Science & Technology - Page 4 of 11
October 16th, 2020
Facebook announced it is banning some forms of misinformation, including anti-vaccine ads, from its platform after years of refusing to regulate such speech. Some critics claim the decision harms religious freedom.
God Hates Dinosaurs? Christian Group Wants Dinosaur Statue Removed
September 8th, 2020
Did scientists make up dinosaurs to make Christians look bad? That's what the group Christians Against Dinosaurs believes, and they're targeting a T-Rex statue outside a Tucson McDonald's, demanding it be torn down.
Evangelical Group: Christians, Please Don't Ignore COVID Science
August 28th, 2020
In the wake of report after report of Christian churches opening their pews during COVID-19, a prominent group of pro-science Evangelicals is pleading with their fellow Christians to mask-up and stay home.
Christian Author Claims to Have a Recording of Satan's Voice
July 29th, 2020
A Christian author says he's recorded the voice of Satan himself via EVP - Electronic Voice Phenomenon. And he's putting his money where his mouth is, uploading the audio to his website for all to hear.
Aliens Are Real? Pentagon to Declassify UFO Findings
July 29th, 2020
The New York Times just confirmed the existence of the Pentagon's UFO unit, which investigates unexplained aerial phenomena caught on tape. Now insiders are coming forward, and they've got some pretty big revelations.
Creationist: Time to Cancel Charles Darwin
July 3rd, 2020
Creationist Ken Ham is trying to use 'cancel culture' to remove evolution from public schools. He hopes to cancel Charles Darwin, and by proxy evolution in general, citing Darwin's contemporary racist beliefs.
Church Files Lawsuit After Being “Zoombombed” With Pornography
May 14th, 2020
A California church is suing Zoom after its online bible study class was rudely infiltrated by an internet troll who took over the video call and shared pornographic images on everyone’s screen.
Why Some Churchgoers Believe They're Immune to Coronavirus
April 8th, 2020
Churches across the country are leaving their doors open for visitors, going against the CDC's coronavirus recommendations. And some of their parishioners believe they are immune to the virus because of their faith.
Ancient Tablets Intended to Call Upon the Old Gods to Curse Mortals Unearthed in Athens
March 20th, 2020
At the bottom of a well in Athens, archaeologists recently found lead tablets engraved with curses intended to bring harm to the mortal world. Some are worried they might have just unleashed a cataclysmic event.
Church's Pseudoscience Coronavirus 'Cure' Infects Dozens
March 19th, 2020
A South Korean church tried to safeguard its congregants from coronavirus by spraying saltwater into each of their mouths. Now dozens have contracted the virus, after church leaders failed to disinfect the shared nozzle.
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