Political & Religious Controversy - Page 25 of 88
May 18th, 2022
Is the 'yoga Barbie' toy a portal to demonic possession? One Christian influencer says yes, arguing that the toy is demonically influenced and could cause children to rebel, become depressed, and even commit suicide.
Pro-Choice Protesters Target Catholic Churches
May 12th, 2022
When it comes to protesting, where's the line? Over Mother's Day weekend, pro-choice advocates nationwide interrupted Catholic services in protest of the Church's pro-life stance. Fair game or too far?
After Roe Reversal, is Marriage Equality Next? LGBTQ Advocates Fear the Worst
May 5th, 2022
A leaked draft from the Supreme Court seems to indicate an imminent reversal of Roe v. Wade. LGBTQ activists fear that if Roe is reversed, everything from same-sex marriage to contraception could be nixed next.
Is Abortion a God-Given Right? Some Say Reversing Roe is Against Their Religion
May 3rd, 2022
The United States Supreme Court may soon overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade decision, which guarantees abortion rights for women. But some say restricting abortion could run afoul of Jewish religious tradition.
Activist Wants Florida to Ban the Bible From School Libraries
April 29th, 2022
In a wave of book bans in school libraries across the country, one Florida man is trying to ban a book he says shows wildly inappropriate graphic content like rape, slavery, and infanticide: the Holy Bible.
Christians Go to War With "Pornographic Filth" in Public Libraries
April 22nd, 2022
There's a spiritual war going on in Llano, Texas, where a group of concerned Christians have successfully pushed their local library into locking up books they deemed objectionable. You'll want to check this one out.
Got Jesus? Faith Group Launches $100M Marketing Blitz for Christianity
April 15th, 2022
Love thy metrics? Jesus Christ is going corporate thanks to a new ad blitz courtesy of a Christian marketing team. The $100m dollar campaign hopes to make Jesus more relatable to Gen-Z, but will it work?
Pope Francis to Indigenous Canadians: Sorry About All The Atrocities
April 5th, 2022
Pope Francis formally apologized for the Catholic Church's role in the residential school system in Canada. But many say that's just the beginning, and that the Church should pay reparations to indigenous communities.
Does Getting High Bring Us Closer to God? One Pastor Thinks So
April 1st, 2022
Should Christians try marijuana? One pastor is on a quest to get Christians high, touting the spiritual side of marijuana use. He says cannabis brought him closer to God, and hopes to help others discover the same.
Texas Student Who Refused to Stand for Pledge of Allegiance Wins Settlement
March 31st, 2022
A Texas student is vindicated after fighting her former school district in court for years. She says she was punished for refusing to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance, arguing that America is not free and just for all.
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