Political & Religious Controversy - Page 21 of 88
November 28th, 2022
Is the Bible secretly anti-union? A San Francisco-based worker is suing his employer after being forced to pay mandatory union dues as a condition of employment, arguing that paying dues violates his religious freedom.
In Stunning About-Face, Mormon Church Backs Same-Sex Marriage Rights
November 17th, 2022
In a stunning move, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (also known as the Mormon Church) announced it will support federal legislation to protect same-sex marriage. But some critics aren't convinced.
Should White Christian Parents Be Allowed to Adopt Native American Children?
November 14th, 2022
Should Native American children up for adoption be taken away from their culture and religion? That’s the question at the heart of a monumental Supreme Court case that could reshape how adoption works.
Lost in Translation: Is the Bible Wrong That Homosexuality Is a Sin?
November 10th, 2022
A controversial new documentary claims that the word "homosexuality" as it appears in the Bible is a mistranslation made some 76 years ago, suggesting there's no theological basis for evangelicals' anti-gay beliefs.
Your In-Depth Guide to the Kanye West and Kyrie Irving Antisemitism Controversy
November 3rd, 2022
A billionaire music mogul has seen the empire he spent 20 years building crumble in a matter of weeks following the intense controversy over his public promotion of antisemitic views. What's going on with Kanye West?
Is Pornography Demonic? Pope Francis Says Yes
October 31st, 2022
Pornography: Portal to hell? In a recent speech to future priests, Pope Francis claimed that viewing pornography can give the devil an entryway into your very soul. Is viewing porn a slippery slope to demonic possession?
Is This Middle School Mural 'Satanic'? Some Say Yes
October 26th, 2022
Is this mural Satanic? A new mural at a Grant, Michigan middle school is being accused of being Satanic. The mural, painted by a student, has drawn accusations of witchcraft by outraged local parents.
Cloven Kicks? Some See Satan's Influence in New Reebok Shoe
October 20th, 2022
New Satanic shoes just dropped! A Christian group says that a new Reebok shoe with a bifurcated center is a subtle nod to Baphomet, the cloven-footed Satanic deity. Are they Satanic... or simply stylish?
War on Halloween? Unlikely Alliance Teams Up to Take Down Spooky Season
October 17th, 2022
Is Halloween canceled? Religious conservatives have long sought to end the 'Satanic' holiday, but now schools around the country are canceling Halloween... for not being inclusive enough. Has the War on Halloween begun?
Kanye West Sparks Outrage With Antisemitic Tweet
October 13th, 2022
Musician Kanye West prompted widespread outrage earlier this month following a controversial antisemitic tweet in which he claimed he was going to go "death con 3" on the Jewish people. Here are some notable reactions.
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