Several women have been arrested in Egypt recently after being accused promoting “debauchery” and “undermining family values" with their social media presence.
Egyptian authorities reportedly made the arrests based on social media posts that they view as inappropriate.
However, critics note that none of the posts in question include nudity. It would seem authorities are objecting to the women wearing tight-fitting clothing that reveals the shapes of their bodies.
Now human rights groups are calling for the arrests to stop and for charges to be dropped, arguing that these so-called “morality” arrests are blatant violations of the civil rights of these women.
Dressed to Incarcerate
In the United States, you might not even think twice about seeing a woman dressed in the types of clothing these women are being arrested for wearing. Knee-length dresses, swimwear, leggings; there’s little here that could be deemed outrageous by western standards.
But since 2020, Egyptian women famous on platforms like Instagram and TikTok have been facing pressure from authorities – and even arrests – on charges of moral violations due to their fashion choices.
A frequent target is model and influencer Salma Elshimy, who first made headlines for a photoshoot at the pyramids that Egyptian authorities called “too revealing.”
She was arrested earlier this month at Cairo International Airport and was detained for four days on the charges of “spreading immorality” and posting images that “contradict social morals and values.”
The photos in question were apparently taken in Dubai, where Elshimy was returning from. If convicted, she faces up to five years in prison.

Elshimy isn’t the only influencer being targeted, either.
Several years ago, Egyptian social media personalities Haneen Hossam and Mawada al-Adham were reportedly sentenced to jail for their posts “attacking family values” and for alleged "human trafficking" by encouraging other girls to express themselves online.
An Egyptian appeals court recently acquitted the two, however, after widespread public outcry.
The Right to Bare Arms
Human rights advocates call these reprisals outrageous. “These serial arrests of women send a chilling signal about the state of women’s rights in Egypt,” explains Rothna Begum of Human Rights Watch.
“Instead of tackling pervasive domestic violence, sexual harassment, and violence, Egyptian authorities appear intent on reinforcing societal discrimination by persecuting women and girls for how they appear online or what they say.”
“Policing women’s peaceful conduct online smacks of a new effort to control women’s use of public spaces,” Human Rights Watch wrote in 2020. They say the arrests, based on dubious “morality” grounds, are outrageous, and simply a means to scare women into submission.
While the arrests have sparked widespread condemnation in the majority-Muslim nation, there are still those who agree with the authorities that women, whether on moral or religious grounds, should be compelled to dress modestly – and face consequences for failing to do so.
It's worth noting that such attitudes are not extinct in the United States, either.
A couple years ago, a video went viral showing a man chastising young women over their swimwear – which he described as “pornographic.” Emboldened by his faith, he scolded the women over their bikinis, arguing that "if men of God don't stand up then our society's going to go down the drain because there's no morality."
What is your reaction? Women around the world are increasingly feeling empowered to dress however they want, but what happens when these expressions clash with religious or cultural values?
To those with the most intelligence; the more that they know, the more that they know that they don’t know,
To the stupid, the less they know — the more that they know that they’re right.
Ignorance is bliss.
Changing a cultural norm is a process. It took decades for women in the US to even get the right to vote. We are still fighting against racism and discrimination of people who are different in this country. If we are to promote acceptance of all and tolerance then it must be cross cultural promotion. When laws are wrong they need to be challenged. Civil disobedience is a tool used to change not only laws but ideology. I applaud these women for their courage. Superiority is a state of mind. It's a shame that abusing others is how some get their feelings of being superior. These people should look deep into their own beliefs and examine how they came to them before deciding theirs are better than others.
I’ll bet a lot of people thinking thongs & barely there bikinis are respectable beach/poolwear (not saying I do or don’t) will criticize a breastfeeding mother for not covering up at the same location.
One thing I can say is that I don't consider neither male bare chests nor female bare chests as nudity. If a male's chest isn't nudity, then neither is a female's. I'm an intersex with both male and female bodily anatomy, so it makes no sense to me to discriminate against someone based on their biological sex.
Leave these poor Egyptian women alone and restore their rights!
It's amazing that in countries that have citizens being shot in the streets, in school, at temple and in their homes; are more concerned with women having control over their bodies, including how they clothe their bodies than they are about stopping violence.
Changing a cultural norm is a process. It took decades for women in the US to even get the right to vote. We are still fighting against racism and discrimination of people who are different in this country. If we are to promote acceptance of all and tolerance then it must be cross cultural promotion. When laws are wrong they need to be challenged. Civil disobedience is a tool used to change not only laws but ideology. I applaud these women for their courage. Superiority is a state of mind. It's a shame that abusing others is how some get their feelings of being superior. These people should look deep into their own beliefs and examine how they came to them before deciding theirs are better than others.
Let's have more scantily clad women and less children being shot.
Sigh....she KNEW what the law in Egypt was and she flaunted it and now is complaining because she was arrested for doing it? If she wanted to do this then move to a different country. Egypt is Islamic and she knew that as she was born and grew up there so she knew what the laws were. The ONLY way to change this is to get the Islamic religion out of Egypt and that is never going to happen to benefit a few. And I DARE anyone reading this thread to disrespect Islam if you want to maybe you should remember these names
Nahed Hattar Devon Arthurs, Brandon Russell Mohammed Qataa Samuel Paty Charlie Hebdo The community center in Garland, Texas
or what will happen to you if you disparage Mohammad. https://islamqa.info/en/answers/103739/regarding-the-hadeeth-about-the-blind-man-who-killed-his-slave-woman-who-had-borne-him-a-child-umm-walad-because-she-reviled-the-prophet-peace-and-blessings-of-allaah-be-upon-him
The whole point is that if you know what the law is in your country and you decide to violate it, then you have nobody to blame but yourself.
So I assume from your comment, O Wise One, that you personally have NEVER broken a law in your country. Never rolled through a stop sign. Never drove over the speed limit. You are the one who will cast the first stone, O Pure One!
You have obviously never been to Egypt, or even watched a documentary about it. Egypt is a multiethnic country of many diverse and ancient religions which is currently ruled by a military dictator. The law is whatever General Al-Sisi says it is. This is a very bad law that is enforced arbitrarily by a very bad and violent regime.
Your post is extremely Islamophobic as well as misogynistic. You should do some reading to open your mind.
Already did admit that I have broken a few traffic laws in my country and when I was punished for it I accepted the fact that I did it. You cant break the law and then when you get punished for it you start whining. Man up and accept the responsibility of your actions.
Oh and name calling like this because I wont accept your flavor of the month shows a very small intelligence if this is all you have to come back with
@ Daniel Gray Wow people sure up voted the answer to you. I have to agree with David in your replies to me. In your posts you like to be controlling telling others what to do, and how to act especially when it comes to women. You also seem to not know much about the wold we live in. Appears you missed all of the news headlines about the Arab Spring? The Arab Spring protests were all about bringing change to Arab countries such as Egypt. I suspect you have never traveled to the Egypt and have no idea what you are talking about. In the Middle East you can find some of the largest Victoria Secrets stores in the world. And there’s no just one but many. Who do you think goes shopping in Victoria Secrets? It’s NOT Muslim men, it’s the women. And don’t you think they wear what they buy?
Not in the open they know the laws obviously you don't
@Edward P. Mazura YES EVEN IN THE OPEN.
Not in a nation where Islam is the state religion. The arms and knees must be covered , and no cleavage. Even the magazines and TV shows are censored with black marks on the pages and TV screens to mark off short dresses and cleavage. Have you lived in any Middle East nation? I have.
@ Susan Christine Giganti. Yes I have lived in the Middle East where I have seen women dressed head to toe in black burqas swimming next to women wearing skimpy string bikinis. I have also seen Muslim men so drunk their Muslim friends had to carry them away. And I was told Muslim women who become pregnant out of wedlock vacation in Iran to make the problem disappear. And that Muslim women travel to Iran for cosmetic surgeries.
He's getting ratio'd hard here.
wow Douglas, I seemingly unlike you, dont care if people upvote me or not. I stated the truth and fact and if it does not fit your flavor of the month or the latest hair brained claim then thats no skin off my nose. The Truth is not a popularity contest as you seem to think
Shut up, Grey. We get it, you would have sided with the British and their BS laws during the Revolution. Fake patriots like you who mash their religion with their politics always love crowing about how their country’s revolution was the greatest, and how their rebellion was the only acceptable one. What’s going on in the Middle East is a female rebellion against their theocratic fascist values. Muslims don’t all have the rigid same values, and not everyone in that area is Muslim. It’s the same here in the states. Theocratic Christian fascists want to control how everyone dresses, acts, what they can and can’t do in their own privacy, how one should behave in public. The lost goes on an on. It’s religious fools like you who reduce men to simple beasts who shouldn’t be held accountable for it.
Nope sorry. My family has been in every conflict of the US fighting on the side of the US since 1776. And I guess this little tidbit seems to have passed your limited intelligence by, The US and England are not and never were the same country. The US started out as a COLONY. So your post makes no sense historically or legally, except to the people of limited intelligence. So where exactly does that leave you?
@ Daniel Gray You are sure getting beat up over your comments. And why as a Christian don’t you follow the teachings of Jesus and the Bible? Where in the Bible does it say insult your fellow posters and spread hate and false information. (Something you always seem to do.) And when did Jesus teach bragging? Something you always seem to do.
My friend, you are the one of limited intelligence and filled with hate and ignorance. Before there were colonies there were the illegal emigrants who invaded North America. These were your relatives right? The ones who killed the Native Americans, stole their land and food. Your relatives then enslaved the Native people and bought and sold slaves brought here from Africa. And your relatives did it all in the name of God and Manifest Destiny. Pretty arrogant of you and your family’s history to brag about it.
Careful there Douglas. Next Daniel is gonna tell you that he's some percent Cherokee and therefore you don't know what you're talking about blah, blah, blah and you'll have been completely destroyed by his impeccable logic.
Dont need to child, I am listed at the BIA and I can even trace my family clear back to the Dawes roll. Can you do the same? I highly doubt it
Nope not getting beat up by anything. Seems you think posting what people want to hear is a popularity contest. Where I post facts that can be validated. So save your pity party for yourself
@Daniel Gray These are not my words, but word of your fans.
You make baseless claims all the time without backing them up with any citation or true facts. We had unjust laws then, we have unjust laws now. I’m not they’re not targeting white right wing Christian. Just the opposite. But I’m sure you’ll claim fake patriot victim status to back your bogus arguments, Gray. It’s all you ever do.
Like the scammers you claim to be telling the truth in the name of the Lord God. No one is listening.
awww, whats wrong Dougie? mad because you cant, no matter how hard you try; disprove what I said? Stomping your foot and throwing a tantrum isnt going to help you any
@Daniel Gray You certainly have a lot of hostility and are un-Christian. Is what you are doing what Jesus would do? Or the devil?
No it would seem that you are talking about yourself as you are the one who is fussing about this and getting mad because you cant refute me.
@Daniel Gray It's easy to refute what you have to say. Out of all of the things you have said that have been exposed as false statements which one of your statements would you like us to disprove next? It's not difficult at all.
And yet so far you have repeatedly failed to do so. So if its as easy as you say then what does it say about you when you cant do it?
@Daniel Gray That's because you keep demonstrating your inability to read and comprehend what you have read. There are programs and people other there who are willing to help you.
Why are you trying to post or place your own problems on everyone else because they dont fit your world view. facts are facts and they dont change just to fit you Dougie
@Daniel Gray It's Christians like you who are the problem. You are trying to force YOUR God and YOUR religion on everyone and society by spreading lies? Is that what God, Jesus and the Bible tells you to do? Why is it you don't practice what your preach to others? A liar calling a liar a liar makes you the liar.
Nobodys trying to force anything on anyone. And for you to complain like this clearly shows who the liar actually is. You live in a country, you abide by their laws or you leave. Its simple. If you cant accept that fact then there is no hope for you. Tell you what, How about you go to Singapore and walk down the street and toss something on the ground and let their police officers see you do it, or forget to flush the public crapper. You will be cuffed and stuffed faster then you can say spit. Why? because that is their law and you will obey it as long as you are in their country. Its absolutely unimaginable for anyone to take you seriously when you think you can go to any country and just do whatever you want and expect to get away with it. A specific basketball player found this out the hard way on how wrong she was. So if you think you can do it, then please go ahead and take pictures so we have some proof as your word is not that much acceptable as proof of anything
@robert In order for illegal immigrants to exist there has to be a law dictating as much. The humans that migrated to the Americas did so legally as there we no prohibitive laws. That goes for all waves of humans that migrated to the americas prior any prohibitive laws. I've read somewhere migration started 20k years ago. Now that governments have formed in the americas, all nations prohibit illegal entry.
@ ServantOfJudgement You are correct AND making the ASSumption the Native American did not have any tribal “laws” at the time for first Europeans arrived. If you know your American history, you would know the Europeans had to build forts to protect themselves from the Native Americans. Why were forts needed if these immigrants were welcome?
Try talking to a Native Americans about all of this. If the Europeans were not illegal by Native American “laws” why did the Native Americans kill them.
Once the Europeans exterminated the Native Americans, they also exterminated their laws.
You make baseless claims all the time without backing them up with any citation or true facts. We had unjust laws then, we have unjust laws now. I’m not they’re not targeting white right wing Christian. Just the opposite. But I’m sure you’ll claim fake patriot victim status to back your bogus arguments, Gray. It’s all you ever do.
Really, just like you made a baseless claim? Where is your proof? Oh wait you dont have any and this is all you have? nice croc tears rant
Headlines from 1960s…. Black woman arrested after failing to give up her seat to white passenger.
Baby Gray: Daddy, why did that woman get arrested.
Daddy Gray: Dat der’ black woman knew da law and broke it anyhows. Blacks gotta’ know der’ place. Says in the bible some races are inferior ta udders and you can make ‘em inta slaves.
Baby Gray. Praise Jesus!
Why is it okay for men to be topless or to wear speedos? I personally wish everyone would wear their clothes but women should not be singled out. If the law applies to one gender it should apply to the other as well. As to your comment about disparaging Islam, was that a threat???
Do you agree that certain areas of the body are more "sexualized" than other areas? Women's breasts, for instance. Look at swimwear now - as little as a string thong. Do you assume that all men must think the same way about a woman flaunting her sex? And she will flaunt as much as the law allows; it is her nature. It wouldn't work out too well in modern society if there were no limits. But the envelope gets pushed and pushed.
The purpose of the female breast is to feed babies. Is it the fault of females that men have specialized them? I think thongs look ridiculous but that is MY opinion. If I do not wish to see body parts, I don’t look. Simple solution!
Oh noooo! 😱 Is that truly what they are for?
Why do females fill them with silicone then? Isn’t that harmful to babies?🤭
Yes! That’s what they are for! You’re welcome for this important contribution to your education. Those women who choose implants do so for a variety of reason that are neither my business nor yours.
Thank you, Susan, for your contribution. I would never have known. 🤗
@Susan Colmenares It's not only breast implants women get. Facelifts, liposuction, botox injections, nose jobs, butt enlargement/reductions and the one I hope you can explain is labiaplasty.
And yes it is our business because we have to look at these women and how they have mutilated their bodies. Try talking to a women who has has a has a distorted face or breasts that are unhumanly large.
Men don't "have to" look; you are more than welcome to gouge out your eyes, mix chemicals in your bathroom sink, blow your brains out the back of your skull, or simply turn your attention elsewhere.
Unless you're truly so weak of constitution that you can't resist. But if that's the case, then don't make the mistake of assuming all men are as weak as you are.
@Marion Wolfe What do you mean men don't have to look? If we are driving a car don't you want us to be looking so we don't run over the women you don't think we should be looking at?
Tell me this, why do so many women were tight and revealing clothing, makeup and high heel shoes all which are uncomfortable or can result in embarrassing moments for women? And why do so many women get breast enlargements, botox, facelifts and liposuction when the only time they can see themselves is in the mirror?
Don't blame this on men, when women are the ones putting on themselves on display for all to see.
Turn your head if they bother you. I personally don’t like the surgeries but what other people do is not my business—nor is it yours.
@Susan Colmenares If the surgeries bother you, then why are you looking? Personally I liked people watching like so many other people. There's nothing nasty, sinister or evil about looking at others. If you have ever been to Europe you know this is something that happens everyday.
Not my business either if women get surgery's, but if they do and look unnatural they draw attention to themselves.
But since your looking, I'm going to keep looking too.
Im not the looker. You are. I don’t like surgeries that are unnecessary because they hurt! I really don’t care how other people look or what they wear. Unlike you I mind my own business.
@ Susan Colmenares I said I am a looker. Sad you mind your own business, is that your Christian upbringing? Does this mean if someone is sick, injured or you witness a crime you just mind your own business? How very sad.
Who said I am a Christian? This is not a Christian group. We are not ordained as Christian ministers so please stop making assumptions. I would help anyone who needed help. However, it is NOT my business to judge other people.
Looking is one thing, judging is another. You can observe something and it's even okay to have your own opinion of it but it's not okay to push your opinions on other people. If you have a problem with how someone else dresses, stop the sentence a little sooner and put the period at the end of, you have a problem. It is your problem and it was there long before any woman came around scantily clad. She did not create the problem she just made you aware of it so please go deal with your problem yourself and leave us out of it! If thine I offends thee... It is thine eye so deal with it yourself please.
Turn your head if they bother you. I personally don’t like the surgeries but what other people do is not my business—nor is it yours.
Yes! That’s what they are for! You’re welcome for this important contribution to your education. Those women who choose implants do so for a variety of reason that are neither my business nor yours.
Yes! That’s what they are for! You’re welcome for this important contribution to your education. Those women who choose implants do so for a variety of reason that are neither my business nor yours.
Yes! That’s what they are for! You’re welcome for this important contribution to your education. Those women who choose implants do so for a variety of reason that are neither my business nor yours.
Yes! That’s what they are for! You’re welcome for this important contribution to your education. Those women who choose implants do so for a variety of reason that are neither my business nor yours.
Comment removed by user.
You cant say that. What about the women who cant have children? Their breasts are not there to feed babies.
And I have the same reply, if you dont want people to look then dont wear less cloth then it takes to make a hanky. Same for guys. While you may be proud of your body, nobody needs to know your religion or what brand of underwear you are wearing.
Both sexes need to have some decency for crying out loud.
Let me guess, you blame the rape victim...
Totally agree she knew what the country's laws are if you break them pay the consequences.I have always behaved my self in another country and followed advice given.
Then maybe the US shouldn’t be a sovereign nation anymore and we should give control back to British. We knew their laws and we broke away and changed ours. People have the right to change their nation’s unjust and idiotic outdated laws. Muslims have zero right to push their foolish religious laws on their citizens. Maybe if western powers hadn’t destabilized the region, allowing the religious extremists the chance to gain power, those ladies wouldn’t be in that mess.
I am not Egyptian nor Muslim. I have no idea what the laws are there. Those women do. They knew exactly what they were doing. It was foolish to post those images knowing what the consequences would be. I may not agree but one has to follow the rules and laws where you live. It may be wrong but it is their law.
colleen, so then you do not support those that strike out against discrimination or sexism because it is not your problem? how are laws and customs to change if people don't fight against the unfairness? so long as you have your freedoms you don't have any concern about those that don't? do you feel the same way about money, employment, food, water, shelter, clothing: not your problem not your concern? would your jesus feel that same way?
@ Colleen McAllister. I will take it you are a women. And following your train of though I take it you are NOT a Christian minister or pastor as God doesn’t allow it. And as the God and the Bible says you are to be subservient your husband and other men. But if you are a Christian minister of pastor you have women protesters to thank. If it had not been for women protesting for equality you would still be in the kitchen. You have women to thank for changing God’s laws.
If you know anything about the US history you know laws change as the times change. Think of all of the laws in US women have changes as the result of protesting. This is just a short list…. Go to school, get an education, being able to vote, drive a car, go shopping on Sundays, open a checking account, have a credit card, wear clothing that showed a women’s ankles, personal freedom to have an abortion, serve in the military, become an elected official.
You have women protesters who broke Gods and mans laws for the rights you have today. These women are just trying to do the same. You should be supporting them.
In our western world none of these women would even be given a second glance. However it is a cultural thing in Egypt. I have been to Egypt and while there, especially in public spaces kept myself covered up, long sleeves, long pants or skirts and at times even a scarf over my hair simply as a sign of respect for the culture. I made friends with several Egyptians both Christian and Moslem and learned their feelings and thoughts on subjects such as these. We do not need to agree with someone's point of view but I find it sad we put our selfish views above respecting others.
"In our western world none of these women would even be given a second glance."
You sure about that?.
Apparently all religions and countries have a “Taliban” faction.
Because the men are unable to control their own desires or thoughts, it is the women who are supposed to suffer and cover everything.
Sadly in that part of the world many women also suffer from genitals being cut so that women are unable to enjoy sex.
Reading through the comments and very amused at some of them considering.
Seems the Conservative Evangelicals are also not fans of scantly clad women.
I believe the Egyptian woman that was arrested is beautiful the way she is God made her I think the world needs God and God's love and peace and harmony God bless everyone
Clothing and style is up to each person. Though it does comes down to respect of ones self and other's around them. Many styles I never would wear but other's loves. The world is lacking in self respect and respect of other's. I'm not going to judge.
Have you ever been to those regions where these laws exist? These laws are there to protect the women from the men who are tempted by the female body. Most people don't understand the laws are there to control the men, not the women. Modesty keeps a man chaste, not the woman. This is the reason for these laws in many nations, right or wrong. It's not just about the women's rights. It's about societal control so that there is much less sexual assault and much more keeping men's minds on God, not on his own pleasures.
If they would have just covered their face with burka AKA "a COVID mask", and went completely nude, They would have been fine. LOL
They do, under their burka.
Egypt and Egyptian traditional as well as Islam morals aside the bark stops with Elshimy herself, if she feels it is right let her conscience redeem her and not the sheer unwarranted attack on a personal integrity of a human being representing a woman which is only self vindicated in a civilized world and society. Egypt we have developed actually we are in the same category as the world over therefore let us not let cheaper trivialism and prejudiced branding against women continue to bar us from the victory and earned and freedom that continue to be endowed subduing the flimsy baisness that has demonised our grandmothers, mothers, sisters and now our daughters for long.... For that I salute Elshimy.
Due to the "great influence"(sarcasm) and always pushing the nudity limits in it's movies, we have nobody to blame but ourselves for all the skin and violence that continues to permeate the big screen and society. We continue to support Hollywood in the big screen and the "small screen" (television) violence and nudity. When is(was) the last time you saw or heard anyone object to skin exposure in a movie or on television? Just look at all the raunch on MTV...This is just one of the many reasons the "Arab world" cites as a reason they dislike the "Western world". This is one of the very first reasons cited by the Mullahs and Imams. Who are we to tell other countries their religious beliefs and teachings, (which just happens to be centuries older than the western world, survived and thrived better without the western worlds "influence" and interference) they are wrong for holding onto their teachings and beliefs?
We frown upon the many religious beliefs in the U.S. that do not condone or worship the showing of skin, even go as far as mocking them and their beliefs...respect the other teachings and beliefs...do you know for sure your belief is the "right" belief? Do you know for sure your "teachings" is the only or correct teachings? Unfortunately, we are a Godless nation and society...If these women want to change the laws in their nation, there are ways to do so. We can continue to cite our views and opinions, but the only way for this to change in the Arab world is for the Arab nation to rise up and make the change.
God has a lesson to teach the world. There are many who see this and recognize this as wrong; It is a need to control another person, a demand to obey and to conform. Can you recognize the same concept when it is dressed in American clothes, dressed for business, or in any other context? It is the same wolf. It just changes clothing,..and is an international traveler.
No matter how you slice it, this influencer has gotten the attention she wants.
Well, she’s gotten SOME attention. I don’t that this portion isn’t the sort she wants.
Once again this is an example of why I am a militant atheist rather than simply an atheist. Religious people have this insatiable urge to impose their beliefs onto others.if they would just stop attempting to force/legislate their weird predilections onto others, and try to limit their to urges to talk about their beliefs then I would be completely willing to downgrade them to Eye-Roll status when they occasionally let slip that they ‘believe’.
As clergy we should be familiar with Christ's admonition of causing another to sin. If a person sins, it is one thing that can be corrected through loving guidance. However, these influencers are deliberately pushing the envelope by being "provocative." When the body is hidden it is more desired. Even the glimpse of a well-turned ankle was considered racy 100 years ago. In the Arab culture modesty is the goal of the major religion of the area for both men and women. Even Christ said who has the greater sin, the sinner himself, or the one who causes him to sin? Modesty laws exist even in the US, where a person can be charged as a sex offender for exposing his or her genitals in public, despite the Supreme Court rulings allowing nudity both as a protest and in life in general, as long as it doesn't become a prurient interest-inducing act. If we're going to be clergy then we need to recognize the customs of the regions where we work. Our goal is not to alienate the religious leaders, but rather to bring them closer to God the Creator through love and understanding. In the Arab world there is no accusation of rape or sexual assault because such an accusation is an automatic death sentence by public execution without trial. And the accuser stands to receive the same if his or her accusation proves to be false. The reason for the automatic execution without trial is because there will always be a shadow of doubt or assumed guilt over the accused, even if acquitted. It's out of supposed mercy for the accused. Better one death than a lifetime of shame, according to the Arabs. One of the greatest Apostles, Paul, was a zealot for Judaism before he was blinded on the road to Damascus. After two years of blindness he was sought out to bring the Gospels to the Gentiles. There is reconciliation when we use love to unite the faithful.
Just because men can't control themselves, women shouldn't be punished.
Dictator country, dictator rules. No need to apply Western morals...
There is no such thing as a "moral" or an "immoral" dress. It's in the eyes of the beholder. If they find a sexy woman too titillating for them to handle (clearly a personal issue point to lack of self-control in regards to lecherous thoughts), maybe they shouldn't be looking.
This is cultural (and no, not all cultures are all of equal respect, as this one is clearly anachronistic), puritanical, dogmatic, sexist, and stupid. Would an Egyptian man be arrested for wearing a skin-tight muscle shirt and Speedos? I suspect not. (Unless of course it was a closeted gay cleric making the call!) :)
And I can say the same thing, if you dont want people looking then wear more then a kleenex.
And just because you’re a pervert who sees sex everywhere and apparently has no control of their eyeballs or thoughts, don’t blame women and how they dress for your grotty mind and lack of self control.
No stating fact. And if you dont like it then I dont care. If you dot want people to look then dress accordingly. So it would seem that the only "pervert" Your words not mine, here would be you as it seems you want people to dress three quarters naked and then get upset when other people look and comment on how stupid it is.
But then what else can one expect from such as you
Imagine thinking a naked or semi naked body is dirty and wrong.
Like I said if you can’t look at a body without thinking about sex there’s something wrong with you.
You’re the sort of person who blames a woman when they’re raped. How very dare you have a vagina don’t you know how temping that is for us men with absolutely no self control.
All you’re admitting to is that you have no control over yourself. It’s not a good look on you maybe try a bikini instead.
Then why are you so upset? YOU are the one who seemingly thinks that its not correct as you are huffing and puffing yourself into blacking out and raising your blood pressure.
You are either ignorant a crazy person or both and I learnt a long time ago neither are worth engaging with.
And yet here you are arguing with yourself.