In case you missed it, a Christian writer is claiming to have the first-ever recording of Satan’s voice.
“Until recently I was one of the cynics who laughed at those who believe in the Devil,” writes Rodney Millington. “Then I heard his voice and everything changed.”
A self-described open-minded, investigative skeptic, Millington’s alleged recording of Satan’s voice is available in part as a promotion of his upcoming book, The Devil’s Playground. The new book “introduces readers to the world of the demonic,” and comes with a number of audio recordings - including of Satan himself.
We posted a video of this recording on our Facebook page, take a listen (at your own discretion).
Big If True
Millington’s website details his journey from skeptic to believer, which was ushered along primarily by his discovery of Electronic Voice Phenomenon – or EVP.
If you’re an avid fan of paranormal reality shows like Ghost Adventures or Ghost Hunters, then you’re intimately familiar with EVP.
Paranormal enthusiasts believe that EVP, the static-y, garbled background noise found in many audio recordings, are the attempts of any number of supernatural entities attempting to communicate with the world. Ghosts, extraterrestrials, demons, you name it.
Skeptics say that what many interpret as EVP is actually equipment feedback and radio interference, random sounds that are incorrectly interpreted by the human brain as voices.
Satanic Panic
If you ask Millington, he put his entire mortal soul on the line writing this book and capturing these audio clips. And when he first heard Satan’s voice, he found himself at a crossroads.
“If I began to research further, I might come face-to-face with supreme evil; I could quite literally put my mortal soul in danger," he says. "Yet ignoring it felt irresponsible, particularly in an age when more and more people are dabbling in the occult. No matter which path I considered, the decision felt wrong.”
Given that he believes that one of the demons he recorded is heard coaxing him into the very fires of Hell, the fact that he heard something as unsettling as that and procured even more recordings has got to count for something.
On the other hand, EVP has been dismissed by experts as junk science, and EVP recordings are generally hand waved away as the human brain finding patterns in nothing.
Or hoaxes.
What do you think? Did Millington really record Satan himself speaking? Or are we just hearing patterns in the static that aren’t really there?
You cannot tell what this is. Along with the ghost hunter/believer people. There has never been any evidence or good video/audio of any ghost. I think it is amazing that they take video recording equipment that can take crystal clear pictures of everything in all sorts of light and situations but that same equipment shows shadowy figures and garbled audio. I have gotten a variety of responses when I ask about this. Some say that ghosts can't really be recorded that well to the ghosts know you are recording them so they make the equipment work in a faulty way. It is so convenient to make excuses for this. You will never record a devil or a ghost no matter how much you try because if they do exist you will never see/hear them.
Link to the author's website is dead. Figures.
This is such caca. This satan being does not exist at all. Why would God create such? But Daemons do exist because we create them ourselves. These pathetic creatures are so easily beaten... not worth mentioning them.
Sounds like the Donald
Shalom, If this was real, when you asked who brought you here, it would of claimed Satan's true name. Satan my friends is just a title, the real name of the beast is Gadriel, not Gabriel but Gadriel. There is an abundance of I formation out there for you to revise concerning your faiths, after 25 years of studying the Hebrew scripture, when I feel I've understood it all, yahwey sends us the dead Sea scrolls. He really wants us to understand, Shalom.
Wow what is most everyone commenting, smoking??
I agree with you, what you heard was bad speaker, which got near magnetic substance to make that electrical sound, not anything but static. Satan can speak clearly, and then can tell you what legion he is off, and what he wants. Satan only fears the real presence of "GOD" within the real believer who can handle such spirits. I know as I have seem Satan and I have seem Y'Shua. The first time I witnessed both, Satan and Y'Shua beside me, was the night they both stood on opposite side of my bed fighting over my soul, to whom I will choose. I became frozen, alarmed, not knowing at that time what was happening. They both fought for my soul, Y’Shua saying, “I bought her with my blood, she is mine” Satan screaming , “No, she will pick me, I want her, she’s mine” this went on for awhile, when finally I got the courage and vigor to scream out loudly; Y'Shua help me! Suddenly the room became bright illuminating and peace fell over my entire body, as I heard Y'Shua say, "Rest, my child, you belong to me, as I have bought you with my price, now with all your heart, mind, and soul, find "ME"." The next day, while at college eating lunch, strange persons tried to connect with me, and all passageways to find “GOD” through various channels, and many religions and occult were opened to me. I searched for seven years to find what happened, and for truth. My entire quest was to find truth! The day arrived, when truth revealed itself to me, and I gave my life to Y'Shua. I m a messianic Jew who believes in the supernatural world as I have spent much time there, and seem Michael the Arc angel and other angels, I have smelled the aroma of heaven, visited in a dimensional journey unusual places, and seem world events and occurrence's before they transpired to the natural world. Everything first takes place in the spirit realm. However, only few people are gifted to experience such incidence and with those gifts come a great price to pay. A person must actually detach themselves from earthly matters, which can hinder, block the movement from the spirit world in of our universe. I have helped many people, save lives, had others obtain wealth, build business, and so much more and none for myself, I'm but a humble servant to assist , support the weaker and disadvantaged vessels to achieve their potential. A person to reach and keep such gifts must keep in good physical shape, mentally, healthy, and able-bodied to comply with the WILL of "GOD,” every instruction for the betterment to the human race and to give freely. I accept and respect all living substance as well to leave the dead alone to rest, until the final judgment day. There are many spirit actions, activity, and souls in our world, planet earth and the galaxy is full. BEWARE to think you can play any games with those creatures, entity, because to get caught up in the spirit world is no joke, or game! The price is costly, and you’ll pay whichever by life of misery, or death, before your time, the choice is yours [PLAY IF YOU DARE]..
Do not be fooled by hoax all of these are to give Satan recognition and consideration If you hear of any with God speaking or delivering a message listen up with joy in your heart . God is Great
Do not be Fooled this recording is not Satan Satan only tempts us through our concuss mind . He has no voice to speak to us directly If so there would ongoing conversations rebuking him we as Christians are not at the least bit interested in giving him an opportunity to be heard. God bless and keep you all.
If these so called christians believed more in the true Jesus and less in this fictional creature, they might have a chance at meeting him. This devil does not exist. That was an invention of the church to get people in there so they can get $$$ out of them. I will tell you what does exist, it people misuse of God's light for evil purposes and then you get demon creations.
(0 votes) I agree with you, what you heard was bad speaker, which got near magnetic substance to make that electrical sound, not anything but static. Satan can speak clearly, and then can tell you what legion he is off, and what he wants. Satan only fears the real presence of "GOD" within the real believer who can handle such spirits. I know as I have seem Satan and I have seem Y'Shua. The first time I witnessed both, Satan and Y'Shua beside me, was the night they both stood on opposite side of my bed fighting over my soul, to whom I will choose. I became frozen, alarmed, not knowing at that time what was happening. They both fought for my soul, Y’Shua saying, “I bought her with my blood, she is mine” Satan screaming , “No, she will pick me, I want her, she’s mine” this went on for awhile, when finally I got the courage and vigor to scream out loudly; Y'Shua help me! Suddenly the room became bright illuminating and peace fell over my entire body, as I heard Y'Shua say, "Rest, my child, you belong to me, as I have bought you with my price, now with all your heart, mind, and soul, find "ME"." The next day, while at college eating lunch, strange persons tried to connect with me, and all passageways to find “GOD” through various channels, and many religions and occult were opened to me. I searched for seven years to find what happened, and for truth. My entire quest was to find truth! The day arrived, when truth revealed itself to me, and I gave my life to Y'Shua. I m a messianic Jew who believes in the supernatural world as I have spent much time there, and seem Michael the Arc angel and other angels, I have smelled the aroma of heaven, visited in a dimensional journey unusual places, and seem world events and occurrence's before they transpired to the natural world. Everything first takes place in the spirit realm. However, only few people are gifted to experience such incidence and with those gifts come a great price to pay. A person must actually detach themselves from earthly matters, which can hinder, block the movement from the spirit world in of our universe. I have helped many people, save lives, had others obtain wealth, build business, and so much more and none for myself, I'm but a humble servant to assist , support the weaker and disadvantaged vessels to achieve their potential. A person to reach and keep such gifts must keep in good physical shape, mentally, healthy, and able-bodied to comply with the WILL of "GOD,” every instruction for the betterment to the human race and to give freely. I accept and respect all living substance as well to leave the dead alone to rest, until the final judgment day. There are many spirit actions, activity, and souls in our world, planet earth and the galaxy is full. BEWARE to think you can play any games with those creatures, entity, because to get caught up in the spirit world is no joke, or game! The price is costly, and you’ll pay whichever by life of misery, or death, before your time, the choice is yours [PLAY IF YOU DARE]..
(0 votes) I agree with you, what you heard was bad speaker, which got near magnetic substance to make that electrical sound, not anything but static. Satan can speak clearly, and then can tell you what legion he is off, and what he wants. Satan only fears the real presence of "GOD" within the real believer who can handle such spirits. I know as I have seem Satan and I have seem Y'Shua. The first time I witnessed both, Satan and Y'Shua beside me, was the night they both stood on opposite side of my bed fighting over my soul, to whom I will choose. I became frozen, alarmed, not knowing at that time what was happening. They both fought for my soul, Y’Shua saying, “I bought her with my blood, she is mine” Satan screaming , “No, she will pick me, I want her, she’s mine” this went on for awhile, when finally I got the courage and vigor to scream out loudly; Y'Shua help me! Suddenly the room became bright illuminating and peace fell over my entire body, as I heard Y'Shua say, "Rest, my child, you belong to me, as I have bought you with my price, now with all your heart, mind, and soul, find "ME"." The next day, while at college eating lunch, strange persons tried to connect with me, and all passageways to find “GOD” through various channels, and many religions and occult were opened to me. I searched for seven years to find what happened, and for truth. My entire quest was to find truth! The day arrived, when truth revealed itself to me, and I gave my life to Y'Shua. I m a messianic Jew who believes in the supernatural world as I have spent much time there, and seem Michael the Arc angel and other angels, I have smelled the aroma of heaven, visited in a dimensional journey unusual places, and seem world events and occurrence's before they transpired to the natural world. Everything first takes place in the spirit realm. However, only few people are gifted to experience such incidence and with those gifts come a great price to pay. A person must actually detach themselves from earthly matters, which can hinder, block the movement from the spirit world in of our universe. I have helped many people, save lives, had others obtain wealth, build business, and so much more and none for myself, I'm but a humble servant to assist , support the weaker and disadvantaged vessels to achieve their potential. A person to reach and keep such gifts must keep in good physical shape, mentally, healthy, and able-bodied to comply with the WILL of "GOD,” every instruction for the betterment to the human race and to give freely. I accept and respect all living substance as well to leave the dead alone to rest, until the final judgment day. There are many spirit actions, activity, and souls in our world, planet earth and the galaxy is full. BEWARE to think you can play any games with those creatures, entity, because to get caught up in the spirit world is no joke, or game! The price is costly, and you’ll pay whichever by life of misery, or death, before your time, the choice is yours [PLAY IF YOU DARE]..
I just heard it accept the republican presidential nomination.
I supposed your another of the compassionate party who goes high with your passive insult. I bet you actually think your funny when in reality your nothing but a jerk who contributes to more division in the country.. It is cowards like you who will makes comments in print when you don't have the integrity to say it to ones face.
Well it was Franklin Graham who claimed that the Democrats were pushing a demonic agenda.
Come on that is Joe Biden voice. He has been out of sight for long periods that people for get what he sounds like.
The reality that most people don't realize is that the biblical Satan never killed anyone. Not one person. It was the biblical god who did that. He even directed the killing of the biblical Jesus. So why is everyone so afraid of Satan? Is it because he is given credit for telling people that if they follow their own minds rather than a book of rules that they will attain happiness? I believe it is.
Yes, at least he didn’t profess to be jealous, and didn’t have the same genocidal tendencies that God had, and didn’t get a woman pregnant who was in love with someone else.
I was even listening to Stryper in the early eighties, and singing base-barito be in the Galveston Ecumenical Choir, but wasn't a Christian then, iether. I owned a copy of the Satan ic Bible then, too, as well as a copy of the Necronomicon. I can conjure up things that will totally blow a non-believers mind!!!
I believe this about the same amount that I believe the ridiculous fake voice recordings on the ghost shows on TV. This is right up there with those missionaries in the 1970s. They would come to the churches with this so-called special record player that would play records backwards and you would hear satanic messages in them supposedly. But only the rock music had satanic messages when played backwards. If that's the case why was contemporary Christian music a big deal in the early 80s? I remember some pretty rockin bands that played contemporary Christian music. Satanic you say? Oh really?
This is a start of Communism socialism talking about taking down statues of Jesus and saints is very unacceptable is very Antichrist and tie liberty where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty because the Lord is that spirit like I'm enjoying our freedom of goodness not with violence and hatred we come with love and kindness of statues of Jesus has nothing to do what does BLM movement of violence nothing thank you very much and have a great New year 2020
Dave...yours is the most scathing comment so far...and funny.
You know it's not real, right? The satan was an adversary, an accuser, it's a term to describe a person who is against you. It's not some other worldly being. Life is difficult enough right now without this nonsense.
Well it is a wee bit more complicated then that. As with anything in the abrahamic faith traditions it is actually very easy to trace back to the earlier religions they stole from. Even the name yaweh is a clear fusion of the names of two other religions main gods from earlier cultures.
Likewise Satan or the devil or lucifer whatever you want to call him, is an even bigger mash up of basically every good and evil thing from basically every faith the christians want to demonify.
Though the being Lucifer the morningstar of heaven seems most directly inspired by is a being called the peacock angel, a figure from ancient middle eastern traditions, that some small tribes still pray to to this day, though they are persecuted as satanist which is so far from accurate its absurd.
You know than must be Satan's voice - it's coming through via Facebook.
I seriously doubt this is the “first ever recorded voice of the Devil”.
Anyone who has been to a seminar by demonologist Ed Warren and his psychic wife Loraine Warren would know that ghostly and demonic voices have been recorded at least since the 1970s.
I agree with you, what you heard was bad speaker, which got near magnetic substance to make that electrical sound, not anything but static. Satan can speak clearly, and then can tell you what legion he is off, and what he wants. Satan only fears the real presence of "GOD" within the real believer who can handle such spirits. I know as I have seem Satan and I have seem Y'Shua. The first time I witnessed both, Satan and Y'Shua beside me, was the night they both stood on opposite side of my bed fighting over my soul, to whom I will choose. I became frozen, alarmed, not knowing at that time what was happening. They both fought for my soul, Y’Shua saying, “I bought her with my blood, she is mine” Satan screaming , “No, she will pick me, I want her, she’s mine” this went on for awhile, when finally I got the courage and vigor to scream out loudly; Y'Shua help me! Suddenly the room became bright illuminating and peace fell over my entire body, as I heard Y'Shua say, "Rest, my child, you belong to me, as I have bought you with my price, now with all your heart, mind, and soul, find "ME"." The next day, while at college eating lunch, strange persons tried to connect with me, and all passageways to find “GOD” through various channels, and many religions and occult were opened to me. I searched for seven years to find what happened, and for truth. My entire quest was to find truth! The day arrived, when truth revealed itself to me, and I gave my life to Y'Shua. I m a messianic Jew who believes in the supernatural world as I have spent much time there, and seem Michael the Arc angel and other angels, I have smelled the aroma of heaven, visited in a dimensional journey unusual places, and seem world events and occurrence's before they transpired to the natural world. Everything first takes place in the spirit realm. However, only few people are gifted to experience such incidence and with those gifts come a great price to pay. A person must actually detach themselves from earthly matters, which can hinder, block the movement from the spirit world in of our universe. I have helped many people, save lives, had others obtain wealth, build business, and so much more and none for myself, I'm but a humble servant to assist , support the weaker and disadvantaged vessels to achieve their potential. A person to reach and keep such gifts must keep in good physical shape, mentally, healthy, and able-bodied to comply with the WILL of "GOD,” every instruction for the betterment to the human race and to give freely. I accept and respect all living substance as well to leave the dead alone to rest, until the final judgment day. There are many spirit actions, activity, and souls in our world, planet earth and the galaxy is full. BEWARE to think you can play any games with those creatures, entity, because to get caught up in the spirit world is no joke, or game! The price is costly, and you’ll pay whichever by life of misery, or death, before your time, the choice is yours [PLAY IF YOU DARE]..
I agree with you, what you heard was bad speaker, which got near magnetic substance to make that electrical sound, not anything but static. Satan can speak clearly, and then can tell you what legion he is off, and what he wants. Satan only fears the real presence of "GOD" within the real believer who can handle such spirits. I know as I have seem Satan and I have seem Y'Shua. The first time I witnessed both, Satan and Y'Shua beside me, was the night they both stood on opposite side of my bed fighting over my soul, to whom I will choose. I became frozen, alarmed, not knowing at that time what was happening. They both fought for my soul, Y’Shua saying, “I bought her with my blood, she is mine” Satan screaming , “No, she will pick me, I want her, she’s mine” this went on for awhile, when finally I got the courage and vigor to scream out loudly; Y'Shua help me! Suddenly the room became bright illuminating and peace fell over my entire body, as I heard Y'Shua say, "Rest, my child, you belong to me, as I have bought you with my price, now with all your heart, mind, and soul, find "ME"." The next day, while at college eating lunch, strange persons tried to connect with me, and all passageways to find “GOD” through various channels, and many religions and occult were opened to me. I searched for seven years to find what happened, and for truth. My entire quest was to find truth! The day arrived, when truth revealed itself to me, and I gave my life to Y'Shua. I m a messianic Jew who believes in the supernatural world as I have spent much time there, and seem Michael the Arc angel and other angels, I have smelled the aroma of heaven, visited in a dimensional journey unusual places, and seem world events and occurrence's before they transpired to the natural world. Everything first takes place in the spirit realm. However, only few people are gifted to experience such incidence and with those gifts come a great price to pay. A person must actually detach themselves from earthly matters, which can hinder, block the movement from the spirit world in of our universe. I have helped many people, save lives, had others obtain wealth, build business, and so much more and none for myself, I'm but a humble servant to assist , support the weaker and disadvantaged vessels to achieve their potential. A person to reach and keep such gifts must keep in good physical shape, mentally, healthy, and able-bodied to comply with the WILL of "GOD,” every instruction for the betterment to the human race and to give freely. I accept and respect all living substance as well to leave the dead alone to rest, until the final judgment day. There are many spirit actions, activity, and souls in our world, planet earth and the galaxy is full. BEWARE to think you can play any games with those creatures, entity, because to get caught up in the spirit world is no joke, or game! The price is costly, and you’ll pay whichever by life of misery, or death, before your time, the choice is yours [PLAY IF YOU DARE]..
That's not Satan's voice. Satan is multilingual, but he is eternally totally confused by English grammar. Satan can only understand languages where the verb is at the end like German, and the noun before the verb as in Portuguese, and the definite article as a noun suffix as in Danish. If it's English, it is not Satan
Reverend Kevin. Ppl should mess with the after life. They could and can get seriously hurt
For one why would it be “satan” pretty sure it would be a demon but not satan 🙄 and if you seek you shall find, you play with fire you get burned yada yada yada but why are they scared? Isn’t this what they are always looking for? All “ghosts” are demons it’s not gramma stuck roaming your hallway for eternity! According to scripture once we die we know nothing of this earth. Psalm 146:4 "When his breath departs, he returns to the earth; on that very day his plans perish.”
Job 7:9-10 “As the cloud disappears and vanishes away, so he who goes down to the grave does not come up. He shall never return to his house, nor shall his place know him anymore."
Ecclesiastes 9:5-6 “For the living know that they will die; but the dead know nothing, and they have no more reward, for the memory of them is forgotten. Also their love, their hatred, and their envy have now perished; nevermore will they have a share in anything done under the sun”
Like I said “Ghosts” are not angels from God or our dead loved ones. They are fallen angels trying to deceive us.
Ok enough preaching lol Hope you all have a Blessed and safe day!
Christians claim the craziest things. How do we know that’s not the voice of God? Or some crazy Christian trying to fool everyone with has voice?
I'm waiting for a recording of God. Satan seems to get way more interest than God does. Doesn't that seem odd?
Really judging by the posting on these blogs, I really don't god is lacking any attention.
You know what they say, it's more fun to be bad then it is to be good.
That’s an interesting thought but....hasn’t god killed more people than Satan? That’s of course if either of them are real? 🤪
I have been a musican for almost 40 years, and all that is is a microphone with vocal effects.
The author forgot Yahshua Messiah died on the Cross, went to hades, found poor Satan, gave him a big hug and forgave him. Thus, restoring Lucifer and the 'Third' back as helpful angels of the Creator.
Obviously, the "biggest sin" to forgive was thee First SIN, the rebellion and war in Heaven. When Christ visited Hades, he gave Love, Grace, and Forgiveness to all the misfortunate fallen angels.
We think of Christ redemption and resurrection as forgiveness for all our human Sins, but in actuality Christ's POWER is Absolute, and his victory is over all Sin... for all Time... past, current, or future.
The Gates of Hell have been broken and no one has to stay in there, or in that condition, if they would rather enjoy a loving relationship with the Creator - no hard feelings, all is forgiven ! :-) This is the Grace of God.
The Supremacy of Salvation, by definition - thee total absolute POWER of CHRIST.
Praise Yahshua Messiah saviour of all Creation !
Your comment is actually the text book description of 'Idolatry'....yea that fun loving knuckle headed raskel...aka Satan...was just up to his old hijinks...just trying to throw a monkey wrench in the works...silly little dude...and while we're down playing that angel...let's make "our God" just a frustrated house keeper trying to keep up with that little raskel Satan....yea baby boy....make God into 'your' Idea of what God is....even though He has not minced words nor His chacter, while describing Himself...THAT's the very defination of IDOLATRY
Never try to convince stupid people with the facts.
I think that contact with the collective unconscious or spirit world is dangerous, especially if you don't know what you are doing and what you are dealing with and you can be fooled quite easily. We go back to the ONE at death, there really is no death anyway, the aware energy that we are simply changes form. When we enter a body we don't have a separate self or ego. That doesn't form until a few years later, until that time we think we are one with our mother. then we form the ego self and start to believe we are separate beings. Any ego form created can be called forth again from the whole. He is playing with fire here as he does not really understand what he is dealing with. Do I believe it was Satan , NO, do I think he could call forth great evil, yes. Big mistake. We are energy frequencies, the denser frequencies form matter, but there are also spiritual frequencies and they can be quite dark. Hell is a state of your soul, mind and frequency of your energy. Quantum physics. But people messing with this is like picking up a phone and randomly calling someone on the street or in a crowd. You could get anyone, good or bad, but Satan, lol. NO. I have actually listened to many EVP's , out of curiosity. It wasn't random noises, but not something that I want to mess with. The great boogie man is yourself and your darkest thoughts and desires. Focus on the positive and the light, not on the darkness. Hell is a terrible place of dark collective energy and there is a kind of psychic mud there, ( how to explain this, it's hard for people to comprehend, but souls are there many times by choice, God or the Light and awareness is full of grace and love and you can come out from hell if you want, but due to great guilt or self condemnation you remain stuck or just the ignorance that when you harm another human being and their spirit, you are doing this to GOD whose spirit enlivens us. In reality there are only expressions of God, we are those expressions, so is everything else. I don't even want to listen to any voice of darkness, I love the light always. I wish I could explain adequately what I have seen and experienced , but these things are hard to put into words. You can experience hell right now while you are alive in the body, but why go there. Or you can experience the love, joy and grace of God or the ONE, who is bliss. We are made in the likeness of God, we can create, let's not create darkness. FATHER GUIDE THE CHILDREN OF YOUR SPIRIT WHO COME FROM MANY PLACES AND TIMES TO A PLACE OF KNOWLEDGE AND SAFETY. LEAD THEM AWAY FROM DARKNESS TO YOUR LIGHT AND GRACE. I KNOW YOU EXCEPT ALL WHO COME TO YOU WITH SINCERITY, THANK YOU FATHER/ABBA . AMEN.
Wow. Sounds like you've got your own hell going there.
No, but at one time I did, many years ago.
THANK YOU FATHER/ABBA ? ABBA as in Swedish pop super group formed in Stockholm
So, Hotel California is really in Heaven, eh?
Well, I saw you there Carl. lol It's a shame that this is supposed to be a spiritual/religious site and when someone says something that is not in your experience or understanding it's ridiculed. I obviously made a mistake thinking that the people here were able to intelligently discuss anything. ABBA is another word for God, look it up. . Out of here, ministers, what a bad joke.
It was not meant as joke it was meant as a inquiry since I have never heard of god as being referred as ABBA did you not see the question mark at the end.
I learned a song when I was a kid, at the Christian Holiday House in Dickinson, Texas called Abba Father. That place was and I believe still is run by the Catholic Oblate missionary priests, and all of the music played there was Christian folk. And many of those songs were written by Rev. Father Carrie Landry. My name isn't Kosse, so I don't feel a need to transcribe the whole song, but the refrain goes like this: Abba, Abba Father, you are the Potter, we are the clay, the work of your hands. May we, may we be one in you, may we be one in you, as you are in him, and he is in you. Okay, so I had to include the first verse. It's a beautiful song. And that should be enough of it for a researcher like a Kosse to find out the rest of it. I'd rather not think about Christian stuff anymore than I have to.
Abba. Biblical title of honor, literally "father" used as an invocation of God, from Latin abba, from Greek abba, from Aramaic (Semitic) abba "the father, my father emphatic state of abh "father". Also a title in the Syriac and Coptic churches. An Aramaic word for father, used by Jesus and Paul to address God in a relationship of personal intimacy.
Abba is also father in Hebrew.
This site can be a place of learning as well. One should keep that mind and have patience and understanding toward those who are uniform yet willing to learn.
This site can be a place of learning as well. One should keep that mind and have patience and understanding toward those who are uninformed yet willing to learn.
Odd I do not recall letting anyone record me recently.
You really are demonic when you don't get your coffee in the morning aren't you.
Oh, grow up,
Some people have strange ideas about what it means to grow up. I'd hate to become an old stick in the mud, or quit having psychic experiences, or lose my ability to sometimes see ghosts. That might even cause me to quit flying around the moon on my besom during esbats. Goddess forbid!!!:Growing up is not for me!
Exactly. We should all grow up. In so many ways we are like little children sucking up the boogie man stories. We allow other peoples concepts to control our thoughts. Until we wake up/grow up, this stuff will not go away.
And after you grow up, don't forget to take out your inner child.
I like to let mine out and just run wild like the wild child that he is.
And another one of my all time favorite songs is Wild Boys, by Duran Duran.
If you truly desire to have an evil presence in you belief system, then have at it. There are many that really feel a need for it. Why anyone would distort their mind with such BS is beyond me. It's a product of the conditioning people have received through religion. If you're into the existence of the devil or evil spirits you have been totally conditioned. You know, it doesn't have to be that way. You can be spirit centered without all the religious mumbo jumbo.
I blame everything on my evil twin brother, he the devil child.
That's another great song, by Judas Priest, T Kosse. I bet you know the words to that one, too.
I do but I don't know if they will post it.
I think it might have something to do with a whether a song is in Public Domain, If it were send in a private massage or email then it might not be a problem you can use a title but not whole or part of a song.in a public forum.
Comment removed by user.
The first one sounded like a record played at low rpm, the second one nothing but a lot of static. It like the show "In Search of" ( about unsolved mysteries and things that defy explanation) hosted by Leonard Nimoy that I watched on tv and as child.
That static might also be called white noise, and when listening to it in a haunted location we sometimes hear the voices of spirits coming through. However, a spirit that calls itself something is not necessarily what it claims. Spirits don't have to tell the truth than the rest of us.
They are high on something and it sure as hell isn't Jesus.
But, it might be a halucinogen like Jesus may have used, such as the one they used in Genesis called Mandrake (which is now also known as a poison).
Does anyone know what Jesus sounded like 🤪
It would be hilarious if he sounded like the cartoon characters chip and Dale.
Or the 30’s Disney, Amos & Andy cartoon characters with a deep southern drawl.
I didn’t say that, it was the adversary. 🤪
That would be funny.
I've heard Jesus sounds a lot like Satan. Since good and evil must be balanced (like everything else), they might be different aspects of the same deity.
Well that a thought
I've heard Jesus sounded like Truman Capote. I bet that will turn some heads.
Well I can tell you this demon or devil or whatever it is. It isn't going to get very far with Simon Cowell on America Got Talent.
In my day, we just played records (LPs) backward to hear "the voice of Satan". The song "Stairway to Heaven" was our favorite, but there were a number of songs by The Beatles or AC/DC a little later, among others. It was an exercise to try to get those recordings backward, which was made much easier with a small personal cassette tape recorder, and reversing the tape, and getting it back in the case to play it. Sometimes we had to play our records at a different speed: Play a 33 record on 78, or play a 45 record at 16. We had to work to get these things! Now, it's much easier to extract "the voice of Satan".
Judging by the picture it looks like that supposed Christian has got Satan confused with the horned god; the god of the hunt, the consort of the goddess.
I recall that it's been claimed for decades now that playing various and certain rock music vinyl records backwards will allow one to hear the voices of Satan and his demons. LOL...
But Paul is still alive!
Exactly ... Paul is alive, and Satan is nonexistent.
Our myths are only real to those of us who believe in them. And they can be quite powerful. I don't believe in Christian mythology. However, there is an entity who sometimes comes to me that calls himself Satan, but he usually only says "I love you!"
I think this guy just talked into a distortion mic and presented as an EVP as a publicity stunt to promote his book.
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The entertainment just keeps on rollin'.
I'm with Dan. I couldn't hear 'Come to me' in the second line at all, and I've listened to a LOT of EVP's over the years. As to the voice, it could be anyone at all. But I do agree, you start writing a book like that and you will open yourself to the dark energies. They love it when someone pays attention. I haven't read the book, so I have no idea if he did a good job or not. Hopefully he did well, given the price of drawing himself to the attention of those who do not like humanity.
They? Who is "they".
With that recording, the human brain does everything it can to create something out of it - recognizing patterns.
The system of the brain is called gestalting. It takes average sounds and attempts to label it. In this case, the brain attempts to make words out of the noise. This is how back masking became "popular" in the late 60s.
This is well-timed with The Donald's new infectious disease expert. DR. Stella Immanuel, who believes in demon sperm. Rodney and Dr. Stella should form an LLC to profit from their demon expertise.
You are joking right.
It's definitely Chuck Schumer by the sounds of it.
I can always count on you Lionheart, to put things in the proper perspective. Thank you.
The line between divinity and insanity is often difficult to discern. In this case, I lean towards the latter. My assumption has always been that hearing the voice of God or the devil would coincide with one's last moment on earth.
And don't forget about the death flies at your door, Tom.
Well, it's nice that Satan speaks English. Bad distorted English. Oh wait, I know, because I speak English, that's what I hear. My Hispanic neighbor would hear it in Spanish. This is like Star Trek where all people of the Earth speak English.
Oh well, maybe he will sell lots of books.
And BTW, isn't your soul supposed to be immortal?
You got to have soul if you're gonna play rhythm and blue.
Does Satan provide babelfish to all who wish to listen?
I agree with you, what you heard was bad speaker, which got near magnetic substance to make that electrical sound, not anything but static. Satan can speak clearly, and then can tell you what legion he is off, and what he wants. Satan only fears the real presence of "GOD" within the real believer who can handle such spirits. I know as I have seem Satan and I have seem Y'Shua. The first time I witnessed both, Satan and Y'Shua beside me, was the night they both stood on opposite side of my bed fighting over my soul, to whom I will choose. I became frozen, alarmed, not knowing at that time what was happening. They both fought for my soul, Y’Shua saying, “I bought her with my blood, she is mine” Satan screaming , “No, she will pick me, I want her, she’s mine” this went on for awhile, when finally I got the courage and vigor to scream out loudly; Y'Shua help me! Suddenly the room became bright illuminating and peace fell over my entire body, as I heard Y'Shua say, "Rest, my child, you belong to me, as I have bought you with my price, now with all your heart, mind, and soul, find "ME"." The next day, while at college eating lunch, strange persons tried to connect with me, and all passageways to find “GOD” through various channels, and many religions and occult were opened to me. I searched for seven years to find what happened, and for truth. My entire quest was to find truth! The day arrived, when truth revealed itself to me, and I gave my life to Y'Shua. I m a messianic Jew who believes in the supernatural world as I have spent much time there, and seem Michael the Arc angel and other angels, I have smelled the aroma of heaven, visited in a dimensional journey unusual places, and seem world events and occurrence's before they transpired to the natural world. Everything first takes place in the spirit realm. However, only few people are gifted to experience such incidence and with those gifts come a great price to pay. A person must actually detach themselves from earthly matters, which can hinder, block the movement from the spirit world in of our universe. I have helped many people, save lives, had others obtain wealth, build business, and so much more and none for myself, I'm but a humble servant to assist , support the weaker and disadvantaged vessels to achieve their potential. A person to reach and keep such gifts must keep in good physical shape, mentally, healthy, and able-bodied to comply with the WILL of "GOD,” every instruction for the betterment to the human race and to give freely. I accept and respect all living substance as well to leave the dead alone to rest, until the final judgment day. There are many spirit actions, activity, and souls in our world, planet earth and the galaxy is full. BEWARE to think you can play any games with those creatures, entity, because to get caught up in the spirit world is no joke, or game! The price is costly, and you’ll pay whichever by life of misery, or death, before your time, the choice is yours [PLAY IF YOU DARE]..