Science & Technology - Page 5 of 11
March 6th, 2020
With coronavirus showing no signs of slowing down, churches the world over are having to get creative to keep their parishioners safe. Will emptying the fonts of holy water and stopping communion keep believers safe?
Crystal Healing: Does This New Age Phenomenon Actually Work?
February 26th, 2020
Chances are you've heard of crystal healing: putting different crystals on different parts of your body to cure maladies as varied as anxiety, aches or pains, or lack of libido. Does this New Age technique actually work?
Mark of the Beast? Amazon Unveils Hand-Scanning Tech for Purchases
January 30th, 2020
Amazon's pursuing new tech that is raising some serious eyebrows: fingerprint scanning as a means to make purchases. Could this be the Mark of the Beast from the Book of Revelation, signaling we are in the End Times?
Religious Freedom Group Condemns Space Force's Use of 'Official Bible'
January 15th, 2020
The blessing of the "official Bible" of the Space Force, the U.S.'s newest military branch, didn't fly with everyone. A religious freedom advocacy group is crying foul, launching some out-of-this-world controversy.
Archaeologists Believe They've Discovered the Church of the Apostles
August 9th, 2019
Scientists have searched endlessly for years for the Church of the Apostles, which is said to have been built near the Sea of Galilee. Now a team of archaeologists believe they've found the holy site.
Judge Rules Parents of Deceased West Point Cadet Can Use His Sperm to Produce Heir
May 29th, 2019
A West Point cadet's parents successfully petitioned a New York court to harvest his sperm after his accidental death. Now some are worried about a ruling that puts a man's reproductive decision into the hands of his parents.
Would God Support the Green New Deal?
May 16th, 2019
A prominent religious group is demanding action on climate change and is throwing its support behind the Green New Deal. But others in the religious community are wondering if that's what God really wants.
Taking Jesus Online: Churches Adapt in the Digital Age
May 15th, 2019
Life in the digital age revolves around smartphones and internet connections. Now some tech-savvy churches are using unique approaches to capitalize on our digital dependence.
Creationists Clash: How Old Is the Earth, Really?
May 8th, 2019
Renowned Christian televangelist Pat Robertson stirred up debate in faith circles by taking a swipe at "Young Earth" Creationists who believe the universe is only 6,000 years old.
Controversial Church Believes Drinking Bleach Cures All Diseases
April 29th, 2019
A religious group has found itself in hot water after showcasing a special healing beverage it manufactures and sells. But according to the FDA, this so-called "miracle cure" is actually just industrial bleach.
The Universal Life Church Ministries proudly welcomes all who feel called to get ordained, regardless of creed. We enable all faiths; Christian, Jewish, Mormon, Muslim, Pagan, Wiccan, Atheist – and more – to join our growing non-denominational congregation. Underlying everything we do is a simple core belief: that we are all children of the same universe.
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