The story of Santa flying around Earth on Christmas Eve with his reindeer and sleigh is a Christmas staple popular enough to rival that of Jesus' birth. But where did the idea of flying reindeer and a stealthy gift-giver squeezing down chimneys come from? One interesting theory claims the answer revolves around amanita muscaria: magic mushrooms.

Mushroom Caps on an Ice Cap?
Sierra College anthropologist John Rush lays out the basis for this theory, explaining that the legend of Santa Claus evolved from a historical shaman figure that existed centuries ago. Rush insists that "Santa is a modern counterpart of a shaman, who consumed mind-altering plants and fungi to commune with the spirit world."
Shamans who lived in Siberian and Arctic regions were reportedly quite familiar with these distinct red and white-spotted mushrooms and the hallucinogenic properties they hold. And the fact that these shamans lived so far north explains why the Santa Claus we've come to know makes his home in a polar region. Carl Ruck, a classics professor at Boston University, supports this idea. "Is there any other reason Santa lives at the North Pole? It is a tradition that can be traced back to Siberia," he says.
Amanita muscaria's red cap with white spots also looks quite festive. In fact, legend has it that's where Santa's unique and unmistakable color scheme comes from.
One Wild Holiday Trip
Shamans didn't hoard all the magic mushrooms for themselves; animals would also consume them - including (you guessed it) reindeer. Presumably, a shaman on amanita muscaria watching a group of reindeers hallucinating could mistake prancing for flying.

Another piece of evidence we have is a tradition in which shamans would leave the mushrooms as presents for the locals. According to Rush, shamans had a habit of "collecting amanita muscaria (the Holy Mushroom), drying them and then giving them as gifts on the winter solstice...Because snow is usually blocking doors, there was an opening in the roof through which people entered and exited, thus the chimney story." Sounds pretty convincing, right? Well, supporters of the theory have even more evidence on their side.

Having a Magical Christmas
The iconography of red and white mushrooms is a common Christmastime theme. Countless baubles, ornaments, paintings, and other Christmas decorations can easily be found with at least a nod toward the magic mushroom. In fact, Harvard's Farlow Reference Library and Herbarium has a display case dedicated to Christmas decorations undoubtedly in the shape of amanita muscaria. Were these popular Christmas decorations because of the relationship between Santa Claus and hallucinogenic mushrooms? Or are they popular merely because they happen to fit in with the popular holiday color scheme?
There may never be consensus on the connection between amanita muscaria and the story of Santa Claus, but it could certainly explain some of the more fantastical elements of Santa's lore. Whether or not you believe the theory, you might want to hang a mushroom ornament on your tree this Christmas as a subtle nod to the jolly man and his long Christmas Eve trip.
It wouldn't surprise me. Once a fella goes down the amenita muscaria hole for a while he usually comes up for air wearing robes and a gold medallion with a wild twinkle in his eyes. There's a claim Santa is modeled after a real human but I've never had time to research the tale. For now, I'll buy either option.
Magical mystery tour solved! Brilliant! Great article, loved it!
Yep, Flying reindeer, a guy in a red suit, Christmas trees with flashing lights and colorful ornaments all the result of someone on a good trip. I came to California in the late 60's, a Midwesterner, and were my eyes ever opened wide. I sold my Old's 442, shed my polyesters, grew a long beard and I and my new friends "turned on, tuned in and dropped out. Well, not completely as I came here to finish my undergrad work which I did. I will never forget how wide my eyes were opened with my first LSD trip. Pot, Pslocybin, mescaline, etc. Forget CBD.s for pain. They don't work with chronic pain. I was prescribed Oxy. which sent me to rehab to say nothing of the Fentanyl patches my doc. also prescribed. They could have killed me.The FDA is in the pocket of big pharma. No doubt about that. Read some Carlos Castenada to find out more on your way to Ixtlan.
I am tired of some people using every story for bible bashing. Even if you believe isn't divinely inspired, it is still deserves respect as an important historical and cultural literature. It is also still one of the most widely read books in the world. If you feel the bible is just fiction, then why are you so offended and threatened by it? Why can't we all enjoy the stories of Santa Claus and Jesus without being grinches to each other?
The Bible is in fact the least read best seller. I’m not seeing why it should be given any respect at all for the horror that it contains, and suggestions for stoning those of unbelief, or for those who do not comply with the wishes of that jealous god.
Yes there are snippets of nice statements in the New Testament but isn’t the Jesus guy supposed to be the son of god? Is he trying to make up for the errors made by the God of the Old Testament, but wait a minute, isn’t Jesus also the God of the Old Testament? Is it any wonder that people poke fun of the story? I mean, come on - a talking snake, a talking ass, a woman made from the rib of a man? Anyone with any intelligence knows this is poorly written fiction, and we are supposed to treat this book with reverence? For the trouble it’s caused this precious world of ours, not me. I refuse to be inspired, by such rubbish that has caused so much death, sorrow, and destruction, on so many of the earths inhabitants.
Lionheart, I will agree with your first statement. It most likely is the least read. Reminds me of the story of the minister visiting a husband and wife. He was talking to them if they had a bible and they replied yes and read it every day. The parents asked their little daughter to go get it. She replied to which book, they responded, you know the one that Mommie and daddy read every day. Soon she returned with the Sears catalog. I have a booth at the fair and the church next to me gives away thousands of them every year. They are printed on cheap paper that will likely last only 6 months in the sun. These people believe if they give that book to their non-believing friend, it will do what they have been trying to do for years, convert them. I randomly look in the trash barrels around the fairgrounds and see all the Gideon bibles that were given people. I went to a church once that had a prison ministry and bragged about all the bibles and literature they gave away. My friend hated the church because when the people had served their time and left. they threw all that literature in his yard; He had 3 50-gallon barrels filled with it. Then you have these bible societies milking people for their last dollar to provide bibles for the world. Most of the people in the 10/40 window cannot read. Then you have the satellites churches milking everyone for their last dollar to send the signal around the world. Most of the people in the 10/40 have NO ECLECTRIC to have a TV To buy a Satellite to watch it, some churches produce the bible on I pods with solar cells in the people's language so they can hear the word. Yes, the bible has a lot of terrible history to show what happens to man when he follows his own way. It hasn't caused any death. Satan came to seek and destroy and is the murderer from the beginning. Soon the Lord will say enough is enough and He will return to clean up this mess.
The Bible is just that a book. Nothing is real and I for one is not afraid of it. This is about Santa and Magic Mushrooms which I find very funny. This will make a great conversation with my Shaman friend.
Just a book?
Please explain how job knew north America was frozen?
How did the the people know the earth was tempered at one time (we have found evidence of this)
How did the people know in the book know the earth folded? (Again proven by evidence?)
And if science was right about the earth's age... uranium would not be radio active by this point... the earth is not nearly as old as they say it is.
Lastly... let me guess you believe in the big bang and here we are?
Or that we evolved from a simple form of life? Well if evolution was true, we would have found fish that 1/2 way between fish and lizard or what ever you want to call money 1/2 way or something where between monkey and man... but guess what there is none... why? Because evolution is not what science wants us to believe.
Evolution is a mear simple means of something adapting to its environment such as man slowly getting taller or stocker then man was ever before, or man getting darker or lighter skin... or a animal slowly adapting to life further and further north and as a result getting thicker fur or multi layer fur that they never had before.
Jesus is not God, he is son of God... he was not the God of old testament but God's son that came to save us from our sin... the wickedness of old testament days.
It's very possible that magic mushrooms explains the story in the bible. I mean, who would believe such rediculous stories? Oh wait.... millions did.
Loinheart, After reading Revelations for about the tenth time I became convinced it was written as the story and result of what could only have been a truly astounding hallucinogenic acid trip.
I completely agree with you and have always felt the same way about Revelations.
the apostle John lived on the island of Patmos. Filled with hallucinogenic mushrooms there!
I wonder if what they call psycotropic episodes havnt been around for many many years , i have experienced beautiful visions , well cant disclose what i was taking , lol but it was beautiful and like the indian culture in sweat lodges taking medicinal herbs to seek knowledge and spiritual ????
Possible but not likely. There is a mention in the book of revelation where John eats a little book which was sweet in the mouth yet bitter in the stomach. Many hopefuls want that little book to be a psilocybin mushroom or its kin. By reading and digesting the entire Bible before reading revelation, the metaphor of the little book john ate is revealed. Definitely not a little brown mushroom. As far as the rest of the document goes, there were too many authors over too much time that maintained a level of continuity that could not be produced or replicated via any known enthogenic plant.
I've never seen Santa Claus but I have seen creature, entities, cities, castles and a whole lot else when I've used magic mushrooms.
And the world was hollow, and I touched the sky! .......Star Trek. TOS season 3. also, Is not truth, truth for all?
That was a great episode!
1963, I love this story to. Brings back A lot of fond memories.
As a child of the 60s and 70s, I LOVE this article!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love a good fairy tale, so of course, I believe in Santa Claus! Merry Christmas and may you have a happy life filled with peace, joy, and love, and maybe a mushroom or two.