The flagship seminary of the Episcopal Church has decided to reckon with its own slave-supporting past. The Virginia Theological Seminary is setting up a $1.7 million endowment fund for reparations. The school, founded in 1823, used slave labor on campus and did not admit black students until the 1950s.
The Alexandria-based school is planning to use the money to fund projects involving African-American clergy and congregations. Ths initiative "has the potential to be transformative," according to Rev. Joseph Thompson, of the institution's Office of Multicultural Ministries.
"Though no amount of money could ever truly compensate for slavery, the commitment of these financial resources means that the institution's attitude of repentance is being supported by actions of repentance that can have a significant impact both on the recipients of the funds, as well as on those at VTS," he said. "It opens up a moment for us to reflect long and hard on what it will take for our society and institutions to redress slavery and its consequences with integrity and credibility."
A Moral Imperative
Political circles continue to debate whether the modern descendants of slaves are entitled compensation for the sins of our nation's slave-owning ancestors. But for Keri Day of the Princeton Theological Seminary, the case is clear. Reparations are not only a moral imperative, but a biblical one laid out in Luke 19.
"Zacchaeus is a tax collector who has participated in Roman imperial oppression against marginalized Jewish populations," Day explains. "In his encounter with Zacchaeus, I want to suggest that Jesus sets forth a reparations ethic. Zacchaeus is expected to give back that which he has stolen so that he can be reconciled with others and God."
Many scholars, like the University of Connecticut's Thomas Craemer, have applauded the seminary's unprecedented decision. Per Craemer, as "representatives of the perpetrating side," proactively funding reparations is simply the right thing to do.
A Tool to Divide
Others, meanwhile, have denounced the very idea as doing little more than inflaming racial animosity in the name of social justice.
Back in March, John Carpenter of North Carolina's Covenant Reformed Baptist Church tweeted that reparations would only further racial divisions:
And Jeff Maples of Reformation Charlotte suggested that reparations are a "spiritual poison", and that Christ's sacrifice is enough to atone for past sins. Maples continues, saying that the church's goal should not be seeking economic equality for one racial group over another, but to preach the gospel.
Reparations: WWJD?
It's clear that Virginia Theological Seminary decided that living with a guilty conscience was not an option it wanted to take. But the question of whether or not Jesus himself would truly back such a move is an interesting one.
In her article Reparations: "What would Jesus do?", Claudia Allen argues that the Bible consistently makes the moral case for reparations. She cites the story of Jacob and Esau in Genesis right up to the crucifixion. "It was for the injustice of sin that God paid reparations in the form of His son Jesus. Was it God's fault? Did God personally inflict these injustices on humanity? No! But the beauty of God is that He took responsibility for something He didn't do. He paid a debt He didn't owe."
But Pastor Tom Hicks, writing for Founders Ministries, suggests that reparations are explicitly anti-Biblical. "The problem with reparations is that God's law forbids class reparations for sins committed by a group's ancestors in the 8th commandment, "do not steal" (Ex 20:15)." Plainly put, Hicks says that in the new covenant, "individuals are responsible for their own sins, not for the sins of their father."
With many Democratic presidential hopefuls joining the discussion about reparations, the discussion seems unlikely to wind down any time soon. The Virginia Theological Seminary seems to have made their decision, but what do you think?
Are reparations God's work, necessary to repay generations of injustice? Or are the sins of the past just that- in the past?
“What would Jesus do?” Regarding slaves, Luke 12:47-48 And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not [himself], neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many [stripes]. But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few [stripes]. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.
So, other than whipping and beating them occasionally, Jesus didn't have much to say about them at all.
You are quite right Don, the Jesus person seemed to have double standards. Sadly, he never denounced slavery. The sermon on the mount would have been the perfect time and place to do that, but he had other more important things to say, I guess.
Jesus might have had a little too much vino that day, and maybe even some of that hallucinogenic mandrake they spoke of in Genesis. You can't hold anyone accountable for everything they ever said, for crying out loud!
The Isle of Patmos, where it’s believed the Book of Revelation was written, is well known world wide for its hallucinogenic mushrooms. It still does good trade even today. Knowing this, seems to give a clearer picture about that weird book in the Bible, which, by the way, nearly didn’t find its way into the Bible when it was being compiled. I wonder why??? Just saying!
Pay the reparations. It's past due.
I think it's called self-defeatism. Nobody is guilty of the faults of others, and nobody can make up for the mistakes of the dead. That sounds totally preposterous, and even ludicrous. We can only work off our own karmic debt. They'll atone for theirs in future incarnations. It's not even rational to think that a Nyone would hold the wrongs of our ancestors against us. If they do, they are sickos! Anyone who feels guilty for the wrongs of others ought to be in psychotherapy. And why would anyone care what Jesus would think about. Can't these fools think for themselves? Do they want Jesus to also tell them how many pieces of toilet paper to use to wipe their asses? Everything Jesus wants anyone to do is in the Bible. For everything else we're on our own. That's what I learned about it when I was a silly Christian.
I've got some past due a accounts. Would you tell them to pay for mine, too?
Get over it, start paying our native American Indians before paying off others, then once USA has played out billions of greenbacks to our native brothers then pay a bit more to the ancestors of them poor old early settlers who had there hair removed by our native brothers then once that is done USA CAN THEN pay compensation to our poor Japanese American cousins who were interned in prison of war camps in ww2 even though they were true americans, then America can compensate the poor homeless druggies that it was no fault of there's that there born loosers, where will all this crap stop ? Stop it now before it gets out of control, the poor sorry me folk get over it,
Looking across the other comments, it is clear something should be said addressing historical accuracy and to offer insight that many people may be unaware which simultaneously shows that the Episcopal church while thoughtful and may have the best of intent may be greatly misguided in their actual application. Contrary to what is often assumed, most all the people of a genetically "dark skin" heritage tracing back to Africa were never part of the slave trade whatsoever and in fact were never even targeted either! Instead of common misconceptions, the historical slave trade only targeted one single group of people, one sole tribe and minority sub race even for Africa also found explicitly in a single geographical location who is not in any way whatsoever connected with most all of the many other peoples of Africa regardless of color! It is from this specific separate group the word "negro" also originates. It is the same legitimate term which was unfortunately later distorted into instead derogatory slang. In true irony, the majority of many dark skin peoples from Africa at the time were often themselves were purposefully complicit in the slave trade business as traders themselves and the many other "black races" often collected rewards by pointing out to fellow slave traders the location where those very few of the minority group who was being sought could be found. Also contrary to many very bad assumptions, no regular African themselves ever ended up in the slave trade as far as history can tell which is an actual well documented historical fact many people today are completely unaware and most don't realize. The one group that was being targeted despite appearances also themselves did not originate from Africa but migrated there from Europe and parts of the eastern Middle East in an ironic twist which is why they were not particularly liked even among actual native Africans often all too willing to turn them in for money. Now take the Episcopal church where it would be actually a misguided idea to blindly open up any kind of fund while entirely ignoring history instead basing benefits on "skin color" alone would potentially lead to possibly many people benefiting from such a fund who themselves have no actual family nor even so much as any racial relation to any of the 19th century slave trade whatsoever; this goes especially heavily among those who are of decent of families who also migrated to America themselves from most any of the locations in Africa as the majority of these are again not even the same race despite the most superficial of appearances! Those who were among the sought after slave trade group tended to be more educated and of a lighter skinned color than most of the other often comparatively "darker" peoples of Africa which unfortunately made this particular group also that much easier to identify in the 19th century verses many other tribes and nationalities present in Africa at the same particular time period. While on the subject of historical misconceptions and the 19th century slave trade, it is always amazing just how many people are ignorant of the fact that the United States Civil War had really nothing to do with slavery whatsoever despite common misconception; or, likewise how many people in ignorance and a failing of the school systems don't know what the Confederate flag looked like which is not the flag that is mistakenly shown in most news articles which is sadly not even remotely close!
I'm surprised you didn't pull the "lots of blacks actually liked being slaves" line that so many other fake historians love.
Yeah, I was waiting on that too...people are fed the garbage posted above and take that “knowledge” to the grave with them.
They do no further research on the subject because it doesn’t affect them.
Can you give us factual examples, or are you just running your mouth, making it up as you go along?
You ought to read a book by Alex Haley called Roots.
Mc Williams, have you ever thought a bout having your fairytales published in the National Enquirer? They love your kind of trash.
Carl, not sure if you're up on Alex and Roots but it's ok if you aren't. In short Alex was taken to court because he basically plagiarized the bulk of Roots from a book called The African which was written by a jewish guy. It was a scandal and he even apologized, sort of, for making up his family history and stealing the salient parts of his book from someone else.
I'm not trying to crack on you for not knowing this but, unfortunately, Alex Haley was a proto-Jussie Smollet.
Is this true
I was being a bit glib and imprecise with the details, but yes it's true. Here is some info from Penn State:
Since I am definitely running short on interesting cases of plagiarism, today I am going to write about plagiarism offenses in literature. One interesting example of this is the book Roots by Alex Haley. This was a unique case because the book had many positive cultural impacts which came into question once the plagiarism was revealed.
The book tells the story of a man from Africa who was captured and sold into slavery in the United States.
His story is traced down through generations until it reaches the life of the Author.
The fact that it was told as a true account of Haley’s ancestors from Gambia up until the present time made it a compelling historical narrative. The book made a big impact due to the fact that it portrayed African American life. In the year after its publishing many saw the story as a relatable account of many of the experiences of former slaves and their ancestors. In 1977 it won a pulitzer prize and a national book award as well as being turned into a mini TV series. During the year after it was published it made an impressive cultural impact and was widely discussed in the media and academically.
However, nine years earlier a lesser known novel about slavery, called The African, was published, and in 1978 its author sued for similarities between Roots and his own work.
The law suit became a big deal with lots of media attention but before the trial began Haley’s lawyer released a statement saying “The suit has been amicably settled out of court.
Alex Haley acknowledges and regrets that various materials from ‘The African’ by Harold Courtlander found their way into his book ‘Roots’”. On top of the fact that plagiarism was quite evident, the case brought into question Haley’s claims that his book was a historical account of his own family’s journey from Africa to the United States.
The unfortunate result of this was that a story that gave valuable insights was discredited. However, though the story was proven to be fictional and partially plagiarized, it did play an important role in drawing cultural attention to the lives of descendants of slavery.
Lubasch, Arnold H. “’Roots’ Plagiarism Suit Is Settled.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 15 Dec. 1978, www.nytimes.com/1978/12/15/archives/roots-plagiarism-suit-is-settled-roots-plagiarism-suit-is-settled.html.
Dugdale, John. “Roots of the Problem: the Controversial History of Alex Haley’s Book.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 9 Feb. 2017, www.theguardian.com/books/booksblog/2017/feb/09/alex-haley-roots-reputation-authenticity.
Certainly, reparations are justified to give a hand up to the millions of African Americans that have been unjustly discriminated against in every area of their lives. Beatings and cruel punishment of Africans who were stolen from the homeland, lost their legacies, and denied an education to better their lives deserve reparations to ensure their children can catch up with white Americans and thus, create an equal playing ground. The denial of a free and fair education to all African Americans will hurt many Black families for years to come. There has never been a honest and fair history of African Americans in history books. This education of racial and ethnic studies to help white people and black people to respect other ethnic groups that came to this country in many diverse ways. Whether a student's race is Black, White, Latino, Indian, Asian or mixed ancestry, every race has a history. This lack of knowledge has created so much ignorance in the United States the its leaders down, it that has cause much grief and injustice to African Americans and their children. These stereotypes has made it difficult for Blacks in the past to get jobs with equal pay. My final statement is that because of extreme cruelty and racism at all avenues including the military, it has fostered PTSD among many African Americans and as Psychologists have discovered it can and has been inherited by the victims children.
"every race has a history"
That is so true. But why do some races feel the need for reparations while others - like the Jews and the Japanese - picked themselves up, even after horrific treatment, and became a successful people?
Please be careful with your answer.
Maybe Loretta is like me and doesn't answer questions asked in bad faith by poorly-disguised racists.
"asked in bad faith by poorly-disguised racists"
Take your vile, cowardly insults and shove them where the sun doesn't shine.
If you're too much of a spineless milksop to answer the question, just be silent - making up lies and calling people racist when nothing racist was said just makes you look even MORE pathetic.
Or, most likely, you lack the intellect to answer in anything but vagaries and thinly veiled insults.
Grow up, then grow a pair.
Boy, it sure sounds like I touched a nerve. I take it this wasn't the first time you've been called out on your racism, but you should really do something about your potty mouth. If you've got a GoFundMe I can throw some scratch your way for a bar of Lifebuoy.
How pathetic...and exactly what was expected. Let us know when they drop.
"Boy, it sure sounds like I touched a nerve."
Yes, that's the typical reaction when someone spews baseless lies about you. Imagine how many nerves I would touch if I falsely accused you of molesting children.
Stop with the lies, they have no place here.
Don, you need to see the mistake you made and work to better yourself on it. You got called out on your racism, but by lashing out and throwing around potty-mouthed insults you're showing everyone here you're not ready to learn & grow. Calling me a liar doesn't help your case, especially when anyone can simply scroll up and see the racist comment you posted.
Don, I admit I was giving you a hard time earlier, but it sounds like this is a pretty big personal struggle for you. I'll stop responding unless you'd like some genuine resources. I hope you get better, but I'll understand if you would rather just shout some more insults.
"You got called out on your racism"
No, you two-faced weasel, I was SLANDERED by you as a racist. Still waiting on the evidence for your "claim".
"throw around potty-mouthed insults"
You spew racist slander against complete strangers, then have the gall to whine about the response to it? And potty-mouthed? Oh my goodness, what are you, six?
" I hope you get better"
And I hope you stop calling anyone who has a different view than yourself a racist. It's clowns like you that have made that word lose its meaning. Thanks so much.
It's a shame your asinine ignorant slander got posted, while my reasoned response to your unsupported trash did not.
Present the evidence for me being a racist, or apologize for your cowardly libel.
Please, tell me I’m reading this wrong and you meant this in jest or sarcasm.
The Jews and the Japanese...picked themselves up?!?...
Where have you been that you don’t know that BOTH of those groups received reparations?!?
The Jews are STILL being paid our tax dollars TODAY! Hello, Israel anyone?!?
Native American groups were given land/oil/casinos/free education and housing...the only group that hasn’t received anything other than more discrimination is African-Americans.
People have been so engineered to hate African-Americans or anyone with dark skin that most can’t/won’t see the injustices done to them both then and now.
It’s something that will never be repaired because it’s been so pervasive now for centuries.
EVERYONE is taught to hate African-Americans/Black peoples.
It is THE sin that will send many straight to hell...the inability to get past that hatred.
At the structural level acknowledgement of truer representation of history would be a major step forward and an intellectual reparation. Lincoln offered land…40 archers and a mule (the facts on the mule a bit cloudy) was taken (stolen) by Andrew Johnson. This could be a place to start as land has value, has family names through records. Every time our Americans of African descent stand and gain some standing in their county, they are de-powered. That is why we have February as remedial history education for a more complete understanding of American History. Cater Goodwin Woodson’s and follower (inspiration of Black History Month) hoped that one day Black History Month would no longer be necessary as all Americans could embrace a fuller and more objective account of history. We have done great things as we have done terrible things. The future depends on our honest review. Reparations is a poignant proposition that is filled “tension” and a serious discussion--- the structure (systems) would move us forward.
Also we did act on the injustice of the Japanese Interment History. https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2013/08/09/210138278/japanese-internment-redress
And how many of the descendants of African slaves have asked for a free ride back to Africa. They've got it far better in this country now than it's ever been over there. No place is perfect for anyone. All kinds of people are discriminated against. I'm not black, but am glad to be an American, in this day and age, despite it's imperfections. And I'm a poor, white looking boy who could use more benefits, but I'll never complain. It could be a lot worse, for which I can only be grateful.
Not all doctors of philosophy are excellent spellers, but they try even harder than masters. It takes more for some than others. I'm grateful for my G.E.D., and not having a need to impress anyone with titles.
I'm with you..In poor gal and hard working...
Great.. Now PTSD is an inheritable disease.. Put them on the reparations list..
Reparations were already paid. How many times are idiots going to go on about this $h!+? After the Civil War, the US established the colony of Liberia. Those who wanted to, were allowed to go there.
Do you know why almost none of the slaves took up the chance to go back to Africa? Because there had been for CENTURIES tribal wars, with prisoners taken as SLAVES! Then, centuries before Europeans came, the Arab slave trade was in motion. Not only did they take them as slaves, keeping the women exclusively as house & sex slaves, they castrated ALL THE MALES! Estimates are 70 - 85% DIED! And in modern Africa, in places like Libya, there are STILL open slave markets by Arabs of blacks. If you want reparations, start with Africa!
Reparations in the final analysis is God's call. We need to be forgiven people. If God has forgiven us of our sins, truly we can forgive others. Jesus Christ died on the cross to save all of us from our sins. If we do not forgive others our sins still remains. Truly racism or any type of social injustices are sinful. World let's get along with each other no matter what religions we are connected with. We have One God the Creator. Paul says in his letter to Timothy "The things that thou hath heard of many witnesses the same commit to tell others also." 2 Timothy 2:2
Whatever we learn from our mentors let us tell the story of the Good News of Christ. Reparations, enough is enough. I am an African American Clergy. I forgive my White brothers and Sisters. I forgive all who have treated anyone wrong. Love brings life. Hate brings death.
Respectfully submitted, Rev. Dr. Theodore D. Whitely, Sr. Honorary Doctor of Divinity Universal Life Church
Jews, Japanese and Native American groups were given money, land, oil, casinos, free education and housing...the only group that hasn’t received anything other than more discrimination is African-Americans.
People have been so engineered to hate African-Americans or anyone with dark skin that most can’t/won’t see the injustices done to them both then and now.
Including OTHER African-Americans.
It’s something that will never be repaired because it’s been so pervasive now for centuries.
EVERYONE is taught to hate African-Americans/Black peoples...that’s why many have SELF-HATRED and don’t think they deserve anything for all the crap they’ve gone through and that their ancestors went through.
The hatred of Black peoples is THE sin that will send many straight to hell...the inability to get past that hatred and the inability to even ATTEMPT to correct the past wrongs.
But do you forgive your god for his condoning slavery, his genocide, and his infanticide? Just asking!
Just a thought on all this...We choose in life to be a victim or not.
We all have history...I'm European American...Remember what the Europeans have gone through...We also were strip from our spiritualism...We were also tortured and enslave...And we were the first ones to out law slavery..
When it comes to sin...If you are without sin shall cast the first stone.
Its been payed with the lost of lives.
NOTHING AT ALL to do with victimhood...
VERY tired of hearing that line.
Jews, Japanese and Native American groups were given money, land, oil, casinos, free education and housing...the only group that hasn’t received anything other than more discrimination is African-Americans.
People have been so engineered to hate African-Americans or anyone with dark skin that most can’t/won’t see the injustices done to them both then and now.
Including OTHER African-Americans.
It’s something that will never be repaired because it’s been so pervasive now for centuries.
EVERYONE is taught to hate African-Americans/Black peoples...that’s why many have SELF-HATRED and don’t think they deserve anything for all the crap they’ve gone through and that their ancestors went through.
The hatred of Black peoples is THE sin that will send many straight to hell...the inability to get past that hatred and the inability to even ATTEMPT to correct the past wrongs.
"the only group that hasn’t received anything other than Affirmative Action, the NAACP, the UNCF, and a host of community and welfare programs..."
Fixed that opening statement for you. There are too many errors, distortions, and outright lies in the rest to fix.
Reparations? We've never stopped subjecting the defenseless black population to systematic,. violent racist oppression. The very least we can do is offer every black and Native America free tuition at every university that accepts federal funding and a living stipend while they go to school. That way the ol' "boot straps" BS would actually have some meaning.
Exactly. Great post!
Consider that in Africa having slaves or indenture servants is still common. That slaves are still being brought and sold by those in the Islamic faith. Who do you think ran the slave trade in Africa in the first place. Slaves were used on all islands in the Central and South Americas when the local Natives were killed off by the Spanish. Better solution is that those slaves States pay reparations since they enjoy the benefits of using human labor.
The Virginia Theological Seminary's decision to pay reparations to the descenants of slaves who built their campus is a laudable act. They are to be commended for it. To extend this to imply that all blacks are owed reparations by all whites is logically implausable, and legally fallacious. The concept of reparations is to make whole an injured party by the party who caused the injury. This can be theoretically ascertained in the example of the VTS, but is logistically impossible in the general population. The VTS is philosophically making good on a theoretcal debt. Since a seminary is a school of philosophical theory this may be a reasonable decision. It is not, however, legal prescident and can never be translated into a legal necessity. Don't know what jesus might think.
So... members of my family, centuries ago (I'm talking Punic Wars), were captured as slaves by people that lived in what's now Tunisia. Should Tunisia pay reparations to me?
Reparations? For who? Is this a blank check for anyone who "thinks" that someone, somewhere and somehow MAY have been related to slavery? So what about all the people that died in freeing slavery? There were more whites that died in the civil war than there were blacks in the entire country. Should not all of their descendants be entitled to some of that cash register ringing? And just how many generations need to pass when enough is enough? Just how many generations before blacks can call themselves Americans instead of Afro-Americans and claim some racial inequality? If you want to talk about inequality then just look at the NFL or better the NBA. And now how many movies are being remade with blacks as main character. How many TV show are now primarily black cast. Is this inequality? I would like to someday move on and treat all and be treated as equal and stop all cultures , races, genders, and pretend aberrations from sticking it in my face. Everything just doesn't need to be an issue. Doesn't the politicians create enough chaos without every individual trying to have a cause.
This is great oppurtunity, Everything Happens on its on given moment, The wait is finally over, the genealogical twig ( gene stem and cell) has bonded for love, live, and family. everyone under the sun, generated and created from the innermost and outermost crust of the Earth Will live to enjoy the infinite and eternal bliss of Love and union of the Body and Brown/Black Body of the African descent and The Acceptance and inclusion of Monastery , and Marriage officiant
There were 52 or 57 Blacks that owned their own farms and who owned Slaves that worked on their farms...Are the descendents of those farmers going to pay reparations? A lot of the Africans started out as indentured servants. They were sold out of Africa were considered criminals in their country. They were sold to the Middle East and then into Europe and then to The United States. The Indentured servants were given housing and were able to farm for themselves after the work day ended for the plantation owner. Once their contract ran out then they were free of their commitment but one plantation owner decided not to honor the contract by letting the servant go hence came the word slavery.
What a crock of crap. It says in Scripture we are not responsible of the sins of our fathers.
Um, Scripture says we ARE responsible: Numbers 14:18 ‘The Lord is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, forgiving iniquity and transgression, but he will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, to the third and the fourth generation.’
But don't worry, most of Scripture is a crock of crap.
Reparations.....Video..... https://www.prageru.com/video/why-i-dont-want-and-dont-deserve-reparations/
It has been over 65 years since the last Confederate died...people living today did not contribute to, or sanction slavery, and should not have to pay reparations...on the other hand, governments today have the responsibility of making all education available equally, and make housing affordable...Peace...Tom B
And the list could go on and on and on..... reparations in my opinion only temporarily satisfies both those giving the reparation and those receiving it. And they do little in changing the mindsets that created the problems/issues to begin with. And this article lists reparations --in the U.S and other countries-- https://guides.library.umass.edu/reparations
I learned a long time ago in A.A. that we aren't suppose to tell someone we've harmed that we're going to make amends to them only in certain ways. To those we have offended that might not be amends at all, but might be an insult, and might add fuel to the fire. Besides that, we can't make amends for the wrongs of others, but can only clear our side of the street. The only thing we can do to make things right is make sure we don't make the mistakes of our ancestors.
P.S. That is of course referring to this particular situation.
make no sense you make no sense it is a good thing that somebody thinking and got this here I need some for my 12 tribes of Judah Ministry I'm about that