Is it justifiable to fire an employee for refusing to wear part of their work uniform if they claim it conflicts with their religious beliefs?
This is the question at the heart of an interesting lawsuit in Arkansas.
The plaintiffs, two former employees, allege that back in 2019 Kroger made an addition to their standard-issue work apron – a rainbow heart emblem. The plaintiffs complained to management, believing that being forced to wear a rainbow emblem was a violation of their sincere faith conviction that the Bible doesn't condone homosexuality.
A month later, they were fired. Now they’re seeking compensation, saying that they've been discriminated against due to their faith.
The Scarlet Rainbow
However, some say this is all much ado about nothing. Photos of this "rainbow" have surfaced, and critics argue it's clearly not some sort of pro-LGBT scarlet letter.
It’s just a heart with three colors around it, they point out.
You can judge for yourself - this Kroger tweet shows the 'rainbow heart' in action.
Looking at Kroger’s own press photos of the apron, it’s clearly just a cutesy, stylized heart, blue inside with an orange and yellow border. If it were intended to be a rainbow, it would likely have… the other colors of the rainbow. Here's a closer-up version:
Religious Discrimination - On Whose Part?
Nonetheless, the former employees have a powerful ally on their side: the federal government. The lawsuit against Kroger is being led by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), which alleges the company has indeed committed anti-Christian discrimination.
The EEOC says that there is reasonable cause to believe that Kroger violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of religion. It also stipulates that companies must make "reasonable accommodations" for employees to follow their religious beliefs.
According to the suit, the plaintiffs did ask for accommodations – first they offered to cover up the emblem while still technically wearing it, and later suggested wearing a different apron without a rainbow on it. However, the suit argues that "the company made no attempt to accommodate their requests.”
Citing her sincerely-held religious belief, one of the plaintiffs even penned a handwritten letter to Kroger, offering to buy another apron out her own pocket to make sure there was no financial burden to the company, and that she has no issue working alongside co-workers who wear the emblem - just wearing it herself.
Again, the store declined.
Other employees who either wore their name tag over the heart emblem or didn’t wear the apron at all, but chose to stay quiet on the matter, allegedly received no disciplinary actions whatsoever.
The plaintiffs say this is clear evidence that they were fired because they chose to speak up in defense of their faith.
Game of Hearts
Was Kroger really trying to force an "LGBT agenda" on its employees and customers, or was their unique design choice simply interpreted as having ulterior motives when that was not the intent at all?
Ultimately, it seems the EEOC may have an uphill battle. It's going to be hard to argue in court that all color gradients, regardless of context, represent a pro-LGBT message.
Nevertheless, it should be an interesting case to follow.
At the heart of it all: is perception reality, or is reality reality? Is this a case of genuine discrimination, or is the slight completely imagined?
Good job Kroger!! in no way form or fashion is that heart related to the LGBTQ community but since they are so high and mighty, it cost them. If they dont like the policies of that company then go start your own. People are so brainwashed and like to twist and bend the words of the bible to fit their own narrative. Gay people have been around since the beginning of time and they arent going anywhere
Employees and employers should leave your religion at home.
Non vedo discriminazioni, solo due persone che si sono volute mettersi in evidenza con un falso motivo , perchè il cuore messo con un colore o più belli, sia segno di amore , sia anche se fosse un arcobaleno che spesso si vede nel cielo e ci piace o piace a molti.. Non vedo a mio parere motivi validi Riguardo l' azione dell' azienda sono cose che non posso giudicare ma i motivi sono chiari .
Translation of Stefano Di Stefano from Italian to English
I do not see discrimination, only two people who wanted to stand out with a false reason, because the heart put in a color or more beautiful, is a sign of love, even if it were a rainbow that is often seen in the sky and we like it or many like it .. In my opinion I do not see valid reasons Regarding the action of the company these are things that I cannot judge but the reasons are clear.
They can remove any comment they want, the fact still remains that Kroger is being sued and the EEOC is the ones doing the suing so it makes no difference what the posters here dont like, this is fact and by removing the post is not going to stop it. posters feelings do not invalidate the law.
Judges 19:16-24: That evening an old man came home from his work in the fields. He was from the hill country of Ephraim, but he was living in Gibeah, where the people were from the tribe of Benjamin. When he saw the travelers sitting in the town square, he asked them where they were from and where they were going. "We have been in Bethlehem in Judah," the man replied. "We are on our way to a remote area in the hill country of Ephraim, which is my home. I traveled to Bethlehem, and now I'm returning home. But no one has taken us in for the night, even though we have everything we need. We have straw and feed for our donkeys and plenty of bread and wine for ourselves." "You are welcome to stay with me," the old man said. "I will give you anything you might need. But whatever you do, don't spend the night in the square." So he took them home with him and fed the donkeys. After they washed their feet, they ate and drank together. While they were enjoying themselves, a crowd of troublemakers from the town surrounded the house. They began beating at the door and shouting to the old man, "Bring out the man who is staying with you so we can have sex with him." The old man stepped outside to talk to them. "No, my brothers, don't do such an evil thing. For this man is a guest in my house, and such a thing would be shameful. Here, take my virgin daughter and this man's concubine. I will bring them out to you, and you can abuse them and do whatever you like. But don't do such a shameful thing to this man." 1 Kings 14:24: And there were also male cult prostitutes in the land. They did according to all the abominations of the nations that the LORD drove out before the people of Israel.
1 Kings 15:12: He put away the male cult prostitutes out of the land and removed all the idols that his fathers had made.
2 Kings 23:7: He also tore down the living quarters of the male and female shrine prostitutes that were inside the Temple of the LORD, where the women wove coverings for the Asherah pole.
Romans 1:18-32: But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness.... Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn't worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused. Claiming to be wise, they instead became utter fools. And instead of worshiping the glorious, ever-living God, they worshiped idols made to look like mere people and birds and animals and reptiles. So God abandoned them to do whatever shameful things their hearts desired. As a result, they did vile and degrading things with each other's bodies. They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen. That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved. Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done. Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, quarreling, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip. They are backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful. They invent new ways of sinning, and they disobey their parents. They refuse to understand, break their promises, are heartless, and have no mercy. They know God's justice requires that those who do these things deserve to die, yet they do them anyway. Worse yet, they encourage others to do them, too.
1 Corinthians 6:9-11: Don't you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don't fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality, or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat peoplenone of these will inherit the Kingdom of God. Some of you were once like that. But you were cleansed; you were made holy; you were made right with God by calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
1 Timothy 1:8-10: Now we know that the law is good, if one uses it lawfully, understanding this, that the law is not laid down for the just but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who strike their fathers and mothers, for urderers, the sexually immoral, men who practice homosexuality, enslavers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine ....
Jude 7: And don't forget Sodom and Gomorrah and their neighboring towns, which were filled with immorality and every kind of sexual perversion. Those cities were destroyed by fire and serve as a warning of the eternal fire of God's judgment Just another evil wolf in sheep's clothing trying to lead many astray with lies.
Your entire post is invalid on a secular ministry forum. Your personal faith traditions are not relevant in a discussion about what is moral and legal in a free society. Until you can come here and speak from the position that your faith and its rules are only applicable to yourself, nothing you say has any validity or substance of worth to engage in.
These are your statements John A Carreiro
"Read the part where it is spelled out that when this occurs the participants need to be killed for their homosexual act. Leviticus 20:13"
"Bible Verses About Homosexuality Genesis 19:1-11:"
"Leviticus 18:22: "Do not practice homosexuality,"
"Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality,"
I have checked and no where in the Bible in any of these chapters and verse that you quoted does it state the word "homosexual" or "homosexuality," or did you rewrite the Bible to suit your own sick twisted mind.
Liar, Liar. pants on fire. Read it and weep. The father of all liars is none other than your master, SATAN. Read the part where it is spelled out that when this occurs the participants need to be killed for their homosexual act. Leviticus 20:13: "If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense." Liar, Liar, pants on fire evil one.
Bible Verses About Homosexuality Genesis 19:1-11:That evening the two angels came to the entrance of the city of Sodom. Lot was sitting there, and when he saw them, he stood up to meet them. Then he welcomed them and bowed with his face to the ground. "My lords," he said, "come to my home to wash your feet, and be my guests for the night. You may then get up early in the morning and be on your way again." "Oh no," they replied. "We'll just spend the night out here in the city square." But Lot insisted, so at last they went home with him. Lot prepared a feast for them, complete with fresh bread made without yeast, and they ate. But before they retired for the night, all the men of Sodom, young and old, came from all over the city and surrounded the house. They shouted to Lot, "Where are the men who came to spend the night with you? Bring them out to us so we can have sex with them!" So Lot stepped outside to talk to them, shutting the door behind him. "Please, my brothers," he begged, "don't do such a wicked thing. Look, I have two virgin daughters. Let me bring them out to you, and you can do with them as you wish. But please, leave these men alone, for they are my guests and are under my protection." "Stand back!" they shouted. "This fellow came to town as an outsider, and now he's acting like our judge! We'll treat you far worse than those other men!" And they lunged toward Lot to break down the door. But the two angels reached out, pulled Lot into the house, and bolted the door. Then they blinded all the men, young and old, who were at the door of the house, so they gave up trying to get inside.
Leviticus 18:22: "Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin." (NLT) Leviticus 20:13: "If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense." (NLT)
Isn't this from the Old Testament, the Jewish Bible? This has nothing to do with Christ or his teachings. Christ never spoke of homosexuality. Only religious bigots and maybe even closet gays, grab these passages to justify their fear of LGBTQ community members and yet they call themselves "Christian." The Old Testament is one of the collections of Holy Books for Jews, so stop trying to blame it on Jesus, who proclaimed to be not only the son of God, but God itself.
It is sad that I live in a world where some folks can express their opinions and beliefs freely but others are fired because they don't see eye to eye. That speaks well for the intolerance the tolerant group has toward others.
I don't see a problem with the rainbow heart added to the Kroger employee aprons. The rainbow heart isn't in anyway offensive to me. I have a lot of very close friends who are part of the LGBT community. The rainbow heart that they sometimes use is totally different from the rainbow heart that was added to the uniform aprons. It is a heart with a rainbow ribbon or diagonal stripe not a heart with a rainbow halo around it like the example. I support Kroger. I believe that the employees that were fired a starting a fight they are going to end up losing. If you want to see the rainbow hearts the LGBT community use, you can find plenty of images on Google. Look up the images & compare them. Many companies & groups use the rainbow that are not LGBT. Even some Christian groups use the rainbow.
At least they were not burn at the stake. If the company wants you to wear a flag on your uniform also because it is what they want your wear the flag. It is what they tell you to do if you do not like it your choice is to quit.
It is only these two that claim that it a LBGT symbol. That both are bias anti-homosexual Christian with what seem to be an axe to grind again anyone who don't believe as they do. A lot of business use symbols or emblem or colors that become part of the work uniform that only promote the business itself and not any outside agendas They may even change the what the symbols or emblem or colors might look like from time to time in short time span.
Hmmm ... rainbows; rainbows everywhere:
42nd Infantry Division (US Army)
[US] Army Service Ribbon World War I Victory Medal (US) World War II Victory Medal (US)All part of the gay agenda?
Rainbows are sacred and remind us of the healing power of energy fields. Each color of the spectrum has a different wavelength. More people should learn about them rather than get all bent out of shape about LGBTQ community people. Each color creates a different field around each one of us and effects our moods.
They should be forced to wear a mask. Not forced to wear a rainbow mask
And who said that they were forced to wear rainbow mask?
I worked for a company in an industry which required us to wear name tags. At no time were we forced to wear any badges, emblems, insignias of any sort supporting a political, social belief or situation. I state this because it is how it should be now. A person works for a company and they do their job and wear whatever is required for their position. If a company changes it's plans down the road, the employee should have the choice to or not to wear an insignia supporting something they may or may not believe in or support. If a person is hired for a position and is required to wear an insignia then they make the choice when the clock in to the do their job. The company is stating their need right from the beginning.
But, let us look at the other side, if someone goes about their day and does their job and is told they MUST wear a badge supporting a cause, each person should have their choice if they will or will not. I worked for a retail store many, many years ago, the store supported The United Way and, I did not. Why they do good work I did not support some of their other causes. I did not give any money from my paycheck to them and so, I did not get a pin for my badge. No one said anything. No one ridiculed me for my choice because, it was my choice.
If a company is bowing down to social pressure to support any organization or social cause, it should be up to the employee if they wear it or not. No employee should be fired for not wanting to support something they do not believe in.
In my company I have made it company policy that no employee of any level shall be allowed to wear a button or badge supporting any cause or candidate at any time while working or in uniform. I believe this keeps everyone on a level playing field and one's beliefs do not cause arguments or bad feels among the staff.
I am not sure how this looks like the LGBTAXKSI rainbow insignia and I believe someone is trying to make something more of it than it really is. But, if Kroger wanted to make something clear about this symbol they should have told the employees what it was for.
I would say if there is a dress code to work and people refuse the dress code then yes, they should be fired. Nobody is telling them what they have to believe or practice on their own time. It's work. People are paid to do the job.
Amber Fry I totally agree with you, Walmart also did their splat in several colors this last year (I only noticed because my son works there) and no one is making a fuss over it (at least not that I have heard) because it is a part of their uniform.
The religious zealot extremist christians need to get a grip on reality. And that is MY sincerely held religious belief
Doesn't Christianity teach: "Judge not, lest ye be judged"? "Love your neighbour as yourself"? Hypocrites! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend's eye.
These 2 people are obviously as stupid as they are homophobic. Just look at the 6 color Gay Pride 🏳️🌈 flag vs the 3 color heart on the Kroger apron. I applaud 👏 Kroger!!!
The EEOC says you are wrong
We don't need no education. It's just another brick in the wall. And you can't have your pudding before you eat your meat. Protein before carbohydrates. And right after you eat your meat little Danny, you'll find that the pudding comes in loads.
Seems you do need some education as only a misguided person would try and tell the EEOC they are wrong. So which are you?
Carl Bernard Elfstrom that shows what a dipwad Daniel Gray really is, he didn't even get what you wrote.
But... WHY were they fired? Objecting to a uniform (that does NOT have any kind of LGBTQ symbol) or...? What was the actual offense according to Kroger? I believe that the Bible does NOT support homophobia upon an honest reading of the scripture in its original language- but it's hard to make any assumptions about this situation because we haven't heard Kroger's side. However objectionable I find it, it IS possible Kroger is in the wrong here. I can't tell from the story...
Adding- I also firmly believe in religious freedom- and freedom FROM religion. It is possible that Kroger is in the wrong here- even if I support LGBTQ people, Employers are barred from forcing anyone to do things against their religion if reasonable accomodations CAN be made. Even when I don't like someone's faith, I can't ever support someone being forced to violate it when a reasonable accommodation can be made. This is the same law that ensures Muslims & Sikhs can wear their head scarves and non-Christians can take off on their own religious holidays. We HAVE to protect freedom of religion even when we don't like it, the same way we HAVE to protect freedom of speech even when we don't like what others have to say. These protections protect us ALL from the tyranny of others' opinions.
I liked what you wrote, but there's no discrimination happening here. It's not the LGBT flag in the first place; only in the eyes of a subset of Christians who love to play the role of the persecuted martyr. I guess they think it'll earn them extra points with God to show how steadfast they are.
Sorry Ricky but the EEOC said there was. While else would they file a federal case against Krogers in support of the two fired employees?
Seems krogers just opened up a major can of worms and now is going to be nailed for it by federal law because it violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964:
"The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has filed a lawsuit in federal court on behalf of two former Kroger grocery store employees who say they were fired after refusing to wear rainbow emblems they believed to be associated with the LGBT movement." https://www.eeoc.gov/newsroom/kroger-company-sued-eeoc-religious-discrimination
The federal agency wrote that a Kroger location in Conway, Arkansas, violated federal employment law by firing two employees who sought a religious exemption from wearing the rainbow emblem. Now this means they will have to rehire these employees, make them whole since Krogers is a union grocery store, and pay them back wages and benefits and all raises that were given between then and now as well as banning them from ever doing this again or taking action against anyone who refuses to violate their religious beliefs. “Companies have an obligation under Title VII to consider requests for religious accommodations, and it is illegal to terminate employees for requesting an accommodation for their religious beliefs,” Franklin-Thomas (District Manager of the EEOC in Arkansas) said.
Seems like Krogers is in a major pickle and their ONLY hope is to rehire the two and make them whole and change the policy. Otherwise the store is facing a majorly large fine and the managers of the store could actually go to prison for doing this as it is a federal felony, which means THEY would be fired with no hope of ever getting their jobs back.
This is the state of Arkansas not the federal government that suing and no one will be going to prison over this the most they will do is fine them. but since it is not any near being a rainbow color- heart shape it is not a LBGT symbol. I don't care what that inbred, southern red neck, homophobic, religious zealot Franklin-Thomas thinks.. The state of Arkansas does not have have a leg to stand on.
Sorry yet again Kossee, but the simple fact remains this is a federal felony so it goes before a federal judge, who just like the left wing judges; can make a decision and claim its nationwide.
It not a felony just a misdemeanor charge
TITLE XI--MISCELLANEOUS SEC. 1101. In any proceeding for criminal violation arising under title II, III, IV, V, VI, or VII of this Act, the accused, upon demand therefor, shall be entitled to a trial by jury, which shall conform as near as may be to the practice in criminal cases. Upon conviction, the accused shall not be fined more than $1,000 or jail time for more than six months. This section shall not apply to contempts committed in the presence of the court, or so near thereto as to obstruct the administration of justice, nor to the misbehavior, misconduct, or disobedience of any officer of the court in respect to writs, orders, or process of the court. No person shall be convicted of criminal contempt hereunder unless the act or omission constituting such contempt shall have been intentional, as required in other cases of criminal contempt.
Nor shall anything herein be construed to deprive courts of their power, by civil contempt proceedings, without a jury, to secure compliance with or to prevent obstruction of, as distinguished from punishment for violations of, any lawful writ, process, order, rule, decree, or command of the court in accordance with the prevailing usages of law and equity, including the power of detention.
Sorry Kossee, but it IS a federal felony. Its a violation of the Establishment Clause and as such it IS a federal felony under the Lemon v. Kurtzman (1971) decision by the US Supreme Court. In short all your post is, is hot air and not worth the space its taking up
In what way is this related with the Krogers case? Kurtzman I (1971) The landmark Supreme Court case Lemon v. The Court found that two states violated the establishment clause by making state financial aid available to “church-related educational institutions.” ...
Its called an EXAMPLE Kossee, you do know what an EXAMPLE means right? The way it relates is simple. It shows that the EEOC and the SCOTUS will NOT tolerate any mucking about with a persons 1st Amendment religions rights. Others could see this, so why are you having to have it explained to you?
Only the two employee claim they were fired for the so called rainbow emblems, first they have to prove why they were fired and then they have to prove that it is in fact a rainbow emblem.
NOPE sorry Kossee, they have already proved it and the EEOC agrees with them.
By the way you and Trump are so both alike You both are overgrown, imbecilic, immature, man child. I know how much you love Trump so I know you love knowing that you both share a lot in common. Oh I should mention that Trump is a total failure at everything he does.
And the EEOC calls you a liar, get used to it.
The EEOC says that there is reasonable cause to believe that Kroger violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Reasonable cause is only an opinion of Franklin-Thomas and is not proof of anything. The law suit is still pending there has been no final outcome. So they still haven't proven anything.
T Kosse` I believe you as well as others here. All you have to do is look at the votes next to your comments in contrast to the man boy. who has 0.
and yet here you are claiming that none of this is true. No wonder nobody believes anything you say anymore as the link I provided clearly states it IS a federal felony and it MUST go before a federal judge. You need to give up Kossee while you have any dignity left
Okay! Mom says that you have to stop fighting or we are all going to get grounded. I tried explaining to her but then she said it was my fault and we wouldn't be able to come out to play tomorrow. I'm dreading being a grown up, it doesn't sound any fun at all.
nobody is fighting, I am just showing how much of an ignorant post that Kossee is posting. I mean I already gave him and everyone else a link saying that the EEOC says this IS a LBGT symbol and these two were fired for not wearing it. When you have a link directly to the EEOC saying this and you STILL try and refute it, then it clearly shows who is wrong here and Kossee passes him every time he passes a mirror.
Sincere believer eh? Would they allow themselves to suffer harm and only offer the other cheek while saying they forgive their abuser? Would they walk willingly without a word of complaint to be fed to lions? Do they live a life of true humility, amassing no wealth, keeping only the barest needed for a frugal and humble life with no comfort or excess?
No? Then they are not a true believer in the faith that they claim to be a follower of. Its like all these fake christians who dont even know the basics of the history and commands of their faith.
This saddens me greatly. Religious discrimination is wrong. It does not matter from which side. No one should be forced to do something that goes against their religious beliefs.
Kroger is my favorite store, and I never pay any attention to what their employees are wearing, except for the pretty cashier's, so I'll have something to compliment them about, while I'm flirting with them. Otherwise, I'm too busy looking for groceries, and thinking about what I need, to pay any attention to such things.
I wonder if such ignorant fools always only wear entire outfits of the same solid color, in fear of looking gay by wearing multiple colors.
They are called Mormons they wear all white.
Would you say that any combination of colors looks like a rainbow? Surely not the one we see in the sky after it rains. There are different kinds of rainbows. The gay rainbow for instance, is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple., which is the same as the gay flag. No other combination of colors represents that. And no fewer combinations represent that. Anyone who claims otherwise is ignorant on that subject, plain and simple.
Just sell your products and don't promote or endorse anything! Neutrality works, ask Switzerland!
Yes the very neutral Switzerland that turn any Jews over to the Nazis, Help fund the Nazis by laundering money, gold, art work and other valuable items that the Nazi plundered. The Swiss banks stole the Jewish gold, art and any other valuable items that they were supposedly to be keeping for the Jews,
As a bedrock believer in the ideas and ideals upon which the American Republic was founded, one should be ABSOLUTELY NEUTRAL in the workplace.
If you cannot, Left, Right or Other - Heave Ho to the curb.
These crystian moron would rather be on the side of hatred. If its part of the uniform either wear it or leave. Such a shaky belief system and not in tune with Jesus 2 commandments.
Sometimes rainbows appear naturally in the sky. Surely this means God/nature support the LGBTQs.
Your just an official card carrying idiot.
And you are clearly an Anti-Christ ... your heart is seared in hatred for your neighbor.
Your interpretation is in error as to Christian/Catholic teachings, in the Bible, for it is clearly stated in Genesis 9:13–17 that the Bible's Genesis flood narrative was to show that after creating a flood to wash away humanity's corruption, God put the rainbow in the sky as the sign of his promise that he would never again destroy the earth with flood. Nice try but as usual you guys try to turn around the original meaning to fit your narrative with lies. Yiou know who the father of all liars is? SATAN.
Isn’t this a country of freedom and liberty? Shouldn’t we be able to decide what we want to wear and what we don’t?
Yes but that does not apply to a workplace environment.
As a transgender woman and member of the LGBTQ community I would actively applaud, Kroger, if they were to put something on their uniforms or buildings that actually had to do with our community........having said that, this heart isn't that. In any way shape or form. Not even close.
Me thinks those two "Christians" merely have a persecution complex and desire their 15 minutes of Shame!!!!
Talk About Snowflakes, lol 🥶
I'd like to see all Kroger employees (of both genders) wearing pink bikinis. Wouldn't that be cute?
Sticks and stones...
'kat house': Nope . . . . me thinks those two "Christians" didn't want to have anything to do associated with the abnormal lifestyles of the LGBTQxyz community. The Bible is the moral standard by which to evaluate behavior and attitudes;; and it condemns the 'rainbow wretchedness'..
These women have the right to pursue this matter. Unless it's explicitly spelled out in the Kroger employment contract, the employer is out of line. I'm sure Kroger will be more considerate after the legal issues are finalized.
Pfffft, LOL OUT LOUD........the only abnormal anything in this entire situation is you, and they, and every other so called "Christian" who try daily to find something to pass and moan about. The Bible as a "moral standard" only goes as far as the end of your finger tips and toes. Past those points you invade others beliefs and practices. Kroger, sets their uniform standards just the same as any other corporation.......don't like the Uniform, don't work there. Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy. Dumbass!
Katelynne Shouse Just what are you doing here on a religious site. Are you here strictly to provoke controversy? Or maybe to promote you pathetic "gay" agenda? You act like it is perfectly normal for a man to put his penis into an orifice that was created for excretion. Or worse for women, that cannot even do that, and just to able able to "rub" their parts. There is nothing morally or scientifically logical about homosexual behavior other than the perversion that it is. What annoys me the most is your "kind" wnts to stick your choice in everyone's face and demand that we accept you. Can't you just keep it to yourself and in the privacy of your bedroom. No, you have to wear it like a badge so YOU can "pass and moan" that people don't care for you and your perversion of nature. Can you and your "girlfriend" reproduce without a man or at least him and a turkey baster?. Can a man impregnate by "corn-holing". If not than what is the point of your existence? Everyone on the face of the earth does need to accept or like YOUR choice simply because you hate your daddy or some other mental aberration.
Dennis......do you like jerking off to, or on, the NAZI flag, or perhaps both depending on whenever wash day is. That's assuming you do wash. Wouldn't take bets on that however! I had a fantabulous reply bubbling around in my head but then I saw where, Ilmenheru Terikson, had already chewed you up and dropped in the sewage system where you belong. So Bravo Brava to the above maker of your demise!
Weak and insecure men are always threatened by women who speak up and don't take their garbage, even on our minister's site. Welcome, Katelynne, to the world of low life pretend Christians who are really White Supremacist men who are homophobic, misogynists as they scream like banshees here. Your comments are refreshing and so right on.
You are a vile and disgusting pervert eh Dennis. We see just what you like to think and talk about when alone, what kind of kinky porn you are into. Its ok you do you man no judgement here. But man maybe try and return the favor and not vent your deeply pent up issues from spending a lifetime barricading yourself in the closet in which you now drown forever in the vomit of shame you have filled it with over the years.
This site is certainly religious, and entirely pro gay agenda as you put it. Many of the most famous celebrity ministers of the ULC are gay or have performed weddings for their gay friends. Just an FYI you poor sad sick sod
Ilmenheru Terikson it is obvious what you do with your sex life. That is all a I have to say since you had not intelligent to say except lame insults and suggestion that you made up in your childish mind. Consider working on your sentence structure. "Its ok you do you man no judgement here" What? "But man maybe try and return the favor " Geez "fella" take a course in English instead of displaying you lack of intellect for the entire world.
Oh a accusation of a lack of a functioning mind from a creationist who does not even understand what kind of site they are on.
The ULC is a nondenominational secular church. That means for you to even be treated as a valid member here, you have to as the above understand that your idea and belief system is only relevant to you, and your idea of what a divine being is has no power nor should it on anyone else.
If you want to be treated with even a modicum of civility, you need to be able to understand that you have no position in any discussion if its only backed by something only you hold to have any value.
We use reason, facts, understanding, and empathy here to discuss, dissect, and debate the good and and of the various faith systems weighed down by closed minded archaic thinking that has no value other then as historical relevance to modern society.
Dennis Wayne Starr First of all this isn't strictly a religious site if you be bothered to check out the different blogs such as Lgbtq & Human Rights - Universal Life Church Monastery Blog, Political & Religious Controversy - Universal Life Church Monastery Blog, Science & Technology - Universal Life Church Monastery Blog, Humor & Satire - Universal Life Church Monastery Blog, nor is it strictly a Christian religious site that some people on here seem to think, there also the Pagan & Wiccan - Universal Life Church Monastery Blog. As for your statement "What annoys me the most is your "kind" wnts to stick your choice in everyone's face". What about all the homophobic religious zealot extremist Christians like yourself who push their believe and religion onto everyone else and KEEP YOUR NOSE OUT of other people bedroom you vile and disgusting pervert. And if you want to talk about being a pervert what about all the kinky sex that so called straight / heterosexual people are into. Don't tell me that straight / heterosexual people don't act like it is perfectly normal for a man to put his penis into an orifice that was created for excretion with a woman BD/SM is practiced by predominantly straight / heterosexual people along with bestiality and incest. And you call yourself good godly Christians Everyone on the face of the earth does need to accept or like YOUR choice simply because you hate anyone who don't act or think that same as you do. You all are a bunch of vile and disgusting pervert and hypocrites You can take that turkey baster and your self-righteous, hypocritical indignation and stick it where the sun don't shine, you overgrown, imbecilic, immature, man child.
Not all Christians are as narrow-minded and uncharitable of heart as you, Mr. Starr. What did Jesus have to say about homosexuality? Not one word. What did he have to say about judgemental people like you? Many, many things - none of them good. We could have an in-depth discussion how the Greek word for homosexual ("ομοφυλόφιλος") isn't found in the New Testament at all. Or we could talk about how the Greek word in 1Cor 6:9 ("ἀρσενοκοῖται") is actually a word made-up by Paul referring to male prostitutes - https://um-insight.net/perspectives/has-%E2%80%9Chomosexual%E2%80%9D-always-been-in-the-bible/ Or we could talk about how the book of Leviticus actually refers to the practice of men "laying" with young men (teenage boys) ... But no, your heart is seared to be forever uncharitable. You know what it means to have an uncharitable heart, Mr. Starr? First, let’s consider what sin is. The Greek word for sin is “αμαρτια”. Breaking it down, there is the prefix “α-” which means absence (apathy vs sympathy) and there is the word “μαρτια” which means witness (where we get the word “martyr”). So essentially, sin means to act without witness, or regard, for God. Then consider Jn 13:34–35 which says “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” This passage goes hand-in-hand with Mt 22:36–40 which says, “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law? Jesus replied: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Jesus told us that he came to fulfill the Old Covenant, not to negate it (Mt 5:17–20). What does that mean? When the terms of a contract are fulfilled, the parties to the contract are no longer obligated to perform under the terms of that contract (or covenant). Would you continue to send money to a bank on a loan that has been paid in full (fulfilled)? According to Rm 7:4-7, because the Christ fulfilled the Old Covenant, we have been released from its obligations - including the Ten Commandments. That is is why Paul says that all things are lawful (1Cor 10:23, 1Cor 6:12, Rm 14:14, Tit 1:5). We are free to do what we will. Does this mean that there is no sin? Not in the least! In fulfilling the Old Contract, Jesus established a New Covenant (Heb 8:8, Lk 22:20). The prophet Jeremiah even tells us that the New Covenant will be written on our hearts - not with inanimate letters on dead leaves (Jer 31:31). The first and greatest commandment is to love God above all else; the second commandment is to love others as we love ourselves (Mt 22:36–40). He even reiterated the second command at the last supper (Jn 13:34). The takeaway from this is that acting with a charitable heart is the only law that rules over Christians (Gal 5:6). Jesus promised us that his yoke would be easy, his burden light (Mt 11:28–30). Anytime we don’t do the right thing and disobey the Law of God, written on our heart by the Holy Spirit (Heb 10:16), that is when we sin – whenever we fail to act with a charitable heart. Because of our selfish sinful nature, it’s not easy to act out of love. That’s what the sin of Sodom was about - it had nothing to do with sex and everything to do with being greedy, selfish, and uncaring (Ezek 16:49–50). That is the sin that the nation of Israel was guilty of. And that was the lesson Jesus taught us in the parable of the sheep and the goats (Mt 25:31–46). Those who were cast out were condemned to eternal torment not for anything they did, but for what they didn’t do - for failing to act with a charitable heart.
yea its Kroger. And sorry no they CAN be prosecuted for this and they WILL lose. All you have to do is look at the Cake maker suit and the Little Sisters of the Poor lawsuit and you will see that NOBODY can force you to do something that violates your religious freedom. Kroger is going to find that out toot sweet
Did any of your mithers children actually survive? Asking for a friend!!!
said the same thing about you, and I told them you didnt have a mother or any friends
And you might want to look at the bottom of the thread where the EEOC HAS filed suit against Krogers for doing this and there is no way Krogers can win.
Game set and match, next time make sure your brain is engaged before your lips start flapping
What brain I do have is 100% more than you have, or ever will, possess.......and don't transfer your inability to make friends on to me; dorks such as yourself have been friendless since the beginning of time. You're merely a continuation of your species!
Sounds to me like you are ticked because the EEOC has destroyed you and your little idea
Except the fact the ACLU hasnt felt the need to join them, and when these two groups are not in sync it usually leads to the EEOC's position being deemed invalid by the courts. And the EEOC has to be able to make a solid case this specific symbol is part of a groups accepted symbology that is accepted to be in opposition to another's legitimate beliefs. Since they also have to prove they are devout in their faith and not simply give lip service which means proving they have been active church goers their entire lives basically in the eyes of the courts traditionally, it puts quite the onus on the ones making the case.
In this case, this specific sequence of colors and the over all design are not attached to any pro human group pushing for equality for those wrongly oppressed by bigots like you, it makes it very likely your ideas, as always on such matters are very wrong.
except for the simple fact that you are wrong yet again. here it is directly from the EEOC's webpage proving that you are either lying or delusional
"The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has filed a lawsuit in federal court on behalf of two former Kroger grocery store employees who say they were fired after refusing to wear rainbow emblems they believed to be associated with the LGBT movement." https://www.eeoc.gov/newsroom/kroger-company-sued-eeoc-religious-discrimination
Uhm nothing you posted nor linked counters my points, so uhm good job I guess.
Filing doesnt mean anything. They have to now prove something that is clearly not true, that this specific symbol is in any way associated with the LGBTQ minority or any group with ties to them.
A multi colored symbol or even a rainbow is not instantly a symbol for the evil gay agenda you are so hateful towards you silly bugger.
The symbol and colors chosen are a unique symbol. A rainbow is made up of all the colors of the light spectrum visible to the human eye. Anything different from that is not a rainbow and trying to say it is one doesnt make it so. Maybe the far right corrupt SC will end up leaning in favor of their actually evil christian agenda, but we can only hope that doesnt happen at this time.
Um sorry but anyone with a brain can see that the link I posted clearly states that the EEOC AGREES with the fired employees. Spin it any way you want but you are wrong again
That is what one calls a gay looking heart.
And you sound like a homophobic religious zealot
and you sound like an ignorant moron, Krogers is going to lose this case and then you can come back and apologize for showing your ignorance
calling names yet again when people dont agree with you huh Kossee?, maybe you shold read what I just posted as now the EEOC has filed suit against this krogers and they are looking a a major federal felony lawsuit unless Krogers makes this right.
How is it name calling, I said he sound like a sound like a homophobic religious zealot not that he is one, but maybe he is. This law suit does not fall under any federal felony laws.
Typical false christian hypocrite. Using terms that someone is displaying the qualities of, such as homophobia does not in any fashion qualify as name calling. However your frequent intentional insulting of others actually violates this very forums rules,showing yourself to be a typical QQ snowflake troll for the far right.
Since when is it name calling when its backed up with fact? And since you clearly have nothing to claim, it shows how low you have to go to scrape bottom when even the EEOC is calling Kossee a liar.
When Jason Rapert is on your side, be very worried that you are on the right side. He is an Arkansas state senator who never misses a chance to be outraged by something. He is the one who championed placing a granite gravestone-looking "monument" of the 10 commandments on state capitol grounds. He looks for any opportunity to be a victim and tries to push his contradictory views on any who will listen. He claims that the state should not recognize medical marijuana because the federal government bans it, while railing that state officials should not approve same-sex marriage, which was approved by the US Supreme Court. His situational ethics are very entertaining. He will likely run for governor in 2022. Chalilah!
And he is right about the medical pot. NO state can make a law that is in conflict with existing federal law as federal law is superior to state law. Even now DEA agents can walk into ANY pot dispensary in ANY state and arrest everyone inside for dealing drugs. and under federal law it will stick. If you want these laws to be legal and free, then you have to get Congress to change them.
Not so at least in Arizona which has medical marijuana dispensaries which are certified by the Arizona Department of Health Services. All patients who need medical marijuana have to submit medical records for review, meet state mandated criteria, be interviewed by a separate physician, pay the certification fee, then all is sent to ADHS. If accepted, a medical marijuana photo ID card is issued after patients sign an agreement of understanding on the regulations and complete the interview on rules. DEA agents do not come into medical dispensaries. There is no "dealing" and only a few patients at a time are allowed entrance while their photo ID card is held behind the counter to make purchases of edibles, tinctures, vapes and plant material. Everyone is on camera. Don't make stuff up to support your agenda.
They've never arrested me for it, and I started smoking weed when I was eleven years old, in 1974. Just don't blow it in police officers faces, unless they want a contact buzz.
Sorry but you are wrong. Article VI, Paragraph 2 of the U.S. Constitution is commonly referred to as the Supremacy Clause. It establishes that the federal constitution, and federal law, take precedence over state laws, and even state constitutions. Meaning that federal law is superior to state law even in Arizona. A federal marshal can walk into your medical post stores and shut them down and arrest everyone behind the counter for dealing drugs, and arrest everyone on the other side of the counter for purchasing an illegal substance under federal law. And like it or not there is no judge that is going to defy federal law for the sake of a state law, that would be a very easy way for them to be disbarred and lose their seats
Wishful thinking that YOU are right. Wrong. According to our attorney for medical marijuana referred by the state, AZ statutes prevail. Medical marijuana is legal here and signed into law by our Republican governor Doug Ducey. The feds do avoid bothering us as they have no reason to do so. There are strict laws about where one can use the products, where it can be transported, etc. You can quote all you want, but you do not live here, you are not a medical marijuana patient, you do not carry an Arizona Department of Health medical marijuana card. I do. There is no such entity as a "medical post store" either. They are medical marijuana dispensaries and more are being certified to open by the State Department of Health under strict regulations. The DEA is only interested in illegal transport of large amount of drugs from Mexico and Canada. They have no interest in medical marijuana which is grown here in AZ along with other forms of use.
Sorry but YOU are the one with the wishful thinking. The US Constitution is the SUPREME law of the land and what it says goes and all police or law enforcement officers ARE REQUIRED to swear an oath to abide by and protect the laws of the US, and since the Constitution clearly says federal law is superior to state law, then there isnt a damn thing you can do about it when they do come in and shut your pot businesses down and no judge in the state is going to rule otherwise. They cant without losing their seat for constitutional violations
Daniel, you are behaving like a spoiled child pretending to be a know it all about theory but not actual practice. Your rudeness, disrespect, and pretense is not at all noteworthy. I live in AZ, have a contract with the DEA, know the laws, what DEA is up to. You obviously do not and waste our time by jabbering about the Constitution. I am a medical marijuana patient, not a "pot" business. The DEA HAS NO INTEREST, for the 2nd time, in raiding medical dispensaries which are strictly controlled by the state of AZ. They are going after drug dealers who transport across borders of Canada and Mexico as well as Europe. So you can continue to jump up and down foolishly because you want to be right about silly nonsense. NO more of you. I am ignoring you now.
So you are ignoring fact because you cant refute it? Typical from people like you. When they get destroyed by reality and fact they whine and then claim they are ignoring the person that just destroyed them. And the best thing is that you cant reply as if you do then you will have shown yourself to be a liar as you said you were ignoring me, which means nothing you say from here on out can be believed as you wont even keep your own word. How nice of you to build a trap and then walk into it with your eyes wide open.
Let's see, the alphabet emblem is a rectangle with 6 different colored bands, sometimes incorrectly referred to as a rainbow, which contains seven colors.
The Kroger emblem is heart-shaped and contains 3 concentric heart-shaped bands around a heart shape.
"How can this be about different gender inclusion?" you ask.
"We proudly support our LGBTQ+ friends and family." https://www.kroger.com/f/pride.
As per the article, this one will be interesting.
But, if christians worshipped their gods and didn't try to make the rest of the world bow toe their line there wouldn't be a problem. Pretty much the same can be said for buddhists, muslims, hindus, and the rest of the religious zealots.
Oh but your OK with the Gays and their liberal left wing supporting business's forcing their lifestyle of everyone else? That is called HYPOCRITE. And just a note. I am not a christian and even I know that "Christians do not have "gods". Just one GOD. Isn't it a shame that the word "GAY" and anything resembling a "Rainbow" have turned into such a perversion. And by the way, when are whites, heterosexuals, married to opposite sex people going to have emblems, parades and supreme court rulings?
- Nope, but I've never seen any legal cases reported concerning that issue, so it isn't an issue. Will you name a business that forces a different lifestyle on others? Other than christian, I mean. (Gay doesn't count because that's not a style or even a choice - "god" created 'em and put it in their DNA.)
- Christians worship three gods - father, son, and a ghost. Any other description is just semantics. I suppose, though, if it quacks like a christian...😂
- Whites have the Nazi swastika, so don't need more, but you can make up all the emblems you want.
- Parades? Have one, or a dozen, or a hundred. No one will try to stop you as long as you get the right permit.
- Sue somebody then keep appealing it to the Supreme Court
Anymore nonsensical questions?
Yea, how can you still say this when the EEOC states you are lying and is supporting the workers?
God forgive Daniel Gray for he is a total blithering idiot and know not that of which he speaks.
maybe he should start with you since the EEOC has destroyed you and your opinion
You know sitting on your brain too much will cause brain damage and you really should think before you start flapping your spinster muscle every time you speak Daniel Gray
You know that because you do it on a regular basis. Here is your proof that you are either intentionally lying or are completely ignorant of the subject as the EEOC is in fact the ones that filed the lawsuit backing the two fired employees
"The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has filed a lawsuit in federal court on behalf of two former Kroger grocery store employees who say they were fired after refusing to wear rainbow emblems they believed to be associated with the LGBT movement." https://www.eeoc.gov/newsroom/kroger-company-sued-eeoc-religious-discrimination
You still haven't shown anything new it the same case as before have they still haven't proven anything.
According to the EEOC’s suit, the Conway Kroger implemented a new dress code, which included an apron depicting a rainbow-colored heart emblem on the bib of the apron. The women believed the emblem endorsed LGBTQ values and that wearing it would violate their religious beliefs. According to the EEOC, one woman offered to wear the apron with the emblem covered and the other offered to wear a different apron without the emblem, but the company made no attempt to accommodate their requests. When the women still refused to wear the apron with the emblem visible, the EEOC charged, Kroger retaliated against them by disciplining and ultimately discharging them.
Sorry but I did show as anyone with eyes can see
Sorry Kossee, but I have shown the EEOC is calling you out for lying.
I am so tired of this stuff. I hope they win this lawsuit quick. I am going to Kroger's and when checking out if the checkout girl has one on I will walk out and leave all groceries unpaid for and leave in protest...!
And you will cause a person to have to restock all your groceries so you can feel superior. Very christian of you. Why not find another place that doesn't offend your fragile ego?
I agree with rparish
And again both of you are not only ignorant of the facts that Kroger has stated this was done IN support of the LBGT community https://www.kroger.com/f/pride but by forcing people to wear this IS a violation of the 1st Amendment and two SCOTUS decisions
What does a someone being a total jerk and causing a person to have to restock all their groceries so they can feel superior to with your so called violation of the 1st Amendment. It seem you just like to argue with anyone about anything you don't like or disagree with even if you're wrong.
and the EEOC does not agree with either of you
Really! they do? Strange I never received any e-mail, letters or phone calls from them saying that they do.
They dont have to call you or get your permission to make a decision.
Where did I say anything about permission You said that "the EEOC does not agree with either of you" well if they do not agree with either rparish or me why haven't we recieved any e-mail, text message, letter, or phone call from EEOC stating that they do no agree. And if they truly do disagree with rparish or me personally then I guess our opinion matters far more to them then your's does.
YOU are the one who stated that they never called you or are you now trying to claim this wasnt you?
T Kosse` Sep 21, 2020 at 02:19 pm Really! they do? Strange I never received any e-mail, letters or phone calls from them saying that they do.
They dont need or want your opinion and as a matter of fact to show that you have no idea what you are talking about yet AGAIN, here it is directly from the EEOC's webpage where they are saying you dont know what the he** you are talking about
"The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has filed a lawsuit in federal court on behalf of two former Kroger grocery store employees who say they were fired after refusing to wear rainbow emblems they believed to be associated with the LGBT movement." https://www.eeoc.gov/newsroom/kroger-company-sued-eeoc-religious-discrimination
It wont make a bit of difference to Kroger, if you show your ignorance, immaturity, and prejudism. They'll undoubtedly be glad to see you go.
Yep you are certain no christian and certainly are not civil nor socially skilled enough to belong in any society. Sound like a good fit for a ice pick lobotomy and a padded cell in me book.
Looks like a rainbow to me. In an environment where careers are ruined by using the wrong pronoun Kroger should know better.
Rainbows have 7 colors, not three. Remember ROYGBIV? Kroger has not said this symbol is meant to express approval of the "sin" of homosexuality. And the two people who assert their "literal interpretation of the bible." Do they also refrain from eating pork or shellfish? Do they refuse to work on the Sabbath? Do they refrain from wearing clothing that is made from intertwining wool and linen? Or is their literal interpretation of the bible restricted solely to sexual orientation? How convenient some are with their "literal interpretations." My guess is there is far more to this story than "bad ole Kroger is making me love the gays."
I agree with rparish
then both of you are ignorant as Kroger does in fact claim this multi colored heart IS to support the LGBT community
And to try and force people to wear this in violation of their religions does indeed make it illegal and Krogers is going to have to rehire them, remove the symbol or allow these employees who dont agree to not have to wear the apron with this on it. The constitution brooks NO discontent and two recent SCOTUS lawsuits agree that its illegal the cake baker decision and the little sisters of the poor decision.
Yes they do support LGBT, but it does not say anything about this particular three color heart-shaped emblem is in support of the LGBT, So you have to prove that it has anything to do with supporting LGBT and anyone with intelligent can clearly see that it does not, and by the way a lot of businesses do support the LGBT community also do things to show support for the LGBT community
And by the way my name is spelled Kosse not Kossee. You make yourself look childish and immature when you do that to peoples names So grow up and put your big boy pants on when you reply to me..
Sorry Kossee, but it makes no difference what you think, the EEOC does not agree with you or parish
Then I suggest you get your eyes check because three colors do not a rainbow make.
The exact number of colors is not the point. It looks close enough to a rainbow to be offensive. Nobody should suffer discrimination.
Then you are way too easily offended, it is no where near being a rainbow and NO ONE is suffering discrimination.
No, he's more like a glutton for punishment. We've been trying to offend that blathering old fool for years, so he'd go away, but he keeps coming back for more. The ULC is trying to teach us patience and tolerance of loud mouth know it alls so we will be better ministers.
You are so right Carl. Between Flaky flugo and Ditzy Danny, we are being forced to exercise patience. But... why ... are... they.....here? They can't possibly be ULC minsters since our organization supports the LGBTQ community. Oh, maybe just Trolls.
seems the EEOC does not agree with you Kossee.
Comment has been removed.
So the three colors in the U.S. flag qualifies it as an LGBTQ rainbow?
'mar cannon': ' . . . .three colors in the U.S. flag . . . . ', you say. White is not a color, but an absence of color.
actually everything we see is a part of the light spectrum. Ultra bright white light is invisible to the human eye, but very much does exist on the color spectrum. Thanks for playing but you lost at the game of understanding basic optics today!
'lemon teriyaki': Britannica Encyclopedia: '. . . . according to ;physics . . . . . white doesn't count as a true color'.
Ok what about the national flag of Romania it is tricolor flag of blue yellow and red, I dare you to tell the Romanians that their flag is GAY. Since Christians believe that GOD created everything in heaven and on earth, therefore rainbows are part of GOD's creation, so if rainbow is a symbol of the LBGT community isn't that a sign from GOD that he/she is okay with gays which would also be part of GOD creation. So are you going to defy GOD!
'tea cozy': You got things 'bass ackwards', again! God DID create the rainbow, but with a major purpose: as a token to remind us of His promise to never flood the earth again. The amoral LGBTQxyz-ers have corrupted, denigrated and debased this beautiful symbol of God's integrity.
Again you are talking blasphemy and being sacrilegious by calling GOD's creation corrupted, denigrated and debased, ALL HUMAN ARE GOD CREATION! you are an abomination in the eyes of GOD! BOW DOWN before YOUR LORD GOD! Repent your sins or suffer eternal damnation!
'tea cozy': Wrong, again!! God Himself called His creation (people) corrupt, deceitful, etc. Jeremiah 7:9 desperately wicked; Psalm14:1, 53:1 corrupt, no one good; Romans 3:23 all are sinners; Proverbs 16:5 the proud . . . . . the list is lengthy. I suggest you do your homework before embarrassing you self with erroneous, trite blather.
So you admit that GOD created ALL HUMAN ( that include homosexuals since they are part of the human race)
Jeremiah 7:9
7 then I will let you live in this place, in the land I gave your ancestors for ever and ever. 8 But look, you are trusting in deceptive words that are worthless.
9 “‘Will you steal and murder, commit adultery and perjury,[a] burn incense to Baal and follow other gods you have not known,
Psalm 14:1, 53:1
14 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.
53 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.
Romans 3:23
23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
Proverbs 16:5
5 The Lord detests all the proud of heart.
Be sure of this: They will not go unpunished.
You just proven my point it isn't talking about homosexual and you still are abomination in the eyes of GOD! since it states in
Jeremiah 7:9
8 But look, you are trusting in deceptive words that are worthless.
Proverbs 16:5
5 The Lord detests all the proud of heart.
Be sure of this: They will not go unpunished
Romans 3:23
23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
So flugo Repent your sins or suffer eternal damnation!
If these two were my employees, I would fire them because of their antisocial and bias attitude since in any workplace you can be fire for not being able to get along and work well with others co-workers and creating an unfriendly and hostile work environment.
That deserves an "AMEN" from me, as well- and I don't even use prayers or hymns!