Political & Religious Controversy - Page 79 of 88
June 3rd, 2015
Should pot smokers go to jail? Many politicians on both sides of the aisle sure think so, despite having a hazy past with pot themselves. Presidential candidate Jeb Bush is one such person.
The New Normal: Marriage Equality is an International Right
June 2nd, 2015
Very soon, the Supreme Court of the United States will make decisions about several landmark cases concerning same-sex marriage, and the world awaits to see how they will vote.
Making Sense of the Josh Duggar Scandal
May 29th, 2015
A lot of ink, digital and otherwise, has been spilled over the incestuous child molestation scandal surrounding Josh Duggar of TV's Duggar family, the darlings of the conservative Christian “quiverfull” movement.
Kill 'Em All?
April 27th, 2015
For many years, lethal injection has been the preferred method of state-sanctioned executions in America's prisons, but that may not be true for long, as the ethics of that method have been called into question.
Grave Concerns
April 23rd, 2015
Is Heaven segregated? Is there one section reserved for blacks and perhaps a separate, but equal section for whites? If not, then why are so many historical cemeteries still segregated?
Global Meltdown
April 21st, 2015
Global warming exists. At least so say the vast majority of scientists. But with our fate in politicians' hands, not everyone agrees on what to do... or even if the scientific consensus is even a consensus.
Broken Down Politics
April 16th, 2015
In politics we assume that when we see one side as wrong, the other side must be right. Reality doesn’t always conform to that notion and often times, both sides are wrong.
Death in the Sky, the Pilot Suicide Crisis
March 31st, 2015
Our staff here at the Universal Life Church was profoundly saddened by the revelation that the crash of Germanwings 9525 appears to have been deliberate.
Religious Freedom Laws and the New Battle For Equality
March 30th, 2015
Today, a majority of states in the U.S. have marriage equality, but in some states it's getting harder for LGBT people to go about their lives. In a growing number of places around the country, businesses run by people who morally object to homosexuality are a
Evidence of the Gods
February 25th, 2015
Who were the ancient sages of old giving men divine revelations? Why, if Heaven is not an actual physical place, do we look to the skies to contact our gods?
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