Political & Religious Controversy - Page 59 of 88
April 10th, 2018
Two prominent religious leaders are facing charges of embezzlement and fraud. In both cases, it seems these holy men managed to exploit the faith of their followers while using God and their own reputations as cover.
"Affluenza Teen" Ethan Crouch Released from Prison
April 5th, 2018
Ethan Crouch, the Texas teen who killed four people while driving drunk back in 2013, walked free this week. His lenient sentence provoked national outrage, and the infamous “affluenza defense” was widely mocked.
Sweet Jesus! Christians Outraged By Provocative Ice Cream Chain
April 2nd, 2018
Toronto-based ice cream company “Sweet Jesus” is famous for its unconventional marketing - from humorous religious references to advertisements featuring images of vampiric children and upside-down crosses. But when Sweet Jesus decided to expand into the U.S., they encountered heavy opposition from outraged Christian groups.
Parents Convicted in “Faith Healing” Death of 2-Year-Old Daughter
March 28th, 2018
A Pennsylvania couple has been convicted in the death of their 2-year-old daughter after they opted for faith healing instead of taking her to a doctor. The trial provided a chance for the couple to explain themselves, but remorse wasn't high on the list of talking points.
Mississippi Passes Most Restrictive Abortion Ban in the Country
March 27th, 2018
Last week, Mississippi passed HB 1510, a law which outlaws abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy and gives no exemptions for pregnancies resulting from rape or incest. The new law now becomes the most restrictive abortion ban in the country, but pro-choice groups have been quick to challenge it in court.
Young Gun Owners Speak Out Against “March for Our Lives” Protest
March 26th, 2018
In response to nation wide gun control protests over the weekend, Second Amendment advocates organized a spirited counter-protest called the "March for Our Guns." Although a wave of youth activism has brought calls for stricter gun laws, not all young people are on board.
When Christian Values and Politics Collide
March 23rd, 2018
Our elected officials have a history of violating Christian values, and new allegations involving Donald Trump appear to fit this pattern. Trump reportedly had an affair with porn star Stormy Daniels back in 2006.
The Power of Youth: How Students Are Pushing the Envelope on Gun Control
March 19th, 2018
A student-led movement has reignited the gun control debate and pressured lawmakers to take action. But not everyone is cheering their cause - Second Amendment advocates say the students aren't qualified to lead such a complex conversation.
Is Conversion Therapy Finally Going Out of Style?
March 19th, 2018
In a major victory for the LGBT rights movement, states are cracking down on the use of conversion therapy for minors. However, the controversial practice – characterized by many experts as ineffective and even abusive – remains popular in many religious communities.
‘Punish a Muslim Day’ Letters Send Panic Through U.K.
March 15th, 2018
Copies of an anonymous letter declaring April 3 “Punish a Muslim Day” have generated waves of anxiety in Muslim communities throughout the United Kingdom. The letters even include a table awarding point values for specific acts of violence against Muslims: 25 points for pulling off a woman’s head scarf, 500 for killing a Muslim person, and 1,000 for bombing a mosque.
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