Political & Religious Controversy - Page 7 of 88
June 26th, 2024
Violence erupted between pro-Palestine protesters and pro-Israel counter-protesters in the streets outside a Los Angeles synagogue, which drew widespread condemnation from politicians and public officials.
Megachurch Pastor Resigns After Admitting to Molesting Child
June 24th, 2024
Megachurch Pastor Robert Morris resigned after allegations he abused a 12-year-old girl when he was 21 recently surfaced. Morris admitted the abuse and says he's repented for his sin, but his victim says it's not enough.
Southern Baptists Vote to Condemn Use of IVF
June 24th, 2024
In a shocking vote, America’s largest Protestant denomination has condemned the use of in vitro fertilization. Despite their strong pro-life views, members of the Southern Baptist Convention argue that IVF is immoral.
Jesus 101: How Students Are Skipping Classes to Read the Bible
June 14th, 2024
In what critics argue is an attempt to inject Christianity into schools, Oklahoma just passed a bill allowing public school students to leave class three times per week to study religion off-campus for course credit.
Supreme Court Justice: U.S. Should Return to "Place of Godliness"
June 13th, 2024
Is it appropriate for a Supreme Court justice to agree that the United States needs to return to a place of godliness? Samuel Alito, a Catholic, is under fire after doing just that at a Supreme Court event.
Texas Wants Bible Stories in Elementary School Curriculum
June 3rd, 2024
Texas leaders are pitching a school curriculum redesign that includes stories from the Bible. Critics say it's a clear constitutional violation, but supporters claim the Bible provides key context for students.
Rastafarian Prisoner Whose Head Was Forcibly Shaved Appeals to Supreme Court
May 31st, 2024
Damon Landor, a Rastafarian man with dreadlocks down to his knees, says his religious freedom was violated when his dreadlocks were shaved in prison per the jail's grooming policy.
Should Christian Youth Groups Get Public Funding?
May 30th, 2024
A youth charity in Oregon had $400k in government grants rescinded because of a requirement employees and volunteers be Christian. Should government funds go to organizations that only hire a specific faith?
Pope Accused of Heresy For Saying Humans Are "Fundamentally Good"
May 23rd, 2024
Is Pope Francis a heretic, a Pelagianist, or a secret Satanist? Those are just some of the accusations being leveled against him after a controversial interview in which he said people are "fundamentally good."
Louisiana to Require Ten Commandments in Classrooms
May 22nd, 2024
Louisiana seems poised to be the first state to legally require the Ten Commandments be posted in classroooms across the state, as advocates say their legal and historical significance makes them school relevant.
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