of Christian leaders in this country, including Feucht himself, have had reactions ranging from skepticism to outright hostility at the idea of wearing a face mask.
“Fauci is America’s high priest of wokeness,” Feucht tweeted last week regarding an article about Dr. Fauci saying he recommends against singing during the pandemic. He’s also taken to Fox & Friends to decry the “insanity of the laws targeting the church,” - presumably, bans on indoor gatherings that don’t carve out exceptions for worship.
Of course, states are right to not give churches exemptions. There’s no reason worship can’t take place online. Many churches have embraced digital services over Zoom and other platforms to great success, maintaining the sense of community from church but keeping parishioners safe. Indeed, recently-opened churches have been a hotbed of coronavirus activity. It’s not like stepping inside the walls of a church makes you immune to contracting COVID - even if some believers think that is indeed the case.
Let Us Worship?
Ultimately, one wonders what Feucht hopes to accomplish here. He seems to want the government to “Let Us Worship” - after all, that is the name of the tour. But no one’s stopping him, despite the laws on the books preventing these large gatherings during the pandemic.
And with over a dozen future performances in cities like New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Orlando scheduled for later this summer, it really doesn’t seem like anyone’s preventing Feucht from worshipping.
The great irony is, if people would simply wear masks and stay home, as we’ve been implored to do by the CDC for six months now, we’d likely be on the other side of COVID and life - including big Christian concerts at the park - could start getting back to normal.
Just Nature culling the herd of stupid delusional people. How can these religious people be so stupid? What is really happening is that singer's money stream has been interrupted by the virus and he can't take it so he puts other's lives at risk. That is something that will have to be answered for a a pool filled with blood will not take away.
Just more proof that Christians as arrogant and stupid. No sympathy when they end up on the 180,000 person death list.
Check out TWiV on podcast start with #584. This is America. Glad Joe Biden does not rule this country. If Joe was king his subjects would have their head chopped off.
Darwin at work. You can't fix stupid. It just cleans the gene pool to benefit humanity.
I find it rather odd that I am arguing with people about the need to take precautions because I care more about their life than they care about themselves. I also find it strange that people would rather trust their health with politicians with no medical training than with doctors that have a life time of training. Politicians can and do lie every day but that is ok. If a doctor lies, they can be taken to court and stripped of their license to practice medicine. I guess I just don't see it. So, here is my final conclusion. I honestly do not care if any of you anti medicine pro politic people live or die. I will not waste any more time trying to convince you to live. My faith in humanity has been irreperably damaged by this experience. To those of you who continue the fight for life I applaud and solute you. To the zealots... I don't care.
Like Covid-19. Covidiocy is an equal opportunity affliction.
Nobody told these people they couldn't go to Church. They keep whining about that. They were told they had to social distance and wear masks. This entertainer should have to give all the money he makes to families who have lost loved ones to Covid. It's plain stupidity.
Need to listen to the podcast of "This Week in Virology" starting with #584. Most are young and may not died from this virus unless they have hidden health issues. Those over 60 need to wear mask even if the are in prime health. The different between those young and the old ones is exposure to breathing in the air around them.
Forty years of breathing in low quality air effects the lungs. This virus attacks the lungs also attacks the heart muscles. Getting into the blood it attacks every organ in the body.Think of the 1.2 million people in the US with HIV and the risk they have of dying of this virus.
God created this plague to punish the world, because Televangelists named Trump the 2nd coming of Christ. Now he's having musicians and priests gather the faithful, in order to infect them. Another point of proof that the God of Abraham is evil.
25% of liberals/Democrats are on medication for mental illness. This is really scary because that means 75% are running around untreated.
Once we understand the function of the mask and its effectiveness, against the Chi-na-virus and also understand the biology and way of the virus, we may think and feel differently. As well if you look deeply at the impact all these have as well as the mandated response to the virus, again we may see how utterly ridiculous things in this world have become. Ultimately I believe God calls us when it is our time and we may impact that timeline by our actions and behaviours more so towards others rather than following mandates made up by non medical persons, who were guided by medical professionals who have been bought by the political body at large. Sounds crazy in a way, but i have investigated the information, prayed, and meditated, on it and that's how i see it, while being open to adjust according to new findings. Yes the virus is real, I am not so sure its as much of a threat to all life as they would have us believe. The real threat in my opinion is our response to it and to those around us who hold a different opinion. ~Peace to all
I agree 100%. I see you have studied the issue, have a high intelligence and think for yourself, rather than have some idiots of low mentality who believe the fake news media tell you what to do.
I have seen a lot of pictures and videos of rock concerts and rap concerts and other gatherings outside of Christain groups without masks and packed in tight and close together. If your scared you should get your life straight with Christ and wear your mask and not push your fear onto others.
Our generation has never experienced a pandemic. It is the perfect storm for world leaders to collaborate. Social media like Google and Facebook are censoring information to feed you a narrative and silencing information that doesn’t fit the agenda. Many people want to be tested, so a test was developed. (Who ever heard of a test for the flu?) Numbers sky rocketed. We later learn many tests were faulty, false negative/positive, positive, but no symptoms, positive for the antigen, multiple test- it all adds up, but the numbers were never corrected. All we know is that the number of people infected are high and the public is paralyzed in fear. Phase one is a success! Enter phase two: wear a mask, protect your grandma if you love her, stand six feet apart, stay home because it’s super contagious. All the while Governors in certain states issued orders to wheel in Covid patients into nursing homes, they killed the grandmas. It drove up the death count and half the deaths recorded are from nursing homes. Hospitals are paid to stamp Covid on death certificates. Some deaths were caused by accidents, heart disease, cancer but doctors were pressured to deem the cause of death as Covid related. Once again, high numbers incite fear. One thing the media won’t tell you is that the suicide rate surpasses the Covid deaths. And another thing, durning the Obama Administration 60 million people were reported as having H1N1. No pandemic then, no shut down. Ventilated procedures on “Covid” patients is an added financial bonus to the health care industry. Hydroxychloroquine and zinc are proven by many doctors to be effective in curing Covid, but now banned in many states (they want you to believe Bill Gates vaccination will be the end game). Do your own research in what Scientist are putting in this vaccination that may become a requirement. Phase three: Blame the President - talking heads news media spew out division in this country. Mocking efforts and hiding progress this administration has made. Closing boarders and banning travel from China while the House Democrats were busy with impeachment trials against the President that proved false. Wake up people, you are being played. Pray for discernment. The Lord hears and will answer.
p.s. Stop judging your neighbor, and get off of Sean Fuecht - at least he is doing something for God’s Kingdom.
Oh my, Denise. Just when I think humanity has evolved into rational, thinking beings, you make a comment like this and disprove it. Based on your words, I deduce you are a Trumper, 'Bill Gates will control us all' conspiracist , Q-Anon believer and a rabid, if somewhat ignorant to the tenants of your own faith, christian.
and you robert are one of the sheeple, dont put others views down just because they dont agree with yours. do your own research not just listnen to msm. who have lied about this virus how many times have the so called experts changed their mind about wearing masks not wearing masks quarentine dont quarentine?? its ok to riot side by side no mask but you cant vote in person or go to church yet we can all go to wallmart and stand in line???? why do you think someone with a view different then yours is automaticallly a follower of a certain party their are plenty of democratic doctors who dispute the mask wearing and other factors just as their are plenty of repubicans who feel they should be mandatory why do you judge others ?????
Do you believe the death totals, or are those a made up conspiracy? That is the bottom line. No political, no religious, no conspiracy nutjob theory can change the death totals, which keep rising.
I have a very mixed view on the mask debate. There is no real consensus among doctors that masks work toward the prevention of the spread of this pandemic. Yes if you only view cnn abc nbc you might believe that all doctors are in favor. but the if you view other sources of news other then main stream media you find different views. If masks work why did the chinese doctor who discovered this virus and always wore a mask die from the diesease? why are we leaving prisoners out of prison to prevent them from getting this virus? why not just issue them a mask if wearing a mask is so effective? why did the american dental assoication say wearing a mask long term will cause gum diesease and other oral issues resulting in possible stroke or heart attack? when we were all quarentined in our homes why did the virus continue to spread more in areas that had quarintine then in those that did not? Why are the number of deaths reported including those who committed suicide and hit by a vehicle, and shot why are they included in the death total just becasue they had tested positive yet the virus was not the cause of their death? the CDC even said the numbers affected are not accurate as it has a 50% fail rate as covid is the same type makeup as the common cold so no way to tell for certain who actually has it. 97% of all those who get covid have will survive most have minor symptom or none at all. in 1967 over 100,000 deaths from flu yet we didnt quarentine or wear masks. Im not saying im against masks i just have many questions and doubts as to the accuracy of any reports i read for or against. I personally do not know of any one why has tested positve or died of this virus and neither do any of my friend or relative spanning several states. Im just saying that we all need to do more research and not just depend on the msm. My mind is not made up on this, i would just like to ask that people do their own research.
Stupidity and selfishness are greater pandemics than COVID-19.
As sad as this may sound thisThose who think this is a hoax or some kind of government control will be the same ones crying out for help when it all comes tumbling down on top of them.
"Science goes only so far, then comes GOD!"
Nope! God is only ever used by religionists to fill the gaps of uncertainty until science finds the real solution, it’s how it always has been. Galileo was incarcerated for the rest of his life for going against the church, therefore God, by explaining the heliocentric logic of the earth traveling in orbit around the sun, when it went against the churches geocentric philosophy of everything revolving around the earth.
Sometimes it's best to ignore some of our fellow Ministers, who can't seem to get the point, by putting health and safety above all else.
Put your Faith in the Creator and HONOR the Bill of Rights, freedom of worship, freedom of assembly, freedom to persue LIFE, LIBERTY and HAPPINESS.
Anything attempting to shut down your house of worship is unconstitutional and by definition, illegal. That is a crime.
Anything trying to shut down people's RIGHT to earn a living legally, it is also unconstitutional, an act of treason, and rebellion against the Constitution of the United States and violation of your pre-existing natural god given universal human RIGHTS.
So - give Honor to the Bill of Rights, Praise God and Enjoy real Freedom and Liberty !
TEACH all your believers the FREEDOMS of all our natural god given universal human rights.... no more lock down illegal unconstitutional criminal supression of the POWER OF JESUS !
It seems your Jesus guy and your deity don’t seem to be doing much, Christians are still dying, along with people of all other faiths, and no faith. They are either simply not interested in helping anyone, or don’t exist. I know which I’m leaning towards.
Ah...there you are Lionheart. Finally! The more I read of Daniel Gray and other's asinine comments, the more I despaired of intelligent input.
Sorry for my tardy posts. Every one of my posts now waits a day or two for administration approval. They say I’m not being singled out but no one else seems to have this problem. They thought it might be emoji’s causing the issue but I’ve sent a few without any at all, but still have the same issue. I’ve learned to live with it.
Mine too my friend.
Don't feel alone, Lionheart, they've often done it with my brilliant comments,too. Some of mine never get posted. I'm just happy about the ones that do. And I'll be the first to admit that some of my comments are really thrown, but I'm getting better!
Leave to them to be so narcissistic that the entire issue turns into a religious one. Spirituality is a TRULY personal experience that isn't lived by any book, not a group thing that adheres to a book
Mya-Lia....you are spot on. Spirituality relates to an evolving soul that wants to make the world a better place for all. Religion is a group mindset that is focused on itself.
What a selfish idiot. This is Why the US is still struggling to get a handle on Covid. Wear a mask for your parents, grandparents, those dealing with illness, and those more susceptible to Covid. Think of others and do it so we can contain Covid. The more they refuse to wear a mask, the longer it will take to beat Covid, and more people will die needlessly that don't have to if people would just think of others and stop being so selfish.
And why should they be....remember its been proved and was on ABC/NBC/CBS that these masks do NOT WORK! And the surgical masks are nothing more then tissue paper. You stand an equal chance of stopping the virus with a piece of notebook paper wrapped over your face. My sister has been a PICC Nurse for over 30 years, and she can take one of these "medical masks" and blow out a match at two feet away from her face while wearing one. The news has showed by black light that even while wearing one of these surgical masks when you cough or sneeze you can see droplets of water spewing out well past the 3 foot range. And then you have the ones with copd and other breathing problems that CANT wear the mask, so exactly how are you going to deal with them? And remember they are covered and protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act which makes it a federal felony to deny them service or run them out of your business if said business is open to the public.
So complain all you want to. The fact of the matter is you cant force people to wear the masks and if you try and its shown they are under the ADA laws, then its YOU that will be going to jail and not them
Again, you twist words to suit your ignorance. Now pay attention Danny...masks that YOU wear are not to protect YOU, but are to protect others from the micro spray that comes from you. Likewise, masks worn by others are for the same reason. Now, if people would simply wear the mask, we could FLATLINE the spread of the virus. Please Danny, read this a couple of times before you show any more ignorance. And if you cannot wear a mask, then please self quarantine. Why is this so hard for you to understand?
Apamming the thread does not make you any less ignorant and any less wrong. So I challenge you, no in fact I DARE you to try and tell someone with a doctors excuse that they cant wear a mask, that they cant go into a place. I can safely say that it will be your first time and your last time, for the next 10 to 15 years
Your threats mean nothing. The protocols are in place. You can behave like a spoiled child all you wish. You will not be stopped from entering, but you will enter under protocol made for those refusing or unable to mask.
No threats made...whats wrong brian? Have a guilty conscience because you were shown to be completely wrong and in violation of a federal law that has been on the books for 30 years or more?
Danny, the protocols ARE IN PLACE AND ARE BEING FOLLOWED. Again, stomp around like a spoiled child all you want. Believe it or not these safety protocols are in place to protect people just like you. You are an ungrateful zealot, but even you deserves to live. So in spite of your ugly, nasty, ignorant attitude the rest of us will continue to battle this disease until we have it cured. The death totals are real wether you like it or not.
And no Brian they are not being followed. Jeeze all you have to do is watch tghe news at night to see there are collece kids who dont wear masks, some politicians who dont wear masks and people who medically cant wear a mask. You cant force people to do it no matter how much you would want to. that is reality deal with it
It is being dealt with. Not by me, but by others far above my pay grade. Yes, there are people just like you that would rather put the entire population at risk just to serve their own selfishness. The results of such ignorance have been mass outbreaks. Do you understand that someone like you that has a poor medical history concerning breathing can DIE from this? Hospitals ARE following protocols and if you doubt that call a few and ask. I simply do not know what else to say to you. I guess I care more for your life than you do. So be it. And please, stop trying to invoke the intelligence of politicians. That ship sailed years ago. Oh, and covid has even struck the presidential staff. They too decided that all the doctors were wrong and chose not to wear a mask when in a group.
yea its being dealt with above your pay grade because people know they cant force a person to wear a mask because of medical reasons. The ADA and the US Supreme Court has already ruled on this. I went to see my personal doctor and I was told I had to wear a mask, I showed them the paper from my VA doctor that said I couldnt due to medical reasons. They called all over the hospital trying to find someone who would agree with them. They didnt and when the Hospital director came by I showed him the paper and told him I was going to see my doctor, he looked at the paper and told the people at the door to leave me alone as they couldnt legally stop me. Done and done. You are wrong Brian, at least be man enough to admit it.
Wearing a mask is a civic responsibility, as is doing no harm to your fellow citizens. We limit smoking to protect others from second hand smoke, we cover our mouths when we cough, we don't drink and drive, we obtain a valid driver's license, we can't yell fire in a crowded theater. Wearing a mask ensures that we are not inadvertently passing a deadly virus with dangerous sequelae to our fellow citizens. It is inherent in our duty to our fellow citizens.
Very few symptomatic victims of Covid-19 are going to die, and only by recovering, can we know we have a resistance. It's where our immune systems learn how to fight this disease, that will give us a herd immunity. Better than gathering with your own ethnic brethren, is to minister across racial lines, so as to catch a strain that knows how to make people sick on another continent. If I had the money, I'd certainly help out with Aboriginal America. These people are congregating within arms reach, and it's only guesses, that they should not.
Hmmm, not going to cover the face? Why stop there? Uncover the rest of you - no shoes, no shirts, pants or panties. Take it all off, but do it in church and don't come out until the pandemic is over. Seriously.
What don't we just round them up and locked them all in a huge stadium, they can listen to Sean Feucht and his Christian show sing, pray and dance naked and mask-less all they want. Since they truly desires to actually meet Jesus and God. It will be like Christian in the Roman coliseum only these Christian are willing going to their own slaughter because their own totally blind faith and stupidity.
Only the pretty ones should take it all off.
I guess they are in a hurry to meet there maker while dragging others with them. I always get nervous when people walk around me like people are not dying everyday. I guess they believe there god will keep them safe while I know many Christians god didn't save
They have a belief that by believing in God will protect them from Covid19. How arrogant.All others should get sick and die.? Don't think that's how it works.
I know, that's what makes it so weird and so dangerous. But when you read their book, it tells how at certain times people who believed in that way were saved from whatever disease, etc was going on, so they think they're immune to it. These are the same people who believe in the rapture but don't likely have rapture hatches on their roofs.
Let them explain why they got sick afterwards.Did God forsake them.Not a "Chosen one" .?
It sounds like another good way to put an end to Christianity.
I hope these maskless Christian singers and every maskless politicians will come to California where I live. At one place we just had 25 people die from covid and 130 more test positive. I'm sure God's almighty powers are no match for a highly contagious rapidly spreading killer virus this time, right? In the past mask, proved to be more powerful then God's almighty powers. I'd like these maskless singers come and sing to the 130 who are infected to see.
Stupid is as stupid does. Why are Christian fanatics so dumb? One only benefits from good deeds after death and judgement. Until then obey the 10 commandments.
It isn't so much the 10 commandments but following what Jesus taught that would be more in question. He encouraged taking care of others. That's what wearing the mask is about.
And what commandment out of the 10 says you have to wear a mask?
Maybe it's honor your father and mother. If they're still living, and are of sound mind, I bet they'd tell you to wear one.
Nope, what do parents have to say to an adult child? only YOU can live your life, not them. And how low do you have to go to bring this into the conversation, is it because you have nothing else?
It depends on what kind of family you came from, as well as your personal values, which I wouldn't expect to be what is commonly thought of as decent or moral. Some of us honor our parents throughout our lives. But of course, Daniel, you would never have thought of that.
Furthermore Danny boy, my mother is one of my all-time best friends, and we speak on the phone every, single day. I speak with my stepfather often, too, as well as my brothers. And incidentally, none of us belong to the same religions.
furthermore child, the LAW says that you are wrong, the SUPREME COURT of the US says you are wrong and medical Science says you are wrong. Your ego must be huge to think you know more then these sources.
Here is the commandment Dan: Thou shall not kill......oops too late Danny, your ignorance has already broken that one.
No Brian, if you are going to try and use scripture, then do get it correct. The original hebrew to greek translation says "Thou shall not commit murder" And you have yet to prove that a single person got the virus from another. I mean good Lord in Texas and Ohio and Michigan you have people who have the virus and have not left their homes for a month. So please enlighten us on how exactly they got the virus when they have had no visitors and have not left their homes for a month?
The law of karma is much quicker than you think, Rimmi.
Those who truly desires to actually meet the Jesus and God of their totally blind faith should definitely join this charismatic musician / preacher and his throngs of maskless followers. The only problem with that plan is that each of these maskless followers will likely infect a dozen folk who would really rather NOT meet their maker just now. History does show us that science and knowledge does eventually conquer myth and superstition.
And you need to mind your own business Steph! I am one of the ones who CANT wear a mask. When I was in the military I injured my left knee while in combat and had to have a surgery on it. The idiot "gas passer" not only didnt have a medical license and failed his US tests 7 times, but his schools he said he graduated from never existed, so he had no business being in the hospital or even the operating room. While the operation was going on he was paying more attention to the doctor then he was to me and I woke up during the surgery, with nothing to dull the pain or stop it and no oxygen. And this idiot had his hand on the oxygen mask forcing it down on my face. Imagine feeling every cut of the knife and not being able to scream or do anything about it. And as I was finally blacking out for the final time, I heard the doctor tell the "passer" to "put him back under he is kicking me in the head" As it stands now a full 30 years later I cannot be in the same room with a person who is wearing a doctors coat, If you come at me with a needle I will either try and get away or I will punch you in the face. Its not intentional. And every since that surgery I have not been able to wear a mask of any sort, not even a scarf without hyperventilating and passing out.
Now how about YOU trying to tell ME that I have to wear a mask because YOU or someone else says I have to or thinks I should. I have a very nice note from my doctor saying that I cant wear a mask because I may have a psychotic episode.
So how about you mind your own business and keep your idiotic statements to yourself!
Daniel Gray...please re-read your last sentence and take your own advice.
Oh so you get upset with me for setting a fool right, but you say nothing about her ignorant post? Typical.
I would tell you to your face at the doors to the hospital Danny, WEAR A MASK. Or be taken into isolation. Those are the choices. Just chose one already.
And I wold laugh in your face Brian as under the Americans with Disabilities Act which is federal law, you CANT STOP me from going into the hospital without a mask as long as I have a valid doctors excuse, which I do. So you can keep on huffing and puffing but if you tried then I would have no other choice then to have hospital security detain you until the police arrived and then you would be taken to the police station and booked on the willful and intentional violation of federal law which would give you about 10 to 15 years in a federal pen and or a 250,000.00 fine
So go ahead and try and stop someone with a doctors excuse. I can assure you that you will have time to think this over on where you and your beliefs went wrong.
Again, Danny, you twist words because you are the true definition of zealot. I would not stop you from entering the hospital at all. Your refusal to wear a mask, doctors note o r not, simply means that you will be escorted in isolation. You are allowed support people that WILL be required to mask, but you will be treated in isolation until a determination of possible infection can be determined. This is not an attack against you or anyone else but until this disease is better understood the safety of EVERYONE must be considered. This protocol, in case you are wondering, has been set by the health authorities and is abided by catholic hospitals as well as all others. Why do you resist the safety measures? How are you harmed by them? If you are experiencing fear, you are not alone.
I twist nothing, I am stating this directly from the Americans with Disabilities Act in the US Department of Justice Washington DC. It seems YOU are the one that is trying to twist the facts to suit you and failing miserably. The law is the law and if you have a doctors excuse saying you cant wear a mask for medical reasons, then NOBODY can stop you from entering a business that caters to the public. NOR can they ask you to leave. I guess you have not been watching the news but DeWine out of Ohio is being IMPEACHED because of his actions which follow yours in claiming you must wear a mask, or you must have a mask on in a church. I can assure you that he is running scared right now as he knows he overstepped his authority as the ONLY people who can make a law are the state assemblies, not the state health department or the state Gov as they dont have the authority to do so and never have had. And no child, I have never been put in isolation when I entered a hospital to see my doctor nor have I ever been escorted by security. Once I show the doctors excuse they have no choice but to allow me or face federal prosecution under the ADA law. And by you or anyone else demanding that I either conform and wear the mask when I medically cannot (I was at the dentist the other day for a cleaning and they demanded I wear the mask and refused to accept the doctors excuse. By the time the tech got to me I was sweating and snow white and hyperventilating. the tech put her hand on my shoulder and was almost screaming in my ear and I was not responding and darn near fell on the floor {I have a major bruise where I sprained my arm from landing on it} ad it took 5 ammonia poppers to get me back so they could talk to me and I could understand them. They darn near had to call an ambulance...so no I CANT wear a mask) so no matter what you think or do, you cant force me to wear a mask. I know veterans who have one lung and wear an oxygen set up and they cant wear a mask either. Are you going to insist they must comply to your requirements as well? get used to it, if you cant wear a mask then you cant wear it and as long as the doctors says you dont have to, then there is nothing you or anyone else can do about it
You are quoting only partial truths, the part you wish to see. This is not an argument. The protocols for hospitals concerning covid are in place. You do NOT get to say how you will enter a hospital for treatment, your only say is if you wish treatment. The hospitals get to decide how to handle refusal or inability to conform to covid guidelines. The accepted method is to take the patient through emergency in seclusion. You will be seen, you will be treated. If your condition requires a stay, you will be tested and kept in isolation until a determination is made, or you are released. If a result comes back positive, you will be contacted by a contact tracer to discuss any possible exposure to anyone else. Or, you could just put on the mask given to you at the door. That is it bub. There are no violations, your objections will be noted but in the end, that is it. Please, keep quoting your objections however as it has become very entertaining. 😁
No I am stating truth and it is slapping you in the face and you seemingly cant stand it. Dont care. You CANNOT force people to wear a mask and if you dont like it then you have the option to stay home . But you had better have more authority then the US Supreme Court if you are going to try and force people to wear a mask
I believe that we have free will. It amazes me that there are those that acknowledge free will & then turn around and state that it's "God's will". Such a contrast of beliefs! Doctors & nurses wear masks to protect others (patients). I am interested to know if the same folks irresponsibly not wearing masks in public would have a surgery & tell the docs & health staff that it's okay not to wear a mask. It is ridiculous, irresponsible, selfish, disrespectful & malicious to refuse to wear a mask in public! They preach their brand of Christianity and yet, disregard their fellow human beings that are not like them! We are currently experiencing a lack of leadership in this country that has continued over the last 3.5+ yrs. As of today, there has been 166K deaths from Covid 19 & over 5.22 million infected! I would say that lack of leadership is responsible for unnecessary deaths & the disruption of lives, businesses & schools in our country. November 3rd cannot come fast enough. I am really disappointed in the so called "Christian" community. It looks like hypocrisy to me!
Amen, Theresa. Never underestimate the stupidity of rabid christians.
When surgeons and nurses wear masks during surgery it is not to protect themselves. Not wearing a mask in public these days is demonstrating a disregard for the extent you may be endangering others either directly or by poor example. Yes, this applies to Trump as well.
Herbert, Exactly, I so agree! Theresa
Sorry Herb, but if you have breathing problems or you have a single lung, then your opinion matters about as much as a bucket of warm spit as people like this are protected by the federal ADA law and you CANT force them to wear a mask as long as they have a doctors excuse. And if you try then you will be the one going to jail. So like it or not there are some people who cant wear the mask and under federal law they cant be made to wear the mask. Sorry but you have to deal with it as its fact and reality
I would question the qualification of any doctor who would give an excuse at this point.
So you would question a doctor who gives an excuse for a person with one lung to not wear a mask? Or a person with COPD? Or a person who has PTSD and cant? Or a person that has to wear an oxygen tank and cant? Thank God you are not in the medical profession as you would be drummed out so fast you would see yourself entering medical school
And your ignorance is why people are still dying. You own that one Dan.
No, its your stupid demands that people do what you want and wneh. Or are you IGNORING the little sisters of the poor decision from SCOTUS that clearly said that you cant force a person to violate their religion.
That stupidity of try to demand what the SCOTUS said cant be done is all on you
I would question your psychiatrist about what kind of medication he prescribed to treat your schizophrenia, Danielle, because it obviously isn't working.
Stop talking about yourself Carl, way TMI
Daniel, you are still ignorant. And guess what? If such a person as you describe enters a hospital they are given 2 choices, wear a surgical mask or be taken thru the ER dept and placed in an oxygen tent. They will be ISOLATED from everyone else. That is reality and before you puke out more ignorance, that is not guess work but first hand knowledge. You see Dan, I have the dubious privilege of seeing the results of ignorance such as yours EVERY SINGLE DAY.
no Brian the ignorance is clearly all yours. Or are you still trying to claim you can ignore a US Supreme Court decision that says you cant violate a persons religion?
Spin it any way that allows you to sleep at night but you are wrong and will continue to be so as long as you keep tilting at windmills
The Darwin effect. It is where the weak die off and the strong live on. Everyone will get the virus. Everyone. If we are healthy will we get a mild sickness if on the other hand if like I who have underlining problems with my health. The virus will mutate into the disease and work its magic on my body. Unless there is a vaccine given to me far ahead of time I shall die from this disease. Period. On the other hand I might live from it without the wear and tear that happens to mortals I shall live another couple of years. Just to cause others headaches.