Political & Religious Controversy - Page 87 of 88
December 29th, 2011
Bill Cosby brings levity to the Bible in his comedy routine. Is this inappropriate, or an innocent take on familiar material and what does it say about his beliefs?
Rick Perry’s Weak “Strong” Ad
December 19th, 2011
Rick Perry's "Strong" ad relies on terribly weak rationale to make an untruthful, hateful appeal to voters, a desperate stab at persuading the audience to adopt the view that Christians are being persecuted.
What’s the Best Answer to Evangelical Extremism?
December 5th, 2011
How should Americans respond to evangelical extremism in the United States? Some liberal commentators think that evangelicals need to start thinking about their nation's interests.
Why Should Church and State Be Kept Separate?
November 16th, 2011
By now many of us are familiar with the right-wing argument that religion and government are inextricably intertwined, that the two have always mixed and can never be completely separated.
Protecting Bullies in the Name of Religion
November 16th, 2011
It's almost impossible to believe that a lawmaker would try to insert a religious exemption into a proposed anti-bullying law, but that's exactly what one Michigan senator tried to do.
Sex, Race, and the Biology Excuse
October 20th, 2011
The emerging New Traditionalist movement has been pining for a return to a bygone era characterized by old-fashioned racial and sexual roles, but a new host of critics are raising their voices in dissent.
"Occupy Wall Street" Draws Religious Progressives
October 12th, 2011
Typically religion has been absent from left-wing protests, but the Occupy Wall Street movement has been characterized by an unusually vociferous religious contingent.
Troy Davis and the Morality of Capital Punishment
September 23rd, 2011
This week saw the execution of Troy Davis, a long-time death row inmate from Georgia, who's guilt many have called into question considering post-trial information that's been revealed.
Bible Shows Human Errors, Scholars Say
August 22nd, 2011
Contrary to the claims of evangelical Christians and many Orthodox Jews, the Bible does not appear to be the unalterable, inerrant word of God, at least according to experts who reviewed the manuscripts.
U.S. Air Force Cancels “Jesus Loves Nukes” Program
August 4th, 2011
A secret Jesus Loves Nukes program formerly run by the United States Air Force was just revealed, consisting of religion-based military training founded on the "Christian Just War Theory".
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