Teachers, police officers, child caregivers, social workers medical staff; In nearly every state, trusted professions like these are called "mandatory reporters." They are required by law to report to police any allegations of child abuse or neglect heard while at work.
But there’s one profession in a role of authority, and with frequent interactions with children, who are not subject to these rules in certain states: Clergy.
In fact, organizations like the Catholic Church have fought tooth and nail to keep clergy off of mandatory reporter lists, citing clergy-penitent privilege as the reason why they shouldn’t be legally compelled to report child abuse to police.
There are currently five states where clergy are not listed as mandatory reporters. Among them is Washington state, where the fight over this policy is again heating up. As politicians advance a bill which will add clergy to that list, high-ranking Catholic clergy battle to keep themselves off of it.
Should Catholic clergy have to report admissions of child abuse to the police? Just how sacred is the confession booth?
Mandatory Reporters
Last year, legislators in Washington state advanced a bill to add clergy to the list of the state’s mandatory reporters. Interestingly, this bill actually had the backing of the Catholic Church… with one major caveat.
In what critics described as a "loophole", Catholic clergy threw their support behind the bill – but only if admissions of abuse heard in confession were exempt from the law.
The confession booth, they argued, is too sacred a space, and requiring clergy to report confessions of child abuse would only discourage the confession of such sins in the future.
The bill ultimately passed the State Senate but died in a House committee.
Here We Go Again
Now legislators are trying again. The recently introduced Senate Bill 5375 adds clergy to the list of mandatory reporters, and does not exempt them from abuse admissions heard in confession. However, it carves out a different exemption for clergy, stopping short of requiring them to testify in court proceedings like other mandatory reporters.
Proponents of the bill say it’s long overdue. "I know this is a hard subject for many of my colleagues, especially those with deep religious views. I respect that. I also know far too many children have been victims of abuse — the Legislature has a duty to act,” said bill co-sponsor State Sen. Noel Frame. “I think this is a proposal that can protect kids and get the votes to pass this year."
Catholics Fight Back
Representatives from the local Catholic Diocese recently testified against the bill. Bishop Frank Schuster, head of the Archdiocese of Seattle, said he agrees with the “spirit of the bill” but says that religious freedom supersedes abuse reporting.
“The seal of confession is inviolable,” he explained. “The priests cannot and will not break it. The consequence worldwide is excommunication and cannot change locally.”
He also expressed his concern that the bill could make child abusers less likely to come to confession at all. “This bill will also have a chilling effect on the tens of thousands of Catholics in Washington state who want to confess their sins without worrying that their sins will be reported due to a misunderstanding,” he testified.
Who Should Dictate Reporting Rules?
However, critics say that the Catholic Church simply cannot be counted on to regulate itself on this issue, pointing to past behavior.
Shortly after last year’s bill was introduced, Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced that three separate Diocese in the state were being investigated for using charitable funds to cover up child sex abuse by clergy.
The future of the bill – and Washington clergy’s role in protecting children – remains unclear.
Where do you stand?
The biggest single problem with the present law is mentioned in the very first paragraph of this article. It says "they are required by law to report to police any allegations of child abuse or neglect heard while at work." Note that it uses the word "allegations", rather than "evidence". If a student lies to a teacher about being abused at home, and the teacher knows it's a lie, they are still required to report it, causing all kinds of potential issues at the child's home. Police, on the other hand, either need to see evidence, or get charges officially pressed, before they can take much action. Some seriously troubled teens have avoided major interactions with the law because the parents refused to press charges even after they called the police to their homes.
My mother had five girls and she raised us by herself. My father died. My mother, put all five of us in Catholic school from first grade to 12th grade. My mother sat us down many times we went over if anybody puts their hands on you , you come and tell me your sister, me aunt,grandma. And no matter who it is a priest, ice cream guy, the kid around the corner your best friend‘s father I will take care of this. You call the cops you write a report and when that priest comes to your home and says we’ll take care of it in the church and your child won’t have to pay Tuition. The parent says no I want him arrest. That’s what you gotta do. You can’t let them get away with it. You have to stick to it because God gave you these children on the ground that you’re going to take care of them. It’s about time these parents stand up. It doesn’t matter what or who he is it matters what you’re going to do about it. Priest or men press charges. She needs to talk to somebody or he needs to talk to. Somebody doesn’t matter, somebody violated your child. Do what you have to do for your child. It’s a shame that we live in this kind of world.
After reading all the posting, I go to my Bible to Romans 10-9 “ That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus,and shalt believe in thine hart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt believe in saved” Romans 10-10 “For with the hart m believeth unto reghteousness ; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” There is NOTHING there that talked about a confessional booth. Our Lord Jesus is the only way to forgiveness of our sins. The confessional both is a man made rule.. Read the prayer during the Sacrament of confession.why not just bow your head and ask Jesus to forgive our sins. Seems much simpler. God hears our prayers.
I refuse to believe that our all knowing and loving God would condone clergy keeping silent about child abuse. Children are helpless and innocent looking for someone, ANYONE to hear their cry's. If an abuser brings to the confession booth something that can cause anyone harm or death and clergy does nothing to help, I feel they are just as much to blame. Once clergy knows, they are an accomplice. Also, confession just may be the abuser's way of asking for help themselves because they can't fight they're demons alone. I believe clergy should be held accountable for not reporting anything harmful or dangerous to a human being. I believe God would want it that way. By not saying anything, we assist the abuser in destroying a life as the devil would want us to do. I don't do the devil's work, I do Gods work.
Everyone should report!
I have found in this "New" multi-media World that if you ask a genuine question, few really attempt to answer it. However, if you make a declarative statement there is always someone watching from the shadows just waiting to correct you. So here goes, and let's have it:
There are NO "Rules of the Confessional Booth" that can be found in God's Word, the Teachings of Jesus, or from the Holy Spirit. So, the "Rules for the Confessional Booth" were willingly and knowingly written by man for the benefit of man. They are taught as a "Tradition" and are not valid, not Godly, not advised, and not good. So, ask yourselves WHY would a man keep such a secret? The answer is obvious.
These traditions cause harm, and, in the Word, we learn that it is for the sake of these false traditions that our people perish and have perished. This tradition brings about death and decay, and such is not pleasing to our Father. In Texas you can go to prison for it...which brings me to my next point.Romans teaches us that we are to abide by the Laws of the Land so long as the Laws of Land do not require us to violate Gods Law. Therefore, since there is no scriptural basis for maintaining the confessional booth secrecy of a rape admission, or any other heinous crime, then it is our duty to report ... and, for those of you who fail to so, you do not act in accordance with Gods Will, you fail in your responsibilities as a man, and are in league with those evil men who you enable to continue to do so.
It is a coward of man who will know of child rape and willingly turn a blind eye.
I am a mandated reporter anyways since I work with elderly, I honestly don't care who you are, where you are, if a child is getting abused report it!!!!
But again Washington state social services, and family court systems is corrupt. They are going to do what they want regardless of the evidence.
Not reporting a crime is being complicit in the crime, especially child abuse.
Exactly! Silence is Betrayal...
the catholics are against it and dont want to report child abuse because the catholic clergy rapes children and women, it has nothing to do with their booths, if the rest of us Ministers have to so does catholic ministers as well
Thank you, Sister. The best indicator of future behavior is relevant past behavior...and we do have the authority to judge for the sake of discernment. I was wondering also if maybe you would happen to know the scriptural basis that these churches use to formulate their "Rules of the Confessional Booth"? Upon what scriptural foundation do they make these rules/policies? I do intend to call them to account.
Is there any person here who can point to the Scriptural Authority in the Word of God upon which the "Rules of the Confessional" for Priests and Clergy are written, formulated, or understood? Where does God the Father, his son Jesus, or the Holy Spirit direct his appointed, in the living word, to remain silent in the face of a confessional booth admission, or such an admission in any context, of child rape?
What do you think. Why was it so well hidden by the church. Ask that question when the perpetrator of the crime is the pastor.
exactly, theres alot of catholic (not saying all of them) ministers that rapes children and women
I feel that Abuse shall be Reported. You may SAVE a child's life. I use to Work with Child Welfare in past. WE done a lot of good for the children. Even when I wasn't able to work, anymore due to my illness. I still looked out, for the children. Moved them in my home, raised them and use what money I had of my own. WE cannot continue to ignore this. Children are Our future. Didn't a lot of Catholic Priests have sexual relationships with the boys⁉️ As, I said; We cannot turn deaf ear To The Truth. Praying God be with All children. Amen 🤍🕊️🙏🏽🕊️🤍
First off, don't forget that everyone here that holds a ULC Ordination is a member of the clergy and subject to this legislation. Second, anyone that knows the history of the Roman Catholic Church is aware of all of the EVIL that has been conducted by the Church over the centuries. People love to point out all of the good and charitable actions of the church that absolves the EVIL it has committed. I am reminded of the saying, "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions." The Roman Catholic Church has proven over the millenia that the Church is deeply rooted in EVIL. The acts and actions of the Church have shown to those discerning people that it is, indeed, an institution of EVIL. If any institution shows the face of Satan, it is the Roman Catholic Church.
Anyone with proven knowledge of child abuse and failing to report it should be charged as an accessory. Regardless of professional standing. Anyone that knows children are being abused or neglected and does nothing is a monster. Period.
Having worked both EMS and LE, I have seen the horror of abuse on children, especially those who are sexually abused. Those children who I have seen that have been abused by someone are things that haunt me to this day. Their faces, their tears, their scares on their very souls are images I can never forget. When I have seen it, it took all the strength I had to not beat those adults who abused them.
When I attended an autopsy of a 9 month old and the doctor opened the skull and the brain poured out like soup because that intent had been shaken so hard the brain was mush. The people who sit and hear some confessions of abuse and don’t report it, should be forced to see the evils of abuse I have seen.
So to me, they should be required to report abuse. But for the sake of the child, at least turn it in to child protective services which can be done with giving your name.
Anyone in a position of authority, including clergy, should be required to report child abuse. If they are aware of abuse, and they remain silent, they should be charged as an accessory.
they have made laws for those very reasons i would report those individuals and have in my life part of the situation im in at the moment why would one abuse a child to begin with or anyone ask yourself there is a under lying problem there that should be looked into prayers to you all
All that Evil requires is for good people to remain silent. It’s the responsibility of everyone to report abuses when they become aware of them.
Well Said!
Do you really expect the abusers to report themselves?
I believe NOBODY should be exempt from mandatory abuse reporting - no matter WHO it is, but ESPECIALLY children and others at-risk. ANYONE that is a target for abuse of any type and as a decent human being it is our responsibility to call them out.....
Upon what Scriptural Authority does the various churches establish the "policy" of keeping such thing secret? The legal authority is clear. The 1st. Amendment states that congress shall make no law proscribing an institution of religion or the free practice thereof. Thats pretty clear, huh? Except when the skillful use of the 1st Amendment creates a safe space for crime and criminals - at this point, the Law has been used to destroy the Law. Therefore, we must consider that none of our right can be used to hinder or disparage the rights of others. So, when it's all placed on the scales, is it not a choice between maintaining the man-made administrative policy of the Church or performing our duty in accordance with Gods will. So, again What scriptural authority does the church base their decision to remain silent over grievous admissions such as these?
Catholic and Anglican Clergy are pushing back on mandatory Abuse Reporting. Such an action requires a member of the clergy or ministry to inform the authorities should they come upon a situation where a person seeks the confessional, or speaks freely of abusing or harming someone else. This requirement makes a whole lot of sense does it not? In many cases people in authority positions are the care givers of others often younger than themselves, students, children, woman, congregants. Teachers, police officers, care givers, social workers and medical staff are all required to inform the authorities should a situation arise. Why not the clergy?
Institutions like the Catholic church have fought public authorities to keep clergy off of mandatory reporter lists. There can be many reasons for this starting at the belief that the Church must look out for both victims and predators alike.
God s mercy and forgiveness offered to the sinner, and the Churches wealth and services shared with the victims.
The confessional is sacred to the Church and will be defended at all costs.
Is the Church a club for men who will defend an accused, believing that temptation can and will attack a clergies lived experience and sensitivities.
Is Church Finances and politics more important than the lives of the Congregation?
Last year the US Government advanced a Bill to add Clergy to an established mandatory reporting list. The Catholic Church agreed with one caveat, one loophole...the confessional is to sacred a space to require clergy to report child abuse as such an action would discourage the confession of such sins in the future. Yah. The Bill died in the Senate after a period of severe lobbying by the Catholic Church in Washington DC. Recently Bill 5375 attempts to add clergy to the list, and does not exempt them from abuse admissions heard in confession. There is another caveat added, not requiring clergy to attend court to testify against the accused abuser. The legislature is required to act in the protection of children and the innocent.
The Archbishop of Seattle, Bishop Frank Schuster declared "he agrees with the spirit of the Bill but said religious freedom supersedes abuse reporting. "The seal of the confessional is inviolate, and the priest cannot and will not break it. The consequence world wide is excommunication". Politics always enters the challenge, freedom of religion over the safety and protection of the meek and innocent. I have experienced such a reality in my life, but that will be another story.
Is there a public politician or legislator with the courage and honesty needed to face down ancient institution's with the ability to manipulate the situation to their benefit? Politicians want to win elections, and legislators hope to survive a time where they can collect their pensions. The Church, which ever it maybe has clergy and Ministers with the evil eye, no doubt. Is it not the "Churches" responsibility to do the Knightly thing, that is protect the lame, poor and innocent amongst us?
steven Kaszab Bradford, Ontario skaszab@yahoo.ca
Any cardinals read this, "Steven Kaszab for Pope". I have the courage to destroy ancient traditions that protect the wrong doer while denying and ignoring the wronged.
When I was 8years old a family member raped me twice within days. I spoke to my family in Europe and also in Canada who both defended the uncle, and called me a liar and fabricator. As I aged i became angry, yet held it within me. The Sisters who taught me told my parents i'd become a criminal one day. Prophetic indeed. I became a person of violence myself, just directing that violence against those who abuse and use others. A cycle of pain and fear developed because no one listened, no one took the abuser to task. If Priests and Religious need to be reporting acts of violence and abuse, so be it.
Steven Kaszab (Former Franciscan TOR)
Those who do the crime must face justice and possibly do the time. We can be merciful and forgiving to both victim and predator, but Gods Law is inline with that of Caesars. If you do wrong you must face justice here on earth as well as in heaven
Mandating reporting should have no barriers because anyone who sees a child being abused should report it or take action. Our society has a wealth of disfunctioning young adults because an "adult" never took action to protect the child. Life is precious & babies, children, the elderly, spouses should all not have to live with an abuser. The worst form of abuse is verbal that eventually can lead to physical. Why wait? Those who know about it but fail to report it should be penalized & pay the fine for withholding the correct direction to take.
Mandating reporting should have no barriers because anyone who sees a child being abused should report it or take action. Our society has a wealth of disfunctioning young adults because an "adult" never took action to protect the child. Life is precious & babies, children, the elderly, spouses should all not have to live with an abuser. The worst form of abuse is verbal that eventually can lead to physical. Why wait? Those who know about it but fail to report it should be penalized & pay the fine for withholding the correct direction to take.
Reverend Stahl has done a great job here!
This is a puzzling question. God's Law is written on our hearts. We have more than an obligation to keep, preserve, and protect children from the mouths of "wolves". It is our duty. If man engineers or orchestrates a situation where such a matter may even be questioned, then such engineering and orchestrating is flawed and must stop.
This is some of what the Scriptures have to say about this topic. There is much more to be found as well.
We are ALL ACCOUNTABLE for our choices.
So let it be written, so let it be done. So mote it be.
Proverbs 21:15
When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers. This verse emphasizes the importance of justice in society. When the law is upheld and wrongdoers are held accountable, it brings a sense of joy to those who live righteously. However, evildoers who have committed crimes should rightfully feel terror as justice is served.
Proverbs 17:15
Acquitting the guilty and condemning the innocent— the Lord detests them both. God despises both the wrongful acquittal of the guilty and the condemnation of the innocent. True justice requires discernment, fairness, and the protection of the innocent. It is our responsibility to ensure that justice is carried out justly and without favoritism.
Proverbs 25:26
Like a muddied spring or a polluted well are the righteous who give way to the wicked. Allowing the wicked to go unpunished and compromising justice is as detrimental as drinking from a polluted well. It taints the integrity of the righteous and undermines the principles of a just society. We must stand firm and not give in to unjust influences.
Proverbs 29:26
Many seek an audience with a ruler, but it is from the Lord that one gets justice. In our pursuit of justice, it is important to remember that the ultimate source of true justice is not found in human rulers or authorities. We should seek the Lord, who is the perfect judge, and trust Him to bring about justice in His perfect timing.
Isaiah 1:17
Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow. This verse calls us to actively pursue justice by defending the oppressed and advocating for the rights of the marginalized. It is our duty to stand up for those who have been wronged and to plead their case, just as God Himself is a defender of the weak and vulnerable.
Jeremiah 22:3
This is what the Lord says: Do what is just and right. Rescue from the hand of the oppressor the one who has been robbed. Do no wrong or violence to the foreigner, the fatherless or the widow, and do not shed innocent blood in this place. In this verse, God exhorts His people to practice justice and righteousness. He commands them to protect the victims of oppression, to treat foreigners with fairness, and to refrain from causing harm or shedding innocent blood. God’s justice extends to all people, regardless of their social status or background.
Micah 6:8
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. God’s requirements for His people include acting justly, showing mercy, and walking humbly with Him. As believers, we are called to uphold justice in our actions, demonstrate compassion towards others, and maintain a humble posture before God.
Rev. R Stahl
Well said Brother!
In every state I have lived as a clergy person, clergy were required to report abuse of a minor child, regardless of how we came about the knowledge. Some even expanded the laws to include abuse of spouse/partner, elderly persons, disabled persons, and self-abuse. I don't see where any exclusion based on the "confessional" should bear any exception to the law (especially for children), since the Catholic Church is the only denomination that holds confession as a sacrimental/liturgical act and strictly one-on-one between the priest and the parishioner. Setting up such an exception places the Catholic Church above the law, and other denomination could not exert the same privilege.
Patricia: I agree with you! Rich Dallas-Chaplain -A.C.L.C.- Volunteer-Biblical Counseling and Life Coaching Intern-at Cornerstone Baptist Church of Roseville, Michigan, USA. ...// ... // I have an Investigative and Criminal Justice Background. I have also been a Bible believing Christian for 50+ years. NO, IT IS ABSOLUTELY NOT THE CASE THAT: "THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IS FIGHTING THIS TOOTH AND NAIL". It has always been the case that Clergy is required to report any cases of abuse of a child or an elderly/infirm person. We Clergy (I am not Catholic) are equally required to report a client who threatens to harm themselves or someone else. Anyone doing this type of work should have an explicit written agreement to that effect. If you are doing Counseling, to do otherwise is just foolish
Shalom To All, If it is part of the confessional then the priest cannot reveal it. How ever if is it not part of the confessional then yes the priest has the obligation to report child abuse. Rev J
The rules of the "confessional" are written by man...correct?
There is always that fine line. Yes, I believe clergy should be mandatory reports. The supervisor instance of confession is also a kind that would need careful consideration. Is it the past, have you served time, are you trying to get forgiveness of an old issue that needs cleared from your mind? If a child reports to clergy, a person confesses the same sin with an ongoing issue of said abusing, or if it is apparent that some other person has definet signs of abuse; then yes! Anyone who suspects abuse with reasonable cause should report . But then you have these issues with the bad clergy that puts a bad name on clergy that tried to help.
My best advice is to follow your heart. What is right or wrong? If you suspect anyone is being harmed, then as humans we should support others for safety and just down right human kindness. People abuse the system too with claiming abuse when it's truly not. Just do what you believe is right. Hiding truth or ignoring truth is not done by the right thing either
Anybody who would destroy the sanctity of the confessional will go after attorney/client privilege next. That is not a road I am willing to go down.
I don't understand how the two can be equated. Clergy are ministering to their flock, and outside the legal system. An attorney is working with a client in order to set up a trial strategy. Also, since most legislators have a legal background or are attorneys, it is doubtful that this would gain any traction in any legislative body.
Upon what scriptural authority are the "Rules of the Confessional" written? ... or ... Are said rules of the confessional written and comprised by man?
Absolutely not.
100% should clergy be required to report, and be liable to lawsuits if they do know about abuse of a child and do not report it. Any adult should be liable to legal charges if they do not report abuse of a child, regardless of the type.
In Texas, at least, there is a charge for such. You are right to think this way!
Yes should be able to report child abused, anyone who notices she report if they have prof of abuse is going on. Child abused is very high now cause no doing anything about it, we as the ppl have to protect our children and their rights. ❤️❤️❤️
Peace and Blessings
If it's during confession it is privileged. It's protected by the First Amendment to the US Constitution, which begins with the phrase, "Congress SHALL MAKE NO LAW...". It's he law of the land and is irrevocable. Let the bill pass and then challenge its constitutionality. It won't stand by the time it gets to the Supreme Court. While child abuse is horrible, clergy has the absolute duty to report it, if suspected but not confessed. In other words, as a third party the church should report it, but should keep clergy - confessional patient privilege and exempt. If I suspect abuse I try to counsel the family members first to see if there is something going on. I refer the abused victims to family counseling services. I never confront the abusers unless they come to me for help and advice. I then direct them to professionals that deal with the problems. I also let them know that our conversation is privileged, but if asked I am required by law to let authorities know I'm counseling and referring a patient. If they refuse to go to get help, then yes, I do report them for the safety of the victims.
Upon what Scriptural foundation are the "Rules of the Confessional" based upon?
I’m just not seeing any legitimate reason to be against preventing the sexual abuse of children. We ban kiddie porn possession where the perp is not even physically assaulting an actual child. How can we look the other way when a real child is essentially being abused right in front of us?
The First Amendment means nothing to you? Good to know.
Not seeing anything in the First Amendment that condones child sexual abuse.
"...They will use the Law to destroy the Law..." The First Amendment does not trump the will or the teachings of Jesus.
I live in Canada, it is a law enforced obligation to protect the rights of the vulnerable, it's mandated for every person to report abuse, not just of children, but the vulnerable sector as well, includes people of disabilities and seniors.
These are populations of people who are in constant oppressive states because the are always under an authority to care for them.
It doesn't make sense why someone would see another person they confided in as needing protection of privacy, if the priests are who they confided in that was their only hope to get assistance for something that threatens them.
These are backwards messages that someone is maintaining the privacy of someone who cried out for help to the one person they thought could help them and this high authority failed to help them.
Another reason I am glad I am Canadian.
I get that people are worried about reporting anything that's told in confession is tough. There are other things that are not reported, however when it comes to a child your first and foremost job is to protect it. A religious leader of any kind should not have to testify in public but private chambers as if it was a confession but to the judge and can not be forced to do so in a public courtroom. Use the clergy as an undercover agent for children. This way if someone confesses to it or a child speaks of it in confession the said abuser or child would not know where the report came from so that there is no repercussion to the clergy personnel, this allowing confessions to continue without fear. Remember we want to catch a criminal not let them go free so you have to put it in a way that people are not afraid to do the confessions yet the abuse can be reported. We have to remember that sometimes we are children's first line of defense against evil. What better way to catch a predator than to have their own confession of it? With that being said when the abuse is reported it must be thoroughly investigated to the max because some predators are very good at hiding evidence that shows their guilt.
Tax all of the churches and hold accountable ALL of the clergy for abuse if they won't report it. Only the guilty want to hide their crimes.
Every body should sign a huge petition against any catholic church coverups. Criminal is criminal. Abuse will happen again many times. Crime & evil actions must pay because it burdens the innocents. They're are afraid to loose a job & a roof.
One day the world will wake up and realize that the God of Abraham is evil and his followers aren't any better.
I mostly agree with your sentiment, but this is a different issue. Mandatory reporting puts a priest and penitent at odds with one another, and that is not a positive environment for someone who needs to be trusted.
Reverend Garza,
I also agree with your post however looking at the facts that child abuse occurs not only by Church officials but also by educators at all levels. It should be treated the same for all. My question to those who give the clergy excemption, how would they feel if their child or grandchild was sexually abused by a Minister or priest or by member of the family Would their outlook then change? This type of abuse Must be exposed and delt with . Many young men and women have carried the scars of abuse into adulthood some with the feelings of guilt.
If the church had been responsible for reporting abuse ( not just the Catholic Church but all churches) I believe that there are many children who would be saved not only from physical abuse but from sexual abuse as well. I personally know of a couple of people who were victims that as children spoke to the only person that they could tell in private that their abuser wouldn’t know that they had talked with. The minister was notified by his wife and he chose to not report it because the abuser was a family Man who belonged to the deacons family. It was church business that did not belong in public. This is one reason why suicide rates are high in young people who have attended church their whole life
I am always concerned when the government wants to regulate the behavior of clergy no matter how well legislators intentions may be. You just might discover that it opens a door you cannot close.
I wish all my brothers and sister clergy health and happiness!
Reverend Rudolph Garza
Legitimate laws, are laws that everyone agrees on, are legitimate; when some find some laws legitimate, but not others, there’s conflict, that’s why most nations have constitutions — which are supposed address the differences between those, for example, who believe that “Holy Ghosts” are real; and the rationalists and the science-minded amongst us who don’t. So, if our elected officials study the facts, regarding child abusers, then pass legislation requiring all child abuse to be reported to the proper authorities - unless such child abusers are members of the clergy — then so be it — either live with it — or — get rid of the legislators who gave the clergy an exception to included in child abuse laws, because such clergy are merely doing what clergy are supposed to do— depending on the circumstances. After all, there are clergy amongst us, who consider it child abuse to indoctrinate a little child into any one religion only; forsaking all the thousands of other religions in the process.
Accountability for clild abusers regardless of where it is found. Has the confessional booth become a built in protection plan for abusers? Perhaps those who would shield are equally guilty.
You're right. Before volunteering to distribute food to the poor at Thanksgiving, they made us watch a video about children on a playground and a pedo taking pictures of the children. It looked more like a "how to be a pedo video" instead of what NOT to do when giving food to families with children.
Turned out the catholic bishop who made the video was later arrested for molesting children.
The only thing you need to know when distributing food to families is to never be alone in a room with a stranger's child because false accusations can spread quickly.
Accountability for clild abusers regardless of where it is found. Has the confessional booth become a built in protection plan for abusers? Perhaps those who would shield are equally guilty.
OMG and WT#? It's hard to ignore the hypocrisy of the Catholic Church's stance on reporting child abuse. They hide behind the facade of religious freedom, conveniently overlooking centuries of horrific abuse committed by their own priests. If they're willing to protect sexual predators in their ranks, it doesn’t surprise me that they would shield parishioners who confess similar sins.
I’m Catholic, and it's disgusting to see the church prioritizing the abuser over the abused, especially children. The insane belief that a stern warning and a parish transfer of a priest would solve the problem is laughable. It clearly didn’t work.
The sanctity of confession shouldn’t protect those who prey on others. The truth is, the concept of confession itself is an artificial construct. If you believe that God hears all prayers, why does one need a middleman? How can reciting a litany of prayers clear you of molesting a child or beating your spouse? Unbelievable!
No reporting equals No tax break. They will report in a second.
Okay, so how is it going to be enforced?
First off, while a priest may recognize the voice of some of their regular parishioners who go to confession, in theory the confessional is supposed to be anonymous.
What if some random individual comes in there confesses and leaves? Is the priest supposed report that to the police? Is the priest supposed to run out and try to see if the person drove there and if so get the license plate of his car?
And if the priest doesn't do any of those things, how will they know? Are they going to send undercover officers into churches to "confess to molestation" and if the priest does not report it arrest him?
Most churches have a limited number of people who go to confession, so the priest or minister knows who they are. Like the Mormons who also claim confessions of child abuse should never be reported to the police.
Catholics and Mormons seem to be on the side of the abusers against the children.
For all of our differences on this ULC blog, it seems most or all of us agree that child abusers should be reported to local authorities. Thank you ULC for allowing us to voice our opinions on this and other matters!
Child abusers should be reported, but not by clergy. Clergy fill a different niche in society. What are we going to be forced to divulge next? Adultery? Are you going to go after lawyers next and try to destroy attorney/client privilege?
its a ministers responsibility to report it, if the minister doesnt theyre abusing being clergy, in religious counseling to the same religion i am goes and tells me something bad that theyre gonna do, its my responsibility to call the authorities before it happened, by taking responsibility of what was said to ones ears about raping women and children that minister that calls the authorities stops a pedo and saves alot of women and children
Rev. MichaelRS, good point.
Does the priest lift up his screen and snap a photo of the abuser? Then ask to see his license? Does the abuser calmly sit there helpfully, or punch the priest in the face and bolt?
Or, how often does an abuser even go to confession?
True, the Catholic Church has formalized the confessional and uses its supposed sanctity as an excuse for unlimited confidentiality. In no way is that different from declarations of child abuse to clergy in other faiths. It's an equal playing field across religions. Bottom line: PROTECT OUR CHILDREN.
True, the Catholic Church has formalized the confessional and uses its supposed sanctity as an excuse for unlimited confidentiality. In no way is that different from declarations of child abuse to clergy in other faiths. It's an equal playing field across religions. Bottom line: PROTECT OUR CHILDREN.
There are two kinds of child abuse here. Those committed by parishioners and those committed by priests.
Does anyone see the priest turning himself in to the fuzz?
Does anyone see the church turning in its donor to the fuzz?
No, I don't think that will happen.
Let's try this instead: When child molestation in the church is discovered to be covered up, close the church, confiscate the property, sell it and give the cash to the victims. Get the monsters(molesters) in the electric chair quick and now. Televise it. Get those that concealed it in prison forever. Televise it.
All great ideas except throwing some of them in prison "forever." The reason is that it costs about $50,000 a year to keep one inmate in prison. Multiply $50,000 times 40 years and we're looking at wasting $2 MILLION dollars to keep each convicted criminal alive, fed, housed, clothed, medically treated and entertained till they croak.
Put them to work on chain gangs and let them sleep outside in tents like our US Army soldiers do while living in combat zones. Seizing their assets, making them work and letting them suffer in the cold and heat will educate them and tell others that "if you don't want to do the time, don't do the crimes!"
Let's make a deal with Russia and send them to Siberia or, lock them up in the internment camp gages where we illegally house undocumented migrants.
It’s difficult for me to understand why clergy should be above the law and not have to confess their sin of child sexual abuse with the end result being charged with exactly that. Their whole idea of “confession” is just something they invented. Child sexual abuse is an unconscionable physical act purposely inflicted on a child, baby, infant for the purpose of sexual gratification of the clergy person.
There is no excuse to cover up child abuse. The obvious reason for full disclosure is that it prevents it from happening again. Seems that the victim is of lowest importance in this conversation.
Given their ability to cover up their own abuses this does not surprise me.
No surprise. The Catholic's primary superpower is turning a blind eye to and excusing rampant abuse. It's been that way since it's inception. Even Constantine who founded the institution was excused for murdering his own son and having his wife boiled alive in a bathtub. The Pagan priesthood wouldn't absolve him of his heinous conduct, so he adopted Christianity instead. The rest is history.
Only criminals want to protect their fellow pedos.. I mean criminals.
“So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. For all that is secret will eventually be brought into the open, and everything that is concealed will be brought to light and made known to all. The time is coming when everything that is covered up will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all." Matthew 10.26 / Luke 8.17 / Luke 12.2 The Catholic bishops know those words of Jesus are in their Catholic bible. No more cover ups.
Darkness has crept into our sacred institutions—where mandatory abuse reporting is resisted and the suffering of the innocent is concealed—is not a mere failing of human frailty. It is the unmistakable manifestation of Satan’s dominion over a fallen world. Scripture warns us in Ephesians 6:12 that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Yet, when our own spiritual leaders turn a blind eye to abuse and silence the voices of victims, they unwittingly become instruments of the devil’s deceit.
The vile acts of abuse, covered up under layers of institutional secrecy, echo the words of John 8:44, where our Lord declares, “You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do.” This is not a time for leniency or secrecy—it is a time for truth to shine forth like a beacon of divine justice. The Holy Scriptures demand that we defend the vulnerable. In Psalm 82:3-4, we are charged to “Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.” To fail in this sacred duty is to align oneself with the very forces of corruption and sin that Satan employs to subvert God’s kingdom.
Look around us—in every act of hidden abuse, in every cover-up that protects the wicked, we see the handiwork of the lawless one. His influence is not abstract; it is evident in the dark corridors of power where those entrusted with care choose to protect their own rather than honor the divine mandate of transparency and justice. Just as the prophet Isaiah denounced the oppression of the innocent (Isaiah 1:17), so too must we rebuke every instance of deceit and cruelty. We cannot, in good conscience, allow the agents of evil to continue their reign unchecked.
Mandatory abuse reporting is not an imposition upon confidentiality—it is the safeguard of our collective soul, a necessary measure to ensure that truth prevails over treachery. We must stand as unyielding sentinels against the forces that seek to hide sin under the cloak of loyalty. Let us be as the Apostle Paul exhorted us in Romans 12:21: “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Our call is clear: expose the darkness, hold the wicked accountable, and restore honor to the vulnerable.
May our voices rise as a clarion call against all that is evil, and may the light of Christ drive out the darkness in every heart. For in the final reckoning, there can be no refuge for those who hide their sins, for the day of the Lord is at hand.
In unwavering faith and divine resolve, Rev JTSunrise Celestial Nexus Church, Seattle
The so called 'devil' has nothing to do with the crimes of priests against children. Their own bible admits in Ezekiel 18 that the person or priest who commits the sin is the only one who must pay for the crime. There is no mention of any devil that can be blamed for anyone's sins or crimes.
The bible of the Jews and Christians proclaims, "The earth is the Lord's and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him." Psalm 24.1 and I Corinthians 10.26
"I am God and there is no other. I am God and there is nobody beside me." This means there is no devil or man in charge of this world. There is only one God who created all things. Genesis 1, Isaiah 45 and 46 When you realize this fact, fear and anxiety disappear. You can now focus on direct communication with your Creator and bypass the Catholic church and all other cults that claim they only have the truth.
Lawrence, your reference to Ezekiel 18 is well taken—each person is accountable for their own sins. Indeed, free will is a central tenet of both Jewish and Christian theology. No one can simply blame an external force for their crimes. The priests who abuse children are not possessed—they are predators who must be judged and punished according to both divine and human law.
However, to dismiss the reality of evil—what scripture describes as “the ruler of this world” (John 12:31, 2 Corinthians 4:4)—is to overlook the full spiritual battle outlined in both Old and New Testament texts. The Bible does not depict Satan as an equal to God, but as a deceiver, a corrupter, and an accuser (Revelation 12:9-10). Jesus himself acknowledges the presence of a tempter, warning, “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires.” (John 8:44).
Psalm 24:1 and Isaiah 45 affirm that God is sovereign, but they do not deny the existence of evil. If that were the case, we would have no need for justice, redemption, or Christ’s sacrifice. If evil were merely a human construct, why would Jesus repeatedly warn against false teachers and wolves in sheep’s clothing (Matthew 7:15)? Why would Paul speak of principalities and powers that wage war against the souls of men (Ephesians 6:12)?
To say there is no evil beyond man is comforting, but it denies the broader spiritual reality presented in scripture. A world where only human frailty exists—without forces of deception, corruption, and destruction—would not match what we see in history or in our own time. The Church’s crimes are both human and demonic—rooted in unchecked power, moral corruption, and the ultimate tool of Satan: deception.
If anything, the failure of institutions like the Catholic Church to protect children is not just a failure of men, but a triumph of evil in its most insidious form—not by possession, but by apathy, silence, and cowardice.
To “bypass the Church” is understandable given its crimes. But bypassing the reality of evil is a deception unto itself. Christ did not die because humanity was merely flawed—he died because the battle against sin and darkness is real.
JT, thank you for this post. Well said. And thank you for the quotes, EXCELLENT!
So abuse is to be covered up again why is my big question
They don’t want the public to have access to how many victims of sexual abuse the church is hiding…
It's worse than robbing a bank and claiming it's against your religion to tell who robbed the bank. We're talking about children being abused by men who hold positions of authority and who then try to claim that it's against their religion to tell which men molested the children.
Stolen bank money can be repaid from seized assets, but robbing a child of a happy life cannot be repaid by the Catholic church or any other religious cult. It's time to stop the cover ups of child abuse by religious cults.
No person clergy or not have the right to withhold suspected child abuse or endangerment.
Rich Dallas-Chaplain -A.C.L.C.- Volunteer-Biblical Counseling and Life Coaching Intern-at Cornerstone Baptist Church of Roseville, Michigan, USA. I have an Investigative and Criminal Justice Background. I have also been a Bible believing Christian for 50+ years. NO, IT IS ABSOLUTELY NOT THE CASE THAT: "THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IS FIGHTING THIS TOOTH AND NAIL". It has always been the case that Clergy is required to report any cases of abuse of a child or an elderly/infirm person. We Clergy (I am not Catholic) are equally required to report a client who threatens to harm themselves or someone else. Anyone doing this type of work should have an explicit written agreement to that effect. If you are doing Counseling, to do otherwise is just foolish