Churches are facing a troubling issue: trust in clergy is falling off a cliff.
"Clergy member" isn't the least trusted profession out there (that would be lobbyist and car salesperson), but according to a new poll from Gallup, clergy have suffered the largest decline in public trust since the turn of the century.
The poll shows clergy currently ranking at a historic low when it comes to public confidence, with only 30% of Americans agreeing they are ethical. That's down from more than half of Americans just 25 years ago.
America is losing confidence in their religious leadership. Why?
Clergy Trust in Free Fall
According to the survey, which was conducted late last year, clergy rank below professions like auto mechanics and funeral directors when it comes to public trust.
They still rank above lawyers, but that's not exactly a high bar.
Per the survey, only 30% of Americans say clergy have high ethical standards. 42% say they have average ethical standards, and 20% say they have low ethical standards.
While clergy members still rank significantly higher than professions which are viewed with high levels of public distrust – like members of Congress, business execs, and those in car sales – the poll reveals clergy suffered a sharp decline in public trust since the year 2000.
Aggregate surveys from 2000 to 2009 show that clergy were rated as trustworthy and ethical by an average of 56% of Americans, ranking amongst other professions with consistently high levels of public trust like police officers and doctors.
Fast forward to today and only 30% of the public views clergy as trustworthy. The shocking 26% drop in just a quarter century is the largest drop in public confidence of any surveyed profession.
Why the Drop?
Experts say that some drop was inevitable. Polls show a loss of public confidence in nearly every major industry (even the ever-trusted nursing profession lost 6% approval in that timeframe). And though clergy still rank amongst the top half of surveyed professions when it comes to public trust, their sharp decline was the major headline coming out of this poll.
In a Reddit thread, one comment which received more than 100 upvotes argued the reason religious leadership lost so much trust was obvious. “Well, duh,” reads the comment. “The clergy is the second group most likely to abuse children and they cover their crimes.”
This was a sentiment cosigned by many. “Perhaps if they'd quit molesting children and supporting fascist candidates, they wouldn't rate so poorly,” said another user.
In fact, even Lifeway Research, a prominent evangelical research organization, agrees.
“In early 2002… The Boston Globe uncovered and reported on a sex abuse scandal involving Roman Catholic priests and subsequent coverups,” they wrote. “In the following years, additional sex abuse reports in other denominations and Christian groups were exposed. The public perception of pastors began to sour.”
This perception hasn't been helped by the fact that revelations related to that scandal have continued to come to light over the past two decades. Subsequent inquiries have revealed hundreds of thousands of previously-unreported abuse cases in the Catholic Church, for example.
The Church has even tried to block legislation that would require clergy to report child sex abuse to authorities.
What Happens Next?
Are clergy facing a crisis of confidence? Yes, but they're not alone – many professions which once widely held the public trust are now struggling to keep it.
Still, clergy are viewed as having poor ethical standards by one in five Americans, and with Gen Z as the least religious generation in American history, it seems nearly inevitable that trust in clergy will continue to decline in the future.
The only question is by how much.
What do you think? Is the precipitous downturn in clergy support merited? Why are Americans more distrustful of clergy now than in years past?
And finally, what can clergy do to staunch the bleeding and regain the shattered confidence of the public?
The lovely Bishop made her statement with grace and caring. She spoke for the God and Jesus I learned of. It took courage and I admire her for following the bible on that important day.
Where was her grace and caring for the thousands of victims killed by illegal invaders? How many of the illegals has she taken into her mansion to feed, shelter and clothe? Zero.
"With their words they honor me, but their hearts are far from me, says the Lord."
Of course fewer people trust clergy. Not only are so many of them child molesters, but with the increase of Alt-Right folk not liking the "Woke" teachings of Jesus, it's a wonder there are so many churches still open. I mean, look at what happened with the Methodist church, split over whether to love LGBTQ+ or not. People don't want a preacher who teaches love.
Yeah, my wife is a pastor in a rural area, so I know what I'm talking about. She teaches Jesus and some of the congregation don't care for it.
yes, I got kicked out of the Methodist church because I said gays weren't bad people. This was about 20 years ago but I have never been back.
I am sorry this happened to you, Gringo. I know for certain while many UMC churches still are bigoted (and definitely all GMC churches are) there are many which are not. One such I attended in a small neighborhood in Kansas City, Kansas was comprised mostly of homeless and marginalized people, including gay and trans. I don't pretend all churches welcome this, but I know there are some which do.
thanks for your kind comment. I lived in a small town and two of the churches were always fighting and arguing and someone said we could take someone from either church and make them a good member of our church. Now that church denomination is one of those where I am not welcome because I said that gays are not bad people. This website asks us to be respectful and constructive soI don't mention the churches names. Unfortunately, the last time I went to that church I was told I was unwelcome because I said gays were not bad people.
El gringo , I don't understand some people . I think church is the best place for Gay people how else are they going to learn what they are doing is wrong. . I'm not here to judge anyone but to teach them is the right way. .for them to get to heaven .I believe the same for street walkers , and thieves. They have to learn what they are doing is wrong .but they need to make that decision on their own.
By telling them they are wrong to be homosexual, you are judging them though. You are saying that who they are is a bad thing that needs to be corrected when there isn't anything a person can do to change who they are attracted to. Any church that tries conversion therapy for homosexuals is a dangerous place for them to be.
As I understand it, women have been leaving the Christian church.
Has your wife read 1 Timothy 2.12 yet? She probably cut that verse out of your bible and tossed it into the church trash.
Look at the Alt Left antifa-blm mobs who claim to believe in the teachings of Jesus while they attacked, looted and burned down black owned businesses in the summer of 2020. Yet Kamala and her alt left friends bailed them out of jail so they could do it over and over again. Fact: The first business to be looted and burned down was the very same black owned grocery store where George Floyd had tried to commit his last crime using a fake $20 bill.
Just because the Alt Left reporter stood in front of a black owned business burning down to the ground and calling it "a peaceful protest" he didn't fool any intelligent person in America. We all saw what they did and it had more to do with shatan than the teachings of Jesus.
You do realize you're parroting the same rhetoric used by segregationists against Martin Luther King, Jr. right? They also tried painting him as leading violent mobs, just like conservatives try and paint Anti-Facists and Black Lives Matter groups as violent thugs despite that being so far from the truth. I know this because I actually live in a place where I interact with such people. They're often the ones defending minorities from being attacked by far-right extremist groups.
You have taken the side of hate.
Since you condemn Anti-Fascists, are we to assume you are Pro-Fascist, or just ambivalent towards fascists?
In your “ Look at the Alt Left antifa-blm mobs” post your forgot to work in your 1 Timothy doohickie.
What do you expect when pastors say one thing and do right the opposite when out on the street.Failing to help the poor most of the times. Must have big fancy auto's to brag about airplanes big fancy homes. Where is the love of your neighbor are feed the enemy you get the drift. having a circle of friends. Strut around as if they are better than you. Ps 139 would be a good place to start. I still don't have the answer.
The problem with these pastors you speak of, they are not Christs: (For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. This is the coming of the lawless one. The will be accompanied by the working of Satan, with every kind of power, sign, and false wonder, and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. For this reason God will send them a powerful delusion so that they believe the lie, in order that judgment may come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness).
Yeah, yeah, You can’t swing a cat without hitting several xtians with your criteria. Hypocrites.
It blow my mind that a person with a doctors degree would make a comment like yours. You shouldn't be here, a fake doctor. I bet you lead many to distruction. Its sad that a person with your degree would even respond with no preception. You sure your not a witch doctor?
Irrelevant to the point of my comment. I stand by my assessment of the situation. Your own comments start with ‘pastors’ being fake pastors. Then you digress into your own favorite delusions involving Satan, your ‘god’ deluding people (which sounds ablot lije what Satan would do) and overall simply babbling and nannering on about what was written by a bunch of ignorant, Bronze Age, nomadic desert goat herders.
Isn't this, scoffing, what your doing?
Why are you on here, Dr. Zerpersande? Are you here to reject every comment that reflect the spiritual understanding of the glory of God? I understand you choose to reject the life, the light shining in the face of Jesus Christ. To those who believe, it is life, this life is a comfort in a world full of darkness. Just like your negetive doubt gives you comfort. But understanding and the lack of understanding are opposite to one another, it can never agree. Its sad because you will continue to poke at it and make a fool of yourself.
Can you answer this question for me? Have you ever expereince a situation when you thought to do something but you didn't. and you were mad at yourself because you didn't? Or, you thought to do something evil but you chose not too?
I want to let you know, that was God. He's lives in you but you don't want His guidance, and He prevents you because He is allowing someone in your life to overcome. The thing is, Gods there no matter what, He is the life. He is the author and finisher of faith in Jesus Christ. Whether you agree or disagree.
You keep playing the racist button about thousands being killed, raped and robbed. Also you seem to say women should remember their place. I am glad at least a few are starting to protest your rants. I like Paul Johnson's recent comment. Several others have spoken up too. You stoop so low that these common sense comments go right over your head. (sorry but I couldn't resist this joke)
The Bishop who was chastsing the President and vice President along with their families picked the wrong place and the wrong time to go after the leader of our country. So disrespectful and rude. She needs to be removed if she can't contain her hateful agenda not only at the President but at other believers who would never have went that far. The Word says your to love and pray for your leaders not talk down to them and their family and the other 99% of people who understand the Word.
It was the exact perfect time and the exact perfect sermon. You either don’t understand the teachings of Christ, or choose to ignore it. She was neither disrespectful nor rude; she was gentle with the orange menace, which is far kinder than I would have been to the bloated buffoon! She asked for mercy. That was very Christlike. The orange clown master is an affront to all thinking people and doesn’t deserve the grace she gave him. Pray for him? I pray that he rests in peace.
You have to understand. The President and his family have met with hundreds of families whose children were murdered by illegal invaders during the past four years. He was thinking of them while the self righteous female was disrespecting those families and the justice that they deserved.
It's like if you're in the hospital recovering from surgeries after an illegal ran a red light and destroyed your car. Then along comes a minister in a robe and lectures you about how you should show mercy to the illegal and not press any charges. You might be tempted and rightfully so, to tell that minister to shove her sermon up her sewer pipe and get the hell out of your room!
You only speak of one person who did a crime. Whites in america has done worse. The thing is you fail to see what Trump has done. He doesn't make a righteous judgment. What your saying is, its okay that he doesn't need to follow the constitution, condemn people of other nationalility, and take the rights of women away and people of other political partys who don't agree with him? Thats rich!
Trump promises things: (money). He doesn't promise life, and his follower say, he's the chosen one and the power he come in is the presidency. The one to deliver america to the past in the present. With tariff from the past, rasism from the past broken promises. The past that is spoken of by Christain Nationaist is the old dispensation of the bible, under the law, the 10 commandments. Which Christ came in to world to redeem the world from. Trump follower want to go back to that? The way no one can fulfill. You don't realize, but that way is death. If his follower continue to follow that way in there life they will parish, according to te word of God.
Jesus Christ came to baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire. What you see Trump is doing is condemnation, it will abound. As it is written, unbelief abounds, but grace much more abounds.
In other words, Mercy trumps Trump, any way you look at it.
When we are at war inside it is difficult to turn loose and let God be God. Instead we have to let the vile vomit boil within and that is nothing more than HATE guided by Pride and a whole lot of Selfishness which is contrary to Gods word (Mt:18:21-35) If you don't love your neighbor then you don't love GOD. I didn't say it Jesus did. So with that I hope this can bring some love back to society.
Loving your self, means, loving God with all your heart, soul, mind and might. Its the only way we can love our neighbors as we jove our selves. This causes the believer to acknowledge God through Jesus Christ. Otherwise, we will continue living under the law of the flesh: (the aval life).
More religious nannerings. But you do seem to see that Trump is a walking (somewhat), talking sack of fetid canine fecal matter, so at least we agree on something.
If I didn't know better the POTUS has passed by you statement. May he rest in peace. Such love and respect for the one placed in authority by God (as the word clearly states you have the leader you deserve and I have place the leaders in their position) So as many continue to dislike the POTUS according to the word they don't know are they don't care to know God. The word; not what I said, you are to pray for your leaders not make fun are talk bad about them. And again I say don't complain about what I said complain to the one that told us what we are to do. Love not Hate. Pray and see the hand of God at work. As Jesus said if you knew me then you would my Father, but you are of your father the devil.
Did you buy the plastic pastor badge?
Was it included with the Trump bible?
So according to your logic God chose Hitler...interesting take, Paul.
What did she say that was so horrid and disrespectful and rude? I've read the transcript and couldn't find anything in it, so could you please clarify for me what it was she said that was so wrong?
First of all if she claims to preach the bible, she has violated the rule about who is supposed to be giving the sermons. 1 Timothy 2.12
Secondly, she is out of her lane by trying to force her cult's religious beliefs onto the leader of the USA and his family.
Third, there is no evidence that the president has ever or will ever torture or kill any illegal invader or transgender person, so she has no basis for her false accusations.
And it won't be Trump who threatens the lives of these people but it will be his supporters. He is enabling hate and discrimination and if history tells us anything, these communities he is singling out are going to experience violence from those who support his hate and discrimination.
She never said that the President has ever or will ever torture or kill those groups. She said those groups are scared. They're scared because he wants to allow discrimination against the LGBTQ community and separate parents from their children via deportation.
Her cult? The only difference between a cult and a religion is the number of members. Your posts lead me to believe your particular cult, the Cult of 1 Timothy???, is smaller than hers.
You need a hobby, son.
You are REALLY hung up on that verse. I bet the presence of females on this website really binds up your whitey tighties, huh?
Paul, what is so terrible about her saying: “I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now,” she said.
“There are gay, lesbian, and transgender children in Democratic, Republican, and independent families, some who fear for their lives,” Budde preached.
She said “the vast majority of immigrants are not criminals,” calling them “good neighbors” and “faithful members” of religious communities.
Every single one of the "immigrants" that entered the country through means other than official points of entry is, by law, a criminal. Period. There are established, legal procedures for entering as an asylum seeker or migrant worker. Those that enter outside of those legal procedures are committing a crime and should be detained and deported. It's simple. We either abide by the rule of law or we live in anarchy.
Also, the comments in here are something. On one hand you have love, then a small handful spew their hatred and intolerance. Yep. It's why I won't go back. It's exactly why people are leaving. And now some states are going to dumb their children down more by messing with their education and setting them up for failure and oddly enough, it's the same people who scream and argue and threaten and preach hatred and nastiness. It's a sadness really. Especially when you condemn a rare, great sermon asking for mercy towards people who are frightened. Why would anyone trust them?
You are wrong. International Law (specifically the 1951 Refugee Convention) states that anyone fleeing persecution has the right to seek asylum, regardless of how they entered a country. Therefore, asylum seekers are not "criminals".
What was the ‘official point of entry about 225 years ago? Is that the “We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Visa’ era? Is that when Amurika was great?
Your comment strikes me as one written by someone who neither heard or read her speech or someone who is completely unfamiliar with the basic tenets of the Christian faith (or both). Firstly, your comment isn't even on topic relative to this article but secondly, and addressing the first part of my comment, you've totally embarrassed yourself by the ignorance that your comment delivers! Is it your goal to come on a forum like this and make people think you didn't even get past 3rd grade?
Gently, Rev. Klaire.
If the female "bishop" believes her bible like she preaches to others, then she needs to read this scripture written by the apostle Paul: "I do not let women teach men or have authority over them. Let them listen quietly." I Timothy 2.12 New Living Bible
Did she show any mercy or compassion for Laken Riley, Jocelyn Nungaray or any of the thousands of other females tortured and killed by illegal invaders? No. Why not? Maybe she has more love for the violent criminals than for the victims and their families who no longer have them in their lives? She has no empathy for the victims.
Lawrence, Lol! You're useless to this conversation. Women control you and you don't even understand how.
Love your leaders? Blindly so? Trump doesn’t deserve respect in any aspect of his life.
Stormy did not even respect The Mushroom!
Well amongst us witches, the only distrust that I'm aware of are the neo-Nazis branch of Asatru practitioners. Other Asatruists publicly shun that branch.
my comment to publisher Why are so many people ignoring your request to be respectful and constructive? How about criticizing ides and not people? How about avoiding profanity insults and derogatory comments?
My other question is why are people lying or exaggerating to make their point. example: all immigrants are crooks thieves killers and all kinds of bad things? They may be illegal because there is no way for them to come legally but the accusations are emotional exaggerations. People who know them know that the vast majority are good people. You don't need to lie or exaggerate to make your point. If you really believe what you are saying you should stop and investigate the lack of truth in what you are saying.
I have an interesting different background than many other members. I grew up a Methodist and later joined the RLDS church and became a priest.. When I was only a member I was in the Army in Puerto Rico and received an eye injury and was going to be shipped to an Army Hospital in 3 days. Then the miracles started. I needed to pack my things and be ready to leave. I was at the end of my enlistment and would not be coming back. I went to a lumber yard to buy a biox. He told me, "We don't sell boxes but we made this one special for a guy and he doesn't want it so I can sell it to you for just the cost of materials. That night an elder came to wish me well and I asked a few questions about the church. I could do this because my wife was falling asleep and went to bed.
At the hospital The doctor told me it was the worst injury he had ever seen. The retina was torn and floating up. He put me to bed with eye patches to see if it would help. That night a church elder came to see me.
I hoped he would offer a healing service. But he was totally oblivious to my need. My wife brought up the subject and he said, "oh yeah, I have my oil in the car and I can go get it." I said no it didn't feel right and if God wanted me to be cured he would send someone. The elder said no, Hw as not supposed to ffer. I had to ask. It didn't feel right so I said I wasn't going to ask and all night I worried that I was asking God to break the rules.
The next morning while still blindfolded I heard about Saul being blinded on the way to Damaskas AND GOD SENT SOMEONE TO HEAL HIM. sent!! I wasn't asking God to break the rules.
Then the doctor came in and examined me and told his helper, "you would not believe how bad this eye was yesterday." He rushed me to the operating room and used a laser beam to attach my retina and it was one of the easiest operations he had ever done. It was a series of miracles that I have always described that God made everything go wrong so that I would know that He had made it right.
Back in the US I went back to the Methodist church because the RLDS church was not near where I lived. I said that I did not think gays were bad people. This was abou25 years ago. They kicked me out of the church because they knew I was a member of the RLDS church and Because of my comments that gays were not bad people.
I have not been attending church in all these years but when I learned about the Universal life church I wanted to participate and became a priest. I talked to the local pastor and must have said something wrong but something went wrong from that short conversation Maybe I said something wrong about my belief or that my wife is not a believer. I don't know but the pastor cut me off and told me I am not welcome to come to church. He must think I am some kind of troublemaker. There is a Spanish speaking church nearby and I might try to go there.
Biology teaches us that the chromosomes we have can be different than what we believe based on the number X versus Y. God makes no mistakes, and each child whether more masculine or more feminine despite their appearance are God's children. Who are others to decide what God chose for them to be? We were taught to love each other,not hate.
No room at the Inn. Please allow me to add one more "miracle". My wife needed a place to stay and the hospital told me that all the guest rooms were all taken. We started to try and think of some place that my wife could stay such as a motel. The clerk said, wait a minute. Someone just checked out and there is a room available. What a miracle it was late in the day when this happened. We understood why and how it happened.
I've worked in two large metro hospitals and there were never any "guest rooms" available for anyone at any time. There were only hospital rooms either filled or reserved for the sick and dying, no matter their ages.
Maybe you meant a nearby motel or hotel had a room available and that wouldn't need to be a "miracle." But thanks for sharing your experiences in this world.
This wasn't a large metro hospital. It was a military hospital that also had rooms for patients' families and my wife was able to stay there for free because I was a patient (I was in the Army)
Your accusations are very unfair (close to mean). I was there and I experienced what was happening. As I said. There were a series of unexpected surprises. The box, my wife falling asleep so I could talk to the minister by myself, her being able to fly with me, the minister who showed up without his holy water or offering healing to me, hearing about Saul on the road to Damascus, hearing the doctor's surprise about how much my eye had improved. the simple surgery he was able to perform. I will always believe it was God guiding me and helping me. There were too many coincidences to be only conicidences..
Far too many so called men of the cloth are exposed as child molesters, money grabbers and just plain bad people. Their "calling"is to help themselves to whatever they can steal from their flock and to anyone else that will listen to their lies all the while waving the Bible and saying it's in here!
In the distant past, like considerably longer than 25 years ago, a man's word was his contract. A handshake could bind a deal as well as a written contract, so people tended to trust each other more. Those who violated that trust tended to be shunned by all honest people, even without a trip to the court to prove contract violation. Now, with everything based on the written word, often filled with loopholes, people tend not to be so trusting. That lack of societal trust lets people see all questionable behavior as wrong, rather than just something to be considered before judging.
When television came along, so did televangelists. When some of these so-called pastors were shown to be con men, people lost trust in the entire trade. The same thing happened years ago when the people found that doctors would not testify against their own. They lost trust in all doctors, because that group had shown itself to be untrustworthy. Many people have a hard time realizing that there are good people and bad in every trade, so they don't separate them.
While the awesome Rev Budde is a shining example of what Christians should be.
Fr Calvin Robinson, (Angelican Catholic) was just removed from his service for flying the Nazi wave. The acc told him that he is no longer clergy. His membership has been revoked.
One thing, apparently some churches are not going to tolerate crap any longer from their clergy and wasted no time ousting him. That's good. It may help. It'll help more if more churches put their foot down on their own clergy.
It's the hatred for me. God cannot be held to human standards, emotions or feelings. God isn't human, so therefore is outside of such pettiness. God doesn't hate anyone, humans hate everyone that doesn't conform to whatever they believe is perfect. So for a minister, preacher, rabbi, Imam, priest, bishop, whatever, if you're preaching hate and intolerance, you are not preaching the word of your God or Jesus. You are preaching what you believe in. Same side of coun, if you're preaching against women in any way shape or form, you end up losing. You want the churches to stop bleeding people? Then stop bleeding the people, stop treating them like they're stupid, stop preaching hate and stop being asses who believe they are the end all be all. Like any power, it corrupts. If anyone believes most sects of all the religions are not corrupt, greedy little tyrants, then you are mistaken.
One more time, every religion indoctrinates their children by telling them how wonderful, loving and accepting of all the God and Jesus are. Then, as adults. They learn they were lied too. I'll believe in the better, omnipotent God instead of a hateful, vindictive and demoralizing God any time.
every time i teach Wicca, Pagan, and Witchcraft (im now new to enochian magick) i always say that "a good leader doesnt lie while teaching" and that when i teach i dont sugar coat, completely honest, any time someone contacts me for a reading like with my pendulum im honest and give a little advice, when someone contacts me with questions im honest, so thus when when teaching you should be honest, fellow Wiccans trusts me when i teach, some will give their view and i reply with positivity
Americans distrust Christian clergy more now than previously because we have the means to learn about newsworthy incidents from all over the world within hours of it happening, and nobody reports news about trustworthy clergy. Child molestors, scammers, mad cult leaders and Trump supporters make the news because they do or say things that are shockingly inappropriate for a supposedly Christian spiritual leader to do or say. Kind, compassionate Christian clergy who actually follow the commands of Jesus and love everyone, help the needy and don't say vicious things about anyone who disagrees with them are never in the news. So anyone who watches television or gets on the internet, or gets their information from other people who watch television or get on the internet, ONLY sees stories about horrible clergy doing horrible things.
That's pretty much how it goes for most groups or professions. There will be members who represent badly, and that's what people talk about because it's upsetting, and the rest who are decent people go unmentioned. This goes for clergy, police, Republicans, transgender people, and even...well, I can't say I believe it goes for politicians. But you catch my drift. Good news is no news.
It is hard for the faithful to put trust in the clergy of our churches when they have become deceptive and predators. Not all, but the few who shine a dark light on others.
It seems Americans are loosing trust for all professionals :(
In many ways, I completely understand the decline in trust and in respect and in faith in general. How many people have been lied to, abused and mistreated by the clergy and religious communities? How many have given everything they had to their places of worship because they believed the place of worship needed it to help mankind? Then, those who gave find the hierarchy living like kings and queens. Meanwhile the people still wallow in poverty. When so many use their position within their community to exact control, revenge, power, influence and destruction, it is no wonder the people have lost their faith. To some, the clergy is not a calling, it’s a means to gain wealth and power. Does it bother you that so many other people in the clergy knew about the abuse being committed by their fellow clergy? It bothers me.
We need more people like Reverend Budd. She spoke up for what is right. She spoke about Christian principles and defended poor defenseless individuals who are trying to seek a better life. The extreme name-calling that so many people are doing is so not Christlike. Sadly there are two elements that keep getting put into this conversation. One is discrimination. (they are not white so they don't belong here.) the other big problem is ignorance. Our antiimmigrant laws are so strict That coming legally is almost impossible for so many people that they need to come illegally. For years we have encouraged illegal immigration so that we could get the workers we need without upsetting anti-immigration people.
Thank you, and I agree.
The Crisis of Trust in Clergy: A Call to Repentance and Renewal
Trust is the foundation of spiritual leadership. Without it, pastors become mere speakers, churches become empty buildings, and faith communities wither. The recent Gallup poll showing that trust in clergy has fallen to 30% is not just a statistic—it is a profound moral reckoning.
I. A Self-Inflicted Fall from Grace
Clergy once held a place of deep respect, but much of the trust they have lost was squandered. The systemic abuse scandals within religious institutions—especially the Catholic Church—have left deep scars. Instead of swift justice, the public has witnessed decades of cover-ups, denials, and legal maneuvering to shield perpetrators. This is not just a failure—it is a betrayal of Christ Himself.
Beyond scandal, many pastors have abandoned their true calling by embracing partisan politics. Instead of shepherding all people with wisdom and compassion, too many use the pulpit as a tool for ideological warfare. The result? Division instead of unity. Power-seeking instead of truth-seeking. When pastors align themselves more with earthly rulers than with the Gospel, they lose their credibility as moral guides.
II. The Betrayal of the Prophetic Calling
Scripture is clear: spiritual leaders are held to a higher standard.
“Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly” (James 3:1).
Throughout history, corrupt religious leaders have exploited their authority for personal gain, ignoring their duty to protect the flock. The prophet Ezekiel warned against this very failure:
“Woe to the shepherds of Israel who only take care of themselves! Should not shepherds take care of the flock? You eat the curds, clothe yourselves with the wool and slaughter the choice animals, but you do not take care of the flock” (Ezekiel 34:2-3).
If religious leaders continue down this path—failing to protect the vulnerable, pursuing political influence over spiritual integrity—why should they expect trust?
III. Can Trust Be Restored?
Restoring faith in clergy requires more than apologies; it demands action. 1. Radical Transparency and Accountability • No more cover-ups. Churches must report abuse, submit to independent oversight, and ensure justice for victims. • Integrity matters. Trust is built by shining light into the darkest places (Luke 8:17). 2. A Return to Servant Leadership • Pastors must lead by example. Jesus did not seek political power or wealth—He washed the feet of His disciples (John 13:14-15). • The Church must serve, not dominate. If clergy are known for wealth, arrogance, or political ambition, their moral authority is already lost. 3. A Commitment to Justice and Healing • True ministry means defending the vulnerable. The Church must actively confront injustices, advocate for the oppressed, and welcome the brokenhearted. • “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8).
IV. The Church at a Crossroads
The decline in trust is both a crisis and an opportunity. If clergy continue prioritizing self-preservation and power, trust will continue to erode. But if they choose repentance, justice, and humility, renewal is possible.
Trust is not restored by demanding respect but by proving oneself worthy of it. If clergy wish to regain the faith of the people, they must first be faithful to God.
— Rev. JTSunrise, Celestial Nexus Church
The more comments I read about the clergy, the more the story of the last supper rings more true. Jesus was so upset by the apostles and their bickering about who was most important that he began to wash their feet. Was he possibly showing them that to them he was becoming less important, and they were making themselves the important ones. After all Jesus was only their savior. Maybe they were not able just like us to realize how important HE is, not us.
I have been reading your other recent posts. What you have been saying is why I wanted to join this church. Not because of the teachings but because of the belief in God and his love and acceptance of all of us. (Maybe someday the local English-speaking church will allow me to attend their services). The Spanish speaking church has been very kind and accepting towards me. As I write this, I feel the hurt and I am trying to feel forgiving about this rejection, but it is difficult.
I've never been an atheist, but was an agnostic for the first 40 years of my life. As a young teen, I watched people behave "holier than thou" on Sundays at church, and then spend the rest of the week as not so much, lying and cheating as they wished. That turned me off to church for awhile. Then the 1980s came along, and the abuse of the young by Catholic priests was made public, and the fall of a couple of televangelists happened. Many I knew turned away from the church at that point. I've been a Christian for over 30 years, and became a minister a few years ago. Today, one of my missions is to point out where clergy has failed their congregations by not following Biblical teachings themselves, but presenting an image that they are. I'm not perfect, but I admit where I am failing, and I actually try to do better. Images are not my thing.
Clergy should have a mechanical art, to make their labor worth more, in the event their public confessions aren't taken well.
I can't speak for other churches or any Pastor's but those who have been mine. There was never any hint or suspicion of abuse with any of my Pastor's. I didn't agree with all of them but I trusted all of them. As did the entire congregation.
As to my current pastor, he is a remarkable man who embodies a Christlike spirit and leads our congregation in love. Rather than Lord it over us he keeps reminding us that he is a servant of God just like the rest of us. He does not rule but leads, often allowing the majority to override his own preferences.
Perhaps if the younger generations would give church a try they would discover that most pastors are truly good and trustworthy people.
After growing up in a large demonization and visiting a variety of synagogues, churches and mosques, I have to say that I would rather get counseling and advice from either an experienced bartender who has heard all of the stories. I can do that for the price of one cold bottle of beer. Total costwould be less than $5 dollars including tip! LOL
look at my responce to your previous comment
I have to laugh at some of your absurd observations. You comment that my experience was less believable than a bartender. You criticize the bishop who spoke about loving and caring about other people. After visiting all those churches synagogues and mosques, I would hope you would have a sense that God does care about us and often causes coincidences (miracles) that people didn't anticipate. I am thankful for the miracle that I experienced.
In other news, churches are becoming more and more liberal. More and more woke.
Golly gosh, I wonder if there's a connection.
Churches are not becoming more and more liberal. Do some research first.
Your comment is ignorant of the facts. Jesus healed the sick, gave to the poor, admonished the rich, and if this is a liberal view then they are on the right track because this is what we all should be doing, automatically without being told to do. Jesus also told people to follow man's laws, that these were separate from God's laws. Of course I am paraphrasing for all those that will be quick to correct me. The intent was show and teach others the way back to God. His message was not if hate but of love.
Comment removed by user.
Isn't it sad that you have to shop around?
It is sad my message was misunderstood. Hence it was deleted.
First of all when we try to judge we are in violation of Gods plan however that being said we are all in need of Gods help. I guess if Naman when he spoke to david he should have got in front of all the counsel and just let ole David have it. That would be the equivalent to what this bishop did in front of the world. I can't help that some of the words may have seemed sympathetic towards children. That did not give her the right to blast the President of America, So hypocritical on the part of some to think that she had the childrens best interest. Check and read with an open mind and heart not with some bent attitude. Sad part is she still hasn't made and open apology to the President and Vice President family and the world.
I disagree. She asked him to consider others, which sadly he has not, and has demonstrated no compassion for anyone, including his own family. He manipulated them the same way. Please pay attention to the man standing before rather than putting a halo on his head that he hasn't earned, nor has.
I'm afraid that ministers say one thing, but do another. In a larger context, institutional churches often do little to impact on the world except preach and visit a few sick. Perhaps, just perhaps, the church as a whole should stop preaching ABOUT their faith, and lead people into a personal relationship with God.
This is simple. It was caused by the rise in the prosperity doctrine that stated God will return what you give (presumably to the church) in multiples (X3 or X10), and when it didn't happen to blame the parishioner for not believing enough, or giving enough, or praying right. Then when these prosperity clergy went down in huge scandals (Bakker, Jones, etc.), it tossed the shame over all clergy. The pastor I respected the most told me when I was considering joining the church, that they don't mandate a tighe, but suggest one, and any charitable giving (not just the church) is included in that amount.
Couple that with the clergy abuses of children, and you have the perfect storm for this to happen.
The clergy themselves have caused this distrust by being obviously untrustworthy. Not only by the Roman Catholic Church but by virtually every sect. There are pretty much daily stories in the news, local and national, of clergy being indicted for various crimes from financial to abuse of children. Do not comment on the cleanliness of another's house when you have failed to clean your own.
While I believe the poll results are true, what is the source of your information?
Thank you for contributions noted. The varying stances are testimony to the diversity of the World and experiences of all. I clicked onto the article Is AI evil ? and landed into this forum.
Maybe if all clergy simultaneously denounced, exposed, expelled and prosecuted abusers and molestors, people might start to trust the ones that were left. Maybe if clergy stopped building megachurches so that they can drive luxury cars and live in mansions while they toss a token coin to the poor, people would stop thinking of them as fake. Maybe if churches didn't revolve around money, period, people would start to think of them as something sacred instead of just another club they pay fees to. Maybe if clergy actually served their congregations in a way that brings them comfort and englightenment instead of just parroting horror stories about damnation and telling people who they can feel righteous about judging and hating, people would take them seriously as holy representatives. This is not denomination-specific or even religion-specific. For any clergy of any religion to be trustworthy, they must make every effort to serve as examplars of the highest ideals of that religion, and inspire hope in people that they can improve their own spiritual state.
Gods, I miss Fred Rogers. That man was a beautiful soul, and I would have trusted him with my life (and I'm pagan!). Mr. Rogers was what clergy need to be to bring back the trust.
You position these people for power and opportunity, and when things go foul you're angry only with them. You should look at your part also. When will people realize that another human deemed "clergy" is unnecessary for your relationship with God. Clergy are only sales persons for what particular denomination or belief system they belong to, and in some cases to further their own agenda. Most belief systems have an instruction book or books with a detailed plans to follow. So unless you're illiterate, lazy or just don't care, your life and your relationship is up to you. I know many fine people with fine families who never step in a church, yet the live according to the instructions.
Do you trust yourself
The Rev Budde was honest, respectful, and true to Christian principles. Above all, she was courageous. The timing was perfect. I applaud her actions.
She is in violation of the Christian principle found in 1 Timothy 2.12. She also failed to show any mercy or compassion for the thousands of victims of illegal immigrant crimes.
The violent deaths caused by illegal invaders: Laken Riley, Jocelyn Nungaray and the poor homeless lady set on fire while she tried to rest on the subway are just 3 examples that the female bishop ignored. I wouldn't call her honest, respectful, true or courageous for her failure to honor those female victims of crimes.
You know, statistically White, Christian men are the most likely group to commit mass shootings so we should probably deport that whole group to show mercy to the victims of mass shootings.
Women should be silent. The delusional aspect of all religious individuals runs deep in you.