Political & Religious Controversy - Page 33 of 88
February 10th, 2021
One of the most talked about commercials of this year's Super Bowl was Jeep's appeal to 'meet in the middle' that heavily utilized Christian imagery. Is tying your brand to one religion or another ever a smart move?
Does America Need a National Hymn to Heal Racial Divisions? One Politician Thinks So
January 27th, 2021
In the wake of the assault on the U.S. Capitol, one politician is proposing America legally adopt a 'National Hymn' to help the nation heal. Secular activists say that flies in the face of separation of church and state.
Here We Go Again: NC School District to Display Ten Commandments
January 26th, 2021
Stop us if you've heard this one before: A public school district wants to put up the Ten Commandments, only to be threatened with a costly legal challenge. Only this time, there's a legal loophole that might allow it.
For First Time, Catholics Control All 3 Branches of US Government
January 22nd, 2021
President Joe Biden, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Roberts, and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi are all Catholic. What effect will three Catholics heading the three branches of govenment have?
Faith Leaders Respond to Violence at the Capitol
January 12th, 2021
Faith leaders are grappling with and speaking out against the abundant Christian nationalism on display at the violent assault at the US Capitol on January 6th that left five people, including one Capitol officer, dead.
CNN Anchor Mocks Politician as "Bible Boy"
January 8th, 2021
CNN anchor Chris Cuomo called Senator Marco Rubio "Bible Boy", an apparent reference to Rubio's daily scripture tweets. Should a politician's faith be fair game for criticism, or should it be off-limits?
Amen... and A-Woman? Congressional Prayer Causes a Stir
January 8th, 2021
The 117th Congress opened their first session with a prayer that ended with the phrase “Amen… and a-woman.” Many Christians were outraged by the modification. But what is the history behind the word "amen," exactly?
Congress Approves Gender-Neutral Language as Faith Leaders Fume
January 7th, 2021
Some Christian leaders - and politicians - are crying foul on new rules governing the House of Representatives, including the adoption of gender neutral language. Critics say the new phrasing denies God's authority.
Catholics Incensed After TV Show Depicts God as a Rapist
January 7th, 2021
Irish TV rang in the New Year in a shocking way, airing a skit depicting God getting arrested for raping the Virgin Mary during their New Years Eve programming, prompting thousands of complaints within days.
Christians Infiltrate Sacred Tribal Site to Remove "Dark Energy"
December 29th, 2020
A group of Christians visited a sacred Native American site in Ohio and prayed over it in an attempt to remove the apparent "dark energy" emanating from it. Native American activists were both upset and offended.
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