Political & Religious Controversy - Page 75 of 88
June 7th, 2016
Sexual assault has become an increasingly important issue on college campuses over the past decade. Across the board, cases of sexual assault are on the rise.
Islam: A Threat to European Culture?
May 27th, 2016
In case you haven’t been paying attention, there is a war brewing in Europe. Not a war in the traditional sense, but a war of cultures, between Europeans and Muslim immigrants.
Obama Takes a Stand for Transgender Youth
May 20th, 2016
By now everyone has heard about the ongoing debate over transgender bathroom policy, and now, President Obama's given his opinion on the subject, directing schools to allow trans students to use their preferred restroom.
National Threats: Youth Pastors, Toddlers, and White Americans
May 13th, 2016
Do you feel like America is a safe place? Not the sort of safe space a college student might ask for, but a country where you can feel free to live your life without fear of being physically harmed.
Should the Methodist Church Accept Gay People?
May 11th, 2016
The United Methodist Church is currently facing some difficult questions on the issue of homosexuality. While most Protestants have become more accepting in recent years, the Methodist Church continues to condemn it.
State Trooper Fired for Proselytizing On Job
April 27th, 2016
A driver was pulled over by Officer Brian Hamilton in January for speeding. He then asked her if she had "been saved" and invited her to his church, even providing her driving directions.
Chick-Fil-A and How Politics Mix With Business
April 19th, 2016
It can be advantageous to associate your business with a political stance. It's a great way to distinguish your brand. Loudly voicing an opinion is also quintessentially American. However, you should tread carefully.
Pope Francis Makes It Clear: Gay Marriage "Not in God's Plan"
April 13th, 2016
Pope Francis recently published a highly-anticipated paper about Catholic values, and while many expected a more progressive stance on same-sex marriage, he came down firmly opposed.
Should We Allow the Death Penalty?
March 30th, 2016
Is the death penalty a just consequence for attempted murder? What if the victim herself denounces its usage? Should the judge side with the victim's wishes, or with the traditional application of the law?
Should Kids Be Taught Sex-Ed in School?
March 24th, 2016
While teaching sex education is seen as a good idea by most, there are some who do not approve of it being taught in schools. Those who do not approve fail to recognize the numerous benefits of teaching sex-ed to kids.
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