Political & Religious Controversy - Page 43 of 88
October 7th, 2019
All hail the second coming of Christ: Greta Thunberg. That’s according to a surprising proclamation by the Church of Sweden, which said the teen climate activist is a successor to Jesus.
The "OK" Hand Gesture Listed as a Hate Symbol
October 7th, 2019
Last week the Anti-Defamation League added the 'OK' hand gesture to its list of hate symbols. How did a symbol that means 'all is well' come to be an emblem of white supremacy?
Civil Rights Groups Challenge Quebec Religious Symbols Ban in Court
October 4th, 2019
Activists are challenging Quebec's controversial religious symbols ban on the grounds it is discriminatory towards Muslims. But the courts say they've failed to show the bill has caused "irreparable harm."
Kanye West Upsets Christians With Religious 'Sunday Service' Performances, Expensive Merchandise
October 3rd, 2019
Rapper Kanye West claims he's been born-again. Now he's hosting 'Sunday Service', weekly gospel concerts attended by the rich and famous. Some doubt West's religious sincerity, given the associated merchandise.
Evangelical Chicago Students Sue City for Right to Preach at Local Park
September 27th, 2019
Four evangelical students are suing the city of Chicago after the city essentially banned preaching at Millennium Park, a popular tourist destination. The students say their First Amendment rights are being violated.
The Clergy Project, an Online Community of Ex-Clergy, Reaches Membership Milestone
September 26th, 2019
A group that helps pastors and priests who have lost their belief in God just hit 1,000 members. The Clergy Project connects faithless clergy together online and helps them transition to a secular life.
Bali to Ban Sex Outside Marriage, Leaving Single Tourists in a Bind
September 23rd, 2019
The Indonesian government is close to passing a law that would make it illegal to have sex outside of marriage. The new legislation would make extramarital sex a jail-able offense in the tourist mecca of Bali.
Pastafarian Pastor Delivers Controversial Opening Prayer at Government Meeting
September 23rd, 2019
A Pastafarian pastor in Alaska delivered the opening invocation at a government meeting, complete with colander on his head, pushing boundaries and poking fun at religious belief.
Arizona Supreme Court Rules Wedding Vendor Can Legally Discriminate Against Same-Sex Couples
September 20th, 2019
The Arizona Supreme Court narrowly ruled that a pair of Phoenix artists can refuse to create custom wedding invitations for gay weddings. The pair say they just want to conduct their business according to their religious beliefs. But the court's minority opinion says that the ruling is tantamount to legalizing discrimination.
High School Football Team's On-Field Baptisms Draw Criticism
September 17th, 2019
The 'character coach' for a high school football team in Tennessee is in hot water after he baptized two players on the football field. The school district says no laws were violated, but the Freedom From Religion Foundation says it's a blatant violation of the separation of church and state.
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