Hands on Ouija board
Are Ouija boards innocent fun, or portals to Hell? Put your hand on the planchette and let's ask.

A Baptist group out of the UK recently gave a rather spine-chilling warning: Don’t try to speak to the dead.

The Baptist Deliverance Study Group published a blog post cautioning people to resist the “resurgence in interest in spiritualism” that typically comes following mass loss of life. It happened during the World Wars and the Spanish flu pandemic of the early 20th century, and they think the COVID-19 pandemic will likely be no different.

As millions of families grieve the loss of loved ones to COVID-19, this group predicts the temptation to turn to occultism to make contact with the dead is – using tools like Ouija boards and seances – will be too great to resist. 

But, they warn, the consequences of pulling the old Ouija board off the shelf are dire.

“Communication with the dead [via occult means] is specifically forbidden in the Bible by a loving God who wishes to keep people safe from bondage to preternatural or demonic powers,” the blog post reads. “Becoming involved in activities such as Spiritualism can open up a doorway to great spiritual oppression which requires a Christian rite to set that person free.”

Instead of dabbling in that whole ‘dark arts’ thing, the Baptist group recommends a visit to your friendly local church.

Doorway to Hell or Innocent Fun?

But they’re hardly the first group to warn about the potential demonic dangers of seances and Ouija boards. In a Q&A on his website, evangelist Billy Graham warned about the dangers of Ouija, saying that playing with the $20 Hasbro game could “entangle you with spiritual forces that are not from God but Satan.”

Pat Robertson once said that demons control the board. And one priest, speaking on condition of anonymity, even told the Independent that playing with an Ouija board is like "going to some parts of Africa and saying I'm personally immune to Ebola.” He says that young people “can be very naive in thinking that they are only contacting the departed souls of loved ones when they attempt to communicate with the dead using the boards.”

If what they’re saying is true, that’s rather alarming; you’d think they wouldn’t sell portals to Hell in the toy section at Wal-Mart.

A (Formerly) Popular Pastime

Interestingly, Christians weren’t always so against using occult means to commune with the dead.

In the 19th century, America underwent a bonafide obsession with spiritualism and communing with dead relatives – spurred on by the devastating loss of life suffered during the Civil War. Hoping to talk to the men who went off to war and never came home, seances were a popular (even wholesome) evening activity practiced by scores of Christians.

“Communicating with the dead was common, it wasn’t seen as bizarre or weird,” says Ouija historian Robert Murch. “It’s hard to imagine that now, we look at that and think, ‘Why are you opening the gates of hell?’

But getting a message out of those spirits could take ages. When the primary method of talking to the dead is reading out the alphabet slowly and asking the spirit to make a noise at the correct letter… things take a while.

The advent of the Ouija board changed things, allowing users to efficiently move a planchette around the board to the proper letter. Erm, guided by spirits, of course.

The obsession continued through the Spanish Flu pandemic, during which hundreds of thousands of Americans died.

Christians didn’t truly get up-in-arms about Ouija boards until the 1973 film The Exorcist, in which the soon-to-be-possessed Regan uses one to talk to a demon. Almost instantly, religious groups were warning that Ouija boards, and other occult methods of communication, were tools of the devil that could lead to your own demonic possession – paving the way for the "Satanic Panic" of the 80s and beyond.

Do the Dead Talk?

Skeptics say that Ouija boards aren’t opening any portals to Hell nor are they helping you to communicate with any dead relatives. Rather, it's just a harmless, overpriced piece of cardboard.

But for enthusiasts – and detractors – the Ouija board remains a real tool for communication to be used for good, or evil, depending on who you ask. 

What do you make of all this? Can we actually talk to the dead?


  1. Dent L. Sweem's Avatar Dent L. Sweem


  1. John D. Partin's Avatar John D. Partin

    The key word in your post here is "alleged", meaning that those horrible atrocities have only been attributed to God, not that He actually did any of them. When you and all other people actually become guilty of all the things that other people accuse you of doing or saying, then you could say that God has "done and said all the things that He is merely accused of" (it would still be wrong, but you could say it more reasonably), but until then, you shouldn't do unto God as you wouldn't want other people to do unto you. God won't strike anyone dead for not telling lies and partial truths, which He didn't tell them to do and doesn't want them to do, anyway, and doesn't send anyone to Hell, which people do to themselves. He doesn't put people in a catch 22. If they are ever in one, they put themselves in it. Why do you believe anything that any Bible writers want to attribute to God when you wouldn't want anything that anyone ever wanted to say against you and attribute to you to be believed? It's not consistent and doesn't make any sense for you to do that!

  1. John D. Partin's Avatar John D. Partin

    You say that JaZe (James W. Nusky, Jr.) would only fit in in a monastery, but need I remind you that this blog site is called themonastery.org and so he fits in here. It isn't only for those who agree with you. Also, talking about God appropriately isn't "only communicating with God" and even that wouldn't mean having mental problems, since we are to pray without ceasing. Never thinking about or communicating with God, as atheists do (consciously, anyway), is a mental health problem and obsession, considering how that makes those people "think" and act. Godly people are already balanced. You would be better off seeking to achieve and maintain the balance that Godly people have.

  1. John D. Partin's Avatar John D. Partin

    James Pace, if you and all others could always be certain of contacting only your deceased relatives, there might not be so much of a problem just with that, but if demons or other spirits can possibly present themselves as your relatives to you, with ulterior motives to harm, kill or deceive you, and you can't tell from their appearance only or their knowledge that they could obtain from the spirit world about your family that they aren't your relatives, that is a problem and why God would forbid communication with the dead.

  1. John D. Partin's Avatar John D. Partin

    CHL, concerning the first supposition that one can speak to the dead, as I told you before, you can very easily prove that to yourself without the middlemen of mediums (and chance or certainty of deception and charlatanism) by going to notoriously haunted locations and experiencing them for yourself and removing all of even your doubts about that, as other atheists and skeptics have done. But they went with, at least, open minds to being convinced about the reality of the spirits, and not with closed minds that even seeing or hearing or being touched by anything wouldn't have proved anything to them. Seek and you will find. Seek only confirmation of your own preconceived ideas about the reality of spirits (that "they don't exist") and that is what you will find. Set your preconceived ideas about that aside and seek the truth and you will find the truth, as others have done. Your own partner in crime here (Carl Bernard Elfstrom) believes in spirits and lives in a haunted house, and so, if you even believe him, ask him about his experiences. You aren't any more skeptical than or not even as skeptical as Houdini was, who debunked phony mediums all the time BECAUSE he believed that spirits could communicate with the living and didn't want these fake mediums misrepresenting themselves to con people out of money and wanted genuine communication with the spirits, especially after his mother died. He even arranged to come back to his own wife after he died, if possible, and gave her a codeword so that she would know that it was him. As for the second supposition that there is a God, you can prove that to yourself, too, as many other intelligent and reasonable people have, by the scientific impossibility that everything came from nothing, as James W. Nusky, Jr. states, and that "a mindless universe", as you believe that it is, can't come up with super-intelligent laws and interconnection of them for its functioning, which only a Mind behind the material universe can do. You can prove that to yourself by the similar impossibility that answers to prayers are also "coming from nothing", since something that "isn't there" also isn't capable of responding to anyone and giving them what they ask for. Enough for now, to keep this shorter. More later.

  1. Jeff McClain's Avatar Jeff McClain

    God gave us Faith and Memories, and a beautiful imaginations. If we have faith with our memories of a lost love one we can use our imagination to bring them to us. Until Jesus wakes us from our peace (sleep) we will dream of a better life and the ones that pray for us. Every time you pray for a lost loved one the dream of time with you!! This is only my belief and I am entitled to it. Have Faith!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. Michael Dean Meinke's Avatar Michael Dean Meinke

    After having a near death event I saw the light and I was almost there when I was told that I had to go back because God wanted me to do something but I still don't know what it is. But God gave me a gift, I can speak to spirits stuck on earth and have helped many to go home I can also talk to angels and people on the other side. It is not often easy and harder to prove to anyone else But I have had one True confirmation because the spirit asked me to pass on a message. The person I passed the message to confirmed the information I received from the spirit. But I also have to be cautious because I have had two instances where I believe demons tried to get through. So I do take precautions and I also have 6 guardian angels watching over me a regular angel who has been with me for about 4 months now and is here to help me with the reason God originally sent me back for also I have a wolf spirit protecting me I knew this wolf hear on earth because she belonged to my grandmother and wolf also liked me so I have lots of protection

  1. David Ciambrone's Avatar David Ciambrone

    I love it when christians tell us what god wants or says then when challenged say he is unknowable but all knowing, and all powerful loving and a good god. Either he speaks to people or he is unknowable but not both. If he is so loving then why do we have the deadly illnesses, murders, rapes, and other hideous thing? No they are NOT trials. If he know what we are going to do and lets something bad happen then he isn't much of a god.

  1. Manuel Francisco Contreras Jr's Avatar Manuel Francisco Contreras Jr

    good reading ,im on LGBT

  1. Karsten S. A. Johansson's Avatar Karsten S. A. Johansson

    I've always thought this verse is difficult to fully comprehend.

    "For the living know they will die; but the dead do not know anything, nor have they any longer a reward, for their memory is forgotten." -- Eccl 9:5

    There are a few ways to unpack it. But it does seem to suggest speaking with the dead is a futile endeavour, because it is your own psyche that you end up "speaking" with when pushing a Ouija board planchette around. The dead cannot speak back to you outside of a Christ-sized miracle.

    If you haven't, search out videos using stacked sliders that visually and clearly debunk how Ouija boards are said to work. It's actually a fascinating subject that branches into Hellstromism. Mentalists and magi have known about these things for centuries upon centuries.

  1. Stephanie Athea Ferrin's Avatar Stephanie Athea Ferrin

    I don't think it's essential to our salvation to speak to the dead...let's work on the living and spread the word of GOD to someone who never had the chance or was never taught the word of GOD. Much LOVE ....

  1. Greyson's Avatar Greyson

    To converse with those that have passed from this linear existence should be praised. However, of course, there is the old crux that you may be deceived. I would only speak against the use of the Ouija. I have found that this "tool" is the most open to any and all things good or bad. Even after blessing and cleansing.

    Contacting those that have passed before us should, primarily, be done by a trusted individual. Not everyone has this gift, not everyone chooses to accept this gift.

    Thank you to all whom use their gifts to help others.

    To answer the question of the article, I would have to so, unequivocally, no.

  1. Christian's Avatar Christian

    The Long Distance charges are too high !

  1. Mrknowitall's Avatar Mrknowitall

    There are evil spirits around, lots of them. They have names and this is real, they are familiar spirits, evil spirits who are ready to fool you. God says don't do it, why ? Because you will be inviting evil spirits into your life end of story...Believe what you want to believe, God says when you die you cease to know anything and your in gravedom to be raised to sometime after the return of Jesus Christ.

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Daniel, everything you’ve said here is of course totally fallacy with no supporting testable evidence whatsoever. It’s basically what many religionists want people to hear because it supports their narrative of the Bible’s stories and tales. We still have no evidence any hid us real let alone whether the Jesus fellow ever existed, though it’s possible someone with that name did. Thank you for your comment though.


      1. James W. Nusky Jr's Avatar James W. Nusky Jr

        There’s plenty of proof Jesus existed if you do a little research. Do you know the calendar you follow? Yes it was designed because of Jesus existence. They never had proof of King David or Pilate, until recent archeological discovery.

        1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

          Can you see how easy it is to con people like James W. Nusky Jr who instantly jumped to saying “Amen” without doing any research. Your fallacy comes from the argument from ignorance, (argumentum ad ignorantiam),

          Please allow me to educate you and James, the Julian calendar, was proposed by Julius Caesar in AUC 708 (known to Christians as 46 BC), and it was a reform of the Roman calendar. It took effect on 1 January AUC 709 (45 BC), by edict. It was designed with the aid of Greek mathematicians and astronomers. It was modified by Pope Gregory in 1582, hence the name the Gregorian calendar, which most in the Western Hemisphere now follow.

          As you can see, your statement suggesting the calendar was created with Jesus in mind is incorrect, I have done my research, which Sir, you clearly have not.

          It is possible someone called Jesus did exist, but your calendar reference doesn’t support your case.

          Yes there have been some archaeological discoveries of a few places mentioned in the Bible, which is to be expected as most of the Bible was written in those areas by monastically scribes decades after the suggested events are supposed to have taken place, no one contends that.

          Perhaps you could follow up your statement where you say “there is plenty of proof Jesus existed” with more solid evidence. I do know there is a possible reference to a “Jesus” by Josephus, but as far as I’m aware that’s it, so I’m left wondering where your “plenty of proof” actually is.

          As an FYI, this year in the Islamic calendar is 1442 , and in the Jewish calendar is 5781. There is possibly more people in the world follow those dates than the Gregorian calendar.

          Will I now get an Amen from you and James? I suspect not, because it doesn’t really fit the narrative you’d both like to hear.


    2. James W. Nusky Jr's Avatar James W. Nusky Jr

      Amen Daniel. Gods words are so true.

  1. Gordon Billingsley's Avatar Gordon Billingsley

    To contemplate speaking with the dead, we can start with imagining what happens when we are dead. If you want to know what being dead will be like just consider what things were like before you were born. It will just like that. Nothing else.

  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    Angel, you seem better than me at putting my thoughts and beliefs into words. Welcome to the blog. I hope we hear from you often, for now on.

  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    Haven't you noticed that I do not distress myself with dark imaginings, Ehrman, but sometimes thrive on negative attention?

  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    It looks like I got side tracked by the crazies on here. That's definitely something I need to work on.

  1. Angel's Avatar Angel

    To add quickly, if you are not familiar with the spirit realm, I would avoid tools such as ouijia boards because the connection is often to the lower spiritual realms, the "in-between" before they transition. In this realm spirits often keep their earthly emotions and state of exsistence and can be unpredictable. Many also have attachments that are negative and not human. Ouiia boards do open a portal to this realm and the strongest entities will push their way through and reak alot of havoc. So, unless you know what your doing, it would be best just to connect personally or through a Medium that works with higher realm spirits.

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      Thankyou, Angel. That's exactly what was on my mind, but it hadn't fully surfaced yet. That was definitely something that needed to be said, in such a discussion as this.

  1. Angel's Avatar Angel

    I don't know about your God, but my God could care less. Listen, there is a seperation from the living and the dead so they both can move forward and find peace. The living continue to live and the dead, hopefully, will cross over and find peace. Many of them in this state understand the bigger picture and wil often act as guardian angels. As far as psychics, lol, please, the bible is littered with "holy psychics". Every "miracle" they perform is mostly a "psychic" ability, and Jesus did say that we are suppossed to be doing greater things then he. He did show himself after he died, which, they wouldn't have been able o do without some type of psychic ability. He wasn't corporeal, afterall. I find this thing against Mediums and psychics a huge hypocrosy since the "gifts of the spirt" are also all psychic encounters. Clairvoyance=prophesy, (visions same thing, slain in the spirit- a form of transmediumship as you are literally allow a spirit, holy or not, to possess you, laying of hands= energy healing. Hearing the voice of God=clairaudience. Even getting a "vibe" is a natural universal security system of every single person and each person uses it everyday. Some are just more sensative then others, aka "psychic"lol. It's not about the ability, it's all about the "lingo" that will dictate their acceptence or rejection, lol. Funny how that works..

  1. Rabbi Francine MacHotka's Avatar Rabbi Francine MacHotka

    I have only one experience with spirit(s) that a person could call a ghost or whatever I don’t know.
    This happened at work. I was transferred there so it was a new place. Everyone told me there was a ghost. I thought they were just pulling my leg because I was new. Then I realized they were being true with their feelings. So being that I have a scientific side I tried to explain it logically. The spirit had a thing for doors. So when I would open a closed door it would push back on it. Then I’d push harder and open the door and no one there. Not possible for anyone to have done that as it was at the end of the hallway where no one could hide to prank me. It slammed doors when we were all within eyeshot of each other and ringed door bells. It was clearly trying to make itself known. Then one day another knew person came to cover a shift and I told her that the ghost was there and she didn’t believe me until it messed with her door and she came flying up the hallway. So I said don’t worry it never comes to the front room. Well it heard me and twirled like a whirlwind up the hallway and into the center of the room and we were all blinded by it’s light for a minute then it went down the hallway. We had cameras for security and we replayed it back on the tv and there it was for everyone to see. It never tried to hurt us and one day went away. We had a power outage so we used candles for light. We liked the atmosphere so we kept using candles. I found out after a history check that the building had been through a fire so it appears that the candles were what made it leave. I didn’t talk to it. I ignored it because it creeped me out.

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      You finally got my vote, Francine. Thankyou for sharing that ghost story.

  1. Rabbi Francine MacHotka's Avatar Rabbi Francine MacHotka

    Ecclesiastes 9:5-6 in the Hebrew Tanahk says that when we are “dead” meaning no longer inhabiting a body, we can’t work. This is our reward for this lifetime that we can say this is what we did. Judaism is more focused on what we do with what we learn because it’s possible to have a belief that doesn’t result in a good behavior of any kind. In Judaism it’s better to do good than to just think about it. That’s the general Jewish interpretation on those verses.
    I don’t consider the verses of the NT as completely true and I don’t follow it although at one time I studied it thoroughly and there are some things that repeat the Tanahk (Hebrew OT) so there’s some truth in my opinion. I would encourage a study of every mention of “New Testament” in the Tanahk with a clean slate. First to look at who is being spoken to, then what is happening at that time in history, what is the culture of the time for the one speaking and to whom that one is speaking and their culture at that time. Many missed interpretations begin here. The timing of a “new agreement” hasn’t occurred yet because the indication that it has begun states that 1) nobody will need to teach anyone anything because we will all know everything there is to know about G-d. That has happened yet as evidenced here in this forum as we exchange ideas. A Christian would say that if you have been born again you know all things but that’s a stretch of the imagination because even that supposes the “potential” to know all things because look people are still studying. 2). the second indication that “new agreement” has occurred is that everyone will be doing the right thing. As we can all admit we make mistakes so this hasn’t happened yet either. The basis for the NT is that we are perfect by faith also a stretch as that’s not what was said. Our behavior will consistently be perfect not meaning that we can say sorry then become perfect. I’m not saying we can’t repent but that we won’t need to at this time. This is the Jewish perspective on the name of and associated beliefs with a “new agreement/testament”. I believe G-d knows the heart mind and intention of every prayer whatever name is used. Jesus did say don’t worship me worship G-d. The NT also said all Jewish people are “saved” and this comes from the same verses that teach of the “new agreement” and that not one would be left out of the promise and many Jews have passed on not believing in Jesus. So if a person were to believe what you say then those Jews who died not believing have to live again so they can believe but the whole point is to believe in Jesus because there’s only one life so you see a contradiction. The other would be to say ok only Jews don’t have to believe to be “saved” and if that’s the case then Jesus didn’t die for the whole world and that’s not the answer either. I appreciate the dedication of every Christian to study and learn implement and do their best. I appreciate the prayers and time spent praying. I appreciate the heart that cares for someone they don’t know.
    There are other many concepts that Christianity supposes from a misunderstanding of Judaism and Tanahk and their own NT too many to list so I mention only the one. It is hurtful to people G-d created to say to them they’re under G-d’s wrath but I believe someone who says that is truly worried for others who don’t share their beliefs and it is also a huge burden to carry and I have compassion. So thank you for your concern and willingness to say something that might not go over very well in the hopes that I would change as you did at one point. I know your intentions and appreciate your posts. Thank you.

    1. Thom's Avatar Thom

      You make me want to convert with this oratory. I don't think that any of us could have said this better. I have always been drawn to Judaism even thought I call myself Agnostic. I have had many Jewish friends, comrades, and Business relationships. Never did I ever regret any of them. I thank you for this post. WE couldn't have stated it more eloquently.

      Sincerely, Brother Hoffman

      1. Rabbi Francine MacHotka's Avatar Rabbi Francine MacHotka

        Thank you for your kind words! I appreciate what you said!

  1. James W. Nusky Jr's Avatar James W. Nusky Jr

    Yes he died on the cross. He was buried and on the third day he was raised up to life. All other gods and so called prophets are dead. Romans chapter 10

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      I wouldn't take the word of a Roman, Nutsky. Their whole empire is dead!

      1. James W. Nusky Jr's Avatar James W. Nusky Jr

        Paul was a Roman citizen but still a Jew.

  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    Ehrman, you'd never believe how dark my imaginings can get.

  1. Nicholas J Page's Avatar Nicholas J Page

    I forgot to mention.I was a Hospital porter and very often take those who have passed on to the mortuary and prep them for a post mortem we always spoke to them as it was dignified and we treated them with the upmost respect.After the PM We would put them in the fridge or chiller again we would talk to them.I saw my Mother after she died I spoke to her sadly no reply Rev Nick Page.Uk

    1. Angel's Avatar Angel

      She most likely crossed over which means her connection won't seem the same because her state of exsistence is no longer here. However, many times crossed over spirits will communicate through signs or symbols that you are connected to or you may feel a strong sense of peace and knowing. I have no doubt she heard you. I'm sorry for your loss.

    2. Rabbi Francine MacHotka's Avatar Rabbi Francine MacHotka

      Thank you for that post! That’s what I would want for me and my family. I believe they heard you.

      Even a Christian would have to admit that they do as Jesus told Lazarus to come forth meaning that wherever he was he heard and returned to his body to come alive again.

      Judaism says that usually it’s ten days before the soul completely transitions assuming they don’t stay for some reason.

    3. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      Messing with the heads of crazy people may be my last remaining character defect, and although I'm getting better, I'm having too much fun with that one to get rid of it yet.

      1. James W. Nusky Jr's Avatar James W. Nusky Jr

        Read Revelation chapter 16. When your drinking blood and dodging boulders you won’t think we’re crazy. You will be crazy for not listening when you had the chance.

  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    Don't worry, Ehrman. I'm not about to compare myself with the likes of Nicholas Page, so I have nothing to be vain or bitter about. Your ghost will only hear a hearty chuckle from me.

  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    It's not a vexation to my spirit, Ehrman, to put loud and aggressive embusiles in their place. As a matter of fact, for me it's quite the opposite.

  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    If God is the only thing you ever want to communicate with JaZe, you must have some serious mental problems, and the only place you'd probably fit in is a monastery. No form of obsession is good for us. You'd be better off seeking to achieve and maintain balance.

  1. JaZe's Avatar JaZe

    Why equate Ouija boards with Spiritualism? I ve never seen them in any Spiritualist churches here or in any other country! It s not even recommended. Good Mediums dont need and dont use Ouija boards. And why the 'speaking to the dead' ? The dead dont speak , but Spirit does, Spirit is an emanation of God so what is wrong with communicating with?

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      Are you sure you aren't trying to think of the word spiritism, JaZe. That is another word, and is not a synonym of spiritual, or spiritualism. I've never heard of anyone thinking that communicating with discarnate entities had anything to do with being spiritual, unless they too were confused about those two terms, which can be explained to you on Wikipedia.

  1. James W. Nusky Jr's Avatar James W. Nusky Jr

    The demons, know all about you. They have been watching you since you were born. They hate your guts. Their job is to keep you from being born again, a personal relationship with Jesus. They want you to be spiritual,or anything else you want to call yourself. As long as you don’t call yourself a follower of Jesus. They know without Jesus as your Lord and Savior you will spend eternity separated from God. John3:36. These demons will tell you familiar things. Everything they tell you contradicts God’s written words.(The Bible). They tell you these things, and show you things to make God seem like them. Liars!!! I would like to challenge all non believers to read the book of John. Just keep an open mind as you read. John chapter 10:10 Jesus will tell you that demons want to destroy you. They hate you. Jesus wants to give you life. Eternal life. They both want you. You can only choose one. Choose life. Ask Jesus to forgive you of all sin and start a daily relationship with Jesus, through prayer and reading his written words. That’s what being born again is. John 3:36

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      It sounds like you're due for a medication change, James. Talk about "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest".

    2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      I think I'm going to start addressing you as James W Nutsky Jr.

      1. James W. Nusky Jr's Avatar James W. Nusky Jr

        It’s all good. Just don’t call me late for supper. I am praying for your salvation Carl.

        1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

          You'll be glad to know that I'm an excellent cook, Nutsky. If you're serious about that supper invite, look me up when you get to Galveston. I'm well known, and easy to find. And there's always something brewing in my cast iron Witches couldron. Blessed be!

          1. Thom's Avatar Thom

            Many of us have a couldron.

        2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

          I've already been saved, Nutsky. I'm a born again Pagan/Wiccan, and left Christianity very many years ago. I wish you'd have been there to see me pee on my bible, the only better use I've since learned, is to use it for rolling papers. It's not nearly as soft as Charmin. I've tried that, too. I hope you like well done garden lizards.

          1. James W. Nusky Jr's Avatar James W. Nusky Jr

            It is written. The Bible is foolishness to those who are perishing. You are the perfect example of Romans chapter one. Because you want to worship the creation instead of the creator, God turned you over to your own perverted mind. I am praying for you Carl the little elf.

  1. T's Avatar T

    Fear, control...bleh. It's dangerous crossing the street, so we look before we cross... there are dangers in most things we do, that doesn't mean you automatically hide away and fear it. These people live in fear of what they don't understand, plain and simple. They have their place... the only thing that really bothers me about others ways is when they attempt to force it upon others... i could care less if you want to live in complete fear, just don't try to drag me into it.

  1. Alexander Clarke's Avatar Alexander Clarke

    You only need to worry when the dead start talking to you!

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      It's better for the dead to talk to you Alexander, otherwise you'll think you'e talking to yourself.

      1. Alexander Clarke's Avatar Alexander Clarke

        I had not considered that.

  1. Jeffrey Stoecker's Avatar Jeffrey Stoecker

    I have a hard time getting worked up over people speaking to the dead. I'm more concerned that high fructose corn syrup might have been in my Circle-K danish this morning.

    People are going to do what they're going to do. It'll just go into attics and basements if we ban it from dining room tables. Forcing this into dark places is what sets up a shadowy intent.

  1. Michael R Wiesner's Avatar Michael R Wiesner

    Teaching fear is the issue. If God wills people contact the deceased via a oujia board it will be so! Anything is possible if God wills it.

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      I don't care anything about God's will, Michael. Gods will only has to do with what God does. My will only has to do with what I do. Can you see where this is leading?

  1. Michael R Wiesner's Avatar Michael R Wiesner

    Remember God is the one ultimately in control here. If God wills that people be able to contact the deceased via a ouji board then it will be so! Enough with the fear! God is great and watching over us!

  1. Steven Bruner's Avatar Steven Bruner

    God's word will never disappoint. Pray and read the Bible. You will know the truth.

    Pastor Steven Bruner

  1. Steven Bruner's Avatar Steven Bruner

    If you want the truth, all I can say is pray and read the Bible. God's word explains everything. Just trust it.

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      Too bad God's word isn't contained in the bible, Steven. Don't go chasing after rainbows!

    2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      You're right, Bruner! The bible explains everything...that I don't want to be like. Thanks for reminding me.

  1. Ruth Veale's Avatar Ruth Veale

    No matter how curious I am, I would never use a Oujda board, my mum told me years ago, NEVER touch one, your mind could start playing tricks

  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    Andy, that doesn't say anything about spirits who come to us, seeking to communicate. And why do you think the dead are all trying to rest peacefully? I haven't met a discarnate entity yet who said I was bothering him or her. As far as I can tell they live very active lives on the other side of the light. So talk to them all you want. They don't have to respond, if and when they don't want to.

  1. Andy Anderson's Avatar Andy Anderson

    Each day of life is a gift, and each day is precious. Focus on life and God’s creations. Absorb as much wisdom as possible. Let the dead rest peacefully in your memories, and use your intellect to gain in purity of character.

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      Andy, too much purity totally sucks!!! Just let yourself be, and have some fun.

      1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        Furthermore Andy, focusing too much on gods creations, including his many mistakes, brings out my homicidal tendencies. Therefore, it's best for me to practice Buddhist meditation, focusing only on the present moment.

  1. arawngraalrd's Avatar arawngraalrd

    Nagging the Late violates The Great Sabbath, but it's alright to listen.

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      And who let you out of your cage, Arawngraald.

  1. Christian's Avatar Christian

    Love is 'god', to those that follow the path of Love. You do not need a device to remember or speak to those who have moved onward. You can visit them in dream state - and also living people too. Part of the communion of Saints, time & space has no hold over the communications of the Souls. Do not permit yourself to be deluded, or tricked. And if you need to communicate with someone far off - do not wait till nap time, if a phone or text or email can work. Live contact is best, then phone, then written letters, then video calls, emails, texts, and social media last. Life Is Good. Enjoy the experience while it lasts. :-)

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Thank you Christian, I’m not quite sure how you have determined that god is love, as he’s arguably one of the most genocidal, infanticidal, jealous bullies that ever existed. I’m amazed that people still follow and worship it.

      However, I honestly think that people can genuinely love people without being so violent. On the good side, being as there is no demonstrable evidence for any God, more than likely whatever you read in those old books never happened, or hopefully never happened for the sake of those precious lives often told about in those tales and stories.


      1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        I believe christians say that God is love, while ignoring the horrible atrocities he is alleged to have committed, as written in their holy book, probably in fear of being struck dead, and sent directly to Hell, for telling the whole truth, instead of lies and partial truths that worshipping such a deity requires of them, in a religion where honesty is supposed to be one of their main requirements. It's quite a catch 22: damned if you do, damned if you dont.

  1. Darryl Mizer's Avatar Darryl Mizer

    No, why wood he? What's the big secret?

  1. Minister Mike's Avatar Minister Mike

    I sometimes talk with my Mother who has been dead 35 years. Sometimes with my Father, dead 25 years, and a favorite Aunt (Mom's half sister who died at 16). I also talk to God who, some say, is dead.

    The Jewish/Christian/Muslim god claims "... I, Yahweh your God, am a jealous God ..." and if it is, then I can understand the perspective that it pisses it off. But, the god I speak with has never mentioned it nor given any indication it is upset because I talk to the dead. I DID date a woman long ago, who went absolutely livid with rage if/when I had a conversation with another woman - not a long lasting relationship.

    So, to answer the question, yes, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is a jealous God and is angered by his people talking to dead people. Not a very godly attitude, but God said it and we aren't supposed to question it or its motives.

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Yes, much like communism Mike. Don’t question it, or it’s motives, because it only p****s them off, and they will punish you. The OT deity is very much like that, but he will take it out on little children if he wants to…..but don’t question it, just worship it, pretend it loves everyone, and you’ll be okay.

      For me? I think I’ll pass on that one. Not the sort of chap I’d like to worship. Does anyone know of any nice goddesses? They might possibly be a better option. Just asking for a friend!


      1. Rabbi Francine MacHotka's Avatar Rabbi Francine MacHotka

        I’m sorry for your experiences that made you think you couldn’t question a religion. I find most of the time that people who are turned off from religion are assuming that the Christian teaching equals the OT and it doesn’t in my opinion. The translation from Hebrew to English isn’t accurate so there are many interpretations that lead to conclusions that go beyond the original meaning. Kabbalah teaches about reincarnation. In that teaching we suffer in life because of something we did in a previous life so that all that happens to us is justified. If you abused a child in your life you too will be abused as a child to learn compassion. It is goal in life to correct the mistakes of the past. This is different from the Christian perspective that would excuse everyone’s mistakes because of a cross. It’s a common theme to point the finger at G-d when people create their own suffering. There are also many dimensions of time and space that is taught in Kabbalah so that the many worlds theory can mean that we make different choices and experience the outcomes of those choices and could be able to look back and see what was best. Also keep in mind that we all experience time differently as proved by Einstein & we are not so finite as the sun’s particles flow through us all the time. I think people who say G-d doesn’t exist know deep down that he does exist and that they haven’t come to terms with the things they’ve had happen to themselves or have seen happen to another and their own need to be judged and they haven’t been so that they see a lack of justice. I believe everyone gets what is right in the sum total of their lives be it reward or punishment.

        1. Barbara Harris's Avatar Barbara Harris

          Rabbi Francine MacHotka, I love reading your replies. As a young adult I set with a Rabbi several times to learn more about the OT in a realistic concept. I found the different perspective fascinating. I wasn't raised in a practicing Christian household and always found myself drawn to being in nature and listening to what was around me. My path has been as a Pagan (with a dash of Buddhist tendencies) since my early 20s. But the study of religions has always intrigued me. And now, as the archaeological records are proving things that were written in many of the ancient religious texts from around the world, I feel it is going to change a lot of things.

          1. Rabbi Francine MacHotka's Avatar Rabbi Francine MacHotka

            Thank you! I appreciate your kindness!! I also like to read about meditation and mindfulness. I like the teaching of how to live in the present, enjoy each moment, appreciate the simple tasks we do and be content. Would those be the Buddhist tendencies you enjoy? I think everyone is right where they are supposed to be in their journey of life. That’s why these posts mean so much to me. It’s a place where everyone can feel welcome regardless of where they’re at spiritually.
            I believe G-d fills everything & everyone so we are all his children & that we reincarnate until we are what we are supposed to be whatever that would be and whenever it’s right. I agree that a lot is going to change and exponentially so in the coming years!

            1. Barbara Harris's Avatar Barbara Harris

              I have meditated and practiced mindfulness for almost 8 years now. But I have begun to actually study Buddhism. There are many things about it that speak to me.

        2. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

          "I think people who say G-d doesn’t exist know deep down that he does exist ..."

          For me Francine, that's not true at all. As I have mentioned before, the god of the Bible is an infanticidal, genocidal, jealous bully. I have not yet seen any demonstrable evidence to prove any god is real yet. Even the biblical god seems incapable of showing up to prove he's real and exists. It's not the sort of thing I would do to my children if they had never seem me. I'd be showing up big time for real for them. Not relying on anecdotal stories of me for them to gain some sort of sick faith that I'm real.

          If by some miracle he actually showed up one day to prove to the world he is real I would want to know if those stories of him in the Bible are true. If he said they were, there is no way I would want to follow that type of deity, let alone worship it.

          If, as you suggest, there are many translation inaccuracies, wouldn't you do something about wanting to somehow "correct" them so that the world got the correct stories about you if you were him? Either he's obviously not bothered about any truth, or he doesn't really exist. Due to lack of demonstrable evidence, I know which I am going with.

          You reference to the stories taught in the Kabbalah is interesting, but again, they are stories written by men, and carry as much weight as any other stories in other texts of other religions/beliefs.

          Thank you for your thoughts though.


          1. Rabbi Francine MacHotka's Avatar Rabbi Francine MacHotka

            I read your post and thank you for it and I agree with you that G-d has to show himself to you that he’s real. I believe he will. Then you can pray for answers to tough questions we all have those questions. I don’t know everything or have all the answers. I’m ok with that. I like physics only in tidbits because it’s so mind boggling even physicists need a mathematical formula for testing theories they can’t see because it goes beyond our every day experience. Assuming G-d made all that he can’t be completely understood by anyone. Languages don’t directly translate word for word. Sometimes it takes a conversation to know what a word means in a different language. Commentaries together with a Jewish Tanahk in English are an answer but it’s still man’s words as you said and there are some people who disregard some parts of it. Some answers I get intuitively and others by seeing a situation change after prayer or knowing something is going to happen and what to do about it before it happens so these are personal experiences that make him real to me that have nothing to do with a Bible or anyone else. I appreciate that you reason between what should be right and what isn’t right when you write about who G-d should be and Thank you for your post!

            1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

              You're very welcome. I'm pleased that you are under the impression that one day a deity will show itself to me that it's real. If of course it did show itself to me I wouldn't have to do the praying bit because I'd be able to ask the deity directly.

              I know we all like to think that deities are so advanced that we wouldn't be able to properly converse with them, but, if they are that advanced they should be able to lower their regal omnipresence to be able to converse with us in some sort of humble way.

              To me, it's sad that here we are, 2000 years later, not to mention the thousands of years before then, that we still have no real idea if any god exists. Personally, I think it's way overdue, but if he/she is not going to physically show itself at times like the holocaust, or the terrible world wars, it's not going to do it any time soon. This inability to let everyone know he/she is real is the main reason I don't believe it exists, but thank you for your thoughts anyway.


      2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        In other words Lionheart, don't call it on its shit! But in order to truly worship it you must have an inferiority complex, and be a self-defeatist.

    2. Rabbi Francine MacHotka's Avatar Rabbi Francine MacHotka

      Thank you, Minister Mike for your post! I understand where you are coming from when you say we aren’t supposed to question things we see as biblical truths that we don’t understand, I agree in a way. I reference the book of Job and this story also touches on the nature of jealousy. Job was in a pretty bad way having lost his children, his business/farms, his health, his home and wished he was never born as he sat in the street with his open sores. He couldn’t find an explanation for why he lost so much so fast. His wife told him to curse G-d & die. His friends accused him of things he didn’t do adding insult to all he was going through. He questioned G-d out of anger & with an attitude & he got rebuked but not as much as his friend who was wrong in what he said. G-d responded by saying in a nutshell, when you have the power over nature all around you and you’re wise enough to hold the universe together then you can speak to me this way (as a superior or an equal) He spoke to the attitude but not that Job shouldn’t question him but how to do it. So that we don’t say G-d is unrighteous in his judgment but that we don’t understand & ask for an explanation. I’ve had moments where I’m angry about something or full of grief and I pray G-d, I’m angry & I don’t understand and I expect him to have compassion on my feelings and help me cope. He says he’s close to the broken hearted. He wants us to understand. Although we are not capable of understanding everything at his level because we are a small portion of him not all of him. We exist so that we can learn. But we come to him in humility knowing who we are in relation to him. As the story relates to jealousy, I don’t see G-d being ungodly by being jealous. G-d made us & is making each of us for his purposes. We belong to him not to ourselves or to each other. So if we love someone or something more than him, we’ve stepped into worshiping that which is created more than the creator. G-d is the total of all creation because he has to be what he creates. In loss of a loved one it helps to acknowledge that the soul we loved so well was made by G-d. He has in his being all those things we loved about that person so we worship & love him for that. Then to acknowledge that that soul belongs to G-d and has a purpose to fulfill and needs to do that so we let go. In Judaism they say that grief honors the one who moved on and G-d who made them because there was a beauty there we experienced so we can thank him for that time we had and for that part of him he replicated in that person we love so that G-d is elevated to where he belongs. Jealousy among people however normal because we are made in his image needs to be balanced with the understanding that the souls we love don’t belong to us. G-d on the other hand can be jealous because we do belong to him. Job didn’t think on this as he wished himself into non existence (insinuating G-d made a mistake by creating him) he didn’t think that his life belongs to G-d that his life has meaning and purpose even though his life experience was put to the test. The end of the story being that G-d gave him an even deeper love by replacing what he lost with better. When I say better I think after losing it all he had a greater appreciation for what G-d gave him so that his perceived value was greater, too.

  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    When I was a teenager, during my year and a day of training, to become initiated into Wicca, my mentor, Herbert Clifton Woods (Uz), a natural hereditary Witch and a Gypsy (also a published author) told me that Wicca does not condone the use of iouja boards. That doesn't mean that there aren't any Wiccans who ever use them, and I do have mediumistic abilities and tried my hand at it before he told me that, but it's not commonly accepted in Wicca, but conducting seances definitely are. One problem with a iouja board is that you don't know whose spirit you are conjuring, and they might not leave when you put the board away. You could find yourself haunted by some very nasty spirits.

  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    Today my atheist stepfather told me that he sometimes hears my mother having conversations with my deceased grandparents, for which he thinks she's suffering from dementia, and even scheduled an appointment for her to be seen by a neurologist. I didn't have the heart to tell him that I have conversations with them too, as well as many other discarnates. I just hope he doesn't spend all of my inheritance trying to justify his disbelief.

  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    I don't care what christians think about anything. If they want to think God is against them talking to the dead that's fine with me, but they need to keep that to themselves, and know that others don't accept such things. I am Wiccan, of the old religion, a natural eclectic solitairy, and talking to and with discarnate entities is a big part of my life. I'd be totally lost without it. Besides that, I live in a haunted apartment,and some of the other apartments in this building are also haunted. I'm not talking about things that go bump in the night, but even objects floating across the room in the middle of the day, as well as other things. And it's not uncommon to hear eery music playing in my ceiling fan on Halloween. However, my ghosts are comfortable with me, and I am comfortable with them. They haven't asked me to help them cross over, so I haven't tried. One of them was a friend of mine before he died, and we're even better friends now. I'd be lost and lonely without them. I only wish they could materialize, like ghosts I've seen in other places, including some of the other places I've lived. However, I've lived here for more than a decade, and hope the ghosts and I will live here for the rest of my life, but like I've told them,as soon as I die I'm going straight to the other side of the light, and they can join me if they want, but I'm not going to stay here with them. There is far too much for me to doin the summerland, for me to ever consider staying here, and trying to talk to the living, by far most of whom I seek to avoid even now, while I'm still alive.

  1. Thom's Avatar Thom

    As a spiritualist and believing that every religion is true to their beliefs I don't have any problems with it. Each of us is physical matter. Our brain is physical matter which requires chemicals, water and electricity to function. We are in harmony with the Universe. We are part of this Global Organic Space ship upon which we live and survive and that we are also killing.

    Albert Einstein felt that we are a multi-dimensional universe. I think that when we become diseased our electrical energy must dissipate to someplace. We know for a fact that there are radio waves in the dimension around us all the time. So who is to say that there isn't a plane of existence that we go to upon the departure from our physical beings.

    All matter in this Universe vibrates. We are in a constant state of harmonic vibrations. If we vibrate positive we attract positive energy (or positive entities). If we vibrate negative we attract negative energy (or entities). It all depends on the individual and what you want from the Universe. Why we all have to start treating each other better, stop having rage and anger, and working towards having a more harmonious lifestyle over all.

    But keep in mind, even in ancient forms of religions there have always been balances of Good and Evil, Ying and Yang, God and Lucifer, Heaven and Hell. This is an on going theme in story telling.

    1. Barbara Harris's Avatar Barbara Harris

      What you say is so true and explains exactly how I feel. My first encounter with a person who had crossed over scared me to "death". It then took me several years to come to terms with my gift. Ninety percent of the time I have a do not disturb sign up. Otherwise some spirits will talk your ear off.

    2. James W. Nusky Jr's Avatar James W. Nusky Jr

      Thom every religion might be true to their beliefs, but not all beliefs are true. I can say I don’t believe in trucks. If I stand in the street long enough one could run me over regardless of my beliefs. Jesus said there is only one way to the Father, and that’s through a relationship with him. John chapter 14. If you have never read the book of John, I would encourage you to read it. Just keep an open mind and let the Holy Spirit minister to your heart. I am praying for you.

      1. Thom's Avatar Thom

        What you fail to understand is that your belief is not the only one. Are you so pious, Pontius, to Believe that there is only one way into the next universal dimension. We are energy. We exist on physical planes of different types of matter, elements, and energy vibrations. The harmony of the universe doesn't lie in the words of one person who was a philosopher who studied all the other religions before forming his theological ideals. He had to learn from some where. Why are his travels hidden by the church and not discussed? Why is his education not discussed? Because he learned from others then formed his own ideas. If one is to believe in an "All Higher Power" then one must believe that Mary, and others, Were visited by Aliens from outer space since they glow and float. "Preposterous", you say. So be it that Angels came and spoke to Mary and Kings. People of light with wings. How would a uneducated Culture explain beings which speak to them, glow and float? How do we explain the many ancient drawings of beings and craft on rocks and texts. So many things left unanswered. For an entire religion to think that they are the only right people and that all the rest of the world is wrong and that we all are going to hell. I think is just a little too far fetched. I think that some individuals need to rethink their ideals and realize that the world is larger than Christianity. That the WAR is over and that some of us believe that there is just Spirit. Matter. Energy. Dirt. Chemicals. Elements. That our spirit is of a matter which dissipates into a dimension which is of a element we have yet to discover but are on the verge of great discoveries.

  1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

    why should it, people speak to Jesus all the time and didnt he die on the cross? people speak to Mohammaud all the time, they speak to Buddah, the Druids speak to trees and nature and they have no proof they are alive. Witches speak to their deities and others speak to Satan.

    Whats the fuss? Couldnt find anything better to complain about?

  1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

    If anyone would like to pay me I will allow you to speak to the dead. $5 for the first 3 minutes, than $1.00 per minute after. I guarantee you will be able to speak to the dead.

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      I bet Nicholas Page would pay you that, Douglas, if you'll first help him get out of his straight jacket, so he can get the money, when he's not busy catching flies with his tongue.

  1. Anisahoni's Avatar Anisahoni

    What a silly and childish question. So, some people still believe there is some white guy in the sky who gets PO'd at people. Come on. This is so ridiculous. "God" gets mad? Wow. So god is a male who isn't capable of coping with his emotions. I am so over this crap. Religion and superstitions like this have caused so much damage to people world wide. It certainty hasn't made humans any better. I stopped believing in Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, and all the other fairy tales a long time ago.

    1. Rabbi Francine MacHotka's Avatar Rabbi Francine MacHotka

      Thank you for your opinion!! I hear your frustrations.
      My opinion is that recognizing that anger is a normal reaction sometimes is part of learning to cope with it and to have emotional control. I believe people are made in G-d’s image and that we have all the same emotions that he does. LkoWhat we do as a result of the emotions defines our character. I don’t see G-d as only a man. I believe he is both male & female as the names used to describe him have both gender pronouns. I don’t believe he’s up in the sky but that he is the energy that is at the core of all matter.

      1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        So, you think God is a hermaphrodite, eh Francine? WTF! Thàt says a lot about your beliefs.

        1. Rabbi Francine MacHotka's Avatar Rabbi Francine MacHotka

          I don’t think you read about my beliefs. That’s ok. There are a lot of comments.

          I said that I believe G-d is the energy that is at the core of everything. I don’t see how energy can have a gender.

          I also said it’s impossible to know all there is to know about him given our smallness in comparison to the universe.

          I have a lot of beliefs that say a lot of good about me so thank you for that ... just kidding I know you didn’t mean it as a compliment!

    2. Rabbi Francine MacHotka's Avatar Rabbi Francine MacHotka

      Thank you for your opinion!! I hear your frustrations.
      My opinion is that recognizing that anger is a normal reaction sometimes is part of learning to cope with it and to have emotional control. I believe people are made in G-d’s image and that we have all the same emotions that he does. LkoWhat we do as a result of the emotions defines our character. I don’t see G-d as only a man. I believe he is both male & female as the names used to describe him have both gender pronouns. I don’t believe he’s up in the sky but that he is the energy that is at the core of all matter.

    3. Rabbi Francine MacHotka's Avatar Rabbi Francine MacHotka

      Thank you for your opinion!! I hear your frustrations.
      My opinion is that recognizing that anger is a normal reaction sometimes is part of learning to cope with it and to have emotional control. I believe people are made in G-d’s image and that we have all the same emotions that he does. LkoWhat we do as a result of the emotions defines our character. I don’t see G-d as only a man. I believe he is both male & female as the names used to describe him have both gender pronouns. I don’t believe he’s up in the sky but that he is the energy that is at the core of all matter.

  1. Mark Hannon's Avatar Mark Hannon

    I haven't been interested in Ouija but having a bunch of Baptists telling me I shouldn't just makes me want to. I say this as a liberal Baptist. They could be afraid that if no one actually talks to a dead person that people will start to think that there is nothing after death but evaporating into the ether.

  1. MIKE's Avatar MIKE

    I believe the Ouija works if you truly believe in it, like anything else, faith. Also like anything else,it depends on what is in your heart. Ouija is not evil. It's a tool that can be used for good or evil.

    1. Thom's Avatar Thom

      You hit the nail on the head. It is a tool. It depends on the Practitioner using the tool as to their energy and if it is positive or negative in its intent and energy.

      1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        The pointer is made out of plastic, and that's not a conductor of energy, nor is it a magickal correspondence. It only works because a spirit works through it.

    2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      Even the very first time I used a Ouija board, without any expectations, when I was a teenager, along with a Catholic girl, it worked! It doesn't have anything to do with belief. It just works. It's not even magickal. The people using it aren't working it. Believe it or not, it only works through a discarnate entity who you ask a question of, using that board , and pointer. Don't try to figure it out. Just accept that it is what it is.

  1. John P Maher's Avatar John P Maher


    1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

      But lots of people curse God every day. Think of how many curse words there are for God.

      1. James W. Nusky Jr's Avatar James W. Nusky Jr

        That’s so true. And with that same filthy mouth, you call out to God when you have problems. Would you use your Mother name as a curse word? No because it would disrespect her. Yet God, who has given us life, his name, his title is constantly used as a filth word. So serious it was punished by death in the Old Testament

        1. Rabbi Francine MacHotka's Avatar Rabbi Francine MacHotka

          I understand what you’re referring to be rest assured the vowels in Hebrew that were used to formulate G-d’s true named were taken out of the language at the moment people began to misuse the name. In Judaism he is sometimes referred to as Hashem which translates “The Name”... which can’t be spoken. His real name is a mystery to everyone for our protection and so his name isn’t misused. In Hebrew the closest we get is Yud hei vav hei which is incomplete and English has tried to claim to be Yahweh.

  1. Larry Mager's Avatar Larry Mager

    I figure, to each their own. I talk literally to my deceased Mom and Dad. I don't need or use a Ouija Board. I just talk. Like I do to the Holy Mother. Then I listen quietly. If I get a warm feeling, I know that They heard me. If I get a cold chill feeling, I know that they don't think what I've asked is such I good idea so I leave it alone. Easy-Peasy as my Grand daughter says. Simple as that to talk to the dead. I hope this helps.

  1. Ty Ford's Avatar Ty Ford

    I'm a failed Episcopalian with several years of Catholic Grade School burnished into my soul.

    "The Baptist Deliverance Study Group published a blog post cautioning people to resist the “resurgence in interest in spiritualism” that typically comes following mass loss of life."

    Of course they did!! What else would you expect? They are trying to sell the same fear that has them slavishly shackled to their favorite flavor of religion. It's not working. I'm sure not buying it.


    Casper, The Friendly Ghost

  1. Rabbi Francine MacHotka's Avatar Rabbi Francine MacHotka

    There is a difference in opinion between Christianity and Judaism as it relates to the soul, what is alive and what is dead and the afterlife. I’d like to briefly suggest another perspective.
    The original biblical language has different Hebrew words that English translates as one word. As it relates to the discussion, I refer to the word soul.
    The biblical reference that relates to the post is about Caan & Abel. G-d says that Abel’s blood cried out to him from the dirt. The general Christian perspective would say that this soul is dead and the one crying out from the dead is an evil spirit impersonating the soul that is no longer on the earth because the assumption is that there is only one soul. Another verse states that the life of the flesh is in the blood. There is a soul that is in the blood and Hebrew gives it a name. G-d heard the cries of this soul that was in the blood and in the earth as Abel cried to him. This conversation was not demonic.
    I’m not going to say I advocate to speak with the “dead”. I put quotations because a soul can’t die. That which is eternal life can’t die. It can move on to another type of existence. I will make the quick opinion that based on this example of Abel that he was definitely able to communicate through his soul that is in his blood and that his communication did not involve an evil spirit of any kind. In Judaism specific prayers are offered for those who leave this world because the opinion is that it’s not an easy transition.
    The soul which is in the flesh struggles more than the soul of the spirit which longs for a spiritual existence.
    The struggle of the soul of the flesh is real and can be what people refer to although I have no experience to draw from I can see based on the Caan & Abel story that where there is a traumatic death such as a murder, the soul struggles and cries.

    1. MIKE's Avatar MIKE

      Well said!!

    2. Barbara Harris's Avatar Barbara Harris

      Excellent explanation. Today will be the memorial service for my heart sister. Since she crossed over we have spoken several times. The hardest part of the transition, for most souls, is the grief that is surrounding the living loved ones. But once they slip through that it's a beautiful experience.

      1. James W. Nusky Jr's Avatar James W. Nusky Jr

        Barbra. There are demons that have been watching you since you were born. They are called familiar spirits. They are there to make sure you never have a relationship with Jesus. They know all about you, your friends, your beliefs. They will let you believe anything but What is written in the Bible, Gods written words. Their job is to destroy you ( John 10:10). They will show you and tell you what you think you seek. They will always contradict God’s written words. Unless you are born again, you can’t understand this.( See John chapter 3). Once you repent of your sins ( stop practicing sin and change your direction) and start a daily relationship with Jesus by praying and reading his written words, the Bible. The Holy Spirit will come into your life and help you to understand all things, especially Gods plan for your life. James 4:7-8 says if you do that, God will draw close to you. I am praying for you and many others in this blog.

        1. Barbara Harris's Avatar Barbara Harris

          Thank you James W Nusky Jr but I am a Pagan with no plans to change.

          1. James W. Nusky Jr's Avatar James W. Nusky Jr

            Jesus respects your decision. Just understand you will never stand at judgment and claim you never knew. I am still praying for you.

      2. Ealdormon Piparskeggr Robinson's Avatar Ealdormon Piparskeggr Robinson

        I am a Norse-Germanic Pagan, aka Heathen, Asatru, Théodisc, Elder Way, Northern Path...have been since July 1988. I left Christianity in March 1975.

        Part of my core beliefs is veneration for my ancestors and those I have loved. I truly believe I have inspiration from their spirits. I have a special Offering the night before Winter Solstice to give honor to my Mothers and the night before summer solstice to honor my Fathers.

        Every Mothers' Night, I see my great gramma Burke watching and smiling. On Father's Night, my dad comes to visit. I do not claim they speak to me, but they ARE watching.

    3. James W. Nusky Jr's Avatar James W. Nusky Jr

      I would have to ask what parts of Judaism ? Messianic believe Jesus is the Christ. The Sadducees didn’t believe in the resurrection, that’s why they were sad you see🤔 As a Rabbi, you know what God has written about the dead. Ecclesiastes 9:5-6. For believers in Jesus and non believers alike, James chapter 4:7-8 says to submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee. Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. Whatever you call yourself, Norse, sceptic, Rabbi, Atheist ( bye the way is the scientific impossibility that everything came from nothing). Without Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you are enemies of God and his wrath awaits you. John 3:36. This is directed for all eyes, that you might see. All ears 👂🏼, that you might hear.

      1. William Parker's Avatar William Parker

        I am so pleased to see some of us are ordained to preach the Salvation through Jesus. I was almost ready to renounce my ordination.

  1. Shango MasterExorcist, D.D.'s Avatar Shango MasterExorcist, D.D.

    I enjoy speaking to the dead. Often they are more interesting than the living. Doesn'a matter to me if teh person is alive, only that the conversation is alive.

    1. Thom's Avatar Thom

      your truly blessed if your able to have conversation with the dead. I am happy for you.

  1. Barbara Harris's Avatar Barbara Harris

    I'm a Pagan and I am also a medium. I speak to the dead all the time. In my youth I used a Ouija board but found it way to slow. This is just nonsense.

    1. Thom's Avatar Thom

      Your so blessed. I have longed and yearned to be able to receive messages from the other side. I am so glad your with us. Praise be.

      1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        Thom, please let me or Carl know whenever you want to hear any messages from the other side. You are obviously a very golden person for the likes of us, and also Barbara. We love meeting people like you that believe this sort of stuff. I wish there were more like you…… we need the money. Most of us will do it for free just to get you hooked as a starter, but that’s okay, we will do whatever it takes. Oh, and by the way, religions “love” people like you, in fact, they thrive off people like you. They need people who lack the ability to use logic and reason…..just like Barbara needs you.

        I also have some beachfront property in Nevada if ever you are interested, please let me know.


        1. Barbara Harris's Avatar Barbara Harris

          I appreciate your wit Lionheart. I find it amusing. I to have seen mediums who are complete hoaxes. You can tell by the way they fish for answers and tidbits. Then I have set with legitimate mediums that if you give any answers at all they can only be yes, no or maybe. There have been several that don't even want feedback till they are done and they have nailed things from ones on the other side. I don't "sell" my services because I don't always have contact. Most of the mediums I know who are accurate don't charge either. But I definitely understand where you are coming from. It is something hard to believe. I have a very strong science background and a science based degree so I can be a true skeptic with things like this.

      2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        I found out that there's a book for sale on Amazon by Raymond Buckland on solitairy seances. I can't think of the exact name of the book (call me Aunt Hagatha, if you will). Just go to books by Raymond Buckland, and you'll find it. Your ability to communicate might be better than you think. Try different methods. Don't give up, or become frustrated by lack of immediate success. Too many Americans seek and expect immediate gratification. When at first you don't succeed, try, try again. And, don't give up before the miracle (so to speak). Buckland also wrote a book called Spirit Communication, which I own a copy of, even though I'm a natural, with mediumistic abilities, it helps to learn all we can. Blessed be!

      3. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        Thom, I own a snow capped mountain on Galveston Island, fifty miles south of Houston, in the gulf of Mexico that I'll sell you real cheap, and I'll throw in free lessons on how to sit on top of it, and be a guru!

  1. Nicholas J Page's Avatar Nicholas J Page

    You can't communicate with the dead I was bought up in a hospital back ground and a medic for 16 years Ouija board and all the other so called spiritual stuff is nonsense.When you die your hearing is the last thing that shuts down after everything else.If you could talk to the dead.Then I. Would be in regular contact with both of my parents, relatives who have passed on and friends You can pray with God and that's it All the seances and stuff is all a hoax How can a spiritualist talk to the dead when you can't.No one has super powers and it's been proved in the papers.Minister Nicholas J Page.UK

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      Maybe there aren't any discarnate entities who want to talk to you, Nicholas. They might have even been glad to get away from you when they died. It wouldn't surprise me.

      1. Nicholas J Page's Avatar Nicholas J Page

        Carl your comments are so nasty about my family and friends who have passed on Do not speak like that to me again.Glad you don't live in the UK Mind you you know nothing about me.So keep your comments to yourself Pond Life Minister N.J . Page

        1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

          My great-grandfather, Sir Ernest Grave of Manchester, was the last of my ancestors to leave your wretched Homeland, Nicholas. Otherwise, don't forget to take your medicine when you're supposed to, or my comments could lead you to Stark, raving, madness! I hope you aren't suicidal. Those of us who survive the longest on this blog, quickly learn to develop a tough. I first had the experience of attending thirty something years of A.A. and N.A. meetings everyday. Just so you'll know what you're up against. And no, I don't always play well with others, but love myself madly, nevertheless.

        2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

          Not only do I not know you, Nicholas, but wouldn't want to. I don't even care if you're related to the Queen, and live in Windsor Castle! If you do, I bet they keep you locked in the nine-hundredth room, far away from everyone.

        3. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

          I do know that you claim to be mentally ill, Nicholas. I hope you don't think this is a group therapy session. However, I am well trained as a substance a buse counselor, so it's safe for you to follow my advice. And the best advice I can give you, is for you to find a group therapy blog, and never leave it.

    2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      I bet Nicholas said all that so his psychiatrists would think he's sane. However, the mentally ill aren't supposed to sound sane, and if they sound even more sane, and totally unimaginative, more so than the rest of us, chances are their doctors aren't going to believe they're telling the truth.

  1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

    Well the first supposition is that one can speak to the dead. The second supposition is that there is a God.....any God.

    As there have been numerous charlatans claiming they can speak to the dead, and many making LOTS of money doing it, their claims are seriously in doubt, even though there might be many on here who will claim them to be genuine. It's arguable that those who are easily conned into believing in "mediums" are also easily conned into believing in one of many gods that mankind have created.

    So, in answer to the question "Does speaking to the dead anger God" which is also akin to "Does speaking to Elves anger Fairies", or other mythical elementals, the answer is "How can it, if neither of those suppositions exist"?


    1. Thom's Avatar Thom

      I so appreciate your position for I too have long felt that there is no God since being exposed the to Novel "The Brothers Karmaozov" in my honors English class in college, where the devout Christian member argued against it then dropped the class to not be exposed to any further doubts of any religious experiences through literature. LOL It was a most interesting class and a looked at religious perspectives from a Male Gisha, a Female Jewish factory worker, and including the Novel Anna Karenina. I have to say it was the most interesting class in college besides my theatre classes.

      But for some there is a necessary or emptiness/void of which they need to fill in a spiritual way. Some need to believe that there is a higher power, being, entity if you will.

      Honestly for me, I think they are all talking about Aliens. Beings from another planet which are far beyond our current abilities. We see ancient drawing depicting things which the tribes can't explain. There are Hindu paintings depicting flying Chariots I things or even saucers of some sort. Even plane like hieroglyphs in Egypt. How do we explain these?

      It's a mystery all of it. I think we just don't believe is the easiest and we become dust again.

      1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        Yes Thom, you can ignore my sarcasm regarding your statement of wanting to contact the dead. I often write many tongue-in-cheek remarks on here mainly for those who perhaps would like to possibly see the other side of things, or just to get them to think.

        There are many unexplained hieroglyphs, and petroglyphs dotted around this planet of ours, which cannot be properly explained, and it is very easy to come to a conclusion that aliens have done it, or a God is somewhere involved. In reality, for those things that we don’t understand, the correct thing to say is that we just don’t know, but sadly, there are many people who will say they do know because of faith, which of course is a fallacy.

        Thanks for your comment.


        1. Rabbi Francine MacHotka's Avatar Rabbi Francine MacHotka

          I appreciate your honesty. I’m glad to have a forum like this where people can express their opinions. I’ve been living in a belief of G-d since I was a teenager. At first reading the Bible was difficult so I started verse by verse. I’m 54. The first book I tackled was Psalms: a prayer book. My faith grew into an absolute unwavering belief as my prayers were answered one by one and each answered prayer like one brick on top of another. It’s not that I have a need that makes me believe but that I have an experience that can’t be denied. I also love physics and see the Bible and physics prove each other all the time. I say Bible to be understood in this forum but for me I call it a Tanahk.

          1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            Thank you Francine. Your story is an interesting one because I did the same as you and decided I would fully read the Bible. It was by reading it that caused me to realize, using logic and reason, that no true deity worth his salt exists, certainly not in the Bible. I found him to be a very heartless jealous deity with anger management issues, big time.

            It's interesting how the Bible covers only two versus in Exodus of God explaining how slaves can be beaten, as long as they don't die in the first two days, yet spends at least 14 verses covering how temple curtains needs to be made. Presumably Temple curtains are more important to him than denouncing slavery. Personally I find that to be real odd. 🤪.

            Thank you for your comment though.


      2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        Simple minds don't complicate anything.

    2. Angel's Avatar Angel

      I'm a Medium and I don't charge anything. It is true, there are alot of fake psychics who charge and claim that their dead loved ones are assumed to be "crossed over". Me, I don't work for the living, I work for the dead. I figure that crossed over spirits have already found peace so if they want a message delivered it's mainly for the benefit of the living, nothing more. Once awhile they come through but my intention is mostly for those who haven't found peace, wo are lost or remain earthbound and help them find that peace. Some people believe, some do not, but alot of people deal with hauntings, ect and many of those spirits chose not to let go of this planet so they chose to remain until such time they are ready to let go. Some are tormented by guilt or shame, and are so busy punishing themselves, they really don't fel they deserve love or forgiveness, and some just like it here. They don't want peace because they really do enjoy the chaos and live vicariously through the living, or try to do a "walk-in" so they can continue to live. The spirit realm is really no different then the living, we all live together on this planet yet all exsist in our own little words. Death isn't the end, it's a continued state of exsistence that remains until you decide to change that exsistence. Anyway's, just mho :)

      1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        Thank you Angel. I am now a medium. I used to be a large, but with Keto I'm now back to being a medium. Please excuse me for throwing some levity into this topic.

        Much of what you have posted I have heard before, but even though there has been a lot of scientific testing performed in an attempt to prove much of what you have said, there are no peer review papers confirming the validity that spirits exist after death, or are floating around trying to get in touch with us. I am aware that you honestly believe that you have been in touch with them, presumably they are have been determined to be latter day spirits and not spirits of Neanderthals or other sub human culture still trapped here after thousands of years.

        Here's an interesting YouTube of five things commonly mistaken as ghosts: https://youtu.be/AQRYLGBTdbc

        Thank you for your input.


  1. James Pace's Avatar James Pace

    What a compassionate God that would deny you the comfort of discourse with lost loved ones. Glad I'm Norse pagan, and it's considered almost expected to have a congenial relationship with your ancestors. My ancestors support me in ways no one else could.

    1. Thom's Avatar Thom

      I know every time I see a daffodil or have a passionate feeling about politics that my grandparents are with me and pushing me forward to what is important. Our ancestors visit us in so many ways. If your not looking your missing it right?

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