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March 12th, 2009
The Washington State Senate on Tuesday passed bill SB5688 which could be signed into law by Governor Chris Gregoire sooner than expected. The bill would extend benefits to state registered domestic partners.
Religious Influence Fading in United States...
March 10th, 2009
A 2008 survey of the United States population identified a consistent decline in the number of 'religious' individuals; Americans that identify as non-religious now account for 15% of the population.
Religion in the Doctors Office
March 5th, 2009
Prior to leaving office, the Bush Administration enacted a set of rules designed to protect the freedom of conscience for those working in the health care system.
Catholic Evolution
March 3rd, 2009
To mark the 150th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species, the Vatican has sponsored a week long conference to explore a possible relationship between Catholicism and evolution.
Don't Ask Don't Tell, While Playing Online Games
February 27th, 2009
Grant, a Consumerist reader and XBOX Live gamer, recently had his account name blocked; the alias he had used while gaming was theGAYERgamer. When he asked Microsoft, he was told his name was offensive.
It's Your Right
February 25th, 2009
Gay and Lesbian couples face discrimination, bigotry, religious intolerance and sectarianism; The Universal Life Church stands with them in the fight for marriage equality.
Valentines Day Crackdown in Saudi Arabia
February 13th, 2009
In Saudi Arabia, religious police have been enforcing their annual ban of Valentines Day related sales. It is against the law to observe any non-Muslim holiday in the country.
Once Evangelical Preacher, Now Atheist, to Debate at USC
February 12th, 2009
Don Barker, currently co-president of the Freedom from Religion Foundation, will be attending a debate at USC to argue that the God of the Christian Bible does not exist.
New Revelations from Ted Haggard's New Life Church
January 27th, 2009
In 2006 Pastor Ted Haggard was fired from the church he founded over allegations that he had been sexually involved with a male prostitute. Now a new chapter to the story has surfaced.
Pope Benedict Controversially Revokes Excommunications
January 26th, 2009
Over the weekend, Pope Benedict announced his decision to revoke the excommunication of four bishops. Bishop Richard Williamson, along with the three other bishops in question, were excommunicated in 1988.
The Universal Life Church Ministries proudly welcomes all who feel called to get ordained, regardless of creed. We enable all faiths; Christian, Jewish, Mormon, Muslim, Pagan, Wiccan, Atheist – and more – to join our growing non-denominational congregation. Underlying everything we do is a simple core belief: that we are all children of the same universe.
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