An evangelical group says that it’s now easier to come out as gay than as Christian, pointing to reports of higher-than-ever LGBTQ+ acceptance and a trending decline in Christianity, especially amongst Generation Z.
Is it seriously harder to come out as Christian than gay?
Tables Have Turned?
The comments came from David Smyth from the Evangelical Alliance Northern Ireland (EANI) in an address to an education committee at Stormont, one of Ireland’s main parliamentary buildings, over how relationship and sexual education (RSE) is taught in schools.
Young people now feel "it is much more difficult now to come out as an evangelical Christian in school than it is to come out as LGBT," Smyth said during the address. He argues that the tables have turned against Christians, and now they are the ones facing prejudice at home and in the classroom.
Smyth was there to fight against what he views as "scientifically inaccurate content" in sex education, including "material which confuses and conflates biological sex with gender identity, and teaches that children can choose to become a man or a woman, or both or neither."
"There's so much common ground between Christians and non-Christians when it comes to the teaching of healthy relationships, consent, preventing violence against women and girls, sexualisation," Smyth argued. "I do sense some suspicion in some quarters that Christian ethos equates to indoctrination or brain-washing."
LGBTQ+ Stats
While it’s true that LGBTQ+ youth report being more comfortable coming out now than in years past, many still face prejudice - including from their own families.
According to The Trevor Project, the LGBTQ+ community is vastly overrepresented in homelessness statistics. 28% of LGBTQ+ youth experience homelessness or housing insecurity, often due to religious parents kicking them out of the home.
In fact, their '2021 National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health' found the following:
- 42% of LGBTQ youth seriously considered attempting suicide in the past year
- 75% of LGBTQ youth reported that they had experienced discrimination based on their sexual orientation or gender identity at least once in their lifetime
- Only 1 in 3 LGBTQ youth found their home to be LGBTQ-affirming
Which Coming Out is Harder?
There are few statistics showing possible prejudices young Christians face at home and at school. But it's tough to imagine that only 1 in 3 Christian youth have a home that affirms their faith, for example, or that nearly half of all young Christians seriously considered ending their life.
But is there still something to Smyth's comments?
Generation Z is the most LGBTQ+-friendly and least Christian generation in American history. And statistics show that Christianity is on a widespread decline all across the western world. Recent reports show that Christians make up just 64% of the religious makeup of the United States, for example, when as recently as the 1990s that number comfortably sat at about 90%. Statistics show that Christianity is on its way to being a religious minority by plurality within the next 50 years.
On the other hand, LGBTQ+ youth say they feel more comfortable now more than ever coming out… but does that mean they truly feel safe? According to The Trevor Project, 46% of LGBTQ youth who came out before age 13 reported they were physically threatened or harmed due to their sexual orientation or gender identity, and 34% of LGBTQ youth who came out after age 13 report the same.
What do you think? LGBTQ+ acceptance is on the rise, and rates of Christianity are on the decline - but does that actually make it easier to come out as gay than Christian?
It would be so much easier fif straight people stopped having gay children! (Humor)
I'm both gay AND Christian. I was deeply evangelical WHEN I came out. The Evangelicals strongly encouraged me (on the pain of hellfire and ostracism) to go into conversion therapy where I became suicidal. The irony is that Evangelicals are still driving young queer folk to suicide while claiming persecution themselves. Evangelicals are driving their own children to despair. Stopping y them is harm reduction, not persecution. We who remain Christian and queer would like to be consulted if you’re going to talk about both aspects of our lives. Journalists who forget to mention we exist have chosen to promote the Evangelical agenda.
There's a big difference between coming out as gay, something that a person cannot change, and admitting you're a Christian, something a person chooses to believe based on blind faith. No one chooses to be queer, every Christian chose to be a Christian whether by familial indoctrination or by conversion.
I respectfully disagree but am not sure it's a significant point. I do believe that no one chooses to be LGBQT+ just as I never made a choice to not be that. I just am not and they just are. That's cool. Born that way applies to all. Being born into a religion is not a choice of the child.. and as the child grows they would most likely find it hard to consider it as a choice. They were trained to be it and no choice was ever offered. It's like racism or bigotry.. born to be made that way.. but was not born that way. I cannot blame them.. I even struggle to blame the parents. They were born to be trained that way. The ability to choose your way out of it must be hard for many.. and not likely to actually happen. I suspect religions as we know them will someday go away. But, it will take a long time and it will evolve into other "learned" behaviors that could be just as bad, good, or worse than what we have now.
Brian Scott Hoff
Jude-Christianity not religion in the traditional sense, as it is based on revelation. It will never disappear. The Church can evolve its stance on LGBT issues. This change is already occurring, albeit slowly but surely.
Oh boo hoo. Please. In general Christians have been anti-gay. If you are tasting the fruit, don't plant the tree!
As Christians we are supposed to be following the gospel of Jesus Christ. Doing what he said do in how we live our lives and how we represent Christianity.However we are fighting Chritsian Nationlism in this country The difference between Jesus teachings and Chritian Nationalism is like day and night. there is a huge backlash against Christian Nationlism ideology and its history in America is full of people using Jesus name for atrocities and therefore a large decline in people interested in being Christian has come.We have to correct the course in this country regarding the huge difference in following Jesus verses Christian Nationlism. just my view
Yep, there’s a difference. But if both camps would just keep your beliefs to yourselves the world would be a better place for it.
Hmmm.. you claim there's a huge backlash against Christian Nationalism. I'll just say I see no evidence of that in West Michigan. Catholics & Protestants seem pretty unaware that they sometimes behave like Christian Nationalists. Feel free to let them know. I'm without theism. They can't hear me at all. They think I'm related to Satan.
Christians have been told for the last decade that they are "victims" and now they believe that they are. Nobody is saying that a person can't be a Christian. Christians are most likely to be discriminated against by other Christians based on denomination. I find it amusing when I hear radio commercials for companies that say they are based in "Christian values." That's just marketing for a certain slice of society. I had no idea that "Christians" had to "come out."
Me either. I never had a problem with Christians in general. I've had trouble with people who are Christian and shame others for anything from orientation to religion outside of their own. Be what you are leave others to be as well. Why is that so hard for people? As long as you are not pushing or forcing others to do anything or hurting others for not being what you want them to be, it's all good.
Good grief I would ask why is it so hard to come out as Christian as opposed to being gay?
Being gay is now acceptable. Being stupid and hateful isn’t.
Nicholas, because that brands us as racist, sexist homophobic, and transphobic, and there are a lot of us who refuse to adopt that as part of who we are.
I do not like painting individuals with a broad brush. Yet.. it remains true that if you wish to find a religion in the US that seems to have problems with LGBT+ topics.. it is often religious people. So.. if you are religious AND you can deal with LGBT+ people, that's great but it's not enough. You have to call out the bad nuts within your religion. Otherwise your silence is basically saying you accept bad apples. LGBT+ groups have a similar, though smaller, problem. There are some outliers in those groups that go too far with their "demands" that people use their words correctly or they will be labeled as "haters". I hate no one.. ever. Yet I cannot stand to be told that words I was taught (science words) are no longer acceptable for reasons that make no logical sense. But, as I said, that's actually a very small number of people who get AMPLIFIED by the intolerant people who also might be religious. They truly are more common that what the media would portray.
Brian, Point taken. I tend to stay with Christian groups of like mind. I also have a business that reaches out to the LGBTQIA+ community, so I have to be careful about branding myself as Christian, as this will turn away a lot of people who could be potential clients. I make it a point to call out those who insist that I cannot be Christian and support any cause that is not sexuality or gender normative (whatever that means and their words not mine.).
Good. They can keep that sort of thing to themselves. It doesn't bother me if they want to do that sort of thing in the privacy of their own homes, but I don't need to know what religion they are.
My sentiments exactly. Religion should be treated like some kind of weird sexual fetish involving baby diapers, beach san, peanut butter, wooden spoon, baby urine, and duct tape. As long as they take a shower and brush their teeth before they come back out into society and keep their mouth shut about what they did in the privacy of their own home, I don’t care.
That’s your opinion, Chris. Personally, I find that having so many people be so unhappy with their bodies and lives that they want to kill themselves abhorrent. It’s much harder to be gay in our society than it is to be christian in this country, and if it’s nothing that concerns you, then I’m very happy for you. However, please remember how many people this does affect and try not to downplay the issue.
My take was that Chris was talking about religious people, not gays.
Christo-Fascists probably think this.
Get a group of 20 Christians and a group of 20 gays, lesbians and transgender people together, and let's hear all their coming out stories and see who has it harder. Let's do this quickly, though, while Christians still have the right to marry someone of the opposite sex and are still protected from job discrimination, though, because soon they'll--OH WAIT, nothing is happening to those rights like it will be for LGBTQ+ people when the administration changes.
Imagine someone crying that you're drowning in a foot of water, while you're actively standing on someone else's neck to hold them under. Sickos.
So called "Christians" have brought this upon themselves. I wonder if they like it. They seem to lean in pretty hard on the "less accurate than pervious thought" persecuted Christian identity.
Remove the trans from these equations and the numbers are drastically different. Letting everyone know your personal business invites negativity whether its LGB or being a straight chubby chaser. Being a straight person does not require a belief in Jesus or God. The natural order of reproduction designates a male and female to create offspring. It's pretty obvious why that would be the prevalent ratio of straight to other preferences. If coming out is so great, why does it come with so much grief? Why are trans 50 times more likely to contract aides globally? To commit suicide at 42% How about schools stay off the subject until middle or high school when they are emotionally ready for it. Holding hands and singing Kumbaya ain't gonna happen in this world, and if it did anyone not participating would be hunted down like "Lord of the Flies", because that is human nature. You want to brag about your personal business, you accept the consequences. In my 20's I chased and dated older women (35+), I was called the Granny Slayer, I wasn't ashamed because I never do anything I'm ashamed of.
Coming out causes grief because there are some people in this world who will not accept someone for being queer, despite the person being born that way. Trans persons are more likely to commit suicide because of society's lack of acceptance of trans persons and the persecution they face. Suicide rates increase in groups targeted by hate.
Egg before the chicken. More suicidal persons tend to think erratically and are attracted to non conventional behavior to the extent of seeking it out. Thanks to social media the alternative to common social norms are encouraged. Be a brave soldier and tell everyone your business and quirks and the world will change. The trans community is more vicious and judgmental of anyone that doesn't agree 100% with them. It is just another tribe, one not based in physical reality. Human nature will never change, it's us or them. Let me know the day the weak inherit the earth, looking at our elections it will be a while. By the way, born that way is nonsense, everyone born human makes the conscious decision to act on their desires developed in the first 5 years of life.
So tell me then, when did you consciously decide that you were straight? Or did you just have natural attraction to certain types of people without any choice of your own?
There's plenty of scientific evidence to support the idea that sexuality is biologically hardwired but you can also just ask a gay person when they decided to be gay. I bet you all of them would tell you they always felt those attractions to people of their same-sex.
I asked a gay friend when he knew. He said it was hard to say but that he just always felt that way.
When did straight people suddenly decide that they were attracted to the opposite sex? They have to deal with that idea a little bit earlier because of all the television interaction with other humans. Gay people on the other hand start to recognize that they don’t fit the stereotypical mold.
Once again born that way means no free will. Yes certain conditions may push someone that way. Environmental: parents that display and reward atypical behavior, sexual abuse, exposure at school, seeking attention from peers. Genetic: physical makeup and non-typical body chemistry. But every individual develops in their own way with their own attractions. At some point the individual decides to follow the path that suites them. Born that way would also include being physically born male or female, with no value in questioning origin. Can't have it both ways.
Born that way: born blue-eyed, red headed, with or without hereditary problems, born with genes for tallness or shortness, born with extra toes, born with a hair lip, born black - some people areborn that way - without any choice in the matter. Where does the free will come in?
There’s a Harvard professor that says that we make every decision based on information gathered from our past and that free will is a total, complete illusion.
I accept that infinitely more than the Bronze Age deity that a lot of members here believe in.
Free will means how you make decisions by working with what cards you were delt. If you have dwarfism basketball may not be a logical trade choice. Not accepting your limitations does not help you focus on your attributes. You can't compare physical (with limits to what you can change) to decisions which everyone makes moment to moment. These decisions are practicing your free will.
So, RG
My free will tells me I can go gay or trans (etc.) if I suddenly decide too?
Yup, if you feel the urge go for it. Just realize how it may affect the people around you and measure that against satisfying that urge. Go to another city on a trip and see if it suites you, keep it to yourself. You don't have to make a big announcement because you decided to change and go gung ho. Just remember that because you changed doesn't mean the world did.
Irony right over your head, Robert.
I thought it was funny.
Sorry I did not answer your question. I think woman are beautiful and attractive. I do not view men the same way. I remember my childhood and know that kids play around. In the eighties a psychiatrist told me that upwards of 70% of pre and post adolescents have had some gay contact with each other. Yes I was always aware of the options, it just doesn't appeal to me. If it did I would choose to act on it or not (free will) maybe the fantasy would satisfy the thought. Life is all about choices, everyone reaps what they sow.
Yes, constant bullying and fear can do all that to a person.
Robert, Check your research. Suicidal ideation is symptomatic of clinical depression which indicates a chemical imbalance in the brain. Depression is not just feeling sad, but a serious mental condition that can be debilitating. Environmental situations and experience can be contributing factors, but do not tell the full story. Being gay is no longer considered mentally ill, and not all queer people are mentally ill or depressed. The environmental factors within this community (hate, persecution, and homophobila), are likely to contribute to a higer percentage of those with depression, and thus more prone to suicidal ideation. Depression is also rampant in the straight community.
nice set of false claims and ignorance. It's the hate from the ignorant that cause people who are LGBT+ to want to commit suicide. all you have is the typical "sit down and shut up" that bigots always use.
"Remove the trans from these equations and the numbers are drastically different. Letting everyone know your personal business invites negativity whether its LGB or being a straight chubby chaser. Being a straight person does not require a belief in Jesus or God. The natural order of reproduction designates a male and female to create offspring. It's pretty obvious why that would be the prevalent ratio of straight to other preferences. If coming out is so great, why does it come with so much grief? Why are trans 50 times more likely to contract aides globally? To commit suicide at 42% How about schools stay off the subject until middle or high school when they are emotionally ready for it. Holding hands and singing Kumbaya ain't gonna happen in this world, and if it did anyone not participating would be hunted down like "Lord of the Flies", because that is human nature. You want to brag about your personal business, you accept the consequences. In my 20's I chased and dated older women (35+), I was called the Granny Slayer, I wasn't ashamed because I never do anything I'm ashamed of."
What false claims? Everything I said is true, prove different. 80% plus of trans are neurodivergent. They do not process information or logic as most people do. Trans 50 times more likely to contract aids comes from WPATH SOC. Selling suicidal and emotionally ill kids a dream that pretending to be something else will solve all their problems is cruel. That's why so many still kill themselves when they face reality. Blaming the world or human nature is so ridiculous, it's like wishing we could drink air and eat dirt so no one will ever be hungry or thirsty again. I don't hate anyone, I dislike the mean or cruel. Ignorance is ignoring human nature, which you exhibit. Calling me bigot is your hatred on display because I make sense. All which proves humans are tribal. Watch the original Lord of the Flies, maybe you'll understand people better.
Children, especially girls, mature much faster than they did when I was a child. I hit puberty at age 13 and my daughter at 11. There is some research that hormones given to farm animals could be partially responsible as it passes to humans through meat and milk. My daughter, in elementary school, needed to understand the changes that were about to happen to her body or the trauma would have been horrific. When my daughter was born, and my son realized she was "missing something" (he was in kindergarden at the time), was terribly upset and was too afraid to ask me because he thought I would be upset too, so he asked his dad. Gender and sexuality, if not taught early, can create consequesnes that only proliferate the obsession we as a society have with the issues. They are part of the human condition, and need to be taught (age appropriately, of course) early.
You acted as any good parent should. You explained that girls and boys are different like women and men. Each are very special in their own ways. Kid must have known the difference or he wouldn't have approached his Dad whom he identified with physically.
ACtually, homosexual males are most likely to contract aides and this just because of where the disease is currently most located in industrial nations. It is a sexually transmitted disease, this means if a homosexual male has it, who are they going to have sex with and pass it on to, another homosexual male. They aren't going to have sex with woman or straight males.
The bisexual male is second most likely since they are most likely catch it from homosexual partner and then pass it on.
As for Trans, that is issue of heavy mental issue between mind, personality and soul and the physical body and that conflict causes depression, anxiety and also sort of other issues that lead to suicide. Acceptance and transition and allowing them become socially and physically more like the sex in the mind, personality and soul resolves a lot of these issues and prevents suicide and such.
The problem is that many people can't accept what is different. "you do not think, believe, act like I do or I believe people should be" and they try to oppress and change people to be exactly like them or what they think. This causes conflict, sometimes even violent conflict.
I find it amusing that Islam talks about respecting people of the book and they terrorize christian and jewish, Jesus spoke of love and not hurting other people and Just christians want to destroy anyone that isn't christian rather than leaving it to god after dead. Judaism has their golden rule from their greatest rabbis of "Do not do unto others what you would not want them to do unto you." and yet Israel sometimes goes a little overboard.
Almost every religion in the world has respect and tolerance written into the holy books and writings and yet religion has been the cause of more wars and violence than anything else in the world. This is human nature not following a religion.
In many third world countries though, it first appeared in some of the heterosexual population and then passed to partner who slept with a different partner and it is most common in the heterosexual population because they don't sleep with the homosexual folks.
This is the same issue with every sexually transmitted disease.
A agree with some of your conclusions, but not so much with your method of reaching them. Sexuality, specifically sexual orientation is not a series of boxes labeled with initials but a continuum between fully heterosexual and homosexual. There are many heterosexuals who have had sex with someone of the same sex and homosexuals who have had heterosexual relationships, neither of which puts them into a "bisexual" box. Experimentation does not put the label on the person. Attraction between people is a complex mix of personality traits, physical attributes, and gender.. It can also be fluid, and change as people mature.
Man.. that's some anger in that post. Why? Is someone making you do something? That I know of all you might have to do is say "Cool.. stay safe, be nice, and be happy" to anyone coming out "to you" about anything. Why is that not possible?
Gays are born that way. It’s not always a parent know usually apparent already knows their child is gay before they gay child decides to tell the parent. However being religious as a matter of being willfully ignorant it just doesn’t look good on anybody. You choose to be, well, ignorant. Well, maybe not all religious people are willfully ignorant. Some of them have grown up in the hills of West Virginia never gone to school and never heard anything from anybody other than dancing with rattlesnakes and Jesus. You have to just feel pity for that type of person. But the willfully ignorant, no, no pity for them. It’s just a stupid choice they make.
That's because Christianity is a stolen religion from pagan and other religious historical events. It is not a unique religion but one of patchwork scraps in order to gain power and money.
👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻At 66years I don’t give a fly what people think anymore , and Z being the last letter of the alphabet could that be a sign to the human race, if So we all gotta get right with our maker no matter what name you use to identify him, her,them
My maker is / are the laws of physics and 4 billion years of time for all the weird and amazing mutations that happened that made this day what it is. Here we are. Surprise. But awesome.. I like being here. I have no maker to get right with. I suspect you don't either but.. who really knows? I also have no reason that humanity is on the brink of destruction due to our current behaviors. I can imagine a day when there were fewer of us, that we were closer to the bring than we are now. But.. one can never know, can they? LGBTQ+ folks.. so far haven't really hurt me. I have a gay daughter and her wife's pretty cool. Great! The other daughter is straight. Also great. Religion has had far more bad effects on my life than LGBTQ+ stuff will ever have.
Why don’t people let other people be, we are all humans. This constant self righteousness of people who think that they are better than others is so tiring and unproductive for society that the human race is destroying itself. Be kind, respectful, tolerant, loving, understanding and maybe we can all be whoever we want to be.
The most difficult part of this discussion for me is that modern day Christians are seeing their numbers declining, but look only to external sources as an explanation. Perhaps they should look at their churches and their discussion groups over the years and see what has changed that is no longer appealing to the same numbers of younger people. I have seen young and old being driven away from all kinds of religions in the last 40 years, not drawn away by the outside forces, but driven away by the forces from within.
Jesus said it would be better for Sodom and Gomorrah in the last days. Why do you see the numbers declining, for the same reason that Sodom and Gomorrah turned out. Eze 16:49 Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. We are too rich and have need of nothing and an abundance of time. It reminds me of what the nuns taught me in school. Idle hands are the devil's workshop.
The rainbow does not belong in the class room, it is a political symbol which excludes people more than it includes. Its also a sophisticated deliniation demanding people identify their sexual orientation which is oppressive, misleading and confusing. It's also kind of exhibitionist, why do i need to know what anyone else does with their body or relationship choices especially their intimacy preferences? and to expose that to little kids? Let children blossom from within in a safe and sheltered place. Once grown up. these are all adult concepts that are wonderful resources for people if they choose once emancipated from their parents. Until then like everything else, we recon and realize our parents ideas of us, or we do not and do our own thing. It seems like this inappropriate adgenda to sexualize and catagorize children before they are developmentally ready, why are grown adults so deeply interested in exposing adult sexual concepts to little kids? You like change, let the child change naturally into an adult without interfearing or peering into their most private decision for them selves without interfearing. If familys are progressive, lead by example and be healthy in the community. It is abusive to push this stuff on children like your trying to convince yourself. its fine to be whatever as an adult you do not have to push this on little people, they need to focus on reading writing and socialization just be kind and compassionate, prayer and meditation will help with this. I think people mean well, and want to be witnessed, but that witnessing and be grown up yourself and accept you can not have your way all the time, and you have to be considerate of boundaries and your own personal space and others personal space without imposing. This takes advantage of people who want to be polite and do the right thing. Trump got in because you pushed to far and most families and people do not agree with this attempted cultural take over. teach tolerance and share what is appropriate, basic communication and calculation skills. And it starts with the verb tense and attacking language. From the moment of conception you are a boy or a girl, that just can not be changed by idealism or social constructs its a biological fact. So the biology lesson is also being destroyed, this fundimental fact should be the first lesson of science. Everything else is just culture so respect different world views and make space for those who do not agree.
I have to tell you this although it's a rarity. There are some who have a genetic disability who are not just born male or female but have both parts. What do we do about them? As parents we force our belief system on them to be whatever sex we choose for then rather than let them decide when they have the right to choose. Is that fair using the argument given about letting them be kids without giving them choices about what sex they want to be? I personally don't think so. Research has shown that children this happens to become very psychology harness when their choice has been made for them and the choice is not what the hormones their body decides to make isn't what the SEC was their parents chose. I think it is important to teach children about sex education so when their hormones kick in they are not faced with decisions that lead them into getting pregnant or getting STDS. While I know the ultimate goal is to not have sex before marriage, sometimes the abstinence role doesn't work, not to mention the sexual violence that happened against girls and women. It is important for them to know the functions of their body from an earlier age than it is to make them wait until it's too late. I agree that it is important to teach tolerance, love, and goodwill toward others as well as math, writing, reading, and arithmetic, but some things like sex education even if it is the most basic can't be left out.
Ponder this...sex happens. Every human becomes sexual ( yes there are outliers) we suppress sexuality through norming it as dirty something to not be talked about, we imbue our children with feelings of shame.over thiwr "god" given body parts. We teach basic sex education to only boys in on class and only girls.in the other instead of teaching healthy respect we build a culture.of giggles and guess, and then we all forget what went on in the back seats of cars on dates. The reality every kid should be taught age appropriate ongoing sexual health education from.kindergarten, every kid should.learn it is OK to be who you are and engage in sexual congress with who it feels.right to do it with. Religion should.not be part of sex and vice versa.
That's one of the silliest things I have ever heard. Yet i can believe that some churches may think this.
they are the same ones saying that there is no such thing as a different gender.
That is an absurd question. No Christian is being excluded or persecuted for their choice of religion in anything like the manner that gay people have traditionally been and in some circles, including some Christian groups. Any Christian who insists they are needs a reality check on therir perspective. Disagreeing with you or opposing your efforts to require others to comply with your religionus beliefs is not persecution. You are prefectly free to live your own life by your beliefs.
STATED PERFECTLY. Playing the injured has been a tactics for years. Look to Oklahoma where the Suoerintendant of Education has decried for years that the students were being indoctrinated and then turns around and spends an obscene amount of taxpayer money purchasing tRUMP bibles and trying to force Christian values on all students. Now created a department of patriotism, basically indoctrination, and soon to turn into a Soviet-style tattle tale on your neighbors.
I just went to see the movie last night about Deidrick Bonhoffer, read foxes book of the martyrs, read about the valentine's day massacre, the Spanish inquisition, the dark ages, the Waldensians, watch the movies Tortured for Christ and Sabina, and what is going on today in the Muslem world with the families converting to Christianity. Then explain to me your statement, "No Christian is being excluded or persecuted for their choice of religion in anything like the manner that gay people have traditionally been"? For example, one Muslim family converted, and the father was killed because he would not change his beliefs, the sons were sent to reindoctrinating work camps. the daughters put into prostitution and the mother repeatedly tortured and raped.
As I read through the article, I thought heck, maybe I should start a re-education center for bigoted wrong wing christians ,maybe subjecting them to the atrocities they forced on the LGBTQ community might adjust their attitudes- but we know that didnt work. I became a Rev to do funerals at the height of the AIDS crisis because "christian" pastors and priests would not...since that time I have done ,weddings,more funerals than I want to count, life welcomings (think a generic baptism to all faiths), property consecration, and general spiritual guidance all from a Wiccan-christian point. I get weird looks at starting an event with corner calling, but I have now done events for even the hard wrong wing evangelicals. I base my service on the spiritual side of the self and a relationship to that which we don't yet see. I say Blessed be to the closeted wrong wing evangelicals and hope and wish them well on their journey. ( humming down the witches road from status as I write this)
It is kind of a bad idea to say this now. With what is going on in the world, especially the US. They seem to be purposefully muddling the waters.
Who is this ominous “they”? The LGBTQIA community?
I think it's a good thing because stupidity needs to be masked as much as possible.
It's clear when you face these odds, it's calling you to come together to resolve the issues.
Listen to your heart's, it is easier to control change when you initiate it, there is no fear moving into a Renaissance to bring these things together, they just lack the update, perspective and acceptance to see times have changed and so have our needs.
As for being more difficult to come out as a Christian and being gay, well, it should be. You should be embarrassed. You should feel shame. What percentage of Rump voters do you think are xtian?
This is LUNACY for our young!!
This is lunacy for our young!! Disgraceful, and disgusting. Remember it was HORRIFIC when the Nazis's indoctinated their young. This is no different, it is a mental disorder.
I am not sure if you are being purposefully vague, but are you talking about LGBTQ+ or modern day Christians when you talk about disgusting, disgraceful, indoctrinated nazis? Either way, I disagree with you about it being a mental disorder.
Render to Caesar what is Caesars , render to God what is God's, sex life is private and an individual personal relationship of conviction or reward, its our Responsibility and command to stand up and teach the upcoming Kingdom in the third earth age ,where there's no sin ,or convictions so that folks won't be able to point a finger at a gay person , a little girl that got raped and impregnated then forced adoption like me or the junkie down the street , Jesus nailed all rituals and statutes of the law to the cross but He enforced the Law of God by telling us to Live God with all our heart and our neighbor as ourselves , none of us are worthy but God has a seal on us , our choice
I might have to agree, but not because of religious bias. As an LGBTQIA+ ally, particularly one who fights for gender identity equality, it is hard for me to come out as "Christian," because it puts me in the same "bucket" as those that are trying to demonize the LGBTQIA+ communities rather than show them the same love and acceptance that Jesus would have. I refuse to carry the racist, sexist, homophobic, and transphobic labels that defines the Christian right (right as in political stance(s)).
The thought would actually be funny if it weren't so ridiculous. The truth is, it's not so much "harder for Christians to come out" as it is harder for todays youth to buy into the hate, vitriol, and outright hypocrisy that is being shoveled out by todays Christians. "LOVE THY NEIGHBOR...unless he is gay, islamic, Jewish, an immigrant, doesn't attend YOUR church, doesn't like you to have assault rifles, doesn't agree with who you want as President, wants to protect the environment, wants to feed ALL the poor (not just those you like), or wants to see justice served to ALL criminals. Then, shout them down, beat them up, ostracize them, or even demand they be killed for how they think, feel, or believe!!!" The sheer stupidity to claim that fear us making people hide being Christian is unbelievable!!!
It is harder to be a Christian! God's word is truth. Leviticus 20:13 state's God's law. But in today's philosophy is it's ok. Some people say that this is Old testament and does not apply today because of the New covenant with Christ crucifixion and Resurrection. In Corinthians 6:5 it states who will not inherit the kingdom of God. It doesn't mean we hate the person just the sin. Jesus said to repent from your sins turn from your evil ways and wicked ways and follow him. Repenting means to turn away from what you're doing, to stop. It's not my rules not my laws it's God's rules his laws. This is why it's hard to be a true Christian. To tell the truth because it's persecution and other things from the world.
I read the bible a few times and I recognize the verses you cite. Here's my own take on what I read and the logic that the reading implies. That God was once rather vengeful, spiteful, and sometimes just plain mean. That he created us then simply continues to punish us for what he made. Demanding that his own creation "Try harder or you will be punished forever" is not leadership. It is psychotic. And while Jesus seemed to be a person with calmer words he, too, is a strange dude that mentions the old laws still apply (no shellfish, stoning our neighbors should still be a thing) but then he "sacrifices" himself to go be with.. himself? Ands I thought Oedipus or The Iliad were hard to follow. The book you are citing also tells you not to judge others. It also says you are not likely to judge your own sins as seriously as you should. Did you not read those parts? It's not my rules.. it's your God's rules that you claim to know well. You sure you're following them? I read what you posted. Doesn't sound like you're clear on what your Bible says.
William Gregory Coleman
As a ULC minister, how do you align with our church's policies on LGBT weddings?
since christians attack each other constantly, they are the ones who make it "hard", if that is even true.
I think it’s clear that the silent Christian needs to take a page from the LBGTQ and learn how to speak up and be heard.
My two cents? It's all about percieved guilt by association. Extremists in any religion or sect reflect disproportionately on the rest. (Unless, of course, EVERYONE in the group is an extremist.)
hmm it seemes that 'christian' is becoming a dirty word 🤔
Today the world is filled with disappointment and disrespect.Family values and acceptance of one another have almost vanished, due to direspect and lack of morals and unconditional love . Disappointment blends in lots of programs and people who were put in a position to help humanity, but have pushed them back 10feet. People that carry RELIGION IN THEIR HEARTS AND BEIELF.Must come together with a truce of love honor and respect to help pull Humanity together . While bringing no harm to others because of their beliefs OUR planet is facing alot of global crisis in these evil days . As it is filled with hatard. IT IS HARD TO COME OUT AS A HUMAN In TODAYS WORLD Sending Love Light and prayers to All May your God walk with you in these dark times.
This is one of the most ridiculous things I've heard in a long time. I can only suspect a hidden agenda with such a ludicrous statement.
The so called tolerant alphabet group are only tolerant of those who support their agenda. They are insistent everyone agree with them and give them affirmation.
A man I worked with who is gay told me that those pushing the gay agenda and needing everyone to accept them, are not really gay. They just need everyone to give them affirmations so they can feel better.
He said, he is gay and does not need anyone to support or give him affirmations as he is comfortable in himself.-
Steven Ferrell
I am gay and non-binary, and I do not advocate for LGBT rights. Your statement is the most absurd assertion I have ever encountered. It is, at best, unscientific.
It's harder being a Christian today because of the would be's have done!TV has brought a load of snake oil salesmen who have promised us heaven if: Follow their church Bought their articles Donated all our money or possessions Some of them are still unabashedly selling their way to get there! They beat you over the head with the fire and brimstone baloney that you are going to ride that down bound train unless you give give give! To them of course! I do it a little differently! I quietly talk with them not at them and help them find the way home to Christ again!
I think it fine if a Christian doesn't want to "come out" and profess their faith and beliefs. The Bible is nothing more than an Operations Manual, so don't feel obligated to follow everything contained therein. Christians have a tendency to gather where there are one or more like them. Sharing the Word is fine if one sees a legitimate opening to do so or are directly asked. I'm not here to convert you. I'm not your keeper. I will support your joy and love for God. If Gays want to run around proclaiming "Lookit Here! ..... Lookie meeeeeeee!!!!" So be it. Just don't expect that I agree with you?
Aren't we all so wise? Aren't we all so excited to think someone, anyone will validate who we profess to be. One needs not declare their beliefs. Actions speak louder than words and people with faith will always suffer abuse. Gods' laws not mans reign supreme. I have many gay friends and include them in my morning and evening prayers. I would argue the point that gays are an abomination but it seems that I find that fact in Islam and Judaism. Let's be real.
What a guy! He prays for his abomination "friends"! Don'r get too close. You might catch what they have.
Let's see. Why would a person need to come out as gay? Because they will someday have actual relationships & they're kinda giving a heads up to the 92% straight people to not be too surprised that they will have a same sex relationship. I'm not aware that anything is being asked of me by a person coming out. And.. I might appreciate the heads up.. 90+% of the people I'll ever encounter are straight.. so it will help me to avoid saying an embarrassing thing or some other similar, minor mistake. Why would a person need to come out as a "insert religion here". I really have no idea why. I would not care in any way as long as it doesn't interfere with my rights or somehow interfere with anyone else's. I would not be happy nor bothered by that information. If it works for them.. great.
Well for one thing, coming out Gay is real.
You hit right on the head!
Unfortunately, these are true, but they shouldn't have to be if there was more communication and involvement with the students. Hopefully, we can make positive changes for the students and all.
Stand ,firm in the power of his might. It is great to know the Lord. Knowing their is power outside of yourself. Remember Jesus was prosecuted, whip, and died on the cross for our sins. Counted not strange, that we will be mock. However knowing We are more than conqueror to them that love him. We are more powerful, than any gay group or LGBTQ.. Jesus is our light. To the ones who love Jesus , and as their Savior be not ashamed. God will be with you. Pray for those who is blind for the truth.Just remember Jesus took the keys from devil and the grave. Hold firmed .This is why it is important to put Prayer back into the Schools. Very, very important .Peer pressure is hard for the younger generation . Some older ones are follower , than leaders. Be a leader., and hold on to your faith. I want to say Jesus loves everyone and he is calling you, because we all have a purpose and a journey to take. Hear the voice of the Lord and Be saved.
David Smyth wrote an infinitely more positive message on “Premier Christianity”, headlined: “1 in 5 people in Northern Ireland are evangelicals. It’s good news for everyone”. 4 March 2024 (found online)
What problems David Smyth has with the parliament (Stormont) in Belfast with how education is being taught or how the students are reacting is best handled by their educational system in whatever manner they believe is appropriate for their people.
I would to love see a follow up on their resolution! Should be some interesting changes coming!
Gay folks have no desire to make you one of them. Christians want you to accept their religious fantasy. Which group respects personal rights? Which group does not care about your beliefs and style of life?
Well, Christians were told that they would be persecuted for their faith, and maybe that has come to be. If it has come to be within that is what each Christian has agreed to , rightly or wrongly it's just the way it was stated. I don't know about the lgbtq thing as far as I'm concerned I'm live and let live. And just for the record I'm not a Christian.
LGBTQ is more difficult to come out than it is to evengelical christian, evengelical christians however are very hateful towards others, thus LGBTQ is harder to come out than some bigot being evengelical christian
If so, then, it's lucky for Christians that gays are more open-minded than many Christians are or were. If it's difficult for Christians, then, they ought to better undestand the plight that homosexuals still have in "coming out" and show more compassion in accepting anyone's non-traditional beliefs. Somehow, I doubt it, however.