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January 5th, 2011
Early Christian teachings do not always portray the benevolent, magnanimous Jesus most Christians are inclined to believe in. Some early stories portray a child who uses his powers to kill.
Bible-Study Group Investigated in Abortion Doctor’s Murder
January 3rd, 2011
A federal investigation into a possible anti-abortion conspiracy has been undertaken after the murder of an abortion provider in Kansas City. The FBI has focussed in particular on an at-home Bible-study group.
Heading Toward a Post-Christian West
December 29th, 2010
This past December 25th marked the first Christmas ever for a Britain composed of a non-religious majority, and there are signs that the United States is moving in a similar direction.
The Benefits of Online Ordination
December 27th, 2010
There are many benefits to online ordination with the Universal Life Church Monastery, from officiating weddings for friends and family, or even starting your own church.
Pagans Hail Rare Solstice-Eclipse Overlap
December 20th, 2010
This year, the winter solstice will coincide with a lunar eclipse, an event during which the moon passes behind the earth's shadow, creating a lurid, red glow on the lunar surface.
Married Men are “Nicer”, Study Suggests
December 15th, 2010
According to a recent study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry, married men tend to be nicer than single men, who tend to show more anti-social behavior than their married peers.
Celebrity Wedding Officiants Soar in Popularity
December 13th, 2010
Interested in a cheap, inexpensive way to make your wedding ceremony truly original? A growing number of celebrities, from actors to comedians, have been taking requests to perform wedding ceremonies.
Court Deprives Agnostic Father of Child Custody
December 10th, 2010
A man in Indiana is appealing a court ruling depriving him of joint custody of his children because he is agnostic. Were his First Amendment rights really violated by blatantly religiously biased government officials?
Arkansas Mulls Bible-Based Curriculum
December 8th, 2010
A proposed bill filed at the Arkansas state capitol would compel Arkansas public school districts to develop Bible-based curricula in a move many say blatantly violates separation of church and state.
Jefferson and Religious Influence in Government
December 6th, 2010
A recent viral article posits that Thomas Jefferson is not in favor of separation of church and state, as many of us have been led to believe. If we take a look at primary sources, what did Jefferson actually say?
The Universal Life Church Ministries proudly welcomes all who feel called to get ordained, regardless of creed. We enable all faiths; Christian, Jewish, Mormon, Muslim, Pagan, Wiccan, Atheist – and more – to join our growing non-denominational congregation. Underlying everything we do is a simple core belief: that we are all children of the same universe.
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