Political & Religious Controversy - Page 27 of 88
February 3rd, 2022
One Tennessee school board voted to ban Holocaust comic 'Maus' for that book's depiction of cartoon mouse nudity and naughty words. Should schools ban books that depict unsavory things, regardless of context?
Right to Discriminate? Jewish Couple Turned Away By Christian Adoption Agency Files Suit
January 24th, 2022
A Jewish couple is suing Tennessee after a state-sponsored Christian adoption agency refused to assist them. Should religious adoption agencies be able to turn down potential parents because they're a different faith?
Christian Nurse Barred From Wearing Cross Necklace Wins Lawsuit
January 13th, 2022
A nurse in the UK alleged that she was the victim of religious discrimination when hospital management told her to remove her cross necklace, arguing it posed an infection risk to patients. She sued them - and won.
Are Landlords Who Evict People "Bad Christians"?
January 13th, 2022
Can Christians raise rent on struggling tenants and still have a clean conscience? Christian finance guru recently caused controversy when he said that Christian landlords aren't "bad Christians" for raising rent.
Pope Francis Scolds 'Selfish' Couples That Adopt Pets Instead of Children
January 11th, 2022
Is pet adoption a selifsh act? Pope Francis seems to think so, at least for couples who have no children. He stated that couples are "selfishly" filling the parenting need in their hearts not with kids, but with pets.
Are Harry Potter Goblins Anti-Semitic? Jon Stewart's Comments Spark Debate
January 6th, 2022
Comedian Jon Stewart recently said that the goblins in the Harry Potter series are antisemitic stereotypes, pointing to their physical appearance and jobs as bankers. But others say sometimes a goblin is just a goblin.
Enormous Bible Verse in NC Sheriff's Office Prompts Controversy
December 30th, 2021
A North Carolina sheriff says he's being targeted politically after an atheist activist group told him to remove a Bible quote from station walls. Is it freedom of religion, or a flagrant Constitutional violation?
Parents Outraged After Bible Displayed Next to LGBTQ Titles at Virginia Library
December 28th, 2021
A Virginia library is in hot water after putting the Bible in a display on frequently banned books. Some found putting it on display next to "pornographic" books offensive, but some are wondering what the big deal is.
Pope Defends Handsy Archbishop: "Sins of the Flesh Not the Most Serious"
December 15th, 2021
Pope Francis recently defended Archbishop Michel Aupetit's ambiguous relationship with a woman, arguing that lust is not the greatest sin. In the midst of the child sex abuse scandal, many were outraged at the comments.
'Bags of Cash' Found in Walls of Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church
December 10th, 2021
A plumber found thousands of dollars in cash in the walls at Lakewood Church, a megachurch in the Houson area headed by televangelist Joel Osteen. As the money came tumbling out of the walls, so did the questions.
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