statue of the virgin mary
The controversial statue was beheaded shortly after going on display.

When it comes to religious art, how graphic is too graphic?

That’s the question swirling around a controversial statue depicting the Virgin Mary giving birth to Jesus. The statue, titled "Crowning," elicited shocked reactions from viewers when it was unveiled in an Austrian cathedral.

And at least one person was offended enough to be moved to action; in a shocking turn of events, the statue was found beheaded mere days after going on display.

The act of vandalism has prompted a dialogue on how we should react to art we don’t like, as well as the consequences for artists who intentionally push the envelope.

A Crowning Artistic Achievement

The statue, designed by artist Esther Krauss and sculpted by Theresa Limberger, went on display earlier this year at the Catholic St. Mary Cathedral in Linz, Austria. It graphically depicts a nude Mary sitting on a rock, her legs spread open in mid-birth.

It was on display as part of an exhibition on gender equality and women’s roles in the church. From the moment it was unveiled, the artistic expression became the center of controversy. 

A petition seeking to ban the statue received more than 15,000 signatures, with petition authors calling the statue a “feminist-pagan” idol and demanding an immediate removal of the “scandalous exhibition.” 

"Christian believers consider the birth of Jesus Christ to be sacred,” reads the petition. “The sculpture ‘Crowning’ destroys precisely this sacredness and has no place in sacred spaces.”

Unsuccessful in getting the statue removed, someone evidently took matters into their own hands. After just a few days on display, a vandal removed the statue’s head.

Freedom to Offend

“An attack on artistic freedom,” is how Father Johann Hintermaier, episcopal vicar for education, art and culture, described the statue’s beheading. 

"We were aware that we were also provoking debate with this installation,” Hintermaier stated. “If we have hurt people's religious feelings, we are sorry, but I strongly condemn this violent act of destruction, the refusal to engage in dialog and the attack on the freedom of art.”

However, others argue that creating "blasphemous" art is bound to provoke strong reactions from believers. If an artist decides to depict a sacred religious figure in an offensive way, they should be prepared for the possibility of vandalism, critics say. 

The beheading calls to mind similar backlash other artists have faced for depicting Christian figures in an unflattering light.

  • An Australian artist received death threats over a painting depicting Jesus Christ overlaid with Looney Tunes characters
  • An Italian artist was stabbed in the neck over a painting of a man giving oral sex to Jesus

An Attack on Women?

The artists say they expected to be targeted, but didn’t believe that vandals would go so far as to destroy the work entirely. "I was prepared for verbal statements,” said the sculptor, Limberger. “However, I would not have expected that the work with which I spent so much time would be destroyed."

Strauss says that the vandals misunderstand her sculpture. She says that it was intended to show the strength and grace of the Virgin Mary, to show Mary “[getting] her body back” after scores of prior portraits of her “served patriarchal interests.”

“Mary is completely at one with herself,” Strauss said of her sculpture. “She is at the center of her strength, and also at the center of her independence.”

Strauss seems to view the vandalism as an attack on women in general. “This violence is an expression of the fact that there are still people who question women’s right to their own bodies,” she stated. “We have to take a very firm stance against this.”

What do you think of the statue? Artists often like to push boundaries, but did this piece go too far? Or does freedom of expression outweigh the views of offended believers? 


  1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

    "for allowing church's teachings to be flaunted in a cathedral" - where else should they be seen? RAK once again beefs about females being involved in the church. And pretty much anywhere, apparently. I do find the statue pretty amateurish however, though no more offensive than any woman giving birth.

  1. Russel A. Kester's Avatar Russel A. Kester

    The statue went way too far. But what should decent people expect from two feminists when their motives were not religious in the least but rather purely activist? How interesting that the only pictures showing the supposed art in this article covers the virgin's crowning vagina. Why? Because even here the staff knows it's indecent as do most people. The priests involved should be defrocked for allowing church's teachings to be flaunted in a cathedral. It seems the Catholic Church is experiencing an identity crisis after allowing more female voices to be heard in the Church. But there seems to be strong movement from sincere and devout Catholics to help restore the Church.

    1. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

      Why don’t you stick with your interest in the health of young men, and leave feminism out of your vocabulary. As a matter of fact, stay away from women altogether! We will all be happier.

    2. Sunshine DayDreamz's Avatar Sunshine DayDreamz

      Just curious why you think birth is indecent. How else did you get here along with the rest of humanity?

  1. Chris's Avatar Chris

    What a bunch of easily offended people. They're starting to sound like Muslims threatening violence against anyone who makes an image of their prophet, especially one they don't like.

    If you don't like it, don't look at it. Go somewhere else. Isn't that what they tell everyone who doesn't like what they do? I hope this "courageous man" gets charged for vandalism and has to pay restitution.

  1. Rev. Dr. Father JJ's Avatar Rev. Dr. Father JJ

    LOL so depicting a nearly naked man, tortured, beaten and nailed, NAILED to a cross is something people don't even think about. But the crowing head of lil baby jebus coming out of mother mary's 'gyna and people are having conniptions?

    First we're supposed to believe in an immaculate conception, now there's supposed to be an immaculate birthing? No amniotic fluid? No blood? No placenta? bebe jebus just 'appeared' beneath mary's skirt like magic? LOL goat herders, the lot of ya

    1. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

      Hahahahahaha! Too funny!

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