Science & Technology - Page 9 of 11
October 7th, 2013
What would it be like to live as a computer? Can computers preserve the consciousness of the human mind after death? Renowned physicist Stephen Hawking recently suggested it will someday be possible.
Texas Wrangles Over Evolution and Creationism
September 25th, 2013
For several years, the U.S. state of Texas has been embroiled in a struggle between teaching evolution and creationism in public schools. Now, with new standards adopted by the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE), it appears the state may be opening the door
Could Lab Rats Help Explain Near-Death Experiences in Humans?
August 21st, 2013
Do rodents hold the key to answering questions about what happens when we die? Researchers have concluded that increased activity in the brains of dying laboratory rats may explain the cause of near-death experiences.
Creationist Bets $10,000 in Contest to Disprove Evolution
April 2nd, 2013
A creationist is challenging atheists to disprove Genesis, offering $10,000 to anyone who can do so. Can the truth behind the origin of life on Earth be established by a courtroom bet?
What Does the Big Bang Theory Mean for Ministers?
June 26th, 2012
What does cutting-edge research in cosmology mean for the work of those who want to become a minister? Will new insight into the origin of the cosmos render the online church irrelevant?
The Power of Water
June 15th, 2012
We interact with water every day. It’s in our cells, we consume it, wash with it and even play in it. For us – for life in general – there’s no denying its importance.
Technology May Be Good for Religion After All
June 4th, 2012
Technology has definitely left its stamp on religion. Some have argued that technological advance will ultimately lead to the decline of religion, but it is also possible that tech will change the way religion works.
Ministers Search for the Spiritual Brain
April 30th, 2012
Where in the brain does God reside? Does spiritual experience originate in the mind? A researcher is trying to find the 'god spot' in our brains, and he thinks he might have just found it in the parietal lobe.
Finding a Goldilocks Planet
April 10th, 2012
A NASA scientist recently announced that an Earth-like planet may be found as soon as 2014, given the rapid advances in planet-detection technology. And such a discovery may even yield signs of life
Dodging Obstacles in the Online Ordination Boom
March 20th, 2012
Online ordinations have been booming in the last couple of years due to changing ideas about what a wedding looks like, with more people than ever becoming wedding officiants to marry their friends and family.
The Universal Life Church Ministries proudly welcomes all who feel called to get ordained, regardless of creed. We enable all faiths; Christian, Jewish, Mormon, Muslim, Pagan, Wiccan, Atheist – and more – to join our growing non-denominational congregation. Underlying everything we do is a simple core belief: that we are all children of the same universe.
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