A new Netflix Christmas special depicting Jesus as a gay man has Christians around the world outraged, and more than 1.8 million have since signed a petition demanding the streaming service remove the program or take action against its creators.
The controversial special, entitled “The First Temptation of Christ,” is the work of Brazil-based comedy group Porta dos Fundos, an outfit known for creating provocative satire films and videos.
Netflix offers a short plot description of the feature: "Jesus, who's hitting the big 3-0, brings a surprise guest to meet the family." That surprise guest is introduced as Jesus’ friend, Orlando. But Mary and Joseph soon discover that Orlando is more than just a friend – he may also be a lover.
Although never explicitly said, there are strong intonations that this is the case (in one scene, Orlando sings a song about Jesus with the lyrics “In the heat of the desert I saw the size of his huge ... power”).
Christians React
Needless to say, many conservative Christians are furious this content is now available on the world’s most popular streaming app. The reactions were particularly strong in Brazil, where Christianity is the dominant religion.
Pernambuco bishop Henrique Soares da Costa took to Facebook to announce he was cancelling his own Netflix subscription (yes, you read right, even bishops get to binge-watch) following the “blasphemous, vulgar, and disrespectful” film. The son of the Brazilian president, Eduardo Bolsonaro, also weighed in: "We support freedom of expression, but is it worth attacking the belief of 86 percent of the population?"
And it wasn’t just Brazil – Christians everywhere have expressed dismay over the provocative special. In the U.S., many were surprised it was even allowed to air:
And some even said it was the reason they were planning to cancel Netflix:
Capitalizing on Blasphemy
For all the Christians angry about the decision to air this special, millions more Netflix subscribers have reportedly watched it – with many sharing positive reviews. From a business standpoint, Netflix clearly understood the risks in streaming “The First Temptation” and decided to move forward anyway. And it may have paid off – but only time will tell.
For their part, Porta dos Fundos are no strangers to such controversy. You might even say they thrive on it. The online comedy group earned an International Emmy Award for their first foray into religious satire, "The Last Hangover," which has Jesus’ disciples searching for him the morning after the Last Supper. The group “believes that freedom of expression is an essential construction for a democratic country.”
21st Century Crusades?
Another thing that remains unclear is what the Netflix boycotters want, in the long run. A world where nobody is allowed to poke fun at their religion? An entertainment landscape that adheres to strict blasphemy laws? That sounds more like a step back into the dark ages than a move forward into the future.
Blasphemy laws are a relic of the past in Western countries. Everyone is free to speak their minds about religion – even if some folks might get offended. That’s the trade-off of living in a free society.
Would Netflix’s critics really want us to return to an era in which speaking out against prevailing religious beliefs was outlawed?
Free expression must prevail, because the alternative is truly horrifying. Must we remind these Christian crusaders of the 2015 Charlie Hebdo Massacre, in which Muslim extremists felt the need to avenge their prophet Muhammad after he was depicted in a comic strip?
Hopefully this latest controversy is not representative of a larger trend, but the evidence is not terribly positive. Certain Christians seem to be unable to tolerate any kind of artistic expression that challenges or pokes fun at their beliefs – whether it's the state of Alabama refusing to air an episode of famed children's show Arthur that featured a same-sex marriage, or something as benign as allowing an atheist Kentucky man to drive around with a vanity license plate that reads I'M GOD.
What is your reaction?
Christian's are so sensitive. They have been making a mockery of every other religion for centuries, especially the Wiccan, and/or Pagan community, and we haven't tried to ban Christian shows that inaccurately depicted these religious beliefs, so they should be like everyone else, and SUCK IT UP. Or simply be mature adults and choose to not watch the show, but quietly allow those who will enjoy to do just that in peace.
Like so much else in life, if you want to watch it, then watch it. If you don't, then don't. As long as you don't interfere with anyone else's rights, it is your choice. Censorship is not the answer. We've told each other stories for thousands and thousands of years. Doesn't your Jesus story have that character be the result of non-consensual impregnation of a teenage girl by another aspect of himself? How can this story be any more "insulting" than that?
Abomination. I'm a God fearing man and won't compromise scriptural law for ANYONE. I joined Universal Life Church to practice these beliefs FREE of denomination and organized religion. This is 100% sensual in the flesh devilish. Sodom and Gomorrah was a real place and NO ONE had to really preach, teach, or say anything for God to destroy it. Hate and mock christianity and believers all you want. You can even kill us but you won't stop fire and brimstone coming down on your cities if you don't repent and stop yielding to evil spirits and rejecting your creator.
Praise the lord they all need to get on there knees and ask for forgiveness.
Oh stop it! Your indoctrination knows no bounds.
Try speaking to the Lord of Reason and Logic sometime. It sounds like you really need it.
People sure spend a lot of time arguing over fictional characters
At least they had a really cute man playing the part of Jesus.
'Oh Little Town of Bethlehem'... . bet Joe and Mary are wondering why modern day christians have become so close-minded.
'see bee':
I am appalled at your blasphemous, irreverent,and dangerous posting early 16 Dec. Attributing to Jesus (the holy, righteous, and pure Jesus) an immoral, sinful, and repugnant lifestyle puts you in a precarious position.
This same Jesus you're trashing is the Jesus Who loved you enough to die in your stead on the cross, to meet a holy God's just demands.
Seriously, reconsider your attitude toward Jesus. Your eternal welfare depends up it!-
Bob flugo, carry on being appalled, your Jesus guy, who fraternized with his merry band of “male” followers, is dead and gone, like all of us do. That’s if he ever really existed at all, which I understand there is a possibility he did.
Your “holy God” as you put it, is just a figment of your imagination residing in your head, and that’s OK if you want to believe that pathetic genocidal, and infanticidal mythical deity is real, even though no one, even himself, seems to be able to prove it, which is hardly surprising.
You need to ask God to come into you're life because you are sure to burn in hell for you're remarks.
Nah, I don’t think so. Why would I try asking someone who isn’t there anything?
People do that all the time in psychiatric wards and they get medicated for it. The easiest way to get out of a psychiatric ward is to say you are talking to a god. They’ll let you out pretty quick every time.
Anyway, keep talking to your wall, floor, or ceiling, whichever way you do it. I’m sure you’ll be fine.
By the way, telling children they will burn in Hell if they don’t believe in a mythical deity is mental abuse.
Shows how ignorant you are
Why do you think I'm the ignorant one, isn't it you that is asking and worshipping something that doesn't exist? How ignorant is that, unless of course you can prove your god really exists.
Sorry to tell ya but I killed the entity you call god many eons ago.
See how making up fantasy works, we all can do it. And you have no more proof I didnt then you have that your fantasy does.
Um sorry but no. Christians are mad, Muslums are mad and Brazil is going to invoke a section of their constitution that bans netfliks from showing this in that country. At last count there are over 2 million signatures on the demand to ban netfliks and even the Brazilian government is ticked. Seems like someone down there opened up a hornets nest and are going to pay for it big time. lets see them do this to Mohammad and expect the Muslums to just stay quiet....these morons would have to go into hiding for the rest of their lives.
Gosh, Christians can be such delicate little flowers. You don't see me throwing a temper tantrum every time someone brings up the Ford Truck Month narrator's relationship with the Happy Honda Days guy.
Isn’t Jesus to blame for walking around in that white dress and sandals every day, and wearing his hair down to his shoulders? Looks like a woman to me!
Idiots. It was a white robe.
Oh I’m so glad you cleared that up. What was I thinking?
Now, how about his 12 boyfriends?
You will be the one who has to answer for your actions and mouth
Nah, I don't think so, but thank you for your opinion related to your fairy tale fallacy.
Amen! Scott Singley, the fear of GOD is the beginning of wisdom for some that know we have a CREATOR GOD that gave his only begotten Son for our remission of sins as so written in the law that none of us can keep without the Holy Spirit help for us in crying out ABBA help us to those who love GOD and an END to many who reject our CREATOR as if you was ever born than to live in eternal sin. So why perish when the gift of eternal life is there for all to make as so written in Scriptures and miracles and helps means by many ways GOD sends his blessings upon his created earth for the living know they shall one day die and after death is the judgement of GOD for as it is written who knows the spirit in us what shall become of us in death other than our CREATOR GOD whether whosoever believe or not as it is written GOD has no pleasure in the death and destruction of the wicked and sinners that refuse to repent even though for many life may not have been so good but the good news and blessed hope is to come to all who repent and believe in the only begotten SON of the CREATOR GOD. For none of us is fit to judge another but the CREATOR GOD will judge us in the end so what manner of person shall we be to be judged of GOD hopefully a GOD fearing one even for the mere sake of it that we all know or should know right from wrong as so written in Scriptural Law for our own good for goodness sake!
Absolute hogwash! No one has managed to prove that any god, including yours, exists. Even your god isn’t able to show himself to remove all doubt about his existence, and the obvious reason is.....he doesn’t exist. But please carry on believing in your mythical deity if it helps you get through life.
Hi Lionheart, how are you today and I hope you are doing well. Oh yes, GOD exist otherwise I wouldn't say a thing to you or anyone else about it.
I’m doing really good thank you Jesse.
I’m hoping you realize that a Nobel prize awaits for anyone that can demonstrably prove the existence of a god, and that goes for any god. Will your name adorn that prize I wonder?
Just as a heads up “having a belief without evidence” won’t cut it, but go ahead. The world awaits your undeniable evidence.
As a secular humanist I will chat to you anytime time Jesse, whether you believe in a god or not.
Have a wonderful Christmas/Yule/Winter Solstice/Hanukkah or whatever your preference.
Ilmenheru Terikson has stated in this blog that he killed your god eons ago, so it doesn’t exist. You of course cannot prove he didn’t. This is how religious fantasy works that you are part of.
I’ll chat to you anytime whether you believe in a god or not.
Well, they can do what they want because the whole white jesus and jesus itself is a european invention to elevate white supremacy. He can be gay or whatever because they all keep reinventing him to be what they want but not who the actual creator is. Not offended...at all...carry on demons and enjoy your fleshly party and power for now
Takaya Kovani Sweeney, Lol! White Jesus huh! He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the LORD shall have them in derision. Behold the White Lamb of GOD that takes away the sins of the world why do you want to fuss about White Jesus, serve the LORD with fear and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are they that put their trust in him.
He’s like the Monty Pythons parrot. He’s dead, and, just like everything that lives, it dies, nothing is going to bring him, or anything else, back. No one should serve anyone in fear, let alone a mythical deity. As for your suggestion of me kissing a man......err, no thank you. Stupid are they that put their trust in any mythical deity that doesn’t know how to show up and prove everyone right/wrong.
Lionheart, I was quoting Scriptures from the book of PSALMS 2: 11-12 which I was not suggesting for anyone to kiss someone which I wouldn't want to kiss a man either but in some countries it is customary to greet someone with a kiss whether you are male or female in not to offend their custom otherwise don't go to these countries if you have a problem with their ways. I don't know who you are or anything about you Lionheart, as you do not put a name behind your Lionheart and if GOD is dead to you then so be it or don't believe so be it. You fear the law people don't you if you so happen to break the law and we serve in fear of that never knowing from one day to the next what trouble will come our way and in our crazy society of people and of law lots of times will not be fair and can lose your life at the hands of injustice with people who make decisions to rule us. I enjoy reading the book of PSALMS the whole book that is because it tells about this GOD of who he is and I want to know who this GOD is where you at just like you want to know and what way do you want GOD to show up to you anyway. Thanks for your comments. P.S. GOD IS REAL!
Thank you for your comments Sir Jesse. If you want to truly know who your god is you might want to read more than Psalms, which are merely lyrical books and poems. You will find that your god is a misogynistic bully, that condones slavery, genocide, infanticide, and stoning people to death. Perhaps that is why he is feared, whereas those that you suggest I fear actually uphold the law with morals that far supersede your mythical god, and better still they really exist and will come to my aid when needed, unlike your god.
P.S. Please be the first person to prove your god is real. Until then, he will remain a myth, along with all the other gods you don’t believe in, fairies, ghouls, and ghosts.
A happy new to you Sir Jesse.
Happy New Year! Lionheart, something tells me you are very knowledgeable of the Holy Scriptures and like to challenge people of what they know of GOD in his word otherwise there would be a name behind Lionheart, of the tribe of Judah which is Jesus the Lion king of the jungle and we sure live in a jungle of a world Lol! Lionheart I love reading what you have to say in these comments they make me laugh but some people's comments can get a little ugly just a wee bit but that's alright GOD is bigger than a wee bit and for me to prove GOD is to prove you behind the name Lionheart, prove yourself and I will prove GOD!
Thank you Sir Jesse. Well, I am real, my wife, family, and tax man can prove I’m real. I could actually arrange to meet you to prove I am real. I can visit the sick to give them real physical comfort. I’m thinking that your god cannot achieve any of these things, which possibly might be a good argument for my being more omnipotent and currently omnipresent than your god.
How you going to prove that, anyone can use the name Lionheart that would be like seeing Jesus or saying I'm Jesus without knowing what Jesus really looks like to say that really is him unless someone seen him two thousands years ago to give proof ID. Would a crucified man be proof ID to you for Jesus and yes I can visit the sick too, which I do and see a lot of sick folks in every way and the dying the broken hearted the blind, mad and angry ones all kinds of people
There you go Sir Jesse, your charitable nature, like mine, of visiting the sick is most commendable, which sadly are traits we have that I am not seeing in any God that should have the power to intervene and cure those who are sick, including children. It appears we are more omnipotent than any supposed god who is prepared to just let them suffer and stand by and do absolutely nothing. I think the reason could very well be because no god exists. If it does exist, it clearly isn't interested.
I know Lionheart, I'm full of questions myself to GOD of why this and why that and get very upset with GOD yet I still pray and talk to him for I know he is real and I once was told by a person who has autism and loves the LORD JESUS that GOD has a lot of people that prays to him and I'm sure he will get to your prayer and others. JESUS healed and did so much good upon this earth and yet so many have hate in their hearts and some whom he healed did evil afterwards not even thankful of that. I try my best to think of what to say to bring comfort and hope to those who have none and those who have on this blog as I could just keep silent and not get involved with people for they can be so mean with their talk and action that would make me want to shy away yet I don't and try to be of help. Lionheart, have a great day and your family and I will publicly say I love you GOD LORD JESUS, thank you and I'm grateful for your beautiful creation and of people please help us even though we can not seem to understand why this and why that and heal the little children and the grown ups and your troubled world that you made for us to live in. BYE!
Thank you for your heartfelt reply Lady Jesse.
I understand your sentiment but I'm afraid I do question any proposed deity that does not live up to how I would expect a deity to be. I could never bow down and worship, and hopefully live for eternity, with someone that doesn't appear to care for people of today.
Other faiths have similar people as yourself in their god. Islamists just to mention one.
For me it's time to stand up and use logic and reason to evaluate what real demonstrable evidence there is to determine whether a god, any god, really exists. To date, I don't see any.
Well technically we could always clone him if we def had his DNA, I mean technically cloning a human is no harder thena sheep and we did that decades ago. Its more the whole ooh clones wont have osuls thing and the pressure from the cray cray religious factions that keep human cloning off limits. But a clone isnt bringing someone back from the dead per se. Though im sure if someone did for sure clone Big J man the evangelicals would go oh its the 2nd comin.
You all are so funny. Your God is not man or woman - it is omnipotent! For one thing, if god created everyone and everything and god is perfect/doesn't make mistakes, then everything he/she/it created is exactly the way he/she/it wanted it. Which means that gays/lesbians/transsexuals etc. are exactly the way he/she/it wanted them to be. If this is not true then you all are saying god made a mistake when creating them. If god doesn't make mistakes then they are exactly they way god wanted them. You can't have it both ways - either LGBTQ (x y z whatever) were created by god as he/she/it wanted them or god made a mistake. Pick one.
Absolutely Hope! Doesn't Genesis say, "Let us make man in our image"? Humans are imperfect only to the extent they were designed to be. People get their panties all scrunched up over the smallest things and their religious ideologies have prevented them from actually growing spiritually. The whole story about Sodom and Gomorrah is an interesting one about the Anunnaki and destruction. Before you all get upset maybe you could open your minds and read this: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sumer_anunnaki/godsnewmillemnium/godsnewmillemnium10.htm Manybe really learn something about the Holy Book you profess to abide by.
Jesus is such a powerful figure in Western thought that lots of groups are going to want to co-opt him to support their own agendas. Paul of Tarsus was probably the most successful of the lot, IMHO. A few years ago, some guy claimed that he had done extensive research -- more than anyone else ever -- and had come to the conclusion that Jesus was the most powerful and successful practitioner of sex magic the world had ever seen. Of course, the guy was an aspiring sex magician himself.
Personally, I doubt Jesus cares much whether folks claim he was gay. I suspect that if you put the question to him, his response would be something like, "Does believing that about me bring them closer to God?"
Wow Listen to the Wrath of the AfterLife Terrorists; When their Myth's that Support their Bigotry are Threatened!!! ;) Your Bible Sarts out as a Jewish Book of History (Begats and Word of Mouth) Laws Survival Myths supported by empirical evidence of the Times... And Power Trips/Rumors of a Vengeful and Child Sacrificing GOD... Enter Jesus: who Basically Contradict Many of those beliefs; a Revolutionary upsetting the Status Quo; To the Point that the Ruling Powers; both Roman and Jewish Decided he would Serve them better as a Martyr.. Then 200 yr.s after his Death the "Orthodox Church Decided that They should maintain Controll by Claiming the Only way to God/Heaven and Redemption: was Thru Jesus as they controlled his word and the rituals to Subjugate oneself to His/Their Will?? Translations have altered and manipulated the words passed down over the years. None were Written by Jesus..(Ya All Know What any Court would Say about HearSay: Not Acceptable Testimony! Remove from the Record!) But That even with that Lack of evidentiary Support we are supposed to Accept the Translation that Best serves That Preacher of That sect; because THEY KNOW IT'S GOD's WORD..??.!! Guess What; there are new Translations Using the "Accepted" Words; in the context of Jesus's Time; firstly: Foot Washing was a Colloquial reference to Having Sex; (Hooking up as they call it today;) So Both with his Desciples and with Mary Magdalene; Jesus Was Sexually Active. However the Greater controversy was her Deeper understanding of his words; led her to the conclusion that the Kingdom Was Here and NOW... While the Line about turning Your Cheek; Was Not to Show your Passivity or Acceptance of the abuse; in those times there was one Cheek and Slap that was given be the right of a Higher Caste/Class to a Slave or Servant. The other a Challenge between Equals... Thus when struck as a Slave; To Turn your Cheek was to Say "NO Strike me Here If You Wish to Challenge me; For I am Your Equal!! ;) So If Jesus Was Truely Teaching/Preaching Love and Equality?? then Why Not Show his Love To Man Or Woman??
I am going to say this,if you look in the book of John 1:01 , you will see in the beginning was the word,and the word was with God, and the word was God. And down in John 1:14 you will see ,and the word was made flesh,and dwelt among us.you see John was saying this before the word come. This is confesses ,so to me this is a bad thing you put on here for the people of God, you must know in life you are your words ,think about it.befor you put this on about jesus, he did not have know sin about him at all.
Absolute rubbish, but thank you for your thoughts. No one knows who even wrote the first four books of the New Testament. Most of it is just here-say at best.
Just like all of your opinions and posts. Right?
At least you and I are tangibly real, unlike your very illusive god who doesn’t know how, or even seem able, to show up to help children in need who are suffering, and we all know why don’t we? He just ain’t real!
Really? How can we be sure you are real and not some bot? Just like you have no proof that God isnt real other then your opinion and beliefs which are about as useful as a used tissue
Currently, and sadly, my tax man can prove mine and your existence, which is more than my tax man, or any tax man, can prove of your gods existence, and that’s a real pity from the amount of money churches take in each year believing in your god while people are suffering on this world of ours that could do with some of that much needed financial assistance.
And what exactly has your tax man have to do with squat? You cant prove that a deity does not exist any more then I can prove that it does we both have to take it on FAITH
No, we don’t have to take any mythical gods on faith, unless you are desperate and have a psychological need to, which clearly you do . Please get well and have a happy nee year.
the person that needs mental help is clearly you. Happy new year
And this immature comment of yours comes from the mind of someone who believes in the fairy tales of a talking snake, a virgin birth, and someone that can walk on water, among many others ridiculous claims. Please get well!
And there you go again you cant prove my deity does not exist any more then I can prove that yours does not exist but instead of doing it the correct way all you are doing is showing your childish ignorance.
Sir Daniel I am more than happy for you to continue believing in your need for a god, and all the myth that goes with it. From what I've read on these blogs from your good self it's very clear you need it.
When I say please get well, please don't take that as a casual flippant remark. I really do wish you well.
Maybe then people should start laughing at your dual gods....I mean you are cruel enough to laugh at other Gods
Why were my words Taken to be reviewed and Not posted yet here;?? but in 2 other Threads were posted instantly without any notice or need of review?
I did not attack or use Profanities merely Gave my opinions and Quoted accepted Lines and Newer Contextual interpretations???
and yet this above post was instantly posted?? I Want My words Back??? If you won't post them here Then Return them to me and I will Post elsewhere as I see Fit; Otherwise it is a Theft of Intellectual Property. You may Claim whatever rights to what I am allowed to post here But to Steal my time and Words and Not post them is Insulting and Wastefull; I KNOW that there is an Alternative ULC educational Ministry in California (actually your Predecessor) And Without Satisfaction ie.. Return or post my prior post!!? I will Take My Words My Time and my Money to them
OK it took a day or 2 to Read, process and post my OP but it is still dated as prior..the magic of ULC Net TimeWarp.... I will take the advice given in their Polite letter of explanation; and keep my posts Short and multiple. Since a Well thought out and researched Long one gets Stalled by well meaning Officious Scrutiny.. ;) Must Protect all the One liner Trolls From Logic and historically Correct arguments I guess????
Dagnabit Too long again or am I on Instant Edit scrutiny?
REALLY NOW.. it would help if we had clearer guidelines as the post that just disapeared was no longer than the 2 above that got instant post last week...
This is the holy bible,look it up!!! Leviticus 18 and 20 . Chapter 18 verse 22
Absolute rubbish!
God created Adam and Eve not Adam and steve you bunch of homosexuals will burn in the lake of fire if you dont repent.
The Anunnaki created us. Oh boy, learn something and move toward spirituality not fairy tales. Where is the "lake of fire"?
They are so ignorant of their own faith they think something from a work of literature written centuries after the founding of their faith magically becomes fact.
I've always very much liked the song Fire Lake, by Bob Segar.
So ?
Leviticus 18 and 20 "you shall not lie with a Male as with a woman, it is an abomination " chapter 18 verse 22 . If a man lies with a Male as with a woman both of them have committed an abomination
You should look up what the original translation was. The word homosexual didn't appear in the bible until the 1040's. Long story short. Paul was trying to get Men to stop sexually assaulting Boys. The point is that if you don't like a program on TV, then don't watch it. Abomination, sin, fire and brimstone... leave them to God in all His forms. He will be the judge. As the Bible says, "judge not or you shall be judged"
I honestly think this show is proably a P.O.S. but I'm not a critic and I'm certianly not in a position to judge what some else should watch on television. Just Sayin
Thanks James for trying to bring light to the mistaken focus on a fractured interpretation of leviticus.
And this is the thing God made Adam and Eve,not Adam and Steve .lol put that in your book and think about it. Lol
Again, absolute indoctrinated rubbish. Try studying genetics instead of your old book of tales and myth.
Why do we put so much energy into hating something so completely? What would happen if we used this same zeal and passion to solve some really terrible things in the world? To stop hunger, or provide clean water to those that don't have it, to fighting illness... now that would be something I think God, The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit would be proud of. Just Sayin!
We need to stop telling each other what to think and how to think it. We need to teach our beliefs to those that want the message. If you begin telling people what they can watch, what they should read, what they should think... then that is when the real problems begin.
PS... let God decide who actually sinned in these moments. It is not our job to judge. It is our job to help on another.
Do you have a particular mythical deity in mind? Just asking!
Why is everyone allowing a movie created in such a way certain people of a certain faith become enraged ? That’s exactly the entire reason for the movie to anger you . Stop with this ignorant mis directed movie designed to make you hate gay people . Your allowing a group of let’s stir it up men in a office that created images that anger you . It’s said to mention to be a parody a comedy ideal yet deep in the message it’s training to build up hatred in your heart . If this is you congratulations evil has taken your heart so easily . Are you that week ? Stand up and laugh at them don’t allow a few people to create a movie that makes you bitter evil souls . Walk away the better person . Don’t allow propaganda to control your inner soul ....we’re way better than that ...Right ? Pastor B Stevens
The Body physic and hair style colour of Latin, American, Spanish and Black/African America really make Male character like Jesus Look Sexy for Girls and Women to Blues on
Don’t forget to vote on comments using the thumbs up symbol. Sadly, the moderators, or web designer, hasn’t included a thumbs down symbol to allow people to vote in disagreement of the comment. Hopefully that can be included at some time.
I stopped voting because it takes me to the top of the page and I lose my place. 😶
I don’t know why they tried fixing something that wasn’t broke. They seem to have gone backwards.
Like I said before, all of you who dont seem to have a problem with this, go and do the same thing to Buddah or Mohammad and see what a peaceful long life that will get you. The Muslums will demand a fatwah on you and your families and anyone even having anything to do with this. So if you are so brave then go ahead and make one about Mohammad. I dare you
News flash, dude. The issue has nothing to do with Buddhism or Islam. And, if you said it before, why say it again unless all you're trying to do is sow discord.
Clearly it does dude as the Muslums in Brazil are up in arms against this and even the Government of brazil is starting to ban netflix on this issue as their Constitution allows them to do.
Again I DARE you to try this with Muhammad. You wont because you know darn well that you will tick off over 1 billion Muslums and the idiots that tried this will be in hiding for the rest of their lives because of the fatwah the Muslums will place on anyone who has anything to do with this.
If you are so sure of yourself then go ahead, try and show Mohammad as gay and see what happenes.
Some might ask, "What's the big hoo haw? A fictional tale about a fictional entity might make some grand entertainment."
But, Jesus was real according to a very limited number of ancient texts, and there is zero evidence he wasn't gay. None. 😜
And there is absolutely ZERO evidence that you can point to to say he was gay. None! So whats your point other then to sow discord?
I guess you don't have a good grasp of the English language, Danny, boy, if you don't understand the point and have to ask. And make silly accusations to cover your failing. 🤣
The point is, as already stated, there is no evidence Jesus wasn't gay. IF there was a Jesus matching the description in the new testament of the bible. Not a lot of evidence to support that, either.
I already sent a message to Netflix lauding them for making the flick available. Hoo Haws like you are great advertising for it. Keep up the good work. 👍
No Its clearly YOU that has no grasp of the english language as you dont have a point. And sorry yet again there is plenty of proof that Jesus did in fact exist. Within a few decades of his lifetime, Jesus was mentioned by Jewish and Roman historians in passages that corroborate portions of the New Testament that describe the life and death of Jesus. So by claiming there is no evidence then I guess you are calling these people liars?
And as for you lauding nexflix...big deal. You are one person, there are well over 700 million Christians and Muslums from Brazil who are far more important then you will ever be. And their condemnation carries a whole lot more authority then your little pat on the back
I already pointed out there are mentions of Jesus in ancient texts not the bible. And, just like the bible, none are eyewitness accounts. So, yeah, in all probability they do not tell the truth or relate facts.
There are no legal documents referring to him - not even a death sentence condemning him to crucifixion.
His birth was not recorded by the the Romans or Jews despite the claim he was born in Bethlehem instead of Nazareth because Joseph and his fiance (not wife) were there to be counted in the Roman census.
And, if we accept the bible's version of events, Jesus was a bastard born to an unwed couple. Again, no official records, religious or civil, that Mary and Joseph ever married at all. But it really has no sway over who his sexual partners were.
I'm important enough for me. 700,000,001 religious zealots are far less important than the message Jesus is supposed to have spread Methinks they doth protest too much (apologies to the Bard) - most are probably closet gays any way.
Just so you don't miss it this time: the point is that there 50/50 chance that Jesus was gay. If he was a real person. There is no verifiable evidence one way or another concerning his sexual identity or his existence. Who knows, he may have been gay, bi, trans, or any combination of the current crop of identities.
You're a little wacky, Dave, but very entertaining.
The wacky one is you with your myths and falsehoods as you cant even reply to the proper person. maybe you should just stop while you are ahead? Seems that the records of the occupation of the Kingdom of Israel clearly show a person by the name of Jesus was in fact condemned to death by Pontius Pilate who was the fifth governor of the Roman province of Judaea, serving under Emperor Tiberius from 26/27 to 36/37 CE, whos name was found on inscriptions in Caesarea, Hebrew H̱orbat Qesari, (“Ruins of Caesarea”), ancient port on the Mediterranean coast of present-day Israel south of Haifa and you can see his bio from the ancient writings at https:// www. livius.org/articles/ person/pontius-pilate/ (remove the spaces and you will have the link and you can even see what he looked like as they have a bust of him on display. Seems that there IS valid documentation that Jesus lived and was killed by the Romans exactly as the Bible stated he was. As such you have just been proved wrong yet again. And you have no proof that he was gay, and in fact all the records of him clearly show he wasnt as during that time it was punishable by death for a man to lay with a man.
Do try and keep up with history before you post again
Sorry child but you have been proved wrong yet again. https:// www. livius. org/articles/ person/ pontius-pilate/ (remove the spaces for the link) And you can see that not only did Pilate actually live, but the records from his time clearly show that a man named Jesus was killed during his time there Thus proving that not only was Pilate a real person but so was Jesus. And any man that was caught "laying with a man as a woman" was stoned so we know that he was not gay. Please keep up with history and you wont look as foolish as you do now.
That would be a neat trick seeing as brazil has only around 200 mil people living there.
And considering that Brazil is the one who is banning this, its not a neat trick at all. If you would have read what I posted I said the Brazilian Government has about 700 million people protesting this farce and they do and you would know this if you had bothered to check with the Government there. I never said that Brazil had that many people living in it. Nice try at spin but maybe next time you should actually know what you are talking about before you start talking
Plain and simple, the Bible makes good rolling papers.
I wrote the new testament in a previous incarnation, and only ever meant for it to be a joke.
And the joke is clearly you
I personally will not watch this movie I do not like the content described. That said I believe that if someone wants to watch this then let it be. We must realize different people have different Morales. We can pray that those who watch do it with a open mind and not take it as the truth.
Flugo's back! I wonder where he's been. In a psychiatric hospital, perhaps. Did we give him a nervous breakdown? We'll try harder this time. He might even go back to his Bob Fleutsch personality.
Jimmy, you and flugo can both use a good sodomizing. Y'all ought to be treated like angels at Sodom and Gamorrah.
Brazil nuts are a good source of selenium, but only eat about three a day. Too many can be detrimental to your health, like some Brazilian women I've known.
It only takes one bad Apple to spo8l the crop. There is great power in words. Choose them wisely.
Not all of the writings found were included in the Bible, by the publishers. Only what they wanted people to know about. They didnt want anyone to know that Judas was a scorned lover, who felt hurt and betrayed by Jesus leaving him for Peter.
and you are full of it as this is all fake and is being banned in quite a lot of South American Countries. But hey if you are ignorant enough to believe a lie is fact then have at it
Do you mean lies and hoaxes such as a virgin birth, Noah”s Ark, a talking serpent, a woman turned to salt, a man walking on water, a man raised from the dead, water changed to wine, a woman made from the rib of a man, a god, creation, eternal hell, sin, resurrection bla bla bla....?
Just asking?
And you have proof that this is all fake or is it just your opinion?
Of course I don’t have any proof that it’s fake, just like you have no proof it’s real. At this point in time it’s all fairy tales and myth, just like fairies, ghouls, and goblins, unless you, or anyone, can prove otherwise.
and you claim you dont have any proof of your claims and yet you expect us to accept your claims as fact.
I make no claims whatsoever that there is no god, fairies, gnomes, elves, Loch Ness Monster etc,. My claim is that there is no supporting evidence to prove they exist. Unlike yourself I don’t have a need to rely on faith that any of them exist.
I actually lean towards any god from ever existing because in my opinion if they did they should be severely reprimanded for never stepping in to help prevent mans inhumanity to man and healing the sickness and pain of little children. If you worship that type of mythical god I actually feel sorry for you.
Ok if you want to sound so brave, then make a film like this about Mohammad. I am sure the Muslums will forgive you and tell you not to worry about it right after they order a world wide Fatwah on you and your family. So lets see how brave you actually are or how much you believe in your statement
The word is Muslim.
It’s my understanding that a fatwah has been declared on anyone not of their faith. Such is the idiocy of religion, including yours.
Ok child, the challenge still remains, make a movie about a Gay Mohammad and see what happens to you. Want to bet that you wont because you dont dare.
Be Ye Braver Than Life or Just a suicidal lunatic? for You have just Called Said fatwah upon yourself; by merely promoting such blasphemy! Good Luck with that and May your God have mercy upon your Pitiful Soul; Cause I am Sure that No Muslim would..
Despite what that bible book says we all know that men are from Mars, women are from Venus, and every other man made gender are from Uranus.
I have called upon the Logos, and a much greater being than this fallen, fallible, and finite mortal; and was given this answer knowing full well that only a remnant of God's chosen people will be saved. What was given is an abductive case or possibly an inductive one depending on how it is read.
The first argument comes from a Muslim philosopher, named Al Ghazali, and is intertwined with Gottfried Leibniz and William Craig.
Premise 1: Everything that exists has an explanation of its existence, and every being has an explanation of its existence. Hence, the world is a being that began. Premise 2: If the universe has an explanation regarding its existence, the explanation is God. Premise 3: The universe exists. Conclusion: Therefore, the explanation of the universe's existence is God.
The second argument is a modified Anselm argument.
Premise 1: The idea of the greatest being claims that being is greater than which none can be conceived. Premise 2: Everyone can conceive of the idea of a greater being, even the fool. Premise 3: It is greater to exist than not to exist. Inference 1: If existence were not attributed to the greatest being, then that being would not be the greatest being. Inference 2: Existence must necessarily be attributed to the idea of the greatest being. Otherwise, one could have no conception of the greatest being. Conclusion: God exists, necessarily, as the greatest being.
When both arguments are combined, one can make a case for the Christian God and Muslim God. Muslims believe Jesus was a prophet. So Muslims believe Christ existed. The intent here was to give two strong, valid, and logical arguments for God's existence. However, the post was concerning Netflix's choice to promote a film. All Christians can see that the worldly, secular, Wiccan, atheist, humanist and Babylon are becoming increasingly intolerant of not only Christianity, Judaism, but Islam as well.
The Secular Humanists and all other worldviews preach diversity and multi-culturalism. Yet, tell their followers are told what to believe. They can only believe what their founders authored, like Paul Kurtz. The problem is no one can make an argument disproving God. One goal of the secular is scientific discovery. What a narrow focus discovery has when it is constricted. It really is not innovative or ground breaking at that point. Every worldview has claims that require faith. I am not Wiccan, but wizardry and sorcery are not accepted by Paul Kurtz, nor is Islam. So gentlemen and ladies, you are free to mock and slander Christianity, Judaism and Islam because Revelation states this will happen as the worldly plunge back to the days of Babylon, plunge into the ways of Cain, plunge into the error and profit of Balaam, and seek destruction and ruin in Korah's rebellion. Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the great! She has become a dwelling place for demons.
“ Premise 2: If the universe has an explanation regarding its existence, the explanation is God. Premise 3: The universe exists. Conclusion: Therefore, the explanation of the universe's existence is God.”
Sorry, but I can’t agree. Stating that the explanation is “ God” as a matter of “fact” is of course fallacious just because we have no real answer. Knowing we have no demonstrable evidence doesn’t mean God is the answer to anything. For all we know, fairies might be real, and the answer to life’s obvious questions could all be that fairies are the reason behind everything. As stupid as that might sound, is it any less stupid than pretending a god is the answer. Perhaps mankind will never know these answers, but we can guarantee mankind will continue speculating they have the answer, in all of its fallacious guises. Perhaps the answer isn’t down to just one god but many gods. (Let “us” make man in “our” image). Perhaps, if there is a god, it might be a goddess. Perhaps none of this is real and we are all stuck in some type of sick dream.
Well, Lionheart it is a very well known logically valid argument for the existence of God. Just because you do not accept it, does not mean it is not a logically valid argument.
Premise 1 Bachelors are unmarried. Premise 2: Men are Bachelors. Conclusion: Therefore, all unmarried men are bachelors.
Stating that something has an existence requires the acceptance of a greater being. After all, humans did not create themselves. There had to be a greater power / entity / being, who created life. Also the odds of life being supported in this universe are slim to none. Factor in the odds of earth being positioned perfectly to have a moderate climate compared to Venus, which is too hot and Mars being colder with a CO2 atmosphere. So, earth really should not support life in this universe, but it does. Obviously for the positioning, physics, biochemistry, organic chemistry and the various biological disciplines to come together and produce minute probabilities to become possible, I am guessing a divine agent. You can hate that abductive argument, but it is logically valid and reasonable to assume God exists. The rejection of one premise does not crush the argument. It is still logically valid without premise 2.
Here we see where Secular Humanism fails. When the secular hate something, they write it off. Provide evidence and we will debate logically and intelligently, or show me a human who laid the foundations of the earth, who determined its measurements? Surely you know! Who stretched the line upon it? To what were its foundations fastened? Who laid its cornerstone? Have you commanded the morning? Do you know the time the mountain goats give birth? Do you know the answer to any of these questions? Do you know another human who does? Can any human create a universe with our very limited knowledge? Can any human control the day and night?
If humans cannot answer or perform these tasks or know the answers to these questions, then there is nothing matter of fact about proposing an argument for the existence of a deity who is capable of doing and knowing things we humans do not know or cannot perform. Basically, every culture and trillions upon trillions of people and multitudes more in every empire from ancient times on spoke of deities or a deity. Coincidence, may be not.
Of course you can assume anything you wish Mr Hank. It doesn’t make it true, just an assumption. It’s an interesting assumption, but an assumption.
Yes, many spoke of deities, many hoped deities existed, many prayed to what they believed were deities, all based on assumptions. I assume there are no deities, and you assume there are. Wouldn’t it be nice if just one of these deities actually showed up to resolve this issue, but I guess we know it’s not going to happen, don’t we? And I think I know why!!!
Why is everyone allowing a movie created in such a way certain people of a certain faith become enraged ? That’s exactly the entire reason for the movie to anger you . Stop with this ignorant mis directed movie designed to make you hate gay people . Your allowing a group of let’s stir it up men in a office that created images that anger you . It’s said to mention to be a parody a comedy ideal yet deep in the message it’s training to build up hatred in your heart . If this is you congratulations evil has taken your heart so easily . Are you that week ? Stand up and laugh at them don’t allow a few people to create a movie that makes you bitter evil souls . Walk away the better person 🙏🏼
It’s called PROPAGANDA be stronger than that Pastor B Stevens
And don't forget about the Celestine Prophecy, orThe Star People.
Has anyone on here actually watched the movie? It is very well done comedy film that will offend viewers of any religion, just like comedy was intended to. The fact that they had a molatov cocktail thrown into their office only proves once again that Christians don't have a very good sense of humor. I'm fascinated that Jesus being gay in the film is really what people are mad about, if you watched it you would know that their portrayal of God is really the most outrageous thing in the whole movie. I find that sometimes comedy films from other countries have something lacking in the translation, but, these guys really nailed it. If you like laffs do yourself a favor and watch it, its only an hour long.
Thank God the end of Christianity is on the horizon, and Jesus and St. Judas are together in heaven, making out throughout eternity, on the throne, next to God the Father, who's munching out on popcorn, while fervently watching the show, like He's at his favorite picture show.
please keep your sexual fantasies off the board.
All of you homosexuals need to fall on you're faced and ask for forgiveness if you all would read you're bibles you would see it is a perversion that you all have in you're mind. Dont worry if you act now God will forgive you bunch of sinners before you go to hell
There is absolutely no chance considering the culture of the region of the time that Jesus was purely heterosexual. Everyone back then in the roman empire partook of wide ranges of sexual activities, including public sex in bath houses, and dinner orgies. Saturnalia the old roman festival xmas derives from was basically a month of actively engaging in homosexual affairs.