Political & Religious Controversy - Page 40 of 88
January 31st, 2020
The Bible says that ten plagues were inflicted on the Egyptians by God. With the coronavirus outbreak continuing to grow, one evangelical pastor insists this is an eleventh plague – God's punishment for humanity’s sins.
Tennessee Adoption Agencies Can Now Discriminate Against Gay Couples
January 29th, 2020
Faith-based adoption agencies in Tennessee have been granted legal permission to turn away same-sex parents who are trying to adopt a child. The winning argument? Doing so would violate their religious freedom.
OK Boomer, Get Out: Church Asks Congregants Over Age 60 to Leave
January 23rd, 2020
One of the biggest struggles facing churches today is attracting Millennials. One church in Minnesota is taking a rather unique approach to convincing young people to visit: asking all the elderly congregants to leave.
Bucking Gender Norms, Couple Flips Coin to Choose Last Name
January 17th, 2020
Unsure of what to do with their last names when they married, a Florida couple left it up to chance and flipped a coin. Jeff Ward, who took his wife's name, said it was "a good step towards an equal partnership."
Faith Group Outraged Over Burger King's 'Damn' Controversy
January 16th, 2020
One Million Moms, a faith-based activist group, is targeting Burger King for an ad where a customer exclaims "damn, that's delicious!" The benign swear word was enough to enrage the group, who demand the ad be removed.
Christian School Expels Student Over Rainbow Birthday Cake
January 16th, 2020
A private Christian school in Kentucky has reportedly expelled a student after they found a picture of her posing with a rainbow birthday cake. Despite heavy criticism, school officials stand by the decision.
Religious Freedom Group Condemns Space Force's Use of 'Official Bible'
January 15th, 2020
The blessing of the "official Bible" of the Space Force, the U.S.'s newest military branch, didn't fly with everyone. A religious freedom advocacy group is crying foul, launching some out-of-this-world controversy.
Mormon Church Sued for Reporting Confessed Child Molester to Police
January 10th, 2020
An Oregon woman is suing the Mormon Church for $10 million in damages, arguing the church shouldn't have reported her husband's confession of child sexual abuse to the police, and instead kept things within the church.
Vigilantes Flood Streets of NYC to Fight Anti-Semitism
January 6th, 2020
Following a slew of anti-Semitic attacks in and around New York City in recent weeks, a group of vigilantes known as the Guardian Angels is taking to the streets to provide protection to the Jewish community.
Veganism Ruled as Protected Class in U.K., Comparable to Religious Belief
January 6th, 2020
A court in the U.K. just ruled that veganism constitutes a genuine philosophical or religious belief. That means vegans are now protected from employment discrimination.
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