Uncategorized - Page 18 of 34
October 5th, 2010
Good news has arrived for British heathens. At least one pagan religion regained its status within Christendom recently when the United Kingdom announced that it had formally recognized Druidry as an official religion.
Do Weddings Need to Be Re-imagined?
October 4th, 2010
The marriage rate among young adults has declined to its lowest level ever in the United States, new census data indicates. Many experts say that weddings should be re-imagined to appeal to modern young people.
Rev. Carlton Pearson Preaches Theology of Inclusion
September 30th, 2010
The recent debacle over Bishop Eddie Long’s alleged use of church tithes to woo young men has shaken New Birth Missionary Baptist Church to its foundations. In response to the uproar, the Rev. Carlton Pearson, a televangelist, senior minister of Christ Unive
Christian Concert on Military Base Sparks Opposition
September 27th, 2010
Is a Christian concert on a military base a violation of the establishment clause of the First Amendment? Religious freedom advocates are upset that an explicitly evangelistic concert will soon come to Fort Bragg.
Rev. Al Sharpton Blasts “Thug Culture”
September 24th, 2010
Young black Americans have been disenfranchised by the negative influence of a pervasive thug culture, argues civil rights activist Rev. Al Sharpton.
Church of Tattoos, Body Piercings Challenged by School
September 22nd, 2010
In a country like the U.S., new religions are popping up all the time, so it should come as no surprise that there is a church out there founded on the art of body modification.
Sex Offender Barred from Church
September 20th, 2010
The New Hampshire state Supreme Court recently confirmed the ruling of a lower court which bars convicted sex offender Jonathan Perfetto, of Manchester, N.H., from attending church services.
Freedom from Religion Conference Highlights U.S. Obsession with Religion
September 17th, 2010
One politician's plan to welcome the Freedom from Religion Foundation in her state next month might jeopardize the future of her political career, say academics.
Religious Search Engines Filter Out Dissenting Views
September 15th, 2010
New religious engines offer users an opportunity to search for information on the Web which supports their religious faith, filtering out content which might offend the religious scruples of users.
Was Jesus Really Divine? Does It Really Matter?
September 13th, 2010
The question may seem a little passé, but it still entices many. After all, if we had an answer, it would mean a fundamental paradigm shift for the world’s largest religion.
The Universal Life Church Ministries proudly welcomes all who feel called to get ordained, regardless of creed. We enable all faiths; Christian, Jewish, Mormon, Muslim, Pagan, Wiccan, Atheist – and more – to join our growing non-denominational congregation. Underlying everything we do is a simple core belief: that we are all children of the same universe.
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