Political & Religious Controversy - Page 20 of 88
January 12th, 2023
Should reparations be paid to African-Americans? The idea is growing in popularity, and a group of interfaith leaders in Philadelphia are meeting to discuss how to implement reparations in the city of brotherly love.
College Professor Fired for Showing Image of Muhammad in Class
January 9th, 2023
An art history teacher was let go from Hamline University in Minnesota after showing a painting of the Prophet Muhammad. Now free speech advocates and Muslim activists are debating the merits of her firing.
Priest Close to Pope Accused of Holding "Holy Trinity" Threesome
December 29th, 2022
A priest close to Pope Francis has been accused of pressuring a nun into a threesome meant to evoke the holy trinity. The nun alleges that Marko Ivan Rupnik pressured her into sex - and that more victims are out there.
Brooklyn's 'Bling Bishop' Charged With Fraud
December 28th, 2022
Pastor Lamor Whitehead made headlines earlier this year when he was robbed at gunpoint during a live streamed sermon. Now the controversial 'bling bishop' is being charged with defrauding a parishioner.
Are the Holidays Going “Woke” or Getting More Inclusive?
December 19th, 2022
From a Black Santa Claus to a commercialized Target version of Hanukkah, the holidays look a bit different this year. Are these efforts to boost representation “woke” pandering, or simply a step toward inclusivity?
Oklahoma Opens the Door to Taxpayer-Funded Religious Schools
December 16th, 2022
Does Jesus belong in public school classrooms? Thanks to a legal opinion from Oklahoma’s departing Attorney General, churches in the Sooner State might be operating public charter schools in the near future.
No Christians Allowed? Restaurant Cancels Faith Group's Reservation
December 12th, 2022
Should restaurants be able to turn away patrons for their political beliefs? What if those beliefs are informed by their faith? A Virginia restaurant made headlines after doing just that, and evangelicals aren't happy.
Muslim, Jewish Firefighters Sue Over Facial Hair Policy
December 2nd, 2022
Should Muslim and Jewish firefighters be forced to keep their faces clean, even though their faith requires they wear beards? A group of firefighters is suing over a policy they say violated their freedom of religion.
Kanye West Says Jesus Teaches to "Love Everyone, Even Nazis"
December 2nd, 2022
In a recent interview, Kanye West doubled down on his antisemitic beliefs, claiming that he "loves Hitler." Kanye insists that his views stem from biblical teachings, but some pastors disagree with this framing.
Sermon About Transgender Jesus Leads to Cries of "Heresy!" at Trinity College
November 29th, 2022
A research fellow at Trinity College in Cambridge recently made headlines for a sermon claiming that Jesus Christ might be transgender- and the Dean of the University of Cambridge is backing him up.
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